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10% The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic) / Chapter 1: An Unpleasant Awakening
The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic) The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic) original

The Wandering Spectre (Worm fic)

Auteur: JesterEmper0r

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: An Unpleasant Awakening

You know, for all the pondering and thought that humans have put into the afterlife, you would think that at least some of it would apply to me.

I mean hey, don't get me wrong. I have 'felt' people dying and I guess what you could call their 'souls' going out of their body before seemingly just floating casually out of this dimension (I can sense souls?).

But you would think that somebody, or something, would have noticed that I wasn't taught dimensional floating at school. And that I was just left here stuck a world that seems so close yet so far from me.

So here I am, floating around aimlessly, not going anywhere, waiting for something to happen.

Because I also wasn't taught how to fly.

To add insult to injury, as a spiritual being I can't even use things such as 'eyes' or 'ears' to look out of my grave prison to distract myself and pass the time.

But I have been making use of my 'soul sight'. Turns out that while I can easily see dead souls peacing out of this world, normal not unalived people are more dim to my one remaining sense.

To make this more imaginable to the imaginary audience witnessing my monolog, souls appear like burning colorful flames to me. So all I can see is a black void with blinding flames of different colors going about their day.

If I go by Undertale logic, these colors probably have something to do with personality or something. But that would also imply that Toby Fox has somehow acquired some knowledge about souls in some way. Or he might have just gained enlightenment Chinese cultivator style.

I mean by that logic, what are the chances that this world is also just created by a random dude with a color fetish in his basement?

Meh who cares, not my problem anyway.

Now to get back to the present, I think someone is getting closer to me. I 'see' a dim red spark getting closer and closer.

Hmm, I wonder if I could...

And just as this person was passing through me, I 'stretched' part of myself and connected it to this soul.

'...it's been...visited mom...better...'

Well would you look at that! I didn't know I could do that! Turns out all I needed was a little help to get out of this place. Though I seem to be getting dragged behind this girl, and I am getting more and more information about her as I concentrate on our makeshift connection.

Let's see where I am...



Oh no.

How did this happen!?

How could I have gone from dying in an accident to getting isekaid??

Actually nevermind that does make sense.

But it wasn't even a fucking truck that hit me, it was just a random motor bike that came out of nowhere and did a wheelie on my poor vital organs.

How did I go from that to awakening in Worm!?

I didn't even get to meet the famous (or infamous) ROB, nor his lesser known cousin BOB!

Where are my cheats man? How am I supposed to survive in godamn Worm without them??

Wait I am already dead.

And this isn't exactly a world know for its exorcisms, so I should be fine?


Also you can't tell me that luck was my reason for being here, and that no bored ahole was involved in the decision to chuck my poor soul in this god forsaken universe.

Wanna know why I know for a fact that someone is behind my being here?

It's because the first person that just so happened to get close enough to me so that I can...ahem, 'use' their body as a taxy...is the world famous ESCALATION QUEEN!

Otherwise know as Taylor Herbert, or Skitter, or Weaver, or Khe.... you get the point.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what a lesser educated man could call a 'coincidence'. But I myself as a man that is quite well read in the art of fanfiction, I can say with certainty that bullshit is afoot.

I can tell that somewhere, in sometime, a nincompoop is having a lot of fun.

'...miss you...'

Ah right, Taylor.

Ok, now that I am relatively calm, I should check on this connection that I have with little miss misfortune here.

As I concentrate on our connection, a string seemed to stretch from the girl's red soul to my multicolored one.

Now I say that, but all souls contain all colors. The difference is that some colors are brighter than others in different people, though I appear to be an exception to that rule since when I look at myself I don't see any colors.

Except white.

I wonder what that means?

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̸̢̨̡̢̡̨̡̡̛̛̛̼̺͖̮͔̙̤̮͚̫̝͔͉̜̜͇͓̝̙̬̯̫̹͍̬̳̜̝͈̗̲̠͓̩̗̭͓̹͎̳̹̦̩̻̯̲̞͇̬̱̤͎̟̜̝͙̱̗͎̼̪͎͕̝͕̦̖͍͕̳͇̜̘͈̳̫̯̤̭͙̭͕̳̖̻̜̪̤̬̮̜̥͕̣̥̩̫͈̙̼̾̈̃̃̀̍̈́̂͋̂͐͐̃̋̀̊̔̐̅̂̀̈́͛̒̏͒͐̊̅̈͛̈́̈́̓̾͂͑̃͋̂͑̇̎̃͋̿̑̊̓̎̈́̅̈͋́̅̔̒͂̽͋̆̍̿͆̔̎̔̃̅͗́̊͊̈̑̒̍̾͋̀͌̈́̋͋͆̓̿̊̒͌̍͐̿̑́̿́̇̾̒̽̍̍͋́̈̋̒͒͗̂̎̌͛͋̈́̐̈̒̀̊͑͗̄̎̑̌̋͌͂̈́̎̃͆̄̿̈̓̈́̇̋̒̔̋̏̈́̒̓̓̽͗͒̀͌̄̍̓̏̄̏̋̆͗̈́͗̎̀̽̂̑̏́̎́̄̅̍́͆͗̌̏͊͌̀͋̇̌̏̾̍̀̿͋͂̓͗̈́͌̿͘̕͘̚͘͘͘͘̚͘͘͘͘͘͜͜͜͜͜͠͠͝͝͝͠͠ͅͅͅͅͅc̷̡̢̧̧̧̢̛̛̛̖̖̩͍̖̝̺̰̞̙̺̪͈̠̦̘̖͙͍͖͉̱͍͈̪̙̫̙̼͖͍̠̦͓̝͙͇͈̜̣͓̻̯̻̣̤̝̤̠͚̳̜̥͙̪͖̗̞̬̮͖̥̖̣̟̮̯̫̄̓̄̐̊̈̀̍͒͂̃̅͋̀͆̓̄͌͋̆͌̿̿̂̀͋͆̓̈́̄̾͌͑̓̏̊̅̓͒̎̌͂͂̔̏̋̋͑͗̈́̋͛̀̂̂̓̀̄͋̔̌̈́́̉̽̾͌͋̍̌̇́̅͗̈́͗͒̾̋̈̽̀̆̽̇͐͋̑͗͊́̔̉̽̂́̎͑̃̊̌̐̎̏̈́̓̋̈́̈́̐̅̀̄̐̾͛͋̂̿͗͊̐́̇̂̽͋͌̀̂̈́̊̂̈͛̒̈́̆̅͗̏͐͂̽̆͆̇̊̂̒́́̑̎͑̂̊́̃̑͌͆̂̔̄̓͐̂̏́̈́̏̏̎͋̅̌̓̋͗̆͊̏͑͑̿͋̈́̽͑̓̐͌̏͋́͛̽̑̊̽̃́͛̌͑́̽͒̐̔̕̚͘̚̕̚̕̚̚̚̕̚̚̚̚̚͘̚͘̚̚̕͝͝͠͠͝͠͠͝͠͠͝͝͝͝ͅỡ̶̡̨̡̨̢̨̨̧̨̛̛̳̝͖̩̻̞̪͉͎̲̖͇̭͔͉͙̩͙͍̣͚͓̖̩͉̰͚͖͚̟͕̻̱̞̹͇̰̖̪̮̙̘̻͔̝͓̝͉̜̤̼͔͙͎̜̲͔̪̥͉̲̝̣̣͔̥̭̬̼̰̘̯̳̩̯͔̘̹̣̯̼͙̩̣͎̼̳͉̞̫͖̱͕̟̜̭̔̆̇̅́͐̂̊͒́̈̽̌̈̽̈́̌̆́͊̔́̉͑̃̂́̓̐̒͋̊̑̉͒̉͑͛͆̊̐͐͋́͑́̽̓͗̈́͑̅̋̓̋̏̈́̓͗͌̇͋̎̉̈͆́̈́̇́̈͂̎̂̿̏̐̒̐̍̿͑͊̋̈̐̏̒̔͘̕̚̕͘̕͘̚͜͜͠͝͠͝͝͝ͅͅͅͅŗ̴̛̛̛̛̛̛̛͉͇̠͓̹̝͈͈͓̘̤̳̣͕͉͈̙̙́̂̐͗̒̓͌̀̈́̊́̇́͌̓̉̉̓͐̏͗̊͗̑͒̌͊̓͛̽̆̂̍́́̉͐̎̔̎̔̊͒̇̓̑͆̿͌̂̈̍̀̾̈́͊̉̅̋͐̊̆͌̋̏͛̈́̌͐̈́͗̄́́̿͂̉̐̌͐͐́̏̔̆̉̉̽̀͆̓̄͆̔̆̄͑̂̂̋̋͌̆̈́́͌̀̂̃͐́̍̍̀͊͊̍͂͗̋͗̾̿͊́͂̆͌͑̒͐̅̌͐͒̿̀̀͂̔̿͂͌̾́̈́̒͒̍̍̊͋͗̋̇͊̃̂̆́͛̄̔̍̊̊̈́̋͛̅̎̄̿̏̓͛̽͑̏̒̅̊̓͒̽̎̑͛̍̃̑̏͑̈́̌̒͆̂̂͂̂̀̊͌͑̈́͊̿̀̀̇͒͒̀͗̉͆͐̉̂̓͌͆́̀̽́̈́̏́̐̊͐̈́̊̈́̊̈́̂̍̊̇̆̆̿́͒͒͐̂͒̕͘̚͘̚̚͘̕͘̚̚̚͘̚͘͘̚͘̚͘̚͘̚͜͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͠͝͝͝͝͝r̸̡̡̨̡̧̧̢̢̢̢̨̧̧̡̡̛̛̙̼̺̜̞͇̤͔̪̩͎̣̗̻̝̬̰̣̬̮̝̭̯̜͈̣̠̙͚͚͔̝͍̤̣̦̤̱̩̮̙̙͈͓̦̻͇̼̠̪̼͙̪̻̦̫̲̟̗͉̦̱̼̼͖͇̼͖̫͙͙͍̟̀̅̽̈́̔̊̀̄̓͑́̋̌̑̽̅́̽̀̔̊̈́̔́̒̅̆̆̈́̓̇́̍̀̅̇͒̒̊̃̎͐̽̑͒̐͒̈́͑͆͊̈́̾͑̉̿̈́̀̏̿̔́̌̈́̈̀̓̾͊̀́̏̂͌͋̓̉̿̑̾̄̒͊͗̐́̊̀̎͂̈̓͂͋̈́̂̾̊͛̈́̌̓̆͑̽̆̋̐̏̓̌̉̒̊͑̓͛̓̋̉̐͒̾̃́̍̎̇͆͒̐̆̀̅̾͐́̎̐̔͗̈́̇̄͗̒̔͒́͊͗̽͐̂̇̈͊̉̔̓͗̇́̆̓̋̊̌̆͛͛̿̔̂̌́̂̑̋̓́̐̇̇͑͐̔̂̀̈́̀͒̒̉̔͐̅̚̚̕̕͘̚͘̚͜͜͜͜͜͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͠ͅų̴̡̧̡̡̡̧̨̨̧̨̢̪̠͔̭̤̰̦̙͉̟̞̮̪̦̬̼̹͈̰̺̯̲̫̘̦̻̣͎̯̯̯̩͉̹̩̘̝̦̫̻̞̝̻͕̠̥̪̣̘̫̩͍͚̞̮͙̣̘͙̲͈͚͈̱̫̯͓̮͈̻̻͓͉̣̘̺̳̻̗̥̯̻͎̬̻̭̗̣̭̭̯͓͔̲̩̩̤͕̖͍͇̝̗̭̻̹͙͔̻̗͎͖̟̗̙̥̭̣͔̻̩̟̹̟͚̪̹̯̥̻͖͇̺͕̻͙͖̖̯͚̦̰͕̘̼̞̘̼̲̰̱̱̖̥͓̩̫̻̫̟̱̲̺̩̝̟͇͉̤͍̪̺͍͔͕͎̠̙̙̲̦̩͎̩̟̜̟̥͉̞̭̝̃̏̈̽̇̽̊̒͐̈́́̑́͋̆̎͛̂̏̅̉͒̇̏͊̐͛͊̆̾́̃̑̊͘̚̕̕̕͘͜͜͠͝͝ͅͅͅͅͅp̴̡̨̡̡̡̨̧̨̧̨̨̨̧̛̛̛̬̳̥̳̭̥̙̯̫̬͍̮͓̩̰̭̖̙̥̘͕̙̤̱̳̝̣̦̞̱̯̱̲͓̼̝͔̞͔̬̩̹͎̟͕̝͍̜͇͇̼͉̮̠̝͔̲̤̩̺͓̖̰̝̹͇̻̜̠̮̝̺̞̤͕̼̦̞͚̪͉͓͈̥̭͔̬̠͇̘̠͙͔̭̖͎̭̭̞͔̱̠̖̙̠͇̫̩͈̘͍̞̳̝̪̥̣͍̫̹̜̩͕͕͚̞̳̣̯͙͇̫̟̱̲̝̝͚̤̳̯̙̺̟͖͎̟̮̻͕̞̘̤̫̬̲̘̪͙̟̺͍̣͖̘̲̯̠͖͈̩̼̙̭̪̫̫̟̝̠͈̰̭̩̤̥̹̩̝̻̹̗̜̰̟̥͎̠̼̗̜̅̂͛͒͊̑̄͂̍̏́͆̒̑̇́̉̌̐̾̐͊̓̿̂̃͗̏̽̿̏̿̈́̒́̈́͑̄̀̈́̌̃̀̈̇͐͌̎̊͆͊̔̇͊͆̄̈́̐͑̉͐͒̀̋̍̅̅̐̓̄̆͒́̑̐̊̅͋̉̓̀̓̈̍͂̎͗̏̎͊̒̈́̏̓́̈́͐͛̂̌̇̀͑͛͋̑̊̈́̋͗̅̈́̒̓̓͛̈́̀͐̊̓̈́̃͊̊̋̍̿́̄͐̐̽̔̎̍̑̄̾̑̍͗͒́̇̀͗̔̊̀͊̎̈́̉͐͛̔̓̓̉͒͐̑̈́̊̈̋̑̓̍̍̌̊̏͆͐̀̅̍͗̈̈̏̾̅͗͐̎͑͋́̎̑̇̆̐̈́́͋̀̑́͌͆͂͛̅̒̒́́͑̈́͌̎̅̒̈̈́͒̿̇̆͐̉̔̎̒̽̀̐͒̓̅́̆̀͐̈́̕͘͘̚̚͘̕̚͘͘̚̚̕̚̕̕͘̕͜͜͜͠͠͝͝͠͝͠͠͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͝͝͝͝ͅͅͅt̵̨̨̨̧̡̨̨̡̡̡̧̨̢̢̡̡̢̨̨̧̢̧̢̢̡̧̡̧̢̛̙̺̖̰̗̻͚̱̘̦̼͈͖̬̪̘͔͈̦̤͎̪͔̠̰̖͍̹̩̪̪̝̪͈̝̫̞͕̗̠͉͔̹̥̳̤̤̱̝͇̳̹͓̥͚̣̥̲̩̞͕̬̟̗͕̰̠͇̗̦͖͉̱͍̫̠̜̟̖̫͎͙̝̞̟͇̖͓̼̠͈̖͎̯̯̬̪̺̺̮̞̟̫͕͇̺̩̦̦̞̱̪̯̣̬̮̟͇͉̭̫̘̙͓̻͍͙͉͎̣̞̺̳͖̥̩͉̭͈̱̠̻͇͓̱̳̺̙̖̠̲̳͎͓̝̯̜̝͕̯͙̱͕̲͉̻̦͉̗̫̥͙͚̞̭͖̦̰͉̱̳͓̮͇͇̫͍̭̯̦̲͎͕͚̻̻̖͙̱͓̫̯̪̹̲͕̲̲̙̙̟̺͉̳̲̫͇͙̙̰̲̳͇̰͙̻̮̦͖̪̝̩̭͕̟̞̝̲͙̼͚̩͓̤̠͈̜͎̯̩͛̆̌̊̿̒̒̏͊̈́̄̒̄̅͆̏͒̈́̾̿͒̄͗̊̽͛̅͆̏͐͛̾̏̄̂̏̊̀̓̾͗͂̂̆̒̈͐̃͑̎͊̽̓̉̔̑̂͊̽͋͂̉̽̌͛̍̂̽͂̐̍̑̽͗͋̊̐̅̓͊̀̍̍̄̑́̆͗̍̓͆̓̃̂̐̔͌̐͑͋̚̕̕̚͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͜͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅi̵̢̧̨̢̨̢̧̢̢̨̡̡̡̨̧̡̨̢̢̛̛̛̛̛̛̛̫͉͙͈̙̼͉͓͖̝̲̥͓̫̙̤̺̺̬̳͍̲̙̯͎̻̝̗̮̘̪͉̪̬̫̗̮̝̞͉͎͓̫͎̜̗͙̼̻͖͚̹̩̲̬̙̜̝͕͓̣̼̞̦̗̱̯͇͈͍̙̯͖͎͚̲̫̹̼͇̗̩͎̭̻̞͈̼̱̫̼͉̬͇͎̳̰͙͔͖̣̙̞̦̻̙͈̠̜̹̗̖̞̠̰̦̙̹̪̬̥̲̖̺̺͍̮͉͉̭̠̼͓͖͕͍̬̬͔͚̰̥̘̘̙̤͙̰̹̱̗̼̻̼̼̦͕̩͖̦͇̫̞̘̠̪̻̬̤͈͕̺̲̪̬͙͕͍̽͌̐̅͐̀̎̆͌́̾̓̓͆͛̃̌͗͛̃̿̍͋̒̉̀̔͐̏̅́͛͑͗́̊̌̿̓̂̉̐́̀̒̈́̒́̈́̈́͋̆̏̔͗̅̒̄̇́̈́̐̀̔̅͋̑͌͂̏̋̉͛͊͌͂̓̅̾̿͂͐͋̀̈́̓͛̑̊̆͒̀̓̈́̒̌͋̎̍̒̎̏̐̓́̂́̉̓̎́̊̎̐̒̽͆͆̓̀̋̅̎̍̍̒͂͐̏͋̿̀̓͒̈́̅̈́̋͊̉́̑̐̅͂̈́͌̄̔̔̍͋̌̊̒͒̊̉̂͌́̀̉͑̾̏̌̀̚̚̚̕͘̕͘͜͜͜͜͜͜͠͝͠͝͝͝͠͝͝͠͝͝͠͝ͅͅͅͅͅͅỡ̷̧̨̨̢̡̢̨̡̨̢̛̛̲̫̤̲̭̣͓̰̣̞̲͓̜̲͚̱̭̫̼͚̻͇̜̲̯̣̟̹͖͚̺̟̯̦̰̞̘̣̳̳͇͙̟̲͕̭̩̻͍̹͚͇̝͕̓́͆̈͂͛͆̀̀́̽̎̾̓̅̊̎̈́̄̿͊̆̓̇̊̈́̃̏̆̊̇̍̀̆̃̀̄̇̊̒̒̅̍̓̿͋́̊̂͌́̽̄̆̊̈́̒̃̚͘̕͜͠͝͝͠͠͝ͅn̷̨̡̢̢̡̨̢͎̖͈̞͍̝̝̲͚̰͕͍̻̭͎̺̟͔͇̱͓͓̳͎̼͔̤͚̤̝̱̬͕̗̮̤̭̰̭̤̟̖̟͍͙̙̱̖͍̪͚͓̦̟͖͎̭͎̩̗͕̻̭̳̰̙̥͉̝̰̰̮̜͈̘͎̝̟͍̯̱̼͖̙͕͉̤͎̟̭̼̻̋̇̅̀̍̈́̀͑̆̍͑̓̋̊̃͛́̀̃͗̾̆̒̒͋̑̐̅̄͂̐͘̕͜͝ͅͅͅ



THAT FUCKing hurt... or not.

Yeah I forgot I can't exactly feel pain when I have no nerves huh. Still that wasn't pleasant, whatever that was.

Ok no more trying to understand colors for a while.

Let's get back to the matter on hand.

So I appear to be able to read Taylor's mind and borrow her senses through this connection.

They appear to me as different parts of the string connecting us, and one part in particular stands out among the rest.

It appears I am also connected to her power, meaning that first of all we have 2 years before the space whale goes apshit if nothing changes, and second of all holy shit I an connected to her power.

Ok..ok..I am not touching that yet. Not until I have at least found out my limits and if anything I do has serious consequences or not.

Let's me try to tap into her senses first, this void filled with rainbow colors is getting boring real quick.

Just like that, all I have to do is think about accessing her normal senses through our connection and I can now see, hear, smell, taste and feel like a normal human again.

It looks like we are in a graveyard too, which I guess makes sense in a way. The girl seems to also be visiting her mother's grave, something that I don't remember happening this early in canon.

I can't actually control her eyes, so I am limited to seeing what Taylor is seeing. But I do still have my soul sight at the same time, something that was apparent when I saw the soul of a cat that ran away from the girl.

So animals have souls too huh? I guess all living beings have one, though the cats one appeared smaller than a normal human.

Also the teenager is just standing there in front of her mom's grave silently, though she does seem to be following that cat with her eyes. I wonder what she is thinking about?

I focus on her mind for a moment, before finally getting access to her thoughts.

'...why did that cat have a green flame in its chest?'

At that thought I froze. She can use my senses too? Well I guess that isn't that bad of a thing, so it appears that she can use my singular sense just like I can use hers.

The string attached to both our souls goes both ways even though I was the one who made it. To be fair I had no idea what I was doing, but still.

WAIT, does that mean that she can also...

'Who are you?'

Ah crap.

Load failed, please RETRY

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

Table des matières

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