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50.79% DxD: Soul System / Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Limit Break & Reward

Chapitre 22: Chapter 22: Limit Break & Reward

The anger cascades off of my very being, pouring out of my rapidly beating heart. It greedily devours the power overloading my body and soul, fueling itself as the slight tremors reverberate against the ice I've been encased in. 

[ Limit Break Activated. ]

[ Warning: Excessive use increases the burden on the Soul and strains the Body's limits. ]

The strength overloaded my body and automatically activated the skill. Power filled me, sending waves of ferocious pleasure throughout me as I began moving from within. The cracks upon the ice deepened, sending the slightly crumbling structure down. 

I grit my teeth unconsciously. I already knew it was never going to be enough. The power I have is nothing without proper use. I'm just a stupid kid playing around with this, what the fuck am I in the grand scheme of things. A whole shit ton of nothing. Perhaps not the best time for this, but the growl that escapes my maw spurs me on. It's helping my anger, so I continue. 

I'm infuriated at myself. Dissatisfied over the battle, not being able to land any destructive hits even when they do land, they are easily overpowered. It comes as no surprise to me and I fully acknowledge this weakness. This irritation just proves how I am just a child, no matter the strength. I'm not yet at my peak. Getting angry over this is fine, but letting it consume me is not. It's just...

I don't want this to end just like that. 

So I'll use this. I'll use this dissatisfaction, this overwhelming and unrelenting fury as strength to drive me forward. 

But what's the use without at least a bit of control?

So let's enjoy the heck out of this. Battle junkie instincts are no joke in quelling a bit of this rage.

Before long a crisp shattering of ice followed as flames bellowed out of me melting the otherwise unmeltable ice that froze me. My muscles bulged and burst only to mend once again as the veins over my scales flowed like a river across my transforming body, which was once human and now a hybrid dragon. 

A bellow from the pit of my stomach rose as I let out a maddening roar to the heavens. The ground crumbled further as my tail growing from behind me lashed out and left indentations on the rocks and debris below me. It swung rhythmically with my breathing as I soaked in the erratic mana within me. 

My eyes sharpened at the slight movement above me, and without so much as a thought, my wings flapped and I was speeding in their general direction. Pure demonic mana transformed into ice balls of death, buffeting and obstructing my climb to the top. Growling the gauntlets that had fused with my dragon limbs struck home as I cracked each magical attack that descended upon me. 

Finally ridding myself of the nuisances, time seemed to slow as I picked up the slight forming of mana to my right and left respectively. Enormous hands made of ice with sickle-like claws threatened to turn me to paste. Instcitcntly a [ Boost! ] reverberated within me as I made myself stop abruptly with a powerful push from a gravity beam positioned above me. The hands slammed sending a gale of pressure brushing against my scales and wildly moving my hair. I pulled back and as flames licked the edges of my gauntlets I threw the punch shattering the two conjoined hands into glittering shards of ice. 

A dull ache emanated from my arm, but as soon as it appeared it vanished. I continued my pursuit and soon I was able to see the faces of my opponents. Sweat formed over their faces, and yet they did feel threatened. A massive grin formed as I once again condensed the mana within me, charging up my flames. Wisps of smoke and fire flew out of my mouth as I took in a breath and unleashed devastation. A column of flames engulfed the area in front of me, but a humongous magic circle appeared in between as I witnessed a wall of ice form. 

The hiss of steam flowed into my ears, but I did not stop the flames and only flew erratically as I neared their position. The thrum of my beating heart spoke volumes of this high-paced battle that had started once again because of this skill activation.

What bliss!

The veins that were flowing as a river, turned into a tidal wave as I poured more power which slightly cracked them but otherwise remained a bit intact. A new magic circle formed above me, right in front of my flames, and before I registered what it was, a pure silver beam of ice energy collided with my black and cobalt blue flames. They fought for control, what the ice froze the continuous flames thawed. Soon Serafall would make her move- there it is. 

My idle thought came true as I saw a towering pink and icy-blue heart followed by teeny ones as they converged onto my position following me like a homing missile as I fought for domination against the unrelenting beam of ice from Grayfia. Cold sweat formed but it spurned on my anger, dozens of magical fluctuations spun around me as stars of massive proportions targeted the heart, slowing it down and shaving it down, but it was a battle between Serafall providing energy to keep it going and me keeping up with shaving it down. 

With an idea in mind, I quickly canceled the stars and poured the residual energy into forming a Pacman equal in size to the heart with the little ghosts as a follow-up. I let it loose as it battled for supremacy with the heart. Explosions resounded, rocking my flying body, but I kept a firm hold on my flames billowing out toward the beam. Soon our powers sputtered and the beam faded as I was reduced to coughing fits. I didn't stop moving, I blasted my way forward out of the smoke and was met with Grayfia who met my charge with a huge ice-made gauntlet. 

Sharpening my control over my aura of infinity, I teleported away from the oncoming fist, only for it to swerve and focus once again on me. Clicking my tongue in irritation, I picked up more speed until I was face to face with Grayfia. We both knew the attack would hit us both, so her punches were far more impressive than before, impacting my scales and cracking them as I received internal wounds from the blows. They weren't enough to dampen the punches. Every successful hit pushed me and threatened to launch me, but my satisfaction radiated off of my smug feral grin I was able to land concussive blows that rocked her body. Blood seeped through us inhibiting our eyesight- and unbeknownst to her my tail had wrapped around her leg- as we kept on landing decisive blows. The sound of rushing air was close and with a grunt, Grayfia landed an uppercut rocking my brain. My half-closed eyes saw the oncoming ice gauntlet swerve and deliver a right hook rocketing me to the side. 

But with a firm grip on her leg that she had just noticed and was trying to shake off, we flew away together, successfully canceling the ice gauntlet magic as we sailed through the air. I heard a shriek when we flew, but as the healing made its rounds, I wasn't sure. Frost began forming on my tail, I grimaced in pain but kept holding on as I righted myself with gravity and pulled back a punch that was met with her own fist. But because I let go of her, we both blew ourselves in the opposite direction.

What awaited me was a crystalized ice dragon that crunched my Pacman and its little ghosts as its fanged mouth grinned and set its sights on me. A flap of wings interrupted my awe, Serafall appeared beneath me whacking me with her wand covered in dense demonic energy that locked the wind out of me and dented the scales on my body. In that last moment, I teleported but still bore the brunt of the blow, it successfully made me appear way above her, but as I turned to the side, the fanged mouth of the ice dragon was mere inches from me.

My left eye twitched, and flames consumed my body as I entered the maw of the ice dragon, a massive explosion rang out and I was sent into a freefall with my already broken body further damaged by the drain of Limit break.

I eyed the screen in front of me and signed as I used the minimum control of gravity to slow my descent until I crash-landed onto the already destroyed field. My hybrid body changed back into a human but kept my horns, wings, and the slight protrusion of my tail. I made them smaller with shapeshifting so they wouldn't bother me though.

[ Limit Break Deactivated. ]

[ Damage Sustained Exceeded Normal Usage. ]

[ Healing Recommended ]

[ Honestly, you're becoming way more reckless now, Ryu. I'll help you with the healing, Ddraig is already using his aura to stimulate your dragon regeneration. ]

Thanks, Eve. I'll concentrate a bit and let my body circulate some miracle magic. 

I let out a breath as the flapping of wings neared my dazed body.

"Ryu-tan! What was that?? A second phase!? What are you some kind of shonen protagonist or last boss!? That was so cool though! Kyaaa, I was able to let out so many distinct magical girl attacks! I feel so aliveeeee," Serafall shrieked in joy as she peppered me with questions. I chose not to answer and only smiled in her direction. 

"Ryu-sama, your mystery grows once more, as your maid, I couldn't be prouder and yet I can't help but feel worried," Grayfia softly mutters, but with my enhanced senses I could pick it up. She frets over my condition but sees my body already repairing the damage. 

"Having the battle end in such an unsatisfying conclusion was not for me, sorry I worried you but I enjoyed every second of it," I said with a grin to my fretful maid. 

The ground beneath me began to mend itself and before I knew it then grassy field tickled my slightly naked body. Scars marred it, but I healed myself all the same.

A soft pillowy sensation was felt through the back of my head and then a crisp sweet scent assailed my nose and when I looked up I saw the twin peaks of my maids breasts. A lap/thigh pillow? Aw, hell yeah. 

"Please, excuse me, Ryu-sama. I thought it necessary especially when you are recovering," she said ever so stoically, though when she moved I saw the slight tint of red in her cheeks. Aha! Caught red-handed! Well, I'll just enjoy this comfortable sensation. 

"You sure are enjoying yourself, Ryu-tan! Hmph do not worry, I'll give you a lap pillow soon! No need to thank me, think of it as a little reward for playing with lil sis and giving me an exhilarating magical girl fight," Serafall said with a grin and thumbs up in my direction. She proceeded to spin around in place as she awaited her turn. I shook my head in wry amusement at her antics that seemed pretty contracting considering her power and status as Levianth. But well, I suppose strong folks do tend to have eccentric personalities.

Hey, wait, I count too, don't I?! Well, whatever, I take the clothes they handed me and change quickly.

And as I fretted over the revelation, I soon began to hear the shrieks and screams of two girls and two women. Turning my head a bit, I saw Sona and Rias with their sharp devil-bat wings clumsy flying my way. With my mothers right on their tail, though they did appear worried, pride radiated off of them in droves. They no longer believed their lil Ryu was as fragile as they'd seen before. 

They stopped and tucked their wings away as they sat in place on my right, grabbing hold of the hand I extended. Sona appeared a bit shy at first so she ended up pinching a piece of ripped fabric from what remained of my clothes. 

Rias was the first to say, "What was that?! The battle was way too fast but then you kept getting up, and then entered a second phase just like an anime villain! You looked so scary and imposing!"

Geez, laying it on a little thick no? "Aha, thanks I guess? It's not that impressive, but it was satisfying."

"What are you saying Ryu-kun?! Transforming in the middle of battle is worthy of praise! That just means you're gonna be even stronger as you get more phases!"

That's a huge leap in logic considering anime villains with dozens of phases usually end up getting slapped mighty easily. But I won't say it. I definitely gotta improve to not shatter her hope. Her radiant smile with her flowy red hair is too bright for my eyes!

"Ara, Rias-chan does have a point Ryu-kun, the drive to keep going is a powerful one, especially from what I've seen," my mom Miyu adds with a palm over her cheek and tilt of her head. 

Right... I suppose that is true considering this is still DxD.

"Ryu-san! Even though it was a first for me to witness something so brutal, I must admit that you showed me a dashing and dazzling display. The instinctual use of attacks with those stars and then the intense waves of your flames! You were able to rapidly respond to what they threw at you and despite the injuries kept... uhm... Your ferocity was... cool..." She said with a sparkle in her eyes but at the end, she ended up mumbling due to her embarrassment as she took a look at the grinning faces of the women around me. 

Heh. How are you so adorable? What's with you lifting up your glasses with a tremble in your hand? With a grin, I responded. "Thanks, Sona-san! Looks like you were able to precisely follow along at least a bit, huh? As expected of you. Did Serafall prepare you beforehand?"

She sheepishly replied, "Yes... Nee-sama insisted I train my observation skills by making me watch her launch fast-paced attacks..."

Dang, that's insane. "You really are incredible Sona-san, you took to that training and hined yourself. Impressive, I'm only able to because of my dragon characteristics!"

A massive blush spread over her as she let go of me and bounded over to Serafall. Haha, looks like it was too much praise...

"Hmph! Just you wait! I'll be sure to train my butt off so I can see your battles, Ryu! Grayfia-nee-sama, will it be possible!?"

She closed her eyes and replied. "Of course, Rias-sama, as long as you put in the effort."

"Yosh! Wait for me, Ryu!"

I nod and take a peek at the quiet Mamako. Silently she kneels and a blur of her hand uries my head into her soft bosom. Gah! Soft, but still! With a bit of effort, I turn my head and Grayfia is only shaking her head in exasperation, but acceptance. 

"Ryu-chan, I knew my blessings didn't leave me astray! You're so strong, I knew my instincts that day wouldn't betray me. Ah, but the way you relied on me also struck a chord. Mou, you're such a silly boy, Ryu-chan," she finished softly as she stroked my head. I let my tension leave me as I enjoyed the warmth. 


I hear her quietly mutter something and then I feel a torrential flood of mana pouring into me. My already healing body repairs itself faster as my bones snap and pop back into place, the deeper gashes that have been taking quite a bit of time close and mend, while the broken scales and my cracked horns regrew. I shapeshifted so they would be smaller but holy fucken shit! 

Before I could get a word in, I heard some shouts from Rias and then from Sona. 

".... you're on.... no.... right now? ...good to me...."

"Hmm.... very well.... join us..... referee.... show off....."

The clear voice of Serafall cuts them off as she announces something that surprises me, but it's something I should've expected.

"Okay! Not to worry you two, I shall be the one who referees this match! You two are properly trained by now so I see no harm in going through with this mock battle. Is that okay with you, Gray-chan!? Ahhh this is so exciting! You got this, Sona-tan!♥ But I'll remain in partial and cheer Rias-tan too! Wooooo! ♥"

"Remember your training Rias-sama. It is no problem, Serafall-sama. Let us move further away, I believe Ryu-sama will be resting with Mamako-sama," Grayfia replied as she got up, dusted herself off, and gracefully took the two combatants and Serafall further away. 

Front row seats huh, alright works for me. I adjusted myself until I was lying on my side on top of Mamako's squishy and thick thighs. They felt heavenly against my cheek since she was wearing such a short skirt. She serenely massaged my head with a silly smile on her face as a bit of drool was let out of the corner of her mouth. Miyu and I pretended not to notice as we made ourselves comfortable in the grass. 

(Hmph... You sure had fun in those battles and now you're enjoying your mother's thighs.)

(Jibril?! Sorry about that... would it make you feel better if I said I'm looking forward to our next fight?)

(...A bit... but you owe me some alone time master... Hm? Hold that thought, I must check something out!)

(...alright, let me know what you find.)

The connection cut off, but I swear I felt a pinch on my cheek right when it did. I sigh internally at my sulking flugel. I gotta suck it up and plan some stuff out to make it up to her.

As I thought about that, I was then attracted to the stand-off between Rias and Sona. Their eyes narrowed as Serafall bounced in anticipation with arm raised high until she swiftly brought it down and said, "Begin!"

Luigi_Lightning Luigi_Lightning


Now I added questions for both this chapter and the previous onto this author note because I did not want to interrupt the cliff hanger.

first off for the previous one:

how was the fight scene? were his skills properly used and highlighted?

did it feel too similar to the others? I hope I was able to make it distinct especially since Grayfia is participating once again.

and how were the interactions between the characters? I always feel like it's not enough tbh.

Is the title fine? Damn I spent way too much time on that.

now for this chap:

how's the beginning?

did it make sense and do you guys think I properly portrayed his inner battle/frustration? Though I wasn't sure about automatically making the skill activate, I think it makes sense given his anger and being driven into a corner so his system replies to his wishes.

This fight scene got my blood pumping especially since I could add stuff he normally can't do (thanks to limit break) I say this because knowing Ryu, he's gonna be like screw the consequences.

Anyway, how was it?

Now for the interactions after the fact. Were they properly displayed? Which convo to make longer? And is there anything I gotta describe and explain as he learns about it as well?

I think that's all, but let me know if I missed anything.

Somehow I'm being consistent. Unfortunately, updates might be a bit slow after this one. Sorry guys...

But hopefully, a flood of inspiration comes to me. I'm writing both 23 and 24 simultaneously.

thanks !

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