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63.15% Westeros : Echoes of Warframe / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Flames in the Dark

Chapitre 10: Chapter 10: Flames in the Dark

In the shadow of a towering weirwood tree on Skagos, a hunter knelt, clutching his feverish daughter to his chest. His red-rimmed eyes stared desperately at the ancient tree, its carved face seemingly watching over them. The wind howled, a cruel reminder of the cold curse that had stricken his child. All day he had prayed, but as the sun set, his hope dwindled. He began to recount his tale to the silent gods, his voice breaking.

"I left firewood for her while I went hunting," he choked out, his breath visible in the icy air. "But the cold came swiftly, and she ran out. Now the tribe healer says it's a curse, and they've cast us out."

A sudden, wrenching cry tore from his throat, echoing through the forest. He slammed his fists into the frozen ground, tears streaming down his face. "Help me!" he shouted at the weirwood, his voice raw with desperation.

As if in answer, the leaves of the weirwood ignited, their red and gold hues dancing in the twilight. The hunter fell back, shielding his daughter, as a boy barely thirteen years old dropped from the branches. He had hair as dark as the night and eyes that shone like stars.

"Your gods might not help you," the boy said, his voice calm and confident. "But I can, if you swear fealty to me."

The hunter, too desperate to question, nodded fervently. "I swear my sword and life. My name is Xerna."

The boy smiled, a flicker of power in his gaze. "I am Maximus Mormont."

With a gesture, Maximus initiated a magical oath, binding Xerna to him. A circle of pale light surrounded them, tendrils of energy weaving intricate patterns in the air. Xerna's eyes widened in awe as he felt the magic settle over him like a mantle. Maximus showed Xerna visions of the future—destruction of the world and another future of his daughter running and laughing in a city built by Maximus, their lives transformed by the power of Sthira. Maximus also infused him with twenty units of magical energy.

"It's just the flu," Maximus said, relief softening his features after scanning Xerna's daughter. He administered an immunity shot to the girl, making a mental note to give one to Lyanna as well. She had played in the cold the day before. Maximus helped Xerna to his feet and guided him to his Kaithe, the bone-white horse shimmering in the dying light.

"Follow me," Maximus instructed. "I'll take you to safety."

They rode across the island to the hidden buildings where Maximus had spent the last six months building training facilities for his future men. Inside, he settled Xerna and his daughter, promising to talk in the morning.

Dawn of a New Plan

The next day, Maximus awoke, reflecting on the past six months. He had focused on building a training ground for thirty men, while Dacey learned from Ordis and he trained in the Simulacrum, mastering various weapons. The only significant mission had been sending Helios to the Citadel to scan all their books, a task nearly complete.

Maximus found Dacey poring over city plans inspired by Warframe's open worlds. "I brought a hunter from Skagos," he said. "He was in despair holding his sick daughter, so I healed his daughter. Ordis, make sure Lyanna gets an immunity shot by the end of the day."

Dacey nodded, setting aside her plans. "Let me change and gather some food for them."

Maximus grabbed a bag of fruits and dried meat, and together they flew to Xerna's side of the island. Xerna's eyes widened at the sight of the Kaithe, its bone-white form glinting in the sunlight.

"This is Dacey," Maximus introduced. "She's been instrumental in our efforts."

Xerna bowed slightly, respect evident in his gaze. "It's an honor."

"We need to prepare for the future," Dacey began, her tone serious. "You've seen a vision of destruction. We must unite the tribes to build a base."

Maximus projected plans for a small city, blending the aesthetics of Cetus and Duviri. The holographic display shimmered with detailed images of sleek buildings and lush gardens. Xerna was stunned. "It won't be easy," he admitted. "The three tribes of Skagos have their own ways, and one in particular will be a challenge."

Dacey raised an eyebrow. "Which one?"

Xerna sighed, a look of unease crossing his face. "The smallest tribe, the Cannibals of the East. They are twenty or so, led by a powerful warg named Svara. She controls two ravens, said to communicate with the Three-Eyed Raven himself. They are deeply mistrustful of outsiders."

Maximus nodded thoughtfully. "We must start with the other two tribes. If we can bring them under our influence, we may have a better chance of convincing the cannibals."

Xerna agreed. "The two larger tribes, the Wolf's Fang and the Stone Hoof, have their own customs but they are not beyond reason. We can start with a few hunter friends of mine and then approach their leaders."

Maximus pondered for a moment, his mind racing with strategies. "We will need to show them what we can offer—protection, resources, and a vision of the future. We can use the magic I've shown you to convince them."

Dacey added, "But the old ways must go. The priests and healers who cling to the past will be the hardest to sway."

"Indeed," Xerna said, his eyes narrowing. "The Cannibal Tribe's priests and healers are particularly entrenched. They fear change more than anything. We will need a different approach with them, perhaps something more... persuasive."

Maximus projected a detailed plan of the envisioned city, its architecture a blend of Cetus and Duviri. "This is what we aim to build—a place where your daughter can run free and laugh, where our people can thrive."

Xerna's eyes widened at the sight. "It looks like a dream. But Svara and her tribe will not be swayed by visions alone. We must be prepared for conflict if necessary."

Maximus nodded. "We will give them a week to consider after the message. In the meantime, we will arm ourselves and gather allies. Here," he handed Xerna a set of Mormont cloud steel weapons from Bear Island's treasury, "these should help."

As they departed, Ordis informed Maximus of a breakthrough in the Citadel data. They headed to their control room, their war room, where Ordis displayed letters revealing a conspiracy.

 Unveiling the Conspiracy

Ordis began displaying a series of letters.

The first letter was from Olenna Tyrell to Tywin Lannister. Her words were sharp and cunning, reflecting her ruthless nature.


Lord Tywin Lannister,

I trust this letter finds you in good health and sharp mind, for it is with great urgency and cunning that I write to you. The young whelp, Maximus Mormont, poses a significant threat to our mutual interests. His innovations, particularly his new steel and preservation methods, are undermining our markets and weakening our hold on the economy of Westeros.

The Reach cannot afford to be diminished by a child from Bear Island. However, there is an opportunity to make ourselves stronger here. We must act swiftly and decisively. The wildlings north of the Wall and the boys fathers past presents a credible threat and opportunity we can manipulate to justify an attack. The North must be convinced of the necessity of this action, and it is here that our efforts can be united.

Leverage the wildling threat to sway the Northern lords, especially that fool Eddard Stark. Promise him protection and the salvation of his people. He will be swayed by honor and duty, as he always is. Furthermore, we can ensure that the fruits of our labor will remain ours alone. A share of 100,000 gold worth of food sent to the West as a token of good will to solidify our agreement.

I trust your cunning will see it done, Lord Tywin. Our families' futures depend on the swift removal of this boy and his dangerous ambitions.

Olenna Tyrell

Maximus's fists clenched as he read the next letter, this one from Tywin Lannister to Roose Bolton. The cold, calculated tone of Tywin's words was unmistakable.

Casterly Rock

Lord Roose Bolton,

I trust this letter finds you well and ready for action. Our mutual interest in curbing the growing influence of House Mormont requires immediate and decisive measures. The boy, Maximus, has proven to be more than a mere annoyance. His innovations, particularly the Mormont steel, pose a significant threat to the established order and our way of life.

I propose leveraging the wildling threat and his past to justify a united Northern assault. Your expertise in discreet matters will be invaluable and might potentially reward you with part of his businesses. It is imperative that we create a narrative that will bring the Northern houses together against the Mormont boy.

To this end, I suggest the following steps: Use the threat of the wildlings to rally the North. Ensure that Stark believes this threat is imminent and that the boy's actions are exacerbating it. We must make Stark see that the boy's innovations are a façade and that he like his father is a threat to his family and his people. The honor he so vehemently stands by would make him take up arms.

You will find enclosed detailed instructions and funds to support our efforts. This is a delicate matter, but I trust in your capability to handle it with the utmost discretion and effectiveness.

Our future depends on our success. Failure is not an option.

Tywin Lannister

Maximus's anger simmered as Ordis continued, detailing how maesters from the Citadel had begun sending letters to each other. The next letter was from the maester of Bear Island, a betrayal from within his own house.

Bear Island

To the esteemed Maesters of the Citadel,

It is with great concern that I write to you regarding the developments on Bear Island. The boy, Maximus Mormont, has shown a remarkable aptitude for innovation, surpassing anything seen in recent history. His inventions, including Mormont steel and advanced preservation techniques, pose a significant disruption to the balance of power in Westeros.

Maximus is highly secretive about his processes and holds tightly to the knowledge of these new technologies. However, there are indications that he is developing even more destructive inventions that could threaten our very creed and vision for the future of Westeros. His disregard for the natural order and the potential consequences of his actions cannot be underestimated.

It is imperative that we take steps to remove this threat. We must ensure that the North sees the necessity of this action and that Maximus's downfall is swift and decisive.

For the sake of Westeros and the preservation of our way of life, we must act without hesitation.

Maester Eustace of Bear Island

Maximus's eyes darkened further as he absorbed the enormity of the conspiracy. "Let's burn them down, every single one of them," he growled. "Ordis, prepare heavy explosives. We'll bomb them all."

"Stop!" Dacey shouted, stepping between Maximus and Ordis. "Don't lose your cool. You're meant to save the known world, not make a mountain of corpses. We can't kill them all."

Ordis displayed one final letter. It was from King Robert Baratheon to Eddard Stark, the words heavy with command.

King's Landing


I write to you with grave news and a heavy heart. Information has come to me from various sources, including my Master of Whispers and the maesters, regarding the actions of Maximus Mormont. It appears the boy is not only involved in dangerous innovations but is also entangled in the vile practice of slave trade, much like his father.

Though I hold the words of the grey rats and the spider in contempt, there is too much smoke for there not to be a fire. This boy's actions threaten the stability of the realm and the honor of the North. I cannot sit idly by while such treachery unfolds. Therefore, I am commanding you to take immediate action against Maximus Mormont.

This is not a request, Ned. I will not see the North fall to ruin or dishonor. You are to mobilize your forces and bring this boy to heel. Should you need more men, I will ride North myself to smash the bear's head. The boy must be dealt with soon and decisively.

Do not fail me in this, Ned. The realm depends on it.

Robert Baratheon

Maximus read the letter, his fury reaching a boiling point. "They will pay for this," he said through gritted teeth. "Every single one of them."

Maximus took a deep breath, his rage barely contained. "They plotted against us, Dacey. They deserve to burn."

"I know," she said softly, placing a hand on his arm. "But we need to be smarter. Tell me about the future visions, Max."

Maximus hesitated, then began to recount the events of the first five seasons. "Jon Arryn is meant to die in 298 AC. We have five years until the Red Comet appears in 299 AC."

Dacey nodded thoughtfully. "This future is the one without the goddess interference, Now it might have changed we can only use it as a introduction to the players. We're not going to interfere with the Seven Kingdoms for three years. If you need to sate your anger, bomb the Citadel. We don't need the grey rats for the future. The following chaos would divert their attention from the wall and corners of the realm to make moves. The rest must play their roles."

"The Queen of Thorns would be more in need of power now," Maximus mused. "She might try to sell her granddaughter early since we've affected them so much. The Lion might facilitate that, especially after we killed Lord Bolton and the crazy bastard."

"We need Dorne," Dacey said. "It's a poisonous ally, but we can make them swear oaths promising revenge."

Maximus nodded. "Let me go tomorrow to grab Daenerys. She's young now; we can teach her to be better. She shows promise. From the grey rats' letters, they're in Braavos now, and the old man Darry might die in a year."

Dacey agreed. "And what of the beggar prince?"

Maximus's eyes hardened. "I don't need a mad dog."

Maximus turned to Ordis. "Send Helios there after its task in the Citadel. We need eyes and ears in Braavos."

Dacey placed a reassuring hand on Maximus's shoulder. "Be careful, Max. Take care of the girl. Don't scare her too much."

Dacey looked at him, her expression a mix of concern and determination. "Then while you are away I'll go through the building plans of the citadel, It's better to take it down in one go. Make them understand the consequences of their actions."

Maximus nodded, his resolve hardening. "Let's make them remember why they should fear the North."





I've been super busy lately, but I finally got some time to play Warframe again. I spotted some potential Warframes that might be perfect for the plot. I'm thinking Max and Dacey should get Duviri weapons. I wanted max to get sun & moon cause dual wielding is sick af and haven't decided one for Dacey yet

As for Daenerys, she would be like how she was in the beginning on the first 3 seasons. Well, my personal opinion on the show after season 5 is AU by D&D because that shit doesn't make sense.

After playing Jade Shadows, I realized that bringing in overpowered villains might ruin the plot. Instead, I think we should stick with some mid-level candidates. Plus, the boy's going to need resources to build a city from somewhere, right?

 Drop some Reviews or comments on your thoughts. 

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