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25% Resident Evil Super Cop Harem: Join And Amaze LAPD At The Start / Chapter 1: Coming Back To The Past-Future And Slowly Becoming Different
Resident Evil Super Cop Harem: Join And Amaze LAPD At The Start Resident Evil Super Cop Harem: Join And Amaze LAPD At The Start original

Resident Evil Super Cop Harem: Join And Amaze LAPD At The Start

Auteur: Soap_of_Starlight

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Coming Back To The Past-Future And Slowly Becoming Different

I was highly bewildered, and this fact was mirrored in my thoughts as my eyes opened to the beauty of the world again.

'I thought I'd died; what the heck is going on here, and why am I alive?'

I was absolutely confused and didn't understand.

The last thing I remembered was dying in an explosion alongside a tall Nemesis Zombie, one of the newest and most unpleasant models, who was well-versed in more than simply my tactics, battle behavior, and fighting style.

The creature, the persistent ferocious beast, was revolting, but it and I had been blown off in this enormous blast of gas and fire.

And yet, here I was, as alive as I had been before the hard-fought fight began: not out of breath, injured, dazed, or anything.

Happy, I looked around me and realized I wasn't alone here; I was in a bar, sitting at the counter with a drink next to me.

Recognizing the surrounding environment, a notion came my head, seeming absurd, 'Wait, is this Missouri?'

I'd only been here once before, in my twenties, while traveling through America following my stint in the military.

I had not been drafted and had joined on my own. As long as I could recall, since I was a child, I instinctively felt a tug toward serving the country and armed troops. It didn't hurt that it made someone cooler, too.

'If this is really Missouri…'

I looked around the pub and the people who were inside.

Right now, it appeared to be night, and I was in this kind of bar where people played games of billiards and drank beer and came to chat and talk about their day of work or to connect with tourists, of which I was one.

'I guess I should be 22... But it would imply that I did more than just not die; I've somehow journeyed through time, have I? That explosion couldn't have been the cause, could it?'


'I need to find a mirror and make sure.'

Being silent for a minute and looking around more, I did not pay attention to the pint of beer next to me. 

I decided to stand and find a mirror, so I wanted to move to the most likely spot, the bathrooms.

However, just as I was about to stand, something happened - a sound resounded inside my consciousness, sounding like the faint chime of a bell that repeated for a long time; it was a lovely type of noise, seeming musical, but also technological in nature. It was machine-like, with a robotic tone.


Something emerged in my vision at the same time that the music echoed throughout my entire mind and body. Those were windows interfaces that looked like video game menus, but this one was floating in front of my field of view, transparent and see-through, with writing inside of it.

I read what was right in front of me. As I did so, I felt a sense of understanding and comprehension rush over me.

The people I knew had the same spirits and were exactly the same people. Not different ones. But this world was not like my previous one. I seemed to be back in both the past and the future. The year was 2024, yet I was 22. I was born before the 1990s, so something big had happened here.

Something with a pull on life and souls itself, presumably leading me to read what I was reading right now, had done something significant on myself and the universe.

[Super Cop (Z) Plugin]

[Name: Chris Redfield]

[Age: 22]

[Sex: Male]

[Background and Credentials (Unlocked): Survivor extraordinaire, proficient in military conflicts, experienced law enforcement officer, highly skilled in counter-terrorism operations, leader of an elite anti-terrorism task force, dedicated to protecting humanity, trained in mixed martial arts, seasoned veteran in the military, specialized in exterminating undead pests, life gamer, expert at leveling up in life]

[Bio-Status: Virus-Free]

[Overview: Healthy, robust, and fit enough to pursue a job as a cop, with superior physical abilities that he utilizes to dominate]

[Inhuman Features: 0]

[Passive Skills (Unlocked): Resistant to strain, incredibly accurate, able to aim steadily, highly dexterous, precise body movements, controlled sleep patterns, accelerated healing abilities, superior endurance, resistance to injury, calm under pressure, heightened sense of danger, finder of ammo, maker of ammo]

[Level: 1]

[Utilities (Unlocked): Inventory, Window Check]

The windows could become cluttered.

In addition to the sudden and new familiarity with the world and the interface, gaming words sprang to mind, and I realized that even though I was only level one, I was already what would be referred to as a little broken. I was an experienced, amazing, tested veteran soldier, living up to my own past life legacy of being a gleam, a ray of hope for humanity. This resulted from my past life's experiences.

Knowing that I could level up and get new passives would keep me motivated to progress and become more skillful and strong.

'This cheat is a little strong... With this, I suppose I don't have to worry too much about the future, although those madmen always found new ways to create new monstrous disasters for mankind…'

The cheat, the plugin, was powerful, and making me stronger was not its sole goal. There appeared to be add-on functions.

In essence, the Super Cop (Z) Plugin was a cheat code, a superpower designed to transform me into an unstoppable cop capable of protecting humanity from zombies and other threats in a world on the verge of or recently devastated by an apocalypse. I wasn't given any direction on how to live, so I could end up being either a good or a bad person. The main goal was to prepare me for upcoming life challenges. The ability was also designed for use as a police officer, an armed law enforcement agent, during peaceful times, combating cartels and crime, or dealing with new kinds of post-apocalyptic threats.

Above all, I was a gamer, gaming through life and learning new skills that could be unlocked.

One of its additional functions, via utilities, was to allow me to check out people and their details using a feature known as Window Check.

Finally, my last purpose was to transform the people in my social circle. People around me and those who spent time with me.

People, all of them, and creatures, lacked levels and were unable to level up, but they did have valuable experiences (backgrounds and credentials) that allowed them to learn passive abilities through me. This had less to do with me being a symbol of inspiration for humanity, and more to do with my abilities as a gamer who naturally has the capacity to make a huge impact on life and favorably reshape the lives of others. Of course, I could object to people receiving passives after the notifications appeared.

Others not having levels definitely did not indicate that they could not get stronger or more skilled in their areas of specialty; it merely meant that they were not gamers like I was. I had a shortcut to becoming stronger at an abnormally quick rate and using conventional ways that did not have to be inhuman.

This was the cheat and what pertained to it. Now, as for the world…

This world was strange, and not just because it contained the familiar faces and spirits of those I knew from my previous existence. It seemed to be known as Resident Evil. I didn't have any more information or access to it than I did in my previous life, but I knew what it was called. It was a video game universe. I was actually a fucking character from a video game... It didn't bother, concern, or depress me, but it appeared to be what it was.

What captivated me, really, was the cheat revealing that the world I had returned to now had additional characters from other realities, making things rather odd. I was completely clueless about their identity. The information I obtained from the Window Check tool was simply status window information. Knowing the identities or backgrounds of these characters from made-up worlds was not particularly useful when investigating fictional-related information. I couldn't tell if they were ordinary people from my own reality and past life, or something else entirely.

Even though I used to be a police officer, I didn't go around investigating everything and everyone in the world that wasn't involved in criminal activity. In addition, I was unfamiliar with many TV shows and other forms of entertainment that could be useful to me now.

At some point, my entire focus and energy were devoted to combating zombies and virus-borne monsters. I did not have time for anything else.

In essence, unless the circumstances were truly extraordinary, I had no way of knowing if someone was not originally from my world moving forward. Even if I discovered this fact, I would only have this small piece of information and would have no idea who they were supposed to be unless I got to know them and their lore better.

I didn't know all that much about fiction still, especially the ones suggested, so in the end, it was best not to waste any of my time on such things by conducting intricate research – I was just going to enjoy life.

I thought about many subject matters in a short period of time, and a lot of new knowledge came into my head, although only a few moments had gone in the real world.

Someone suddenly approached me and said, aggressively hitting on me - it was a woman chatting to me, a stunning and pretty ebony one with a luminous smile, "What's got you spacing out, handsome? Mind if I get you a drink?"

I immediately got out of my thoughts.

Before we could even exchange names, I thought, 'I don't recall seeing her in this place before; perhaps she's one of those people? The new ones from other verses?'

I was making wild guesses now, since there was no way I could have checked out all the folks in this place in my previous life; I was too preoccupied with the glass of beer that I was neglecting.

In my previous life, this was merely a stop for me to get a drink and go to sleep; I didn't pay attention to the people here. The next day, early in the morning, I departed for another city in Missouri.

I accessed the woman's information to see what she was all about, but as expected, it did not supply me with any meaningful answers to my inner questions at this time.

All I could tell so far, was that she had a pretty name, a pretty age, and a beautiful smile.

[Name: Roberta Warren]

[Age: 24]

[Sex: Female]

[Background and Credentials (Unlocked): National Guard, greenhorn cop]

[Bio-Status: Virus-Free]

[Overview: Healthy young woman who trains and strives to be a competent rookie cop, has some experience working near firearms, but nothing that makes her significantly above average if danger comes unexpectedly]

[Inhuman Features: 0]

[Passive Skills (Unlocked): 0]

I opted to entertain her and her advances on me because I was interested in her and her beauty, which was something I had rarely done in my past.

I didn't want to live with regrets about many friendly women, like Rebecca, but especially Jill.

I did not know better until I became very elderly, depressed, and lonely after my sister died during a surgery. She was my whole world. 

Leon sobbed more than I did, yet that guy, that other lonely and dense bastard, died before me too. Claire was completely wasted on his ass; he was too preoccupied chasing those life-threatening spy leggings.

I said politely, "I have all I need here for the time being, but I wouldn't mind if you joined me for a drink; I'd love the companionship. The name is Chris; what is yours?"

I inquired despite knowing her name beforehand.

Her gorgeous smile, which had already convinced me of its immense attractiveness, grew larger, her teeth whiter and shinier than the best celebrities, as she replied, "Your name's Chris? My name's Roberta, handsome, pleasure meeting you."

After she finished her statement, she offered her hand. Weakly. She did so in a coquettish, ladylike decorum. Her overall background did not suggest such habits, but while we were flirting, it was a pleasant touch.

I grabbed her hand and gently shook it, and she chuckled and took the seat at the bar next to mine.

After ordering drinks and shots for us, she looked at me and asked, "So, Chris, are you local? It doesn't appear that way."

I nodded and responded to her curiosity, "I'm simply stopping by town; I'm not from around here. I take it that you are local if you ask me that question?"

She took a sip and replied, "Yes, but I'm just dropping by as well to catch up with family; in recent years, I actually worked in Charleston, South Carolina,"

I said curiously, "What kind of work?"

She relayed the following information to me, "I took the test here in Kansas City and am now heading to Los Angeles to be moved there as a police hire. There's a rookie opening for me. Up until very recently, I worked for the national guard, mostly defending aircraft, airports, and their traffic."

I acted astonished, "You work in law enforcement, do you? Well, that's interesting; I recently completed my military duty a few days ago…"

Roberta glanced at me and chuckled, "That sure is, but to be honest, I'm not really all that surprised... When I first approached you, I thought you had military vibes to you. Looks like I was right."

I said, "Your nose seems to be sharp; I didn't expect to hear that one, though; how do I look different?"

She said, "I'm not sure, I just sense that from you; it seemed obvious to me; I suppose I must have spent too much time in the National guard."

I was intrigued by her response, so I inquired, "What was your tenure?"

She confided in me, "I've been a guard for four years, since I was twenty,"

I wanted to ask her about the wild things she had seen there, assuming she had seen some wild shit, but I didn't.

Instead of asking about it, I remarked, "Isn't that quite the stint for a woman as young as you? It's solid credentials, right? But how did you like it?"

I waited for her response when my gaze fell on one of the bar's many TV screens. I saw the date and was not surprised, but it still felt strange. It was truly 2024, but I was 22.

This was a world with crime, government and corporate shadiness, narcotics, spies, and potentially pending infections that could bring even more turmoil and trigger apocalypses at any time.

Yet, despite this, I was having a cozy chat with a beautiful woman at a random bar in Kansas City, where we were slowly getting to know each other.

'This thing called the Plugin did something to me, I suppose. In the current state of things, I would never have been as carefree and laid-back in my previous life – but hey, people are meant to start changing…'

I didn't fully recognize myself, and my perspective on life and personality were gradually changing. But it was kind of the point to be honest, with all of my earnestness and former personality, I had failed to save humanity, let alone myself and my loved ones.

Failing to form new connections and having new people to love and cherish was perhaps what caused my doom in the end. I was someone who fought to return to my loved ones. Socializing was something I needed right now, not something I did merely because nothing else could be.

After speaking with Roberta some more, I took her phone number, remembering that I had a phone in my inventory. I wasn't supposed to have a cell phone at the age of 22, but this was 2024, not the late 1980s.

I told her about my new plans to visit her at her LAPD headquarters in California, as it would be my next destination and stop. I was seriously considering meeting new people and finding a place where I could hone myself and my talents peacefully and gradually, without the fear of Raccoon City and its massive Umbrella Corporation being a vigilant menace to me.


Back at the motel which on the side of a highway, in the corridor, I had just finished getting my keys and was about to return to my room.

I had many talents and was a good sniper, but there were levels to this stuff; Leon was still ahead of me in terms of sniping and had a special eye, but I quickly noticed something. Someone to be more specific.

A convoy of massive, tall automobiles hauling military troops was moving down the road, most likely to another part of the country or to an airport; I had no idea, but there was undoubtedly a base nearby.

Amidst the soldiers in the car, I sensed someone with a strong aura or presence; it was difficult to describe, but I immediately requested a Window Check.

I was stunned and surprised by the outcome. It was the first time I had seen someone with so many credentials tonight. And they all appeared to be exceedingly strong and reliable.

Almost like mine.

[Name: Jack Reacher]

[Age: 22]

[Sex: Male]

[Background and Credentials (Unlocked): Survivor of elite status, unreal in covert military operations, soldier blessed with talent, expert in high-risk warfare, keen-eyed detective, experienced military professional, recipient of numerous Medals of Honor and Bravery, excellent instructor]

[Bio-Status: Virus-Free]

[Overview: An incredibly strong and skilled soldier in all useful fields, born to be a spy, very healthy, muscular, and speedy, can perform and adapt to any type of situation]

[Inhuman Features: 0]

[Passive Skills (Unlocked): 0]


I didn't know how many years would pass before a zombie apocalypse broke out, but I was certain that I would encounter this gentleman at some point.

So young and yet so qualified already.

I silently observed the fleet of massive vehicles leave and accelerate on the road towards an unknown destination. As a civilian with no military affiliation, I could only conjecture and focus on my own affairs.

I was no longer in the military, and I had certainly not served with these unusual-looking individuals… They appeared focused and sharp, like hunting soldier dogs set to embark on some secret mission.

After they left, I went to and fell asleep.

The following day, I awoke to Roberta sending me a message on my cell phone, telling me that she had departed for Los Angeles, and that I should not forget to come and visit her.

I smiled to myself, thinking I needed a job and a place to start. I didn't want to join the United States Air Force in this fresh opportunity in life. After years, I had grown much closer to Leon than Barry, so I didn't think I'd miss him.

This life was going to be a lot different anyway, so I didn't need to follow the trajectory I'd known about my life.


That morning, before leaving the motel, I dialed a phone number, one of several that I would never forget, and discovered that it was registered in my cell phone.

The person on the other end of the line answered the phone and said, "Yes, Hello, Chris?"

Hearing my sister Claire's voice moved me deeply; the last time I saw her, aside from on that bed where she was undergoing surgery after suffering some lethal injuries, was when I frequently visited the cemetery, at least before another virus broke out and prevented me from doing so in peace again.

As I replied, a tear spilled out of my eyes, my voice weak, "Yes, it's me, Chris - Claire, how have you been doing?"

She sounded younger, of course, and was currently attending college in California.

I didn't know if it was fate or not, but in this life, I would make sure that I was close to where she lived and wouldn't compel her to come to Raccoon City and see me there to learn to fight and use weapons.

Being in California and close to the ocean, I could make sure that if things went south, we could go to the sea to regroup.

Despite my extensive knowledge and combat abilities, there was nothing wrong with setting up hidden bases, boats, and bunkers.

Claire told me, "I'm fine, but why are you calling me so early in the morning, Chris? Did something happen? I was sleeping so well."

Claire began complaining, like a little sister, that she was cutely in my ears as I began to giggle and banter with her till I would leave the motel.

I had no idea, and would never know, that someone I'd soon meet, was about to transform her future profession due to an amazing, tremendously powerful butterfly effect playing instruments such as guitar and bass.


(Karla Dixon POV)

In the motel room next door.

A lean, 21-year-old woman rolled sluggishly and inebriated in bed, silently muttering, lamenting, "Oh fuck… Why the hell did I have to follow those crazy girls and join them for drinks again? Should have known better than doing that."

Now this morning, she was struck by, suffering from a severe headache. She also started throwing up and heaving from the hangover, which she could feel throughout her stomach and tired body.

Karla enjoyed drinking. Especially now that she was permitted to do so openly and publicly at 21. But she had gone way too far, too heavy on it in the past several days. She didn't know why she hadn't chosen to control herself.

She was unusually in the mood to not do so, as if something was preventing her from being rational.

The door to her room suddenly opened, and someone entered, yelling at her, "Karla, suit up; the holidays are almost over, we're taking a little trip to Cali! I've heard there will be a You Know Who concert!"

Karla raised her head from the pillow, perplexed, and asked, her headache making her unhappy and blind, "What? Voldemort is going to perform some music?"

Her eyes hadn't accustomed to the brightness yet and weren't properly open.

Her friend rolled her eyes, scoffed and replied, "No way, it's not Voldemort playing, it's the band You Know Who. They came up with that name on a whim before they became famous. They're big Harry Potter fans. You don't know them?"

She was in disbelief.

Karla felt ignorant, but was exhausted, so she said, "Let me just go back to sleep for a little longer… Just a little,"

She was about to pull the bedsheets over herself to get some more sleep, when her friend stopped her and began undressing her so she could change.


(AN: I'm short of 150 words, don't read below, or do)

Los Pollos Hermanos was a fast-food restaurant chain that specialized in fried chicken operating across the southwestern United States. The name, pronounced [los ˈpo.ʝos eɾˈma.nos], is ungrammatical Spanish for "The Chicken Brothers." Founded by Gustavo Fring and Max Arciniega, the restaurant chain had fourteen locations throughout the southwest and was Gustavo Fring's major business concern. Los Pollos Hermanos was a subsidiary of Madrigal Electromotive, a German conglomerate with an ownership stake in the company. The restaurant also provided money-laundering and logistics for illegal activities.

Gustavo "Gus" Fring, mockingly referred to as The Chicken Man by Hector, is a Chilean-American restaurant entrepreneur and major narcotics distributor who primarily worked in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Originally collaborating with the Mexican drug cartel to distribute cartel cocaine, Gus eliminated his dependence on the cartel and began distributing methamphetamine himself, and eventually became the kingpin of his solo drug empire, which was the most successful drug operation in United States history until his former employee Walter White surpassed it with his own drug empire.

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