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33.33% DxD: Soul System / Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Decision & Trouble

Chapitre 11: Chapter 11: Decision & Trouble

The next morning I woke up with some slight pressure from my chest and some softness on both sides of my arms. Knowing full well they all climbed into bed with me, I could only internally sigh.

But considering what happened yesterday and the slight trust they may have started building up unconsciously, this is a to-be-expected scenario. The uncomfortable sensation of being a heroic figure in their minds when I can still see the cold dead eyes of my enemies is bouncing consistently within my mind, something I still need to work on it seems.

Calming my rampant thoughts, I see that on my left is a drooling Jibril, to my right is a relaxed-looking Shuri, while the pressure on my chest is a softly snoring Akeno. Shuri appears to be softly hugging Akeno, but Jibril is straight up smooching herself onto me. I'm not complaining but we have loads of space on this massive bed. Is it too much to ask for some space? Yes? Alright, I'll shut up. 

( You're complaining an awful lot for someone who can't stop smiling like a fool, partner. What was that saying? A flower in each arm? It's mighty nice to be young isn't it Hahahah )1

Be that as it may, it's nice to stretch and not disturb cute girls' sleep. Looks like you didn't get action yesterday night huh, my bad Ddraig, but there'll be a time when I will. I for sure know some training needs to take place sometime soon. 

( I'll hold you to that promise! Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be watching some of your shows, they're mighty interesting, they give me loads of ideas for attacks. )

Knock yourself out. 

Putting aside the cultured dragon, I could only shake my head in amusement over his hobby and the girls' cute cuddling. Ima let them stay there a bit longer since they might still be shaken by the events yesterday and it's still too early for school. I'm already awake, so I may as well look at the completed quest and spin my daily gacha. Can you pull them up, Eve?

[ Affirmative ]

Emergency Quest ~For DxD Mash-up Home-World~ : 

[ Status ] : Completed! [ Grade ] : SS [ Rewards ] : Transferred.

[ Description/Objectives ] : Save Shuri Himejima from being killed by the Himejima Clan and the Fallen Angels working for Kokiabel. Save Akeno Himejima from losing her mother and prevent her from viewing her Fallen Angel side as something cursed. 

[ Rank ] : B - A+ >> Changed to D - C+ 

[ Remaining Time ] : Break of Dawn

[ Time of Attack on their Shrine ] : -N/A-

[ Rewards ] : Ribbon of Black and White Lightning (Mythical Rank), Ifrit's Blessed Ribbon (Mythical Rank), and Copycat Mini-Ribbon (Legendary Rank). ]

[ Received Ribbon of Black and White Lightning (Mythical Rank), Ifrit's Blessed Ribbon (Mythical Rank), and Copycat Mini-Ribbon (Legendary Rank) from Completed Emergency Quest! ]

[ Additional Rewards Obtained! Loading…. ]

[ You have received one Rainbow Gacha Ticket and 2 Gold Gacha Tickets! ]

[ Would you like to use Gacha Tickets together with your Daily Spins? ] 

Has the rank difficulty changed? Maybe because of Jibril's involvement? But damn! It included additional rewards, is it because of the Grade? Must be so. Yes, Eve, use them together. 

[ Confirmed… Spinning Gacha… Using Tickets… ]

[ You have obtained Enhanced Living Poltergeist (Legendary Rank) ! ]1

[ You have obtained a bag of Skittles (Common Rank) ! ]

[ You have obtained a Kurumi Tokisaki Dakimakura (Common Rank) ! ]

[ You have received shares of the Fujikawa Shoten Company ! ]

[ You have received shares of the Wagnaria Chain Restaurant ! ]

[ Gacha Tickets: ]

[ You have obtained Sin of Wrath (SS) from the Rainbow Gacha Ticket ! ]

[ You have obtained The Demon Lord's Ring (Mythical Rank) from the Gold Gacha Ticket! ]

[ You have obtained Undine's Tear Drop Necklace (Legendary Rank) from the Gold Gacha Ticket ! ]

I received some weird and totally crazy rewards this time. I'm glad I finally got some common rank stuff, but what's with the wrath skill? Am I in a wish-fulfillment story?

[ …. ]

What's with the silence?! I'm barely capable of teleporting, failing a few times before getting it, I still gotta get the hang of some unused skills and now there's a brand new one? Ima fucken take it, but damn the road to power is cheap. Having some shares, huh, it's good, I'll have income for myself and the family. It's never enough, to be honest. 

Hold the fuck up. 


Please tell me I'm wrong.

Is there a beginner package? 

[ I'm sorry, Ryu. Indeed, there is. Would you like to open it? ]

Dammit! It's to be expected, and I can't beat myself up over it because so much stuff happened but still. It hurts. I internally sigh before giving the go-ahead to Eve. 

[ Opening Beginner Package… ]

[ You have received 500,000 Soul Points! ]1

[ You have received Life and Death Nectar (??? Rank) ]

[ Because this was not opened at the beginning, the beginner package has been adjusted to suit your needs at the moment. ]

That's pretty thoughtful and helpful. Having more Soul Points is a good thing, but this totally unrankable item shocked me to the core. An ominous-sounding name, with it being nectar, I'm guessing ima have to ingest it. Great. Can I see the description of Eve?

[ Life and Death Nectar (??? Rank) : This nectar encompasses the concept of the cycle of life and death. The essence of life and death liquified from Chaos itself. The effects of Ryu ingesting this are as follows: Accelerates his growth when fighting those of higher planes, but only triggers if in mortal peril. Control of his power will skyrocket after facing dangers. The bonus of Rebirth. At the brink of death, if his will has not broken, his own lifeblood will revitalize his mind, body, and soul until fully healed. It is not possible to rely on this method of healing twice against the same foe. ]

I sucked in a deep breath, but I made sure to breathe out slowly in fear of waking up the ladies beside me. This is huge. God only knows how much of a buff beings in this mash-up got. This is a step forward. But this is also dangerous. Who's to say I won't get complacent and grow arrogant because I have rebirth? I can't go down that road, fights can still be tough, but not all of them have to have me in mortal peril, what if I get one shotted, or it doesn't trigger because I get knocked unconscious for a split second and within that time I am considered to not have a will? Terrifying. A cold Chill travels up and down my spine, reminding me this shit isn't a game.

With trembling lips, I say the magic words inside my head until a bottle materializes above me. Using my Star Star Fruit, I control its descent and when I do I get a good look at its ethereal flow. Countless sparkles of vibrant blues, reds, whites, greens, oranges, and purples make up the inky black liquid. But as it swirls inside, the color rapidly transitions to white with the darkest of black sparkles. I shudder at the potency of the colors. I slowly pull the top off, lift my head until the cold touch of the glass touches my lips and I mentally say bottoms up. 

It was incredibly smooth, but that didn't last long because it became increasingly thick like honey. A whirlwind of flavors doused my tongue and throat, like tasting everything and nothing. As the last of it was gone, I let out a gasp I was unconsciously holding, and when I did I thought I was gonna drop the flask but it ended up dematerializing. I sighed in relief. 

It ended already huh… 

I then felt a cooling sensation spreading throughout my body, like my blood was suddenly rushing out from my heart and then sprinting its way back with even more energy. It felt kind of like river rapids, except they turned back around with double the speed. This had the added effect of stopping my heart every single time I got a rush though, no pain, but I was left gasping for air as I endured the uncomfortable situation. 

Gradually, the sensation of it disappeared, along with the usual grogginess I get from waking up early. The changes in my body weren't as noticeable as I thought, but I did feel energetic. I get it though, changes aren't just gonna pop up when I haven't even faced a threat. I'm nowhere near strong enough, and though the quests I took were a cakewalk, I doubt it's always going to be this way. Those were just low-level thugs, but I can't just look down on them either, they injured me and I wasn't even an active participant against Kokiabel. I haven't faced danger and I have zero combat experience. 

Without thinking my eyes transition from regular pupils to dragon ones, as I think about the implication of my weakness. Vast amounts of energy, a buffed-up soul and mana core, powerful skills and abilities, and a Heavenly Dragon bound to my soul to boot. I have it made, power is laid out before me, and yet I'm, satisfied with a job well done and more rewards for this rescue mission. I'm happy they're safe. It was my priority, but would I have been able to protect them myself? 



Like swallowing a bitter pill, I acknowledged everything. My weakness, my strength, my allies, and my determination. Reaffirming it I then felt a stirring occurring at my sides. 

I abruptly stopped my trance-like state before I turned to the half-closed eyes staring at me and said, "Good morning Jibril, Shuri-onee-san, and Akeno-chan. Seems you both found yourselves comfortable here with me," I said with a hint of joy. Jibril only hugged my arm tighter while saying 'Good Morning Master~!', but the other two took a while to understand the place they found themselves in. 

Shuri smiled warmly at me as she let go of Akeno and began patting her head when sitting up. Akeno couldn't play it off. A poof was heard like in anime, and she grinned sheepishly at me. The embarrassment became too much to bear so she opted to bury herself in my chest. Well, I don't mind, I wiggled my hand out the sheets and began petting her head to calm her down. 

Instead of pursuing it further, I just turned to the amused Shuri and said, "Did you rest well Shuri-onee-san?"

She stopped giggling at Akeno's actions and looked at me while saying, "Yes, though I'm sorry for sneaking into your bed last night. We decided it was best to stay together with you since Akeno-chan kept having nightmares and when she got up and lay at your side she immediately calmed down. I had no choice but to follow her."

So that's what happened… "There is no need to be sorry for that Shuri-onee-san," I said as I continued stroking Akeno's head, "You are more than welcome to keep sleeping here on my bed for as long as you would like. This is pretty big for only two people after all." Akeno might need to continue sleeping here, even if she does decide to join Rias' peerage. 

Shuri smiled gratefully while moving closer and stroking the head of Akeno as she said, "Thank you, truly. I… want to give you my answer about what we talked about yesterday night. Seeing her calm down by your side made me doubt, but having more people at her side will only be a plus, especially if you yourself proposed it," She took a deep breath, and when she saw me, I nodded for her to keep going, so she continued. 

"I agree with Akeno-chan's and your decision about letting her into the peerage, but… I rather not send her to someplace else abruptly. She should stay here for some time until her mind and heart are stable… This includes me too… I'm sorry for indulging in your kindness but would you let us stay here for a while longer, I have already decided to accept your offer to be your servant/secretary. You are someone who saved us by his own will and for that, I am eternally grateful, so being someone to support you in any way is the least I could do for our benefactor."

I smile softly and say, "Of course, I'll let you two stay, I am the one who brought you both here selfishly. I agree with your suggestion, it's probably best for you two to rest for however long you wish to."

She just smiled and bowed in response while I finally patted for Akeno-chan to get down from me since I had to go prepare some breakfast for us all. 

Ignoring the pouting Akeno who buried herself back into my sheets with the drowsy Jibril, I hurriedly changed into my uniform and went out of my room towards the kitchen. I made sure I didn't make too much noise, but it seemed I was worried for nothing since I could hear their snoring in the intersection. Once inside the kitchen, I started preparing some rice porridge and some berry-filled crepes. I made sure there were some bits of plum on a side dish in case they wanted to add some to their porridge while the crepes only had a bit of cream I added some blueberries and strawberries. I wasn't sure what they would like to drink so I brewed some green tea, and coffee and poured some orange juice. I then stored it all in my inventory and made my way over to my room to eat together with them. 

I made sure to prepare some food for everyone else as well, since I was there already and they've been bugging me about making it for them instead of Ryuu… So I made steamed rice, miso soup, grilled salmon, pickled vegetables, and hot green tea. Making my way out of the kitchen, I made my way over to Raku's room, hopefully finding him awake. Knocking softly and announcing my presence, I heard the shuffling of feet and as the door slid open, I was face to face with a groggy Raku who had hastily put on his uniform.

"Ryu-nii...? What's... up...?" He said between yawns. 

"I made some breakfast for everyone, it's still hot so once you finish getting ready, can you wake up the guys? They've been bugging me for my food."

At the mention of me cooking, he snapped himself awake and practically shouted. "You made food?! Awesome! Leave it to me, Ryu-nii!" 

Laughing at his excitement, I said bye before he could ask me where I was going and made my way back to my room. When I opened the door, I was met with a pretty… interesting scene. Shuri was giggling with one of her hands over her mouth as if she heard something incredibly amusing. And it looks like she did since Jibril is at the end of a death stare, or more like a pouting Akeno who wants to be angry but is at the same time struggling with something. 

Ah, when I follow her line of sight I see her staring at Jibril's ring… I can see why Shuri finds this amusing. Jibril is just floating as if it has nothing to do with her, but when I walked in and set out the food she immediately launched herself towards me! Guh...!

"Mashter! It seems you've prepared breakfast, what a treat! It's been a while!" Is what she said as her arms are locked onto my shoulders and neck as she floats above me. I mean, I know I told her to find a more comfortable position where she doesn't block my vision or has me floating along with her, but we have guests… Oh well, the softness I feel in the back of my head is heavenly, so who am I to complain about where she wants to be? Yeah, this is a natural occurrence. Far be it for me to prevent her from enjoying herself. 

"Ah! That's not fair! ....Woah, this looks so good!! Did you make this Ryu-kun?!"

"He did, let's eat first before anything. Ryu-kun has gone through the trouble of preparing this breakfast for us so we should enjoy it. You don't want to be impolite after all, right?"

Akeno nodded frantically, already beginning to dig into the food and I quickly followed suit. What? I'm a good cook, this stuff is delicious. 

Once we finished eating, we all sat down around the table with a pretty tense atmosphere around us, well, not really. Akeno just continued pouting. So I took the time to properly introduce them.

"Shuri-onee-san, Akeno-chan, this is Jibril, my partner and companion. Don't compare her to an angel either, since she's not one. And Jibril you most likely ignored them and didn't want to talk to them until I was here so, this is Shuri Himejima and her daughter Akeno Himejima."

Opening one eye as she causally sipped her tea, she set it down and with a humph said, "Very well. It appears I can't just deny their existence. But! I demand some compensation in return! It is 'nice' to meet you little cro- fallen ones, I am Jibril, a Flugel. I will do my best to get along with you two because I have dedicated myself to master and it would be a slap to his face if I don't act well mannered to his other companions, friends, or…. lovers...." At least, it's not as condescending as last time, though you almost said crows… don't try to play it off as a slip of the tongue. And what's with the hesitation in saying lovers...

"Ara, aren't you a feisty one Jibril-san? It is a pleasure to meet one of Ryu's soon-to-be wives… Ah forgive me, one of his partners. I am Shuri Himejima, just a regular human." You went ahead and said it out loud huh… You're enjoying this. Can't say I'm not either though, it's my favorite part of romantic comedies. Hmm, is it me, or do people use this to add filler and more wor- Never mind, getting side-tracked. 

"...Nice to meet you, Jibril-san. My name is Akeno Himejima, half-human and half-fallen angel. ...Grrr… I won't lose!" I see you challenged her directly now. Why'd you growl, though?

"I will have to leave in a few minutes to school, but if you need anything don't hesitate to call me through telepathy. I established a magic circle link already. Or you can ask Jibril." I said as I stood up.

When I did, however, Akeno glomped onto me and with a pleading tone said. "Can I pretty please walk you out?"

Hesitating for a bit, I sighed and said, "Okay, but we gotta make sure that the coast is clear, my family still doesn't know you guys are here."

"Yay, yay!"

I took a glance at Shuri and she just mouthed 'sorry' over Akeno's behavior. I shook my head and gently smiled at her, mouthing 'it is no problem.' She needs this, after all, I'll be gone for a while. 

As I was rechecking everything, I heard the distinct clatter of the sliding door being opened. Before I could tell Akeno and Shuri to hide, well Jibirl took Shuri with her so that's a plus, but what wasn't a plus was that Akeno was still glued onto me so as the door opened and some girly voices were heard we froze. Entering my room were the two familiar figures of Ayaka and Kaori. I plastered on my sincerest smiles and with an excitable voice I said, "Good morning, Aya-chan, Kaori! How goes your mornin-"

"Save it." Kaori practically said with gritted teeth. 

I winced. But as I turned to Ayaka, I saw her pouting with a frosty glare in my direction. 


"Ahem, due to some circumstances involving me being selfish and taking action, Akeno is now living with me. My family still doesn't know so I beg of you two to not say anything, she doesn't have many friends and is going through some stuff at the moment..." I said without shaking in the slightest.

[ Impressive, Ryu. ]

Quiet, Eve. 

Mentally chiding my system, my attention was focused on the annoyed looks of both girls. It was like they were struggling with something, perhaps having to deal with my ways. 

"As much as I want to hit you over the head with my violin case, I unfortunately left it at home, so for now you're safe. Introduce us," Kaori finally breathed out with reluctance. 

Uhm, Kaori-chan, wouldn't it be fortunate in this case? You don't actually wanna hit me right? But I suppose she's not as mad as she seems since she could've used her backpack.

Ayaka glanced at Kaori's profile, but in the end, she shook off her annoyance and with a genuine smile said, "Well, it's not like this is new. Although I did want a better explanation, I can see the slight shaking of the new girl. You're forgiven, for now, Ryu-kun."

Breathing a silent gasp of relief, I start to introduce them. "This is Akeno Himejima, you two. Akeno, these are my friends Ayaka Suzuki and Kaori Miyazono. They're blunt but both are good girls."

"Hey! Well, it's true but still. Anyway! It's nice to meet you, Akeno! Let's be friends! Do you play any instruments?"

"Uh, well I don't but it's n-nice to meet you t-too..."

"Geez, don't speak so loudly, you're scaring her. Not everyone plays instruments like you. Hello, Akeno-chan! Sorry about Ayaka, she's loud but means well. It's a pleasure to meet you, I hope to be good friends. Maybe tell us how you met Ryu sometime hehe," Akaya said sweetly. 

"Ah! Uhm! No problem! I hope we get along too, thank you! Oh! And Ryu is my hero!"

Kaori perked up lightning fast, practically dashing towards the rapidly cowering Akeno, after ceasing her growling at Ayaka. "Oh?! What's this I hear? Hero?! How so!?"

Before Akeno could shrink back, Ayaka stepped forward and grabbed her shoulder. "Wait, I'm curious as well, but I didn't mean now, let's save that for another time, we have class and I'm sure Akeno is tired."

"Don't worry Kaori, Ayaka, we'll tell you about it when we can, we do gotta go however," I said to placate the rambunctious Kaori. 

"Awe man, no fair!"

Silently breathing a sigh of relief between the two of us, Ayaka and I exchange grins and begin moving out after saying farewell to Akeno who dived back into my bed when I closed the door. I smiled in amusement. 

(Thanks for taking Shuri with you, Jibril, I suppose it was too much to take Akeno as well?)

(I don't know what you mean, master. It was of the utmost importance to hide the only adult there, praise me!)

Finding no wrong in that statement, even going so far as to ignore the draconic chuckling within my soul, I sighed deeply and replied. (Good job, Jibril, you saved me a lengthy explanation if I did have Shuri there.)

(I'm here to serve master!)

Tsk, Ddraig is still guffawing, basically bellowing in laughter. I get it. These crushes might seem hilarious to you, but come on, your laughter is echoing in my head and it's getting annoying. Go back to watching anime, dude. And as those words bounce in my head, I hear the tell-tale signs of the laughter dying down until they cease. 

Relief fills me so I turn my attention back to the girls and we make our way over to school. 

  1. I'll be using bold for ddraig (and I'll be thinking of other things for different soul bound beings but maybe I'll just put the name right next to the text, eh I'll see)
  2. AH, I think I remember what I wanted to do with this, I think it was me thinking of Luigi's mansion. can someone help me decide what kind of poltergeist to give ryu, hmm would it be a familiar? or like a servant, cuz I was thinking of making him go to the familiar forest at some point. Idk, what do you guys think?
  3. I'll be changing the amount based on what happens as the story continues, I just might make some stuff overpriced and have him buy it without thinking, that way his points won't be so overblown.

Luigi_Lightning Luigi_Lightning

Author here!

I had some thoughts about certain things so I'll be adding them on here.

I'll be adding the statement or sentence that is part of my questions or thoughts so it won't be confusing.

( You're complaining an awful lot for someone who can't stop smiling like a fool, partner. What was that saying? A flower in each arm? It's mighty nice to be young isn't it Hahahah )

I'll be using bold for ddraig (and I'll be thinking of other things for different soul-bound beings. I mean this as in using bold parenthesis for Ddraig.

but maybe I'll just put the name right next to the text, eh I'll see)

[ You have obtained Enhanced Living Poltergeist (Legendary Rank) ! ]

AH, I think I remember what I wanted to do with this, I think it was me thinking of Luigi's mansion. can someone help me decide what kind of poltergeist to give ryu, hmm would it be a familiar? or like a servant, cuz I was thinking of making him go to the familiar forest at some point. Idk, what do you guys think?

[ You have received 500,000 Soul Points! ]

I'll be changing the amount based on what happens as the story continues, I just might make some stuff overpriced and have him buy it without thinking, that way his points won't be so overblown.

there we go, that way I won't forget.

Thank you!

Load failed, please RETRY

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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