Dune and his friends, led by Cel, approached the towering gate of the outer wall.
Two giant guards, each standing three meters tall, with imposing bodies clad in silver armor, flanked the entrance.
Cel casually walked between them, barely acknowledged by the sentinels. As they crossed into the city, Dune was struck by the stark contrast of their surroundings.
Beyond the wall lay the outskirts of Rendely, a bleak and desolate landscape. People lay on the ground with their emaciated, hungry bodies, their clothes in tatters.
The air was thick with the stench of the metallic tang of blood. As they continued, more and more homeless souls huddled in the shadows, their eyes empty and resigned.
"This is bad, right?" Cel said, breaking the silence. "But it will change soon. A new ruler shall give everyone fair judgment. But I don't want to spoil anything for you guys."