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17.64% Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man. / Chapter 9: Fear.

Chapitre 9: Fear.

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2012, June.

"You're going on your first mission!" Gojo declared with a piece of paper in his hands.

"Huh? Already?" Megumi was confused and slightly intimidated.

"Yep! The higher ups decided that at 10 years old, you're finally ready to go on missions. There's been an odd increase in cursed spirit activity and sightings and they've decided to bring all hands on deck so they're bringing in our reserves like you." Gojo said as he handed the boy the report.

Megumi took it and started reading through for a bit before looking up at Gojo alarmed.

"Satoru, this information is old. The latest report here is… May of 2011? Are you serious? How has it gotten so bad that they can't give me good info, I could be walking into a deathtrap here!" 

"I know, which is why you won't be going in alone!" Gojo theatrically said before he pulled out a file, this one with a sorcerer.

The file showed a young man with brown hair, his name was Asahi Takahashi. He is a semi-grade 2 sorcerer that isn't part of any clans. He also has a cursed technique that he calls 'Blazing Grasp', it gives him the ability to light his hands on fire with cursed energy.

"He isn't all that strong but he is competent enough for this mission, I wouldn't worry about him." Gojo said dismissively.

Megumi was still taking in all the information from the cursed hotspot and his soon to be partner's records to get himself familiarised with everything and be ready for the mission.

"Once you're done and got everything you need, head outside. You got a ride to the mission area ready, she'll take care of you. Oh and also, I know it's your first mission so I'll do a mission in a nearby city, any signs of you not being able to make it or something bad happening that you can not handle, call me."

Gojo made sure to have complete and utter seriousness in his voice, a fact that cut deep into Megumi who wasn't used to him acting this way.

Megumi nodded.

"Nice to meet you finally, my name Akari Nitta and I'll be your manager for today. I hope we can get along and have some efficient work done." A young woman with short blonde hair that is black at its roots extended her hand to the approaching boy.

"Nice to meet you as well Akari-san, my name is Megumi Fushiguro but I assume you already know that." He replied as he returned the hank shake and looked Nitta up and down.

Akari is a fair-skinned young woman of average height. She has pale blue eyes that are framed by light-coloured triangle eyebrows. She has messy, neck-length light-coloured yellow hair with asymmetrically split bangs. At the top, she has dark roots of black that are swept across the left side of her head. 

[Image (In Discord)]

Serving as one of jujutsu high's managers, she wears a jet-black long-sleeved vest, with three buttons and two pockets on the lower sides, under this, she wears a visibly long-sleeved white shirt and a red tie, she wears greyish-black pants and black boots.

"That I do. Shall we?" She said as she pointed back to the car.

"Let's go." Megumi said as he opened the door to the car and went inside, Akari going into the front seat to drive.

A few minutes of driving later Akari spoke up, "So, no offence but don't you think you're a bit young to go on missions already?"

"None taken, this is an unusual situation. But do not worry about me, despite how I look I am actually strong." Megumi stated with some confidence.

Akari looked into the rear view mirror and into his eyes, studying them for a moment before she accepted it. "If you say so."

A few minutes and a pleasant ride later they arrived. Megumi got out of the car and looked towards the mission area, an abandoned middle school.

He could sense the build up of cursed energy already ready, it wasn't anything immediately threatening but definitely something to keep an eye on.

He looked to the side and met his Green eyes with a pair of reddish brown eyes.

"So you're my partner for this mission? Seems weird they let a kid with me but I'm sure they know what they're doing. Nice to meet you kid, I'm Asahi Takahashi. Let's get along for this mission 'kay?" Asahi said as he yawned and rubbed the back of his head.

"Nice to meet you as well Takashi-san, and I hope we do."

"Alright then you two, your mission will be to clear out this cursed spirit hotspot, it's confirmed to contain multiple grade 3 cursed spirits with many other 4th grade curses. It could also have a grade 2 curse so be careful." Akari said as she read from her report.

She then handed them each a small radio before explaining. "Within curtains, mobile phones don't work as the barrier blocks out signals so use these for communication as short range radio signals aren't blocked." They both nodded in affirmation at that.

"Alright, I'll call down the curtain and await your return. Please be back within 2 hours minimum."

Akari proceeded to put her hand up and assume the curtain pose before calling out the chant.

"Emerge from darkness, that which is darker than darkness. Purify that which is impure."

She then turned around and looked them both in the eyes as the curtain formed and started to fall around the building.

"Godspeed gentlemen."

Megumi and Asahi both nodded and walked towards the building through the curtain, disappearing from view.

"So what's your technique kid? You gotta have one and a strong one if they're putting you on missions this early. My technique is called Blazing Grasp, as the name implies I can set my hand on cursed fire that's pretty effective on cursed spirits." Asahi demonstrated as he lifted a hand as both of his hands lit on fire with fiery blaze.

Megumi turned around and took a good look at him.

Asahi was a young man with brown hair, he had reddish brown eyes that now slightly glowed a deep crimson. He wore a white long sleeve shirt with some black pants.]

[Image (In Discord)]

"Seems like a very effective and straightforward technique. But as for mine, I suppose it would be easier to just show you. But essentially I can summon multiple Shikigami that I can control among some other things." Asahi showed a face of interest, prompting Megumi to continue.

The Raven-Haired boy brought his hands together into the pose for summoning the twin Divine Dogs and called out their names, from his sides the dogs jumped out of his shadow. They took a ready pose as they knew that they were in for a long mission.

"Ah neat, these two look decently strong. This'll be a piece of cake." Asahi looked pleasantly surprised.

"That's not all of them." 


Megumi's hands took a second pose before calling out his second Shikigami 'Gamma'. A giant toad flew out of an abyss that opened up ahead of him.

"Woah, 3 Shikigami? No wonder they let you out on this mission at your age, your technique is something else!" Asahi now looked somewhat impressed.

"There's more." Megumi stated.


His hands once again took another pose as behind him another abyss opened up, he called out his most recent Shikigami's name. "Nue!" The large Owl like creature flew out, it was much bigger than its ritual version with a wing span of over 9 feet.

 The bird flew around the area for a while before settling down on a nearby building.

"Huh? 4? That's insane, this mission will definitely be a breeze!" Asahi seemed sufficiently won over and ready to begin.

They walked through the front door, the shikigami followed them in, either through the door like them or in Nue's case, flying in through a hole in the ceiling that was caused by age and weather.

"How do ya wanna handle this kid?" Asahi said as he cracked his flaming knuckles ready to fight.

"Let's spread out and take out as many grade 4 curses as we can, if either of us finds a lone grade 3 curse and feels confident enough to take them on, he should do so but be careful. If met with multiple grade 3s or a grade 2, call for the other and wait to take them out together." Megumi suggested after a moment of thought.

Asahi considered it for a moment before lazily yawning and affirming. "Yeah sure, that sounds good. Let's do it. I'll take the right side, you take the left."

"Alright, if you find anything too much for you to handle, let me know. I'll head over or send a shikigami to help you out."

They both headed separate ways as they explored the facility.

Megumi found a few dozen grade 4 curses that he took out without much fuss, either sending one of his shikigami to rip them apart easily or slicing them in half casually with Kage. 

"This is getting suspiciously easy, it's quiet. In fact… It's too quiet." Megumi looked around himself with suspicion.

He then found something, it was hidden between the background radiation of cursed energy around and without his training with his shikigami he would have never found it.

Megumi lashed out with kage at what seemed at first glance to be a mere white board but as his blade hit the surface, the whiteboard had disappeared revealing a cursed spirit. The spirit instantly lost a hand to his blade as it jumped away alarmed and in pain. 

Before the curse could choose to attack or run away, Nyx sprinted at it and bit its right leg and pulled it to the ground. His brother joined in as he jumped on top of the spirit, overwhelming it in pure strength and size as he grabbed on to its left and pulled. The twin dogs pulled from opposing sides causing the spirit to be ripped in half and turn to dust within seconds.

"Good boys, looks like our training is paying off." Megumi said, pleased with his Shikigami's reaction and effective attack without the need of his orders.

Then the wall behind him broke open as two grade 3 curses ran to try and attack him.

Gamma reacted first, sending his tongue out as it grabbed on to one of them and threw them into the air where they were met with Nue who slammed into them with electric sparks sending them straight towards their master who awaited with blade at the ready. Megumi then sliced through the curse in a single swing sending its two halves to either side of him.

The Twin wolves, not to be outdone, ran ahead together. Blizzard was first to attack as he swiped a paw at the curse, cutting into its side as his brother tackled it into a nearby wall. Megumi saw this and pointed at the curse before pulling his finger up and calling out to his awaiting Shikigam. 

"Serpent, Gobble it up!"

A large abyss appeared ahead of him as from within it, the serpent flew out to complete its master's command and bit at the curse's body. Its first bite digging its fangs deep within its victims body, the venom acting quickly as the curse found itself unable to move. 

The serpent then widened its tongue and followed through with its original command, the curse laid helplessly as the Great Serpent devoured it whole with a sickening crunch, instantly exorcising the curse.

"Ok good, I think that's the last of them for now. Let me check in with Asahi." Megumi pulled out the radio and spoke.

"Hello? This is Megumi, I cleared a few dozen 4th grade curses and three grade 3s. You ok over there? Over."

Megumi waited for a few moments before a screech sounded out from the radio followed by Asahi's voice.

"Yea kid, just about done over here too. Let's meet up at the cafeteria. Over." The man sounded slightly winded but nothing else that stood out.

"Copy. Over." Megumi started walking off in the direction of the cafeteria. 

As he opened the double doors to the cafeteria, he instantly saw Asahi. His blazing arms standing out amongst the filth of the cafeteria as a beacon of camaraderie.

"Oh, hey kid. You look none the worse for wear. You didn't even get hit, who trained you? Or were you self taught?" Asahi asked, curious and somewhat uninterested in the mission.

"I was taught by a master swordsman and a great sorcerer." Megumi answered, his words hiding the full truth. 'It's not like I want to lie to him but it's not such a good idea to let it be known by all that Satoru is my teacher.'

"Ah, I see. Yeah that checks out." Asahi seemed satisfied with the answer, he was about to continue talking but then he tensed up. 

Megumi felt it as well. "That's two grade 2 signatures right?"

"Yeah it is kid. Be ready, here they come." The brown haired man said as he pulled his arms into a boxing stance and looked towards the kitchen stall. Which then proceeded to explode outwards as two grade 2 curses flew out and sprinted at them with murderous intent.

One was tall with lanky arms, long black hair and face features that were way too long and shifted apart as if it was trying and failing to pass as a regular human being. Its appearance fit right inside the terrifying depths of the uncanny valley.

[A/N: Seriously, the uncanny valley is the scariest shit out there, if you want good spooks go watch the mandela catalogue. I couldn't sleep for weeks after.]

The other was rotund and oblong, its body seemed unbalanced with an oversized body, its left arm was as long as its entire body. Its right leg was smaller than a banana with the rest of its legs being regular sized. Its most defining feature being that its entire body was covered in small repetitive holes, a sight that would make any normal human shiver from trypophobia. 

"You take the lanky freak, I'll take the fat bastard!" Asahi declared as he sprinted at the aforementioned curse.

"Right! Go!" Megumi affirmed with his partner and then ordered his shikigami.

Nue was first to reach as it slammed into the lanky monster with electrified wings, stunning it for a mere moment. Blizzard was second to arrive, he bit at its knee but it recovered quicker than expected and slammed its foot into the wolf sending him into a nearby table.

Though it landed a hit, its move left it open to a counter attack by the other shikigami as Gamma ripped a table out of the floor and threw it at the curse which got stunned. Leaving it wide open as Megumi came in and sliced off its right leg with Kage to limit its movement. 

Nyx, who was eager to avenge his brother, ran in and took a bite out of the curse's shoulder ripping off a huge chunk. Megumi then followed by slicing down at the staggered monster, cutting an arm off.

Then Blizzard who had recovered came with the finishing blow, he bit at the curse's neck. It struggled for a moment but without an arm and severely weakened, it couldn't stop its fate and its neck was ripped open by the Divine Dog's maw, staining Blizzard's pure white maw a deep purplish crimson.

Megumi looked back to Asahi ready to assist him, tense and ready to sprint forwards. But relaxed as he saw Asahi finish off the spirit with his flaming fists, seeming bruised and slightly dishevelled but not much else.

Asahi turned his back to the spirit and looked towards Megumi to see him done with his opponent as well.

"Ah good work kid, I think that's all of them. It's been two hours, I'm sure you're tired. Let's go back and report to Akari."

"Yeah sure, le- LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!"


"huh?" Asahi looked down at his abdomen to see a spiked and monstrous tail spearing right through him.

"Oh… Guess this is it, hope you live Fushiguro-kun."


It should've been a simple mission, if not for a single fact. Outdated information. This cursed hotspot has been left for too long, this allowed what was supposed to be just a few 3rd grade curses to evolve into 2nd grade curses. 

One of them even being a Cursed Womb.

A Cursed Womb is a type of cursed spirit that goes under evolutionary stages, They are capable of producing powerful fully fledged curses after the metamorphosis is complete. With enough time and cursed energy they could even create Special Grade curses.

Under the pressure of death, the cursed womb had evolved into a 1st Grade curse.

With a flick of its newly grown tail, the curse flung Asahi's body aside and into the wall. It got up from the ground with its now giant frame, its once fat and oblong body had shifted and formed to a muscular form with an unnervingly long, spiked tail.

Megumi didn't say anything or even react. He had a lot of training, many lessons. All from great sorcerers, but nothing could have prepared him for this. 

And in the face of true and sudden death, Fushiguro Megumi froze in fear.

The reborn curse took pleasure in his fear, fueling its cruel power even further. It then lashed out with its tail at its prey. Megumi found himself staring death in the face with a simple thought.

'Not like this.' 

But while Megumi couldn't get himself to react in time, Nyx was not the same. The loyal hound pushed its master away from the way of the tail, taking the hit instead. The tail speared him right through.

As Megumi stared at Nyx's body, this time his reaction was different. Instead of fear, rage took its place. A rage so hot, it nearly blinded him.

'No, this Thing will die today.'

Nyx's body faded away into shadows that flowed back into Megumi. 

Not minding that in the slightest, Megumi sprinted forward with all the hate and rage he could muster while shouting out "KILL THIS BASTARD!".

Not needing to be told twice, Nue threw itself at the curse, electricity flaring out. The curse blocked the attack with its arm but before it could move to smack the Owl-like shikigami away. Gamma grabbed hold of its leg and pulled it out of balance, tripping the curse to its knee.

Megumi wasn't far behind, as he got in a stance and lashed out with his blade. "Pride's Requiem!"

The attack cut a huge gash into the curse's side, staggering it slightly as it grabbed its side.

Not giving it a moment's rest, Megumi decided to make a gamble to flip the tides. He pointed at the staggered curse and then pointed down and pulled towards himself.


The great serpent responded quickly to his command, its maw bit into the curse's other side and clenched. Before pulling back while still gripped tight, the curse tried to stab at the serpent with its tail to free itself but Nue came in and deflected the attack with an electrified burst.

Megumi, instead of staying back and letting his shikigami do the dirty work, jumped forward. Mounting the curse's frame as he stabbed into its right shoulder with abandon cutting deep into it. The curse lashed out sluggishly with its left arm, the paralytic venom of the serpent already putting in some work.

But Gamma was there to pull Megumi out of the way before throwing him back over it, as he flew the raven-haired boy dug his blade into the curse's body and dragged across with the power of his momentum.

The serpent then dipped into the abyss it came from, dragging the curse with it into the abyss within the Ten Shadows. Megumi jumped in right after, the rest of his shikigami following right after him. 

Within the world of abyss, there was no ground, it was an all encompassing abyss with no beginning or end. 

The spirit which was still staggered from repeated attacks, semi paralysed and unable to understand where it was now was then attacked by The Great Serpent which rivalled itself in size, Nue that utilised hit and run and Gamma who acted as support.

Megumi and Blizzard didn't waste time either as they were both filled with rage and grief over the loss of Nyx. 

Megumi looked Blizzard in the eyes and said, "We will not allow this thing to live after what it's done, and Nyx will not be forgotten. He will live on through you, and together you will become so much more than before." 

Blizzard had an air of resoluteness about him as he looked back at Megumi. He then started to morph, growing in size and changing shape.

"Divine Dog: Totality"

When a shikigami of the Ten Shadows Technique gets killed or destroyed in battle, they can't be summoned or manifested ever again, but its energy is inherited or passed on to the other shikigami. In this specific case, Blizzard gained the power of his deceased black twin. This allows Blizzard to take a larger, much more powerful form on command, known as Totality.

By using Totality, the user can summon a stronger, larger, bi-pedal, bicolored werewolf-like version of the white Divine Dog. It is a well-balanced shikigami with the ability to attack, defend, and provide support for its user. Its notable traits are its immense speed and powerful claws capable of damaging special grade cursed spirits.

Megumi turned around to face the curse, which was now battered and beaten. Behind him, Blizzard had grown in size, dwarfing him completely. His arms almost wrapping around his master with his maw standing at attention, ready to pounce.

[Image (In Discord)]

As Megumi looked into the curse's eyes with hatred and saw an emotion he once felt himself, Fear.

"Blizzard, Fetch."

Blizzard, now powered by the spirit of his fallen brother, Jumped vanishing from his place in a blur of immense speed.

The Divine Wolf tackled the curse and started ripping it apart with its bare hands, his maw rending apart its flesh. The curse cried out in pain but was not able to move to defend itself as the venom of the Great Serpent took its toll.

The curse that once stood tall and revelled in the fear of weaker beings was reduced to mince meat as Megumi was ejected from the abyss. Returning to the real world, he turned around and found Asahi's body once again.

"I'm sorry, Takahashi Asahi, I was not strong enough to save you. But you will not be forgotten and your death will not be in vain." 

Megumi picked up the fallen sorcerer's body and walked out of the building, any curses within gone and dead. 

For good this time.

[A/N: BTW Asahi was created by a member of the discord, so if you want a chance to create your own oc that is put into the story, along with being updated when every chapter goes live and have some inside info on this fic or any potential future ones, join the discord at https:// discord. gg/ yXeZksvHUv ]

HeliosTheDepressed HeliosTheDepressed

Turns out watching someone die infront of you is scary, Who knew?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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