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Chapter 23 - The Special Exam


I hope everyone enjoys the chapter. Powerstones are greatly appreciated, and so are reviews and opinions on the story thus far.


"The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions." ~Leonardo da Vinci

"This is really great!" Ishizaki said as he floated on the cruise ship pool's surface, embodying the currently carefree spirit of Class C.

The four classes intermingled, a collective break from the school test, "Class C seems completely untroubled," Ichinose observed, her tone light as she addressed our group. "You're all without a single concern, aren't you?" Her laughter was a soft ripple in the pool as she joined the aquatic reprieve.

Surveying the scene, I noted the complete relaxation among my classmates. Some played in the water, while others, like Ryuen, reclined on deck chairs and enjoyed their rest.

Ishizaki quickly responded to Ichinose, "If Ryuen and Yagami aren't worried about anything, what's there for us to worry about?" His words, though simple, captured the essence of Class C's philosophy: We were a class that rarely faced challenges together; Ryuen and I, from the look of things, preferred handling things for the class ourselves.

Kei, who was also currently relaxed in the pool with me by my shoulder, nodded, "I agree." Her influence in Class D had increased post-midterms, her voice growing louder in the absence of Hirata and Kushida, given their failures in the midterms. Our relationship, now common knowledge, lent her words some weight, though it was also probably suspicious among some. Well, suspicion really doesn't matter in a class at the bottom of the barrel like Class D.

The upcoming exam could be a turning point, potentially allowing me to extend my influence to Classes B and A. Although Ryuen seemed to have his own plans for Class A, he seemed interested in their power struggle, but I could take advantage of that.

"But Karuizawa, you're not even in Class C, are you?" Ichinose asked, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"So what?" Kei responded with a frown.

Ichinose laughed, "Sorry, I suppose it makes sense, given your relationship. Still, it's odd how composed Ryuen and Yagami are, considering they're debated to be the smartest first-years."

At her words, several students from Classes A, D, and B glanced at Ryuen, undoubtedly recalling his involvement in the expulsion of five students and the subsequent depletion of their private points.

Katsuragi broke the silence. "I don't get the fuss. We have an idealist who's good with words and a tyrant who rules by fear. No offense, Yagami, but how did you even manage to impress the student council president?"

Before I could respond, Ishizaki's temper flared. "Hey! Don't you dare—"

Ryuen cut him off, his voice cool and mocking. "Calm down, Ishizaki. Jealousy is a hell of a thing, isn't it?"

Ichinose, also interested, turned her attention to me. "Yagami, I'm also curious; how did you manage to get onto the student council?" Her question drew the gaze of many.

I pressed a finger to my lips, a secretive smile on my face. "That's a secret," I replied, enjoying the disappointment that followed. "But let's just say the president saw something that impressed him, thats all."

Ichinose wasn't discouraged. "What about this vacation? My class suspects it's more than just a break. We're expecting a test."

Kanzaki sighed from behind her. "Ichinose…"

She faced him, unfazed. "What? It's not a secret. I'm sure the other classes have figured it out too."

The surprise on the faces of those from Classes C and D told a different story, except for those from Classes A and B.

Ichinose, realizing this, added, "Well, it's better if everyone is aware anyways; that way, it's fair, right?"

Katsuragi observed the reactions and then spoke. "It seems Classes A and B are informed, while C is confused and D is panicking. But you two, Yagami and Ryuen, you're both calm. You knew about the test but chose to keep quiet, didn't you?"

Ryuen shrugged. "I see no point in bothering my class without details. Whatever the test, I'll handle it."

I nodded in agreement. "I was aware, but why spoil the mood? This obviously isn't a test you can prepare for. But rest assured, we'll perform well." Class C accepted my words without question; their trust in my judgment was evident.

Katsuragi, with a steady voice, then asked, "I'm curious. Is it true that Class C has agreed to a truce with Classes B and D?"

"No, those are just rumors, probably due to my relationship with Kei. But I haven't made any formal truce with Classes B and D. However, should any class require my assistance, I wouldn't hesitate to provide it."

His question was direct, seeking clarity. "What do you mean?"

"I have no desire to see our school turn into a warzone, with classes constantly at each other's throats, leading to unnecessary expulsions. While some actions may be justified in the spirit of competition, others are simply unreasonable. If a truce with Classes B and D—or even A—could prevent such outcomes, I'd readily agree."

Katsuragi nodded, understanding dawning in his eyes. "You're aiming to prevent incidents like the midterms, or worse," he concluded, glancing at Ryuen.

Ryuen's response was laced with his usual sarcasm. "Still holding a grudge, Yagami? I already apologized, didn't I?"

I sighed inwardly as Ichinose chimed in, her smile warm and genuine. "I wouldn't be opposed to such an idea. I, too, wish to graduate with everyone I started this journey with. It would be truly regrettable to see anyone missing at the end due to avoidable circumstances. It's something we should strive to prevent together."

Kanzaki's voice was firm, "Yes, though it's a matter that requires further conversation for obvious reasons."

It was clear that Class B wouldn't be as easy as I had hoped. Kanzaki seemed intent on engaging in the competition as the school envisioned, and while Ichinose shared my basic ideals, I doubted she would easily surrender any control over her class to me unless a situation really required her to.

If the situation persisted, I might have to assert control over Classes A and B more forcefully. Time will tell how things unfold.

As the ship's announcement system came to life, urging students to gather on deck for a promised view, most heeded the call. Only a few remained seated.

Kei turned to me, curiosity in her eyes. "You're not going?"

I remained seated, unfazed. "No need. If there's something noteworthy, I trust someone from our class will notice it."

Still in the pool with us, Shiina looked up with a thoughtful expression. "I'm sure you'd notice if something were off," she said, her curiosity piqued.

Ryuen, lounging on his chair, dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand. "Even if there were something, it wouldn't matter much at this stage. The real test hasn't started yet. Besides, Yagami and I have a pretty good hunch about what's coming."

Shiina's eyes widened; it seemed like the mystery lover in her couldn't resist. "Really?" she asked, turning to me excitedly.

I nodded, sharing my thoughts. "It's odd, isn't it? They asked us to bring gym clothes on a cruise. That's not typical vacation gear. It suggests this 'vacation' will require more physical activity than a vacation should. The announcement earlier? It was practically telling us to start scouting. My bet is that the classes will be pitted against each other in some sort of survival challenge."

Manabe swam closer, impressed. "You pieced that together from just a few clues? That's pretty amazing."

The announcement system crackled to life again, instructing us to change into athletic wear and gather on deck. "We're approaching the island. Remember your phones, but leave everything else behind. And use the restroom now—it might be your last chance for a while."

Ryuen stood up, smirking. "Right on cue," he said.

I glanced back at the girls in the pool. "We should get moving. You'll probably want to dry off before changing," I suggested.

As I walked off, Kei caught up to me. "What's up?" I asked.

She looked away, a hint of reluctance in her voice. "Just wanted to say goodbye, in case we're separated for a while."

I teased her gently. "Is it that hard to say goodbye?"

"Shut up," she huffed, her gaze still averted. "You know, I could be useful to you in this exam. We could set up a meeting point; I could give you information about my class that should help you, right? It's not like my class has anything to lose."

I placed a hand on her cheek, reassuring her. "Thank you, Kei, but I'm not worried about gathering intel. I'll miss you, but it's safer if we lay low. If anyone caught on to our secret meetings, even if you weren't giving me information, it could mean trouble. Let's just wait it out."

"I understand," Kei said, her voice steady.

I offered her a reassuring smile. "Just be yourself until we can talk again. If it gets tough, just think about how we'll reunite after this test is over. Thats what I'll be doing."

She nodded with a smile, and we parted ways. As I walked toward my room, Ryuk's voice echoed in the air. "She's completely dependent on you, Light."

"That was always part of the plan, and it doesn't look like that's going to change," I replied confidently.

Ryuk chuckled. "Be careful, Light. You've caught the attention of many girls. It's not wise to play with so many hearts. Remember those crime shows we used to watch? The cheating husbands always meet a harsh end."

I couldn't suppress a laugh. "That's not always the case, Ryuk. Sometimes, it's the other way around—the husband eliminates the evidence," I joked, slipping into my athletic gear.

"Are you certain you can ace this test without making use of your little girlfriend's help?" Ryuk asked.

"Why don't you just watch and learn?" I responded, stepping out of my room and making my way to the ship's deck.

Arriving at the deck, I saw students from all classes lined up. I quickly joined the front of the line for Class C, standing beside Ryuen waiting for further instructions.

"Class A will now start descending onto the island. Please hand over your phones to your teachers before disembarking," came the announcement.

When it was Class C's turn, Sakagami collected our phones, and we were searched thoroughly, like convicts.

A roll call followed, ensuring every class member was accounted for.

As the roll call concluded, Mashima-sensei, the teacher of Class A, ascended a platform by the shore. His presence commanded attention.

"I'm pleased to see most of you here, except for one absent due to health reasons. Let's embark on your first challenge of the year. This 'exam' will span a week, concluding on August 7th. Consider this island your new home. I'm eager to witness how each class unites to face this test," he declared, pausing for reactions that never came; the students were too engrossed in his words.

"No one may return to the ship without valid cause. Survival here will test your abilities to preserve, from securing shelter to finding food," he continued.

A Class D student protested, "This is crazy! How did our vacation turn into some survival reality TV show?"

Mashima-sensei retorted with a sly grin, "Class D, with five fewer mouths to feed, you should stop complaining and view this as an advantage over the other classes."

Ryuen's laughter erupted. "Hahaha, that was a good one," he stated, joined by chuckles from Class C students and some others from different classes, who were taken by surprise by Mashima's words.

"Class C, don't grow overconfident. When it comes to genuine teamwork, you may very well be the weakest link here," Mashima-sensei warned.

Ryuen, unfazed, shot back, "Ultimately, it won't matter."

Mashima-sensei eyed Ryuen before resuming, "Regardless, I doubt survival will be your greatest concern. This island might just become the location of some fond memories for all of you. Here's a clue for you: 'freedom' that is the essence of this test."

"Freedom, is it?" I mumbled quietly.

"Each class starts with 300 points. Spend them as you wish; you could even continue your vacation if you wish. You will all receive a manual detailing purchasable items and their costs, alongside essential survival tips. But remember, the points remaining at the exam's end will be added to your class's total points," Mashima-sensei explained.

His words sparked talk among the students. I, too, was deep in thought. This couldn't merely be a test of restraint; that would be too simplistic.

After all, there are those who are truly talented, effortlessly achieving what takes others years of effort. And this school seems to hold talent in high regard.

"Note that Class A will commence with only 270 points due to the absence of a student. A penalty of 30 points per student withdrawal applies," he added.

Following his announcement, our teachers equipped us with wristwatches, instruments we were forbidden to remove, serving as both GPS and health monitors.

They briefed us on the basic regulations while securing the devices: pollution discovered incurs a 20-point penalty, and missing roll call at 8 am or 8 pm costs 5 points per absentee. Naturally, any violence or damage to other classes' assets would result in immediate disqualification from the test.

After Mashima's briefing, Sakagami-sensei approached us with a stern look. "Let's delve into the specifics now that the basics are covered," he announced, ensuring he had our undivided attention.

"You'll soon have the freedom to explore the island, but be aware that certain areas can be 'claimed.' A claim grants exclusive rights for eight hours; after that, it's up for grabs again. Claiming spots also comes with a one-point bonus, tallied at the exam's end," he detailed everything methodically.

"Only a designated cardholder from each class can stake these claims. Choose wisely, as changing the cardholder requires a solid reason. At the exam's conclusion, you can attempt to identify other classes' cardholders. Correct guesses earn you fifty points, incorrect ones cost you the same, and if your cardholder is guessed, you lose fifty points," he continued.

"Decide on your cardholder by tonight's roll call at 8 pm. Once you've made your choice, come to me for the keycard," he concluded.

As Sakagami-sensei finished, I realized the stakes were higher than initially presented. A strategic game of cat and mouse for 150 points.

Ryuen beckoned me with a sly smirk. "Let's leave our classmates for now. I have a proposition for a more… peaceful summer vacation," he suggested.

I followed, intrigued. "I think I understand what you are aiming for." I inquired.

"I wouldn't have pulled you aside if I didn't think you'd catch on," he replied as we approached Katsuragi, Class A's leader.

"Wanna cut a bargain?" Ryuen proposed.

The deal was simple yet bold: 800,000 private points monthly in exchange for intel and Class C's equipment. I didn't think it was a bad idea 800,000 private points isn't a small amount, and our class isn't made for teamwork; it was still possible to come out in first place even if we used all 300 points allotted to our class. Plus, if I wanted to rule my school year, I've already concluded financial power will be important, so Class A with deep pockets is a problem for me; if we can steal 800,000 points a month from them, I wouldn't complain, this deal could definitely weaken class a significantly under the right circumstances.



I understand if you thought this chapter was a bit boring to read it was extremely boring to write, but I had to get all the introductory stuff to the special exam over with. I tried my best to do it in one chapter, so you don't have to read more of this and make it entertaining anyways, give me your thoughts.

if there are any mistakes in this chapter, let me know. it's late when I was writing and proofreading this; honestly, I'm falling asleep, lol.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

MilkywayAndromeda MilkywayAndromeda

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