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17.94% Robert I Baratheon / Chapter 6: Anniversary Tourney IV

Chapitre 6: Anniversary Tourney IV

(3rd Person POV)

The tourney had started and in the royal box, some notable noble families were present. Most prominent among them were of course King Aerys II Targaryen with his wife, Rhaella Targaryen and their son, the Crown Prince, Rhaegar Targaryen. The only one who is still missing is the Hand of the King with his family. But they are on their way. 

In the Red Keep, House Lannister meets House Baratheon as they are about to make their way towards the tourney grounds. Large tourneys are held outside the city, beside the Blackwater and near the King's Gate.


"Ah, Tywin. It's good to see you. Are you also making your way towards the tourney grounds?", Steffon asks his old friend with a smile. 

Tywin Lannister, the head of the Lions never smiles ... or seldom smiles and only if no one can see it. He looks at Steffon and nods his head. 

"Indeed. We are on our way there, right now.", the Hand of the King replies. 

"Lady Joanna, it is a pleasure to see you again. Allow me to introduce my wife Cassana, and my sons, Robert and Stannis. This time properly.", Steffon addresses Joanna Lannister with a warm smile. They have known each other for a while now, but not that close, because Tywin guards his wife like the lion he is. 

"Welcome to Kings Landing.", Tywin says courtly. 

"The pleasure is mine, Lord Steffon. Allow me to welcome you to Kings Landing once again.", Joanna says smiling gently. Then she looks at the two boys.

"It is a delight to meet your sons. I have heard a lot about you two.", she says. 

"Lady Joanna, your beauty is unmatched in the Seven Kingdoms second only to our mother, and your two daughters are in no way inferior to you.", Robert says stepping forward with a charming grin.



"Ouch! What was that for?", Robert rubs his head and looks at his father. 

"You know exactly what that was for.", Steffon manages to say without exploding. But he is very very close to doing that. 

Joanna's smile widens, and she chuckles softly. Tywin's expression remains impassive, though his eyes flicker with the smallest hint of amusement.

"You have a silver tongue, young Robert. But I'm afraid you are mistaken. This is my son Jaime, and this is my daughter Cersei.", Joanna says amused at Robert's words and the Baratheon family's dynamic. 

"Forgive me, Lady Joanna. With such fine looks, I couldn't tell. Your son and daughter both carry your grace.", Robert replies acting momentarily taken aback and then laughs scratching his head.

"It's easy to see how Robert could be confused. Your children are as striking as their parents.", Cassana Baratheon says bringing herself into the discussion.

"You're very bold for a ten-name-day-old.", Cersei Lannister says with a haughty voice as she eyes Robert with curiosity.

"Some say it's my best quality.", Robert grins.


"No one says that brother.", Stannis says in an even tone after his father bonked Robert on his head again. 

"Forgive his lack of manners. He wasn't raised enough, it would seem.", Steffon says eying Robert dangerously. Robert knows what that means, he will have cleaning duty for a few weeks when they get home. 

Stannis stands quietly beside his mother, observing the exchange with his usual serious demeanour.

"And this is Stannis, my second son. He's a bit more reserved but sharp as a Valyrian blade.", Steffon pats Stannis on the shoulder. 

"It is an honour to meet you, Stannis. You have the look of a thoughtful young man.", Joanna nods kindly to Stannis. 

"Thank you, Lady Joanna.", Stannis nods and bows lightly. 

Tywin Lannister's eyes appraise Stannis for a moment, his expression inscrutable.

"Thoughtfulness is a rare and valuable trait, Stannis. Use it well.", Tywin says in a measured tone. It seems like Tywin has met someone with whom he can relate. Or maybe it's something different entirely. 

There's a brief, comfortable silence as the two families walk towards the tourney ground with each other, the air filled with potential for future alliances and friendships ... or problems and animosity.

"Well, I hope you find the Anniversary Tourney to your liking. My children and I would be delighted to show you around.", Joanna breaks the silence.

 "That would be lovely. We've heard much about the grandeur of Kings Landing but we never get to visit since the two boys arrived in this world.", Cassana nods her head. 

After that, the two families reach the tourney grounds where the tourney is already in full swing. 



(Tywin POV)

I watch the Baratheons move through the stands of the tourney grounds, my eyes assessing each member of the family. The exchange had been brief, but it had given me much to consider.

Steffon Baratheon carries himself with the confidence of a man who knows his place in the world, like usual. Nothing has changed on that front. He has changed though. Becoming a father changes someone, just like it changed me, if only slightly. His wife, Cassana, seems a fitting match – graceful and composed, fitting for a noble lady of the noble house of Baratheon. Their sons, however ... present an interesting contrast.

Robert, the elder son, had spoken with a boldness that belied his youth. His compliment to Joanna was daring, almost impudent, but delivered with a charm that could not be ignored. Just like his loud shout in the dining room, last night ... He doesn't seem to bother about the status quo of things. The boy has a raw charisma, an energy that draws people in. It reminded me of the man Aerys once was when he rose to power – When he could inspire loyalty and command attention without effort. But even with Aerys, it was never this effortless. 

That boy has potential. He possesses a natural charm that can be moulded and harnessed. Yet, he lacks discipline. His mistake with Jaime shows a lack of observation, a carelessness that could be dangerous. Such recklessness must be tempered ... is what I would say if I was anyone else but Tywin Lannister. He can't fool me. I know exactly that he was aware that I only had one daughter. He is intelligent, dangerously so. 


Then there was Stannis. The boy had barely spoken, his serious demeanour a stark contrast to his brother's exuberance. I saw in Stannis a different kind of potential – a boy who could be shaped into a sharp tool, precise and unyielding. But Stannis's silence and reserve also hinted at a rigidity that could be a weakness. Steffon had his work cut out for him. I wonder what he will achieve with his children. 

My gaze shifts to my own children. Joanna stood beside me, radiant as ever, her presence calming. Cersei and Jaime, their golden hair shining in the sunlight, were the future of House Lannister, my legacy. Cersei had watched Robert with a curious intensity, while Jaime had taken the 'mistake' as an insult. But he hadn't said anything. 

Cersei's interest in Robert could be useful, but I am not interested in the Lord Paramount of the Stormlands. I already have my sight on another potential husband. She is headstrong and ambitious, which can be advantageous if properly directed. Jaime, on the other hand, remains unperturbed, his countenance shaken by Robert's error. I will have to change that soon.

As the Baratheons disappear from view, I turn my attention back to the matters at hand. The encounter provided valuable insights, and I am a man who never lets such information go to waste. I will watch the Baratheon boys closely, ready to exploit any opportunity that arises.

The future is uncertain, but one thing is clear: the Baratheons will play a significant role. It is up to me to ensure that House Lannister remains the dominant force in the Seven Kingdoms. Maybe a different fostering might be a good idea. I was planning to let Jamie be fostered in the Westerlands when he is of age, but now ... there might be something else that could be equally good or even better. And if Robert Baratheon would be fostered in Castely Rock, that would be even better. 



(Robert POV)

My god is this boring to watch. I don't know how anyone could ever find pleasure in watching others shoot arrows at targets if you could do that yourself. My bout with Ser Barristan didn't go as planned. He was truly a good fighter and I could learn much from him. I will go over the fight once again when I'm alone ... wait ... why wait for it? I could do it now. Then I wouldn't bore myself to death. 

I close my eyes and get into a meditative state. Or I try. I have tried this already at home, but it was quieter there. I calm my breathing and try to slow down my heartbeat. 100 bpm ... 80 bpm ... 69 bpm ... 69 bpm ... nice ... 60 bpm ... 52 bpm ... 50 bpm ... 

Finally, I reach 40 bpm and I concentrate on my breathing. Everything around me vanishes and I find myself in complete darkness. I have perfect memory with infinite storage. This is an overpowered ability if it is used correctly. So far, I have been using it to store any and all information I come across. I memorized books, talks and faces. 

After coming to Kings Landing, I memorised the fight of knights or anyone who is fighting. That is the only reason, I am sitting here, waiting for the melee to start. I think back to the best fighter I have seen to date, Ser Barristan Selmy. I saw him fight two times. Once against that younger knight, whose name I don't know and then against me. 

Both times, he didn't give his all, but that doesn't matter to me. I will simply try to calculate his strength and speed according to the little information I have. And when you have a perfect memory, you never have little information. 


I don't know how much time has passed since I started to do that, but I think I have an approximate level of Ser Barristan ready. I visualise Ser Barristan in the darkness around me. Slowly he comes to fruition as my mind feeds the simulation, until a white silhouette of the King's Guard appears before me. 

He doesn't say anything and just stands there. I visualise a sword for me and then ... I attack. 

It feels weird to fight in my mind against a visualisation. I adapt to it quickly though and soon, it feels like I am back in the yard fighting Ser Barristan for real. I swing my blade at his face similar to the way I did yesterday. I expect him to block the same way he did yesterday, but I'm surprised when he blocks it perfectly and uses his superior strength to move to the side and slash towards me.


... Dead. 

I would be dead if this was a real fight. He killed me in two strikes. What a beast he is. Hahaha, that is amazing. Imagine how good I will become if I continue to train this way. 

There is only one thing that is missing ... a mechanical voice that acts as the referee.


Round 1

Ser Barristan moves with the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior. He advances me with powerful steps. His simulated sword shoots towards me. I raise my blade, trying to anticipate the attack, but Ser Barristan's speed and skill are overwhelming me. The attack connects, making me stagger backwards. A swift and fast strike to my side 'kills me' and ends the round almost before it begins.

"Defeated.", the mechanical voice says. 


I grit my teeth as the simulation resets. I know I need to improve and fast if I want to have a chance against the seasoned knight.

Round 2

This time, I tried to be more cautious, circling Ser Barristan and looking for an opening. The legendary knight's stance was impeccable, his eyes never leaving me. I lunged, but Ser Barristan parried effortlessly, riposting with a quick strike to my shoulder, to my chest and then my legs. All in a few seconds. 

"Defeated.", the mechanical voice says. 


I fell back, breathing heavily. I replayed the movements in my mind, trying to learn from each mistake. I have another idea and stand back up. Another try.

Round 3

My movements were more controlled now. I remembered Ser Barristan's patterns and tried to predict his moves. He attacked me with the same two strikes, which I managed to block. But then his pattern changes after a few strikes. The knight's superior technique breaks through my defences once again, delivering a cut to my chest.

"Defeated.", the mechanical voice says. 


My frustration was evident, but so was my determination. I wiped the imaginary sweat from my brow and prepared for the next round. My will is unbreakable ... bring it on.

Round 4

My stance was firmer, my grip on the sword more confident. I met Ser Barristan's attacks with better timing, deflecting blows and even managing to land a glancing strike on the knight's armour. However, Ser Barristan's experience showed as he swiftly disarmed me and brought me to my knees with a precise cut and a well-placed punch to the face.

"Defeated.", the mechanical voice says. 


Despite the outcome, I feel a surge of pride in my progress. I can see the incremental improvements with each bout. My blood starts to pump now. 

Round 5

I was adapting quickly. I parried Ser Barristan's initial strikes and counterattacked with increasing accuracy. The fight was more balanced, though Ser Barristan's prowess still makes me sweat ... virtually. We exchange one attack after the other until a well-placed strike to my ribs ends the round as his sword cuts through my neck.

"Defeated.", the mechanical voice says. 


Hahaha, I'm seriously getting pumped right now.

Round 6

I anticipated Ser Barristan's movements better than ever. I matched the knight's strikes with well-timed parries and quick footwork. I'm not certain but is it possible that he is getting weaker? No, I think I'm getting stronger ... But that's impossible. Our swords clashed repeatedly, my confidence and the grin on my face growing with each successful block. Ser Barristan eventually finds an opening, but it takes longer this time. His Valyrian steel sword, the simulated one, cuts me in half at the waist. 

"Defeated.", the mechanical voice says. 


Let's gooo. This is the best thing everrrr!!! Another round.

Round 7

My improvement is remarkable. I move with a fluidity that had been missing before, my strikes more deliberate and my defences more solid. I parried Ser Barristan's attacks and countered effectively, managing to land a solid hit on the knight's arm. Ser Barristan responded with a swift, decisive strike, but my power is evident. He will need more than what he is showing right now to defeat me this time. 

I block another of his attacks at full strength and finally find an opening I can use-


"Defeated.", the mechanical voice says. 


Hehe, I am getting there. But my god that old man is insane. 

Round 8

I faced Ser Barristan with new confidence. My will is unbreakable and my grin threatens to split my face. My movements are sharp, and my focus is just as sharp. I parried, dodged, and countered with a skill that had been honed through each defeat.

The clash of our swords echo through the virtual space as I hold my ground longer than ever before. I block another attack and find myself in a similar situation as before, but I don't make the same mistake as before. I swipe my blade to the side and plant my foot on the ground and with a powerful strike-


"Robert!!! Wake up!! Why are you SLEEPING!!"

Oh shit.

Load failed, please RETRY

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