Around twenty carriages, shrouded in a thick black fog that concealed their occupants, rumbled through the desert, pulled by lizard-like beasts with blistered skin and cloaked in dark energy. These creatures, resembling the undead, snarled and snapped their jaws as they strained to haul the massive carriages across the desolate sands.
The dark energy surrounding the caravan formed a dome, expanding outward like a cloud, trailing their every move as if it were a living entity. With each step the monstrous beasts took, the desert seemed to rot further, as though their very presence was spreading a plague through the barren land.
Instantly, the comments section exploded with reactions.
"Wow… They look incredible!"
"Galactron, their Guild Master, is the Necromancer."
"How can an undead army even survive under the sun for that long?"
"Didn't you see that massive dome-shaped dark barrier following them?"
"Yeah, what is that?"
Will Broken take the bait, or is Maylock about to pull out one of his famous 10-step strategies to shut this down?
Let me know what you’d do in Broken’s shoes!
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