Robert, having discreetly disguised himself, also managed to slip into the venue unnoticed. Since Brianna's press conference was open to the public, anyone could attend.
Ella and Eric sat quietly on one side, observing the proceedings. As Brianna and Hannah stepped onto the stage, the room was filled with the bright flashes of cameras as the reporters eagerly snapped photos.
Ella narrowed her eyes, scrutinizing Brianna on stage. Six months in prison had taken a severe toll on her. Brianna looked almost skeletal, her eyes sunken deep into her face, her cheeks gaunt, and her complexion pale. The exposed skin of her arms looked as though it were just barely stretched over bones, a clear indication of the harsh conditions she had endured.
Ella, of course, was well aware of the hardships Brianna had faced—she had made sure Brianna received "special attention" while incarcerated, ensuring she experienced every discomfort possible.
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