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28.91% Marvel: Impregnation System / Chapter 21: Chapter 21: A Glimpse Into High Society

Chapitre 21: Chapter 21: A Glimpse Into High Society

30 minutes later,

"And that's the last one." Ricky smirked after picking up the last skull ornament from a sniveling teenager holding his bruised face.


The leader started sighing, however instead of being annoyed, he had a wide smile on his face before leaning back in his seat.

"Participant, I congratulate you on achieving a feat that none before you have ever achieved." The leader complimented him, his words prompting small claps from the existing members in acknowledgement of his achievement.

Then the leader gazed upon the morally destroyed participants, a disappointed light flashing in his eyes.

"However you cannot join on your lonesome, there needs to be five participants in total who pass for the semester." The leader hinted at Ricky who raised an eyebrow, understanding his words shortly there after


"My fellow participants, form a line facing me if you want the chance to get ahold of this weird skeleton head." Ricky pulled a skeleton head out of his pocket, pointing to it then at all of the hateful participants shooting glares at him. 

Suddenly, one of the first participants he had stolen from stood up and elegantly walked over to Ricky.

Ricky looked back at one of the council leaders before winking at him, turning back around to the kid who looked around the same age as him.

Then, before the widened eyes of not only the participants but the council members, Ricky handed the skull to the clearly anxious kid.

"Since you were the first to actually believe me, here is your reward." Ricky patted the kid's shoulder as he flinched before looking down at the skeleton in his hand.

The kid looked around before immediately darting forward and past Ricky who didn't even move a inch.

"Participant #29 has passed." The earlier council member snatched the skull from the kid almost instantly after he reached the podium before immediately announcing.

"Haha!" The kid excitedly jumped up and down before receiving a glare from his older brother which quickly shut him up.

"Now do you believe me?" Ricky asked with a smile, prompting shocked participants to look at each other before immediately darting forward. 

Within ten seconds, a line had formed in front of Ricky, each person eager to covet the new skull ornament he had just taken out.

Walking down the line, Ricky side-eyed the council, who watched his actions with enhanced intrigue. 

Ricky eventually stopped, causing the participant in front of him to squirm, turning his eyes to the familiar figure of Maria. 

Blushing, Maria turned away, knowing she had been caught as Ricky started snickering before reaching for her hand.

"Follow my lead, Princess~" Ricky teased in a quiet whisper, causing Maria, who was already embarrassed at being found out, to duck her head in embarrassment. 

He grabbed her hand delicately, placing the skull in it before guiding her over to a sitting council member. 

The council member raised an eyebrow at this interaction but ultimately shrugged, seemingly unconcerned.

"Participant 42 has passed." The council member spoke, and Maria's previously embarrassed smile lit up into an enthusiastic one. 

She was then instructed to sit on the stairs, and Ricky led her over to them before returning to the front of the line he had constructed.

"Now the rest of you lot, get on your knees." Ricky had a thought and suddenly asked as one of the council members started laughing incessantly.

Not even a second passed and seven participants fell to their knees in hopes of acquiring a skull before thirty followed.

However, fifteen individuals upright either refused or didn't care to follow Ricky's instructions as they simply scoffed.

Ricky nodded his head before curiously looking back only to see the disgusted faces of not only the skull and bones members, but their council as well.

"Everyone who had just willingly submitted themselves are hereby disqualified." The leader didn't care what Ricky was up to and swiftly disqualified them.


"But what did we do wrong?"



Shock followed by outrage rippled through the crowd however, before they could vocalize their protests, members of the Skull and Bones stood up. 

Each participant who fell to their knees was guided or dragged out of the room and once the room was cleared, fifteen anxious and relieved members stood before Ricky and the council, awaiting their decision.

"It's kinda like Simon says." Ricky nodded as the leader rubbed his forehead in grief at how these participants were being led around so easily.

"Well, this is getting boring so let's speed it up." Ricky spoke as he took out two skulls before dropping them on the ground.

"Go wild." Ricky encouraged the upcoming fight, laughing as he walked over to where Maria was. 

The fifteen members froze, ready to go wild, but then remembered what the leader had said and looked up at him. 

Each participant flinched as they saw the leader's disgusted gaze, as if he already knew what they were about to do.

"I have an idea on who to decide who passes while we all keep our dignity." A teenager suddenly spoke up as the other fourteen immediately tuned in.

Ricky frowned, his eyebrows scrunching since instead of an all out brawl, they all did a rock paper scissor tournament.

The two who took the skull were the male teenager who had suggested the idea and a random female who was lucky enough to win. 

The leader glanced at Ricky, who seemed indifferent as he didn't care to give the other five skulls still in his pocket. 

Nodding, the leader then looked at his fellow council members, who almost instantly agreed with him without needing to speak as he grabbed his gavel, signaling the end of the meeting.

"And that concludes the 253 first term recruitment." The leader announced throughout the gymnasium while the thirteen failed participants hung their heads in shame.

"However as you followed the code of the Skull and Bones to the utmost sincerity, you will all be invited to the second term recruitment." The leader announced with a smile as the thirteen failed participants' faces lit up in hope for the future. 

"Now please leave the gymnasium." The leader instructed the thirteen of them to quickly leave and they all did as they were told.

Once those thirteen failed participants left, every one of the members including the council started taking off their masks.

"Congratulations Ricky Luciano, Maira Profaci, Tim Lafayette Hunt, Sam Johnson, and Ruth Pesotta to the society of Skull and Bones." The young man announced as clapping resounded from the existing members as the new members all looked thrilled while nodding.

"Please follow us to the congratulatory banquet to be held in all of your honors." The leader stood up along with the rest, escorting them to the celebratory banquet.

Ricky walked a little bit ahead to the leader who was leading the pack while ignoring the clear chain of superiority since only those seated on the council were supposed to walk ahead.

"Ricky Luciano." Ricky introduced himself as the leader's smile before holding out his hand in return.

"Henry Ford II." Henry's words subtly shocked Ricky who shook the hand of the man that would eventually inherit the ford empire.

"That stunt you pulled off was quite something." An arm slung itself around him as a guy smiled cheerfully.

"Jerry Hammer, good to meet ya Ricky." Jerry shook Ricky's hand with a boisterous laugh.

"Nice to meet ya." Ricky recognized that laugh and shook his head, making Jerry snickered at this response.

"Your hilarious Ricky, usually these recruiting events are a snooze fest but I have never laughed once when attending, at least, until you showed up!" Jerry hollered out, finally letting out the laughter he had been keeping in earlier.

"And-HAhAHAHAHAHA!" Jerry was about to say something else when looking to the side as the council member, talking with the new member Tim, scrunched his eyebrows.

"And when you dangled Haroldson's brother over him, I swear, I SWEAR, I almost fell out of my seat trying to contain myself!" Jerry enthusiastically spoke out while speaking towards Haroldson in subtle undertones which made him step forward.

"Although I do not like you Ricky, I respect your actions." Haroldson bluntly spoke before shaking Ricky's hand.

"Haroldson Lafayette Hunt Jr II." Haroldson remarked as Ricky gave him a cheeky smile in response.

Right as the other council members were about to introduce themselves, they saw Henry arrive at two double doors.

"I know that many of you, especially the council, were looking forward to all the events that were supposed to take place today." Henry spoke while eyeing Ricky who simply didn't care in the least at the sudden stares accumulating on his figure.

"But let's fill all that time with the main festivity, the banquet." Henry signaled as the double doors opened to reveal a lavish scenery.

In the center of the room hung a gorgeous chandelier, casting a warm, inviting glow over the scene below. 

The long, outstretched tables were covered in the finest silk, creating an elegant and luxurious atmosphere. 

Upon these tables sat the finest meals, a feast that only the poor could dream of indulging in.

The members of the Skull and Bones funneled into the banquet hall, eager to engage in what this club was intended for in the first place: networking. 

What had started as a simple gathering of the richest 1% at the University of Yale had evolved into something much larger, spreading all over the tri-state area.

Over time, this club had become a rite of passage for the budding offspring of those same 1%, a way to reaffirm their bloodlines through the relationships their parents had once built. 

The banquet was not just a meal; it was a symbol of their status, their privilege, and their power.

"Hello Maria." Ricky popped up right as Maria was about to take some crab, flinching and covering her chest.

"Oh, you scared me Ricky~" Maria let out a breath of relief knowing it was Ricky as she then smiled.

"And thank you." Maria truly thanked Ricky from the bottom of her heart as he waved his hand.

"It's no prob-"

"Not to me it isn't." Maria was dead serious when gazing into Ricky's eyes.

While for some, joining the elite was a chance to climb the social ladder, for her, it was a chance to fulfill the thing she wanted most in this world: friends. 

Despite understanding that her name came with responsibilities and sacrifices, it didn't make the loneliness any less profound as time progressed.

Overtime, Maria started to become accustomed to the loneliness that had created a divide between her and the common girl, leaving her feeling isolated. 

However, upon receiving this invitation, new sparks of hopeful thinking emerged as she considered the chance to make friends.

"Then you are most welcome." Ricky showed a charmed expression while Maria smiled warmly at this before he took a sip of champagne.

"R-Ricky aren't you-"

"I am, but let's keep it a secret between us, alright?" Ricky winked, making a shushing gesture as he downed the champagne.

"Hello Maria, would you mind if I commandeered Ricky here?" Henry popped up out of the blue as Maria once again flinched.

"Oh my apologies." Henry instinctively reached out, only for his hand to be grabbed by Ricky.

Henry raised an eyebrow before understanding what Maria meant to Ricky in almost an instant, nodding his head in realization.

"It's fine, Ricky we'll talk later okay?" Maria nodded before placing a hand on Ricky's arm as he nodded his head while letting Henry lead him away.

"Please forgive me if you thought I was making advances towards your woman." Henry first apologized since at heart, he was a gentleman.

"It's fine, but if you'd spread the word around school that she's taken then it would make me very gracious." Ricky spoke words that made Henry smile with an assuring nod.

"Anyhow, I wanted to introduce you to the rest of the council since they all were interested in your earlier display." Henry gestured as ten people were grouped up though each and everyone of them were staring at Ricky.

"What is the point of this council anyway?" Ricky asked, knowing this stuffy elitist council was something more.

"The council is meant for the most influential members within the club and our positions are held not by seniority but by votes from other members." Henry instructed, Ricky listening in while putting his empty glass on a passing waiter.

"The original purpose of this club is essentially to network with others of the same status. It's the core fundamental of this organization, which is why its inner workings are composed of those who excel at it." Henry explained, gazing at all these men and women that would one day take up notable positions within America.

"Everyone here is guaranteed entrance into the 1% since we are privileged enough to be given this right from birth." Henry continued, knowing it was merely luck that had given him this place in the world, and decided to take full advantage of it.

"But only a few can truly use this privilege to its fullest advantage. The Skull and Bones Society seeks to enhance our collective group, fostering those who can maximize their potential and contribute to our legacy." Henry finished as they arrived at the circle which held the other ten members who intently gazed at Ricky.

"You've already met three of us already so let me introduce the rest." Henry then guided Ricky's view to his closest side.

"This is George Goldman, his father and mother are both integral members of the notorious Goldman Sach group here in New york." Henry introduced as George raised a glass towards Ricky.

"This is Arthur Sears, his father is one of the two founders of Sears Roebuck." Henry gestured to Arthur who gave a nod to Ricky.

"To the left of Arthur is Joseph Hassebrook, his father and the owner and CEO of American Metal." Henry introduced though Joseph showed a scowl to Ricky as he quickly tried to turn Ricky's gaze away from him.

"Right beside Joseph is Betty Eagan and her father is the founder of American cast iron pipe-"

"You best keep yer eyes off my Betty, if you know what's good for you." Joseph let out a drunken remark which showed that his unpleasantness lay within his poor control over alcohol.

"Joseph!" Betty became immediately embarrassed by her drunken fiance as she quickly walked next to him.

Maybe it was a woman's sixth sense but right as she reached his side, he almost collapsed though was propped up due to her being there.

"If ya'll excuse us." Betty chuckled anxiously before walking Joseph to the side while angrily whispering at him.


"This is-"

Henry then promptly introduced three more guys who names and associations that came with them which were:

Randal Palmer: Son of the supreme court justice Mithcell Palmer

Robert F. Wagner ll: Son of the current senator Robert F. Wagner of the third class.

Frank Giillete: Son of the found and owner of United states Rubber


"Ruth Sheffield, charmed~" Ruth stepped forward while subtly pushing Henry to the side while holding out her hand.

"A pleasure, Ruth." Ricky understood and gently picked her hand while kissing it.


[Mission Received: Ruth Steffield]

Difficulty: Medium

Character Sheet: B+

Description: Ruth Steffield, born with a diamond spoons that makes all diamond spoons pale in comparison. From a young age she's got whatever she's desired and all she's ever wanted and right now, she looks like she wants you.

Objective: Give her what she wants and something she never expected to get.

Reward: 50,000 IP

Main Mission:

Impregnante Ruth Once:

Rewards: 100 Gacha or Ruth's Skills

Impregnate Ruth Twice:

Rewards: ?????????

Impregnate Ruth Thrice:

Rewards: ?????????

Additional Missions:

Have Ruth throw away her pride that she always hangs over others(Incomplete)

Reward: Legendary/Epic Coupon

Get Ruth to beg for your cum(Incomplete)

Reward: Epic Item Coupon

Cum Inside all three of Ruth's holes(Incomplete)

Reward: Rare Coupon

Bonus Missions:








"I still can't believe how elegant you were when 'gathering' those skulls, Ricky~" Ruth wasn't even subtle in her filtering as Ricky chuckled.

"Well, I seek to impress." Ricky made a lame joke however Ruth started laughing uncontrollably as if it was the funniest thing she heard in her life.

"Oh Ricky, you're such a riot." Ruth placed a hand on his shoulder as Jerry rolled his eyes.

"Hey Ruth, get your mitts off of him-"


Jerry wanted to talk more with Ricky and maybe get out a laugh or two until he saw that vicious side-eye from Ruth which made him halt all movements.

"Jerry, did I say you could talk to me?" Ruth asked as Jerry realized that she wasn't in any mood to even joke around.

"N-No." Jerry rubbed the back of his neck knowing that messing with Ruth wasn't anything to be taken lightly.

Although his family was prominent in its own right, Ruth's father was arguably the most powerful man in America. 

His steel was used all around the country, boasting the highest return rate in terms of profits out of all the companies of this age. 

To add the cream to the pudding, Ruth's grandfather was John D. Rockefeller, making Ruth practically untouchable.

"Ricky, unlike that fool, you are so interesting." Ruth gently petted Ricky's arm as the latter simply gave her an amused gaze.

"And what's made you so taken to me?" Ricky played along and asked while Ruth gave him a warm smile.

"Well for one thing, you're the heir to the Luciano crime family." Ruth boldly outed Ricky to the rest; however none of these other council members were clueless about his background.

"Oh?" Ricky raised an eyebrow at how unsurprised these people were of his father's actions.

"We're not insulting you or anything Ricky since the mafia is very well known to our class of people." Henry informed Ricky though he wasn't surprised since he was sure that they knew a whole lot more than that.

"Well, don't worry I'm not insulted and to show my good graciousness." Ricky took out a couple of blank cards and pens before scribbling something onto it.

"If you ever find yourself in the Luciano family's territory, show them this card and you'll get VIP treatment." Ricky handed these cards to the current members who were surprised but took the cards nonetheless, except one.

"What if I come to see you?" Ruth edged her finger across the stuck out card, tracing her finger alongside the edges as Ricky shrugged.

"Then give them this card." Ricky's words made the others snicker as Ruth raised an intrigued eyebrow before taking the card.

"Even?" Jerry said one word but the gesture of tapping his nose spoke a whole sentence as Ricky reaffirmed him.

"Anything." Ricky's subtle action raised the others' approval of him.

The conversation afterwards was pleasant as they conversed about tedious subjects.

Maria stood off to the side, emanating a lonely aura as no one approached her. Yet, she wouldn't have given them a second of her time, her eyes longingly fixed on both Ricky and Ruth. 

Maria initially thought Ricky's actions were merely friendly, attributing them to their shared origins.

However, a pain she couldn't explain struck her heart every time she saw Ruth flirtatiously touching Ricky. Suddenly, Maria flinched when Ricky turned in her direction.

Panicking, she tried to hide herself behind a nearby plant, hoping he hadn't noticed her.

"Come here." Ricky suddenly stopped talking with the others while gesturing to her though she still hid behind the plant.


Ricky walked over to the shy girl before dragging her over to the group as she shook her head while letting out a flurry of whispers.

"R-Ricky s-stop-"

"This shy little thing here is Maria Profaci." Ricky suddenly introduced as the other chuckled at her behavior.

"Ruth." Ruth introduced first though her eyes flickered with annoyance but masked it perfectly with a golden smile.

"Maria." Maria whispered, taking Ruth's hand gently before the others' introduction followed.

"Names Jerry but you can call me-Jerry, just call me Jerry." Jerry's tone was smooth until he saw the sharp eyes of Ricky gazing at him, seeing his whole being subtle oozing with with killing intent

Jerry quickly shook Maria's hand before waddling back to his spot, looking to Henry for help, but in return Henry only shook his head in disappointment. 

Gradually, Maria warmed up to the group as Ricky encouraged her out of her shy shell, helping her blossom into an energetic presence. 

An hour passed, and Maria was happily chatting with everyone, including Ruth, with whom she seemed to hit it off. 

Initially, Ruth wanted to assess her competition, but Maria's radiant personality was irresistible. 

Soon, they started a lively, no-boys-allowed girl talk, bonding over shared interests and stories.

"Alright, I better take her home since she probably snuck out to this shindig." Ricky informed the guys as they all gave understanding nods.

"We'll give you the itinerary for all the meetings later so go get her home." Henry patted Ricky's shoulder but before he could leave, he suddenly stopped.

"Before I leave, who was my handler?" Ricky asked as the others smiled while looking at a certain someone.

"Really?" Ricky looked at Henry who shrugged since he had assumed he'd chosen another.

"I'd be a fool not to recommend the man who's so notorious all around the streets of New York city." Henry shrugged, hiding the real intentions but Ricky didn't care to press on the matter before walking over to Maria.

"Maria, it's time for us to go." Ricky placed a hand on her shoulder while gently pulling her away from Ruth's clutches.

"N-No, ten more minutes~" Maria whined, being pulled away from Ruth's clutches but Ricky was firm in his decision.

"Nope, say goodbye." Ricky pulled Maria as she frowned but waved goodbye to her new friend.

Though before they left the lavish banquet, Ricky swiped a bottle of champagne without a care in the world.

"Bye Maria." Ruth waved as her hawk eyes watched the two of them leave before Henry strolled up to her side.

"I see you've found something you like?" Henry raised an eyebrow while taking a sip of his wine.

"No, I found something I want." Ruth's eyes turned to Ricky's departing back as Henry sighed, already knowing what would happen, though his eyes betrayed his outward expression.

"And I always get what I want."

Ricky and Maria left shortly afterwards as he drove her back to the Profaci residence before an armed gunman stopped him.

"Stop your-Princess?" The bodyguard spoke in an intimidating tone before he showed a look of shock.

"Surprise?" Maria chuckled anxiously as the bodyguard stood there stupefied.

"Can we pass now?" Ricky asked the bodyguard who quickly nodded though still looked shocked at Maria outside the compound.

Ricky then drove up to the front of the house before stepping out of the car though right as Maria was about to open the door, he reached it first.

"My lady~" Ricky said in an overly gentlemanly way while sticking out his hand as Maria giggled before taking it.

"Oh why thank you-"


Maria couldn't even finish her words as the door swung open to reveal a stern Profaci crossing both arms.

"Uncy wait-" Maria tried to say something but it was too late as Profaci wasn't in the mood to hear anything.

"Upstairs." Profaci pointed behind her but Maria hesitated after seeing Profaci looking at Ricky.

"Uncy, Ricky only drove me home, I snuck-"

"NOW!" Profaci yelled, causing Maria to flinch before rushing inside the house in the midst of Profaci's anger.

Maria gave Ricky a guilty look but he simply gestured towards her in a reassuring way as she reached inside the house.

Profaci gazed at Ricky for a long time before letting out a deep sigh while reaching for a cigar and lighting it.

"Anything to say?" Profaci asked while lighting his cigar but Ricky simply shrugged.

"Do you really think so lowly of me, to believe that I would disrespect you so boldly by not asking for your permission to take Maria out?" Ricky countered quickly as Profaci wanted to say something before realizing that Ricky's words held some merit.

Profaci had an already very favorable impression of Ricky and willingly showed it so why would he go out of his way to ruin it.

"What happened?" Profaci asked, walking over to Ricky and guiding him over to a nearby bench which looked over his garden fountain.

Ricky didn't care in the least for the secrecy of the bones and skulls society while telling his fellow crime lord the reasoning as Profaci showed an understanding look.

"And you said she made a friend?" Profaci showed a heartfelt smile after hearing the entire story about their adventure.

"Oh I'm sure, they would have talked the whole night if I didn't decide to pluck her then and there." Ricky joked, making Profaci chuckle before grabbing another cigar and handing it to Ricky.

"Don't tell Lucky that I gave you this cuban." Profaci smiled as Ricky took it and took a couple of puffs. 

Profaci's smile grew wider after realizing this cheeky bastard had smoked before, pleased that Ricky already knew what to do and didn't have to give him the rundown.

"You're a good lad." Profaci laughed heartily while tapping his shoulder in affirmation.

"Thanks Uncle." Ricky took another puff as Profaci wiped his eye before standing up.

"If you ever want to take Maria out for a night on the town, just make sure to bring her home before 10." Profaci winked while subtly giving Ricky his blessing before walking back to the mansion.

"Hahahahahaha!" Ricky let out a laugh at the permission granted by the most protective uncle he had ever seen as it felt like an accomplishment in itself.

Standing up, Ricky adjusted himself as he walked towards his Cadillac. He got in and glanced at the passenger seat, where a full bottle of the finest champagne rested.

"Now let's go party."

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