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Training For Blackhawk?

After exiting the arena. I saw Qin Xuan, after going near her I said. "Let's hear you out."

"Well, I am not free like you. But let's hear what you have to say." She said with a stingy smile on her face.

I quickly followed her in Steel armour shelter, entering a room owned by Bullseye gang. I saw Qin Xuan staring at me.

"So, how did you dispel the hypnosis?" She said, glaring.

"Well, I also don't know it myself. Maybe it's because I have some sacred Geno points? Aside from that I don't know how I was able to do that." I said, dumbfounded.

Even though Qin Xuan didn't buyed my lie, she still continued to interrogates me.

"Why you want to join our Steel armour gang?" Said Qin Xuan with a serious gaze.

"Ok, let's give you the most plausible answer." I said and moved onto one of the chairs.

"I have two solid reasons. First, I want to join Blackhawk. Second, I want to join your special squad." I said with a wry smile on my face.

"So, you want to use my connection to recommend yourself in the Blackhawk Acedmy?" She said with a slight disgust on her face.

"Well, if you think of it that way, then yes. I want to join your squad to join the Blackhawk Acedmy. Because with my current status, it's indeed not possible for me to join it until I become an sacred-blood aristocrat." I said, maintaining my firm smile.




"I think you know it as well, that I want nothing but loyalty. But even if you're loyal, you sucks at close combat. Even though I can recommend you to the Blackhawk Acedmy with my connections, it's not possible for you to catch up with others." She said with a saddened smile.

"Are you saying that an un-evolved human who has a strength of 15.0 can't catch up with others?"

"Stop joking around." She said, not believing what I had just said.

"It's up to you if you believe me or not, but I had just said my real reasons. Even though I myself, know that I sucks at close combat. I'm still par with most of the humans in the first sanctuary." I said with with a wry smile and got up to exit the room.

"Think about it, I am loyal, but not a pushover, so don't think of me like you think of Han Sen." I said and left the room.

Roaming around the sanctuary while eating my mutant meat jerky, my mutant Geno points increased to 69. Today was also the day when dollar was gonna fight Luo Tianyang. Without wasting any more time, I quickly entered the martial ring.

Securing a seat for myself near a person wearing a black robe, I saw whole Bullseye gang coming over where I was sitting, Su Xiaoqiao sat besides me while Yang Manli was three seats away from me.

"Yo Cheng, did the matter between you and Qin Xuan solved?" Su Xiaoqiao asked, with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"It didn't, for now that's it. By the way, how did you know about this?" I asked Su Xiaoqiao with a surprised expression.

"Me? Nah, all of the people in this shelter knows that you're quite something, so news about you is gonna spread anyways. And the people in Bullseye knows the matter between you and Qin Xuan." Su Xiaoqiao answered.

"Don't worry, you will become one of us soon." Said Su Xiaoqiao with a wide smile.

"Anyways, who do you all think is gonna win this fight? Luo Tianyang or Dollar?" Su Xiaoqiao asked getting everyone's attention in the gang.

"Dollar will win obviously." I said quickly in high spirits.

"Yeah, dollar will just win in a single minute." Following me, Su Xiaoqiao also made a figure of speech.

The story progressed how it should have, Liu Hongtao picked up a fight with Su Xiaoqiao, to which Su Xiaoqiao replied that dollar can easily win in just a mere minute. Making a bet with Liu Hongtao in the end.

Just when we were telling Su Xiaoqiao to swallow his pride, the person wearing the black robe suddenly stands up and started to go to the ring. His black cape felled down, revealing his golden shining Armor.

"Dollar, see it's our angel." A person said.

"Dollar please win in a minute." Su Xiaoqiao, seeing this spectacle cried.

"Entering the ring, Dollar transformed into his Bloody Slayer and rushed at Luo Tianyang who just transformed into a nine feet tall ape, hacking his golden spear at his stomach, Luo Tianyang countered it with his mace. Suddenly, dollar taken out his Shura Katana and made a swift attack at the ape named Luo, splitting him in half from his stomach.

After seeing this spectacle, a pin drop silence taken place in the shelter for a few seconds. Soon enough, Dollar's name was echoed through the martial hall.

In the Bullseye gang HQ, I stand there wearing my black tracksuit. It was my ideal wear that I wore at times like this. I came here because Qin Xuan wanted to tell me her final decision.

"Hey, Cheng. see my red hoofed beast soul." Su Xiaoqiao bragged.

"Yeah Yeah, you are truly lucky that Se- Dollar heard your request." I said, stuttering.

"Liu Cheng, Come here." Qin Xuan said aloud from the second floor.

"Going to the second floor, I saw Qin Xuan sitting on a chair.

"Ok, I invited you to tell my last decision to you." She said and continued.

"From now on, you are member of Bullseye gang. But sadly, you can't enter the Blackhawk Acedmy as an Archer, although I will recommend you myself, but I plan to give this spot to Han Sen. As for the latter, you are now a part of the special squad that I'm planning to form. I have tell Yang Manli to give you some training, so go on the first floor where Han Sen is, Dismissed." She said without any change in her expression.

"Well, I truly am thankful to you with the bottom of my heart. But all I have with me for now is just a sacred-blood beast soul, which I obviously can't give to you." I said with with a saddened face.

"But I will try my best to contribute to the squad." I said and left without hearing her response.

"Hey Sen, I heard that you are gonna train under Yang Manli's instructions?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm." He said casually.

"Well, I too, am going to train." I said and started a conversation with Han Sen.

I asked him about his family and daily life, while he answered his daily routine, he was somewhat hesitant to disclose anything about his family.

"Well, privacy matters." I said and sighed.

"Han Sen and Liu Cheng, both of you come to my office right now." Yang Manli said from the second floor.

"Then why did I came to the first floor..." Without wasting any time, I quickly got off to the second floor again.

Upon reaching the second floor, I saw Yang Manli.

Wait for a few minutes, she said and started to chat with Han Sen regarding his fitness or something. After staying idle for a few minutes, she asked me to follow her.

We three teleported back to the planet Roca and entered a test hall, it was a military standard test hall, upon entering Yang Manli said something to Han Sen, after that Han Sen went inside the test hall to do his fitness test.

"Qin Xuan has tell me about your circumstances, I will first have to get a hold of your fitness level, enter it after him." She said and started to look at the data on the screen.

"Now that I think about it, Yang is surely a professional in things like these. She didn't even trembles at the pressure of her work. Would it be someone else, they would've surely resigned on their first day." I thought while looking at Her.

"What are you looking at?" Noticing me, she said to me while looking at me like I was some kind of disgusting thing.

"I'm not looking at you, I was just thinking about something while looking at your direction." I said without a change in my expression.

"Whatever. It's your turn now." She said looking at Han Sen who just got out from the test hall.

Like it would've been, he hid his strength without an actual reason. Scoring less than nine in everything, he got a lecture from Yang.

"I'm going now." I said to both of them and entered the the test hall.

Unlike Han Sen, who have learnt JadeSkin and have a control on all over his body. I have nothing but brute force. On top of that, I actually wanted to test my strength, after doing the test with all of my might, I exited the test hall.

"Fitness of 13 in all fields. It's more than the requirement to enter the Blackhawk." Yang Manli stated furiously at the sight.

She wasn't expecting a fitness level of 13 from a nobody like me.

After that I got in into the gravity trainer to train my strength, I was around at 13 fitness level at that time.

Before I got out from the martial hall, I saw Han Sen standing with a full stretched 7.0 bow in his hands.

"Nice one, Sen. Keep up the hard work." I grinned at the sight before me and quickly left the hall.

Yang Manli thought that Han Sen had cheated in his Gravity training so she asked him to stand there till midnight, while holding a 7.0 bow string to it's fullest.

"Must've been hard... Not that I can do anything about it." I quickly left for my home and slept.

Next afternoon, after doing some gravity training in the test hall, I buyed myself some some more Z-steel arrows, later I then returned to God's Sanctuary.

I buyed those arrows because I can't just use my black stinger everywhere, or if Han Sen were to see it, he would definitely connect me with Void(void is the name of his second identity).

Entering the martial ring, I completed my several matches by telling Obsidian Dragon to knockout my opponent, some people came to fight me but as time passed, they started to throw the towel even before entering the ring.

Days passed like hours, doing the gravity training and fighting those not-so-popular person's almost became my daily routine, until the match came that I was waiting for.

Because Son of Heaven eliminated Fist Guy, and Qin Xuan eliminated Son of Heaven, I were to fight Dollar so one of us can reach the finals.

Entering the ring while holding a loaded bow, I saw Dollar in front of me.

"You have guts to actually come here." Dollar said.

Not focusing on what he said, I summoned my Obsidian Dragon and told it to stop Dollar in his track, aiming my bow at his chest, I shot an arrow towards Dollar which obviously didn't pierced his armour.

Dollar saw me attacking but didn't even bothered to dodge it, because he also knew that my arrows have only 1.2% Z-steel in them.

Attacking the Head of Obsidian Dragon with his sawfish spear, dollar was surprised to see that all his spear did was to left a scratch on its body. The rather large snake hissed and opened his mouth and was gonna ate dollar as a whole. Being in mid air, Dollar had no way to dodge that attack unless he Summon his wings

"Stop." I said and recalled my Obsidian Dragon before he was gonna eat Dollar.

Even though I knew that dollar could evade that attack, my purpose here wasn't to kill Han Sen, but to analyse his fighting abilities.

In my Opinion, he's weak. Even weaker than me. But I'm sure he can progress even faster than me.

After that, I exited the ring and Dollar won automatically. The onlookers were very shocked by what I did there, some cursed me, while some praised me, but most of them were dumbfounded by my actions, including dollar himself.

Next day at the gym , Han Sen came over where i exercising and asked me. "Why did you quit your match halfway? You could have won." Han Sen asked me without a change in his expression.

"Because I didn't feel like winning, even I know that I could've won, but that won't be a win unless I defeat dollar with my own two hands, not with a beast soul." I said.

Somewhat dissatisfied with my answer, Han Sen returned to do his gravity training while I stood there holding a dumble in my hand.

I got an idea of what's gotten into him, he see a win as a win unless it's extremely unfair. So he probably saw me as a fool for throwing in the towel. I don't really know Han Sen's true personality. But one thing's for sure, if you don't do any harm to him, you are far from dying by his hands.

My routine in this whole month was as simple as doing my gravity training and eating my mutant meat in the sanctuary. Because I wasn't recruited as a special archery student, I didn't really needed to do other physical trainings. Even though I played God of Hand, I wasn't really able to pass the beginner level. My reflexes sucks...

"Wait, does this means I'm a good for nothing without my Devil Souls?" This thought alone made me shiver.

"It seems I have to train a Hyper Geno arts for myself too." I thought, thinking of a way to get a S-class Saint hall license.

In the meantime, the thing happened. Han Sen defeated Qin Xuan by using his wings. Some people said it was a shameless thing to do, but not gonna lie, I would've done that too even if I was to be cursed. It's the matter of a sacred-blood beast Soul after all. He also defeated some popular characters, all this happened in a single month, and the days were near for me to be admitted in Blackhawk.

But before I go onto Blackhawk, I want to complete my special Quest, which is to get three sacred-blood Devil Souls, I have collected two of them already and only one remains.

Today's the day when Fist Guy and Han Sen would go and hunt the pangolian spiked monster, I have to get it's Devil Souls at every cost.

I reached Fist Guy's gang and saw him chatting with Han Sen.

"Yo, Fist Guy. I'm here to discuss something with you." I said and got a weird gaze from everyone there.

Although I was somewhat famous for being an angry young master in the shelter, I didn't knew who spread that, but I was still trying to be as polite as possible.

"Well, I'm here to participate in this hunt." I said with a serious gaze.

"You know about this? Well aside from that. Do you know about the deal?" Asked Fist Guy.

"Yeah, I know it. I will not get any of the sacred-blood meat. Being honest, I don't even want anything from you, not even the Beast Soul, I just want to research the sacred-blood creature." I said without holding out any information.

It was obviously a lie, even Fist Guy and his gang didn't buyed it. But if I wasn't asking for anything, they didn't have any problem with me being there.

"Show us that you won't be a burden for us." Fist Guy ordered.

Hearing his request, I summoned my Obsidian Dragon and said, "This isn't a Mount, but a fighting type sacred-blood beast soul. So I can probably help you somewhat."

"Good, then let's get it started." Fist Guy said and started to travel on his mutant Mount.

I also summoned my Obsidian Dragon and sat on it's back, I also invited Han Sen to sit with me, Han Sen then asked me, "didn't you said it's a fighting type beast soul? How come you can also ride it?"

"Although this is a fighting type Beast Soul, you can actually sit on it's back, but it's speed is reduced by 25% on the ground." I said, with a pitying voice.

Looking at Han Sen, I saw him looking at me with envy. After all, he must've think that it was a double type beast soul and on top of that it's sacred-blooded.

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