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97.87% COTE: Light Yagami in The Classroom of The Elite / Chapter 46: Chapter 46 - Morishita 2 - Clairvoyance

Chapitre 46: Chapter 46 - Morishita 2 - Clairvoyance

As I said last chapter I've been busy with college, so uploading has been a bit annoying but here's a chapter If you dont give me your powerstones, I'll...

Be very sad so please send them my way, as always I appreciate comments and reviews as well, I love hearing everyone's thoughts.

Anyways here's a triple upload and if you want updates on story progress or anything join discord.



"Pressure is something you feel when you don't know what you're doing." ~Chuck Noll 

"This shouldn't be possible…" Yagami said, staring at the ground thoughtfully. His brow furrowed in a way that seemed foreign to his usual calm demeanor. A hint of confusion flickered in his eyes, something rare for him—enough to catch the attention of everyone around the table.

Morishita, seated next to him, nodded in agreement. Her eyes were sharper than usual, as though she had reached the same conclusion, but the unease that settled over her suggested she hadn't expected it. "Yes, it's peculiar. The thief should have three abilities on their action screen: (send letter to…), (transfer points), and (steal points). Civilians should have (check balance), (send letter to…), and (transfer points). The thief can't check their balance, and while that might not seem like a big deal, in this case, it is."

She paused, glancing briefly at Yagami. His silence was unsettling. She continued, her voice quieter now, as if the explanation itself felt like a fragile truth. "On the civilian screen, the abilities are listed as (check balance), (send letter to…), and (transfer points). Since the thief can't check their balance, they wouldn't know where the check balance option is on the civilian screen. But everyone here described their room and action screen perfectly." Her last words hung in the air like a dark cloud—what she wasn't saying was that this game was growing more dangerous by the minute.

Yagami's hand slowly moved to his chin as he processed this. "Well, there's one explanation…" Kanzaki interjected, his voice cutting through the tension. He crossed his arms, his eyes narrowing. "What if the thief just assumed the check balance option would be in the same position as their steal option, since both are unique abilities?"

"That's definitely a possibility," Yagami said, though there was no enthusiasm in his voice. His eyes remained fixed on the table, his mind seemingly elsewhere. "The thief's action screen might be (steal points), (send letter to…), and (transfer points). They could have assumed the civilian's check balance would be in that first slot. But there's one problem with that theory. Everyone here mentioned that the (check balance) option had the words (limited to 1 usage) written on it. It's a small detail, but if you were the thief, would you risk saying that without knowing if it was true? Sure, it's in the rules that the check balance ability is limited to one use, but that doesn't mean it would be written on the action screen."

"That's true," Matsushita spoke up. Her voice was quiet, almost reluctant. "Maybe the thief is given information about the interiors of civilian rooms?" The suggestion itself sent a wave of discomfort through the room.

Yukimura, who had been listening carefully, nodded. "That's a possibility."

All eyes shifted back to Yagami. His composure, which had been so unshakable at the start of the exam, was noticeably different now. He seemed lost in thought, compulsively tapping his finger on the table in a repetitive rhythm that made the silence all the more oppressive. For Yagami, this kind of nervous habit was unusual. The others noticed but said nothing. Only Morishita watched him warily, suspecting it might be a deliberate attempt to throw her off her game.

The administrator's voice interrupted the tension. "That concludes the second day. Proceed to your labeled rooms to commence the night cycle."

The announcement, though routine, did nothing to lighten the mood. And like the first day, everyone did as required. The weight of unsolved mysteries hung in the air as they left.

Day 3

The second night had passed, but the tension remained real. As everyone returned to their seats around the discussion table, the silence felt heavier than before. Yagami's eyes swept the room, his thoughts hidden behind an expression of complete focus.

"I've come to a conclusion," Yagami finally said, his tone sharper now. His gaze was intense, locking onto Kanzaki.

"What is it, Yagami?" Kanzaki asked, though his voice carried a note of suspicion. He wasn't sure whether Yagami's "conclusion" would be a solution or a possible redirection of blame.

Yagami folded his arms, his eyes narrowing slightly as he spoke. "While unlikely it's possible the thief has been informed about the interiors of civilian rooms, it's more likely the thief is working with a classmate to secure a big payday. If we consider that possibility, it's not impossible for that classmate to have given the thief a quick description of the civilian screen or room on the second day."

"Oh, and who do you suspect?" Morishita asked, her voice smooth and controlled, though her interest was clear. She leaned forward slightly, her eyes never leaving Yagami's.

Yagami paused for effect, his gaze scanning the room before landing on the group. "Well… I was the first person interviewed by Yukimura yesterday, meaning I had no time to talk to anyone about anything, especially room layouts," he said, his voice calm but loaded with intent. "Meanwhile, you, Yamamura, Kanzaki, Himeno, and even possibly Matsushita were here, able to converse with each other."

Morishita raised an eyebrow, but before she could say anything, Yagami continued, his voice dropping to a quieter, more calculated tone. "So then why don't we get some testimonies from everyone? What happened while I was talking to Yukimura?"

Matsushita quickly raised her hand, her expression neutral but tense. "Well, I will admit I did group up with Himeno and Kanzaki, but we were just talking. As you know, Class C and D have a good relationship, so it isn't that strange, is it?" She smiled.

"Still, it makes you, Kanzaki, and Himeno suspects," Yagami said, his voice chillingly matter-of-fact as he turned his gaze towards Morishita. "It also doesn't do much to clear up the possibility that you or Yamamura are the thief either, Morishita."

The atmosphere in the room shifted suddenly, like the temperature had dropped. Quickly, all five individuals were being looked at suspiciously, their discomfort apparent in the way they shifted in their seats. Suspicion grew until Morishita spoke up, breaking the silence with a calm but pointed observation.

"This is a masterclass you've put on, Yagami," she said, her voice measured. "Easily and efficiently diverting all suspicion from you while sowing chaos among us participants, placing yourself on the same level of trustworthiness as Yukimura. But don't be fooled, everyone. This is Yagami we're dealing with. For all we know, this could be a trick by him, or, as we mentioned before, the thief in this game could've been informed of the format of the civilian action screen."

Her words were logical; she wasn't going to be an easy target for Yagami's maneuvers.

Yagami's expression hardened, his usual calm breaking ever so slightly. "This isn't a trick!" he shouted impatiently, his voice filled with uncharacteristic frustration. His hand clenched into a fist on the table. "I'm sorry, but if we're going to solve this, we need to work together. The chances the thief is given random civilian information like the format of their action screen is unlikely. It's more likely that one of you five is the thief."

Morishita's eyes narrowed, but she said nothing at first, letting the tension build. Then, with a measured sigh, she responded. "Honestly, I'm a naturally doubtful person, so I can't say I can completely trust you. But I assume it is less likely you are the thief. I'll entertain your idea, but don't think I don't doubt you." Her words were calm, but the warning was clear. 

Once again, the administrator's voice broke through the charged atmosphere. "That concludes the third day. Proceed to your labeled rooms to commence the night cycle," she said.

And like the first and second day, everyone did as required, though this time the silence as they left was filled with more doubt than before.

Day 4

The third night had passed, and the fourth day had begun. Soon, everyone sat back down at the discussion table.

Everyone's eyes turned to Yukimura, who should have used his ability last night. His posture was stiff, and there was a nervousness in his expression that hadn't been there before.

"What's wrong, Yukimura?" Matsushita asked, her voice cautious. She seemed to sense something was off.

Yukimura hesitated, his fingers gripping the edge of the table slightly tighter than usual. "It's just… I don't think this will be as simple as we anticipated. Last night, I checked everyone's balance. They were all the same at 178,580 points, meaning the thief has been stealing the same amount, 10,710 points, from each participant, including himself, during the first and second nights."

His explanation hung in the air for a moment, and everyone's eyes widened at the implications. Even Yagami's composed facade seemed to crack for just a moment.

"Obviously, I don't know about the third since that just concluded," Yukimura continued, his voice low, "but it would be fair to assume this cycle has stayed the same."

Morishita was the first to break the silence. "I see. It seems the thief is making use of the information provided by Yagami, that he could be uncovered if there are any patterns in his thefts."

Himeno chimed in, her voice quiet but sharp. "So the thief took account of Yagami's words and decided to steal an equal amount from everyone?"

"If that's the case," Matsushita said, her voice tinged with frustration, "aren't they virtually untraceable by their thefts alone?"

The group fell into silence once more. This wasn't the direction they expected the game to go, and it left a sour taste in everyone's mouth.

Yukimura, feeling the weight of the group's silence, spoke up again. "Does anyone have any ideas for what we should do?"

Yagami, who had been quietly observing the reactions of the others, spoke next. "I say we just converse amongst ourselves in small groups this time. Like we said, we have no clue who the thief could be, but if we limit group sizes, there's a smaller chance for the thief to say or do anything that could throw us off."

Yukimura nodded. "Alright then, let's do that."

Everyone began shuffling their seats, splitting off into smaller groups. Yagami made his way toward Matsushita and Kanzaki while Yukimura conversed with Morishita, leaving Yamamura and Himeno to themselves.

Yagami, his expression calculating, began. "This thief really has us on our toes," he said as he approached Matsushita and Kanzaki.

"Yeah, I didn't think this game would be so nerve-racking," Matsushita said, "But I think everything will end well." Her voice carried confidence, matching her words.

Yagami nodded thoughtfully, his gaze lingering on Kanzaki. "I actually wanted to talk to you two."

Kanzaki's expression shifted, "Is that so?" he asked, crossing his arms defensively. By now, everyone knew that Yagami's words always had a deeper meaning, and Kanzaki was clearly bracing himself for whatever came next.

Yagami leaned back slightly, casually pointing towards the stickers on his uniform. The small stamps, so innocuous in appearance, held a surprising weight in the context of this game. "Yes, it's actually a simple matter," he said, pausing briefly to make sure Kanzaki and Matsushita were paying full attention. "I wanted to see if you two are interested in buying these from me. As you can see, I have no classmates in this game, so these stamps are of little use to me. But you two each have a classmate you can trust, so the ability to send secret messages may come in handy for you two."

Kanzaki narrowed his eyes slightly, suspicious of Yagami's sudden offer. "I see, I guess that's true. But how are you even sure you are allowed to sell your stamps?"

He responded with an almost dismissive shrug, as if the answer was obvious. "Well, in our rooms, there isn't just three papers but a stack, which makes me believe it shouldn't be against any rules or that the school expected it. Either way, we must officiate our deal with the administrator, so we will find out if it's allowed or not," Yagami said. His tone was so matter-of-fact that it left little room for doubt, though the slight smile playing on his lips hinted at a deeper plan.

Kanzaki mulled it over, then spoke again. "I suppose you're right. How much do you want for your stamps?"

Yagami's smile grew, but it wasn't warm. "Well, I'm only looking to sell two since you never know if one can come in handy, but I was thinking 10,000 points for each," he responded, his eyes locked on Kanzaki, gauging his reaction carefully.

"Ehhh? It's a bit much for something that isn't of use to you, don't you think, Yagami?" Matsushita interjected, a playful tone in her voice, though her eyes reflected deeper calculation. She was testing him, seeing if he would bend.

Yagami shook his head, unphased. "I don't think so. I mean, the thief has been stealing about 10,000 a night…" He let that sink in for a moment before continuing. "Hmm, I suppose I understand where you're coming from, though. How about 7,500? I absolutely can't go lower than that, but I think it's a good deal. I don't think anyone else here would sell their stamps for so cheap. They just don't have as much value to me," Yagami said confidently.

Kanzaki and Matsushita exchanged glances. The weight of Yagami's logic was hard to deny. 7,500 points wasn't much in a game where you began with 200,000. Less than 3% of their total—an insignificant sum in exchange for a potential advantage. The way the game was playing out, the ability to send more private messages could be invaluable.

After a moment, Kanzaki nodded, seemingly convinced. "Alright, you have a deal, Yagami," he said, his voice reluctant but resolved. Matsushita nodded as well, her lips tightening slightly, but she offered no objections.

Yagami's expression didn't change, but he seemed pleased, as though he had just gained something far more valuable than mere points. With deliberate movements, he flagged the administrator to make the deal official. "Sorry to bother, it's just that Kanzaki, Matsushita, and I came to an agreement," Yagami said, his voice polite but firm, explaining the details of the deal.

The administrator nodded, her expression neutral. "I see. Then you can transfer your stamps. I will stand witness to the fact this dealing occurred," she responded mechanically, her presence adding a sense of finality to the agreement.

Yagami thanked her, then turned his attention back to Kanzaki and Matsushita. "Now, no offense to either of you, Kanzaki, Matsushita, but how can I be sure you'll send me the points tonight as agreed upon?" His voice was calm, almost casual, but his eyes were sharp—he was making it clear he wouldn't tolerate any deception.

"You will be sure," the administrator interjected. "Once you are all in your private rooms and Kanzaki and Matsushita transfer you your points, you will receive a notification on your screen saying how many points you are being sent and by whom."

"I see. And I imagine there will be punishments for the contract breacher if one weren't to receive the points in general?" Yagami continued.

"Yes," the administrator responded simply.

Yagami smiled, satisfied. "Well, I trust you guys to keep your end of the deal. Here you go," he said, removing two stamps from his uniform with a fluid motion. He placed one on Kanzaki's uniform, then the other on Matsushita's. 

"Okay, since that's done, I think I'll go and talk with Yamamura," Yagami said abruptly, standing up with purpose.

"Yamamura?" Kanzaki asked, a flicker of curiosity crossing his face.

"Well, I'm competing with Morishita here, so it's best if I get an idea of her teammate to make sure she isn't the thief in this game," Yagami responded and turned away before Kanzaki could question him further.

"I see. Well then, good luck," Kanzaki said, though the words seemed to hang in the air longer than necessary as Yagami walked away.

It took only a few seconds for Yagami to cross the room and place himself next to Yamamura. But as he sat down, he didn't say a word. The silence between them stretched, thick and uncomfortable, until Yamamura could no longer bear it.

"Is there something wrong?" she asked, her voice cautious, uncertain. There was something different about Yagami's presence now.

Yagami's eyes met hers, "Not yet, I suppose. But I prefer to address issues before they arise. Tell me, Yamamura, are you or Morishita the thief?"

Yamamura angled her head slightly, her expression unreadable. "Well, the truth is, Morishita and I are both civilians, but you wouldn't believe me so easily, would you?"

Yagami's gaze didn't waver. "No, of course I wouldn't. There are five possible thieves in this game, meaning there's a 40% chance the thief is you or Morishita. Those chances are too high to ignore."

"Then why did you come here to talk to me?" she asked, taken aback by Yagami's demeanor. Last round, he had seemed almost frantic, panicked about the movements of the thief. But now… now he seemed eerily calm, his eyes calculating, as though she was nothing more than a puzzle to be solved.

"If I asked you to team up with me, would you do so?" Yagami asked.

Yamamura shook her head. "I have no intention to betray my class, and I'm not stupid enough to believe I could make you think I would be willing to betray them," she responded, her voice firm, though a flicker of doubt crossed her mind. Was she handling this correctly?

"Then instead of that, would you care if I tested you, Yamamura?"

"In what way?" Yamamura asked, her voice softening slightly.

"I want to test you to see if you really aren't the thief. After tonight, bring your pen out here when the night cycle ends. There's no rule against taking items out of our rooms after all," Yagami said, his tone casual, as though the request were nothing out of the ordinary.

"Why?" Yamamura questioned, her unease growing.

"Describing the rooms we were assigned is one thing, but drawing them is another," Yagami explained, his voice calm but methodical. "Drawing something just based off a simple description is incredibly difficult. So if you bring your pen, we can use the paper out here, and you could draw me a rough outline of the room you were assigned. If it matches the civilian room, I would be inclined to believe you are a civilian."

"I see. I assume you are right, but that wouldn't clear up Morishita's innocence," Yamamura responded.

"Well, in my mind, it would," Yagami replied smoothly. "You've taken a completely passive role from the looks of it in this exam. As we said before, the thief is likely receiving external assistance in this exam. You wouldn't exactly fit the mold of the thief's assistant given your passiveness. You don't seem like you're even making much of an effort."

Yamamura's lips parted slightly, but she said nothing. His words stung more than she expected. "I see… Okay then, I will agree. As long as I pass your test, you'll work together with Morishita to find the true thief, right?"

Yagami exhaled slowly, his gaze softening, but there was something unsettling about his next words. "I see," he said with a sigh, but he didn't answer her question. Instead, he continued to stare at her, as if waiting for something—some reaction, some revelation.

The silence between them stretched uncomfortably, and finally, Yamamura couldn't take it any longer. "May I ask why you keep looking at me like that?" she asked, her voice quiet but tinged with frustration.

Yagami's eyes darkened, and his voice dropped to a whisper. "Well, the truth is… I've been considering expelling you, but you're in luck. I like you, so I'll spare you."

Yamamura's eyes widened, her pupils dilating in shock. For a split second, she felt a chill run down her spine. Was this some trick by Yagami to catch her off guard, or was he serious? Could it really be that easy to expel someone in this game?

"Haha, you should see your face," Yagami said, his lips curling into a smile. "Don't worry, Yamamura, I'm just joking. But you can forget about the test or bringing your pen. It won't be necessary."

Yamamura forced a smile, though her heart was still racing. She couldn't shake the feeling that Yagami's words were more than just a joke.

MilkywayAndromeda MilkywayAndromeda

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