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40% Being a Titan in the Multiverse / Chapter 2: Time to Kick Ass and Plunder some Husks

Chapitre 2: Time to Kick Ass and Plunder some Husks

read, This Chapter is 5000 Words long

3rd POV:

We return to see Trypticon being halfway to Earth, Mars is long left behind on its way, and the research and hacking through the World Weid Web and of the PPDC has born great fruits, Which was that Australia is the greatest concentration of Jaeger Husks in the records of the PPDC

As Trypticon watches some Interesting things on the W W W, like Cat Videos, and analysis on Jaegers and Kaiju alike, the System pings him with a Notice

[ ! ] *Ping*

'Mhmm, Now what does the System have for me?' Thought Trypticon, as he opened the Notification in full

[ Status:




Univers Archive: ]

'Oh, that is Interesting' Trypticon feels excitement and His Spark pulses with Curiosity as he opens the Objectives Tab

[ Objectives:


•Find out where you are: 100%

•Get used to the Cybertronian Brain and Body: 50%

Reward: Pacific Rim Universe and 100% Body Control


•Meet the Good, Bad, or Neutral Cast: 0%

Reward: Decore for the Space Ship and Station Interior


•Plunder useful Tech from at least 6 Jager Husks or Limbs: 0%

Reward,: Random Jaeger Armament ×3


•Fight at least 10 Kaiju, Kategorie 4 and Up give Bonus Progress

Reward: Kaiju blood fuel ]

'Now that is Interesting and quite a few good Rewards for me, that the Objectives are that simply makes sense since this is my first Universe and me needing to learn how to walk instead of going straight to running makes sense' thought Trypticon who was satisfied with what he got in his First Adventure for Objectives


'Oh?, now that makes it even more fun It looks like I am at the End of Season 2 if the Comms chatter about a Categorie 6 Kaiju Fighting an Mk.3 Jaeger is any indication, which now gives me two Options

Numero Uno: Transform into Space Station Mode and Fire my Orbital Cannon at the C6

or Numero Dos: Fly at it full speed, transform about 200 Meters away, and Crash into Breacher in my Robot Mode

'... I think Option Two is the most fun one of my Options, so two it is', with his mind made up and a plan of action formed, Trypticon began his plan by pinpointing the C6 Kaiju and plotting his course for impact and accelerating his speed

*Earth, Australian outback bevor Sydney*

The girl Mei is in a Stand Off with the Eldest Kaju Sister over the unconscious Boy, Atlas Destroyer is being beaten down by Category Six Kaiju Breacher with PPDC Base having no idea what to do that will not result in Friendly Fire...


A Boom was heard, a Boom of something big entering the atmosphere and the air resisting the movement of a big object at rediculous speed and it was getting louder

Everyone, after recovering from the sound barrier being broken, Looked up or used radars to find what made that sound... and they wished they did not or hoped it was a dream

For a gigantic ball of fire three times the size of Breacher was closing in fast on them, or at least it looked like it was coming toward them

Trypticon had adjust his trejectory after realizing that raming something a third his Size was a bad ideea for everyone in proximity to his original target

This meant that he changed his landing point by five kilometers away from Breacher and away from Sydney PPDC Base to not Kill something that didn't deserve it

Just because he is a killing maschin doesn't mean he likes doing it indiscriminately, in that regard he is similar to IDW Comics Trypticon

As the Ball of Fireflies past and away for it'waittrash, there is a beat of Silence.....


Until there is only noise, earth-shaking, and a shockwave kicking up a dust cloud that obscured

everything for Kilometers around for normal eyes

Only Atlas Destroyer and Sydney PPDC Base were able to know what was in the crater, thanks to they're scanners and radar and they were shocked at the receiving data

Breacher after a moment of waiting went back to pummeling Atlas Destroyer with Punches, Hammer Fists, Curb Stomps, and even picking Atlas up and ripping the Right Arm off, throwing the limb behind, grabbing the Head starting to Crush down on it

Thump, Thump, Thump, Thump

Breacher pauses and turns around, The first thing it sees is... Purple Lights in the dust cloud? It follows the Light up and up and up until it sees a Yellow Light

Breacher tilted its head to the right in confusion on what it is looking at and drops Atlas Destroyer because of how confused the Kaiju is

As the dust starts to clear it is revealed what is standing in front of Breacher, A Titan of Dark Metal with Purple Lights all over its Reptilian Body if the Head and Feet are any indications

A Tail moving behind it that seems to be two third's its leanght, It's Hands have three Clawed digits, and in it's Left it holds the ripped out arm of Atlas Destroyer seeming to inspect it

Opening its Maw, revealing rows of Teath, and throws the ripped of arm into the waiting Maw starting to chew on it, The sound of Crushing, Grinding, and Tearing metal is heard in the silence of everything around witnessing the bizarr scenario happening before them

As the sounds quiets, the Metal Titan stops chewing and seems to breathe out in satisfaction as tho he had eaten his favorite snack and turns his Head around to survey his surroundings casually, Breacher doesn't seem to take Kindly to being dismissed like that

Breacher throws a Punch at the Titan's knee in hopes of bringing it down but other than the sound of flesh hitting Metal, nothing happens

The Titan then turns his gaze down at the foolish Kaiju that attacked, and its shoulders start to shake up and down in what seams like fury but then the Laughing starts

"HAHAHAHAHAHAH" a deep and rumblig Laugh that echos for Miles around, seams to be Mocking the C6, that is only a third the height of the Metalic Titan, for attacking it and everyone around is taken aback again

As the Titans laughing subsides it looks down at the Kaiju and starts lowering its stance until it is looking straight at Breacher for a Moment, Glowing Blue and Electric Yellow eyes gazing at each other

It says "Want to try again, Tiny?" In a moking tone of Voice, Breacher swings both its Fists at the Head in hopes of damging it, only hetting the same result as bevor, The Titan seems to Grin mockingly at the Kaiju

"My Turn" it said and then lashed out with its Right in an Upercut sending the C6 flying a 100 meters away, as the Kaiju flys away the Titan stands back into an Upright stance and preps its Right Arm as if wanting to throw a punch

The Titan aims for the flying target and throws its Arm in Breacher's direction, a Saber Chain is Shot from the Palm and burrows into the Kaiju's right shoulder, almost severing the Arm and anckoring C6 Kaiju to the Titan via the Saber Chain

The Titan then grips the Chain and starts to spin in a Clockweis motion taking Breacher along for a good five rotations, the Titan reels in the Saber Chains after finishing the fifth round getting ready to throw a left Downward Hook

Once Breacher is in range the Titan unleashed the Downward Hook and planted the Kaiju into the ground with enough force to cause a follow-up Tremor after which the Saber Chain is removed from Breacher and deactivated

The Titan stood over Breacher as it lay in a self shaped carater with a Reptilian Smile as it watched the Kaiju strugle to get back up

What Atlas Destroyer and the Sydney PPDC Base picked up tho was an energy build up, and the Pilots of the Jaeger could see for what, as the Yellow Nuzzler plate lifted and revealed a Cannon that was charging, Ready to deliver a Finishing blow

"This was a fun warm up, Honestly little one but now it is time to Die at the Claws of Trypticon!!!" Said the now-named Trypticon to Breacher

Once the High-yield Laser Cannon charged up, Trypticon aimed and fired it at Breacher's head, burning a hole through the Kaiju's head and a Kilometer down into the Earth

Once the Cannon finished and was offline, it retracted back under the Nuzzler Plate, where the Plate closed again, Trypticon sent out Radar pulses that quickly covered Australia to get an idea of where to go next but was Interrupted byAtlas Destroyer moving

As he watched the frankly miraculously working Jaeger hobble it's way to somewhere, He followed its direction, Noticing the Armored Truck, dead Kaiju Dog, and a bit further away from that a Human, a Hybrid, and... a Corrupted and Corps

'Looks like I am no longer need her, Cool that I saved Atlas Destroyer's AI from Self destruction' thought Trypticon as he turned to the direction of where his Radar pinged the remains of Apex, redying his Jet Pack for the short Flight

As Trypticon did so Atlas Destroyer powered down and the Travis siblings exited to check on Mei and Boy, with Hayley hugging Boy and Boy hugging Hayley back, Taylor and Mei share a smile at the moment of calm and happyness... until it was broken by a sound


All four turn to the sound only to have wind and dust blown in their Faces once the wind settles, see a smoke trail that they follow until they see Trypticon in the sky, flying with his Jet Pack and leaving the smoke trail behind

For a Few seconds all four, five if we count the onboard AI Loa, are Stunned into Silence by the fact that Trypticon can even Fly with his size, The Silence is then Broken by the AI Loa

<Taylor, Hayley, and Mei, I am getting an Unkowen Communication Signal, Would you like to Accept it?> asked Loa over the Speakers of the Truck and Comms of the Pilot Helmets

The three look at each other, silently communicating with each other and pondering it, Once in agreement, Taylor says

"Please acccept Loa"

<Understood, Accepting now>

":I was wondering if you would accept:" the Voice that is Heared isTrypticon's

Mei is the first to ask "And what would a Metalic Titan like you want?" Her skepticisem is clear to Hear

":Why so misstrusting? After all, If I wanted something bad, I would have left the Kaiju alone to let it crush you or after killing the Kaiju, Started firing at you with my Weapons:" Answers Trypticon in a tone that sounds... Mirthful, hard to tell with the Deep and Mechanical Voice

"Thank you for killing the Kaiju and not wanting anything from us by the way," said Hayley in a greatfull voice, Boy was nodding his Head in agreement with Hayley

"Then what do you want and how did you use the Saber Chain from Nemesis Redemer's Arm?" Askes Taylor seriously and with a bit of Curiosity

":Mhmmhmm, That is quite the leaders attitude you have there, Make sure you don't Lose it, As for what I want and How I used the Saber Chain:" started the Titan

":That is Simple, the Saber Chain I could use because I ate the Jaeger arm and I want more Weapon Systems, What better than a buffet that is all the Jaeger Husks here in Australia on this little Planet you call Earth:" was his explenation

That left the three Humans, Hybrid, and AI a bit stunned at the Implications, being that Trypticon can Assimilate Weaponry and that Australia is an 'All you can Eat' for him

"Wait, what even are you then, and how did you even get here, since you said this little Planet we call Earth, does that mean you are an Alien?" Asked Hayley with Curiosity

":I am Indeed an Alien, a Cybertronian of the Titan Species to be Exact and I was Drifting through space quite a bit if my Navigation Systems are to go by, coming to the Sol System was by pure Chance since I was in stasis and my onboard Systems were Set to not make me Crash into Anything:"

The Answer made Taylor and Mei ponder as Hayley wanted to know more before any of them could Voice another Question Trypticon spoke again

":I now need to cut our Communication short since I need to Land again and you should have the PPDC to Great, I will send a File to Loa that you can Read, I won't be staying on Earth for long after all:"

Just like that the Communication stoppedped leaving three Humans and an AI to ponder Trypticone's words

Boy turned to a firection, looking at the Horizon and Loa notifiess <PPDC Quad Copters are Inbound> as the said Quad Copters arrivee to Pick up the Group of four and retrieve the Jaeger

*Transformers Transition*

We return to Trypticon as he makes his landing 30 Meters away from Apex, there is a solemn feel in the suroundings as Trypticon gazes at what remains of one-off if not the Strongest in Australialia

"So this is what you left behind" Trypticon begins "A forever lasting impression on a Hybrid, an AI and a pair of Siblings by Gifting a Weapon and Helping" Trypticon says to the remains and suroundings

"I wonder if you would feel Proud that your Death wasent in Vain and that you changed the World with your Scarifice" continued Trypticon, thinking on what he saw of Apex

A Beast that was more than a simple Predator but the Top of the Food Chain and earning his Name by Surviving from 2035 to 2050, A whole 15 Years that it Survived being Hunted, Hunting and Learning from every encounter over its Live

"Truly, You were the most worthy of the name Apex and for that you have my highest Respect, may you rest in Peace" Trypticon said and started to walked past Apex Remains sending out Radar Pulses to find his most optimal Way around Australia

Trypticon's Radar pings him movement that is heading straight towards Apex remains, As the Radar gives the number of moving Beings, He is Surprised that it is a total of Five that are closing in on the Ramains

"Looks as if the scavengers are on the Move, I am fairly sure that Apex would not have liked to be Eaten by Kaiju that he did not Respect wich ther was only One if we count Boy, Soooo... What to do now?" Asked Trypticon no one in Particular

"Fuck it, Might as well have fun and Kill some more 'Vermin Killers' as the Precursors like to use the Kaiju that way" Trypticon redys himself for a One vs Five Fighting match by doing a quick Weapons check

(Weapos System Check....

Missiles: Ready

Plasma Cannon: Ready

High-yield Laser Cannon: Ready

Saber Chain: Ready

Weapons Ready for Use)

Trypticon grins and looks around for the 5 Kaiju, one Mutavor on his Nine, two Acidquill on his Twelve, one Bone Spur on his Four and one Slattern on his Six "Now this is what I would call a Party if only the Guests were not such Vultures" said Trypticon as the Kaiju aproched the 50 meter mark

The Kaiju after accessing Trypticon started to Communicate with each other and after moments started to Circle around him and Apex remains like a pack of hungry Wolfs in Fall against a Bear for a meal "So that is the Plan you chose, Fine with Me" declared Trypticon

Redying his Missiles for the Kaiju and Target locking them thanks to his Sensor Systems and as the Kaiju compleat the Third round of circeling Trypticon and theyr Meal, they Move to attacked all at once with Trypticon countering via Missile barrage

As the five Kaiju are stuned by the sudden Counter, Trypticon activates his Saber Chain for both Arms and aims for Mutavor and Bone Spur, hitting Mutavor in the abdomen and Bone Spur in the right chest earning Roars of Pain

A wild reptilian smile apears on Trypticon as he throws his arms up, Taking the Tow Kaiju in the Air via the Chains stuck in them and directs the falling Kaiju towards the Acidquill pair as said pair Recover from the Missile barrage and deactivates the hooks on the Saber Chains unstucking them from the airborn Kaiju

One Acidquill is crushed under Bone Spur's waight and the other is shish kebabed on Mutavor's Scisore like Tail, Tow Kaiju killed and Tow disoriented, Trypticon retracts the Chains and turns to Slattern only to see nothing

Confused, Trypticon uses his Radar Pulse to locate Slattern only to be interupted by Pain from his back "Raaargh, You shity Kaiju get off me!" Slattern had recovered Faster than the other 4 Kaiju's and used that to sneak twords Trypticon and climb his Back as he was executing his Saber Chain manuver

Wich leads us to a thrashing Trypticon and a Slattern that is holding and ripping into Trypticon's Back as he thrashes around and trying to Grab the Kaiju of his back, After multiple faild atempts Trypticon simply jumps and lets himself fall on his Back

*CRASH, Rumble*

Trypticon after Recovering from the fall and standing again, looks at Slattern or the crushed flesh that was Slattern "Ugh, Great now I have Kaiju bits and Blood on my Back and It Itches, I diden't even know Cybertronians could feel that"

Said a Disgusted Trypticon

He looks towards Mutavor and Bone Spur who wher getting back on theyr feet, or at least Bone Spur was as Mutavor's Tail was buried into the gound and it could not get it's feet on the Ground so it was calling for help from Bone Spur

Said Kaiju was Just on its feet and shook off being flung around and was making its move to help it's fellow Kaiju until a Plasma Shot Hit it in the right Shoulder, the Shot coming from Trypticon's open Mouth and was Charging another Shot to Fire at the Kaiju's

Enraged, Bone Spur abandond Mutavor in favor of charging Trypticon wich was a funny sight to see as the Kaiju were like Wolfs fighting a Bear, As the Kaiju runs closer Trypticon fires the Plasma Cannon in his Throat at the sprinting Bone Spur

One Hit to the left shoulder, another to the right chest seid, one Hits the right elbow and because Trypticon felt like it shot at the knees, Making Bone Spur fall and slide a bit forward due to his momentum, stopping 20 Meters away from Trypticon's left foot

Looking at the Kaiju on the ground Trypticon cant help but chukle "Hehehehehe, You Kaiju are only strong because of a Hive Mind from wich you learn, Honestly if the Precursors wher not in controle than Humanity would have you better under controle"

"But in the End, Kaiju are only Bio Weapons, Nothing more, Nothing less and now is the Time to Die" said Trypticon as he lifted his Foot over Bone Spur and Stomped down

*Crush, Rumble*

"And than ther was only One" said Trypticon turning his gaze from Bone Spur's corps to Mutavor, who still could not free his Tail from the ground it was stuck in, a Dangerous weakness if one can exploit it

"Dont worry, I will make it quick" Said Trypticon charging his Nuzzler mounted High-yield Laser Cannon to fire a precise shot at Mutavor, Aiming for the head and dilivering the Killing shot shortly after

Letting his Spark calm after the first Fight in wich he took Damage and felt pain again, Trypticon reflected that maybe he should have gone for lethality insted of having Fun but that brought his thoughts to another Point

He was a Cybertronian Titan, If he cant enjoy himself than his new existence would become Stale and Boring, something wich he hated in his previous life as a Human wich was why he sought entertainment in media like Transformers, Pacific Rim, Games, Fan-Fiction and Comics here and Ther

So why should he care about a bit of Pain, So long as his Spark pulses with Life, He could in theory recover from anything that did not sever his Brain Module from his Spark permanently, Altho that is a Theory only and Trypticon isent dumb enough wanting to put it to the Test

As that thought process finished, Trypticon turned his Gaze to the Remains of Apex "Guess I am about to become like Pickel from the Baki series" said Trypticon aproching the Remains that he would Eat

Not becuse he wants the Tech, but out of Respect for a Fighter he would have loved to clash with on even Ground

Once close enough to pick up the Remains of Apex, Trypticon picks them up in his Right, Hesitates for a Moment and than starts to Eat

Just like Nemesis Redemer's Arm, The sound of Crushing, Grinding and Tearing Metal can be heared but also the Ripping of Flesh, Breaking and Crushing of Bones here and ther

It takes a few minutes for Trypticon to compleatly eat Apex Remains and once he is done and everything is eaten, Trypticon holds a moment of silence for a respected Fighter, Older Brother(To Boy at least, Maybe) and certifeid Badass that Rebelled aginst it's Masters

After the silent moment Trypticon uses his Radar to mark his next destinetion wich ends up being the Canyon that the Sisters Rigged with Jaeger Husks, Redying his Jet Pack once more and Marking a certain Canyon in the Kaiju Sisters Territory

"Now than, Lets plunder a Hall of Horrors" Said a grining Trypticon as he took off twords the Canyon, the flight ther took only a few minutes, once the Jaeger signatures were on his radar and the Canyon in sight, Trypticon aimed his landing for the part where the Jaeger Husks are

Having landed and now being on all fours, Trypticon had a look straight down at the Section of Canyon that the Kaiju Sisters decorated with the Jaeger Husks

Using them as an alarm system for intruders, clever on theyr part for sure and a tresure trove for Tech and Weapon Systems

"Lets see what we have here, Saber Athena, Obsidian Furry and a Coyote Tango? Mako must have wanted to pay respect to Pentecost, That is Sweet of her, Now back to cheking"

"A few Boosters Rockets for manuverabillity, some Interesting hidden Weapon Options like a Wrist Blade and Is that a Gravity Sling and a Plasma Caster 2.0? Must have been a more weid spreed combo later on"

Going through the Systems and Tech was quit fun but the Question was how to get the Husks with out the canyon around them... 'would it even matter?' Thought Trypticon as he pondered that "Fuck it, Time to Eat" and with that said, Trypticon began his Feast

*10 Minutes Later*

"Ahhh, That hit the Spot... I wonder if this is how Ben Tennyson feals as Eatle or Upchuck?" Said Trypticon to no one in particular after leaving the Canyon with a giant section that looks like an Arena rather than Canyon

'Time for a Weapons Systems check' Thought Trypticon as he started the check to see his arsenal and wether or not some could be redundant or combined for more Power and Utility

(Weapons System Check...

Missiles: Ready

Plasma Cannon: Ready

High yield Laser Cannon: Ready

Saber Chain: Ready

Dual Plasma Chainsaws:

AKM Salvo-Launchers:

Chest Particle Charger:

Arm Spikes:

Arm-Mounted Particle Gun:

Ionic Twinblades:

N-16 Particle Charger:

Gravity Sling:

Plasma Caster:

Wrist Blade:

Plasma mortar Cannons:


Weapons Ready for Use)

Trypticon blinked "That is a lot of pire power and death I now have and if my checks look like this I will certainly need to optimise to reduce wait time" Trypticon spent another 30 minutes on optimising and combining weapons to get the maximum power but minimal options

"Aaaaaaaaand done, Damn that took some damn time but it was worth it" Said Trypticon, proud of his work, sure he was no Shokwave or Weapons Expert like Ironhide but he was a Titan and Smart in his own way, He did not need to be as Smart like Shokwave, only Smart enough to be better than the G1 and WfC Trypticon at using his Body and Arsenal

(Weapons System Check....

Missiles Typ, Cybertron Standard and AKM:


Plasma Cannon, Mortars ,Casters and

Chainsaws: Ready

High yield Laser Cannon: Ready

Cybertron Grade Particle Charger and Gun:


Ionic Saber Chains and Wrist Baldes: Ready

Weapons System Ready for Use)

"Damn that is Satesfying, My Arsenal is quit good and all I now Need is something to Weaponise my Legs with that arent Just my Shin Spikes, Maybe the Shop has something like Fort Max leg Gun"

Said Trypticon rubing his Chin with his Right Claw

"Thoughts for later, I still need visit 2 Locations for more Weapons and Tech, Even tho the only thing that was a True upgrade to my General systems was Saber Athena's High Speed Build and Reaction Time" with that monologue finished

Trypticon went on his way to plunder Hunter Vertigo and Apex former Home, The Graveyard for the four Confirmed Jaegers November Ajax, Valor Omega, Titan Redemer and Horizon Bravo who must be like Gipsy Avenger and Striker Berserker but for Horizon Brave

*Transformers Transition*

"Honestly, The more I learn about Apex, the more I want to Fight him on even Ground, I counted at least 40 Kaiju and 15 different Jaeger in this Boneyard" Apax kill count was impressiv to say the least

"Shame that the only realy usable parts were from November Ajax, Valor Omega, Titan Redemer, Horizon Bravo and some general reaction time and movement system upgrades" Said Trypticon aloud looking over his finds and thinking on how to combine and upgrade some of them

(Weapons System Check....

Missiles Typ, Cybertron Standard and AKM:


Plasma Cannon, Mortars ,Casters and

Chainsaws: Ready

High yield Laser Cannon: Ready

Cybertron Grade Particle Charger and Gun:


Ionic Saber Chains and Wrist Baldes: Ready

Cryo Cannon 2.0:

Forarm Missile Pod:

Grappling Hook Cables:

Y-11 Revolution Cannons:

M-19 Morning star:

EMP Mist Granade:

Arm Mounted Cannon:

Cryo Cannon:

Waiting for Go ahead for Weapons Installation)

"The Cryo Cannon and it's 2.0 version could be upgraded or combined as for the Y-11 and Arm Mounted Cannons, if combined could be upgraded to either a Subsonic Repeater, Neutron Assault Rifle or an X18 Scrapmaker with the Weapon Systems I scraped or found redundent"

Pondering on things to do with the weapons he had and the scraped or redundent things that are in his Inventory, Hell he had an AI core but no AI to use it with and a Bunch of Metal, Joints, Ammo and Power Sources that paled in compareison to his own Spark

"Honestly I could most likely build a bunch of Cybertronian Weapons once I get a Teletran 1 Access but for now I should keep it simple" finished with his Plans for future Weapons Upgrades Trypticon

(Weapons System Check....

Missiles Typ, Cybertron Standard and AKM:


Plasma Cannon, Mortars ,Casters and

Chainsaws: Ready

High yield Laser Cannon: Ready

Cybertron Grade Particle Charger and Gun:


Ionic Saber Chains and Wrist Baldes: Ready

Cryo Cannon, Cybertron Standard: Ready

Grappling Hook Cables: Ready

Y-11 Revolution Cannons: Ready

M-19 Morning star: Ready

EMP Mist Granade: Ready

Weapons System Ready for Use)

"I will optimise further once I am back at Etharium and taking a break but for now, time to rampage"

Said Trypticon with a maniacle smile as a Breach opend, Trypticon charges his Energy Beam from Apex to weiden the Breach

The Kaiju coming out of the Breach was a Latherback, that was imidiatly grabed by Trypticon in a way that it could not use it's EMP Pulse, It strugled to get Free but compared to Trypticon it might as well have been a Kitten grabbed by the Neck

Trypticon aimed his Beam at the Breach and weidend it enough for him to get through, Kaiju in his Left Claw, Trypticon jumped into the breach (but not bevor sending a Data Packet for a Curious Girl to the Sydney PPDC Base) and Left some Cybertronian Fusion Missiles periodicaly on the way, It may not stop all Kaiju but, It would slow them down if the Boneyard Breach colapsed

As Trypticon entered the Anteverse he sent out Pulses of his entire Scaners Aray to get a Rough Ideea to see wher he was "Certainly not a capital, more a Kaiju manufacturing Facility and by Primus is this atmosphere Toxic to live on Earth!, I would have Died if I was still flesh and blood, Good thing I am not anymore, Time to learn a Language and scare a Population"

It took quit a Moment to gain acces to a source of knowledge and learn the Precursor language Mainly because of how Strange the Tech is that is used but once he had it he Started his Broadcast

"=Precursors, It is Time you learn what it means to fear an Enemy that cant be Beaten by the Weapons you use, an Enemy that can apear at any Time he wants, an Enemy that will bring you to your Knees and hold you ther for Years, I am Trypticon, I am your Destructor!="

With his Speach to the Precursors, he Killed the Latherback via activation of his new Ionic Wrist Blade on his Left wrist and fired a barage of Missiles all around himself, destroying buildings, killing Precursors and unfinished Kaiju alike and simply Rampaging as he lost himself in the Carnage, Death and Destruction he Unleashed upon The Manifacturing Planet he landed on

To be Continued...

AN: And this is the end of the Second Chapter, Hope you liked it and I wont show Trypticon demolish the Manufacturing Planet next Chapter

Ther will be Highlights that will be shown in Flashbacks once he tells Etharium of his short Adventure

Dont worry not every Adventure will only be 2 Chapters as I do Plan on longer ones where Brute Force wont be the Answer and instead a Smart Aproche is needed

sam_lee_5738, xXZenithXx and Omni404_Sans, Thank you for Gifting me 3 Power Stones😁 but dont get used to the shout outs, This is for the Users that Gifted me 3 Power stone each with only my Auxillerys and First Chapter out, I wont do it all of the Time

(Edited 2024 on June 29th)

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