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67.56% "Jujutsu Kaisen: The Cursed Lightning" / Chapter 25: Imminent collision

Chapitre 25: Imminent collision

Hiro's nose began to bleed, his body reaching its absolute limit, preventing him from expanding his domain. He fell to his knees, gasping for air, his lungs burning with each labored breath. Kenjaku, a triumphant smile on his face, said, "I knew it."

Jogo, who had been unconscious on the intact side of the subway, slowly got to his feet, rubbing his aching head. He approached Kenjaku, his voice laced with confusion. "What happened?"

Kenjaku, his smile widening, replied, "You got your ass handed to you." Jogo glanced down at the wound on his stomach, his single eye widening in realization. "That Hiro Miller," he growled, his voice dripping with venom.

Kenjaku nodded, his expression one of smug satisfaction. "Yes, but now the boy has reached his limit." Hiro, still on his knees, glared at the two cursed spirits, his chest heaving with exertion.

Jogo scoffed, his tone filled with disdain. "There's no fun in defeating him when he's this weak." Hiro, refusing to surrender, lunged forward, his movements sluggish and uncoordinated. Kenjaku effortlessly dodged the attack, driving his knee into Hiro's gut. Hiro felt the air rush from his lungs, but he gritted his teeth, retaliating with a vicious uppercut to Kenjaku's jaw.

Kenjaku stumbled back, his laughter filled with mocking amusement. "You'll need more than that," he began, but his words were cut short as Hiro connected with a Black Flash, his fist slamming into Kenjaku's stomach with devastating force. Kenjaku doubled over, the blow leaving him severely wounded.

Hiro, seizing the opportunity, extended his hands, ready to unleash a Red Lightning attack. But Jogo, moving with blinding speed, delivered a brutal kick, sending Hiro flying. Hiro, refusing to back down, retaliated with a punch of his own. Jogo, his smile cruel and taunting, said, "You're already too weak." He grabbed Hiro's arm, twisting it painfully before hurling him across the subway.

Hiro rolled across the ground, coming to a stop at Kenjaku's feet. Kenjaku, his arm outstretched, said, "Well, checkmate." Hiro, his breath coming in ragged gasps, thought to himself, "I just need a few minutes to recover some of my energy."

Kenjaku, his smile never wavering, said, "Now, we just have to wait." Hiro, confusion etched on his face, asked, "Wait... for what?" Kenjaku, his eyes glinting with malicious glee, replied, "You'll see soon enough."

Minutes ticked by, precious time that Hiro used to try and recover his strength. But the toll on his body was too great, his brain pushed far beyond its limits. Hiro attempted to rise to his feet, but Kenjaku, his voice filled with mocking authority, said, "No, no, no. You stay right there." Hiro, resigned to his fate, sighed and decided to wait, hoping to regain some of his energy.

But the moment was shattered by the arrival of an immensely powerful presence, one that filled the air with an almost tangible sense of dread. Kenjaku, his smile tinged with nervousness, said, "You've finally arrived, Gojo Satoru."

They looked up through the gaping hole in the subway, and there, floating in the air, was Gojo himself. Hiro, his eyes wide with surprise, said, "Gojo-sensei? What are you doing here?" Gojo descended, his feet touching the ground with a gentle tap. "You were taking too long, so I came to see what happened," he said, his voice filled with a mix of concern and amusement.

Gojo surveyed the crater, letting out a low whistle. "You did a great job here," he said, his tone filled with genuine praise. Kenjaku, his smile turning sinister, said, "Your student caused quite a bit of trouble. Fortunately, he's completely exhausted now."

Gojo turned his attention to Kenjaku, his voice filled with a dangerous edge. "And who might you be? Don't try to deceive me. My Six Eyes tell me that you're Suguru, but I know that's not the case." Kenjaku, his smile widening, said, "You're correct. Allow me to introduce myself."

Once again, Kenjaku revealed his cursed brain, the sight sending a shiver down Hiro's spine. "Sorcerers with special eyes are such a nuisance," Kenjaku said, his voice dripping with disdain. "Well, Satoru," he began, but Gojo cut him off, his voice filled with a quiet fury. "Don't call me by my first name. Only Suguru had that privilege."

Kenjaku, his laughter filled with cruel amusement, said, "Very well, Gojo. I have a proposition for you. As you can see, I have your star student at my mercy. If I choose, I can kill him with ease." Gojo, his fists clenched at his sides, said, "If you do that, I'll make sure to end your miserable existence."

Kenjaku, his smile never wavering, said, "Yes, but that won't bring Hiro back from the dead, now will it? I'm sure you don't want that." Gojo, his jaw clenched tight, remained silent. Kenjaku, sensing that his plan was working, said, "Let me tell you something."

He reached into his pocket, pulling out a small cube with an eye on each side. "If you allow me to seal you away peacefully, I'll let Hiro go free." Hiro, his eyes wide with horror, cried out, "Sensei, don't do it! Kill them, don't worry about me!"

Gojo, without a moment's hesitation, said, "Alright, I accept." Kenjaku, his laughter filled with malicious glee, said, "I knew you had a great love for your students, especially this one here, but I didn't think it would go this far."

Gojo, his smile unwavering, pointed to Hiro. "Well, they are the future of Jujutsu sorcery. And I know that this kid will free me and kick your ass." Kenjaku, his expression turning serious, said, "Certainly, Hiro Miller has become a thorn in my side. But don't worry, the plan B I was going to use against you, I'll use against him instead."

Gojo, his smile widening, said, "Sukuna?" Kenjaku, his eyes glinting with malice, replied, "Who knows?" Gojo, his voice filled with determination, said, "Alright, let's make a binding vow. I'll let you seal me, but you have to release Hiro." Kenjaku, his smile triumphant, said, "Deal."

Hiro, his voice filled with desperation, cried out, "Gojo-sensei, please don't do this!" Gojo, his smile filled with a quiet confidence, said, "Hiro, everything will be in your hands now. Take care of your comrades... and the balance of this world. I trust in you, and I know that you'll free me sooner or later. While I'm gone, you'll be the one to protect everything."

Kenjaku, with a wave of his hand, created a pentagram beneath Hiro. Hiro, his voice raw with emotion, screamed, "SENSEI!" Gojo, his smile never wavering, said, "Hiro Miller, while I'm not here, you... are the strongest. Remember that."

In an instant, Hiro vanished, teleported to safety by Kenjaku's technique. Gojo, his smile still in place, watched as Kenjaku tossed the cube near his feet. "Anything you want to say?" Kenjaku asked, his voice filled with mocking curiosity.

Gojo, his voice filled with unwavering confidence, said, "No. I know everything will be alright. It's not just Hiro, there's also Yuta. My star students will kick your ass." Kenjaku, his smile turning sinister, said, "And Sukuna's as well?" Gojo, his voice filled with faith, said, "I trust that they'll defeat you before you can free him. Besides, Yuji is no weakling."

Kenjaku, his laughter filled with dark amusement, said, "Certainly, Yuji is far from weak. I sired him myself." Gojo, his face contorting in disgust, said, "That explains a lot, but I didn't need to know that."

The cube opened, its power enveloping Gojo, rendering him immobile. Kenjaku, his voice filled with malicious glee, said, "Goodnight, Satoru." Suddenly, Kenjaku's hand began to move on its own, wrapping around his throat, choking the life from his body. It was Suguru Geto's body, fighting against Kenjaku's control, refusing to harm Satoru Gojo.

Kenjaku, struggling against Geto's will, began to laugh, his voice filled with manic amusement. "It seems that your beloved Geto is still here, or rather, the information stored in his body." Gojo watched, his expression one of grim determination.

Kenjaku, his voice filled with a dark finality, said, "Farewell, Gojo Satoru." The cube closed, sealing Gojo within its confines. Kenjaku reached down to pick up the cube, but it had become impossibly heavy, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud. "Dammit," Kenjaku cursed, his voice filled with frustration. "You truly are a nuisance, even in defeat."

Hiro descended from the skies above Shibuya, his heart heavy with the weight of his teacher's sacrifice. As the realization of what had transpired sank in, a primal scream tore from his throat, a raw, anguished cry that echoed through the empty streets. "AHHHHHH!" he roared, his body engulfed in the last flickering remnants of his electrical power.

Suddenly, he felt himself caught in a pair of sturdy arms, his descent halted by an unexpected savior. Looking up, Hiro's eyes widened in surprise. "Mechamaru?" he asked, his voice tinged with disbelief.

The robot, its voice tinny but warm, replied, "Hello, Hiro Miller." With a gentle touch, Mechamaru descended to the street below, where Kokichi stood waiting, his expression a mix of concern and curiosity.

"What happened?" Kokichi asked, his eyes scanning Hiro's battered form, taking in the bruises and the blood that stained his clothes.

Hiro, his voice heavy with exhaustion and regret, replied, "I defeated Hanzo, but I couldn't handle Kenjaku."

Kokichi's brow furrowed, his mind racing with questions. "Kenjaku?" he asked, the name unfamiliar on his tongue.

Hiro nodded, his eyes distant and haunted. "He's a curse that took over Geto's body."

Kokichi, his expression grim, said, "I see." He pulled out his phone, his fingers flying across the screen as he searched for information. After a moment, a smile spread across his face, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "It seems luck is on our side," he said, his voice filled with a cautious optimism.

Hiro, his curiosity piqued, asked, "What's going on?"

Kokichi, his smile widening, explained, "Kenjaku can't lift the cube. It appears that Gojo is resisting."

Hiro's eyes widened, his mind struggling to comprehend the implications. "How is that possible?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of awe and disbelief.

Kokichi shrugged, his tone light and nonchalant. "Who cares? It's Gojo Satoru we're talking about."

Hiro, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, nodded in agreement. Kokichi, his expression turning serious, said, "We need to get back there." He glanced at Hiro, taking in the blond sorcerer's battered and exhausted state. "Or rather, let the other sorcerers handle it."

Hiro, his eyebrow arched in question, said, "I can get there before anyone else."

Kokichi, his voice filled with concern, replied, "Yes, but what good will that do? You need to recover."

Hiro, his stubborn nature rising to the surface, insisted, "No, I can do this."

Kokichi, his expression serious, said, "If you go and lose, Gojo's sacrifice will have been for nothing, don't you think?"

Hiro, his eyes narrowing in suspicion, asked, "How did you know about that?"

Kokichi, a hint of a smile on his face, replied, "I was watching through the cameras."

Hiro, a touch of annoyance in his voice, said, "Then why did you ask how it went if you already knew?"

Kokichi, his smile widening, said, "Courtesy, of course."

Hiro, despite the gravity of the situation, couldn't help but laugh. With a weary sigh, he sat down on the curb, his body aching with exhaustion. "Just give me a few minutes," he said, his voice filled with a quiet determination.

Kokichi, his expression skeptical, said, "It might take hours." He disappeared into a nearby abandoned store, emerging a few moments later with an armful of snacks and drinks. Hiro, his eyebrow raised in question, asked, "What's all this for?"

Kokichi, his voice filled with a know-it-all tone, explained, "You need to give your brain some sugar to help it recover faster."

Hiro, shrugging, tore open a bag of gummy candies and popped a few into his mouth. "Alright, I suppose," he said, his voice muffled by the chewy treats.

Kokichi, his expression turning serious once more, said, "You took out Hanzo and Hanami, but there are still a few powerful curses left. Choso, Jogo the volcano head - you left him badly injured - Mahito, and Dagon."

Hiro listened intently, his mind already racing with strategies and possibilities. Kokichi, his voice filled with concern, continued, "None of them should be a problem for you, but they're too powerful for the other sorcerers."

Hiro, his brow furrowed in thought, asked, "What about Todo?"

Kokichi, his expression turning sheepish, replied, "Forgive me, but I sent the Kyoto team on a mission far away. It's not that I'm underestimating them, but they're much weaker compared to the Tokyo team. The first-years wiped the floor with us during the exchange event."

Hiro nodded, his mind flashing back to the intense battles he had witnessed during the tournament. Kokichi, his voice reassuring, added, "But don't worry, reinforcements are on the way. It'll take some time for them to arrive, since we couldn't reveal the situation in Shibuya. We don't know who might be listening."

Hiro, his thoughts turning to a certain dark-haired sorcerer, asked, "What about Maki?"

Kokichi, his expression turning somber, said, "I tried to stop her from coming, as you asked, but you know how she is."

Hiro, a sigh escaping his lips, said, "I figured as much." He paused for a moment, his mind weighing the options. "She's with Naobito, right?"

Kokichi nodded, but his expression remained grim. "Yes, but even Naobito might not be able to handle the curses I mentioned."

Hiro, his frustration mounting, said, "That idiot Yuta is still in Africa."

Kokichi, his voice filled with a hint of mystery, replied, "Gojo asked him to find something before coming back. Maybe that's why he's delayed."

Hiro, his mind racing with possibilities, asked, "So, what's our plan?"

Kokichi, his expression determined, said, "The plan is for you to recover your energy, defeat Kenjaku, bring back the prison realm, and take out the remaining curses."

Hiro, a wry smile on his face, said, "That's one hell of a messed-up plan."

Kokichi, his shoulders slumping in resignation, replied, "It's the only thing I can think of."

He pulled out a small device with a Mechamaru head on it and began to speak. "Itadori, can you hear me?"

From the other end of the line, Itadori's voice crackled with confusion. "What? What is this? Are you a bad guy?"

Kokichi, a sigh escaping his lips, said, "It's a device I planted on you."

Itadori, his voice filled with suspicion, was about to throw the device away when Kokichi's panicked voice stopped him. "WAIT, WAIT! IT'S ME, MECHAMARU! KOKICHI!"

Itadori, his tone turning sheepish, said, "You should have said that from the beginning."

Kokichi, his patience wearing thin, said, "Listen, I gave you this device because you're one of the few trustworthy people we have."

Hiro, his eyebrow arched in question, asked, "What about Maki?"

Kokichi, his voice filled with a hint of disdain, replied, "She's a Zenin."

Hiro, his expression turning defensive, said, "So what?"

Kokichi, ignoring Hiro's question, turned his attention back to Itadori. "Listen, Gojo Satoru has been sealed, but there's a chance. You need to go to the 5th floor of Shibuya Station and get him out of there."

Itadori, his voice filled with shock and disbelief, cried out, "WHAT? THE TEACHER HAS BEEN SEALED?"

Kokichi, his tone urgent and commanding, said, "Yes, so inform the others."

He turned back to Hiro, his expression grim. "All we can do now is wait," he said, his voice filled with a mix of hope and resignation.

Time seemed to crawl by, each passing minute feeling like an eternity as Kokichi watched Hiro with a mixture of concern and frustration. The blond sorcerer sat there, calmly munching on snacks, his demeanor a stark contrast to the chaos that raged around them. Finally, unable to contain his impatience any longer, Kokichi spoke up.

"How are you doing?" he asked, his voice laced with a hint of exasperation.

Hiro, his mouth full of food, merely shrugged. With a grin, he swallowed the last bite and rose to his feet, a confident smile spreading across his face. "I'm ready," he declared, his voice filled with a false bravado.

Kokichi, his expression skeptical, reached out and lightly tapped Hiro's shoulder. The blond sorcerer winced, a hiss of pain escaping his lips. "Why did you do that?" he asked, his voice tinged with annoyance.

Kokichi, his eyes narrowing, said, "See? You're not fully recovered yet."

Hiro, his stubborn nature rising to the surface, replied, "And what other choice do we have?"

Kokichi, his shoulders slumping in resignation, said, "None. And I can't go because someone has to stay here and watch over you."

Hiro, his pride stung by the implication, said, "I'm not a baby."

Kokichi, his patience wearing thin, snapped, "Then stop acting like one and wait."

Hiro, knowing he had no retort, let out a heavy sigh. The two fell into an uneasy silence, the tension between them palpable. Suddenly, without warning, a volley of knives came flying towards Hiro, their blades glinting in the fading light.

Hiro, his reflexes honed by years of training, caught the knives with ease, his fingers deftly snatching them out of the air. A moment later, the knives exploded, the force of the blast sending a shockwave rippling through the air.

A sinister laugh echoed from the shadows, the sound filled with malicious glee. "Another sorcerer dead. Today is a good day," the voice crowed, its tone dripping with sadistic pleasure.

Kokichi, his expression impassive, asked, "Are you alright?" His voice was flat, devoid of any real concern.

As the smoke cleared, Hiro emerged, his body unscathed. "Yeah, it was nothing," he said, his voice filled with a casual nonchalance. He turned his gaze towards the source of the attack, his eyes narrowing in suspicion. "Are you a cursed sorcerer?" he asked, his tone laced with a hint of disdain.

The sorcerer, his laughter growing louder, replied, "I'm Jeff, nice to meet you." He studied Hiro intently, his eyes widening in recognition. That blond hair, those piercing blue eyes... "You're Hiro Miller? The Thunder God?" he asked, his voice filled with a mix of awe and fear.

Hiro, his eyebrow arched in confusion, said, "Thunder God?"

Kokichi, a smirk playing on his lips, explained, "It seems that's your nickname in the Jujutsu underworld."

Hiro, a sigh escaping his lips, said, "I'm not particularly fond of that nickname, to be honest."

Kokichi, his smile widening, teased, "It suits your narcissism perfectly."

Jeff, his eyes darting over Hiro's battered form, noticed the injuries that marred his body. A wicked grin spread across his face, his eyes glinting with malicious intent. "You're wounded," he said, his voice filled with a dark excitement. "This is my chance to take you down and earn myself a reputation."

Hiro, his expression turning serious, asked, "Oh, you really want to do this?"

Jeff, his smile widening, nodded eagerly. Kokichi, stepping forward, said, "I'll handle this."

But Hiro, his stubborn pride rising to the surface once more, said, "Let me do it. It'll serve as a warm-up." He began to stretch, his muscles flexing beneath his tattered clothes.

Jeff, his eyes narrowing in anger, said, "Are you mocking me?"

Hiro, moving with blinding speed, closed the distance between them in an instant. His hand shot out, grasping Jeff's head in an iron grip. With a smile that was equal parts charming and terrifying, he said, "I'll rip your head off."

Jeff, his eyes widening in terror, felt tears of fear streaming down his face. Hiro, his mind flashing back to his father's words, hesitated. "Choose the right path, Hiro," his father had said, his voice filled with a quiet wisdom. "The path of kindness."

With a heavy sigh, Hiro released his grip on Jeff's head. Instead, he delivered a swift, precise blow, knocking the cursed sorcerer unconscious. Kokichi, his eyebrow arched in surprise, asked, "You're not going to kill him?"

Hiro, his expression somber, replied, "My hands are already stained with too much blood."

Kokichi, his hand resting on Hiro's shoulder, said, "It's alright. Don't worry about it."

Suddenly, a massive explosion of fire erupted from the other side of the city, the sound and fury of the blast drawing their attention. Hiro and Kokichi turned their gazes towards the source of the commotion, their expressions grim.

"It seems there's trouble," Hiro said, his voice filled with a mix of concern and determination.

Kokichi, his eyes searching Hiro's face, asked, "How are you feeling? Be honest."

Hiro, his shoulders slumping, admitted, "Not great."

Kokichi, his frustration mounting, said, "Damn it, our hands are tied."

Hiro, his gaze falling upon a nearby poster, had a sudden flash of inspiration. With a swift kick, he knocked the poster down, revealing a tangle of electrical wires beneath. He reached out, grasping the wires in his hands, and began to absorb the crackling blue energy that coursed through them.

With a satisfied grin, Hiro clapped his hands together, his body thrumming with newfound power. "I'm almost fully recovered," he declared, his voice filled with a mix of excitement and relief.

Kokichi, his eyes widening in surprise, asked, "What did you do?"

Hiro, his smile widening, explained, "I used the principle behind my Blue Lightning. I absorbed the electricity and converted it into cursed energy, then used reverse cursed technique to repair my brain."

Kokichi, his expression turning exasperated, said, "Why didn't you do that from the beginning?"

Hiro, a sheepish grin on his face, replied, "I didn't know I could do that. I just thought of it now."

Kokichi, a sigh escaping his lips, said, "Alright, let's head to where that explosion came from."

With a nod of agreement, Hiro and Kokichi set off, their footsteps echoing through the empty streets as they raced towards the source of the disturbance. The air around them crackled with tension, the weight of the battles to come pressing down upon their shoulders.

Hiro and Kokichi raced through the streets, their footsteps pounding against the pavement as they followed the trail of destruction left in the wake of the explosions. The air around them crackled with tension, the scent of smoke and ash hanging heavy in the air. Suddenly, Hiro came to an abrupt halt, his body going rigid as a powerful presence washed over him.

"Sukuna," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the distant rumble of the explosions.

Kokichi, his eyes widening in surprise, asked, "Are you sure?"

Hiro nodded, his expression grim. "Yes, it's unmistakable."

As if on cue, another presence filled the air, its power so immense that it seemed to press down upon them like a physical weight. Hiro, his mind racing with possibilities, turned to Kokichi, his voice filled with a quiet urgency.

"Kokichi, can I ask you a favor?" he said, his eyes searching his companion's face.

Kokichi, his brow furrowed in concern, replied, "What is it?"

Hiro, his voice steady and resolute, said, "Go find Maki."

Kokichi, his confusion evident, asked, "Why?"

Hiro, his expression turning somber, explained, "This is going to get really tough."

Kokichi hesitated, his mind grappling with the implications of Hiro's words. But as he looked into the blond sorcerer's eyes, he saw a seriousness there that he had never witnessed before. With a nod of understanding, Kokichi said, "Alright, leave it to me. Don't you dare lose."

With those parting words, Kokichi turned and sprinted off in the opposite direction, his figure quickly disappearing into the shadows of the city. Hiro, his body thrumming with power, enveloped himself in a crackling shroud of electricity. With a burst of speed, he began to leap from building to building, his movements a blur of motion as he raced towards the source of the disturbance.

As he neared the epicenter of the chaos, Hiro's eyes fell upon a familiar figure lying prone on the ground. It was Fushiguro, his head bleeding profusely, his body still and unmoving. Beside him, sprawled out in a similar state, was Itadori.

Hiro descended from the rooftops, his feet touching the ground with a gentle tap. As he approached the fallen sorcerers, he realized with a sinking feeling what had transpired. Mahoraga, the fearsome shikigami, stood before him, its towering form radiating an aura of malevolent power. It seemed that Fushiguro had been forced to summon the creature, a last-ditch effort to turn the tide of battle.

But what caught Hiro's attention was the figure standing beside Fushiguro, a figure that was both familiar and yet utterly foreign. It was Itadori, or rather, Sukuna, the King of Curses, inhabiting the young sorcerer's body. To Hiro's surprise, Sukuna had apparently healed Fushiguro's wounds, a act of mercy that seemed at odds with the cursed spirit's malevolent nature.

Sukuna, his lips curving into a wicked grin, said, "Kid, you've arrived at the perfect moment."

Hiro's gaze darted between the three beings before him - Mahoraga, Sukuna, and himself - his mind racing with the realization of the gravity of the situation. A nervous smile played on his lips as he muttered, "This is bad."

Suddenly, Sukuna lashed out, his fist connecting with Mahoraga's chest in a blow that sent the shikigami flying backwards. Hiro, seizing the opportunity, launched himself at Sukuna, his body moving with blinding speed.

But Sukuna, his reflexes honed by centuries of battle, effortlessly dodged the attack. With a flick of his wrist, he unleashed his cursed technique, a cutting force that could slice through anything in its path.

Hiro, his divine eyes flaring to life, activated his magnetic shield, the invisible barrier deflecting Sukuna's attack with a crackle of energy. Sukuna, his eyes widening in surprise, said, "Interesting."

Mahoraga, recovering from Sukuna's blow, appeared behind Hiro, its blade poised to strike. But once again, Hiro's shield proved its worth, repelling the shikigami's attack with ease.

The three beings - Hiro, Sukuna, and Mahoraga - stood in a tense triangle, their gazes locked on one another, each one sizing up their opponents. The air around them crackled with barely contained power, the very fabric of reality seeming to warp and twist under the strain of their combined might.

Hiro, his heart pounding in his chest, knew that he was facing the fight of his life. Sukuna, the King of Curses, was a being of immense power, a cursed spirit whose strength was the stuff of legend. And Mahoraga, the fearsome shikigami, was a creature born of pure malevolence, its power rivaling that of the strongest sorcerers.

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