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100% RWBY: Yang's Bad Boy Brother / Chapter 3: Elementary School Dropout

Chapitre 3: Elementary School Dropout

Yang's POV

I have a confession to make...

I think my big bro is the coolest person in the whole wide world of Remnant!

He's always so cool and supportive, he would feed us chicken nuggets and read me and Ruby bedtime stories! He really is the best!

And he seems really eager to get stronger!

And today he showed dad his weapon he called Polaris!

And my big bro has been kicking butt in school!

And, and, and his eyes are really cool! They're like stars!

And that might have something to do with the girls following him home, do they like him that much?

And! And, and... and I think I could go on and on!

My dad simply watching my thoughts run through my head chuckles at my absurdity and moves over to inspecting Quincy's new weapon, "Where'd ya find this piece of scrap garbage, eh Quincy?" Taiyang pats his son on the shoulder lovingly, impressed at the weapons design, "I haven't seen anything like it!"

"Well I wanted to try out something new! I see all the other people at school are making blades, maces, bows, guns, but pew pew is better!" My big brother Quincy tries to explain in the only way kids know how to, explosions and onomatopoeia. And I love big booms!

I, of course, wanting some of the spotlight showcased my weapon, "That's awesome Quincy! I'm making these things called Ember Celica!" Throwing out my sketches of poorly drawn gauntlets, the designs having yet been brought to reality. They'd be loaded with ammunition and would be like shotguns! Although I am a bit jealous at how creative Quincy made Polaris, he thought more out of the box then I did.

I have no clue where he found the base of the thing! It had this cool rotating core in the middle with three prongs divided amongst the frame. Whenever I ask him he always responds that it was a gift from someone. Did Qrow have a favorite nephew? I'd have to ask him later when he came by!

Besides, nobody would give a kid something that looked soooo technologically advanced lookin'! Whenever my big bro would turn it on the machine would sputter and glow the same color as his and my mom's eyes! A deep crimson... but that's a topic for another day. My big bro is still superrr!

"Well that's awesome Yang! I'll help you 3D print out a prototype and then you can start hammering it out once you're happy, we'll be using some of the school crucibles," he said with pride in my creativity, completely overlooking his stressed look that seemed to be festering up and bothering my dad throughout the day. Is there something wrong dad?

That last question I wish I asked sooner.

Quincy's POV

(Move inward to Vale Quincy.)


The direction in which the voice came in felt like it was from above. Not from the heavens above sort of high, but about 6 feet high. And that was where something had appeared.

Looking up at the family fireplace, I noticed that something peculiar had been placed above the coals. We barely even used the extra source of heat as Vale was quite temperate even in the winter months, but the difference was obvious. Now firmly attached in place of a Grimm skull Taiyang bought from a retailer a while back was a little three-forked core, faintly glowing a crimson red within its circular chamber.

Of course Grimm disintegrate when they die so this didn't come cheap. What was so important that it would substitute an expensive, handmade antique?

That's when I saw the familiar shape, one of the only memories that stuck with me pre-birth. My semblance, fleeting knowledge of my previous life, and somewhat of an idea of what I'd be like once I reached adulthood. Girls have been following me home already damn it! Even though its been quite a few years since I've seen it, the thing was unmistakable.

My hand reached out, grabbed it, and then...



Rarity: Relic-Weapon

Weapon Type: Core

Named after the brightest star in the Northern hemisphere. Harness the power of the stars and create advanced technology for yourself! Able to shoot lasers like the powerful solar flares of stars!

The God of Light's second gift

Triple-A Batteries Excluded

Ahah! There it is, the thing I've been waiting so long for. I know I've been training my physical body, getting quite strong especially with Taiyang as my personal trainer.

"Come on Quincy! Keep hitting that tire with that sledge!"

"Climb that tree! I'll catch ya! No huntsman is scared of heights!"

"50-pushups, NOW!"

Taiyang ushered me on as I repeated his circuit over and over. My heart felt like working harder than Qrow's practically 50% alcohol liver. My arms felt like they were starting to deteriorate with every push, my ribs straining and trying to burst out of their flesh cages with every swing of that sledge hammer. By the time I was done, I realized one little detail.

I haven't even unlocked my aura at this point. The day after, my eyes fluttered open trying to adjust to the morning sun beaming through the blinds. Ruby was cooing softly the next bed over, but Yang's snoring sounded like a roosters morning call. I busted out giggling, only to contract my abs and feel the pain of a thousand needles converging into my stomach. Out of instinct, I clutched my stomach, which then followed with the realization that literally everything hurt. Oh, the calves were the worst! My ankles were in perpetual lockout, leaving me unable to walk flatfooted for the next couple days.

Writhing around desperately in my bed, there wasn't even anything to visually distract me from the oncoming maelstrom of muscle soreness. At this point, I had grown out of Raven's solar system and starry decorations that were held above my crib. Although I suspect it had more to do with Taiyang's anger over their divorce and him removing it himself. But at least my stats were rising. Hey, not bad!

Quincy Branwen

- Student, Age 9 -

Level 3 - 85/300

Vitality - 50/50

Strength - 5

Speed - 3

Agility - 4

Mind - 8

Stamina - 3

Charisma - 6

Defense - 1

Offence - 1



Until then, I'd rather not think about being paraplegic again. What matters now is that Polaris has extremely powerful abilities. Just what could I create with that little core? Curiously, grabbing the weapon bestowed upon me seemed to trigger something. Something worrying I'll admit.


Family Trouble

Drastic measures may need to be taken Quincy. Try checking up on your fathers bills. The star core Polaris shall guide you.


Getting to the bottom of your family's financial situation.




Huh?! Bills?

I could see it in my father's eyes as me, Yang, and tiny Ruby introduced our weapons. He was distracting himself by showering me and my little sisters with compliments about our weapons, hoping his joy to others would ease his mind off of things. Perhaps he'd like to see Ember Celica and Crescent Rose through because that'd be the only thing that'd take his mind off his finances. Still, his visibly roughened appearance came through, my dad's stubble looking more gruff as the days go on. Better than coping with alcohol I guess.

Mind (+1)! Congratulations on earning more intellec-[SYSTEM CLOSE]

This is serious.


Family Trouble

Quincy slowly creeps his way up to the dinner table.

Taiyang is out for groceries, leaving me, Yang, Ruby, and the bills in the house.

Quincy manages to check all of his fathers bills. On a piece of paper, he can see his fathers checking account and its balance.

Current Balance: 10,500 Lien

And how much the monthly bills are.

Monthly Expenses: 7,500 Lien

I knew ultimately both methods of coping would fail. Whether it'd be alcoholism or escaping with others in your life. They never fixed the root causes. It's all a sham distracting you from those oh-so-real problems! I can't wait around for lifestyle inflation to affect our food, living, and quality of life! Especially seeing that happen to my little sisters, they're too young to suffer!

Too... young... I'm young too...

Before I knew it, mucus was thickening in my throat and nose. My eyes started welling up as I realized what the quest implied. With the consequences being a complete mystery, it was easy to ask questions.

But I knew the truth.

There'd be a sacrifice I'd have to make otherwise my family would suffer.

It was a weird feeling to be honest, blatantly tearing up because I felt so attached to them. I knew that I had family back then in the life next door over in some other dimension or parallel universe. But this family is just as special as the last, wherever my children and wife were.

Was ignorance truly better?

Sometimes I wish I didn't have to resort to deceit and manipulation to get my way. Hiding away where Polaris came from and pretending to be a baby for the awakening years of my life as Quincy.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have the knowledge that I had a family somewhere. Kids that I was raising along with my probably lovely wife. Probably. I didn't even fucking know for real. I know they'd be hurting and there's nothing I could do about it. Even though apparently I'm a 'guiding light' or a 'star' that's meant to guide people, my mortality doesn't cross over lives.

The only thing I know for real is that I'm the beacon here, and that's the gift the God of Light gave me.

Sometimes I'd compare this to how Ozpin would feel, seeing good friends of his dying over and over again knowing they won't be reincarnated because they didn't have the same curse as he did. What if the guy had 10 Glynda's in the past? 10 Ironwood's he collaborated with? Each person coming and going, him being the only one with a permanent personal identity while he sees the roster of people reset generation by generation.

Those personalities never to be seen again. I could imagine his only constant would be Salem. And that'd make him feel even more isolated then he already was.

I felt like that, just at the beginning of Ozpin's cycle of reincarnation, feeling the fresh pain of realizing those around you will suffer. That their suffering was at least temporary, but also somewhat meaningless.

But that's besides the point. Everything that could and will happen if I do nothing sickens me to no end as the older brother. The spreadsheets and calculations were filled with other income mumbo jumbo, I'm far too uneducated to understand. What I can understand though is a cold hard deadline.

The Xiao Long household would start going into debt in about 3 and a half months give or take how much money Taiyang brings home.

And that would mean we'd start going hungry, the lights would go out, the Vale banks would seize our property...

Sometimes my father is so protective and prideful in how he goes about things. Even in the original show, he never lets Yang know the truth behind her mothers absence. And here he'd be too stubborn to ask Qrow for an extra 1,500 Lien a month to pay for bills. Or to let me see - his 9-year-old eldest son - see what's going on in his life.

There's something I'd be able to do, surely! School is not going to pay the bills. There has to be something I-

"Quincy, what are you looking at?" Stuck in thought, I completely missed the lock and click of the front door to the homestead. Taiyang walking through and dropping his groceries on the ground. Immediately, I went into a slight panic, my blood running cold in an instant, leaving the aftershock of goosebumps all over my triceps. He was always so cautious of what he showed his kids in the original show, now imagine how mad he'd be at the fact he caught his eldest peeking into what was happening behind the scenes.

Panicking, the only logical response at this point was scrambling the papers away in obvious fashion and going to cookies, "Uhh! I'm looking for those chocolate chip cookies! Yes, those cookies. Yes, where's that batch of Summer's recipe?" Playing with my thumbs like an idiot, praying to the God of Light that he wasn't bright enough to notice.

He was bright enough, "Son, if you read anything on that piece of paper, that's not relevant to you." Taiyang clearly didn't believe a word I said, especially with my delivery and all over the place body language, my father glancing at me incredulously. Under that suspicious glance was a pang of sadness and regret, and I took that as my cue to my father wanting someone to talk to. Someone to vent to about his issues.

"Dad, I may be 9 but I still understand math. We're going to go hungry in a few months," swallowing the lump of panic in my throat, I talked in the best innocent tone I could, hoping to appeal to Tai's worry for his children. Even though it was manipulative to pull on dad's heartstrings, there was a time and place for the good kind of manipulation. This needed to happen for my plan to go into motion, going through the school system wouldn't save our family. Besides, I hated sitting in a classroom for 8 hours a day doing fuckall. A trait I inherited from my old life.

And the effect was immediate, Taiyang immediately walked up to me and gave a sorrowful rub on my shoulder. This was a man that has been through the wear and tear of having two lovers ripped away from him, and now with the fallout of those venomous events. I almost felt bad for intruding so much, but the only way to deal with our family trouble was to have all affected parties in on the discussion. It took him a while to compose a response.

"Quincy, you're a star, you know that? You're everything I fight for in this world. My beacon, my dragon, my rose... and yet I don't want any of you children fighting. I know times are tough, but the best thing you can do right now is just go to school while I handle everything, 'kay son? And make sure Yang and Ruby get the memo." With dad still rubbing my shoulder, the only thing I could think about is how flawed the logic was in his plan. I wouldn't be able to make any major money until I graduated from Beacon. Even if I was scouted out early by Ozpin like Ruby was originally, we'd be long overdue on bills by a couple years.

(Move inward to Vale Quincy.)

That voice... nothing was pointing towards school being the best option for me at least. Yang and Ruby will stay at Signal like they did originally while I'll have to take a different approach. I didn't really care if I had to sacrifice the romanticized vision of going to Beacon and training to be a huntsman, we're going for survival.

... Am I like my mother?

"I don't think it's fair that you're fighting alone! Don't blame yourself for what mom has taken away from you, what matters now is that in a few months we're in big trouble," I snapped out of anger over my dad's attempt at dismissing my worries. "Here, either you let me work in Patch while you homeschool me, which I know you can because you're a teacher at Signal, or ask Qrow for help."

My dad looked saddened at my admission, both options were incredibly difficult so he chose to avoid it with a question, "Quincy, what about transcripts for Beacon Acade-" I didn't let him.

"Dad. Ozpin probably has initiation anyways for those who aren't fortunate enough to go to school. If I do go back to school, I'll be strong enough then for Beacon, and I can catch up with the teachers," I didn't really care if I was cutting off my dad, all I wanted to show him was that his worry about school wasn't called for. I'd be laying out the future for him.

"Besides, Ozpin would be willing to since you were a student at his academy back then. And what better way to get ahead of class with real world experience and learning at my own pace? You can just hand me the school curriculum, can't you? You either ask Uncle Qrow for money or let me get strong on my own while I can start providing!"

I could see the soul leave the mans eyes. 

"Quincy, you can't for my sake-"

"Dad, you should for Ruby, Yang, and your sake. Please," if that wasn't enough I wrapped my little arms around Tai's leg, begging with just my stare.


That got through to him, the desperation I said it with through gritted teeth. I feel like a terrible person.

Have I become as deceitful as Raven? Have I become a bad boy for hitting my dad where he was weakest? His fear for his children?

It took a lot for the proud man in front of me to cry, but this had done it.

"Fine... Quincy, we'll finish up your weapon at school and we can get you outta there. I can't deny that I need a helping hand, I promise to raise you right," Taiyang had finally come to his decision. 

"And I promise to feed Yang and Ruby an endless supply of protein and chicken nuggets. Pinky promise. One way or another," I held out an outstretched pinky for my father to take, which he did. I'd go to any length to feed my sisters, truly. Even if it meant working my way around a difficult conversation like this.

After that, my father took a box of tissues and blew all his sorrows into it, going back to his punster and teasing self, "Keep having those girls following you home afterschool until then, alright?"

"WHATTT?!??" My face burst into flames as I felt blood rush towards my cheeks, creating a major blush. I couldn't even deny any of those claims either. Yang and Ruby have been teasing me about it, but they wouldn't understand. They haven't hit puberty yet-

"Ohhohhh you handsome devil! Come here you," Taiyang pat his hand over my jet-black, messy yet beautiful hair despite my protest.

"Ack! Noooo!"

QuincyBranwen QuincyBranwen

Taiyang is starting to struggle having himself and three children to feed.

Quincy, feeling the urgency of his family's situation has to make an ultimatum...

Education or Money?

Hey reader! I apologize for the lack of updates, if I had school off everyday I'd be able to pump out chapters by the daily. But alas, you're going to have to wait until I have Summer break. At that point, Quincy shall spiral into chaos and madness.

If you're caught up already, I toned down the exaggeration in chapter 1, oh the cringe.

Now onto this weeks comments! You'll be able to leave comments and questions you've got, I'll respond to them when the next chapter comes out for more interaction with my readers!


ChaarMand3r (ScribbleHub)




RandomWall (ScribbleHub)

Story feels good, although his empathy quirk hasn't been mentioned yet, or does it appear later?

You'll see it come up here and there in his actions, you'll find he's not the most morally correct person but he's got his moments where he truly cares even if its in some twisted, mental gymnastics justified way.


Pradetor (ScribbleHub)

Damn bro just recovered from the first punch to get hit by a haymaker in the second, atleast depression=character development= cooler character hopefully.

It's going to get a lot worse for Quincy unfortunately lol. Tons of difficult encounters and conversations, and he won't be the most morally correct person at the end of it all. But you're right, the dynamics he's going to have because of it are going to be the most chaotic fun.


MadHatter2121 (ScribbleHub)

I want more plz

Your wish is my command.


Hope ya enjoyed reader :)

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