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64.7% Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul / Chapter 11: Being a big spender and feeling true rage!

Chapitre 11: Being a big spender and feeling true rage!

 'Thing's were still going smoothly, so there was no need to worry about anything. You'd probably think that I just jinxed myself, which I may have, but I won't ever know! Unless someone had the power to tell me I did...e-hem! So, yeah...no reason to fret when there's no issues just yet.'

'Speaking of issues...I must tell you something. It's very important that you hear what I have to say. Are you listening to me? You are? Good, then listen close and listen well. I-it's very important to me, ok? What's got me so serious...is...I don't know what interior color's I plan to pick for my new mansion! Should it be a light blue? A beautiful shade of red? Ohh....it's just so frustrating!'

'E-heh, anyways, enough goofing around like the oddball I am. Time to get back into it. So, stick with me as I continue to spread my name throughout hell and heaven. Watch as I make friends and enemies, maybe even a nemesis! So...are you ready? Because I know I am...'


'The process in getting the car detailed was a bit lengthy, mainly with the application of the insignia, or aka, my logo. It shouldn't have been taking as long as it was now, but it seemed that Franky was more than determined to get only the best for me, which was quite nice of him. No reason to complain when you know your gaining something.'

'And what was I currently doing? Sitting outside of the limo with a nice cold glass of wine in one hand, and my phone in another. Tasting wine was something I enjoyed, mainly due to the fact you could age it and ferment it. So many flavors to choose from, and some of them are so costly!'

'Currently I wasn't the only one sitting idly by, as Franky was doing the same, besides drinking wine and relaxing. He was on guard, standing near me as he observed our surrounds. Professionalism was proper for him to keep, even with me. That's what he said to me, which I tried refuting that he didn't need to be so serious. Yet he stated a valid point about hell always being dangerous and seemingly having some sort of troublemaker running amuck and causing havoc at every hour, minute, and second.'

'Have to commend him for his dedication to this. Not many have a drive like he does, which case, makes me glad I accepted his offer for being one of my personal guards. Finding someone else like him might be hard, then again, there's quite a few fanatical crazies down here in hell that might satisfy my quota when it comes to hiring security. It just depends on where I look...'

'Hell has seven rings, in which case is helpful information, which I've most definitely stated before. Also, I got some information on a certain topic wrong. Apparently, hellborn demons can traverse hell freely, yet I have no clue as to how. But those who've sinned and were cast into hell cannot. Is there some sort of magical aspect to all of this? It might have been in the bible when I was still alive, but I never spared my time to read it.'

'I'm not much of a biblical type of guy, so reading the bible was never on my bucket list. I'm a fifty-fifty type of person when it came to religion. Science was something that was often used to describe how any means of life was made, either it be animal or human. Then there's the religious beliefs that everything was made in God's image, which he did a really good job if that's the case.'

'Science is capable of providing viable proof when it comes to a lot of theories and research. The same could be said for God or Jesus, mainly with how much history revolves around religion. We're talking about thousands of years of religious history. So, things were lopsided on both sides seeing one side couldn't prove the other wrong because no one could ever truly know how things came to be.'

'That being said, that's why I'm half and half when it comes to both sides. But now I don't care about that anymore, due to the fact I'm legitimately in hell as of this moment. Yet it isn't my realities hell, so I would most likely never know if my old universe had an afterlife. Asking V would be an option, but I don't know if I would be pleased with whatever answer I'm given.'

'Anyways, enough said with all that. It was time to check and see if they were done with my limo, I want my ride dang it!' "Frank, think it's done? It's already been a few hours." 'I asked, turning my head to him.'

'He looked to me and nodded.' "Should be about done and over with. Want me to go and get it?" 'Does he really even need to ask? What else are we going to do here? Twiddle our thumbs and look pretty?'

'With him being positive that our current moment of relaxation, for him, was over, I just nodded and did a wave of my hand as I went back to sipping my drink. Ahh, not needing to say anything is fun. Wonder what it would be like if I had more demon's working under me. Imagine all the stuff I wouldn't have to do anymore!'

'The nonverbal answer was more than enough to send him on his way. It would most likely would take just a few minutes to grab the vehicle and come back to pick me up. I wasn't in all that much of a rush, so he could take as much time as he wanted, or none at all. Just let me enjoy my peace and quiet for a few more minutes before I have to get up!'

'That hope for a few more minutes of silence was dashed away, especially with all the background noise of metal being welded, torched, and anything else that could indicate stuff being worked on. Oh, how I can't wait to jump into a bed and just drift off to sleep. I'll just hurry and get everything else done, I need my sleep damn it! Nobody wants to meet the angry persona of myself that's buried deep down!'

'I also can't wait to get a good cup of coffee instead having to drink wine. Wine's fine and all, but it's not a drink to help you stay awake. Also, speaking of staying awake, where's Frank? I know I said I wanted to enjoy my moment of relaxation, but I didn't expect it to last this long. ...Oh, wait! There he is! And there's the limo as well! The new logo look's lovely on it.'

'Gold coloring for the color of choice for the outlining of the simple logo I chose. It was the image of a hooded warden. Wardens are many things, protectors, peacekeepers, law enforcers, and so much more. That's why I chose that logo, so any who saw it would understand that I'm here to help, to protect who I can when I can. Some would most likely hate that I was so openly stating what I was going to do, but I didn't care.'

'And yes, I understand I'm setting up a criminal empire, so it would be quite against what I was going for. But I wasn't going to make it entirely a bad one, just mainly a mafia that functioned through casinos, protections fees, weapon smuggling and so on...and yes, I'll do weapon smuggling. Weapons would be an ideal source of income to help fund my organization. Using money from only my account would be odd and strange, seeing it would bring attention my way.'

'I know I said I wanted to be noticed, but not that way. Preferably not being attacked is something I wish for; due to the fact I don't want to deal with such a headache. Imagine all the trouble that could be caused from such a thing, boy would it be a mess. A mess that'll come sooner or later, battles were going to occur, and I was going to in quite a few of them.'

'Specifically speaking, it would be my underlings fighting and not me. The idea of being in a battle with the trick's I have up my sleeve sounds fun and all, but I'm much to engrossed in all the work I have in front of me. Maybe when I have some free time I'll go and cause some trouble! Wonder what weapon's I should use...'

'Battles aside, it was time to hit the road and go hire me some new helpers! And by hire, I mean buy and make them permanently work under me. I said I won't force them, and I won't, so if they wish to leave after I purchase them, then they can do so without so much as an attempt of me stopping them. I come to question how many servants I'll be able to get.'

'Eh, I'll deal with it when I get to it.' "Boss! The car's ready to go! Ready to leave whenever you're ready!" 'Shouted Franky as he held the furthest back door open for me. Seems he had to shout due to my daydreaming, my bad!'

 'Seeing it was time to leave I got up from my chair, but not before chugging down the rest of my wine and setting the glass down onto the chair. No reason to waste a good drink!' "Thanks Franky." 'I said as I ducked into car, stepping inside as I sat down on one of the many seats as the door closed behind me.' 

'Franky didn't say anything as the got into the driver seat. The engine was already going so there was no reason for him to start it.' "Where to boss?" 'He looked back to me through the cabin window, waiting for my next request.'

"I have a route for you. It leads directly to a mansion that I purchased online." 'I handed him my phone to show the directions on the hell map, which was convenient to have seeing I barely knew my way around hell.'

'Franky took the offered phone out of my grasp as he gazed at it for a few moments.' "A mansion? Jeez boss, how much did ya spend to buy it? It's freaking massive!" 'Did I forget to mention that the map also had an image of the mansion on it?'

'Chuckling I took back the phone as he offered it back to me.' "Of course it was expensive, and yes I wanted a mansion. The price was pretty high, but it's price was something I didn't even bat an eye at." 'Heh, chump change!'

'Franky looked back to me, surprise evident on his face, but then he just grinned.' "Heh, a big spender, huh?" 'Damn right I am! Now that I have money, I can finally start buying stuff! I know that I never used to buy much in my past life, but no reason not to spice it up a little.'

"But I don't want you driving to the mansion just yet. I actually have another place I need you to go to first." 'Looking down to my phone I opened my hell map back up and set in a certain location that I also needed to go too.'

'Once I found what I was looking for, I handed the phone to him again.' "It's an auction house that sells about anything there is to see." 'He took the phone again as he gazed at the screen for a second time.'

'The auction house I chose was a pretty popular one. It was also one in the lust ring, which Is why I chose to go to this one. Mainly with it being right in the ring I was currently in.' "Why do you need to go to an auction house? Is there something there that you want?" 'Asked Franky as he handed the phone back.'

'I took the phone and stuffed it into my pants pocket as I answered back.' "What I want to buy is slaves. I need servants, so slaves was the best and easiest choice I could choose from." 'Being blunt about it wasn't something I wanted to do, but Franky would likely understand my reasoning.'

'Which he did understand seeing he simply said.' "I understand." 'His face was calm, not in the slightest bit upset.' "Most demons in hell have a slave or two, sometimes none at all." 'Ha, I knew slavery was a norm down here in hell.'

'Knowing that he wasn't upset with my choice I was honestly relieved. I didn't want to lose my first bodyguard so soon because of my choice.' "Glad to see you understand. But mind if we begin moving? I would like to get this done soon. I'm eager to get to my new mansion and head to bed. Today's been so tedious..." 'My request to get things rolling was answered with a 'Yes, sir' as he closed the cabin window and began to drive out of the decal building and the dealership entirely.'

'Now I could just sit back and relax again! Being lazy was something I enjoyed about myself, but I also enjoyed keeping myself busy. It's not like its uncommon seeing everyone has an inner sloth in them. Get it? Inner sloth? ...No response? .....Tough crowd.'


'The drive to the auction house was slow. But at least I had coffee! We may or may not have made a stop at a coffee shop for a quick snack break. ...What? You think I was going to forget about getting a cup of coffee for myself? NOPE! I said I needed coffee, and I meant every single word!'

'I also got some for Franky as well! Can't leave the poor guy out! It would be too cruel of me to not get a good cup of joe for him. Everyone needs a nice warm cup of coffee to keep themselves upright.' 

'We had taken some time to just chat and get to know each other a bit better, nothing much. Of course, after our chat we continued to make our way to the auction building. A few times I considered buying stuff along with what I was originally intending to get, which I mentioned plenty of times before. Possibly some sort of fancy weapon that could suit my tastes?'

'A personal weapon was a thought I considered when I first got that pistol, which I still have on me. The idea I had for a certain weapon was something that I could have with me at all times. Maybe dual pistols that I could wield? Or maybe revolvers? Some sort of cane with a hidden sword in it? So many options to choose from!'

'Some would think that an auction house in the lust ring wouldn't be so based around weapons, but you'd be wrong. They sell all sorts of weapons, because its apparently a common thing in every ring. Wanna know how I know that? Because I searched it up of course!'

'Auction houses sold some pretty good stuff. A lot of it was top quality, thing's that could make any collector drool. From old vehicles that should be few in number, to sports memorabilia that's somehow still very popular down in hell. Never would have considered that demons in hell would hold such a liking to collecting stuff, mainly with me thinking that they'd be more focused on having a stable and safe life down here in hell.'

'Yet some focused more on collecting, which I guess is good for them I suppose. It's a way to keep themselves happy, or, for whatever reason they continue to keep collecting stuff. Collecting isn't much of a hobby for such a person as myself, but that might change. No reason not too, seeing I had more than enough money to spare.'

'Aside from all that, the time spent traveling from the dealership to the auction house was at least going by without so much as a hitch or a bump in the road. So, all was good, hopefully. Don't want my limo's paintjob getting dinged from some stray bullets.'

'I looked to the nearest window and gazed out of it. The auction house was getting closer. It was a brightly lit building that was hard to describe in shape. around the building was a ton of available parking, most of which was already taken and occupied. The building itself was stadium shaped, much like a football stadium. But there was no opening in the ceiling like a football stadium, instead there was a dome on top of it that almost closely resembled what the top of the whitehouse looks like.'

'Spotlights were decorated all around the building as they flashed their lights up into the sky. It was almost like a lightshow, which was a good way of gaining attention and attraction. People like shiny things, and it was quite eye catching. Even I myself was a bit mesmerized by all the colors that were on full display.'

'At least I had sunglasses on. So no sudden blindness for me! The thought of going blind and being blind, even if my eyesight were to regenerate, would not be an enjoyable experience. I don't ever want to cross that specific road.'

'Besides all that nonsense, we were about there! And the closer we got, the more beautiful and impressive the place was. The dealership was pretty impressive, but the stadium was even more so! I couldn't help but whistle from the sight, even Franky couldn't help but spare a glance from time to time just to peak at it.'

'Luckily the entrance to the stadium wasn't singular, but multiple. So it didn't take as long once we finally pulled up to the first entryway we saw. No entry booths were ahead of us, which means possibly no tickets being needed to get in. Didn't want to leave just because of such a small implication if that was the case.'

'Taking a few turns here and there and we were finally close to the entrance of the building. We couldn't drive up next to the door seeing there was a long walkway that stopped Franky from doing that. So, we had to accept the fact of parking the limo near the front entrance was a no go.'

'Oh! There was something else I did! Almost let it slip my mind, oops! I got my suit tailored a bit! It took a few minutes at most. Mainly because it was only for the upper half of my suit. I had my logo stitched onto my left upper pectoral area of the suit! Now people would know that the limo belonged to me!'

'And one more thing before I get back to talking about the auction house. Apparently, Scrapper contacted me during my coffee break and said he set something up for me. At first, I was curious to know what it was, but then I was thrilled by what he told me. He apparently made a website for me. Don't know how he did it in such short time, but I won't complain!'

'The site was filled to the brim with all sorts of stuff. Ranging from what seemed to be a business contact number, a listing of all the current donations I've given, information on what my goals are, and so on. Seems Scrapper found out what I was doing, so he did me a favor and did this for me. I wasn't going to reward him, but I did say thank you, which he appreciated the thanks I gave to him.'

'Scrapper's being putting more work onto his load of things to do. What I mean by this is that he's purchased a few corporate buildings that now act as central hubs for my growing empire. It was also a front for my criminal organization. Up top, we had buildings that were used as locations to sign up for better healthcare, car insurance, dental plans, anything and everything you could think of. But down below and under the buildings? That was a different story.'

'We had all sorts of work being done underground. From making underground warehouses to armories that'll hold the weapon's my mafia will use as a regular commodity. Even bedrooms and kitchens and anything else will be built down below. It'll be like an underground town, more or less.'

'I didn't know how Scrapper was doing this all at first, but he told me when I asked. Apparently, he has a lot of contacts that reach all over hell, from each and every ring. That was a bit of a surprise to me, because when I first saw and met him, I just thought he was a lowly thug with a good head on his shoulders. But now? Now he's really proving himself when it comes to taking charge.'

'If I hadn't met him, I'm sure he would have become some sort of crime lord later on. Luckily, I got to him first and stopped him from turning completely to a viler route, such as a really corrupt figure that would stop at nothing for power. But thanks to me he's stayed as his friendly self, being the good fellow he is.'

'Admittedly, he had quite the attitude when I first met him, but he mellowed out somewhat since we've talked to each other. To be honest, I don't think I would have liked a more violent version of him. Imagine him turning into the evil Scrappy from Scooby Doo! That would be a nightmare for me, seeing that movie version of Scrappy was a menace when it came to brains over brawn, then he chose brawn afterwards in the end.'

'Not that it wasn't still a possibility. Even though I'm giving him a hundred percent of my trust, it doesn't mean he'll return it back. Meaning he could possibly betray me at any point in time. Yet I doubted he would betray me, especially with how much he's tried gaining my favor. He's already done a good job, so he doesn't need to keep proving himself, but if he wants to keep doing it then I won't stop him.'

'So, I had no reason to worry, because I had faith in him. He knew I was counting on him for a lot, so he was living up to my expectations. He was like some sort of eager child seeking praise for doing something good and wanting my approval. It was honestly a bit touching, especially with it only being a day since we met.'

'Now with that being said, let's get back to the drive to the auction house, which we were already parked by the time I had gotten out of my lucid stupor.' "You ready, sir?" 'Asked Frank as he held the door open for me, which I realized he must have been holding it open for a short while, my bad!'

'Seeing I had no choice but to get out I obliged, but first, show off a bit!' "Of course." 'Time for show time baby!'

'I stepped out of the car and stood up straight, smiling as I allowed my hair to burn a bit more brightly. The once dim coloring of my white flamelike hair turned a few degrees hotter as I strode forward. Even my smile was a bit wider than usual, but not to the point of me looking like some sort of weirdo. I even allowed myself to grow back to my full size as I strode forward. I wasn't my original height in the car seeing it wasn't big enough in the cabin, but now I could stretch my legs entirely!'

'There's a difference between full transformations and partial transformations. When I do a full transformation, I've learned that my body is completely enveloped in a veil of mist. But when I do a partial transformation, my body emits decently thick streams of mist. The mist radiated off of my cloths, which I questioned why, but then I found out that my suit's also connected to my powers, so another cool hidden secret figured out!'

'My attempt in gaining a bit of attention definitely worked as a few head's turned my way. Some immediately grabbed their phones out and began take pictures and whatever else they could do with their devices. If I'm to allow myself to become well known, then I'll do it in style from now on. I was trying to be slow and cautious about it, but since that first ever video of me buying buildings got leaked, I decided to say, 'fuck it' and do things more boldly!' 

'Franky also seemed a bit stunned by my sudden change in height. Guess he didn't see the difference when I got in the limo for the first time, and when I got out.' "I-I didn't know you could that, boss!" 'He said with awestruck expression, better close your mouth or you might catch a fly!'

'I was happy with his response, glad to know my attempt at being flashy proved fruitful.' "I've been able to do it for a while, is it uncommon to do something like this?" 'I asked as I walked ahead of him, he had to stay behind me to watch my back in case of any signs of danger popped up and showed itself.'

'His response was a shake of his head side to side.' "Nuh-uh, never seen anything like it. It's not often you see some demon with abilities." 'Guess I'm bit of a rare case then. Make's me a bit more special than I already am!'

'Learning that small bit of information was useful, especially with the fact that it gave me an advantage over most. Using my powers to my advantage was definitely going to be a constant occurrence. I was never planning on hiding any of my abilities anyways, so why bother not using them in public? I've already been using them all day out in the open!'

'With that being said, I had to focus back on my walking and sightseeing.' "This building is quite spacious and beautiful." 'It was definitely beautiful; all sorts of banners and posters were hung up around the inside of the building. The inside almost appeared as if it was bigger than what it looked like on the outside!'

'Franky agreed by stating his input on it as well.' "Whoever decorated this place definitely has taste, maybe a bit too much taste." 'Looks like he wasn't over the roof when it came to all the decorations.'

'I couldn't help but chuckle at his admission to be it being a bit overboard.' "It's not all that bad. I quite like all the effort they put into it. I mean, they have food stands set up around the area as if it's some sort of carnival!" 'Food stands were indeed set up around various areas, there was even built in buildings inside the building that served dishes of all kinds.'

'Knowing I was right he decided to stay silent, no longer saying anything.' "I might just get something to eat after some bidding, but that's if the stands are still open by the time I'm done." 'Definitely not going to pass up on some food to satisfy my apatite!'

'Before I could do any bidding, I had to sign up at a kiosk stand and sign my signature, which stated that I was admitting to the fact that I was participating in the auction bidding. It was just a small form asking I understood everything and such. Nothing too complicated to deal with.'

'It also asked if I was bringing anyone else along with me, which I wrote down yes and said it was a friend. My bodyguard saw what I wrote and stood shellshocked for a moment, but he just smiled in the end and gave a happy nod. He was a friend, enough said.'

'Once the form was done and over with, I stepped away to continue my trek to the bidding room. My arrival was about at the exact same time, which I had hoped for. Didn't want to sit around and wait forever. It was already so late into the day; I didn't want to stay up for much longer.'

'Exhaustion was already kicking in. The facade that I was fine wasn't crumpling just yet, but my mood was already dipping from a chipper attitude to an irritable grandpa type of mojo. But I wasn't going to let myself be irritated, no! I was going to enjoy this night and that was that!'

'Hopefully this night turns out alright. I've had enough fun for one day, so no more! ...Unless it's something I'm ok with.' "Have you ever considered just snatching the bidding paddle and keeping it for Ping-Pong?" 'I asked as I kept walking ahead, not turning my head to face him.'

'My out of the blue question confused him at first, but then he laughed at the realization of what I said.' "Hahaha! N-no, I never considered it. But it does sound like a fun idea." 'Guess I'm keeping the paddle after this then!'

'Chatting with him was a good way to pass the time as he walked together. It was a bit hard to hear him with all the talking going on around us, but if I talked just loud enough than he could hear me. I also had to listen really closely if he said anything.' "Then I'll get a Ping-Pong table. How about a game between you and me sometime? I've never played it before so I would be a complete rookie to it." 'Never played Ping-Pong before, wonder how fun it'll be.'

'Not expecting my admission that I was serious he laughed even harder than the first time, which got him a bit of attention, but he didn't look as if he cared.' "R-really? Y-y-you're actually going to do it? Shit, I didn't think you were actually being serious!' 'Was he truly doubting me? Guess I have a lot to teach him, heh!'

'I couldn't help but chuckle along with him. At least someone was in a good mood despite the lack of sleep.' "Of course I was being honest about what I said. You just need to get to know me better. And besides, it's a paddle! It's not like it's a super expensive piece of art that's worth your entire life."

'What I said rang true as he stopped laughing and wiped a tear away from his eye, slowly nodding his head in agreement.' "That's a good point you have. It's probably a dozen soul's or so, not much if you think on it." 'Of course it isn't a lot!'

'The conversation continued on as we walked in tandem. Me and him weren't entirely in a rush, although we were both indeed tired, we still wanted to enjoy looking around the building for a little bit. It sadly had to come to an end as we had to make our way to towards the main section of the auction house which led to the bidding room. Between the distance of the door and us, it wouldn't take even a few minutes seeing we had already been walking for a good while now.'

'Exactly a few minutes was all it took as we made our way inside. Everyone's paddle's had seat numbers labeled onto the backs while the front held our participant number. So, it was easy to find our designated seating area. I was at first going to expect the seat was going to be too small for my current size, but my worries went away as soon as I saw that the seat was the perfect size for me. Looks like the auction house already had seats with certain sizes that allowed for larger participating auction bidders.'

'Happy with the fact that I didn't have to shrink down I immediately plopped myself down into the red seat. Red was a prominent color in hell, not like I couldn't say it didn't go well with everything, which it did. Preferably I would go for more black and white, but I'm not the one in charge of this place so I can't make that decision.'

'Focus, Z! You didn't come here to 'ooh' and 'aw' at everything you see! I came here to buy stuff and leave, nothing else! Gotta keep my head in the game!' "It's hard to stay focused with everything being so colorful and well designed." 'I was saying this more to myself then Franky, but he also had to agree with my words.'

"I agree with you on that. My focus should be more towards keeping you safe, but this place feels and looks safe enough to where I don't have to worry." 'That's a different point of view than what I'm going for, but whatever floats your boat I guess.'

'Our conversation carried on for a bit more. It wasn't until the giant room began to dim that we decided to finally go quiet and be respectful. Everyone else also had the same idea as they quieted down and looked to the bidding stage. Wonder what they have in store for us?'

'With my question still lingering on my mind, I couldn't help but stare more thoughtfully at the stage, which in response, slowly began to open up in the middle as a platform slowly raised from inside the stage.' "Heeeeeello~ all you wonderful demons! I hope you're having a wonderful night tonight because I sure am!" 'A well-dressed auctioneer greeted the crowd with his arms wide and a toothy grin, a few gold teeth in that pearly white smile of his. He was on the handsome side, which was always something any auction house would go for, hoping to bring more attention to the stage with a good-looking person introducing the items.'

'I couldn't help but note that he was an imp, not a short one but not all that tall. I've noticed that most imps have about the exact same horn colors, which is black and white stripes. Same goes for their skin coloring which is a crimson hue.' "Today I've got quite the list of items to provide! From classis cars to old and aged weapons from battles long fought and even won! It will be quite the sight with what we have to offer, so stick around for the show!" 

'Tapping his cane he held in his offhand on the floor a few times caused another trapdoor to open up on the stage, slowly raising another platform up with an item that was covered with a white drape.' "For our first presentation of what's in show, we have...!"

'He moved over to the first item and tugged off the cloth, showing an item that immediately snagged my attention.' "A nineteen-sixty-nine Pontiac Firebird Convertible! They were taken off the market due to not enough being bought! Only so many exist up top! Especially hardly any being down below!" 'Putting his hand to the hood he patted it a few times.' "This one is quite special indeed. This is the third one to come off the production line. So, with introductions out of the way, we're starting the bid at two hundred thousand so-"

'I raise my paddle and shout, cutting him off and anyone else that was going to bid.' "Five hundred thousand souls, and if anyone tries taking the damn car, I'll go even higher!" 'No way in hell was I passing up a muscle car, especially one that was the third off the line for its model, it was too good of a chance to pass up.'

'Muscle cars have always been my favorite type of car, no matter what they looked like. No way would I skip up on such a beautiful car, especially with how much it was screaming to be bought by me and me alone!' "W-well we have our first bidder with about double then what was asked for! Do I hear any more bids?"

'No opposition was found so he began to say.' "Going once! Going twice! Aaaaand sold to the fine tall gentlemen in the back!" 'Some turned their heads my way to see who I was, in which case, shocked them. News of me being on a buying spree was going public at an untraceable speed, so they knew who I was as soon as they saw me.' 

'Some even began to sweat once they realized I had more than enough money to back my words, which is why they yielded and allowed me this win. Smart choice on their part, I would have turned the whole auction upside down if someone tried outbidding me!' "You can collect your purchase once the auction is over my dear fellow! But now onto our next item!" 'Tapping his cane once more my purchased item lowered down into the stage, allowing a new item to appear.'

'New items came and went, some of them caught my attention but I held no interest for them for that long. A few items I did bid on, from a few swords to another few cars. Only so much was being bought by me, seeing I was only willing to buy whatever item that was not some sort of decorative piece, but a usable purchase instead.' 

'For every item that came, a bidder bought it. Some presented options weren't bought, which was to be anticipated. Not every single item was going to be bid on, even I was only buying so much. There were a few who were buying a plethora of various trinkets and doodads. People like them had a major addiction to collecting items. Spending big also gave other's a big dose of excitement and thrill. Many loved to spend big because it really got them into the mood to outbid others just for the challenge.'

'Doing something like that wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't do it as well. Thrilling things were something I enjoyed doing, even if I only needed to lift my hand and shout a few words. Speaking of doing any form of bidding, it was time for us to get onto the more...should I say exotic items? Which were...ehg...the slaves. It still didn't sit right with me on thinking about buying a slave, but I needed a labor force to help keep my new mansion clean and tidy.' 

'It was time to really spend a lot. Tonight, I was going to buy every slave, just this once. My kindness was going to be on full display, and I'll be damned if I let some scumbags get their hands on anybody from this!' "And now it's time for something a good bunch of you folks came here for! Which is!" 'For probably the hundredth time he tapped his cane, but the floor didn't have any new platforms raising. Instead, a line of chained up demons made their way out onto the stage.'

'What I saw made me seethe with rage, a rage I didn't know I had. It was hard to control my anger, my frustration, my fury. Even Franky noticed my aura going from its once bubbly and calm like state to a horribly toxic and death inducing mood. Some turned their heads my way from the goose bump inducing feeling they felt, and they immediately regretted it. What they saw was me at my boiling point.'

'I snarled at them as my eye's that were once calm blue orbs were now alit and burning up an inferno as white flames danced from them. Even the brightness of my hair had turned up a good few notches, especially the heat. Reality itself was shifting around me as I sat completely still. It was as if the shadows were coming towards me, not afraid of the light that I was producing. The room felt suffocating for everyone, but not me.'

'I had even grown a bit taller, passing up the twenty-two feet mark. Guess my powers can be fueled by emotion as well, whoopty fricking do! The timing for this was horrible, but it was too late to undo it.' "I'll buy every single slave, not a single one gets left behind. Anyone dare's to fucking bid against me, I'll tear your throat out with my bare teeth. I've been good to hell, I've given to the poor, helped hospitals get back up and running, donated to orphanages. Slavery is something I do not appreciate, so I will buy each and every slave that's on the list for auctioning tonight." 'Nobody spoke as I said what needed to be said, it wasn't a request, it was a promise. I was too angry to be lying, and they could feel it in their bones that I wasn't joking around.'

'Leaning forward I glared at the auctioneer.' "So, get on with the prices, because I plan on spending big tonight." 'Poor sod could only gulp in fear and nod his head.'

'Sighing I could only look up to the ceiling and whisper.' "What a fucking pain the in the ass..."


Another one! WOOH! about almost 2k extra words!

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