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75.38% The Temptation (RWBY) / Chapter 49: Chapter-49

Chapitre 49: Chapter-49

He had never experienced anything like this, a pleasure so sharp it hurt, his body locked in a constant state of hypersensitivity. Jaune's lungs burned as he gasped desperately, hands scrambling across the ground. The Grimm continued to roll her luscious hips, grinding against him as her insides coiled and throbbed, stroking his cock, milking it. Her face – terrible, beautiful, inhuman – grinned at him, her teeth sharp, eyes burning with a lust that scorched his soul.

Those perfect, sloping breasts heaved with every movement, her pale, chalk-white skin glowing. She had already drained his balls several times over, taking everything, and still he felt another climax building impossibly, his stomach twisting in pain as his testicles tightened, a deep ache constantly pounding through him.

G-Get off m-me," he said through gritted teeth, both meaning it and not. Razor sharp claws lightly cupped his jaw, raking across the skin of his cheek; a gesture of endearment and a threat, all rolled into one.

Yes," the Grimm moaned, quickening her movements. He could feel those tendrils writhing around his length, grasping at him, sucking at him, moving everywhere, spilling out of her slit and wrapping around his balls, squeezing. "Give me more. I need more. I want more."

His heart felt like it was going to burst, his vision blurring as another orgasm wracked his body. Muscles taut, back arching off the ground, he shot another hot, thick load into her body. How did he still have anything left? His voice was raw as he groaned his pleasure, semen rocketing up his shaft in heaving gushes.

It's been so long," she whispered, tilting her pelvis and pulling him even deeper. "So, so long."

He felt it then, against his knuckles – the hilt of his sword, Crocea Mors. Jaune gasped as she began moving again, fire in loins as she cooed words of encouragement, devouring him with her body.

She was going to fuck him to death.

Something pinched his skin and a numbness spread, starting at his hip and rising up his back, around his spine and up, up, up to the nape of his neck. With a jolt, he realized something was moving beneath this skin. Like an army of ants, crawling through him.

No," he growled.

Yesss~!" she hissed, almost serpentine.

Uncurling his fist, he reached for his blade. He missed the first time, knocking it further away but his second lunge was true. Fingers grasped the hilt, tightening around the familiar leather.

He glared up at her, mind at war – a desire to kill with a desire to mate, mixing together, until one couldn't be separated from the other. His other hand gripped her hip in a punishing hold and she shuddered in delight, the feeling rolling through him. He felt equal parts elated at having pleased her and disgusted, revolted, enraged.

He swung his arm and thrust with all his remaining strength.

Crocea Mors sunk into her flawless body, impaling her through the chest between her lovely breasts. Red eyes widened in shock, a startled scream escaping her lips so terrible that his ears threatened to burst. She arched back, her body tight around his turgid erection...

...and then she laughed.

Jaune watched in horror as black blood poured down her ivory skin and spread across his pelvis, up his stomach and chest, flooding his eyes, nose and mouth.

He screamed.

Jaune could still hear that scream ringing in his ears as he slowly woke, a familiar, steady beep sounding from the heart monitor beside his bed. A feeling of deja vu washed over him and it took a few moments for him to realize just where he was.

The hospital.

His eyelids felt like they weighed a ton, taking all of his strength just to open his eyes. He blinked blearily at the ceiling, the bright white almost blinding. Shifting his head a little to the right, a flare of pain rocketed up his neck, a warning against movement. A thin tube fed into his arm, an IV line feeding him essential fluids.

He was back here again.

What had happened...?

Jaune tried to think but his mind felt sluggish, almost numb. The last thing he remembered was...

It all came rushing back at once. The fight with Cinder, the fake Relic of Knowledge stealing her aura and magic, the horrible transformation she then underwent. Flashes of their fight with Grimm Cinder rolled through his mind, her constant healing, unable to die but then Winter and Weiss had frozen her, and Nora had shattered her into a million pieces.

But those pieces weren't willing to stay down.

He remembered being choked, and Cinder's new body reforming, and then... Ruby.

The light of her silver eyes washing over him.

But it wasn't comforting. It wasn't reassuring.

It was agony.

His body had burned from within.

Ruby's eyes... had harmed him.

Jaune stared at the ceiling, trying to process it. If the power of the silver eyes had hurt him, did that mean...

Dread filled him, sickening in its intensity. This was the confirmation he had been seeking. The visits to the hospital, the blood tests, the questions he had asked Team RWBY; none of it had given him the answers he sought, unable to completely soothe his worry. But now he knew.

That Grimm had infected him, changed him.

He remembered it now, that feeling of something moving under his skin. Up his back, around his spine, into his neck. Where science had failed, magic had succeeded.

What had he done...?

He tried to sit up but his body was uncooperative. Even moving his arms felt like a challenge, an effort worthy of song. Jaune had never felt so weak, not even after the first time he'd ended up here. Just breathing seemed to exhaust what little energy he had, and soon he was panting as his heart rate spiked.

Someone must have heard the increased beeping from the monitor because the door opened, and Jaune blinked in surprise as the lovely face of Cerise appeared.

Those wonderful eyes stared back at him, filled with shock. And then with a sob, she rushed across the room, almost tripping in her haste. Jaune grunted as she almost leapt entirely onto the bed, her arms thrown around him.

"Cerise," he gasped.

"You're awake," she cried, her voice raw with emotion. Another sob lodged in her throat, and when she looked up at him, her beautiful eyes were filled with tears. They glimmered wetly, shining like a pair of peerless gems. "Oh, you're awake."

He wanted to comfort her as she broke down completely, burying her face in the crook of his neck but he couldn't move, completely sapped. He was exhausted right down to his soul. All he could do was lean his head against hers, taking comfort in her scent, breathing her in as she shook from the force of her cries.

He wasn't sure how long they stayed like this. Jaune's eyes slipped close, his breathing evening out and heavy with fatigue for the first time in what felt like forever, he drifted back to sleep.

The next time he woke, he wasn't alone.

It wasn't Cerise.

Oscar stood by his bedside but the expression on his face immediately alerted Jaune that something wasn't right.

"Ozpin...?" he rasped.

The man in a boy's body nodded solemnly. For the first time in several months, he had risen to the surface. That wasn't a good sign.

"It appears that you retain your quick wits," Ozpin said lightly, his voice at odds with his expression. "Welcome back, Mr. Arc."

Jaune glanced around, confused. "Where... Cerise? She was here..."

Ozpin nodded again. "Yes. You awoke briefly, yesterday. You gave her quite the scare when you became unresponsive."


Jaune grimaced, his mouth feeling dry, tongue heavy in his mouth. Ozpin must have noticed because he poured him a glass of water from the pitcher on his bedside table, before offering it to him. His arm shook as he took it, a little stronger but still so very weak. Sipping at the cool liquid, Jaune sighed in relief and had to stop himself from gulping it all down at once.

"How long have I been here?" he finally asked.

"Almost a week," Ozpin answered.

"And Cinder Fall...?"

"Cinder Fall is no more."

Jaune sighed and sagged back. "Good."

There was a pause.

"What happened to me?"

He didn't beat around the bush.

Without a word, Ozpin reached into his pocket and pulled out a small glass jar. Even in Oscar's young hands, it sat perfectly in the palm of his hand. Within were a series of strange creatures, small with round mouths and sharp teeth, and long bodies, a little like leeches. They were all turned to stone, petrified by Ruby's power.

"Do you remember anything of what happened?" Ozpin asked.

Jaune nodded. "Ruby's eyes... they hurt."

"Because of these," Ozpin gave the jar a little shake. "These were found all over your body, after everyone realized what had happened. They came out from beneath your skin, tearing at your flesh to escape. It was... messy."

Jaune stared at them.

"Those were inside me."


Jaune considered him.

"Do you know..." he trailed off.

Ozpin nodded.

He had spoken with the others, then.

"I have been made aware of your situation," he began, setting the jar down beside the pitcher of water. "The attack in the mines, the humanoid Grimm, and your... proclivities with several of your female companions."

When he put it like that, it somehow made it sound worse.

"I believe you would like some answers?"

Jaune nodded weakly.

"Do you have some?"

"Some," Ozpin quipped. "Thoughts, theories, information you may find helpful. If you are willing to listen?"

"Of course."

Ozpin pulled up a chair and took a seat. "What would you like to ask me?"

He didn't even hesitate. "Are the others okay?"

Ozpin smiled. "It is good to know that you still have a good heart, Mr. Arc. Even after everything," he then nodded. "They are well. Shaken, of course. Worried about you. But they are as well as can be, considering the circumstances."

"Good. That's... good."

But this changed things. Now with proof that something had been affecting him, affecting them – how could things remain the same? The things they'd done...

"Anything else?"

"The Grimm – the one that attacked me," Ironwood hadn't known anything but who better to ask than Ozpin, a man that had lived for countless lives? If there was anyone who could know something, it was him. "Do you know what it is?"

"I believe so," he paused, hands folded neatly in his lap. "James informed me of what you related to him. Tell me, Mr. Arc – what do you know of Primal Grimm?"

Jaune frowned. "Primal Grimm? I – don't know what those are."

Ozpin nodded. "I didn't think so. You wouldn't have learned of them at Beacon. Not in your first year," leaning forward, he asked, "You know of the Apathy, of course?"

"Yeah," how could he not? Ruby had told him all about those wicked Grimm that Team RWBY had encountered during their time separated from them before arriving at Argus. "The Grimm you came across under that farm... they sap your energy with a scream."

"Simply put but you are correct. There are many types of Grimm in the world, as many as the animals that exist on the planet. Varied in size and shape, and just as varied in the abilities they wield. A Beowolf can rip and tear with fang and claw, while a Deathstalker possesses a venomous sting. Then there are those that boast even greater powers; the wyvern that attacked Beacon could breathe fire if it so wished, and spawn countless more of its brethren with its vile blood. A Geist can inhabit inanimate objects and bring them to life while a Nightmare can infest a person's dream and drain them of aura and more, feasting on imagination."

Then Ozpin's expression soured.

"We separate them into categories. Primal Grimm are creatures capable of influencing the emotions of man with nothing more than a simple scream, or a look, or a touch. Grimm that can touch upon our primal instincts and manipulate them to their ends. The Nightmare falls into this category, as does the Apathy. The latter, as you've said, can sap the strength of anyone that hears its scream. Even the most hopeful person, brimming with vitality finds themselves apathetic, slothful in the presence of such a power."

"So the Grimm that attacked me, was it one of these Primal Grimm?"

"The Temptation," Ozpin said, and the name crawled down Jaune's spine, skittering across his brain. "As the name implies, it can cause great temptation, great lust and desire in all that lay eyes upon it. Driven mad by their sexual urges, they find any and all ways to quench their thirst for flesh. Even the best men and women are rendered no more than beasts, fulfilling their desires upon one another – be they friend, enemy, or even family."

Jaune grimaced. That was a horrifying thought. "Not with the Grimm itself?"

Ozpin shook his head. "No. Usually those affected will seek out other people if alone, or attack those that are already with them. So overcome, they will not stop. No amount of begging or pleading, no matter who it is. Only death or unconsciousness will halt them, or the death of the Grimm. Humanoid they may be, they are still Grimm. They have no need for mating."

Then why...

"Once there were many. They were a scourge upon Remnant. A single Temptation could bring down a town. A half dozen? A city. And then three hundred years ago or so, an Empress in what is now known as Mistral ordered the hunting down and extermination of such Grimm after her younger brother was claimed by such a horrible fate. It worked. While they are difficult to combat, they are vulnerable to ambushes. Their powers only work when they know you are looking upon them. Otherwise, they are extraordinarily easy to kill. The hunt was a success, and the Temptation were wiped out."

Jaune shot him a look of surprise. "Completely?"

"There has not been a reported, confirmed sighting of such a creature in over two hundred years," Ozpin confirmed. "Until now, of course. It is why even General Ironwood could not help when you confided in him. He did not know. Knowledge lost to time, as if it never existed in the first place."

"I thought the academies taught us about Primal Grimm?"

"The ones that still exist," Ozpin elaborated. "The Apathy, the Wrathful, the Nightmare. They are all that remain of a once deadly, potent force of Grimm that harried humanity and faunus-kind at every turn. They were the most insidious, the hardest for us to deal with, for they preyed upon that which makes us who we are, our strengths, our weaknesses – but dealt with them we did."

Finally, an answer.

But with it came even more questions.

"This Grimm... did more than what you've described."

"Yes, it did," Ozpin looked troubled, then. "It mated, for a start. It infected you with parasites, which is something I've not encountered before. And from this, you gained... a measure of its gifts, it appears. That is what troubles you."

Ozpin gathered his thoughts as Jaune felt his stomach twist with dread.

"For one; the Grimm you described is much different in appearance than what I know. While the Temptation was humanoid and vaguely female in nature, it was far from the picture you painted. It may have incited lust and desire, but solely through its power. The one you come across... is different. It spoke. It was... more. Likely changed by Salem, manipulated by magic, strengthened."

That wasn't good. Jaune remembered – it called her Mother.

"And yet despite its touch, despite it leaving its mark upon you, you never attacked your friends, or anyone else for that matter. From everyone I've talked with, you remained yourself – if a tad more confident."

"I..." he tried, tongue-tied.

"You are worried that whatever affected you, affected the others," Ozpin said, and he nodded wordlessly. "As I've said, I've spoken with each of them. Team RWBY, separately – Ms. Johnson," Jaune took a moment to realize that he was speaking about Cerise. "Ms. Katt and Ms. Thyme. Even Ms. Valkyrie."

He couldn't help it. He felt scared.

Everything that had happened between him and these women; surely it was the result of the Temptation, and what it had done to him? Ozpin had said it himself; he had gained a measure of its gifts. That meant he had forced them, right? That he had manipulated their emotions and stoked their desire, their lust, and then had fed upon them. Just like it had fed upon him.

"Mr. Arc," Ozpin reached out and grabbed his arm, and Jaune felt light headed. "Breathe, Mr. Arc. Calm yourself."

He was hyperventilating.

It took him a moment to fight down the panic that threatened to overcome him, controlling his breathing. His heart was pounding against his ribs, the heart monitor beeping rapidly. As he took control, it gradually slowed.

"Sorry," he uttered, shaken.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," Ozpin patted him on the shoulder. "While there is every chance that I may be wrong, it is my belief that while there was some measure of influence, of compulsion, it only ever targeted that which was already there."


"Their feelings, Mr. Arc," Jaune met his eyes and held them. "Each one of them confirmed their prior attraction to you, and any feelings they already held. You may not have noticed, but not every woman you came across threw themselves at your feet. Tell me; did Winter Schnee ever proposition you?"

Jaune shook his head, startled. "No, never."

"And yet you find her desirable?"

What kind of question was that? Any straight, hot blooded male would find her desirable. She was one of the most beautiful women around, matched in elegance by only her sister. A driven, intelligent woman. Who wouldn't desire the attention of such a woman?

"Yes, of course," he said.

"You had ample contact with her, think of her as desirable but nothing happened," Ozpin smiled. "And I'm sure she isn't the only one. No, Mr. Arc. I don't believe you forced anything or coerced anyone against their will. After speaking with them all extensively, I have come to the conclusion that while you may have amplified certain – shall we say, aspects of their desire – they never engaged in any activity they did not wish to, nor did they ever feel anything they didn't already feel prior to your encounter with the Temptation. Loosened inhibitions, at most."

Was that really it? Could it really be that simple? Just as his semblance could amplify aura, did this power only increase that which already existed? Did that mean... they didn't hate him?

"And let us not forget; your decision making was also similarly impaired, Mr. Arc. Tell me, truthfully – your feelings towards these women, did they exist already? Attraction, love – it doesn't matter which."

It did. In varying degrees, of course – but it did. His attraction for Neon and Cerise. His great affection and love for Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang. Nora... The only one he was unsure about was Fiona, who he only met afterwards. But... the first time he'd seen her, he could remember thinking she was pretty. He had a type and she fit it.

"Yeah," he said quietly.

Ozpin let him sit for a moment, allowing it all to sink in. Did that mean even after all of this, they still wished to be with him? That they didn't blame him, that it was all real? That their actions were their own, only nudged along but nothing more?

Jaune felt his hands curl into fists.

It almost felt too good to be true – and yet he wished it was, with every fiber of his being.

He wasn't sure how long they sat in silence but eventually, Ozpin cleared his throat, drawing his attention. For the first time since this discussion started, he looked uncertain.

"There is something else, something important."

Jaune blinked.

"What is it?"

Ozpin hesitated.

Anything that could give Ozpin pause was not something to be taken lightly.

"Your... activities with each young woman..." Ozpin struggled, clearly thinking of the right words to say but coming up short. He floundered for a moment before finally getting out. "They are pregnant."

At first, it didn't register. Jaune stared at him, uncomprehendingly.

"Oh," he said.

They are pregnant. They are pregnant They are pregnant .



Jaune almost felt like he was having an outer body experience. He could see Ozpin, and the room, but he could almost see himself. His own face, blank in shock. His body frozen in time, utterly still. He had stopped breathing, stopping thinking. Was his heart even still beating?

If not for the heart monitor, he would have doubted he still lived.


Ozpin lowered his head. "They are pregnant, Mr. Arc."

"Who..." he paused. "All of them?"

"All of them," he confirmed.

As the seconds ticked by, he felt the shock wear off little by little, replaced by a building panic. Jaune thought furiously.

They'd been so unsafe. Thinking about it now, he couldn't believe how reckless he'd been. It was almost like he was seeing a different person in his memories. But not him – the girls, as well. Every single time without fail, he had fucked them raw. The one time Ruby had purchased a condom, they'd tossed it aside, the fit all wrong and continued anyway.


"Cerise told me she was on birth control," he said blankly. Did she lie?

"She told me much the same," Ozpin placated him. "And continued to take her oral contraceptive afterwards – and yet, she is pregnant, like all of the others."

Jaune wanted to be a father. It was something that he'd always wanted, even when he was much younger. He just didn't expect it to happen so soon or quite like this. Seven mothers, seven children... if they all had single child births.

The number could be much higher.

His parents were going to kill him .

Their parents were going to kill him .

He was surprised Qrow hadn't murdered him in his weakened state for impregnating his nieces but maybe he didn't know about it yet. It was only a matter of time.

"Fuck," he finally said.

"Yes," Ozpin said dryly. "That is what got you into this mess."

A much more terrifying thought occurred to him.

"Ozpin," he felt his heart freeze in his chest. "Are the – the children, are they well? What if they..."

What if they were like him? What if his condition had done something? What if they weren't fully human? Weren't fully faunus ?

"We are well ahead of you, Mr. Arc," Ozpin raised his hands, seeing his fear unfold in his expression. "They have been examined and extensive testing has been issued."

"But they couldn't find anything wrong with me," he said in a rush. "They could miss it!"

The thought of his children infected with Grimm made Jaune ill. Had he just condemned them to a cursed existence?

"Indeed. You are correct. The parasites within your body were hidden, I believe, by magic – and so, only magic could reveal them. And so – if you'll recall, during your fight with Cinder, Team RWBY were all present and accounted for. Ms. Rose's use of the silver eyes did not appear to harm any of them, nor the lives they carried within them."

Jaune felt a glimmer of hope.

"So they aren't...?"

"There is no way to know for sure," Ozpin admitted. "This is... uncharted territory. Nothing of the like had ever happened before. There is always a chance that they could be immune to the powers of the Silver Eyed Warrior – but I find it highly unlikely."

It wasn't a certainty but he would take it.

He hadn't noticed before but as he sagged in relief, Jaune felt his muscles berate him. He'd been so tense, body strung taut, his mind so preoccupied that he hadn't noticed the discomfort. He was paying for that now, his weakened body throbbing, aching, but he didn't care.

He was going to be a father.

Seven times over.

It was a mess. A complete, utter mess – but even so, he couldn't stop the stupid smile that rose on his face, a well of emotion threatening to burst free. He closed his eyes.

"When can I see them?"

Ozpin stood.

"I will inform them of your awakening but you will be here for quite some time. Your body needs to recover and the doctors will continue to monitor your situation. You are... very lucky to be alive, Mr. Arc."

Jaune nodded wordlessly.

"However, they can visit whenever they see fit. In fact, someone has been waiting out in the hall all this time, attempting to listen in on our conversation," Jaune heard them yelp at being called out, the voice very familiar. "You may come in now. My conversation with Mr. Arc is at an end for the time being."

They watched the door expectantly. There was a long several seconds of silence before the handle turned and in stepped Weiss, her expression meek.

"Ms. Schnee," Ozpin greeted.

"Weiss," Jaune breathed, drinking her in.

She returned the favor, her ice blue eyes devouring him. Worry, concern – love . That more than anything, more than his discussion with Ozpin, set him at ease.

"I apologize," she muttered. "I did not mean to eavesdrop."

"How much did you hear?"

Weiss looked down like a chastened child. "Most of it."

Ozpin chuckled and began moving for the door. Weiss stepped aside and they watched as the old wizard in a farmhand's body paused in the doorway, looking at the pair of them over his shoulder.

"Be gentle," he said.

Then he was gone.

Jaune watched as Weiss fiddled with her hands, tugging at the hem of her shirt. She was dressed much more casually than normal in a simple baggy white t-shirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. Her hair was out of the usual braid she wore these days and was pulled back in a much more traditional ponytail.

She looked nervous.

He had no idea what she had to be nervous about. Jaune was the one that should be nervous. His eyes settled on her belly and he felt his heart swell.

She was carrying his child...

"Come here," he said roughly and as soon as he said it, she flew across the room. Jaune barely managed to open his arms before she landed on him, her slight weight settling against his chest. Weakened as he was, he could only squeeze her so hard.

"Jaune," she sobbed and with a start, he realized she was crying. "Oh, Jaune."

"Shh," he hushed. "I'm okay. Everything is okay."

Her slender frame shook as she pressed her face into his neck, her hot tears falling on his skin. He tightened his hold, whispering sweet words against her hair as she cried herself out. When she finally stopped, he started stroking her silky hair, relishing the feeling of having her in his arms once again.

He never wanted to let her go.

Weiss shuffled around, tilting her head up to look at him. He gazed down at her, enraptured by her beautiful eyes.

"We thought we'd lost you," she whispered, voice thick.

"I'm still here."

A small, dainty hand caressed his cheek. Weiss giggled, his stubble tickling her palm.

"You need a shave."

Jaune smiled.

"I haven't had the chance," he said wryly. "Maybe you could do it for me?"

Her cheeks flushed cutely.

"You want me to do that for you?"

It was a rather intimate gesture but they were far beyond that point. It was cute that the thought embarrassed her.

"Why not?"

Weiss looked away.


"We thought..." she licked her lips, expression wretched. "We thought maybe... you might not love us any more, that things might be different."

Jaune blinked, taken aback. "What?"

It was then that he realized that all of his fears were mirrored by her. Not just her but by all of them. That they believed that his attraction to them, his desire and lust, his love had been driven by nothing more than the parasites they'd found in his body. That the Temptation had made him desire them against his will.

They were idiots.

All of them.

He was the biggest idiot of them all.

Tilting her head up, he captured her lips in a sweet kiss. Weiss made a startled sound, eyes widening – and then she deepened it, lips moving languidly against his own. Pulling away, he gazed at her in adoration.

"I thought you would hate me," he admitted. "That you would feel I'd taken advantage of you."

She shook her head. "Nothing has changed, Jaune. We told you, didn't we?"

"Even so... does nothing feel different? Truly?"

"Well..." she began. "I would be lying if I said nothing had changed," she kept her eyes trained on his. "I don't know how to explain it exactly but... it feels like a fog has lifted."

"A fog?"

She nodded. "You know that little voice in your head that warns you against doing something reckless or dangerous, or tries to convince you that what you are doing is the wrong thing?"


"It was like that voice was suppressed before. Instead of questioning myself, it would only egg me on. When I... touched you under the table, in the mess hall – and then again, in the cinema. When I found out about the others... I didn't hesitate, I wasn't as angry as I should have been. I even..." and here she paused, looking thoroughly embarrassed. "I even set up that night for us with the rest of my team. That isn't the sort of thing I'd do, is it?"

"No," he said. "I suppose not."

What was she trying to tell him?

"And yet... I don't regret it," she told him. "Even now that I am thinking clearly... I never did anything I didn't want to do, Jaune. Maybe I wouldn't have done those things before, I would have talked myself out of them – but that doesn't mean I didn't want them."

She leaned in again and kissed him.

"I want this," she whispered.

Then she grabbed his hand and pressed it low on her belly, trapped between them.

"You are the father of my child," she said hotly. "We are going to raise this child and give it everything it deserves. They'll have a loving family – a big family, with sisters and brothers, even if they aren't of my blood. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

He did.

It was hard to fathom – but he did.

Weiss still wanted to be with him.

"What about the others?"

Weiss shrugged. "They'll have to get used to it. All I know is that I'm not giving you up. I love you," she kissed him again, and again, and again. "I love you, I love you, I love you – got it?"

He did.

Maybe... things would work out after all.

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