In the afternoon, the finance department's girls' basketball game was indeed attended by Ella. Ever since she started dating Eric, he had pushed her to work out regularly.
She never slept in anymore, joining Eric for morning runs and exercises.
Ella gradually began to enjoy playing sports, so when their class organized activities, Lauren would sign her up too.
For Ella, a casual game every now and then was pretty nice. That afternoon, she and Lauren headed toward the locker room by the basketball court.
There were still more than twenty minutes left until the game started.
Just as they were about to enter the locker room, Ella spotted Olivia sneaking around. Upon seeing Ella and Lauren, Olivia stopped in her tracks.
Ella quickly grabbed Lauren, a cold glint flashing in her eyes, and then sat down with her on a nearby decorative bench.
"Ella, what's up?" Lauren asked.
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