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40% Danmachi: The Outcast / Chapter 2: Election

Chapitre 2: Election

Hello everyone, I started writing again and I'm amazed by many things on the wiki.


Spoilers ahead

Man, they really gave Lefiya Viridis some great development. It was always clear she had potential, but I'm surprised. She finally grew a backbone, and all it took was for a friend to kick the bucket. I also gained more respect for Zald; the guy fought while poisoned and still kicked everyone's butt.


Now, without further ado, here's the chapter. Enjoy~


|Previous Chapter|

The Outcast class was the one where greater risk didn't guarantee greater reward, yet he was still willing to take the chance.

His future, his life, his dream, his survival, and even his freedom, he was going to bet it all to fulfill his adjective, and he didn't want to be limited by a class. So, breathing deeply in a place without air and him without a nose, he looked at the Real with a smile on his face and responded:

"I accept!"


-'Wow, what surprises I had today, it's exciting. I wonder how the appearance of the Six will affect the world. Each of them knows at least one of the stories. How will those arrogant gods feel when they know they're just entertainment? Or how will they feel that they're nothing compared to the vast omniverse? Ahah, I can't wait to see them, see them desperate... damn, I'm getting a bit too salty. I better calm down and continue with what we came here to do.'

"Well, guys, girls, and Apache helicopter with 69 turrets, I'd like to warn you about some things, but first, it's better for each of you to choose your ability that will define your future quite a bit...

-After that, as if controlling a computer in the air, the Scriptwriter started moving his fingers, and in front of all the Figures, a screen appeared, showing different abilities.

....Ready, Elián. Ahh! I almost forgot, it's better if you're quick. There's only one ability on that screen, so if one of you chooses one, it will disappear from the other's list."

-Seeing everyone scanning their screens super fast, the Real smiles amusedly; 'Ah, how entertaining. I only made that rule so I could see different abilities in action and not everyone with the same... I hope they finish quickly. While they choose, I'm going to watch the 2nd Season of No Game No Life.'


Sakura Watanabe's Point of View - [Erza Scarlet]

When I heard the Real's words, I got super anxious about losing the ability I wanted, I quickly scanned the list and searched for one that would suit me.




Fire Control - [Not Available]

You can control fire like a candle around you.

Wind Control - [Eligible]

You can control the wind like a gentle breeze around you.

Flora Connection - [Eligible]

You have the ability to communicate with plants and make them grow faster than normal.

Enhanced Regeneration Speed - [Eligible]

You have the ability to heal minor wounds faster than an average person.

Animal Mimicry - [Eligible]

You can temporarily adopt physical characteristics of certain animals.

Shadow Manipulation - [Eligible]

You can control your own shadows.

Animal Bond - [Eligible]

You can establish a telepathic connection with animals you consider close.

Lightning Control - [Eligible]

You can control lightning slightly around you.

Healing - [Chosen]

You can heal yourself and people you touch.

More abilities; 6969+


Quickly scanning the list, Sakura found her adjective and selected it.


[Selected Ability, please wait for others to finish for further review]

"How lucky, I made it in time. From the beginning, I wanted the healing ability, it would be very useful for many situations. The best part is it can be improved, which means in the future, I could surpass 'Airmid Teasanare's ability and become the best healer in the world. Adding to that, as a warrior, I could go into battle while healing. The best thing is, since it doesn't require Falna, I can go directly to a great Family like the Loki Familia and showcase my ability. Surely even if I'm level 1, they'll accept me."

When Sakura finished her inner monologue, she looked around and saw she wasn't the only one who had finished selecting her ability.


Matteo Rossi's Point of View - [Itachi Uchiha]

When I heard the Real's words, I calmly began searching the list for any illusion abilities.




Fire Control - [Not Available]

You can control fire like a candle around you.

Wind Control - [Eligible]

You can control the wind like a gentle breeze around you.

Flora Connection - [Eligible]

You have the ability to communicate with plants and make them grow faster than normal.

Enhanced Regeneration Speed - [Eligible]

You have the ability to heal minor wounds faster than an average person.

Animal Mimicry - [Eligible]

You can temporarily adopt physical characteristics of certain animals.

Shadow Manipulation - [Eligible]

You can control your own shadows.

More abilities; 6969+


'What do I do, do I keep searching and risk not finding anything, or do I choose shadow manipulation?'

'I don't know what to do. If I take the risk with an illusion ability and it turns out to be very weak, I'll lose such a good ability that connects with my assassin class like shadow manipulation. Even if manipulating my own shadow sounds weak, I can already imagine many uses, not only for fighting, but also for stealth...'

'Okay, I've decided. I just wanted the illusion ability to be like Itachi's, but it doesn't matter anymore. Shadow manipulation is better.'


[Selected Ability, please wait for others to finish for further review]


POV of Chen Yang - [Shiryu]

"Damn god, why didn't you say it earlier so I could plan better which ability to choose?"

"Well, it's okay. I have to stop and think about how I want to grow in the future. If I want to be a martial artist of endurance or damage, although I can choose both, it's better that the ability I choose focuses only on one. Let's look at the list calmly."




Fire Control - [Not Available]

You can control fire like a candle around you.



[Selected Ability, please wait for others to finish for further review]

"I'm so lucky. I got a perfect ability for my class just by opening the list."

'Although fire control starts off weak, if I train enough, it will become very strong. Plus, I could use it to fly if I do it like that Bakugo from the Japanese anime, or to create mini suns if I compress enough heat. I can also cover my fist with fire or create a fire sword like in Dark Souls.'

Now that I think about it, there was an anime I watched a lot as a kid. What was it called?

"Aahh, I remembered now, it was Avatar: The Last Airbender. If I'm not mistaken, to manipulate the elements used in Tai Chi. I still remember a part where a character who controls fire used Tai Chi to light lamps. Alright, I've made up my mind! I'll practice Tai Chi while using Fire Control."


Olga Volkok's POV - [Frieren]

What Do I Choose?

I have to think carefully, as an elf I'll live quite a long time, I have to find something I like, that has room for growth, and that can be useful to me.




Fire Control - [Not Available]

Can control fire like a candle around you.

Wind Control - [Eligible]

You can control the wind like a gentle breeze around you.

Flora Connection - [Eligible]

Has the ability to communicate with plants and make them grow faster than normal.


[100 past abilities]


Enhance - [Chosen]

Allows the user to enhance their magic and statistics, can only be used once at a time.



[Selected Ability, please wait for others to finish for further review]

'What a great ability to get, although I can only use it once, not twice, it means I can enhance the magic I cast, or improve my vision, or enhance my healing factor, even improve my memory in case I forget something from all that I study. And I'm sure that if I study it enough, I'll reach a point where I can improve 2 or more things at once.'

What luck, most of them chose the abilities that appear at the beginning, in a hurry, but they're lucky, they're good abilities. And I'm even luckier; I know at least the abilities of three people, although I don't know about the other two remaining.

As Olga looked around, she realized that only Julian and Susan were still choosing their abilities, as the others were just watching. That means the three of them had already chosen, and therefore, the chosen abilities would belong to some of them.

"Too bad I didn't notice and waited longer, but well, no use crying over spilled milk. I'd better start thinking about how to counter the abilities I saw them choose."


Susan Smith's POV - [Usagi Tsukino]

I still can't believe it, I'm going to reincarnate in a fantasy world, where there are many races, gods, and best of all, I'm going to look like my childhood idol Usagi Tsukino, and I'm going to be a mage on top of it.

"I have to calm down. I can continue being childish later, but this choice is crucial for my future. If I want to survive, find my soulmate, live happily, and help a lot of people, I need to be strong, and to be strong, I need a good ability that complements my magic."

Breaking out of her thoughts, Susan quickly pressed and opened the list.




Fire Control - [Not Available]

Can control fire like a candle around you.

Wind Control - [Eligible]

You can control the wind like a gentle breeze around you.


[1340 past abilities]


Storage - [Chosen]

Allows you to store objects and magic.


Alright, I've made up my mind.


[Selected Ability, please wait for others to finish for further review]

Although I prefer to have an ability that allows me to heal people and attack, I think this ability is perfect for me and much better than the others.

'Remembering when Leia Sword Oratoria Rivera had magic that allowed healing, there's also the world's best medic who can heal someone close to death with her Dia Frate magic. As long as I manage to store them, I'll be able to use them in the future, and it also serves to store objects, something fundamental in the dungeon.'

"What a great ability. Well, who's left to choose?"

As she looked around, Susan realized she was the second to last to finish choosing, she just had to wait for the figure with the most colors, which, if she was honest, scared her.

While avoiding looking at Julian, Susan was surprised to see Real crying while eating ice cream and blowing her nose.

-"Why!, Schwi"

nose blowing sound

Background noise: 

"Finally, a feasible mistake. It has caused me quite a surprising amount of effort."

"Mistake?... What do you mean by mistake?"

"Allow me to explain. I apologize for calling you scrap, It was embarrassingly rude, but... Consider your presence a threat that must be eliminated. You are an enemy worthy of all my power."

Error Error

-Complete synchronization-

"In this game... Victory goes to me... [Losen: Kein-Eintrang]"



"Riku... Hello Riku... It's Schwi... I finally understand..."


Watching the being calling itself the Unlimited Imagination and whom she saw as a being of omniscience and omnipresence, crying like a little child while eating ice cream, caused her to automatically erase that from her mind, or perhaps it was Real who erased it while she was writing.


Julián García's POV - [Merlin]

Julián was the calmest of all those who chose, he was whistling the Gohan Chiquito melody as he scrolled through the abilities while some were being chosen.

"Wow, wow, these times are too fast. I don't understand why they're not calmer, after all, there are more than 6969 abilities, it's better to take some time to choose."

|10 minutes later|

"Oh, I found a good one called Enhancement Magic... oh, it seems it's already chosen. Well, what can you do, let's keep looking."

|30 minutes later|

While Julian continued searching, Real had finished watching the movie, and to cheer him up, the other participants started making a fuss.

|Nene Malo - Bailan las Rochas y las Chetas|

"Let's go, guys! One, stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and hands on your hips. Two, start moving your hips from side to side to the rhythm of the music. Three, raise your arms up and move them energetically while continuing to move your hips. Four, take a step to the right with your right foot and touch the ground with the tip of your left foot. Five, bring your left foot back and cross it behind the right, keeping your arms moving."

"Now let's go, let's go, let's go, one, two..."

Without paying attention to the fuss behind him, Julián kept searching.




Fire Control - [Not Available]

Can control fire like a candle around you.


Enhancement - [Not Available]

Allows the user to enhance their magic and statistics, can only be used once at a time.


[6969 abilities later]


Mana Control (Magic) - [Chosen]

Can control mana within you as you wish, and a little outside.


Finally, after an unknown amount of time, I found an ability that just clicked with me. I can already imagine many ways to use it, but for now, let's choose it. It seems I'm the last one left.


[Selected Ability]


POV As Desired by Real

Well, it looks like the last one finished. I just have to explain a couple of things, and then I'll send you to Danmachi. What a shame, I had quite a bit of fun watching a humanoid figure with different colors dancing to Nene Malo, but we have to move on. It's been 2 chapters and they haven't even reincarnated yet.

"It seems they're done. Before sending you off, I'd like to make a brief introduction:

You'll be sent to a Danmachi six years before the canon. I was going to send you 4 years before, but I decided to send you six years earlier since there are six of you. You'll have more time to grow, and interesting things happen during this time.

I'd also like to let you know that I decided to make the universe a bit AU, meaning most of the story remains the same, but I introduced new characters. These characters are from other universes, although only their appearance remains the same, they are completely different.

Don't expect to meet these introduced characters as soon as you enter Danmachi, especially not in Orario. I've just added five, and all five are from outside of Orario, but I don't control their movements. Some of them might turn out to be villains, others might become adventurers in Orario, and some might even die...

"Now, with nothing more to say, enjoy your new life, and I wish you all the best."

Just as Real was about to send one to Danmachi, Susan Smith raised her hand, wanting to ask something that was on everyone's mind.

"I'm sorry to interrupt at such an important moment, but I wanted to ask something a bit strange... Do you write down everything we say? I don't know how I came up with such a weird question..."

The last words from Susan sent a shiver down everyone's spine. Meanwhile, Real sat quietly on the floor, crossing his legs, and responded:

"Child, if I wanted to, I could do it... but I don't because it would be boring. If your doubts are true, then the question you just asked was written by me for you to ask. That way, I can also answer the doubts of the majority.

"I don't write your stories... I see what you do and enjoy putting it into a book, or maybe that book is what you do and I'm just writing myself while writing what you do. I don't know... but it doesn't matter. Just live, because it's your second chance. Don't think that someone is writing you, because then you won't be able to sleep. After all, I don't even know if I'm just being written, if I'm real, or just a product of imagination. But it doesn't matter... as long as you breathe, you live. And there's no point in being afraid of the unknown, because as uncertain as it may be, it's part of the adventure of being alive."


Complete silence


"Alright, enough reflecting, it's time for you to go and continue doing your thing. I'm not a very social person and I want to go to bed already."

"I wish you all a beautiful reincarnation, enjoy, cry, laugh, fight, dance, sing, explore, and just live. I wish you a good journey, 'THE SIX'."

With his last words, darkness consumed them all...




On a rural road surrounded by forest, a carriage of Far Eastern style could be seen, with six people inside, all of them different and none of them ugly. They were all lying down until they began to open their eyes all at once and looked around alert and puzzled.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake."


[End of Chapter 2]


Note: This chapter took me much less time, and although it could be much better, I don't mind. If it takes too much time, there will come a moment when I stop enjoying it, and if I don't like something, I don't want to do it. So, before experiencing writer's block, I prefer to upload the chapter.

I wonder if someone knows which movie makes Real cry?

Oh, I almost forgot; I got super philosophical near the end, haha. I don't even know where that came from, and if it fits with the text, but I wrote it and I liked it, so I won't delete it.

Notice: I'd love to warn you not to expect the MC to find a goddess quickly, although I've already decided on one for him, who by the way is outside of Orario. Don't expect the MC to find her quickly, so the beginning will mostly be a world journey around Danmachi, changing many events since don't forget he's six years before canon, and for those who haven't read the timeline, the war against Evilu has just ended.

[3062 Words]

Guionista Guionista

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