Broken inspected the map and noticed that at the end of the cave corridor was a large chamber with a pair of massive doors slightly ajar. His new skill, Treasure Sense, pointed it out to him, proving just how useful the skill was in situations like this.
"Those huge doors," Broken thought, "there must be something extraordinary down here, especially since this cave should only have minerals for mining."
"Let me check what's in there first," Alora said.
"Princess," Broken called after her.
Alora turned towards him. "Don't worry, I won't be reckless," she promised, before heading towards the large chamber.
As she entered, her silhouette was visible from a distance; she only peeked from the edge of the cave corridor, not venturing too far in. After a brief moment, she turned back and motioned for the others with a wave of her hand.
"Come on, it looks safe," she said.
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