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Chapitre 16: Chapter 15

The day before the arrival of the candidates for the Scarlet Shadows, anticipation and nervousness hung thick in the air. Rhaenyra could hardly focus on anything else, her thoughts consumed by the impending visit of the Velaryon family. It had been a long time since she had last seen them, not since the somber occasion of her mother, Queen Aemma's funeral.

Standing at the gates of the Red Keep, the welcoming party included Jaehaerys, Rhaenyra, Daemon, Rhea, Vaelar, Garth, Myrcella, and Melony. Lord Corlys Velaryon was already present, his eyes bright with eagerness to be reunited with his family. The sky overhead was clear, save for the three approaching dragons: Meleys, the Red Queen, ridden by Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon; Seasmoke, with Laenor Velaryon astride; and Vhagar, the ancient and formidable dragon, carrying Laena Velaryon.

The dragons landed gracefully in the courtyard, their massive forms dwarfing everything around them. The Velaryons dismounted, and the party approached the welcoming group with regal poise.

Jaehaerys stepped forward to greet them, his presence commanding attention. "Lady Rhaenys, Laena, Laenor," he said, his voice warm and welcoming. "It's an honor to have you here."

Rhaenys, with her characteristic poise, nodded in acknowledgment. "Prince Jaehaerys, it's good to see you again under more pleasant circumstances."

As Laena's eyes fell upon Jaehaerys, she felt a flutter of excitement. There he stood, the rider of Gaelithox, the only dragon larger than her own Vhagar. The beginnings of a crush stirred within her, yet she was acutely aware of his betrothal to Rhaenyra, to whom she also felt an inexplicable attraction.

Laena smiled, a touch of shyness in her expression. "Prince Jaehaerys," she greeted softly, her gaze lingering on him.

Rhaenyra stepped forward, her heart pounding. "Welcome to the Red Keep," she said, her voice steady despite her nerves. "It's been too long."

Rhaenys gave Rhaenyra a warm smile. "Indeed, it has, Princess. We've missed you."

Laenor, ever the charmer, added, "The Red Keep looks even grander than I remembered. And you, Rhaenyra, have grown into a fine young woman."

Rhaenyra blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thank you, Laenor. And you seem to have grown more charming with time."

At that moment, Corlys stepped forward, his face breaking into a broad smile as he saw his family. "Rhaenys, Laena, Laenor," he greeted, his voice filled with warmth. "It's been too long."

Rhaenys smiled back at her husband, her eyes twinkling with affection. "Corlys, it's good to be back."

Daemon, standing beside Rhea, couldn't help but notice the awkwardness between his wife and the guests. Determined to ease the tension, he stepped forward. "Rhaenys, it's good to see you again cousin. And to meet your dragons once more," he said with a grin.

Rhea, standing close to Daemon, managed a polite smile. "Welcome," she said, her tone courteous but distant.

Vaelar, Garth, Myrcella, and Melony watched the interactions with interest, understanding the significance of the Velaryon family's visit. They knew this meeting was more than just a reunion; it was a step towards forging stronger alliances.

As the formal greetings concluded, Jaehaerys led the group towards the interior of the Red Keep. "We have much to discuss and catch up on. Please, join us inside," he invited.

As they walked, Laena found herself walking beside Rhaenyra. "The last time we met was at the funeral," Laena said softly, her eyes reflecting a mixture of sorrow and warmth.

Rhaenyra nodded, her heart aching at the memory. "Yes, it was a difficult time for all of us. I'm glad we can meet under better circumstances now."

Laena smiled, a hint of something more in her eyes. "I'm looking forward to spending more time with you, Rhaenyra."

Rhaenyra returned the smile, feeling a strange but pleasant flutter in her chest. "As am I, Laena."

As the group made their way into the Red Keep, the air buzzed with the promise of new alliances and the rekindling of old friendships, setting the stage for the days to come.

As the group settled in a grand hall for some refreshments, the servants moved efficiently, ensuring everyone had a drink and a plate of delicacies. The atmosphere was one of cautious optimism, each person keenly aware of the significance of this gathering. Conversations were polite, if a bit restrained, with old acquaintances being renewed and new bonds forming.

The doors opened, and King Viserys entered the hall, his presence commanding immediate attention. He walked with a purposeful stride towards his cousin Rhaenys, a warm smile breaking across his face. The tension that once marked their relationship, stemming from their rivalry for the Iron Throne, seemed to have softened over time.

"Cousin," Viserys greeted warmly, extending his hands to Rhaenys. "It has been far too long."

Rhaenys stood, her demeanor regal and composed. "Indeed, it has, Your Grace," she replied, a genuine smile gracing her lips as she took his hands. "It's good to see you."

Viserys' smile widened, his eyes reflecting the relief and happiness he felt at this reunion. "And you, as well, Rhaenys. Please, sit. We have much to discuss and celebrate."

As they took their seats, Viserys addressed the group, his tone genial. "Welcome, all of you. It is a pleasure to have you here at the Red Keep. Our family has faced many challenges, but gatherings like this remind me of the strength and unity we possess."

Corlys, seated beside his wife, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Your Grace. It is good to be here, and we are honored by your hospitality."

Viserys turned to Jaehaerys and Rhaenyra, his gaze softening with familial pride. "And have you both been showing proper Targaryen hospitality to our esteemed guests?"

Jaehaerys smiled, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Of course, brother. We have ensured that everything is prepared to the highest standards."

Rhaenyra, her earlier nerves dissipating, added, "We've done our best to make everyone feel welcome and strengthen our bonds with our extended family."

Viserys' eyes twinkled with approval. "Good, good. And you, Laena, Laenor? How was your journey?"

Laenor, ever the diplomat, answered first. "It was smooth, Your Grace. Seasmoke enjoyed the flight."

Laena, still slightly shy but encouraged by the welcoming atmosphere, added, "Vhagar too. It's wonderful to be here."

Viserys' gaze lingered on Laena, noticing her budding confidence. "Your presence adds great strength to our house, Laena. Vhagar is a mighty ally."

Laena blushed slightly, nodding in acknowledgment. "Thank you, Your Grace."

Rhaenys took this moment to address Viserys directly. "It is clear that you have been taking great care of the realm, Viserys. The Red Keep is as magnificent as ever."

Viserys chuckled softly. "I do my best, with the support of my family and council." He glanced at Corlys, his expression turning serious for a moment. "Speaking of support, Corlys, your contributions to the realm are invaluable. Your leadership and the strength of House Velaryon are deeply appreciated."

Corlys inclined his head, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Thank you, Your Grace. We all strive for the prosperity and stability of the realm."

The conversation flowed smoothly, the initial tension giving way to a more relaxed and congenial atmosphere. As they shared stories and laughter, the bonds between them strengthened, setting a hopeful tone for the future.

As the evening progressed, Viserys decided it was time to broach the subject that had brought the entire Velaryon clan to King's Landing. He cleared his throat, drawing the group's attention.

"My dear family," Viserys began, his tone serious yet warm, "I have called you all here to discuss a matter of great importance to our house and the realm."

Lord Corlys and Rhaenys exchanged a glance, both of them expecting a proposal for Laena's betrothal to the king. They had long hoped for such a union to solidify their family's standing.

"I know this may come as a surprise," Viserys continued, his gaze sweeping over the gathered family, "but I believe it is time to discuss the future of our house and the potential alliances that will strengthen our claim to the throne and ensure the stability of the realm."

Rhaenys, ever perceptive, leaned forward slightly, her expression a mix of curiosity and expectation. "What exactly do you propose, Your Grace?" she asked, her eyes flicking briefly to Laena.

Viserys took a deep breath, his eyes meeting Jaehaerys's. "I propose a betrothal between Jaehaerys and Laena Velaryon," he announced, the words hanging in the air for a moment. "In addition to his existing betrothal to Rhaenyra."

Lord Corlys and Rhaenys exchanged surprised looks, clearly having anticipated a different proposal. Laena, sitting between her parents, felt a rush of mixed emotions – surprise, excitement, and a burgeoning hope. She stole a glance at Jaehaerys, whose calm demeanor gave her a sense of reassurance.

Jaehaerys nodded solemnly. "I am prepared to fulfill my duty to the realm and to our family," he said, his voice steady. "If this union is what is best for us all, then I am willing to embrace it."

Rhaenyra, feeling a renewed sense of determination and understanding the strategic importance of this alliance, added, "We must do what is necessary to secure our future. Together, we can ensure the strength and legacy of our house."

The room fell silent for a moment as everyone absorbed the weight of Viserys's proposal. Finally, Lord Corlys spoke, his voice measured. "Your Grace, this is indeed a significant proposal. If it strengthens the realm and unites our families, then we are willing to consider it."

Rhaenys nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "For the good of the realm and our family's future, we will discuss this further and reach a decision that benefits us all."

Secretly, Corlys was extremely happy at this turn of events. He had worked closely with Jaehaerys since the prince's arrival from Essos and held a deep respect for the young Targaryen's capabilities and vision. This betrothal would not only secure his family's legacy but also align them with a leader he truly believed in.

Viserys, sensing the underlying currents of approval, allowed himself a small smile. "I am glad we are in agreement," he said, his voice warm with relief. "Together, we can build a stronger future for our house and the realm."

As the conversation shifted back to lighter topics, the atmosphere remained charged with the promise of the future. Laena, feeling both nervous and hopeful, looked again at Jaehaerys. She found comfort in his calm demeanor and felt a flicker of excitement at the prospect of their union.

Rhaenyra, observing the interactions, felt a sense of relief as well. The alliance, though complex, seemed to be accepted by all parties involved. She knew that her role would be crucial in the days to come, but for now, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

As the evening drew to a close, the family members began to retire to their respective quarters, their minds buzzing with the implications of the proposed betrothal. Viserys watched them go, his heart lighter than it had been in days. This was a step towards securing the legacy he and his predecessors had fought so hard to build.

In the quiet of the night, as each person reflected on the day's events, a sense of unity and shared purpose settled over the Red Keep. The path ahead was uncertain, but together, they would face whatever challenges came their way, bound by blood, duty, and the promise of a stronger future.

In the privacy of the King's chambers, Rhaenys, Corlys, and Viserys hashed out the finer details of the proposed betrothal. Their voices were low and measured as they discussed the alliance, the benefits to both houses, and the expectations that would come with it. It was a delicate negotiation, but one that held the promise of strengthening the realm.

Meanwhile, Vaelar and Garth, along with Myrcella and Melony, kept Laenor occupied in conversation. Their laughter and animated discussions filled the hall, providing a lively distraction. Laenor, always the center of attention, seemed to enjoy their company, oblivious to the serious talks taking place elsewhere.

Daemon and Rhea, on the other hand, were too engrossed in their own dance of unresolved issues and undeniable attraction to notice much else. Their interactions were a mix of sharp words and lingering glances, a testament to their complicated relationship. Though their past had been fraught with tension, there was an undercurrent of hope for reconciliation, a spark that refused to be extinguished.

This left Jaehaerys, Rhaenyra, and Laena to engage each other in conversation. They found a quiet corner of the hall, away from the hustle and bustle, where they could speak more freely.

Jaehaerys was the first to break the silence. "Laena, I hope you are finding King's Landing to your liking," he said, his tone warm and inviting.

Laena smiled, her eyes flickering with curiosity. "It is quite different from Driftmark, but it has its own charm. And the presence of so many dragons is always a comfort," she replied, her gaze lingering on Jaehaerys.

Rhaenyra, sensing the underlying attraction Laena held for Jaehaerys, decided to steer the conversation into safer waters. "I've heard you are a formidable dragonrider, Laena. Vhagar is truly magnificent," she said, her voice filled with genuine admiration.

Laena's smile widened at the compliment. "Thank you, Rhaenyra. Vhagar is a loyal companion and a great source of strength. I have heard much about Gaelithox as well. He must be quite the sight," she said, her eyes now turning to Jaehaerys.

Jaehaerys nodded, a proud smile touching his lips. "Gaelithox is indeed a mighty dragon. I feel honored to ride him," he said, his gaze meeting Laena's. There was a moment of shared understanding, a recognition of the bond they both shared with their dragons.

Rhaenyra, watching the exchange, felt a mix of emotions. She was relieved to see the potential for a harmonious relationship between them, yet she couldn't ignore the flutter of uncertainty within her own heart. "It's comforting to know that we all share this connection," she said softly. "Our dragons are a reflection of our strength and unity."

Laena nodded in agreement, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Indeed, Rhaenyra. And together, we can achieve great things," she said, her voice filled with conviction.

As they continued to talk, the initial awkwardness gave way to a more genuine connection. Jaehaerys, Rhaenyra, and Laena found common ground in their shared experiences and aspirations, their conversation flowing with ease. They spoke of their hopes for the future, their dreams of a united realm, and the roles they would play in shaping it.

In that quiet corner of the hall, amidst the laughter and conversations around them, a new bond began to form. It was a bond forged in understanding, respect, and the promise of a stronger future.

As Otto Hightower sat in the Small Council chamber, his thoughts turned to the challenges posed by Prince Jaehaerys' recent actions. Since his return from Essos and his elevation to the role of heir, Jaehaerys had proven to be a formidable adversary, adept at maneuvering through the intricacies of court politics and wielding his newfound influence with finesse.

The repeal of the tax law that had funneled funds to the Starry Sept in Oldtown was a significant blow to Otto's plans. He had worked tirelessly to ensure the passage of that law, knowing full well the benefits it would bring to House Hightower and bolster their standing in the realm. Jaehaerys' swift action to overturn it had caught him off guard, undermining years of careful plotting and scheming.

Similarly, Jaehaerys' efforts to address the issue of the Triarchy in the Stepstones had further complicated matters. Otto had been content to downplay the severity of the situation, knowing that it indirectly benefited House Hightower's interests. However, Jaehaerys' coalition-building and appeal to the king had forced Otto to confront the realities of the situation and reconsider his approach.

As Hand of the King, Otto Hightower prided himself on his ability to navigate the complex web of alliances and rivalries that defined court politics. Yet, Jaehaerys' actions had tested his skills to their limits, forcing him to adapt and recalibrate his strategies in the face of unexpected challenges.

At times, Otto couldn't shake the unsettling feeling that Jaehaerys could read his mind. The prince's penetrating gaze seemed to bore into his soul, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable. It was a notion that Otto dismissed as absurd, even for someone as seemingly adept in the arcane arts as Jaehaerys. 

However, the tales of "The Dragon Mage" lingered in Otto's mind, whispered rumors of Jaehaerys' supposed magical abilities that had been passed down through the years. As a devout man raised in the faith of the Seven, Otto had been taught to view magic as unnatural and corrupting, a force to be feared and shunned. While he personally harbored doubts about such beliefs, they still colored his perception of Jaehaerys, fueling his mistrust and wariness of the prince.

However, as Otto grappled with his mistrust of Jaehaerys and the unsettling rumors surrounding the prince's alleged magical abilities, he found solace in the progress of his own schemes. The intricate web of manipulation he had woven around Viserys and Alicent was nearing fruition, each carefully calculated move bringing him closer to his ultimate goal.

Despite his reservations about magic, Otto couldn't deny the efficacy of his own machinations. The prospect of Alicent becoming queen filled him with a sense of triumph, a testament to his skill and cunning in navigating the treacherous waters of court politics. And with Viserys seemingly oblivious to the true nature of his advisor's intentions, Otto was confident that his plans would come to fruition sooner rather than later.

As he sat in the small council chamber, Otto allowed himself a rare moment of satisfaction. The pieces were falling into place, and soon he would hold the reins of power firmly in his grasp. All that remained was for Viserys to make the announcement, cementing Alicent's place by his side and solidifying Otto's position as the true power behind the throne.

As the small council chamber began to fill with its members, Otto Hightower observed with keen interest. The absence of Lord Corlys, a notable figure within the council, had initially caught his attention. However, his intrigue deepened as he noted the arrival of the entire Targaryen and Velaryon clans, with Lord Corlys among them.

The unexpected presence of both the Targaryens and Velaryons, along with Lord Corlys, stirred Otto's curiosity. Such a gathering held significance, and Otto's mind raced with possibilities as he contemplated the implications of their collective presence.

As the council session commenced and discussions unfolded, Otto remained vigilant, his attention divided between the matters at hand and the enigmatic assembly before him. He watched and listened intently, determined to uncover the purpose behind this unusual convergence of noble houses.

Otto's keen observation didn't miss the satisfied expression on Lord Corlys' face. The sight piqued his curiosity, prompting him to wonder about the source of Corlys' contentment.

As the council session progressed, Otto's mind raced with possibilities, considering various scenarios that could have led to Lord Corlys' apparent satisfaction. Could it be related to the recent discussions about alliances and marriages within the noble houses? Or perhaps there were other political maneuvers at play that Otto had yet to uncover.

Whatever the reason, Otto made a mental note to keep a close eye on Lord Corlys and the unfolding events within the small council chamber. There was more to this gathering than met the eye, and Otto was determined to uncover the truth behind Corlys' satisfied expression.


The small council chamber fell into a hushed silence as Viserys' announcement reverberated through the room. His words carried both gravity and surprise, catching the assembled members off guard. After a suitable pause, Viserys continued, his voice steady yet tinged with emotion.

"As you all know, since the passing of my beloved wife, Queen Aemma, I have mourned her loss deeply," Viserys began, his gaze sweeping over the gathered councilors. "However, in the midst of grief, life must go on. It is with a heavy yet hopeful heart that I announce my intention to remarry."

The announcement sparked a flurry of murmurs and exchanged glances among the council members, each processing the news in their own way.

As Viserys' words settled over the room, Otto's heart swelled with a mixture of satisfaction and triumph. This was the culmination of his carefully laid plans, the moment he had been working towards since the inception of his scheme. The realization that his daughter, Alicent, would soon sit beside the king as queen filled him with a sense of vindication.

Amidst the murmurs and exchanged glances that rippled through the chamber, Otto maintained a composed facade, his expression one of serene confidence. This was the moment he had been waiting for, the fruition of his efforts to secure his family's position at the pinnacle of power.

As Viserys' words echoed in the room, confirming Lady Alicent's elevation to the highest echelons of society, Otto's mind raced with plans and contingencies. He knew that this was just the beginning, the opening move in a complex game of politics and intrigue. Yet, he was prepared to navigate the challenges ahead with the skill and cunning befitting the Hand of the King.

With a subtle nod of acknowledgment towards Viserys, Otto silently pledged his unwavering support, ready to guide the king and his new queen through the turbulent waters of courtly life. As the small council convened to discuss the details of the impending union, Otto's mind buzzed with anticipation, knowing that the wheels of destiny had been set in motion, and that his daughter's ascent to the throne was now all but assured.

And in a private moment, as father to Alicent, Otto graciously accepted the betrothal, his chest swelling with pride for his daughter's forthcoming role as queen.

However, his moment of triumph was fleeting.

"As the King, I have spent considerable time considering the future of our realm and the stability of our dynasty," Viserys began, his tone steady and authoritative. "After much reflection and consultation with my family, I am pleased to announce the betrothal of Jaehaerys and Rhaenyra to Laena Velaryon under the Doctrine of Exceptionalism."

The declaration reverberated through the chamber, eliciting a mix of surprise and curiosity from the assembled councilors. Otto Hightower, in particular, felt a pang of unease at the unexpected twist in Viserys' announcement. While he maintained his composed exterior, his mind raced with implications and potential ramifications for his own plans.

"With this union," Viserys continued, his voice resonating with authority, "we not only cement the bonds between House Targaryen and House Velaryon but also ensure the continuity and strength of our dynasty for generations to come."

As Viserys' decree echoed through the chamber, a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension gripped the assembled councilors. The weight of his words hung heavy in the air, each syllable carrying the promise of profound change and enduring legacy.

"Furthermore," Viserys continued, his voice commanding attention, "I decree that the firstborn son of Jaehaerys and Laena shall be named the new Warden of the Narrow Sea, after the conquest of the Stepstones is complete. He will be tasked with safeguarding our eastern borders and securing our maritime interests."

The proclamation sent ripples of reaction through the room, eliciting murmurs of approval and speculation among the councilors. For Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King, the implications of Viserys' decree sparked a flurry of calculations and considerations. It was a strategic move, one that would not only bolster the Targaryen-Velaryon alliance but also solidify their control over vital sea routes, ensuring the security and prosperity of the realm.

Yet, even as Otto grappled with the ramifications of Viserys' decree, another revelation hung in the air, adding another layer of complexity to an already intricate web of alliances and obligations.

"Furthermore," Viserys continued, his tone resolute, "a daughter borne by Laena shall marry the firstborn son of Jaehaerys and Rhaenyra, thus securing her place as the future queen of Westeros."

The announcement sent shockwaves through the chamber, as councilors exchanged startled glances and whispered discussions erupted among them. For Otto, the revelation carried profound implications, challenging the very fabric of his carefully laid plans and alliances.

As the small council chamber buzzed with discussion, Otto Hightower found himself lost in thought, his mind consumed by the implications of Viserys' decrees. While his plan to elevate his daughter, Alicent, to the throne had seemingly come to fruition, another announcement had upended his carefully constructed ambitions.

Jaehaerys Targaryen loomed large in Otto's mind, a shadow cast over his designs for the future of House Hightower. Despite his best efforts to outmaneuver the prince, Jaehaerys' influence and actions had proven to be formidable obstacles, thwarting Otto's attempts to secure his family's position at the apex of power.

Now, with the succession seemingly secure through the betrothal of Jaehaerys and Rhaenyra to Laena Velaryon, Otto grappled with the realization that his hopes of placing his blood on the Iron Throne had been dashed. The future of House Hightower hung in the balance, its ambitions and aspirations at the mercy of ever-shifting alliances and allegiances.

Yet, even in the face of adversity, Otto remained resolute. He was a master of courtly intrigue, a man whose cunning and guile had propelled him to the highest echelons of power. If anyone could navigate the treacherous currents of court politics, it was him.

As Otto's gaze met Jaehaerys', the unsettling feeling returned, a sense of unease that he couldn't quite shake. Little did he know that his instincts were right on the mark. Unbeknownst to Otto, Jaehaerys possessed a unique ability—one that allowed him to delve into the depths of another's mind and pluck out their thoughts as easily as one might pluck a ripe fruit from a tree.

As the small council chamber buzzed with discussion, Jaehaerys focused his attention on Otto, his mind reaching out like tendrils of smoke to probe the depths of the Hand's thoughts. With each passing moment, he gleaned insights into Otto's schemes and machinations, unraveling the intricate web of plots that the Hand had woven.


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