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64.86% "Jujutsu Kaisen: The Cursed Lightning" / Chapter 24: The strongest sorcerer of his generation, Hiro Miller

Chapitre 24: The strongest sorcerer of his generation, Hiro Miller

The afternoon sun reigned over the skies of Tokyo as Hiro made his way towards the school's exit. His sansetsukon, securely nestled in its sheath, rested against his back, a familiar weight that brought him comfort. As he approached the entrance, he spotted Maki waiting for him, her stance firm and her expression unreadable.

Hiro offered a nervous smile, his hand raised in a tentative greeting. "Hello, Maki," he said, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Maki's brow furrowed, her eyes narrowing as she fixed him with a piercing gaze. "Is that all you have to say?" she asked, her tone sharp and accusatory. "You slept with my sister right after we broke up, then we reconciled and got back together, only for me to find out about it on the same night. And then you had the audacity to pass out, leaving me worried sick all day. The moment you woke up, you rushed off to the mountains to train with that blindfolded idiot again, and the first thing you say to me when you see me is 'hello'?"

Hiro scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "I'm sorry?" he offered, his voice laced with a hint of guilt.

Maki studied his face, her eyes searching his for a long moment. Finally, she let out a deep sigh, her shoulders sagging slightly. "I suppose you have a lot of important things on your mind right now," she conceded, her voice softening.

Hiro nodded, his expression turning serious. "I do, and I'm sorry I can't tell you what they are."

Maki's gaze drifted to the weapon on Hiro's back, a flicker of concern crossing her features. "You're going to fight, aren't you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Hiro nodded again, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sansetsukon. Maki stepped closer, her lips brushing against his cheek in a gentle kiss. "Just don't lose, okay?" she murmured, her breath warm against his skin. "We'll talk when you get back."

Hiro smiled, a genuine warmth spreading through his chest. He took a few steps forward before pausing, glancing over his shoulder. "When I come back, let's fix things between us, alright?"

Maki's lips curved into a small smile, a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I'll try," she promised.


Back in the present, Hiro stood in the subway, his eyes locked on Hanzo's confident smirk. The air crackled with tension as Hiro began to twirl his sansetsukon, blue electricity crackling along its length. A grin spread across Hiro's face, a challenge in his eyes. "Come on," he taunted, his voice filled with anticipation.

Hanzo lunged forward, his movements swift and precise. Hiro sidestepped the attack, his sansetsukon connecting with Hanzo's cheek, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. The wound began to knit itself back together, a testament to Hanzo's reverse cursed technique.

Hanzo's smile never faltered, a glint of amusement in his eyes. "You'll need more than that," he goaded, his voice dripping with confidence.

Hiro spun his weapon once more, striking Hanzo's back with a resounding crack. Hanzo pivoted, his fist flying towards Hiro's face. Hiro ducked, his sansetsukon sweeping Hanzo's legs out from under him. As Hanzo fell, Hiro launched a red lightning bolt directly at him. Hanzo raised his arms to shield himself, the attack causing his limbs to implode. However, his regenerative abilities quickly restored them.

Hanzo rose to his feet, his eyes glinting with malice. As Hiro twirled his sansetsukon, Hanzo reached out and grabbed it, his grip unyielding. Hiro sent currents of electricity surging through the weapon, but Hanzo merely grinned, wrenching the sansetsukon from Hiro's grasp.

Hiro stumbled, caught off guard by the sudden disarmament. Hanzo, seizing the opportunity, channeled the accumulated damage into a powerful attack, aiming it directly at Hiro's face. Hiro's lips curled into a smirk, a glimmer of triumph in his eyes.

The blow connected... or so Hanzo thought. His hand stopped a mere 30 centimeters from Hiro's face, an invisible barrier shielding the blond sorcerer. Hanzo's eyes widened in confusion, a growl of frustration escaping his throat. "What the hell?"

Hiro's grin widened, a spark of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Do you like it?" he asked, his voice laced with smug satisfaction. "It's my magnetic field shield."

Hanzo clenched his teeth, rage boiling beneath the surface. He opened his mouth, unleashing a blast of cursed energy, but the shield repelled the attack effortlessly. Hiro chuckled, his tone dripping with condescension.

"Don't even try," he warned, his voice filled with an almost lazy confidence. "It's like taking a magnet, flipping it over, and trying to make it stick to another magnet. They simply repel each other. This is all thanks to the principle behind my Red Lightning attack. You could say it's my own version of Gojo's Infinity."

Geto watched Hiro, his mind racing with calculations and strategies. "Interesting," he mused silently. "He's grown even stronger than I anticipated. I didn't expect him to reach this level."

Jogo, growing impatient, shouted at Hanzo, "Enough fooling around! Finish him off!"

Jogo leaped into the air, his leg extended in a powerful kick. However, his foot became trapped in Hiro's magnetic field, rendering the attack useless. Hiro shook his head, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I told you, didn't I? You're just wasting your time."

Hanami, not to be outdone, attempted to strike Hiro as well. Hiro turned his gaze upon her, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "You," he said, his voice low and dangerous, "are proving to be quite a nuisance."

Hiro began to advance on Hanami, his steps measured and deliberate. She retreated, her back pressed against the wall as Hiro intensified the strength of his magnetic field. Hanami found herself trapped between the wall and Hiro's power, her body crushed by the invisible force.

Hiro's smile turned sadistic, a twisted pleasure in his eyes as he watched Hanami squirm. "Let me give your friends a taste of what I'm capable of," he purred, his voice dripping with malevolent glee.

Hanami's body was slowly compressed, her bones cracking and her flesh yielding under the immense pressure. Jogo, desperate to intervene, wrapped his hand in flames and pointed it towards the civilians, his voice filled with desperation. "Hiro Miller, stop right now, or else..."

But Hiro paid him no heed, his focus solely on crushing Hanami. Jogo's mind raced, a sinking realization settling in his gut. "He doesn't care about the people?" he thought, his eyes widening in disbelief.

Hiro's laughter echoed through the subway, a chilling sound that sent shivers down the spines of all who heard it. With a final, sickening crunch, Hanami was reduced to a puddle of purple blood, her body utterly destroyed by Hiro's power.

Hiro turned his attention to Jogo, his eyes glinting with malice. "You're next, volcano head," he taunted, his voice filled with dark promise.

Fear flashed across Jogo's face, a primal terror that he had never experienced before. In a last-ditch effort, he clasped his hands together, his voice ringing out in desperation. "Domain Expansion!"

But Hiro had already done the same, his own domain expanding to meet Jogo's. Panic gripped Jogo's heart as he realized the implications of Hiro's actions. "He's going to expand his domain too? All the civilians will be fried by his attack... Does he truly not care about the people?"

Jogo took a step back, his confidence shattered by the depths of Hiro's cruelty. Geto, his face etched with worry, muttered under his breath, "Hiro Miller, you truly are a thorn in our side."

Hiro deactivated his domain, sparing the innocent bystanders from the devastating effects of his attack. With lightning speed, he connected a powerful blow to Jogo's stomach, leaving a gaping hole in its wake. Hanzo attempted to retaliate, but his fist was repelled by the shimmering magnetic barrier that enveloped Hiro like a protective cocoon. The force of the impact sent Jogo flying, his battered body landing in a crumpled heap beside Geto.

Geto's mind raced, his calculating eyes taking in the unfolding chaos. He had anticipated that Mahito and Choso would refrain from joining the fray, but he hadn't expected Miller to become such a formidable adversary. The blond sorcerer's power had grown exponentially, surpassing Geto's worst fears. The gears turned in Geto's head as he pondered his next move, desperate to find a way to turn the tide of battle.

Hiro's relentless assault continued, his movements a blur of speed and precision. He delivered a devastating uppercut to Hanzo's jaw, followed by a flurry of punches to his abdomen, his fists connecting with superhuman velocity. In less than a second, Hiro had landed a staggering hundred blows, each one carrying the force of a thunderbolt.

Hanzo's body convulsed under the onslaught, his flesh rippling like water as the punches rained down upon him. Bones shattered and organs ruptured, his once-proud form reduced to a mangled wreck. Blood spurted from his mouth, painting the ground in a crimson spray as he was launched skyward, his broken body crashing through the ceiling before plummeting back to earth with a sickening thud.

The haunting toll of a distant church bell echoed through the air, its mournful peal a harbinger of impending doom. Hanzo staggered to his feet, his laughter a twisted melody against the backdrop of the ringing bell. "First chime," he rasped, his voice thick with blood and malice. "I only need to hold out until the third, and I'll have adapted to your damn shield."

Geto's smile was a razor's edge, his eyes glinting with cruel amusement. "He's right," he purred, his voice dripping with venom. "Hanzo can adapt. I still have cards left to play."

Hiro's grin was a feral thing, his eyes blazing with a savage light. "Then be a good punching bag and endure until then," he taunted, his voice a low growl.

Hanzo's speed had increased, his movements a blur as he launched a devastating blow towards Hiro. But Hiro's divine eyes saw through the deception, his perception heightened to an almost precognitive level. The world seemed to slow around him, Hanzo's fist crawling through the air as if trapped in amber.

With a fluid motion, Hiro seized Hanzo's wrist, his grip unbreakable as he redirected the blow, sending his opponent hurtling towards the empty train tracks below. Hiro leaped after him, his feet landing on the metal rails with a clang. He channeled a massive surge of electricity through the tracks, using them as a conduit for his power.

Hanzo's screams rent the air, his body convulsing as the current tore through him. It was agony beyond imagining, every nerve ending set ablaze with searing pain. His muscles spasmed uncontrollably, his eyes rolling back in their sockets as his brain was flooded with a white-hot fire that threatened to consume his very sanity. If he were to take an elementary school exam in that moment, he would have failed miserably, his mind reduced to a gibbering wreck by the sheer intensity of the torture.

Blood poured from Hanzo's eyes, nose, and ears, a testament to the devastating effects of Hiro's attack. Hiro's voice was a cold whisper, his eyes glinting with merciless determination. "I'll end this now," he declared, his tone brooking no argument.

Hiro let out a primal roar, his power surging to new heights as Hanzo's screams reached a crescendo. The air crackled with electricity, the very fabric of reality warping under the strain of Hiro's might. Hanzo's brain was slowly being fried, his thoughts scattered to the winds as his cognitive functions were systematically destroyed.

The second bell chimed, its peals cutting through the chaos like a knife. Hiro's eyes widened in surprise, his mind racing. "So soon?" he thought, his brow furrowing in concentration. "I thought I'd have more time. He must have modified his technique."

With a burst of divine speed, Hiro closed the distance between them, his hand plunging into Hanzo's chest and ripping out his still-beating heart. Hiro's thoughts were a whirlwind of strategy and regret. He had wanted to end things this way from the start, but he knew he needed to weaken Hanzo first, lest he simply regenerate and continue the fight.

Hanzo's laughter was a gurgling, broken thing, his eyes glassy with pain and madness. "Too bad," he rasped, his voice a whisper of impending doom. "The effects of the second chime are already here."

Hanzo's mouth opened wide, a massive cannon of cursed energy erupting from his throat. It was a blast of pure, unrelenting power, far stronger than anything he had unleashed before - a sign that his reserves had been fully unleashed.

Hiro's magnetic shield held fast, deflecting the attack with a shimmering wall of force. Hiro clicked his tongue in annoyance, his eyes narrowing as he delivered a devastating blow to Hanzo's face, sending him reeling. But even as he fell, Hanzo's wounds were already regenerating, his body knitting itself back together with terrifying speed.

Hiro's mind raced, desperation clawing at the edges of his thoughts. Hanzo was a tenacious foe, his resilience bordering on the impossible. Hiro knew he had to end the fight before the third chime, but how? Hanzo had already adapted to his red and blue lightning, and using his domain expansion would result in the deaths of countless civilians. He was trapped, his options dwindling with each passing second.

Hanzo lunged at Hiro, his laughter a manic cacophony that filled the air. Hiro amplified his magnetic field, slamming Hanzo against the wall with bone-crushing force. He began to grind him against the unyielding surface, his power threatening to reduce Hanzo to a bloody pulp, just as he had done to Hanami.

"I'll do the same to you as I did to that plant," Hiro snarled, his eyes blazing with a merciless light.

Hanzo's body was being crushed, his flesh and bone giving way under the immense pressure. But even as he was ground to a pulp, a smile split his face, his eyes glinting with mad defiance. "You'll need more than that," he rasped, his voice a broken whisper.

Hiro's brow furrowed in concentration, his mind racing. This idiot was insanely resilient, and he knew he would have to increase the power of his technique to put him down for good. With a roar of effort, Hiro amplified the intensity of his magnetic field, electricity crackling and arcing through the air.

Hanzo's expression shifted, a flicker of concern crossing his face as the pressure mounted. Hiro's thoughts were a whirlwind of desperation and determination. If he kept pushing the limits of his Divine Eyes technique, he would reach the breaking point.

"DIE ALREADY!" Hiro screamed, his voice raw with fury and exertion.

Hanzo's screams of agony filled the air as he was simultaneously crushed and regenerated, his body caught in a nightmarish cycle of destruction and rebirth. Blood poured from Hiro's nose, a sign that he had reached the limits of his power.

With a gasp of exhaustion, Hiro deactivated his magnetic field, his eyes returning to their normal, piercing blue. Both combatants were left panting, their bodies pushed to the brink of collapse.

Geto's smile was a cruel, triumphant thing, his eyes glinting with malicious glee. "So, it has a limit after all," he purred, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "I knew a technique that powerful couldn't be sustained indefinitely."

Hanzo lunged at Hiro, his fists flying with reckless abandon. Hiro dodged the blow, countering with a devastating uppercut to Hanzo's jaw. The impact was accompanied by a burst of electricity, leaving Hanzo's face a charred ruin, his teeth shattered and scattered.

Hanzo regenerated the damage, his smile a twisted mockery of humanity. "What's wrong?" he taunted, his voice filled with cruel amusement. "Has your magnetic field run out?"

Hiro's mind raced, a grim realization settling in his gut. It was them or him, and he knew what he had to do. With a weary sigh, he brought his hands together, his voice ringing out with grim determination. "Domain Expansion: Heaven's Gate."

A shimmering portal opened above them, bathing the area in an otherworldly glow. The civilians trapped within the subway looked up in awe and terror, their eyes wide with fear as they beheld the divine light that poured from the gateway.

Hanzo's thoughts were a whirlwind of disbelief and horror. Would Hiro really sacrifice all these innocent lives? As if in answer to his unspoken question, the civilians began to convulse, their bodies wracked with spasms as lethal currents of electricity coursed through their veins.

Even Geto was not spared, his body crumpling to the ground as he clutched at his head in agony. Blood poured from their eyes, noses, and ears, the first second of exposure to Hiro's domain expansion already pushing them to the brink of death.

And then, the third bell tolled.

Hanzo's smile was a vicious, triumphant thing, his eyes glinting with mad glee. He had adapted, emerging victorious from their battle of endurance like a phoenix rising from the ashes of its own immolation.

With a burst of newfound strength, Hanzo rose to his feet, shrugging off the effects of Hiro's domain as if they were nothing. Channeling the accumulated damage into a single, devastating blow, he launched himself at Hiro, his fist aiming straight for the blond sorcerer's face.

Hiro hastily activated his magnetic shield, but to his horror, Hanzo's fist tore through it like tissue paper, connecting with his jaw with a sickening crunch. Hiro was sent flying, his body smashing through the wall of his own domain, shattering it like glass. The domain collapsed around them, the shimmering portal winking out of existence as quickly as it had appeared.

Geto staggered to his feet, his body wracked with pain as he brushed the dust from his clothes. "That was too close," he muttered, his voice filled with a mix of relief and grudging respect.

Hanzo's laughter was a cruel, mocking thing, his eyes glinting with savage triumph. "I've won," he declared, his voice dripping with malicious glee.

Hiro lay slumped against a pillar, his face a ruined mess of shattered bone and torn flesh. Slowly, agonizingly, his own reverse cursed technique began to knit his wounds back together, repairing the damage wrought by Hanzo's blow.

But as his gaze fell upon the charred corpses of the innocent bystanders, their bodies reduced to blackened husks by his own attack, a wave of despair washed over him. He had sacrificed everything, and it had all been for nothing.

"All of this," Hiro whispered, his voice a broken rasp, "for nothing..."

The weight of his failure pressed down upon him like a physical force, threatening to crush his very soul. He had been outmaneuvered, outmatched, and now, the blood of countless innocents stained his hands.

As he lay there, broken and defeated, Hiro could only wonder what price he would have to pay for his hubris, and what dark fate awaited him in the aftermath of this hellish battle.

Hiro struggled to his feet, his body battered and bruised, his spirit teetering on the brink of despair. Hanzo's smile was a cruel, mocking thing, his eyes glinting with malicious triumph. "Don't you get it?" he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "You've lost, Hiro."

Hiro assumed a fighting stance, his jaw set with grim determination. "No," he growled, his voice raw with pain and defiance. "Not yet."

Hanzo lunged forward, his fist connecting with Hiro's stomach in a sickening crunch. Hiro doubled over, the air rushing from his lungs in a choked gasp. But even as he reeled from the blow, he lashed out, seizing Hanzo's head and driving his knee into his face with a satisfying crack.

Hanzo merely grinned, shrugging off the blow as if it were nothing. What followed was a brutal, relentless exchange of blows, each one delivered with bone-crushing force.

Hanzo's fists slammed into Hiro's body like sledgehammers, shattering ribs and rupturing organs. Blood poured from Hiro's mouth, his vision blurring as he struggled to stay on his feet. But even as his body was pushed to the brink of collapse, his own reverse cursed technique went to work, knitting bone and sinew back together in a desperate bid to keep him in the fight.

Hiro retaliated with a flurry of punches and kicks, his movements desperate and clumsy as he fought through the haze of pain. But for every blow he landed, Hanzo delivered three more, his strength and speed seemingly inexhaustible.

A vicious uppercut sent Hiro's head snapping back, stars exploding behind his eyes as he tasted blood on his tongue. A knee to the ribs drove the air from his lungs, leaving him gasping and wheezing. A brutal elbow to the temple sent him staggering, his vision swimming as he fought to stay conscious.

But through it all, Hanzo's smile never wavered, his eyes glinting with a sadistic glee as he slowly, methodically broke Hiro down. Every blow was a reminder of Hiro's weakness, of his failure, of his utter helplessness in the face of Hanzo's overwhelming power.

As the battle raged on, Hiro's mind began to drift, his thoughts turning inward as he sought escape from the relentless onslaught. Memories flashed before his eyes, snippets of a life that seemed so distant now, so far removed from the hell he found himself in.

He saw himself standing atop a towering skyscraper in New York, the city sprawling out beneath him like a glittering jewel. He was the king of this concrete jungle, the protector of the innocent, the scourge of the wicked. No curse or evildoer could escape his wrath, not while he stood watch over his beloved city.

His father, Takahiro, appeared beside him, his face etched with concern. "Getting into trouble again?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of exasperation and affection.

Hiro shrugged, a cocky grin spreading across his face. "What's the big deal?" he asked, his voice dripping with youthful arrogance. "I took down that curse like it was nothing. Nothing can stop me."

Takahiro sighed, shaking his head in disapproval. "Yes, but your collateral damage nearly put innocent lives at risk."

Hiro waved a dismissive hand, his eyes sparkling with self-assurance. "Yeah, but I saved more people than I put in danger. That makes me awesome."

Takahiro fixed him with a stern gaze, his voice taking on a somber tone. "Hiro, every life matters. Defeating curses is part of the job, but at the end of the day, we kill curses to protect the civilians. That's why we're strong, why you're strong, why you're Hiro. That's your duty as a sorcerer."

Hiro rolled his eyes, his lips twisting into a petulant frown. "Uncle Ryo said that all that matters is killing curses. Hanzo does the same thing."

Takahiro sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration. "Yes, but that's the path they've chosen. I'd like you to choose your own path... the right one."

Hiro shrugged, his expression noncommittal. "Yeah, whatever. I'll think about it, okay?"

Back in the present, as Hanzo's fist slammed into his face, Hiro's mind raced with newfound clarity. He had failed to protect these innocent people, had even killed them himself in a misguided attempt to defeat his enemy. He had slaughtered his own family, the Miller clan, believing it to be the right thing to do. But what was truly right?

Perhaps it was following the path of righteousness, of goodness and compassion. He had thought he was on that path, but somewhere along the way, he had lost his way. His arrogance had cost him dearly, had led him to defeat after defeat. But no more.

As Hanzo prepared to deliver the final blow, Hiro's Divine Eyes flared to life, their otherworldly glow illuminating the darkness. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he watched the attack unfold, his enhanced perception allowing him to see every minute detail.

With a burst of speed, Hiro dodged the blow, his body moving with a grace and fluidity that belied his battered state. In the same instant, he lashed out with a devastating punch of his own, his fist connecting with Hanzo's face whit a black flash.

Hanzo was sent flying backwards, his body smashing through the wall and crumpling to the ground in a heap. He staggered to his feet, his eyes wide with shock and disbelief. The blow had rattled him more than he cared to admit.

"Your Divine Eyes," he rasped, his voice tinged with a mix of fear and rage. "I thought you were at your limit."

Hiro assumed a fighting stance once more, his eyes blazing with a newfound resolve. "I am," he admitted, his voice steady and strong. "But I won't fall, not until I fulfill my duty as a sorcerer."

Geto's smile widened, a glimmer of something dark and unfathomable in his eyes. Hanzo threw back his head and laughed, the sound harsh and grating. "Can't you see?" he mocked, his voice dripping with derision. "You don't have a chance."

Hiro's lips curved into a smile of his own, a fierce, unyielding thing that spoke of an unbreakable will. "I know," he said, his voice ringing out clear and strong. "That's why, here and now, I will become the strongest sorcerer of all."

The words hung in the air, a declaration of intent, a promise of what was to come. Hiro knew that the odds were stacked against him, that he was battered and bruised and pushed to the very limit of his endurance.

But he also knew that he had a duty to fulfill, a responsibility to the innocent lives he had sworn to protect. He had strayed from that path, had lost sight of what truly mattered in his pursuit of power and vengeance.

But no more. Here, in this moment, he would redeem himself. He would become the hero he was always meant to be, the shining beacon of hope in a world consumed by darkness.

A few hours earlier, Gojo and Yaga sat in one of the many rooms of the school, sipping tea in contemplative silence. Yaga was the first to break the stillness, his voice laced with concern. "Are you certain, Gojo? Letting Hiro handle the defeat of Hanzo and Geto?"

Gojo's lips curved into a confident smile. "He'll be fine," he assured, his tone unwavering.

Yaga's brow furrowed, doubt etched on his features. "What if Hanzo adapts to his new technique?"

Gojo waved a dismissive hand. "Hiro will find a way to win."

Yaga leaned forward, his eyes searching Gojo's face. "Why are you so sure?"

Gojo set his teacup down, his smile widening. "Because Hiro thrives during battles. He grows stronger with each challenge."

Yaga sighed, his fingers drumming against the table. "He has defeated several curses, yes, but he has also lost many fights. Naoya, Hanzo, that volcanic curse, even Geto himself."

Gojo laughed, a rich, melodious sound that filled the room. "With Naoya, Hiro wasn't truly pushed to his limit. I was there, and knowing that, he knew he wouldn't die. Against Geto, he had orders to simply buy time, so he wasn't fighting to the death."

Gojo paused, his expression growing somber. "With Hanzo, Hiro suffered a crushing defeat. But in Kyoto, he turned the tables and emerged victorious. Jogo was a similar case. Hiro lost initially, but he knew his Divine Speed technique would help him escape. He wasn't in mortal danger at that moment. And in their second encounter, Hiro wiped the floor with him."

Gojo picked up his teacup once more, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "So, in short, you can't defeat Hiro Miller twice."

Back at the battle, Hanzo lunged forward, his fists a blur of motion. Hiro, his Divine Eyes activated, dodged each blow with preternatural grace. Hanzo attempted a vicious hook, but Hiro ducked beneath it, retaliating with a swift uppercut to Hanzo's ribs. Hanzo merely laughed, shrugging off the pain.

Hanzo pressed his attack, his fists flying with reckless abandon. Hiro weaved and dodged, his movements fluid and precise. He launched a Red Lightning bolt, the crackling energy sending Hanzo skidding backwards, but leaving him otherwise unharmed.

Hanzo's voice boomed through the subway, a roar of challenge and defiance. "COME ON, HIRO! LET'S END THIS ONCE AND FOR ALL! I WILL AVENGE THE MILLER CLAN AND BECOME THE HEAD OF THE CLAN MYSELF!"

Hiro charged forward, his fist cocked back, ready to deliver a devastating blow. Hanzo met the attack head-on, absorbing the impact with a sadistic grin. In a flash, he slammed his forehead into Hiro's, sending the blond sorcerer reeling.

Seizing the opportunity, Hanzo connected with a crushing blow, driving Hiro into the ground and forming a small crater around his battered body. Hiro gasped in agony, his lungs struggling to draw breath.

Hanzo's mouth opened wide, a cannon of cursed energy gathering in his throat. Hiro, in a last-ditch effort, activated his Divine Speed, the world around him slowing to a crawl. With the last second of his technique, he unleashed a flurry of punches, his fists striking Hanzo's body hundreds of times in rapid succession.

Grabbing his sansetsukon, Hiro wrapped it around Hanzo's throat, choking the life from his opponent. As time resumed its normal flow, Hanzo felt the full impact of Hiro's onslaught, blood spurting from his mouth as the blows took their toll.

Hiro tightened his grip, his muscles straining as he sought to tear Hanzo's head from his shoulders. But Hanzo, ever the cunning fighter, merely grinned. With a burst of strength, he charged towards the wall, slamming Hiro into the unyielding surface. Hiro's grip faltered, allowing Hanzo to break free.

Hanzo drove his fist into Hiro's gut, doubling him over in pain. Seizing Hiro's head, Hanzo dragged him across the ground, the rough concrete tearing at Hiro's flesh. With a final, brutal heave, Hanzo threw Hiro like a rag doll, unleashing a torrent of cursed energy from his mouth. The resulting explosion rocked the subway, a blast of smoke and debris obscuring the battlefield.

Hanzo's laughter echoed through the chaos, a sound of triumph and malice. Geto watched from the sidelines, his mind racing with possibilities. "From this battle," he mused, "the future's strongest sorcerer will emerge."

As the smoke began to clear, a figure emerged from the devastation. Hiro, his body battered and broken, his face a ruined mess of shattered bone and torn flesh, staggered forward. His reverse cursed technique had reached its limit, the regeneration process agonizingly slow.

But despite the pain, despite the overwhelming odds, Hiro refused to fall. The indomitable human spirit burned within him, brighter and fiercer than ever before. "I can't lose," he thought, his mind a whirlwind of determination and desperation. "I promised Maki. I can't lose. I must honor the deaths of these people. I can't lose. There's too much riding on my shoulders. I can't die. I... WILL WIN."

Hanzo, sensing weakness, lunged forward once more, his fist connecting with Hiro's face in a blow that shook the very foundations of the subway. But Hiro, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly light, stood firm. "I WILL WIN," he declared, his voice a roar of defiance.

In a flash, Hiro retaliated, his fist slamming into Hanzo's ribs in a Black Flash, the impact resonating through the air. Hanzo felt the weight of the blow, but Hiro was far from finished. A second Black Flash followed, then a third, a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth. Each strike was more powerful than the last, a relentless barrage of devastating blows.

Hanzo was sent flying, his body smashing through the wall and forming a gaping hole. Hiro, seizing the moment, launched a seventh Black Flash, this one even mightier than the rest. The punch connected with Hanzo's chest, driving him deeper into the wall, a scream of agony tearing from his throat.

Hiro stood there, his chest heaving, his body pushed to the brink of collapse. Hanzo, his body knitting itself back together, let out a mocking laugh. "You think you've won?" he sneered, his wounds closing before Hiro's eyes.

Hanzo's laughter grew louder, a sound of unhinged madness. "You've got a long way to go."

Hiro, his eyes narrowing, took a step back. "No," he said, his voice calm and steady. "You're the one at your limit."

Hanzo lashed out with a kick, but Hiro dodged it effortlessly, leaping back to put distance between them. "No, Hanzo," Hiro declared, his voice ringing out with unwavering conviction. "I've already won."

Hanzo's eyes widened, confusion and fear flickering across his face. "What are you talking about?"

Hiro began to gather energy in his hands, a crackling, sizzling ball of purple lightning. "This technique," he said, his voice low and dangerous, "I wanted to use it to defeat Gojo. But... I suppose I'll use it on you instead."

Hanzo's expression twisted into one of pure terror, his body trembling with a primal fear. Hiro extended his arms, his eyes blazing with an otherworldly light. "Cosmic Rays," he intoned, his voice a whisper of doom. "Purple Lightning."

The bolt of energy erupted from Hiro's hands, a blinding flash of purple light that seared the eyes and scorched the soul. It streaked towards Hanzo, moving with a speed that defied comprehension. Hanzo, frozen in place, could only watch as the attack bore down upon him.

The explosion was cataclysmic, a deafening roar that shook the very foundations of the earth. Purple flames engulfed the subway, consuming everything in their path. The walls crumbled, the ceiling collapsed, and the ground itself split open, unable to withstand the sheer force of the blast.

The devastation spilled out into the streets above, a pillar of smoke and fire rising into the sky like a beacon of destruction. Windows shattered, buildings toppled, and the very air seemed to burn with the heat of a thousand suns.

Amidst the chaos, Hiro sat down, his body trembling with exhaustion. He had won. There was no sign of Hanzo, no trace of the monster who had pushed him to the very brink of oblivion.

Geto emerged from the rubble, his body battered and bruised, a testament to the sheer destructive power of Hiro's attack. With a grunt of effort, he activated his own reverse cursed technique, his wounds knitting themselves back together in a grotesque display of regeneration. Brushing the dust and debris from his clothes, Geto fixed Hiro with a calculating gaze, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

"That was quite the explosion, Hiro-kun," he remarked, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and annoyance.

Hiro, his own body still reeling from the aftereffects of his technique, looked at Geto with a mixture of surprise and suspicion. "How are you still alive?" he asked, his voice laced with disbelief.

Geto chuckled, a sound devoid of warmth. "I didn't take the full brunt of the blast," he explained, his tone almost conversational. "Plus, I managed to shield myself with my curses."

In his mind, Geto knew the truth. Had he been caught in the direct path of Hiro's attack, he would have been obliterated, his body reduced to ash and dust. But he kept this knowledge to himself, unwilling to give Hiro the satisfaction of knowing just how close he had come to victory.

"It's a shame, though," Geto continued, his voice taking on a mocking edge. "Your explosion claimed quite a few human lives."

Hiro shook his head, a grim smile on his face. "No, by this point, I'm certain Inumaki succeeded in evacuating everyone from that area. If you look behind me, the subway remains intact. That's because my explosion is controlled."

Geto's smile widened, a glimmer of begrudging respect in his eyes. "You truly are a thorn in my side, Hiro Miller," he said, his voice filled with a mix of frustration and admiration.

Hiro, his curiosity piqued, took a step forward. "So, are you going to start talking? About who you really are?"

Geto's smile took on a sinister edge. With deliberate slowness, he began to remove the stitches from his skull, the sound of tearing flesh filling the air. As he peeled back the skin, a cursed brain was revealed, pulsing with an unholy energy.

"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Geto said, his voice dripping with malice. "I've gone by many names over the years, but you can call me Kenjaku... or simply Geto. Whichever you prefer."

Hiro's eyes widened, a mix of revulsion and fascination on his face. "What are you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kenjaku's smile was a razor's edge, his eyes glinting with ancient knowledge. "Let's just say I'm a very, very old sorcerer. But I must say, Hiro Miller, you've surprised me. I didn't think you'd actually vaporize Hanzo like that."

Kenjaku cast his gaze around the devastation, searching through the rubble and debris. After a moment, he located Hanzo's charred arm, the flesh blackened and twisted. Picking it up, he examined it with a detached curiosity, as if it were nothing more than a mildly interesting specimen.

"I had plans for his body," Kenjaku mused, his tone tinged with disappointment. "Something quite interesting, in fact. But it seems that's no longer an option."

Hiro, his resolve hardening, took a step forward. "I defeated Hanzo," he declared, his voice filled with determination. "Now it's your turn."

Kenjaku laughed, a sound filled with cruel amusement. "You're out of energy," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with malicious glee. "Do you really think you can win?"

Hiro, his face set in grim determination, brought his hands together, his fingers interlocking in a familiar gesture. He was preparing to unleash a second Domain Expansion, a final, desperate gambit to bring down the monster before him.

Kenjaku's eyes widened, a flicker of uncertainty passing across his face. "He still has the strength for that?" he thought, his mind racing with calculations and possibilities.

Hiro, his smile one of triumphant defiance, stood tall and proud, his body thrumming with barely contained power. Kenjaku, his own smile never wavering, met Hiro's gaze with a look of grudging admiration.

"Hiro Miller," he said, his voice filled with a mix of respect and disdain, "you truly have become the strongest."

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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