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19.04% DxD: Soul System / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Moms & System Status

Chapitre 2: Chapter 2: Moms & System Status

I made my way back to my bed after I finished changing into some PJs because why not? The soaked blankets and pillows are hidden away in my inventory until I find the time to clean them properly. I also finished taking out extra blankets since I took everything from the bed. No way in hell am I leaving them out in my room or the bathroom. What if both my mothers sniff them out… literally. From what I remember, they really can do that. 

Once I am safely back in the covers, I hear the sound of thunderous footsteps. They'll arrive in no time considering how fast their stomps are.

As soon as that thought crossed my mind I heard the rattle of my sliding door being thrown open before two stunning beauties with tears running down their faces jumped over to me. 

" " RYUU-KUN/Chan !! Waaaahhhh Gare ywou obay!!? " " 

They screamed out my name and began squeezing together. It felt nice but they were suffocating me!!


As I tried tapping their shoulders I thought back on how it was pretty wild how the mother of Raku was never shown, but she's pretty and immensely kind. My birth mom is the one who calls me 'Ryu-kun,' Miyu Ichijou.

She is a woman with an athletically toned body with long dark blue hair ending at her hips and two locks of hair going from the side of her face to her chest. Her tear-filled eyes are a beautiful emerald green color matching her green skirt while her top is a traditional Native American blouse with a black cardigan over it. Woah, looks like I got most of my features from her. Thank you Mom for these genes! 

The woman to my right is Mamako Oosuki, yes the most amazing mom milf! She is incredibly attentive, caring, supportive and affectionate. Both my moms are, but Mamako takes it to a whole other level. She is the woman or rather mom, I met when I went to America, who became attached to me for some reason. She proudly declared herself to be my adopted mother. And even though I have a sneaking suspicion of her actual son, she doesn't talk about him…

It definitely wasn't because I got lost in the forest while she was wandering around and I ended up crying in her bosom. Definitely not. She is a slender woman with a prominent bust, and a slender waist, along with long wavy brown hair that is braided around her head and tied with a blue and red bow around the back. She is currently wearing a white one-piece gown with a revealing top.

Now's not the time to describe their features! I'm dying! I try to get away from their breasts but as soon as I wiggle out they put more force, so I end up tapping them on their shoulders continuously while I let out a muffled "Let me go." 

They eventually calmed down and set me free. But before I turn my attention to them I take deep full breaths until my lightheadedness disappears. 

"Mom...sss, you literally almost squeezed me to death. I'm okay see? There is no need to cry anymore, there there." Honestly, giving head pats to grown women is weird especially when I'm just a nine-year-old kid, but they did calm down a lot when they received it, so it's all good. 

 ""FWaaaahh. Thisshhh isshh heaven… Wait!! Noooo!"" They started talking with a droopy grin on their face but when I started slowing down they awoke from their stupor so I internally sighed in relief. 

"Looks like you guys finally snapped out of it. Haha sorry about that, but I didn't want to see you both crying again so the patting was an unconscious action." 

"Ryu-kun, it looks like that charm of yours is still in full power. Haha, I'm glad my baby boy is okay. I rushed right over from my office as soon as your father alerted me of what happened. I'm proud of you, you protected Little Raku. However, that was incredibly reckless… so the punishment will be due soon..." My mom, Miyu, speaks to me with a gentle smile on her face, the worry still apparent in her voice even if she did lighten the mood and praise me. But the mood changed quite rapidly when she mentioned the punishment. Haha… the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"Mou, Ryu-chan, I'm your second mommy here, why did you suddenly start patting my head, that's my job as well as Miyu-chan! And and, I was worried! My heart can't take it if you're always this reckless!" Mamako stared at me while pouting, her cheeks puffed out to the extreme, but she had a gathering of tears in the corner of her eyes. It was adorable, but heart-breaking as well. I find myself tempted to poke them, but I restrain myself because it isn't the time. I did something stupid after all. Who would jump in front of a bullet? Oh right, me, haha.

"Mom, Mamak-"

"Mommy." Mamako said. 


"Mommy," she said with finality. She... she looks so serious. Scary. 

Uhm… okay, guess I gotta go with Mommy. No problem, I suppose.

"Mom, Mommy. I got off scot-free, okay I might be underscoring a bullet wound but I will always put my family first! I know how worried you two must've been and I'll do my best to be careful, I promise." I look at them both in the eyes as I tell them my true feelings. Sheer determination burns in my eyes as countless people flash through my mind. Both my moms begin to tear up again as they throw up their arms and begin squeezing once again… Gah!

"Wait! Mmmmm!!!" And now I'm stuck…

They finally let me go but stayed for a while. They continued patting my head and squeezing me the whole time, pampering me and making sure I didn't move unnecessarily. Uhm they were the ones who pressured my injury, but it was healed already and I would rather not mention it when they're in pampering mode.

They stayed for a few hours, but they had to leave to prepare lunch for everyone including me so they kissed me goodbye and went over to Raku's room for a quick visit.

They both warned me to pay more attention to my well-being even though they knew it went through one ear and right through the other. Uhm, teehee…?

Okay, now's not the time for jokes.

I'm thinking I might as well gradually begin to show my new features since it is still me. I might bring out the ahoge when I intentionally go out with unruly bed hair, it'll look natural. A sudden change in hair color will look off, especially the prominent red, while black will stand out less. Obviously, the infinity symbol, dragon pupil, and the other dragon stuff will be locked away for quite a while, it's too conspicuous. It feels uncomfortable, like having a cap on your head the whole time.

Phew, with that taken care of I take a better look at the small holographic tab-like window at the top right of my viewing area. Yeah, I don't know it's just there. I suppose it now automatically unlocks my status, so I click it while wondering where the menu went.

[ Loading... ]

[ Status ]

[Name] : Ichijou Ryu [Age] : 9 [Gender] : Male

{ True Name: ???? ????? }

[Race(s)] : << High Human >> , << Young Dragon >> , << Pseudo Demi-God >> 

[Title(s)] : <Reincarnator> , <No Pain-No Gain> , <The One Bound to a Heavenly Dragon's Soul> , <To Infinity and Beyond> , <Get Nerfed> , <Undetectable> , <Yakuza: Shuei Clan Heir> , <Milf Charmer> , <Maiden Charmer> , <Master of Headpats>

[(Soul) System Functions] : [Soul-Bond] , [System Shop & Gacha] , [Inventory] , [Quests] , [The Cry of the Soul]

[Soul {Locked}] - [Rank 5] : [Spatial Dominion Soul] (Path Refinement to Mana Core)

[Mana Core {Locked}] - [Rank 5] : [Void Arcane Core] (Path Refinement to the Soul)

[Pseudo-Divinity] : [Life] , [Light] , [Nature] , [Infinite Domination]

[Level] : 40 / 250 

[ Stats (Basic Attributes) ] :

[HP (Hit Points)] : 90, 000 / 99, 999 [MP (Mana Points)] : ∞ / ∞ (Infinity) 

[Strength (Physical/Magical)] : 10,000 

[Endurance (Physical/Magical/+Stamina)] : 15,000 

[Speed (+Reflexes)] : 9,600 

[Charisma (+Charm)] : S ( E Lowest - Ex Highest ) 

[Luck] : S ( E Lowest - EX Highest )

[Soul Stats] : 2,500 (Added to All; except Charisma and Luck)

[Soul-Bound Weapons] :

[ Longinus Sacred Gear: Red Dragon Emperor's Gauntlet / Boosted Gear (Currently Offline, Unavailable) ]

[Skills] :

[Passive] -

[Soul Concealment(??)] , [Draconic Senses(B)] , [Dragon Scales(B)] , [Supreme Regeneration(S)] , [Cooking Master(A)] , [Martial Arts Prodigy(C)] , [Sword Arts Prodigy(C)] , [Fire-Arms Prodigy(C)] , [Pain Mitigation(S)] , [Supernatural Physique(S)] , [Serene Life Aura(S)] , [Petting Master(A)]

[Active] -

[Shapeshifting(S)] , [Dragon Form (Sealed)(SS)] , [Aura of Infinity(SS)] , [Pheromones(S)] , [Dragon Breath(B)] , [Nature's Pulse(B)] , [Nature's Grace(B)] , [Holy Light Magic(A)] , [Miracle Magic(S)] , [Limit Break(B)] ]

Hmh Hmh Hmh. Indeed. No clue how this even came to be. I mean, I do know where it came from, but it's still ridiculous to believe.

And it seems I have a true name, for some reason. I'll find out about it later on, I'm sure. But I wonder if it has any effects? But dang, I really am those two other races. How convenient, huh? Hmm, I'll ignore the titles for now. It seems the functions from the menu were added to my status, pretty nice to be honest. 

My Soul, Mana Core, and Divinities already show up here huh, well I'm glad it's not invisible to me. But let's see can I click on these things to get more information? Ah! I can!

[ [Psuedo Demi-God] - The host has met the requirements in unlocking a lesser form of Demi-God because of his [Soul] and [Mana Core]. Halfway point of still being mortal and entering the divine. Though not comparable with True Demi-Gods, the host can exhibit power on par with a lesser divine being, further growth will allow the Host to evolve this race. With the unlocking of this dormant race, the Host can wield Psuedo-Divinity, as a consequence, [Soul] & [Mana Core] have been locked because that is the peak for the host's races. The host's Body, Soul, and Spirit cannot handle further growth. ]

[ [Soul] - The host's very being. Currently ranked smack dab in the middle and has been temporarily locked. [Spatial Dominion Soul] is the host's current soul specialization, on account of the [Boosted Gear] bonded to him and the energies from the Dimensional Gap seeping into his very being. The further enhanced this is the more attuned it is with the [Mana Core]. ]

[ [Mana Core] - The essence of where Mana is refined and absorbed. Further evolution will transform it into a Dragon Heart Core, but the functions at this stage are somewhat similar, but once it does evolve it will be leagues better. The current Rank is in the middle, Void Arcane Core, and has embodied the essence of the Void from the Dimensional Gap. The more power it has the better the refinement of the [Soul] is. ]

Well, I'll be damned. The soul and the mana core work together perpetually, probably why they're growing together in rank, but as long as they're semi-up-close to each other I think it should be fine. But what do you know, I'm a lesser divine being. Which is good, but in no way comparable to other beings, yet. 


No wonder, my throat was dry. I think I've gained the organ that lets dragons breathe fire because of the Dragon Breath skill, The same goes with the Dragon Scales, I'm able to materialize blue and black dragon scales over my skin to dampen physical blows and slightly dissipate magic. Geez, talk about overpowered, well maybe a bit, since it doesn't completely negate it. And the fatigue after is no joke. Since it is an active skill I have to consciously activate it, so ima have to practice doing it automatically, who knows when I'll need it. 

Oh shit, Soul Concealment masks my soul, or perhaps my existence, from other beings. Like keeping me hidden and I can manually decide if I want to show myself so I keep it on for now. 

Supreme Regeneration speeds up the healing of wounds the more mana I manually infuse in myself, but if I take too much mana my body might not be able to support it. Understandable in a way, I'm still a child. Though it makes no sense why this is, I kind of get it. The mana I am refining is pure on par with my overpowered races so while they can handle it to an extent, it's not enough and will have a strain on my body that can't handle insane amounts of power.

Let's see, while Supernatural Physique gives me a strength boost and a body surpassing human limits and reaching supernatural levels, and could theoretically allow me to surpass the restraints, it'll leave me fatigued. Looks like this skill is currently increasing my stats by 2,000 points give or take. Pain Mitigation just reduces the sensation of pain, dulling it when in high-stakes fights, but I still get danger signals if the wound is severe. Kinda sounds like the skill from that one Spider-Light Novel. For Limit Break I'll be able to exert far more power for a limited time, in the end, though my body and soul will suffer a backlash since I'm overextending myself and if I use my other skills in tandem, then the backlash is longer. Geez. Guess this is fair. Bullshit powers come at a price. This one seems similar to the light novel where a certain edgy white-haired kid originates from. 

Now onto the skills I most likely got from my Pseudo Demi-God race. Serene Life Aura allows my presence to exude relaxing waves of energy, though right now they are minor. Nature's Grace allows me to send a wave of Nature Attribute that invigorates and boosts any living being while Nature's Pulse just lets me infuse energy into plants so they can grow stronger without the need to provide them mulch and there's a possibility in them gaining a will and helping me if they so wish. Holy Light Magic seems pretty obvious, though the spells right now are just materializing balls of light or purification… Miracle Magic however seems to be the enhanced version of Healing. Hey, this sounds oddly familiar too!

Anyways, the most intriguing one is Shapeshifting, it allows me to change my 'form' or rather my body but for now it's just helping me hide my new features. I could theoretically increase or decrease my body size too, but I'm not a master yet. I could definitely use this together with my Dragon Form, too bad it's sealed at the moment. 


How do I stack up with the powerhouses in this world? Aha, I'm probably not even near a high-ranking devil huh? No, maybe I am, though definitely not with experience. But I am glad that I got Soul stats which might bump me up.

Damn. Well, I just need experience and proper control over my skills. Lots of things to do, plus the beings in this world can be stronger or weaker than their anime counterparts. Wouldn't count on them being weaker though. 

I could only sigh in lamentation while I clicked on the Soul-Bond function in my status.

[ Loading… ]

<<System Function: Soul-Bond>> 

[ Those who form a soul bond with the host will grow stronger in proportion to the amount of effort they exhibit. Hosts can teleport to their position in times of crisis and because the host and said person are connected they can feel emotions inside their hearts. ]


[ Family ] [ Retainer ] [ Contract ]


Ayaka Suzuki { Soulmate }

Ophis { Bound By Infinity }

?????? { ?????? } ^+12 ]

I see. Pretty sure something is wrong with me if I can remain unfazed by this. Especially since I read something completely ridiculous, haha there's no way I'm already bonded to multiple people err multiple living beings, right? I must be seeing things. What am I, a harem protagonist? Wait! Don't answer that!

I could kinda understand Ophis and I did feel some connection with Ayaka, but the rest? Yeah, I have no idea. However, I gotta admit this is a good thing for me considering the future and everything happening all around me. This will also make sure the ones who I am bonded to will get stronger so, I approve! Kinda biased that only women are here, but it can't be helped. I'm in DxD for god's sake! Well, a mash-up of it, but still…

Anyways! Gotta go through the rest! So I close the Soul-Bond window and click the System Shop next.


[ …. ]

<<System Function: System Shop>>

[Multiverse Shop] : 

[Soul Points/SP: 500, 000]

[ 5 Random Available Items (+Skills, PowerUps, Weapons, Etc) - 50 Items at its Maximum (Certain Conditions Must Be Met) - Refreshed Every Month ]

[ Note: On Sale! Prices for Items Will Revert To Their Original After 1 Week ]

Sharing is Caring (SS-Rank Skill) ~ 10,000 SP ~

Noble Phantasm (??? Rank) - Enkidu (Chains of Heaven) ~ 50,000 SP ~

Chunchunmaru (Epic+ Rank) Katana ~ 8,000 SP ~

15 Body Strengthening Pills (Rare+ Rank) ~ 2,000 SP ~ 

Star Star Fruit (Devil Fruit: Logia SS-Rank) ~ 15,000 SP ~


[ [2,500 SP >> 1 Spin] [5,000 SP >> 5 Spins] [10,000 SP >> 10 Spins] [15,000 SP >> 15 Spins] ]

[ Note: 5 Free Daily Spins For The First Week. Will Change To 1 Weekly Right After. ]


[ [Yes] or [No] ]

Ah yes, the legendary shop where I can get a bunch of stuff for an exorbitant amount of points. While they lure you in with the additional Gacha, it looks like the nightmare will show its true colors after the week is over even if they aren't as expensive as I expected…. The shop that is, but these gacha spins are kinda pricey. I'm rolling in soul points, but I can't be too hasty, what if I need something in the future? It's best to save a portion and then spend the other portion either now or as the days pass.

Hmm, but what the hell is up with these so-called random items? Does it know what I'm planning to do and it manifests into the most optimal things? Haha, I wouldn't put it past this system. 

Hmm, wait, is it sentient? I haven't heard anything other than a robotic voice along with the screen… but it might make sense...

[ Yes, Host. I'm sentient. ]

"Gaa-!!" I stopped mid-yell by clamping my mouth shut just in time.

What the heck! It's a damn good thing I caught myself before I screamed more

The voice that sounded out in my head changed to a distinctly more feminine one, but it still retained a bit of its robotic tone. "So why didn't you talk to me when the Soul System was online?" I asked.

[ An easy answer. I awoke or booted up when your soul reached Tier 5. A benchmark or checkpoint if you would like to know the term. Though it sounds like an upgrade, it is not, at least not in any 'power' boosted way. I am here to guide you, help you navigate the system, and help you survive. Instead of clicking the air, you will now be able to 'will' a message in your mind and I will open up what you wish, be it the Gacha or your Status. It doesn't even have to be a message, since I am connected with you I will automatically feel the intention behind anything you may want or need. ]

So you're saying the system will now be semi-automatic and automatic since I could still ask you what to open. 

Well, that's pretty convenient. "Hmm, though just calling you 'system' is weird, so I'll name you… Oh! How about, Eve?" 

If anything, I'm glad I won't be alone in discovering the mystery of the system and on this long journey.

[ Name [Eve] Registered. Thank you, for bestowing upon me a name. ]

"I'm glad you seem to like it… Anyways, can you open up the last three functions of the system, Eve? Might as well check 'em out together. Oh, and you can just call me by my name," I said.

[ Of course, Ryu. ]

[ Loading…. Loading… ]

<<System Function: Inventory>> 

[ Capable of Storing Any/All Items and Unconscious/Dead Beings. Time is Frozen Inside. ]

[ [Current Storage: 002/500] (More Slots Available Later -Requirements Unknown-) ]

<<System Functions: Quests>>

[Main-World Quest] (DxD Mash-Up) :

[ Description/Objectives ]: Prevent The Emperor Beast of Apocalypse, 666 (Trihexa), from destroying the world or from awakening. Team up with Chimune Chipaoti and stop the invasion of Gods from ExE. Help the Three Major Factions with the Peace Treaty, and prevent any disruptions/terrorism. (Must Include Every Faction, No Matter How Small). 

[ Rank ]: EX - (??Unknown??)

[ Remaining Time ]: ??? Years

[ Rewards ]: Godship of DxD Mash-Up World, 5 Billion SP, 10 Celestial Rank Gacha Tickets, and ###### #### (???? Rank) ]

<<System Function: The Cry of the Soul>>

[ A unique feature present in the [Soul System] that was unlocked once the host, Ryu, reached the halfway point of Soul-Tiers. Though it is possible to travel to different worlds, realities, dimensions, and universes the host will be transferred to a random one. As the name of this feature implies, the host will receive a heartfelt call straight from someone else's soul, and will only be able to know what world it is once he is inside of it. The heartfelt call will be heard no matter how ambiguous or small it is. Time will be stopped in Ryu's world, but to fit the 'plot' or 'World's Will' the host will be directly transferred to his own body at the appropriate age with a proper background. The host will have the option of leaving the world/universe once he deems he is ready, which also includes linking the said world to his own with the capability to travel back whenever he wishes. The host can bring beings from the said world over to his own once they are Soul-Bond to his soul. ]

[ Notice! No Soul Cries Have Been Found At This Time ]

The system inventory seems incredibly useful, I did store the dirty sheets and pillows after all. Is that why two spaces were used up? Nice. 

It also seems the items present inside the inventory will automatically go into my mind reminding me what's inside and sometimes show up on a separate screen. How convenient! I won't have to spend time remembering what I put into it. 


And now the quests. Why is only DxD mentioned? It even says mash-up so what other animes is this linked to? Does it not show side missions and such, perhaps they're triggered as I go on with my life. There might be hidden missions too. Is it because DxD will affect the world and possibly destroy it if I don't intervene? Am I thinking too highly of myself? Well, I might be in over my head right now with no actual power, but well this is why I'll get stronger. My family must be safe at all costs. An unconscious growl escapes me as I let out a sigh, my body tenses with how it reverberated my body but other than the shock of it, I let it be. I'm already coping with the fact I'm a dragon so a few growls here and there won't bother me. 

Anyway, I guess I understand since the rest of the anime here is pretty much romance and slice of life. I can't run away since Ima be a part of the action anyway since I got Ddraig, though the thing that bothers me would be the accidental severing of the Boosted Gear from Heaven. They'll send an immediate investigation huh? Or will I have a buffer through this system?

[ To answer your question. Indeed, the connection is severed but the system has placed a faux-made connection to fool Heaven. Though this will only last for a couple of years, the most would be until you start high school. Unless you inform them beforehand? ]

Seriously? That does save me a lot of trouble now so I'll take the buffer time and make plans. I definitely could inform them, but would I really want to, they might figure it out if heavenly beings take a look at me. That's for future me though. 

But Trihexa and ExE huh? Final boss level huh, well bring it on! Don't think I will let you bring harm to my family. Alright, I'll tone it down. I gotta relax. I'm in no way ready. However, the dragon part of me scoffs at the idea of losing. 

Onto the next thing I am wondering about, okay, in actuality, I'm flabbergasted- by The Cry of the Soul function. So, I'll be whisked away with no heads up by someone- I'm guessing a girl, let's face it, it's what the system is implying- and live my life there for a while? Okay, it sounds awesome since I'll be visiting and traveling, but that's a lot of things to keep track of and I barely started my life here! Guess I'll be experiencing being reincarnated over and over, huh?

My hands are shaking and I'm pretty sure I felt a tingle run through my back while the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. But I'm sure that was my imagination… right?

Load failed, please RETRY

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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