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28.57% Dragon Ball Z Dynasty / Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Bardock vs. Vegeta

Chapitre 6: Chapter 6: Bardock vs. Vegeta

A few minutes earlier, the Gizard Wasteland

Vegeta hit the ground with a heavy thud, sliding on his back and eventually collapsing into a tumble. The prince rolled along the ground, catching a rock with his hand and using it to get himself back to his feet. He skidded to a halt and then looked at the sky with disdain. Vegeta sneered and fired a massive Shine Shot into the sky. Bardock, coming in for a hot landing, cursed under his breath and fired a blast to his right, using it to propel himself out of the way of Vegeta's fireball. Bardock landed on a rocky spire across from Vegeta and the two Saiyans glared at each other.

A long pause followed.

After a few moments of dusting himself off and surveying the damage to his armor, Vegeta glared over at Bardock and smiled. "I must admit, for a piece of low-class trash, you've managed to become quite a bit stronger, Bardock. What hole have you been cowering in for the past 20 years to gain such strength?"

Bardock snarled and spat at Vegeta. "As if I'd ever hide from a spoiled brat like you!"

Vegeta raised a placating hand. "Now, now. Don't get testy. I'm not trying to insult you, I'm genuinely impressed. So impressed, in fact, that I might actually consider replacing Nappa's useless ass with you if you'll hear me out..."

As Vegeta droned on, Bardock looked over the damage that he had managed to do. Other than scuffing the prince's clothes and cracking the armor on his stomach, Bardock's surprise attack had done very little. Vegeta might have been slightly injured in the initial scuffle, but it didn't bother him at all.

Bardock narrowed his eyes and began to mull over what he would have to do. Having learned to sense Ki signatures while with King Kai, Bardock determined that Vegeta and him were close to each other with Bardock at 16,000 and Vegeta sitting slightly higher at 18,000. Bardock would be able to hold him for a bit, but Kakarot and Raditz would need to show up to finish him off safely.

Vegeta frowned. "I grow tired of this farce. It is time you remember your place, you low-class scum! Face the power of a super elite, and the Prince of all Saiyans!"

The Prince clenched his fists and began focusing his energy. Quickly, Vegeta's power began erupting with a vile intensity. The rubble around them began levitating in the air, and the clouds in the area were quickly dispersed. With a final roar, Vegeta's power unleashed a mighty gust that Bardock struggled to maintain his footing against.

As Bardock reevaluated the situation, Vegeta's strength was now surging at what felt like 20,000 to him. He gripped his fist tight and sighed. Once again, he launched forward hoping to catch Vegeta off guard, but the prince was prepared. He smirked and grabbed Bardock by the wrist, heaving the older Saiyan into the sky and slamming him onto his back. He launched a fist forward, but Bardock caught it and held tight. He threw out his hand and fired a barrage of ki blasts at Vegeta, doing light damage to the prince. Vegeta snarled, annoyed, and kicked Bardock hard in the side, smashing him into a rocky spire.

Bardock coughed up blood and tumbled down to the ground. He quickly pushed himself up and wiped his mouth, whipping another large blast at Vegeta and catching the prince on his right arm. Vegeta's armor was wrecked and his arm numb. Bardock was pissing him off!

Vegeta flew forward and punched Bardock hard in the stomach. Bardock shuddered in pain, but he grabbed Vegeta's wrist again and twisted the prince mid-air. Vegeta sneered as his foe kicked him in the face several times before pulling Vegeta under him and using his falling momentum to grind the younger Saiyan into the ground. Bardock flipped off of Vegeta and drew his hand back. With a roar, Bardock shot forth a massive Riot Javelin.

Vegeta stood and glared, but didn't back down. Taking a deep breath, the prince took the attack head on. The energy of the blast engulfed him, but Vegeta smirked. He drew out his own power and overwhelmed Bardock's energy with his own, taking control of the blast and reversing it, firing it back at Bardock.

Bardock's eyes widened and he was barely able to cross his arms in front as some sort of meager defense before the blast connected and sent him flying back, burying him in rubble.

Vegeta glared down at the rubble pile with a sour look on his face and watched as Bardock, blood pouring from his nose and mouth, pulled himself back to his feet. Bardock smirked and he heaved for breath. "Is... that all you have... runt?!"

Vegeta was livid as he angrily loomed over Bardock. The lower class Saiyan was powerful, yes, but Vegeta still stood clearly above him. The prince was dirty and scuffed, but he glared down at Bardock with prideful contempt. "I will give you this, trash... you are certainly a lot stronger than Nappa."

Vegeta stepped forward and aimed a charged blast at Bardock. "Now, I give you an option as the second strongest being on this planet...you can either join me, the strongest being on this planet, or you can die!"

Vegeta snarled at Bardock. "Make your choice!"

Bardock, bruised and battered, stood up and glared at Vegeta. No matter what the prince thought, this fight wasn't over yet. Vegeta roared at Bardock. "Well?! Speak up!"

Bardock glared up at Vegeta and gave a blunt response. "Kaioken!"

Vegeta's left eye twitched. "Kaio... wha--?"

Bardock launched at Vegeta like a missile and buried his foot into the prince's stomach. Vegeta coughed up a jet of blood and went flying back. Bardock zipped past the prince's speeding body and stopped behind him, using another hefty kick to smash Vegeta into the ground.

The older Saiyan roared and flew down towards Vegeta. He landed knee-first on Vegeta's ribs and savored the Prince's groan. Then, he grabbed his opponent by the arm and tossed him as hard as he could into a rocky encampment.

Bardock raced after him. While he soon began feeling the Kaioken stain him again, he ignored it. He smiled as he gave chase! Saiyans lived for risk and challenge! They craved it! They only ever improved under it! That stupid Kai had no idea what he was talking about! Bardock would beat this little brat all by himself!

Bardock caught up to Vegeta and stopped the prince's incoming punch short. He twisted Vegeta's wrist until the bones cracked and then he punched Vegeta in the face. Followed by another. And then again! Finally, he whipped Vegeta around and kicked him into the air.

Bardock gave chase again. He was ready! The next hit would finish this fight and then Bardock could begin his new life. He could improve, he could grow stronger, he could use this power to kill Frieza himself without the need for Kakarot's help!

Bardock coated himself in Ki and roared. "Tyrant Lance-"

And then everything stopped. A shudder ran up Bardock's body and twisted energy erupted from his frame. A jet of blood erupted from Bardock's mouth and he fell from the sky like a rock, smashing hard into the ground.

Vegeta growled as he shakily pushed himself up. He glared down at Bardock and watched as the older Saiyan struggled to endure the pain. Just what the hell was this piece of low-class trash playing at?!

On the ground, Bardock grunted and snarled as he tried to will his muscles to work with him. His entire body was killing him, out of nowhere, and he just didn't know why. "D-Dammit... What the hell...?!"

In Bardock's head, King Kai scolded him. "I told you to stop! You have no idea how the Kaioken actually works! You're just copying what you saw your sons learn, you fool! Going in one direction for so long was one thing, but now you've overloaded and overstrained your body from all your excessive and erratic movements!"

Bardock grunted and shook his head. Eventually, the pain subsided... mostly. He stared up at Vegeta and he could see it on the prince's face, the period of Bardock winning was over. Now, Vegeta was just furious. The prince gripped his fist tight, making his broken armor pulsate. With his other hand, Vegeta reached up and wiped his face, grimacing at the sight of so much red on his crisp, white glove. "You..."

Vegeta narrowed his eyes. "I'll kill you..."


Vegeta flew up to the sky, energy erupting from his body. Twisting his body around, the prince glared down at Bardock. "You could have joined me! We could have ruled this entire universe together! NOW YOU DIE!"

Vegeta roared as loud as he could. "GALICK GUN! FIRE!"

Bardock watched as the massive beam of energy came straight at him. "... Shit."

He gripped his aching fist and glared at the approaching beam. Bardock knew that if that beam hit the planet it might not destroy it, but it would damage it irreparably.


He was in pain, now doubling his power output. He would probably die... but he had to keep Vegeta from ruining this planet. Bardock drew his hand back, charging a blast, and then he fired. "RIOT JAVELIN!"

Bardock's blast hit Vegeta's and the two beams of energy began to struggle against one another. Bardock was pumping all of his power into the blast, tearing up the muscles in his arm. Vegeta was clearly stronger than him, but that didn't matter to Bardock. He had to hold the volatile Prince back.

However, Vegeta was relentless. He pushed harder and harder into the blast and smiled wickedly as Bardock slowly began to give ground. In mere moments, this low-class scum would know oblivion and Vegeta would have the last laugh.

Bardock's knees began to buckle. He was about to give out. Overusing the Kaioken, a technique that he didn't know well, was a mistake only a damned fool would make. Bardock was struggling to keep his arm steady. He had to hold out just a bit longer. Just a little bit longer.

The Galick Gun began to overtake him and Bardock's eyes slowly shut. But he had to hold out for just... a tiny bit...

The sounds of two sets of feet landing on either side caused Bardock to open his eyes. He looked to his left and to his right and smirked. "You brats are too damn slow..."

Goku twisted his hands to his side and began to chant. "Ka...me...ha...me..."

On the other side, Raditz held up a single hand. "Shining..."

Goku and Raditz both called out and added onto their father's blast. "HA!" "FRIDAY!"

Vegeta shuddered as, from some force he couldn't see, his Galick Gun was halted. He snarled. "What the hell?!"

Bardock got back up and began to push more energy into his blast as well. Goku and Raditz both turned to each other and nodded, and then they both glared back at the Galick Gun and shouted in unison.

Goku and Raditz pushed back against Vegeta's Galick Gun very hard. The prince recoiled in horror. "Wh-What...?!"

Vegeta had no time to react as not only did the Kamehameha, the Shining Friday, and the Riot Javelin smash right into him, but also his own Galick Gun. The combination of the four blasts sent him soaring high into the air, above the clouds, and then they exploded in a bevy of multi-colored lights.

As the smoke cleared, Raditz and Goku both smiled at one another. Goku chuckled and glanced over at Bardock. "Nice job holding him off for so long, Da-"

Bardock collapsed to his knees and screamed at the top of his lungs. "GODDAMMIT!"

The smile instantly left the brothers' faces as they knelt next to their ailing father. Raditz cried out. "Father! What's wrong?!"

Bardock clutched his aching, convulsing body. "Shit... that was a bad idea. A really bad idea... DAMMIT!"

Bardock smashed his fist into the ground. "DAMMIT!"

Goku smiled. "Don't worry. Just need to get you a Senzu from Korin, and you'll be fine."

As Goku and Raditz gathered around Bardock to try and help him to his feet, Gine landed behind them. She walked up with an annoyed look on her face. Goku turned to her. "Mom! Something's wrong with-"

Gine sighed and delivered a light slap to back of Bardock's head. She watched and shook her head as her husband fell to the ground screaming in pain. "Ya see, Bardock? This is why you listen when someone tells you something! Overuse of the Kaioken can destroy your body! 50% in a straight line is one thing, but DOUBLING your power, and with such erratic movements will quickly overstain your body without proper control of your Ki. King Kai would have told you that if you would have bothered to consult him."

Bardock grunted as he looked away from his wife in embarrassment. "L-Lay off. We managed to take out Vegeta. Ain't that worth-"

A fresh surge of pain erupted through Bardock and he howled in pain. Gine took a sterner look with her husband. "See?! You need to be more careful!"

Bardock convulsed on the ground and the brothers flinched.

Gine looked up at the sky and gently smiled. "You have to be more careful, Bardock... I want you and I to live long enough to enjoy this beautiful, blue sky togeth..."

Gine stopped speaking. Bardock, Goku, and Raditz all stared over at her as she started to lightly pulse. Raditz cautiously stood up. "M-Mom...?"

Goku carefully stepped towards Gine. "Mom, are you okay?"

Walking around her to see her face, Goku recoiled in shock at Gine's eyes. Her pupils had gone from standard black to bright pink. Her chest was heaving in and out as her eyes stayed locked on the sky. Goku flinched back. Raditz was shocked. "Father, what's going on?!"

Immediately, Bardock shot up. He slapped his hands over Raditz and Gine's eyes and squeezed his tightly shut. Goku turned and stared up in the sky, cocking his head. "What is that glowing orb?"

Raditz gasped. "It must be a Power Ball! But that means-"

Suddenly, the Power Ball exploded. Goku was confused. "Something just blew up that energy ball..."

The Saiyan from Earth instantly entered a battle stance. "That Vegeta guy must still be alive!"

Bardock removed his hands from Raditz and Gine's faces. Gine fell to the ground in a cold sweat. "Yeah. That was a Power Ball. That can only mean that-"

Raditz entered a combat stance as well. "D-Dammit..."

Aching, but aware of what was coming, Bardock tried to will some life back into his aching, numb body. "This isn't good..."

Gine stood up and Goku backed up to her. "What's going on?! I suddenly feel such a massive power. This is unreal!"

Gine entered a fighting stance as well. "Prince Vegeta has turned into an Oozaru..."

Goku turned to his mother. "What does that mean?!"

Suddenly a deep, grave voice rumbled from the heavens. "That means..."

And then, dropping from the sky like a lead weight, Vegeta's massive Oozaru form, towering at over 100 meters, crushed the stone surface beneath its feet. The giant monkey evilly sneered down at his tiny foes. "... THIS IS END FOR YOU!"

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