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60.9% Naruto: Look to the Stars / Chapter 67: Chapter 67 The Five Whateleys

Chapitre 67: Chapter 67 The Five Whateleys

The smell, it was horrible. It smelled foul, like death, long death. And Naruto was facing the thing that the smell came from. Sasuke watched as the two talked, clones surrounded the foul-smelling thing. As his eyes adjusted he saw it's face, he almost screamed at it's horrid visage. The thing was far from human.

"My name is Wilbur Whateley, and I require a completed Necronomicon"

Sasuke looked at this thing. Whatever it just said caused Naruto to freeze. Sasuke thought nothing of this, until Naruto took a step back. That caght Sasuke's attention, Naruto never backed off from anything except the Shadowed man, but there was good reason for that. In fact it was too much of a good reason, but Sasuke looked on waiting for the moment to strike.

Naruto stared in disbelief at Whateley. Xel told Naruto many stories of the Whateleys, and not one was good. Wilbur Whateley, who should be dead stood before him. Looking at him. He smiled at Naruto's reaction.

"You have heard of me then, good. Then you know why I need the Necronomicon", said Wilbur.

Naruto's fists balled as he stared Whateley down.

"You are not summoning your father Whateley, not so long as I draw breath", said Naruto.

Wilbur stroked his beard yet again and smiled.

"You do have a Necronomicon, and you know much, what is your name", asked Wilbur.

Naruto grabbed a kunai and tightened his grip.

"Naruto Uzumaki, Ninja of the Hidden Leaf, Master of the Eldritch Beast Scroll, and Wielder of the Eyes of Azathoth", said Naruto.

It was Wilburs time to freeze.

"The Eyes of Azathoth, I have not heard of them for quite some time. Dangerous, to possess such a power is interesting. However, it is nothing compared to me. I have died before and gazed at my father", said Wilbur.

Suddenly a second Wilbur walked from the shadows. Then another, and another soon there were a total of five Whateleys who stood side to side.

"My father is Yog-Sothoth, Outer God of space and time. I inherited his powers to a small degree. Space and Time are mine to control, If I require aid, I simply will past and future versions of myself to fight. Now tell me Naruto can you handle five Whateleys"

"Only five, you are right Whateley, you did inherit your fathers power. To a small degree, if this is your limit then I think I can handle it", said Naruto.

The other Wilburs reached for their book.

"I may be limited, but with this book I have great power Mr. Uzumaki, now tell me where is your Necronomicon", said the Whateleys.

In response Naruto shifted into his Eldritch Form. His tentacles lashed the walls of the abandoned building.

"I am not impressed", said the original Whateley.

Suddenly the sound of flapping Wings was heard. And the sound of a thousand Chirping birds. One Whateley saw a winged humanoid who's hand was surrounded in lightning come for him. A chidori was jammed into his chest. The figure instantly disintegrated into black dust. Sasuke flew Next to Naruto.

"Good of you to show up", said Naruto.

"Can't let you have all the fun", said Sasuke.

Suddenly another Whateley walked from the shadows, bringing the number back to five.

"When one falls another shall take it's place", said the new Whateley.

"Indeed Mr. Whateley", spoke the Original Whateley.

It was beginning to get Confusing.

"Where's Sakura", asked Naruto.

Suddenly a massive hole was broken through the wall and Sakura walked through in her second sealed form. Her tail swung behind her.

"Sorry, couldn't find a door", said Sakura as she made her way to her teammates.

"And another monster, you keep interesting company Mr. Uzumaki", said a Whateley.

"Who's the freak", asked Sakura.

"Wilbur Whateley, son of Yog-Sothoth, supposed to be dead. Not even from our Universe. Tread carefully, he seems to have some new tricks", said Naruto.

"Deal with them", said the Original Whateley.

They charged. Naruto broke off one of his bone whiskers and charged one of the copies. He jammed it in it's head causing it to Melt off from it's acid. Sasuke flew above throwing Kunai and using fire jutsu. Sakura used her strength to tear them apart. True to their word as each Whateley fell another walked from the shadows. The Oringinal made his way to a wall, using suckers on his padded feet to literally walk up the wall as he took out his Necronomicon.

He spoke a strange language. A whirling portal appeared above him causing all manner of vile locusts with human faces to buzz from it. The insects swarmed around Naruto. Using the Void Shere Naruto kept the insects numbers low, but they were seemingly never-ending. And the other Whateleys made it much more difficult than it should have been.

"Come now, you cannot keep this up Mr. Uzumaki. Give me the tome I seek and you may leave, don't and I will extract the information I desire by force", said Wilbur.

Naruto ignored him. Instead he bored his tentacles into the Ground. Nine dead trees, covered in eyes sprung up around him. Their branches lashed out killing insect and Whateley alike. The Original had yet to do anything. He simply watched with morbid fascination as the parliament of eye covered trees attacked his clones. Sakura would use her tail to slash at the Whateleys like it were a whip, but one Whateley caught her tail in his own. The underdeveloped mouth that tipped the tail spewed a green fluid on her. It burned but did not melt through her carapace. She fought on slashing and kicking and punching the never-ending wave of Whateleys that showed up. Insects swarmed them keeping them away from the original who slowly flipped through his book looking for spells and curses he could use.

Sakura began to slow down. She felt dizzy. The world warped around her. He felt the tingling in her tail.

"Hallucinogens", said Sakura.

Colors sharpened but the world was a blur for Sakura, and seemed to move in slow motion. Whateley after Whateley wore her down as her body moved slower and slower. Had it not been for the trees, she would have been out by now, but she fought on.

"Are you ok", asked Sasuke as he jammed a Chidori in yet another Whateleys chest.

To Sakura the words came out slow and distorted. She looked as Sasuke's face seemed to melt into a rainbow of colors she had no words for.

"This is amazing", said Sakura.

She shook her head and continued to fight to the best of her ability, though it was getting difficult.

Sasuke cast Chidori after Chidori. The combination of the Chakra armor and level 2 curse seal allowed him to easily bypass his normal limit. He did not want to risk using Amaterasu, and Tsukunomi was useless when your enemy never ran out of troops. Or was it. As Sasuke looked at his enemies he tried to find some weakness to exploit, and he may have found one.

Tsukunomi was an illusion, it would incapacitate his enemies, but not kill them. If they didn't die, no new ones would take their place. He flew above and cast the illusion on one of the Whateleys. A second later he did it to another. He continued this. Naruto realized what Sasuke was doing and retracted the trees. Each Whateley felt three days of torture in a split second. Four laid on the ground leaving only the one on the wall who watched the fighting.

"Cleaver, but not quite", said Whateley.

The air around the Whateleys seemed to distort and they began to move, but not normally. It was as if they were reversed in time,, moving as if being rewound. Then they stood and moved normally again.

"My father is the Outer God of Time and Space, you will need more than cheap tricks to defeat me", said Whateley.

Sakura was pretty much to out of it to do much, but the hallucinations seemed to be fading and her speed picked up. Naruto levitated into the air and formed a void shere in each hand. One for each of the Whateleys. He threw the Psudo-black holes at them and they collapsed and faded to dust. Four more Whateleys stepped from the shadows.

"For fucks sake this guy is more clone happy than Naruto", said Sasuke.

"I resent that, clones make excellent soldiers", said Naruto.

Whateley laughed.

"You amuse me Mr. Uzumaki, but I have all the time in the world, do you. It would be so much easier to give me your Necronomicon", said Whately.

Naruto scratched his hand on one of his bone like whiskers, and slammed it to the Ground. A cloud of smoke appeared followed by a black mass. The Shoggoth.

"Sasuke light it up", said Naruto.

"What", asked Sasuke confused.

"Trust me", said Naruto.

Sasuke looked at the black blob as it lashed out at the insects and blocked the Whateleys.

"Amaterasu", said Sasuke.

The Shoggoth was engulfed in black flames that matched it's oil colored mass. It did no scream or wine from the flames, in fact it was as it it was completely unaffected. But the others soon realized a Shoggoth may have been dangerous, but a Shoggoth covered in undying flames was much worse. Sasuke marveled at this. It was as if the Black Flames were it's own creature, destroying the area around it. Naruto smiled. He still remembered the flaming Shoggoth Xel told him about when he fought Orochimaru. Naruto learned that the Shoggoth could be set on fire, but not burned itself. And nothing was worse than a flaming Shoggoth. It did all the Work as Naruto just watched. He turned to Sasuke.

"Prepare to put any fires out, I'll help as well", said Naruto.

Sasuke nodded.

After a moment Whateley, the original one disappeared. Sasuke used his Mangekyo Sharingan to put out the Ebony flames. And Naaruto's psudo-Mangekyo Sharingan proved to be able to put the fires out as well. They surveyed the damage as the flames left the Shoggoth.

"Where he go, he was on wall", said a still slightly off Sakura.

"Not many who know what a Shoggoth is would face it, fewer would face one that was on fire. He left", said Naruto.

"What if he come back, we need kick ass", said Sakura.

She wobbled around.

"We'll be seeing him again", said Naruto.

He shifted to normal and went over to Sakura. He examined her tail.

"Potent, but it will fade with time. Maybe I can speed up the process by cleaning the wound", said Naruto.

She poked Naruto in his head, much to his annoyance. To her his blonde hair had turned into yellow trees that were dancing below a sky of peanut butter.

"Your hair is funny", said Sakura giggling.

Naruto shook his head as he used a simple water jutsu to collect the acidic drug and drop it off to the side. Slowly after several minutes Sakura was back to normal. She was still dizzy but otherwise normal.

"I don't know what he got me with, but I am never going anywhere near his tail", said Sakura as she tried to regain her balance.

"Good idea, I still cannot be sure what new tricks he has learned, if we meet him again we should keep our distance", said Naruto.

"Right, but we need to get back to the matter at hand", said Sasuke.

Naruto nodded.

"When I went Eldritch my Byakugan saw through the walls I know where the entrance is. It looks like they are preparing for something big, and they know we were fighting. We have no choice now. Danzo used the papers to bring Wilbur, we cannot chance anything like that again", said Naruto.

"What do you suggest", asked Sasuke.

Naruto sighed, he did not like what he was about to have to say. But it was for the greater good.

"We go down, and we burn the place", said Naruto.

Sasuke was shocked but otherwise nodded. Sakura ws a bit more hesitant.

"You sure that's a good idea Naruto", asked Sakura.

"There will be death, but I have no doubt they have other exits, and I am certain Danzo will escape. But this way we can rid of anything else they took from me, or at least most of it", said Naruto.

Sasuke smiled.

"What are we waiting for, lets go", said Sasuke.

"You scare me sometimes Sasuke you know that", said a familiar voice.

They turned around to see Herbert waving at them.

"Sup, so what did I miss. nothing important I hope, I hate arriving late to the party", said Herbert.

They simply stared at him.

"What", asked Herbert.

"Why are you here", asked Naruto.

Herbert crossed his arms.

"On yeah, Fishstick wanted to give you something", said Herbert.

He took off his mask and pit two fingers in his mouth and whistled. Suddenly Samehada crawled to Herbert who motioned for it to move to Naruto who picked it up.

"Why were you not holding it", asked Naruto.

"You're kidding right, look at it. It's a sword with scales and teeth. I like my hands thank you very much", said Herbert.

"Why give it to me now", asked Naruto.

"Lack of foresight maybe", said Sasuke.

"Hmmm, well Xel can be absentminded from time to time", said Naruto.

"I do hear goldfish have five second memories", said Sakura.

"Please don't insult the master, he is friend", said Samehada.

Herbert shrugged.

"Fishstick asked me to bring it to you after it got hungry for chakra, He didn't have any to give and no one wanted to touch it. I swear he treats that thing like a baby. Anyway he thought you could use it, but he wants it back. Also he said if you hurt it, he will personally end you. I told him he was being overprotective, he kindly retorted by throwing me into a wall using psychic powers. It was fun actually, until I hit it that is", said Herbert.

Naruto sighed as he hefted the Sword up.

"Well this could help us at least, ready", asked Naruto.

"I am", said Samehada.

Naruto nodded.

"Good luck, we're all counting on you and blah blah blah. I'd stay and help out, but you see I don't want to. Good luck", said Herbert as he walked away.

Naruto sighed again as he left with Sakura and Sasuke following him to the secret entrance, which he smashed open with a single blow from Samehada. Several ROOT agents came to stop them. Samehada didn't even need to hit them to absorb all their chakra, which the sword gorged on. As Naruto nd company went down they did not see as Wilbur Whateley watched them go.

Whateley stood on a nearby roof and watched them descend down into the caverns. His hand laid on the Necronomicon strapped to his side.

"I never expected you to give up a fight so easily Whateley, especially with the Necronomicon so close"

Whateley turned to see a man made of Shadows standing behind him. He observed the being for a short moment.

"Nyarlathotep, I take it I have you to thank for my resurrection", asked Whateley.

"And more child, you see I have need of you. It involves the Uzumaki child", said Nyarlathotep.

"How so, what could I possibly do that you cannot", asked Whateley.

"Have you forgotten so easily who I am. I am the Crawling Chaos, it is beneath me to do anything myself when having others do my bidding is so much more interesting. The Uzumaki child is a project of mine. A new form, but I refuse to have a weak one, I add conflict to make him strong. You are my newest curiosity to do so, but not the only one Whateley", said Nyarlathotep.

Wilburs eyes widened and he backed away from Nyarlathotep.

"Form, then that means he has the First Necronomicon, the original. And you want to make him one of your newer forms. Why, to turn him into a new form is a means to an end. What is that end", asked Whateley.

"It is none of your concern, I sow chaos, you are my newest crop. That is all you need to know. I look forward to the battles ahead, it shall prove interesting", said Nyarlathotep.

And like that the Shadowed Man vanished. Nyarlathotep had done all he set out to do. Whateley would go to great lengths to acquire the True Necronomicon, and Nyarlathotep was eager to see the results.

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