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27.27% Supernatural Selfish Hero Harem: Conquering Teen Wolf At The Start / Chapter 3: Verse Quoting Demon. The Oldest Move In The Book

Chapitre 3: Verse Quoting Demon. The Oldest Move In The Book

It had started raining.

The path I chose was not ideal; it had a spooky and unsettling atmosphere, and it was obstructed on both sides by natural roadblocks. Obstacles of the environment making it impossible to travel in a straight and direct line.

To my right was a forest with a gentle ravine and a group of withered trees dotting its edge and horizon. It looked eerie. There was a mountain to my left, and the road curved around it.

I chose to take this national highway in search of peace and quiet, with minimal traffic. However, my hopes for peace were dashed.


Someone suddenly shouted out.

'What the fuck?! What is Lucifer's mom doing here?'

I couldn't believe it when someone unexpectedly appeared in front of my car on the road at night, forcing me to slam on the brakes with my feet. She was a stunningly beautiful woman, and the lights from my car illuminated her face and body. Fortunately, my quick reaction time and sharp reflexes allowed me to stop the car just in time to avoid making contact with her.

The attractive woman, drenched from the rain, hurried to my window. This prompted me to quickly retrieve a firearm from my inventory and thoroughly examine her. I frowned as I stared at her features, only to realize she was not who I had assumed.

[Name: Molly McNamara]

[Sexual Features: Sexy and Mesmerizing Female With the Facial Features and Appearance of Someone in Their Mid to Late Thirties]

[Brilliant Traits: 0]

[Paranormal Characteristics: Ghost (Feeling disoriented and helpless, she is trapped in a nightmare cycle of events in which she almost collides with a dangerous individual, believing he has kidnapped her spouse after her car crashes into a ravine, and she loses consciousness. She is unaware that she has already passed away and has become a spirit. She has been doing this every year on the same night for the past twelve years. Her husband survived and has already married another wife)]

[Supernatural Talents and Jobs (Unlocked): 0]

My plugin gave me a wealth of paranormal information about her, which was especially useful when meeting people out of the ordinary. 

The plugin would do that for some of those people, or many of them, if they were relevant in some way, rather than just random. These people were frequently regarded as notable or had appeared in films or television shows in this crossover world. I could tell right away that she was most likely genuinely nice, but she was also obviously in trouble. She reminded me of the type of person Sam and Dean would eventually help in the television series Supernatural.

I only watched season 1 attentively and saw a few early episodes of season 2. I wasn't familiar with this woman or whether she was on the show.

As she spoke, my concerns about American superhero comics becoming a part of the world faded. Her words came out quickly, full of urgency and desperation.

She pleaded with me, gasping for breath, clearly in need of help and afraid of something. "I need help, please! My husband is still out there, being pursued by that lunatic, most likely!"

I stepped out of the car, holding a shotgun loaded with salt in my hand. It was clear that this woman was in some sort of supernatural trouble, and I wanted to help her if possible. 

"Who's chasing you? What brings you to this road at such a late hour? What happened, ma'am?"

Given how my parasitic plugin worked, she seemed like someone I could get to know better. Her husband had also moved on. If I was lucky, I would be able to train her and gain some supernatural abilities in the process.

She took a step back in fear as I held the long shotgun. However, her expression quickly changed to one of bravery and determination. 

There was a glimmer of hope in her beautiful eyes as she urgently and loudly introduced herself, claiming, "I'm Molly. My husband and I were on our honeymoon, driving along this highway when we had a car accident! I lost consciousness and when I woke up, he was nowhere to be found..."

She took a momentary break from her storytelling and then resumed speaking rapidly, "I reached a cabin in the forest down that ravine after wandering for a while, where I bumped into this creepy old man who seemed a bit unhinged. He started chasing after me, and strangely enough, he resembled the person I nearly collided with in my car!"

I nodded and pondered the creature's nature. Despite my limited supernatural training, I knew enough to fight most creatures.

With salt, holy water, a shovel, oil, gas, and matches, all of which I had, a lot could be done already... As long as there was no demon to deal with.

I towered over others, despite my youth. 

Eyeing up, the woman talked to me again, with a mix of curiosity and concern, after noticing me lost in thought. "You look pretty young, almost too young to be driving that fancy car... I could probably have had a son your age if I had tried earlier. Sorry for dragging you into this, kid, but I could really use your help to find my husband. If you're up for it, lend me a hand. And if you can't, mind lending me that gun? Do you have a phone? Calling the police should be our first priority right now; I lost mine in the accident."

She sounded calmer. Also, apologetic. She appeared to have recovered some clarity and sense. 

Receiving help in such a dire situation, most people would not suggest to those helping them the possibility of backing out and consider their own safety.

The low volume of traffic on this rural and scenic highway demonstrated its limited popularity among tourists and most California residents. There was still no car passing by us even up till now… I couldn't leave this vulnerable woman alone, and my intentions were not pure anyway. Helping her sounded useful to me. She was a ghost, so leeching on her would probably benefit me a ton later.

"Do you even know how to use a gun, ma'am? Don't worry about me; I'm kinda used to situations like this... I promise to get out of it in one piece. We need to find and deal with that criminal quickly before something bad happens to your husband, and then call the cops." I responded, not telling her that the guy who had put her in this dangerous situation was probably a supernatural creature.

She looked confused and said, "Why not call the cops now? Also calling me Molly is fine."

I smiled and said, "Molly it is then, my name's Simon. I have some experience with the police. I don't think that calling cops in this situation would really help you find your husband. If they can't find him, they might just bring you back to the nearest town and call it a night, I feel."

"I don't know about that," She insisted, acting as the responsible adult between us. "The cops still seem superior to what the two of us can accomplish here... Don't you think? Please allow me to use your phone if you have one."

She extended her hand and asked me politely. I shrugged and handed her the phone. Although I wanted to recruit her, there was no point in doing so in the wrong way.

She tried calling several times but had no luck.

She eventually approached me with a confused and slightly anxious expression on her face. "There seems to be an issue with the phone network or something. I can't seem to reach anyone out there. It's not working, the calls just won't go through,"

Hearing her, I thought to myself, quietly and seriously. 'This probably has something to do with whatever was chasing her, shouldn't it?' 

If it had this kind of ability, it was most likely a ghost.

Happy that the cops wouldn't come, I said, pretending to be annoyed by her revelation, "It doesn't work? How so? Let me try it."

I grabbed the cellphone back from her soft hands. I also tried several times, but it was in vain; phone calls did not work here.

"No luck either, huh? What are we going to do?" Molly asked me with nervousness and uneasiness on her face. She appeared scared again. She seemed to have completely forgotten about her earlier request for a gun. She was subconsciously relying on me and giving me the lead now, even though she thought I looked young.

After loading the shotgun, I confidently stated, "Well, if the police can't come and no cars pass by, we'll have to find your loving half and deal with that psycho ourselves? I wouldn't let my girlfriend go through a dangerous situation like this alone, so I understand where you're coming from… Let me help."


She gave me a deep, intense look and took a moment to think before nodding. 

The woman seemed like a very caring and conscientious unselfish soul who thought about and valued other people safety even when she was in danger.

The next thing we knew, we were in the forest, having gone down that not-too-deep or steep ravine and making our way to the cabin where Molly had managed to escape.

I wanted to get this done quickly because I had a business meeting tomorrow. I didn't give Molly a gun because using bullets instead of salt would probably be useless. I also didn't want to explain why the gun was loaded with salt unless something happened while I was using the one in my hands.

After we searched the forest for a while, during which Molly stayed very close to me in fear of being attacked, relying on me and the gun I was holding, we finally met the thing that had been after her. It was a ghost, as I had suspected, a crazy, stubborn, evil, and vengeful one out to exact revenge on Molly.

[Name: Jonah Greely]

[Sexual Features: Adult Male In His Old Age]

[Brilliant Traits: Lifelong Hunter, Stubborn Old Farmer]

[Paranormal Characteristics: Ghost (Every year on the same night, this insane and vengeful spirit seeks retribution against Molly McNamara, believing he can take her life. Molly is also a ghost, which he is unaware of. Molly was the driver in the fatal car accident and unintentionally caused his death. He harbors strong resentment towards her because his wife, consumed by loneliness, committed suicide after his death)]

[Supernatural Talents and Jobs (Unlocked): 0]

The plugin did not appear to be particularly interested in men's sexual features. It knew I wasn't gay, so everything was fine.

I also had a better understanding of the entire story. About what happened between the two ghosts.

The thing had its own brilliant traits and amazing qualities, but I wasn't interested in keeping it as a pet. Just wanted to get rid of it.

Jonah wore a cap and a vest similar to those worn by farmers and hunters. Just like a determined survivor who can thrive in the midst of an apocalypse on his own. His stomach was damaged in the car accident, so his bloody guts were exposed and dangling out of his belly under the moonlight. He appeared to be an older man in his sixties, physically fit but in poor health.

He yelled as he emerged from behind a tree, "She's mine, return her to me!"

He had a very stupid face, an evil one, but in a funny way, with a disarming smile - he appeared to be lifelong dumb, uneducated, and anti-education.

Molly screamed in fear and confusion, as she finally realized the creature was not human, "What the heck?! How is he alive with his guts out?!"

She was on adrenaline earlier and probably could not until now.

I didn't respond and pointed the gun at her enemy, telling her, "Just stick by my side and don't stray too far; also, place your hands on your ears."

To find the location of his corpse, I needed to shoot it and keep it quiet for a while before searching his house. If I couldn't find it, I was confident enough to flee and fight it with my own strength. I could do it while running with Molly because I had the strength of three gorillas and the endurance of a horse. I could fight this thing with just the power of my jaws, actually.

Compared to Sam and Dean, who became inexplicably strong and capable of taking physical punishment in ways that were frequently unexplained in the show, I had a good head start.

I chuckled and grinned as the thing approached me at its own arrogant, very-ghostlike pace. I didn't bother talking to this ghost or dealing with its unreasonable and demanding orders. I knew it was pointless to try to reason with it, so I just aimed and fired.

The rumbling was ear-splitting… But I knew what I needed to know about ghosts.

Greely didn't have time to cry, and he didn't feel any pain, just some discomfort and irritation. 

His shadowy figure morphed into a swirling mass of smoke, emitting a malevolent and unsettling aura. It was wicked and repulsive. With chilling, haunting, creepy, and disturbing sound effects from a world of evil spirits.

His figure vanished with the loud shotgun blast; even though the ammunition was only salt, the impact was still powerful. It made quite a noise.

Only half the job was done, and as I opened the inventory to add more salt to my own gun, Molly looked at me with disbelief and shock. 

She asked, clearly confused, "Sweet baby Jesus… Oh lord… What the hell was that just now? Was that a ghost?! And what did you fire? Was it salt?"

Salt was supernatural. It had a powerful and distinct quality that was not limited to taste or flavor. Molly could easily detect the odor and sensation in the air, allowing her to identify the projectile fired from the firearm. Right now, it felt as if we were immersed in a salty bath, but without any actual water.

I replied, "Yes," and added, "But we don't have time for explanations right now. We need to finish this quickly and find his burial place." I then grabbed her hand and said, "Let's go to the cabin; it's probably over there. We can find clues there."


Molly was in complete shock and did not recover until I began doing my job. 


My investigation was completed quickly and efficiently. Dealing with low-level supernatural mobs was not difficult or time-consuming if you were strong and intelligent, as I was.

From what John told mom, the majority of revenge-seeking ghosts thought they were smart, but they were more mentally ill than smart… And Jonah Greely was no exception, it looked like. He had a habit of not appearing in a certain area of his home, which I quickly noticed. He was a loud and persistent motherfucker, so I still had to shoot him several times before burning his corpse in the grave after bathing it in salt and oil.

I was about to wrap things up and speak with Molly, who was taken aback by her newfound perspectives on life and the existence of things she had previously not suspected, when something strange happened. I still had the shovel in my hand and hadn't returned it to the inventory yet.

It was the same ding sound that signaled the appearance and potential of a new infection. I just had to agree or decline.

[Leeching was successfully activated on Azazel this time! Azazel's infection process was particularly quick due to his extensive time spent secretly watching you since childhood!]

[He can instantly learn three new skills. Would you like to go over the skills before deciding whether to let him learn them?]


My eyes blinked fast. 

I was speechless for a moment and double-checked what I had just read and heard to ensure that I wasn't hallucinating. I was the one in disbelief now. 

Where was he? Also, what did he want with me? I wasn't a psychic, or was I? And it was not even the time for this thing yet, was it? Sam's powers and those of other children like him, who may not have had the same childhood background story, would most likely manifest in three years.


After some more thought, thankfully, I remembered that infecting people without giving them skills was possible, so I did exactly that to leech on a demon.

[Activation for Azazel has been cancelled; skills will not be generated immediately! You can decide when and whether to activate them or not]

The infection had still been successful, however, so I opened my status interface to take a look.

[Supernatural (Leech) Plug-In]

[Name: Simon Croft]

[Status: Supernatural Leech, Contagious Gamer]

[Sexual Features: Male, adolescent in late teenage years, young adult]

[Brilliant Traits: Reliable Son, Superstar Student, Experienced grasp of saving money and numerical concepts, Cooking, Housekeeping, Fixing All Kinds of Things]

[Paranormal Characteristics: Washed With Supernaturally Charged Bones During Childhood (Strength And Muscle Explosivity Of A Gorilla, Underwater Capabilities Of A Fish, Agility And Jaw Strength Of A Jaguar, Endurance And Sexual Fertility Of A Horse)]

[Remote Leeching (Unlocked): Lara Croft, Isabelle Lightwood, Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Azazel]

[Supernatural Talents and Jobs (Unlocked): Survival, Tomb Raiding, Escaping, Shooting, Grimm, Fighting, Swordmanship, Whipping, Kissing, Weapon Handling, Drinking, Talking]

[Infected People: Lara Croft, Azazel]

[Utilities: Inventory, Window Check]

I was very concerned about something, as one should be, but I suddenly began to wonder what leeching onto a demon, especially a great one in all likeliness, would feel like in terms of new talents for me.

I had no idea what kind of demon he was in the world of the television series Supernatural. However, in the world I came from, Azazel was often regarded as the demon of forbidden knowledge.

Molly suddenly approached me and asked, "What are we going to do now? We still haven't found my husband yet."

She was reassured by the fact that his corpse wasn't found. Her poor heart was about to be broken soon.

"We looked everywhere, didn't we? I really don't think that David is in the vicinity, he's probably made it out and is safe." I said.

David was the name of her husband.

I needed to dig up something else, but there wasn't enough time before the sun rose. Molly would have to accompany me to San Francisco. One way or another. It was the least she could do after I had helped her.

Molly frowned, saying to me with resentment and denial, "My husband would never leave me here to die and fend for myself... You don't really think he left me alone in the forest, do you?"

She was about to find out.

It was time for an intervention, at least, before that. Telling a ghost that she was dead, and a ghost, was special, even for me.


(Azazel POV)

Minutes later, in a hiding place somewhere not too far away.

Azazel was perplexed; he had never seen an unawakened psychic like this before among the other ones. The other candidates under his watch.

"This sure is funny and unusual… This kid sounds a bit freaky to me, I think... Why is he hanging out with a ghost? What is he trying to do?"

Azazel, also Yellow Eyes as he was known by dumb humans, quietly murmured. Expressing his curiosity and surprise at the scene. He was bored, so he crawled out of hell and jumped into his favorite body bag to observe most of his adorable prospects.

He wasn't bored anymore now. Tonight called for a good drink in hell during the bible session.

The bible was a good book, and it was best known by demons.

He didn't know what this kid was, so he had to put him in a special category and convince him that he belonged there. This was the oldest move in the book: acting as if you were the only good person in the world for him and understood him better than his own family, who did not.

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