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Pre Meeting

As Edward stepped out of the cafe and headed towards his car, a sense of calm washed over him. However, his moment of tranquility was short-lived as he noticed a figure approaching him, phone in hand, recording his every move.

Instinctively, Edward tensed, his senses on high alert as he tried to assess the situation.

"Excuse me, sir," the stranger called out, their voice laced with urgency. "Are you Edward Bloom, the son of Tony Bloom?"

Edward's nodded cautiously, his eyes narrowing as he studied the stranger. "Yes, I am. And who might you be?" he replied, his tone guarded.

The stranger's expression softened, a hint of excitement flickering in their eyes. "I'm a journalist," they explained, gesturing towards the phone in their hand. "I couldn't help but notice your presence here, Mr. Bloom. Do you have a moment to answer a few questions?"

Edward glanced around, taking in his surroundings with a cautious eye. With a deep breath, he turned his attention back to the journalist, his mind racing as he weighed his options.

After a moment of deliberation, Edward nodded in resignation. "Ask away," he said, his voice steady despite the unease churning in his gut.

The journalist seemed to grow a grin as they pulled up a note pad "Mr Bloom, now that you're father has passed, what is to come of his shares in Brighton?"

Edward felt a pang of frustration. The journalist's lack of tact in addressing such a sensitive topic grated on him, but he knew he had to maintain his composure.

Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, Edward replied with a measured tone, "Firstly, my father's passing is a significant loss, and my family and I are still processing it."

Edward took a deep breath before continuing. "The ownership of my father's shares in Brighton is governed by legal processes and his will. Those shares now belong to me."

The journalist's curiosity seemed to deepen as they listened intently to Edward's explanation. With a thoughtful expression, they glanced up from their notes, fixing Edward with an inquisitive gaze.

"Mr. Bloom, may I ask why the shares were designated to you? It's just that, well, you've never been seen actively involved in your father's business ventures, unlike your brothers or other family members," the journalist probed, their tone polite but insistent.

Edward took a moment to consider his response, mindful of the delicate balance between transparency and discretion. He knew that revealing too much could potentially expose internal family matters to public scrutiny, yet he also understood the importance of addressing the journalist's inquiry.

"Indeed, I understand your curiosity," Edward began, his tone measured yet sincere. "While it may appear that I haven't been visibly involved in my father's business affairs, I assure you that I've always maintained a keen interest and involvement behind the scenes."

He paused briefly.

'I'll have alot of lying to do it seems' he mused, before answering.

"My father and I shared a close relationship, and he entrusted me with certain responsibilities related to his business interests. While my contributions may not have been as public or overt as those of my brothers or other family members, they were nonetheless significant and meaningful."

Edward's response seemed to intrigue the journalist, who nodded thoughtfully as they scribbled down notes. "I see," they murmured, their curiosity piqued by Edward's explanation. "Thank you for sharing that insight, Mr. Bloom. It certainly adds an interesting perspective to the situation."

With that, Edward watched the journalist walk away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the encounter was over. Despite the intrusion, he knew that interactions like these were inevitable given his family's public profile.

As he slid into the driver's seat of his BMW, Edward couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Glancing in the rearview mirror, he caught a glimpse of the journalist walking away, their phone still held aloft as they continued to record the scene.

With a sigh, Edward started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.


Inside the Estate, the air was thick with tension, a reminder of the recent loss that had befallen the Bloom family. Voices echoed through the halls as family members gathered, their murmurs mingling with the clinking of glasses and the soft strains of classical music playing in the background.

Edward couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he made his way through the crowded rooms. His every move seemed to be scrutinized by the assembled guests, their eyes following him like vultures circling their prey.

As Edward made his way through the bustling halls of the estate, amidst the sea of faces, Edward's gaze fell upon Thomson, the groundskeeper who had faithfully served the Bloom family for years. Thomson's weathered features bore the marks of a life spent in service to the estate, yet there was a warmth in his eyes that spoke of a deep and abiding loyalty.

"Thomson," Edward greeted with a nod as he approached the groundskeeper. "How are you holding up?"

Thomson offered a weary smile, his eyes reflecting the somber mood that hung over the estate. "Ah, Mr. Edward," he replied with a hint of sadness in his voice. "It's been a trying time for us all, but we'll manage somehow."

Edward nodded in understanding, a sense of camaraderie blossoming between them amidst the chaos of the moment. "Indeed, Thomson," he said with a sigh.

With a sense of gratitude, Edward decided to enlist Thomson's help in managing the upcoming arrivals.

"Thomson, I need to ask for your assistance with something," Edward said, his tone earnest as he glanced around to ensure they weren't overheard.

Thomson's expression turned attentive as he nodded in response. "Of course, what can I do for you?"

"There's a young woman named Siana who will be coming by shortly," Edward explained. "She's expected to meet with me in my office. If you could direct her there when she arrives, I would appreciate it."

Thomson nodded in understanding, his demeanor reflecting his readiness to assist in any way possible. "Consider it done, I'll make sure she finds her way to your office."

"Thank you, Thomson," Edward replied, offering a grateful smile. "And one more thing— other members of the Brighton board will be joining us here at the estate. Please ensure they're given a warm welcome and directed to the conference room along with the ones already at the estate."

Thomson nodded once more, his expression solemn yet determined. "Understood, I'll make the necessary arrangements."

With a sense of relief knowing that Thomson was handling the logistics, Edward felt a weight lift off his shoulder.

"Thank you, Thomson," Edward said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. "Your assistance is invaluable during these trying times."

Thomson offered a humble nod, his eyes reflecting a sense of duty and dedication that spoke volumes. "It's my pleasure, Mr. Edward, I'll see to it that everything is taken care of."

With that, Edward and Thomson parted ways.

Edward made his way to his office. Closing the door behind him, he took a moment to survey his surroundings. The spacious room exuded an air of sophistication and refinement, with its wood floors gleaming under the soft glow of the overhead lights.

In one corner stood a large mahogany desk, a sleek laptop resting atop it. Behind the desk, a tall bookshelf lined with leather-bound volumes and family memorabilia added a touch of old-world charm to the space.

Opposite the desk, four plush couches were arranged in a cozy seating area, inviting guests to relax and converse in comfort.

At the center of the room, a polished wine cabinet stood proudly, its glass doors showcasing an impressive collection of fine wines from around the world.

In addition to the main seating area, several single couches were strategically placed near Edward's desk, offering a more intimate setting for private conversations or meetings. A small coffee table adorned with fresh flowers added a touch of vibrancy to the space, infusing it with a sense of life.

With a heavy sigh, Edward sank into the plush leather chair behind his desk, the soft cushions enveloping him in comfort. With a sense of weariness settling over him, Edward decided to take a moment to unwind before Siana's arrival. Reaching for the remote control on his desk, he switched on the TV mounted on the wall.

As the screen flickered to life, Edward navigated to the news channel, curious to catch up on the latest developments.

Edward leaned back in his chair, his eyes fixed on the TV screen as he switched to a sports channel. He was curious to hear what the anchors had to say about the implications of his father's passing on Brighton Football Club.

The anchor, a distinguished-looking man with a commanding voice, began to speak:

"Good evening, sports fans. Today, we turn our attention to the recent passing of Tony Bloom, the owner of Brighton Football Club, and what it means for the future of the club."

The camera panned to a graphic displaying images of Tony Bloom and the Brighton FC logo, lending a somber tone to the discussion.

"The sudden death of Tony Bloom has sent shockwaves through the footballing world," the anchor continued, his tone solemn. "As the driving force behind Brighton FC for many years, Bloom's influence on the club's fortunes cannot be overstated. With Tony Bloom's untimely passing, questions arise about the club's ability to maintain its position in the top flight."

He paused for a moment, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in before continuing, "Brighton's return to the Premier League marked a significant milestone in the club's history, ending a 34-year absence from the top tier of English football. Their promotion was celebrated by fans far and wide, signaling a new era of competitiveness for the Seagulls."

"But with the upcoming 2017/18 season just around the corner," the anchor continued, "Brighton finds itself at a crossroads. Without Tony Bloom's leadership, there are concerns about the club's ability to navigate the challenges that lie ahead."

"Furthermore," he added, "Brighton's history in the Premier League has been tumultuous, with their last stint in the top flight ending in relegation in 1983."

"As Brighton mourns the loss of Tony Bloom, it's worth noting the deep-rooted connection the Bloom family has had with the club over the years. Tony Bloom himself was not just the owner; he was a passionate supporter, a loyal fan who bled blue and white."

The camera shifted to images of Brighton's stadium, the Amex Stadium, as the anchor continued, "But the Bloom family's association with Brighton extends beyond Tony. His uncle, Ray Bloom, has served as a director for the club, and it is likely that he will take over as Chairman, given Tony Bloom's passing. And let's not forget his grandfather, Harry Bloom, who held the position of vice-chairman during the club's formative years in the 1970s."

"In many ways," the anchor remarked, "Brighton FC is not just a football club to the Blooms; it's a cherished part of their family."

Edward listened intently as the anchor delved into the Bloom family's connection with Brighton Football Club. His eyebrows furrowed in surprise as he heard about his great grandfather's involvement as vice-chairman and his father's, uncle's position on the board.

The implications of Ray Bloom potentially pushing for himself to step into the role of Chairman weighed heavily on Edward's mind. While he respected anyone with dedication to the club, he himself would ascend to the role, no one else.

Edward's thoughts then turned to his recent conversation with Paul Barber, Brighton's CEO. Why hadn't Barber mentioned Ray's potential ascension to the chairmanship? And why did he readily throw his support at Edward?

As these questions swirled in Edward's mind, he couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It seemed that there were hidden agendas at play, perhaps a dislike between the two?

Just as he was about to delve deeper into his thoughts, a knock on the office door interrupted his train of thought.

"Come in," Edward called out, his voice welcoming.

The door creaked open, revealing Thomson standing in the doorway.

"Mr. Edward, one of your guest have arrived," Thomson announced. "Miss Siana."

"Thank you, Thomson," Edward replied, gesturing for Siana to enter. "Please show her in."

Thomson nodded in acknowledgment before stepping aside to allow Siana to enter the room. As she crossed the threshold, Edward couldn't help but notice the determined look in her eyes.

As she entered, Edward rose from his chair, extending his hand in greeting. "Hello, Siana. Please, have a seat," he said, motioning towards the comfortable chairs arranged in front of his desk.

Siana returned the gesture with a warm smile, her demeanor poised and professional. "Thank you, Mr. Bloom," she replied, taking a seat opposite him.

Edward observed her for a moment, noting the air of confidence that surrounded her. "I must say, your uncle, Mr. Kingsley, spoke highly of you," Edward began, his tone respectful as he acknowledged Siana's background. "He mentioned your studies in business management."

Siana's smile widened at the mention of her uncle. "Yes, Uncle Kingsley has always been a great supporter of mine," she replied, her voice reflecting a sense of gratitude. "I've learned a lot from him over the years."

Edward nodded in understanding. "I'm curious to hear more about your aspirations and how you see yourself fitting into the role of my assistant."

Siana's expression grew thoughtful as she considered Edward's question. "Well, Mr. Bloom, I've always been drawn to the intricacies of business management and the dynamics of organizational behavior," she explained. "My coursework has provided me with valuable insights into how businesses operate and how effective leadership can drive success."

She paused briefly before continuing, her gaze meeting Edward's with a sense of determination. "As for the role of your assistant, I see it as an opportunity to apply my skills and knowledge in a real-world setting. I'm eager to learn from you and contribute to your endeavors in any way I can."

Edward gave her a nod of understanding, before leaning back into his chair, and staring into Siana's eyes.

Siana's confidence wavered slightly under Edward's gaze, her demeanor shifting from poised to slightly uneasy. She shifted in her seat, meeting Edward's gaze with a determined yet cautious expression of her own.

After a moment of silent contemplation, Edward leaned forward slightly, his expression thoughtful yet decisive.

"You're hired, Siana," Edward said, his voice calm but firm.

Siana's eyes widened in surprise at the suddenness of Edward's decision. She had expected more probing questions, perhaps a deeper discussion about her qualifications and experience. But here she was, being offered the position without further interrogation.

"Th-Thank you, Mr. Bloom," Siana stammered, her voice tinged with a mixture of shock and gratitude. "I... I appreciate the opportunity."

Edward offered her a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of confidence in his decision.

"Is... Is that it?" Siana asked tentatively, her brow furrowing in confusion. "Aren't you going to ask for more? More details about my qualifications or experience?"

Edward leaned back in his chair, a faint smile playing on his lips as he considered Siana's question.

"You're sharp, Siana," he remarked, his tone tinged with amusement. "But sometimes, intuition tells us more than a list of qualifications ever could."

He paused for a moment before continuing, his gaze fixed on Siana with a sense of quiet confidence.

"I have a feeling that you're exactly what we need here. Trust me when I say that I've made the right decision."

Siana's expression softened at Edward's words, a sense of reassurance washing over her. Despite her initial doubts, she couldn't deny the sincerity in his voice.

"Thank you, Mr. Bloom," she replied, a grateful smile spreading across her face. "I won't let you down."

With that, Edward extended his hand once more, sealing their agreement with a firm handshake. As Siana took his hand in hers, she felt a surge of excitement coursing through her veins.

But just as she was about to express her gratitude once more, Edward's expression shifted, his demeanor becoming more businesslike.

"Now, Siana," Edward began, his tone shifting to one of practicality. "Do you know how to arrange for the rental of a private plane?"

Siana's eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected question. "Um, no, I'm afraid I don't," she admitted, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Edward nodded thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on Siana with a sense of purpose. "No matter," he replied calmly. "You'll figure it out."

Siana nodded in understanding, her mind racing as she tried to process Edward's words. A trip by private plane?

Before she could voice her questions, Edward continued.

"Clear your schedule for the next few days, Siana," he instructed. "We'll be making a trip."

Siana's curiosity piqued at Edward's announcement. "Where are we going?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement.

Edward met her gaze with a knowing smile. "Germany," he replied simply.

Siana's eyes widened at the mention of Germany. She quickly composed herself, nodding in acknowledgment of Edward's instructions.

"Understood, Mr. Bloom," she replied, her tone professional as she mentally prepared herself for the task ahead. "I'll clear my schedule and make the necessary arrangements for our trip."

Edward offered her a nod of approval, his expression reflecting a sense of confidence in her abilities. "Excellent," he said, his tone decisive. "I'll expect you to take note of how things run during our meetings and discussions. You'll be involved in many of the business processes moving forward."

As Siana absorbed Edward's instructions, a sense of nervousness mingled. A trip to Germany and involvement in business processes moving forward — it was more than she could have anticipated when she first walked into Edward's office.

"Of course," Siana replied. "I'll make sure to take thorough notes and observe closely during the meetings."

Edward nodded in approval, his expression conveying a sense of satisfaction. "Good," he said, his tone firm yet encouraging.

With that settled, Edward checked the time once more, confirming the imminent arrival of the Brighton board members.

"It looks like they'll be here in about ten minutes," Edward remarked, glancing at the clock on his desk. "You'll stay and observe, Siana. The Brighton board will be having a meeting here, it'll give you a chance to get a feel for how things operate."

As Edward waited for the arrival of the Brighton board members, Siana excused herself from his office, her mind abuzz with anticipation and excitement. She made her way through the corridors of the estate, guided by Thomson's directions, until she found herself in a spacious conference room adjacent to Edward's office.

Taking a seat at the conference table, Siana glanced around the room, taking in her surroundings with a mix of curiosity and nervous energy. The room was elegantly furnished, with polished wooden floors and floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a sweeping view of the estate grounds.

As Edward walked into the conference room, he nodded to Thomson, who promptly left to bring the Brighton board members to the meeting. With a calm and composed demeanor, Edward took his seat at the head of the table, gesturing for Siana to sit beside him.

As they waited for the board members to arrive, Edward took a moment to review the agenda for the meeting, his mind focused on the tasks at hand. Siana, meanwhile, sat beside him, her eyes darting around the room as she absorbed the atmosphere of the impending gathering.

Before long, Thomson returned with a group of individuals in tow. Edward rose from his seat, a polite smile gracing his lips as he welcomed the Brighton board.

"Good afternoon," Edward began, his voice carrying a tone of respect and authority. "Thank you for joining us today. Please, have a seat."

As the board members took their places around the table, Edward glanced at each of them in turn, acknowledging their presence with a nod of his head. He then turned his attention to Siana, gesturing for her to stand.

"I'd like to introduce you to Siana," Edward said, his tone conveying a sense of confidence in his new assistant. "She'll be joining us for today's meeting and will be assisting me moving forward."

Siana rose from her seat, her posture poised and professional as she greeted each board member with a respectful nod. "Good afternoon," she said, her voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

Edward nodded in approval at Siana's introduction before gesturing for her to take her seat once more. With the formalities out of the way, he turned his attention back to the agenda, ready to delve into the business at hand.

"As some of you may already be aware," Edward began, his voice projecting across the conference room as he addressed the assembled board members. "My father, Tony Bloom, has recently passed away. As part of his estate, he has designated me as the recipient of his shares in Brighton Football Club."

Edward's gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of each board member in turn. "This means that I am now the majority shareholder and the new owner of Brighton Football Club."

Edward continued, his tone steady and resolute. "I understand that this may come as a surprise to some of you. Rest assured, I am committed to upholding the legacy of Brighton Football Club and ensuring its continued success both on and off the pitch."

He paused briefly before adding, "I'm sure Paul has informed you of the details regarding my ownership, but I wanted to address it directly to ensure clarity moving forward."

Paul Barber, nodded in confirmation from his seat at the table. "That's correct," he affirmed, his tone professional. "Edward is now the majority shareholder and owner of Brighton Football Club."

With Edward's ownership status clarified, the atmosphere in the room seemed to shift, the tension easing as the board members settled into their seats. Edward met their gaze with a sense of determination, ready to lead the club into a new era under his stewardship.

"As we move forward," Edward continued, his voice carrying a note of conviction. "I'm excited to work alongside each of you to further the goals and aspirations of Brighton Football Club. Together, I have no doubt that we can achieve great things."

As Edward finished his statement about working together, Mr. Derek Chapman, a seasoned member of the board, cleared his throat and spoke up.

"Edward, may I inquire about your intentions regarding the role of chairman?" Mr. Chapman's tone was respectful yet probing, reflecting the curiosity of the board members.

Edward paused for a moment, considering his response carefully. He knew this question was inevitable, and he needed to address it with tact.

"Well, Mr. Chapman," Edward began, his voice steady and composed. "I believe that the position of chairman requires someone with not only a deep understanding of the club but also a clear vision for its future."

As Edward spoke, a murmur rippled through the boardroom, indicating that his response had piqued the interest of the members.

Mr. Chapman nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Indeed, Edward. And do you see yourself stepping into that role?"

"Yes, I do intend to take over as chairman of Brighton Football Club."Edward maintained his calm demeanor, recognizing the importance of addressing the question directly.

A ripple of surprise spread through the room as the board members exchanged glances, some nodding in acknowledgment of Edward's announcement while others, like Ray Bloom seemed displeased.

Mr. Chapman, his expression thoughtful, spoke up once more. "Edward, while we respect your dedication to the club and your desire to lead, some members may have concerns about your experience in such a pivotal role."

Edward listened attentively to Mr. Chapman's words, understanding the validity of the concerns raised by the board.

"I understand the apprehensions, Mr. Chapman," Edward replied, his tone respectful. "However, I want to assure you all that I am fully committed to the club's success and will work tirelessly to uphold its values and traditions."

Mr. Chapman regarded Edward with a skeptical expression, his brow furrowing in contemplation. "I find it hard to believe," he admitted, his tone tinged with doubt. "You look like you're only 20, 22 at most."

Edward's lips twitched with a hint of amusement at the miscalculation. "Actually, Mr. Chapman, I'm 23 years old," he corrected gently.

"Nevertheless," Edward continued, his tone steady and unwavering. "I'm confident that my age does not define my ability to lead effectively. I've been preparing for this responsibility for years."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "I understand that some of you may have reservations, and I respect that. However, I ask for the opportunity to prove myself through my actions and dedication to the club."

Mr. Chapman's expression softened slightly at Edward's response, a hint of recognition flickering in his eyes. "Very well, Edward," he conceded, his tone conceding a level of respect. "Your confidence is commendable, and I'm sure I speak for the rest of the board when I say that we're willing to give you a chance to prove yourself."

Edward nodded in gratitude, acknowledging Mr. Chapman's willingness to consider his perspective. "Thank you, Mr. Chapman," he replied, his tone sincere. "I appreciate your openness to giving me a chance."

With the issue of the chairmanship addressed, Edward turned his attention back to the agenda, eager to move the meeting forward.

"Now," Edward continued, his voice shifting back to business. "Let's discuss the upcoming transfer window and our plans for the club."

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