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25% Crow's Descent / Chapter 2: 2

Chapitre 2: 2


Harry Potter and its world belong to J. K Rowling. I only own the original characters I made.




Robert groaned from the gradually creeping into his room sunlight. He turned to his left side to lessen the warm summer rays hitting his face. Eventually the teen opened his eyes because of the constant familiar sounds of chirping. A struggling to stand up straight Zephyr greeted the youth before falling on its beak. That quickly sobered Robert up as he carefully took the poor bird into his arms.

"What's wrong, Zephyr?" He panicked and placed his ear on the owl's chest.

The bird was releasing quiet little breaths, as if it was snoring. With a sigh of relief Robert placed the bird on the bed.

"He must've guarded me all night." The youth covered his eyes when he looked towards the brightness coming from the window. "What time is it even?" There was no clock in the room.

Robert suddenly sprang from the bed. "My phone!" He started rummaging around all over the place; leaving no corners unturned.

After a couple of minutes of searching he sat down at the desk disappointed. Robert tapped against the table in frustration.

"Blast." He clenched his fists. "Where did it go!?" He placed his hands on his face and let out a big sigh.

Slowly putting his arms back on the table he noticed something new, a small key tattoo just under his right wrist. Confused, he touched the drawing only for it to flash in response. A sudden thud woken him up from his stupor. It was his phone now laying on the table.

"Since when technology could mix with magic?" Robert took the object into his hand and studied the weird blue markings on it.

Curiosity got the better of him as he pressed the main button. The screen lit up, showing a slightly different interface than he was used to. He entered the file manager and let a sigh of relief when nothing was lost. All of his pictures, music and other miscellaneous stuff were still present and could be opened. He returned to the homepage only to find a new tab of icons. Most of them were gray and without names. However the first one had Scan written underneath. Intrigued he pressed the icon which caused the camera to turn on. A rippling circle was visible on the screen, seemingly searching for something.

"This is different." Robert directed the phone's lenses towards different objects in the room, however nothing happened.

"Maybe it works like other scan applications?" He took out the card he got from Mrs. Thunberry and placed it on the table.

A prompt appeared on the sceen, asking for permission to continue. Astonished that it was this easy he agreed. A loading bar flashed by quickly and a prompt reading Complete showed up.

Robert went into the file manager once again and found a new folder titled Scans H. A picture of the card was saved in the phone. Awe was visible in the teen's eyes.

"I wonder if it can copy books." A money saving scheme was brewing in his mind until he heard his stomach rumbling.

"It's 7:30."He checked the time on his phone. "Let's see what Rosemerta has on the menu today." The phone vanished from his hand and hid again as a tattoo.

After washing up a bit Robert headed downstairs into a fairly busy scene. He ducked his head as orders were continously handed out and sat at the counter.

"Can I have a coffee, please?" He asked.

"Of course." Rosemerta poured him a cup and asked. "How was your stay?"

"I have problems with adjusting to new places." He chuckled nervously. "Is it always this crowded?"

"Just my usual patrons." She replied.

Robert picked from the menu the first option for breakfast. A mushroom soup with pieces of sausages and tost. Waiting for his order he listened onto the ongoing conversations.

"Those Pixies are getting out of hand." A gruff man showed his arm to his friends. Reddish blue boils riddled throughout his right limb. "You can't even enter the forest without at least two cauldrons worth of pixicide."

"Those pesky little blighters are getting out of control." A middle-aged balding man remarked. "Did you write the department?"

The man scoffed. "The lazy bastards washed their hands." He took out a letter. "I've got this just this morning."

The third gentleman of the group did a cursory read of the Ministry's reply. "I'm surprised they're even able to find their own sacks over there." He handed the parchment back. "Since they're so short staffed."

"And I've told them it's going to be an issue in a couple of weeks." The first man sighed. "I've already spotted a couple of them in my fields. Thankfully none of them could get away and tell the others."

"That Hagrid is also no good." The second of the group scowled. "Barmy that creature loving piece of troll's dung."

"At least his brew is top-notch." The trio's faces lit up remembering the hotness of the half-giants rotgut.

Robert's eavesdropping was cut short as his soup arrived. The delicious silky texture of the base and aromatic spices and mushrooms gave him new appreciation towards the inn's menu.

The pub emptied out at 9 o'clock. Leaving Robert and a couple of seniors as the only customers left. Rosemerta was drying off the glassware with a rag at the counter.

"Is there perhaps a library here at Hogsmeade?" The teen asked the witch.

"Sadly no." She put the cloth over her left shoulder. "But I have a couple of books laying around here." She huffed. "Why were the students bringing them here in the first place?"

"Probably forgot to leave them at the dorms." Robert mused. "It's not hard to when your bag can be charmed weightless."

"Maybe so." Rosemerta replied not buying the the answer. "But I still enjoy the once in a while muggle fiction." A smirk appeared on her face. "I must say, some of the girls have quite the steamy novels."

Robert's eyes opened wide. "I'd rather have nothing to do with them."

Rosemerta's chortle echoed in the room. "Men and their courage ends with chick flicks." She smirked. "But there are some school books if you want to check them out."

Sighing in relief he nodded. "It'd be much appreciated, Madam Rosemerta."

"I'll have them delivered to your room before lunch." She ignored his puppy eyes. "Go on a walk or something in the mean time."

Robert thanked for meal and went to check on Zephyr. The barn owl at some point had to cover itself with a blanket as it slept on the bed.

"Where did it get that small pillow though?" He scratched his head as he closed the door and left the inn for a walk


Clouds were brewing on the horizon, forecasting a rainy afternoon. The smell of dust lingered in the air as no wind was blowing through the narrow streets of Hogsmeade. Robert entered the town's square. The statue of Hengist ot Woodcraft stood under the reach of an unknown to him species of tree. A couple of small stalls filled with local produce were opened for business. On the side of the plaza was a small corner for recreation. Chess tables and benches were spread out underneath the shadow casting trees. A group of children was playing with balls of some sort. Giggling ensued as one of them got sprayed with a stream of black liquid from the marble.

"I'm the ultimate champion of Gobstones." A boy without one of his front teeth proudly jeered his opponent.

The loser wiped the disgusting smelling fluid with a handkerchief. "There's only 5 of us here Duckweed."

"Yeah, Duckett." A girl holding a black-haired doll of a boy agreed. "And I saw you cheating."

Affronted by her allegations he showed her his raised fist. "How dare you slander me, Casey?"

"No threatening my sister." A chubby boy looked from his book. "Otherwise no ice cream for a month."

"Hmph." The boy calmed down. "You're lucky it's summer."

The girl stuck her tongue out. "And you're only here because you own the game."

Robert watched wistfully the squabbles of the children. Remembering the small heated arguments his sister would get with their cousins over toys and food. His hair leisurely danced in the gentle breeze as he headed out of the square.

"So this is the Shrieking Shack." The dilapidated building stood in stark contrast with the rest of the town.

Cracked windows haphazardly blocked with wooden planks; the front garden was trashed with broken furniture. Moss and ivy tarnished the red and black bricks of the walls.

"It's good I've got my tetanus shot beforehand." The house screamed diseases.

Shaking his head Robert backtracked. As he reached the halfway mark he saw a banner for a book store in a dark alley. 'Tomes and Scrolls' were written in faded black on a brown background. Dust visible on the windows. A placard was fixed on the front door.

"It seems the owner has died." Disappointment showed on Robert's face. "And they're closing down today."

Grimacing at the lack of cash in his pockets he entered the store to try his luck. A heavy smell of parchment and ink assaulted his nostrils. Dust particles swirled in the stillness of the room. Boxes filled with books were randomly placed on thee ground. Making it hard to reach the counter. Robert turned his phone on and secretly pointed the lenses towards a couple of books.

"What are you doing?" A stern female voice reached Robert from behind.

Red mahogany irises were scrutinizing his being. A frown was visible on the nougat brown, oval face. A teenage girl with black wavy hair stood with not so hidden readiness to attack the unexpected intruder.

Robert raised his hands to his chest in defense. "I was just browsing." Sweat dropped from his brow as the female stranger pointed at him with her wand.

"If you're not buying then leave." She lowered the wand but kept glaring at the teen.

Nodding Robert made his way towards the door. Finally outside he let out a breath of relief.

"I think I've had enough excitement for today." After taking one last glance at the shop he left the alley.


"It seems you've met Jasmine Redfield." Rosemerta remarked after hearing the teen's story. "She is such a darling."

Robert was drinking a lemonade at the inn. "I wouldn't call her cute Madam."

"It was technically your fault for being a pauper." She smirked.

The teen returned to the pub at noon for lunch. Two sandwiches and a second helping of drinks later he shared with the owner what he has seen in town.

"Speaking of which," Robert drummed is fingers against the countertop, "Are there any job offers I could take here?"

The witch thought for a moment, trying to recall any opportunities. "Menial work is hard to come by these days." She looked at him. "Especially since it's not close to harvest season yet.

He watched the tableware fly towards the back into the sinks. "Even cleaning is done by magic."

"It is both faster and cheaper." She agreed.

"Out of curiosity but could you tell me where most of the graduates land after Hogwarts." The books never broached this topic with a couple of exceptions.

A sign of pity showed on Rosemerta's face. "Not to be that person but even after Hogwart's your options won't be stellar."

"Is it because I'm muggleborn?" Robert asked to which she nodded.

"Unless you'd like to be at a Ministry desk doing grunt work until you die." It didn't come as a surprise to Robert that there was a form of discrimination in the wizard world.

Surely they'd have found better people for some positions. Mr. Weasley although a good father and generaly likeable person wasn't well equipped for his job. His knowledge of muggle technology and culture was absolutely abysmal. However even that didn't stop him from tuning a flying car.

"Then where do people like me end after school?" He asked with a raised brow. "Surely they don't just return to the muggle side?"

"Some agree to be pawns." The barkeeper took out a small box from beneath the counter. "While a small portion leaves abroad."

Inside were letters and photos of young adults. Robert recognized some places like Paris and New York. Other's where more challenging to decipher, like sceneries of rainforests and mountains.

"I keep in touch with a couple of students."She looked fondly at the people shown in the photos. She pointed towards one girl with glasses and long red hair. "And I like her taste in books."

Robert blushed at her cheeky smile. "Is she in South America?" The young lady was holding a small cat in her hands; while behind her was a view of a waterfall.

"She's currently traveling in Brazil." She let out a sigh of remembrance. "And that's her Kneazle, Sir Alexander."

Robert glanced through the pictures. A sense of longing started building up as he also wanted to explore more places. Find unexplored or long forgotten places of wonder.

"Cheer up, Champ." Rosemerta patted the boy's shoulder. "The world's your oyster if you just reach out."

"A Shakespearean oneliner coming from you sounds cheesy Madam Rosemerta." He smiled at her slightly blushed face. "At least you read something more fulfilling than those heartthrobs."

With a bump on his head Robert climbed the stairs, heading back to his room. As he opened the door a bundle of feathers shot into his arms. The teen started to yelp in pain as Zephyr began pecking him on the chest.

"Stop or I'll take your treats away." The owl relented and landed on the desk. Robert ignored the rueful look on the bird's face.

The teens attention was brought to the pile of books resting next to the disgruntled owl. At least 12 tomes of different sizes were waiting for him to explore. Not wasting any more time Robert sat down and took the first one from the top.

"The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 3." He read the title. It was written by Miranda Goshawk.

With a flick of his wrist the phone reappeared. Making Zephyr uncomfortable and restless.

"There's nothing to worry about, Zeph." Robert patted the owl's head. "Let's just say that this is a library that can fit in the palm of my hand."

He opened the Scan application and clicked on the prompt. A loading bar popped up showing the estimated time intil completion.

"5 hours are a little rough." The young man scratched his chin. "But it's not like I have anything better to do."

Robert left the phone on the table to continue the lengthy process. Not wanting to just laze away the afternoon he took out another tome. A groan escaped his throat seeing the title.

"Will I become the second person to actually read this?" He paused. "Did she read it already... of course she did."

Hogwarts: A History was a hefty book; weighing a couple of pounds and filled to the brim with text; illustrations were far in between. However, the style it was written in wasn't as bad as the books made it to be.

"Nevertheless, who in their right mind would even bring this thing on a free weekend?" He turned to the table of contents and gave a cursory glance.

The first chapters contained shorten biographies about the school's founders. Godric Griffindor's courageous escapades; Helga Hufflepuff's connection with nature and culinary talents; Rowen Ravenclaw's wits and fondness for her students; Salazar Slytherin's life on the other hand was enshrouded in mystery. Not much was known about him.

"Or they just written him out." Robert let out a disappointed breath. "A quarter of important history lost. Probably forever."

Chirping woke the boy up from his musings. Zephyr perched himself at some point on Robert's shoulder. It pointed towards the empty bowl next to them.

"Shouldn't you be out hunting or something?" The owl rolled its eyes at the question.

Not wanting to bicker with the feather cushion he reluctantly went downstairs for some treats from the bar.

"Aren't you too early?" Rosemerta was sitting on a rocking chair; book in hand.

"Apparently I'm a courier for my overgrown pigeon now." The woman chuckled seeing his displeasure. With a flick of her wand a small sack of peanuts flew towards the young man's hand.

"Owls are wonderful companions Robert." A genuine smile lit up her face. Making the teen gulp nervously.

With the treats secured he made his way back to his room. When he entered the poor excuse of a bird of prey was preening his feathers. Haughtiness was beaming from its dark eyes. After filling the bowl Robert continued reading where he left off.

Robert's lecture was cut short as a ping sounded off from his phone. Excited he quickly picked up it up and opened the copied file. The curved text was converted into a printed one. Making it much easier to glance through. Ilustrations of wand movements and effects of spells were also rendered in a much better resolution.

"And the search function also works." He squealed in joy.

Zephyr looked at the boy with disdain. Bored with the giggling like a girl human it flew out the window into the orange sky. The moon was slowly creeping from the horizon as sunset was about to set in the bustling town of Hogsmeade.

"And what is this?" Robert looked at the other new position in the folder. "Did I get it from that store?"

The name of the file was written in an unknown language. The letters looked like twisted shapes. Believing it was corrupted data he tried to delete it but the option wasn't there.

"As if I haven't had enough on my plate already." Reluctantly Robert tapped the screen.

Myriads of bright colors flashed revealing afterwards the title page. "Beyond Illusions: Beginner's Conviction." The teen read.

Intrigued he read a couple of pages only to close his phone in disappointment. The book was an introduction into the human psychology. Unfortunately most of the information was somewhat known by the young man, thanks to his father's and partially mother's work ethic.

Rumbling could be heard coming from Robert's stomach. "It seems its time for dinner."


Heavy storm clouds greeted Hogsmeade on the 1st of July. Roars of thunder echoed throughout the highlands of Scotland. The turbulant winds swayed the trees, helpless against the madness of the incoming forces of nature. Lightning danced gracefully within the tumultuous landscape of greys.

Robert sat by the windowsill while music played from his phone. With the work of copying books done, he found himself with nothing else to do.

Reading quickly grew stale as he didn't have any first year books; not to mention a wand for actually practicing the material. To ease his boredom he started working out. A rather foreign concept for wizards; at least Robert thought so when he saw the locals staring at him in confusion during one of his runs.

"Don't they exercise for Quidditch?" The blond turned his head towards the sleeping owl. Zephyr was perched on the right corner of the desk; his soft melodious snoring filled the room.

Knocking on the door spread in the room. Yawning, Robert opened the door. "How may I be of service?" He joked seeing the tense expression on the barkeeper's face.

"If you have energy to play around then get your ass down." Rosemerta replied. "I need all hands on board."

"For what exactly?" Confused Robert followed the witch downstairs.

A group of people was already scurrying across the room. A pair of witches were chanting spells while the men were boarding the windows and closing any gaps with charms and somekind of paste.

"Faster people!" Rosemerta addressed the crowd. "We only have a couple of minutes left until we're hit."

Robert dodged an incoming wave of nails and planks. Sweat dropped from his forehead at the close call.

"Why are we in panic mode for fucks sake!?" He felt tugging from his collar. A burly man raised the teen up on his feet.

"Stop your yapping," A bucket full of black substance was forced into Robert's hands, "Start sealing those windows, now!"

Overwhelmed by the glare, the teen ran towards the west wall and began slathering the cracks. Through the window he saw a giant man running down the street.

"Was that Hagrid?" Robert watched the half-giant go. "Surprisingly a quick fellow."

"Indeed." Shivers went through the blond's spine. "And you'll be running as fast if you don't concentrate on your task."

"Yes, Ma'am!" He let out a sigh when Rosemerta made her way towards the kitchens with one of the witches.

Rain started to fall, painting the world in a darker tone of colors. Droplets pummled against glass windows, giving birth to a march of impending disaster.

A resounding whistle spread through the room from the outside. "Close your eyes, now."

Falling to the floor Robert covered his eyes. A brilliant flash of light flashed through the openings in the walls and boarding, painting the room white. The teen felt his body burning from the heat.

"What the flying fuck was that thing!?" He hissed from the slight burn.

"That was just the beginning, laddie." An old man helped the teen stand up. "We're not even past the first wave."

"But what are we fighting against?" A second whistle echoed in the distance making everyone brace themselves for another assault.

Dark masks flew out from the kitchens. "Put it on Robert." Rosemerta walked out wearing dark clothing. She passed a black robe to the teen.

The second flash of light hit the town; the cobblestone roads were blackened by the enormous amounts of heat. Gardens and trees for some reason were spared from the blight. A couple of fires were visible outside of Hogsmeade.

Robert watched from behind the mask as the adults were putting out flames in the room.

"You had one bloody job Henry!" A woman berated her husband, a robust man with a beard.

"Should've known you're not able to put a functional ward even if your life depended on it, Susie." He chortled at her displeased expression.

"Enough with the yapping." Barney, the stalwart man pounded the countertop with his fist. "Get the rods ready!"

"Rods?" Robert muttered as he felt the ground rumbling.

Seven black columns rose from the roof; each connected to the ground with a wire. Sparks flickering in the air converged towards the new structures.

Seeing this Robert stood with his mouth gaping open. "And were was all this in the books!?"

Before anyone could answer him he sensed an oppression of impending doom towering from above, homing towards his location.

Groaning Robert stood from the floor; ringing in his ears. He had blacked out as something hit the building and a resounding crack fired up his retreat responses. Robert woke up after being splashed with water. Grumbling he opened his eyes and looked around the room and saw that the others weren't in a much better state.

The married couple helped themselves up while Barney leaned heavily against a pillar. Rosemerta took out some potions and handed them out to the group.

"Take this. It should relieve the ringing." Robert couldn't hear her. However seeing the concerned smile on her face he gulped the vial's contents.

"Thank you." He stuttered through his clenched teeth as the concoction had an extremely vile taste. "Is it over?" He asked with bitterness.

"Afraid not." Marianna Waterside interjected with helplessness in her tone. "There are at least two more coming our way," she paused, "And as many as six."

"How riveting," Robert exclaimed, "Let's thank the Gods we're not in a country that has eight, nine or bloody ten as their magical number."

Rumbling answered the teens venting, making him gulp nervously as the rest of the room cast looks that could kill.

"Leaving the dumb child aside for a second." Susie sat down at the counter. "We should prepare for the next volley."

Nodding in agreement the crowd went to do their tasks; repairing the boarding of windows; filling up new and old cracks. Rosemerta checked the upper floors for any substantial damages.

Two more waves happened in quick succession, after which the town was given a couple of hours of calm. Robert was taking a breather in the dark corner of the room; a plate of sandwiches laid before him.

"Not hungry?" Rosemerta placed a glass of butterbeer before the youth.

Shaking his head he responded. "I'm just still coming to terms with the situation." Robert took the sandwich into his hand. "Is this an often occurrence here?"

The witch sat on a nearby stool. "About every 25 years."

Robert stared blankly at her. "And how did this village survive until this point?"

Chuckling she opened a bottle of beer for herself. "It's more dangerous to us than the buildings." Rosemerta took a big swing of the refreshing beverage.

The room was in a disarray; furniture broken and burnt; tapestry singed by fire. A smell of ozone still lingered in the air.

Robert looked with uncertainty at Rosemerta. "Is there an explanation as for why?"

"We're in the most magically charged region in Britain." She started. "So it's natural that the weather will be influenced in some way."

Robert nodded. "But that can't be the only explanation."

"And you'd be right to think that way." She smiled. "The storm has rather important implications for the life of magical creatures found in this area."

"Judging by your grin it must be beneficial."He rolled his eyes.

She slapped his shoulder. "Don't take away my fun. Not everyday I can pour some knowledge into greenhorns like you."

"Hmph. Spare me the theatrics today." He replied.

"What a spoilsport you turned out to be." Rosemerta snickered. "Let's just say many newborns will greet this world after today."

"You mean the unicorn herd?" He inquired further.

"It means everything; from unicorns to pixies." She said the last part with a hint of distaste. "And of course the crops and other magical plants will flourish this year."

"So it's essentially a boost of energy for magically inclined lifeforms." He paused. "Then why were we cast outside?"

"Who knows." She replied.

Before Robert could ask her another question, a new wave of light hit the town; springing everyone to their tasks.

"That should be the last of it." Barney looked through the window. The sky was clearing up; revealing the late afternoon sun on the horizon.

"This is why we don't joke about magic, kid." Susie glared at Robert.

Keeping his head low he muttered about the unfairness in life. In the end the small town had to endure eight waves of the storm. Repairing charms were being cast to salvage as much of the inn as possible.

"Don't worry, lad." Henry tried to de-escalate the situation. "It's just the emotions and tiredness talking."

"I know Mr. Campbell." Robert thanked the man.

Suddenly a sense of unease crept into the teens mind. He turned his head towards the right, a small crystal white butterfly flew through the unbarred window. With trepidation he watched as the creature sat down on the countertop, next to Madam Rosemerta and her fellow witches. Its wings flickered to the beat of Robert's heart; seemingly counting down. Pulsing pain spread from his right wrist to his head, making him drop to his knees.

"Robert!" The innkeeper shouted out. She reached the teens body and was shocked by the cold sweat pouring down him.

He grabbed her hand. "We have to escape..." He said while gritting his teeth.

As if mocking him the butterfly started dancing around them; its crystal wings releasing diamond dust with each beat. Before it could land on Robert's nose a shadow flew past the teen.

"And what's that blasted bird's problem?" Barney yelled as to him and the rest of the room, Zephyr seemed to be fighting with nothing but air.

The owl kept the butterfly in its claws; with his beak it tried to pull out its crystal wings; however only sparks flew from the friction.

"Leave it, Zephyr!" Robert managed to get to his feet and walked towards the ongoing fight.

Tired with its fruitless assault the barn owl pecked the main body. With a successful grasp Zephyr gave it a tug; breaking the outer layer in the process. A shrill cry echoed in the closed space. This time everyone in the room fell to the ground from the high-pitched screech.

"Make it stop!" Someone exclaimed.

Struggling on the ground, Robert crawled towards his friend. The owl without any care about it's well-being continued attacking; blood dripping to the sides from its ears.

The crystal body of the butterfly began glowing crimson. Its wings emblazoned with flickering runes of rage. Rumbling as if beckoned by its cruel cries, returned to the town. A small cloud cut off from the main body of the storm and towered over The Three Broomsticks. Crackling sparks gathered beneath it, forming a ball of lightning. As the cloud dissipated from exhausting its energy the sphere of electricity shot through the window; Zephyr being its target.

Robert's irises narrowed as he saw the scene in slow motion. With a push he threw himself into the line of fire; the youth's arms as his only shield. The teen was slammed against the wall; tendrils of electricity shot out from the ball and binded him and the nearby owl. The scent of burning flesh filled the air. Screaming in agony Robert unknowingly released his phone. The device hummed in joy as if it found a delicious treat, and started absorbing the energies of both the lightning and the mangled butterfly.

Despair took over the ethereal creature and it tried to escape. However a human hand grasped it tightly before it could.

"Just die already you bastard!" Robert's left hand held the butterfly in place.

Gritting his teeth the teen clenched his fist, crushing the creature. Light and heat flowed from his arm and spread through his body; especially gathering in the eyes. With a thud Robert fell down to the floor.

The ball of lightning, having its last strand of energy sucked by the phone, flickered out. The device shined brightly for a second before quietly disappearing into the teen's wrist.

Doors to the inn were blasted open. Concerned townspeople ran into the building; a scene of destruction awaited them.

"Check for survivors." An elder witch walked towards the groaning innkeeper. "Rosemerta darling, what happened?"

Coughing, the owner tried to sit up. "Check the boy first."

"I'll be taking him to Mungo's, Mrs. Whispers." A man lifted the teen's body with a spell.

"I need to go with him, Frank." Rosemerta remarked. "He doesn't have anyone here."

"No need Rose." Mrs. Thunberry answered. "I can watch over him."

The barkeeper sighed and nodded in gratitude. "Thank you."

"Should we inform the headmaster?" Mrs. Whispers asked. "He is after all a member of the staff."

"We can try." Rosemerta replied.


Fire flashed from the floo platform, revealing Albus Dumbledore. The reception hall of Saint Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries laid before him. Rows of chairs with patients waiting for their turn filled the room. Some of the people looked up and nodded, greating the Hogwart's headmaster.

"Hello Shepherd." The elder wizard addressed a familiar face. "Bessy still holds a temper I see." He chuckled.

The sixty year old looking man laughed jovially at the man's quip. "She will never let it go, Albus." He showed his arm; it was red and tiny green mushrooms grew out of his skin.

"Thirty years and she's still trying." Shepherd sighed but fondness flowed in his eyes. "I'll just to have to raise the ante again."

"Ah to be young." Both of them chuckled. "I'd like to talk more but duty awaits." Dumbledore said goodbye and walked towards the counter.

"Good afternoon Mr. Dumbledore." The receptionist greeted. "Mr. Crow room's on the forth floor, number 42."

"Thank you, Elsie." He replied.

After a short ride in the elevator Albus Dumbledore found himself knocking on the door. Hearing no response he gently opened the door, revealing a single bed room. Walls were painted white; a small window on the west wall. The reason for his trip was sleeping soundlessly. The youth's chest slowly rising up and down. Robert Crow's bandaged arms laid above his blanket; on his face a black blindfold.

Next to the bed an owl was resting on a perch; signs of new plumage on its body. Feeling someone's presence Zephyr opened his eyes. Unbeknownst to the elderly wizard a blueish hue flashed for a moment in the bird's dark irises.

"You truly care about him, don't you?" Dumbledore got closer to Robert's bed. "I've been informed he tried to save you."

Zephyr ignored the man and closed its eyes once again. The headmaster chuckled at the bird's haughtiness. Sounds of quickened footsteps neared the room. A middle-aged balding wizard entered the room with a nurse following him closely from behind.

"It's a pleasure to see you Mr. Dumbledore." The newcomer greeted.

"No need for formalities Oscar." The elderly wizard replied. "How's the boy?"

"Stable, we're going to try to wake him up today." The doctor scratched his head. "Maybe third time's the charm?" He added without certainty.

"This time we have an reinforced blindfold, sir." The nurse followed up.

"Quite, Ms. Harris." Oscar Bridgeport agreed. "Administer the antidote, please."

She took a vial from the cart and gently poured a silver liquid down Robert's throat. The deathly paleness gave way to a healthy red blush on his cheeks. The teen's breathing deepen and he started to show movement.

"Where am I?" Hoarseness was felt in his voice. "I can't see."

"Mr. Crow, this is Senior Healer Bridgeport speaking." The man introduced himself. "You're currently at the hospital, Saint Mungo's. Do you understand?"

Robert nodded. "Yes, sir." He paused. "How long have I been here?"

"About ten days." The man informed. "We tried to wake you sooner. However it seems your eyes couldn't adjust to the light."

"In what way?" The teen asked confused with the situation.

"During the last two attempts you went into shock and screamed." Bridgeport explained. "Not to mention you weren't as conscious of your surroundings as you are now."

Robert touched his eyes and sighed in relief not feeling any pain in them. "Can I take off the blinds?"

"You can first start by opening your eyes with the blindfold on." The man instructed. "Do you feel any discomfort?"

"Nothing out of place." Robert replied.

"Good. Then we'll turn the enchantments to a lower setting." The nurse tapped the black piece of material with her wand. "How about now, Mr. Crow?"

"I'm still alright." Robert answered.

They gradually lifted up all of the enchantments, leaving only the protection given by the blackness and thickness of the material.

"Remember to keep them shut when I remove it." Ms. Harris cautioned.

Clenching his teeth he nodded. The nurse gently loosened the ribbon and took the blindfold off. The brightness of the room caused slight itching, making the teen wince.

"Ah yes." The healer waved his wand and the shutters blocked the sunlight. The room was lightened by a small candelabra on the desk.

As the discomfort disappeared, Robert opened slowly his eyes. Blue beacons shined brightly in the darkness; small glittering particles in his black irises refracted the warm light of the candles.

"How charming." The healer joked. "It seems you have competition Mr. Dumbledore."

The elderly wizards eyes twinkled in response. "Rumors will surely spawn in Hogwarts like Doxies."

The nurse gave Robert a mirror. "If only I wasn't engaged." The teen blushed from her teasing.

"Hopefully they can return to normal." He squinted from fatigue. "When will I be discharged?"

"Maybe the day after tomorrow." The balding wizard mused. "But I'm not giving any promises."

Robert went through a round of checkups and had his bandages taken off. He was surprised at the absence of scars.

"If there's anything you need, you can ring this bell." The nurse informed before leaving with the Senior Healor.

With a click the door closed, leaving two wizards and an owl alone in the dimly-lit room. Robert massaged his temples, trying to ease the discomfort he felt from his eyes.

"You're full of surprises, Robert." Dumbledore conjured an armchair and and sat down before the hospital bed.

The teen hissed as he unconsciously rolled his eyes, seeing the headmaster's smug face. Zephyr hooted in laughter and almost fell off his perch.

"Hmph, dumbass." Robert smirked as the bird was hanging upside down.

Eventually Zephyr brought himself up by swinging back and forth. For a moment a sense of accomplishment flashed in its eyes, making the human bystanders chuckle.

"Is everything alright back at Hogsmeade, headmaster?"

Dumbledore's gaze softened. "Thankfully there were no casualities."

Robert sighed. The weight on his chest got a little bit lighter. "That's good," he paused, "And how's Madam Rosemerta?"

"Young and charming as she was." The elder wizard replied. "I believe she visited you yesterday with Mrs. Thunberry."

"Seeing as I'm still alive they probably wanted to finish me off in person, after I wake up." He said jokingly.

"Hopefully, our young assistant will appear safe and sound on September 1st." Dumbledore replied.

"I'm actually surprised that you'll still have me, professor." Robert looked with suspicion towards the wizard. "I can only imagine the headlines."

"It seems fortune has you in her hands," Dumbledore took out a copy of the Prophet, "Quidditch season and the heavy loss of the England team has done you quite the favour, Mr. Crow." He winked.

Robert watched the animated battle royal on the first page; fans of both teams brawling it out in the stands. A rather familiar bowler hat flew in the background.

"Is that the Minister's?" Robert pointed out in laughter.

"Cornelius has his patriotic moments." Dumbledore replied. "Especially if they help the polls."

"At least he was finally useful for something." Robert shuffled through the paper. "I'm astonished how they could milk this story for almost two weeks." Zephyr hooted in agreement.

"Alas, the Ministry has sunk its claws into the press." Dumbledore agreed. "Nevertheless, there are more pressing matters at hand."

Robert watched as the headmaster's fave turned somber. "Is there something wrong, sir?"

"Nothing I can't handle, Robert." He gave an ensuring smile. "Could you perhaps answer some of my questions pertaining that eventful day?"

The teen nodded. "Of course. However, I may know even less than you, headmaster." He added.

Robert slowly told the sequence of events. Starting with Rosemerta's request for help and ending on the ethereal butterfly. After the small review Dumbledore sat in silent contemplation. Robert saw an ocean of thoughts raging in the headmaster's eyes.

"Did this happen before, professor?"

The greatest wizard of the modern world sighed. "Magic always finds its way to stomp even me, Mr. Crow."

"So there's nothing mentioned about butterflies being the harbingers of death?" Robert let out a small chuckle.

"On the contrary, my boy." Dumbledore smiled. "Just last year hundreds of people died because of one particular species of parasitic moths in Columbia."

Robert shuddered. "Do I want to know the details of their deaths?"

"I'll leave it to your vivid imagination." Dumbledore checked the time with Tempus. "Alas, it seems our time has come to an end. Unfortunately, the ICW still needs my attention."

"Thank you professor for visiting."

Dumbledore left after saying his farewells. Robert laid back on the bed; he found himself exhausted after the conversation. Two weeks of hospitalization didn't do him any favors.

"There's so much going on." He streched out his hand above his head as if grasping for something. " And I have yet to meet the protagonist."

"Don't get your hopes up, Robby. Unless, you want to be underwhelmed."

"He is a kid after all." The blond grimaced. "Still living in that hellhole of a household; non the wiser that his life will be thrown upside down."

"Then its up to you to save him."

"Either I'm still suffering from the concussion," Robert raised his head, "Or you'll be more of a pain in the ass then before, Zephyr."

The pair stared at each other in silence; waiting who'll make the first move. Seeing as the bird woudn't budge Robert Crow broke first.

"This is dumb." The youth felt a migraine coming. "Don't tell me you're a Phoenix in disguise now."

"Wouldn't you like that, Bobby?" Zephyr scoffed at the teen.

"Hmph." Robert flicked the owls head.

"Easy on the feathers, brat." The owl said in indignation. "I've been waiting for days to get them to grow back."

"So what's the deal?" Robert asked. "You're a magical owl now?"

"If by magic you mean my sense of humor than yes." Zephyr replied.

"That will surely come in handy." Robert clicked his tongue.

"If anything you need to learn how to relax."

"That's easy for you to say." Relax? In less than two months he almost died two times. Not to mention he still felt like an outsider in this world.

"Must I remind you that I also went through that harrowing experience." Zephyr tucked back its wings.

"Why did you act so foolishly? Robert's face darkened with a pained expression. You don't even know me." He whispered.

A faint expression of care flickered in Zephyr's eyes. "I don't need a reason to save someone."

After a moment of silence between them Robert finally replied. "Thank you."

"Hmph. You should go to sleep." The owl hooted. "The faster we get out of here, the quicker I'll get to my treats."

"And the appreciation is gone." The teen sighed, but with a smile he faced the pillow and fell asleep

ShinXResolve ShinXResolve

If you'd ever thought about gifting me a coffee for my work, then now you can. Just use my username shinxresolve on ko-fi and you get can give me a dose of sweet caffeine. Of course I'm not expecting money from my readers so don't feel obligated to do so. The chapters will still be coming out as I treat this more like a pass time then actual work. However, I still made this option available if someone would like to give a small donation.

Anyways thank you all for reading and until we meet again in the comments or on the next chapter.

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