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9.21% Warhammer: Imperium Ascendant / Xeno Horrificus

Xeno Horrificus

Xeno Horrificus: Khrave (Erv'yak-Mitra)

Threat Level: Purgio-4. (Purgio-6 if Rangda infested)

Infestation Zones and Behavior: Primarily Migratory. Khrave have two basic patterns of behavior and infestation types. Independent Khrave who are not in direct contact with the Rangdan Kindred (Pending reclassification from Empire) will act as migratory hunters. Traveling the galaxy in small (5-50) fleets of "Webships." Searching for vulnerable sentient lifeforms. Preying upon pre-industrial planets, Void-Ships and any other group of sentients they can control. Either through force or subversion. These independent Khrave will devour the claimed food-source rapidly. Reproducing and growing the migratory fleet. These fleets will split upon reaching a certain size or meeting yet unknown criteria. It is believed these independent Khrave act as scouts and expeditionary forces for the Rangda Kindred. Mapping out resources and worlds for later expansion and harvest. Khrave who are in contact with the Rangdan will behave radically different. They will show much higher levels of aggression and search for inhabited worlds. Usually, ones encountered by Khrave Fleets but too well defended or populated for migratory Khrave to handle. Khrave Fleets will assemble into much larger forces of hundreds of ships and wield Rangdan technology. These macro-fleets will use similar tactics as migratory fleets to subvert and conquer entire worlds. With populations numbering higher than 500 Million. The Khrave will then rapidly set to work turning the planet into a massive farm of sentient lifeforms. Cultivating the conquered sentients as livestock. The Khrave will then act as a mixture of agri-worker and warden for the Rangda. Producing vast quantities of organic tissue for the Rangda Collective. Highly successful Khrave Farm-Worlds (With populations of sentient livestock in excess of 10 billion) will be upgraded to Rangda breeding-worlds. With the elite Khrave selected as willing hosts for other Rangda breeds. This goal of achieving host-status seems to be the ultimate goal of the Khrave.

Description: The Khrave are a species of cerebovoric body-stealers. Their natural form is an albino worm-like creature. Typically ranging from 10cm in length for hatchlings to 1.5 meters for elders. Khrave naturally lack sensory organs other than an advanced vibrational sense. With there true-body being predominantly a mass of neural tissue and digestive organs. With a mixture of mandibles and feeding spikes capping the worm-bodies mouth. Khrave have surprising levels of explosive speed and power. Capable of moving their invertebrate form rapidly in short bursts. Typically this is used for feeding or transferring between host bodies. While physically lacking this Xeno can claim a living body for themselves as a host. The Khrave-Worm will force itself into the body cavity of its desired host through any available orifice. Rapidly releasing a series of nerve-tendrils that will latch onto the major nerve centers of the host. Typically the spinal column for humans. The Khrave will hijack the host-bodies nervous system and start to remodel its host. Devouring large parts of its internal organs and replacing them with its own body. Effectively hollowing out the host, with its life-sustaining functions taken over by the Khrave. Typically the host consciousness dies from shock in the initial attack on the nervous system. However, some cases lasting for days or even weeks during the remodeling process is not unheard of. With its newly claimed body in full control. The Khrave will set to work using a mixture of natural biological agents, biomancy and its own technology to further alter the host body. With most Khrave spending time between rest, feeding our production, tweaking there body. With the hosts rapidly becoming almost unrecognizable as its original species. Using its new body as a form of exoskeleton the Khrave will attempt to "upgrade" to higher quality hosts if possible. With Ambulls, Ogryns, and similar large durable sentient species prized. Khrave are also naturally psionic, albeit too a limited degree. With raw ability comparable to a Kappa class human. However, Khrave feed in a semi-unique form among Cerebvores. Like most of there kindred they feed upon the neural tissue of sentient beings. (Adepts debate if sentients are required or preferred) Khrave feeds by extending their worm-body out of there host at rapid speeds. Thrusting feeding spikes into the skull-equivalent of prey and secreting a biological acid into the brain cavity. Then drinking the brain product. This method is not what makes the Khrave unusual. What is how they also feed psychically on their prey. Ripping pieces of the soul of the target out as it dies. This creates a tell-tale psychic imprint of Khrave activity and allows the Xeno to increase there psychic potential a fraction with each feeding. With more powerful psyker-prey providing greater increases. Unlike other Cereborves this additive effect is permanent. Where Rangdan Cerebevores can collect the psychic energy of prey and spend it in sorceric-currency. The Khrave actually increase there own psychic power with each feeding. Thankfully this process is very incremental and the most powerful Khrave encountered registered as a low Beta on the psychic scale. Anecdotal evidence suggests this process is assisted by psychological distress in the victim. Leading to Khrave displaying keenly sadistic behavior related to hunting and feeding. Research regarding this and other phenomena related Khrave use of psychological torture is undergoing.

Reproduction: Khrave are genderless and reproduces communally. With each worm-body undergoing a hormonal shift resulting in a clutch of pseudo-zygotes being produced. Khrave will then release these pseudo-zygotes into communal cisterns. Were the egg-equivalents feed upon each other. Until a tenth of the original number remains. Using the genetics and matter of consumed pseudo-zygotes to enhance themselves. The eggs will grow and eventually hatch. Where the largest of the ensuing worms-bodies are collected and have hosts prepared. The rest are kept in the cistern, to die and degrade. Adding additional fodder to the next reproductive cycle. Khrave also play a major role in the reproductive cycle of higher-order breeds of Rangdan. With elder Khrave are selected to be infected with Rangdan viral-strains. Which will gestate inside the Khrave's host-body. Passively feeding on the Khraves meals and psychic conquests. Increasing the natural potency and warp-resistance of the Rangdan. After sufficient growth has occured the Rangdan will pass into the Khrave worm-body and infect it as well. Effectively killing the Khrave and initiating a process where worm and host fuse together. Forming a new and powerful body for the newborn Rangdan. Which will be many times more dangerous than "feral" Rangdan raised on random hosts in quick infection.

Technology: The Khrave combine a mixture of psychic and mechanical technology. Only engaging in major biotechnology when in contact with the Rangda. With cyber-organic augments and adjustments common outside of Rangda influence. Khrave vessels take the shape of six-pointed stars. With each point and the center of the star a mass of Void Coral. A silicon organism that is commonly seen in Rangda Kindred construction. In between each point is a plasma-based Solar-Sail. That combines energy propulsion and ion-field technology to maneuver. Khrave ships of frigate equivalent and higher typically posses a warp-drive. Combining there natural psychic abilities, the Khrave can guide their vessels in short but accurate warp-skips. The psychically active nature of the Khrave and their feeding habits make extended jumps dangerous. Typically the Xenos prefer to Warp within 0.5 light-years of a targeted system. Then use ships Solar-Sails to glide into the system. Decreasing the risk of interception or detection. In combat, Khrave use a type of Warp-Based weapon that Imperial scholars have named "Glamours." Due to the shifting and exotic nature of the weapons. Warp-Glamours are in essence blades or projectiles produced of solidified psychic-energy. Not dissimilar to certain telekinetic and pyrokinetic techniques used by Imperial Psykers. These weapons do hold a number of abnormal properties. Including the ability to cause extreme amounts of pain to living tissue. Along with severely hampering the regenerative properties of tissue affected. Making wounds inflected by them intensely painful. As well as prone to infection, extreme bleeding, and scarring. Some Khrave weapons are also usable by non-Khrave. Like a particularly unpleasant weapon known to the Imperial Military as the Extinction-Carbine. That power itself using the malice of its wielder. To fire volleys of solidified hate. Capable of puncturing Ceramite with ease and reducing affected tissue to a mixture of warp-tumors and unhealing wounds.

Xeno Horrificus: Slaugth ( Erv'podia Vermiculus)

Threat Level: Purgio- 7

Description: The Slaugth are a species of Cerebervove parasite colonies. Taking the form of a mass of worm-like member specimens that operate as a unified organism. With each individual worm carrying on independent biological functions and storing some of the memories and personality of the full colony. According to Imperial Intelligence, it seems the Slaugh are not a servitor species as initially thought but a unique caste/house of the Rangda Kindred. Who for an unknown reason did not accompany the rest of its species in the forced diaspora to the Ghoul and Halo Stars. Instead of remaining behind as agents of the greater Rangda species/alliance. Being true Rangda the intellect of a Slaugh is directly proportional to the number of worms that make up a colony. With older and more powerful Slaugth no longer capable of maintaining any semblance to the human form and instead resembling a vehicle or even building-sized mass of worm-equivalents. However, most colony/individuals recorded range from 50kg-150kg in total weight. Capable of forming into a humanoid mass of worm-equivalents that can crudely mimic actions and appearances of other sapient species. This very mild shape-changing ability aids the Slaugth as infiltrators but is not a primary tool of the Xeno. The true danger of a Slaugth comes from its feeding habits. An average-sized Slaugth is fully capable of attacking and consuming an adult human over a few hours. The worm-mass envelops the Xenos prey and exposes it to the paralyzing and necrotizing secreted by the worms. The conscious but helpless prey organism is devoured piece by piece by the worms and its brain is copied into the Slaugth colony. Giving the Xeno access to the memories, skills, and knowledge of its prey until it is fully digested. A process that takes several weeks, when the memories can also be truly learned by the Xeno if it sees fit. In fact, the humanoid posture of most Slaugth is provided by its current "meal" acting as a skeleton for the worm colony. Recently fed Slaugth is capable of appearing to walk and move like a human when those near finishing digestion appear more like a vertical mass of writhing tissue. Additionally, Slaugth are psychic blanks. Like most newborn Rangda and do not engage in Sorcery, keeping them undetectable to Psychic detection. Slaugth are unsurprisingly naturally psychopathic like most Xenos, but are also acutely aware of the behavior and psyche of species they have fed on. Granting them insight into how to manipulate and control their targets for infiltration. Because of these factors, Slaugth often set themselves up as key elements in an infiltrated world's criminal class. Granting the Xeno accesses to resources, prey, and a steady supply of amoral denizens of its infested planet to act as intermediaries and agents.

Infestation Zones and Behavior: The Slaugth can be found all throughout the Galactic North, infiltrated into virtually every space-faring civilization in the region. Hiding within population-dense but chaotic locations. Like human Hive Cities, Orkish Feefs, and similar. Using the complex and sinister elements of these settlements to camouflage themselves. Once one or many Slaugth "individuals" establish themselves in a world they set to work undermining its institutions and population. Fomenting dissent and exacerbating social or political issues. Gaining a monopoly in the planets Black Market and siphoning resources from its economy and industry. Using the species mastery of biotechnology to create pathogens or highly addictive substances that are then released into the population. The Slaugth do everything they can to weaken but not destroy the planet they occupy. Making sure to never cause full-blown collapse but keeping it as weak as it can be while still functioning. Slaugth infiltration can turn a formerly productive and united planet into a bottomless resource sink on the brink of a planetary dark age in a matter of decades. Which is exactly what the Slaugth wish. Working to fundamentally weaken any spacefaring civilization they encounter while gaining as much information and control as possible. Ensuring that if and when the greater Rangda Kindred arrives the planet is an easy conquest. When possible Slaugth will expand to new worlds as they see fit and also possess entirely Slaught ruled planets. Designed to act as resource stockpiles and fortress worlds of a greater Rangda military offensive.

Reproduction and Lifecycle: Disturbingly the Slaugth are beings of complete asexual reproduction. With every single worm of a Slaugth colony/individual capable of being separated from its siblings and producing an entirely new Slaugth. This worm is divorced from the collective intelligence of its parent and to all but the most trained eye appears as a simple carrion eater. With enough food can experience complete mitosis creating another worm. These two new worms will be have been slightly altered by the genome of whatever they have consumed. Whiles still bound together as a new colony. Given time this infant colony will grow in size and intelligence. Until once it reaches about 50kg of mass it will be close to human intelligence. At this point, the colony undergoes a biochemical shift and the programmed desires psyche of the Slaugth species emerge. Turning the colony from a scavenging predator to a sapient organism. At this stage, a Slaugth colony will seek out other members of its species. Joining the established Slaugth hierarchy if they find them or starting a new infestation if it can not. Fully grown Slaugth with enough excess worms can split off a section of its colony as a new adult Slaugth. These controlled splittings are often done by established Slaugth seeking true allies or to reduce its mass. Truly ancient Slaugth that reach many hundreds of kilos in weight will act as leaders of a Slaugth infestation. Or be transported to the nearest world under Slaugth or Rangda control. Then acting as spawners and memory dumps for the species as a whole. To truly kill a Slaugth it must be destroyed down to the last worm. However, with sufficient losses to its colony, the intellect and memories of the Slaugth will be heavily reduced.

Technology: Artifacts fabricated by the Slaugth are mixtures of mechanical and biological matter and processes. With organic tissue overcoming the weaknesses of silicon and steel or vice versa. Often creating Vassals that perform myriad functions. Techno-organic beings that are similar to broader Rangda technology. The subtle methods and purpose of the Slaugth is also reflected in weapons and armor crafted by them. Slaugth often appear to be covered in ragged cloaks. Which in truth are semi-organic shrouds capable of refracting light and even energy to a certain degree. Agents of the Steel Order have also learned through many ugly battles the power of Slaugth Necrotic weapons. Which produces a unique form of killing. Firing a beam of exotic radiation coupled to laser-guided entangled molecules at a target. Inducing rapid cell death in organic tissue and decoupling of weaker molecular bonds. Reducing those killed by the weapon to rapidly liquifying tissue and ash. In matters of void travel, Slaugth ships are alien biomechanical horrors that use inverted void-shields to be nearly undetectable. Slaugth will often also use vehicles and ships stolen from infiltrated species to disguise themselves. Or even stowing away on them to travel to a new world. To cross the stars the Slaugth use a form of Warp Travel that relies on the Blankness and curious biology of the Slaugth to work. However, on some conquered "Feast Worlds" of the Slaugth great ruined organic gate structures have been found. All destroyed by Xeno defenders before the Imperium could reach them. Experts from the Mechanicum and Adeptus Psi believe these gates are related technology to Aeldari Webway Gates, but much more primitive. Possibly showing some overlap with the similar Orkish subspace tunnels.

Xeno Horrificus: Rangda Wormships (Genus Vermideus)

Threat Level: Purgio- 1-5. Heavily reliant on escorts and support to function. Still a crucial and dangerous part of the Rangda Warmachine

Description: The Rangda Wormships is the penultimate expression of the Xeno-breed's use of biomechanical technology. A type of megastructure that defies physics and sanity. More akin to warp-born horrors than traditional void ships. Each Wormship possesses the ability to enter into the Warp and reenter the materium with surprising ease. Burrowing through space/time and exiting the Warp in a different star system. These machine-creatures can exist in two systems at once, forming a bridge between them. Its innards opening up to become an organic passage through the Warp. Displaying properties similar to the Webway and Orkish sub-space tunnels. Hinting to a possible shared origin in Old One technology. Even the smallest class of Worm has a carrying capacity comparable to an Imperial large scale mass-hauler. Letting entire armies and continents' worth of material be stored inside it. Wormships do not need to become bridges between systems and can simply move between them transporting their cargo safely. These specialized creature/ships allow some Rangda vessels to go without Warp Drive or similar systems, making for lighter and less detectable craft. Recovered remains of destroyed Wormships fall apart rapidly, implying warp-born influence in construction and maintenance. Limited examinations reveal the outer hide of the Wormship secretes a form of artificial ectoplasm that lubricates the ship's passage through the warp and even allows the creature/ship to passively feed on the Immaterium during its travels. The creature's digestive system/cargo hold is interestingly lined with a type of warp-interfering material. Possibly the metabolic byproducts and remains of Pariah-type beings. Individual Wormships differ vastly in appearance if not function. Displaying biomechanical decoration and modifications unique to it. This is believed to be a makers mark of some kind. Product of the Basemekanic (theorized Rangda technical caste) responsible for the Worms creation. After a worm's destruction little remains aside from a bioplastic skeleton and its traction hooks. Great spires of treated Blackstone that adorn the outer orifices of the Wormship. Which show the disturbing ability to lodge themselves in both the Warp and Realspace. Acting as a kind of anchor, preventing a Wormship from being pulled into the Warp while docked in two different systems. Attempts to salvage and repurpose this contaminated Blackstone are ongoing but showing little success. Ultimately a Wormship provides the Rangda with a stable and secure corridor through the Warp. Bypassing much of the Warps dangers in exchange for decreased speed and maneuverability. Creating a profoundly alien method of faster than light travel perfect for empire-building and territory consolidation.

Tactical Assessment: Wormships lack armament, usually equipped with little more than PD turrets and Rock-breaker weapons. Relying on its escort fleet for protection. Each Worm travels with a tender fleet of warp-capable War-barques that typically lack the more exotic weapons and equipment of their warp-incapable cousins. While its offensive power is negligible, its tactical importance is paramount. An active Wormship can move huge amounts of reinforcements between systems and prove remarkably difficult to damage. Heavily armored and capable of obscene regeneration while connected to the Warp, the Wormship shows durability few Imperial megastructures can match. A rare but not unheard of Rangda tactic is to use the Wormship as a kind of shield, letting the enemy focus its fire on it while the Xeno fleets strike back. The Wormship should not be ignored or focused on at the cost of everything else. Destruction of it is crucial to ultimate victory and the Rangda are aware of that fact. Aside from overwhelming firepower the best method of dealing with a Wormship is to attack its innards. Powerful ordinance detonated inside its digestive hold can rupture Xeno creature/ship. Dragging it and any passengers into the Warp. Overlapping shield systems covering the Wormships orifices attempt to prevent this but they can be punched through with enough firepower or inventive tactics. Lastly, the amount of time a Wormship can link two systems is inversely proportionate to its size. The smaller breeds can link systems for years before needing to relocate, the larger ones maybe a few Terran Days. Warpstorms and similar hazards don't seem to effect if a Wormship can connect two systems but they do appear to cut down on the time it can link them.

Reproduction and Lifecycle: Data is limited but it appears the construction of a Wormship is resource intense on the Rangda Empire and cannot be done quickly. Making them a limited but powerful asset. The creation of these creature/vessels takes place in the core worlds of the Rangda and combines elements of ship-building, mass cloning, and sorcery. Weaving together machines, flesh, and the Warps influence in a complicated mixture of ritual and manufacturing. Thankfully the Wormships lack the ability to reproduce individually and are one of the few examples of Rangda tech we can firmly classify as technology. Not a subspecies or servitor race like the vast majority of Rangda creations.


Conquering Worm- The smallest and most stable breed of Wormship. Roughly the size of a small hive spire and capable of planetary insertion. Common throughout infested Rangda space acting as civilian ships. Transporting materials and populations through the Warp with disturbing ease. Some sub-variants like Gestators and Harvesters exist. Who are built to fuel the Xeno civilization with newly infected low-Rangda and raw resources respectively. Typically used to connect individual planets and act as transport hubs for the Rangda and their slaves.

Linker Worm- Slightly larger than an Imperial Battleship in diameter, these are the fleet-movers of the Rangda Kindred. Used to connect systems, acting as stable Warp-gates. The most common type of Wormship and lifeblood of Rangda transportation. Hardy enough to serve in military use but not designed for it. Heavier armored sub-variants more meant for combat do exist, but the majority of this breed is meant for civilian use.

Writhing One- Only encountered once during the attacks on the Rangda Coreworlds. A multi-headed Worm that can connect nearly a dozen systems at once. Acting as a transport hub for the Xeno Empire's heart. Theorized to be a unique creation or relic. Its individual heads were slightly larger than Linker Worms and its nexus was located entirely in the Warp. Much is still unknown about this variant and possibly might never be learned due to its destruction. Possible connection to the Webway theorized but insufficient data to prove or disprove.

Moon Swallower- Rarest and most dangerous type of Wormship. Large enough to move entire planets through its innards. Its arrival is thankfully predictable due to the Warp turbulence it stirs up. Signals the Rangda are committing fully to a battle. At the very least unleashing a massive Fleet and usually a War-Moon. Believed to only number a dozen or more, with each of the Seven Houses owning at least one, with the possible exception of House Kyugth. (more commonly known to Imperial records as the Slaugth.) First encountered by the Doomed Expedition Fleet-89.

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