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15.38% My New Life In Skyrim / Chapter 2: Chapter II

Chapitre 2: Chapter II

Level 1

Health: 105

Magicka: 105

Stamina: 115

Health regeneration: 1.0%

Magicka regeneration: 3.125%

Stamina regeneration: 5.5%

Carry weight: 350

Spell Mantle: Magic resistance increased by 15%. You also gain 25% spell absorpotion when Magicka is 25% or less.

Bloodlust: When entering combat, gain 25% movement speed and 300% Magicka and Stamina regeneration. Bonuses gradually decay to zero over 20 seconds.

Grail of Betony: A treasure hunter in Skyrim carries the mythical Grail of Betony. A Breton in possession of the Grail regenerates Magicka and Stamina 50% faster.

Berserk: 1/day - Doubles attack damage and critical strike damage and halves spell costs for 15 seconds. While off cooldown, may activate randomly in combat.

Hadvar: Prisoner, please don't make me repeat myself. What is your name?

Whoops, guess I got a little too excited at the idea of being in Skyrim that I didn't hear Hadvar. I could just say the name I've had before I got transported here, nah! Where's the fun in that? Besides, I've had this name thought up for years! And with a new life, I can now use it!

"My name, is Alexander Skyfield."

Hadvar's confused expression doesn't change, he continues to stare at me like I was a spectacle. I was expecting him to mention that I'm not on the list, but he's taking a while to even say anything until he opens his mouth and says,

Hadvar: You're a halfbreed of an Orc and Breton, aren't you? I don't see many of you around, especially in Skyrim.

I chuckle a little bit, I don't know how, but I actually forgot that I'm a halfbreed now. I think that annoying guy from before mentioned that I'd only look a little different from my everyday appearance; I really hope that's the case cause if it's that easy to tell I'm part Orc in my original appearance, then my ego would've been demolished. Hadvar turns to his captain with a concerned look.

Hadvar: Captain, what do we do? He's not on the list.

Captain: Forget the list! He goes to the block!

I look to my right, where the rest of my fellow prisoners are bound, and still see Lokir. It seems like he really didn't run after all. If he's still alive, then I'm free to do whatever I want in this world, unlike in the game; now it's time to have some real fun—starting with the good ol' Captain.

Alexander: Wow...you're a real bitch for that. Imagine the almighty Captain deciding to put an innocent man on the block.

The Captain turns in my direction, looking very annoyed, and goes up to me, punching me square in the gut, knocking the wind right out of me. I fall to the ground, trying to catch my breath, and I hear a ring beside me. A status window appears, saying my speech has leveled up.

Alexander: Ow...this better not be a running gag or something.

The Captain grabs me and stares daggers into my eyes.

Captain: Count yourself lucky you're already on the block, you worm! In this time of war, I'm not taking any chances to let you StormCloaks go! Fact I see is that you were with them, so you're a Stormcloak! Plain and simple!

General Tullius witnesses this, shaking his head.

Tullius: Captain, compose yourself and hurry this along! We don't have all day!

Captain: By your order, General Tullius. Get moving worm!

The Captain pulls me from my restraints, forcing me over to the rest of the prisoners. Damn, this lady really did suck!! Though I can't blame her. As of now, Skyrim is home to an intense civil war.

There was no way I could convince any of these guys that I was not working with Ulfric.

Even if I am a Halfbreed...with the StormCloaks...people who may as well be the equivalent of racist rednecks...make little to no sense.

...Yeah no, this Captain is a dumb bitch forget it, I'm blaming her. She may have been onto something in the game, but lazy programming can't be blamed here!

The Captain drags me over to the rest of the prisoners. As I'm being pulled by this woman, I think of an idea to prolong this whole situation before Alduin gets here, allowing more of us to survive.

Alexander: I'm not going to lie, Captain. You, lifting me up and dragging me like this, make this execution a hell of a lot more worth it. A man's dream, after all, is to be lifted by a strong woman like yourself.

The Captain throws me against the other StormCloaks and fumes.

Captain: You little disgusting pig!

Don't get me wrong; getting thrown did hurt. In the quick instance, this behemoth trapped inside a human body threw me, I felt the quickest jolt of pain in every nerve I had. But I couldn't stop laughing when she responded to my taunts. Plus, if taunting works to increase my speech, then I can level up faster, so I have to practice.

The StormCloaks push me off from them, and I am back in front of the Captain, who appears pretty pissed off at me.

Captain: You better hope losing your head isn't painful.

She walks away from me, I look at Hadvar, and he looks at me. I smirk at him, and his eyes widen in fear, shaking his head no as if he's warning me, but of course, I didn't listen.

Alexander: You know I always had this dream to be thrown and talked down to by a beautiful woman, thank you so much for attempting to fulfill my dream Captain, but that ass of your's could be a little plumper.

The Captain turns around, and I swear to you, if a person other than myself could breathe fire, she probably would. Now, for the cherry on top, the captain moves closer to me, and I chuckle.

Captain: Say one more word...I dare you.

She grabs hold of her sword, I know she's trying to be intimidating but I can't take her seriously, I mean come on! A damn dragon is going to go Hiroshima in this town, and she thinks she's the scariest person here?

I suddenly heard a roar off in the distance, and my smirk turned into a wide grin as I stared at the captain directly in her eyes.

Alexander: Are you threatening me with a good time, Captain? Five minutes is all I'll need with you.

The crowd went silent, and I saw Hadvar smack his head in frustration. A ring can be heard, and I see that my Speech leveled up again to 22. Nice.

But instead of feeling proud of the news, I feel a world of pain as the Captain sweeps me off my feet and flips me over to the ground, pinning me and placing her sword against my neck.

Captain: You're one mouthy halfbreed freak, aren't you? Stormcloak or not, I'll enjoy killing you myself.

Just then I saw a large black mass flying through the sky. Now is the time to get serious.

Alexander: just one more thing to add...ever heard that saying about a cloud and a silver lining? You might wanna look up.

The black mass lands on top of the tower nearby, and in that instance, I could see him clearly. Right there in the flesh...Alduin the World Eater.

Soldier 1: IT'S A DRAGON!!!

Soldier 2: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!

The Captain runs off in a hurry. I struggle a little getting up since my hands are still tied, but when I'm finally back on my feet, I look up to where Alduin is, staring at this terrifying and magnificent beast.

As I stand there Alduin's eyes meet mine, I felt a strong and powerful urge, every fiber of my body telling me one thing, to fight him, to kill him. And I knew why. My dragon blood was boiling. Thankfully, I still had control of myself. Surprisingly, though, Alduin just stood there as well.

I always thought it strange that Alduin could've had so many chances to kill the Dragonborn, yet he never took them. Now I think I know. When I saw Alduin's eyes meet mine, I could tell he wanted to fight me, too. Could it be that he desires for me to grow stronger?

Whatever the reason, I can promise you this, Alduin.

In no time, I will be on equal footing with you, and we will have our fight. Just wait.

Alexander: Zu'u'll krii hin asse gein sul.

That's right, I learned the dragon language. Some people learn Klingon, so I won't be ridiculed learning the Dragon tongue; if you do, fight me!

I turned and ran away, but in a brief second, I could swear I heard him chuckle before flying off.

I escape into the nearby building. Ralof must've finished talking to Ulfric because he starts to lead me up the stairs, with the random Stormcloak soldier going through the rubble.

Unlike the game, his appearance looked more unique. He was a portly man with a clean-shaven head and a big bristly beard. When I caught his attention, he lifted himself up, and I could see this man was gigantic. He was only a few inches shorter than I was, but he was as wide as a wall.

It almost caught me off guard how different he looked, but this is a real world, after all, so I guess some people who were faceless NPCs will look different now.

Stormcloak: Hey halfbreed! Help me out with this rubble!

Ralof tries to walk over, but I stop him midway and see Alduin outside from the window, turning to charge into the tower. What the hell I already saved Lokir and the guy who got executed first.

Alexander: I've got a better idea!

I grab this moronic bowling ball with legs and jump back against the wall dragging the soldier with me; at first, he was a little hostile. I could swear I heard him curse at me, but just then, bursting through a few feet away, Alduin appears and attacks but misses me, Ralof, and the soldier.

Both Stormcloaks appear mortified and look at me towering over them in awe.

Ralof: That dragon burst through the tower like nothing.

Stormcloak: We would've been dead if not for you.

Alexander: Got a name, bud?

The soldier blinks and nods.

Stormcloak: Vilfrid, my name is Vilfrid.

I grip onto Vilfrid and Ralof's shoulders.

Alexander: My name is Alexander. Today we all need to survive, if we're not careful we could very well die. Understand?

The two nod their heads nervously.

Alexander: Good; now, how strong are those knees?

Vilfrid: My knee—?

I grab Vilfrid and Ralof's collars and jump out of the hole Alduin left and onto the house nearby, the three of us landing directly on our feet. Even though I was the one dragging us through the building, Vilfrid was the one who fell to the ground first, with our combined weights breaking through to the first floor of the ruined inn we landed in.

I looked everywhere attempting to process what the hell just happened since this had never happened in the game. I guess I can't really question it when I somehow managed to drag this large bastard and Ralof. Orc strength is crazy, huh?

Alexander: Shit Vilfrid! No one told me you ate all the last meals for the prisoners!

Ralof and I get up quickly and help Vilfrid on his legs.

Alexander: You alright bud?

Vilfrid looked a little bewildered, but he smacked himself in the face and looked proudly at me.

Vilfrid: Nothing a Nord can't handle! By the Nine, though! You could've warned me about the jump! I'm stocky, but that still hurts! It felt like something stabbed me through the knee!

A grin appeared on my face as he said that.

Alexander: Would you say it was like an...arrow?

I snickered a little bit as Vilfrid looked at me in confusion before hearing Alduin roaring again. Ralof had already run ahead in another direction, where I saw some dead soldiers. I guess he's trying to get some weapons. Then I turned to Vilfrid.

Alexander: We don't have time for banter! Come!

Vilfrid: For the record, I would only eat the leftovers on someone's plate! It's not my fault everyone I meet is wasteful!

As we run we meet with Hadvar, attempting to help this kid, Haming I think was his name, right next to his father Torolf, who like Lokir, would've died at this point.

Hadvar: Haming, come here! Hurry!

Haming: Father, get up!

Torolf: I can't, little cub! Go on without me!

Yeah, not in this timeline, buddy. I run quickly to Torolf, grabbing him with both hands bound together, then throw him on my back, after I turn to Haming.

Alexander: MOVE YOUR ASS, BOY!!!

Then we both run back to Hadvar, Vilfrid, and Gunnar the Elder. Alduin lands and fires off once again, but we thankfully move to cover just in time with just a tiny singe on my ass. I had to take a good look to ensure it wasn't turned into a roast after I laid Torolf back down.

Torolf: Thank you, you saved my life.

Alexander: No big deal, bud. Vilfrid! Carry Torolf.

Vilfrid: Oh, uh...yes sir!

Vilfrid wraps Torolf's arm around his shoulder as we stay hiding away from Alduin, huddled together.

Alexander: Hadvar, we need to run to the keep!

Hadvar: I was thinking about that, but will it be safe?

Alexander: Better than being out in the open!

Alduin roars again in what could've been the best timing ever. Then Hadvar nods his head.

Hadvar: Good point!

We all sneak through the rubble and meet back with Ralof and Lokir who was with him, honestly I forgot about the poor sod.

Alexander: Hold Ralof!

Ralof looks at me and smiles before frowning as he sees Hadvar with me.

Ralof: Siding with the enemy Alexander, even you, Vilfrid?!

Vilfrid appears frightened, raising his hand while still trying to hold Torolf.

Vilfrid: Hey, I'm just listening to this guy!

Vilfrid points at me, and Ralof goes up to me and Hadvar.

Ralof: You do realize you're walking with this no good, daedric shit-covered mother—

An explosion goes off near us.


We all run inside safe and sound, once we all catch our breath Ralof continues.

Ralof: FUCKER!! This bastard was going to let you die, and you're working with him!

Hadvar: Bastard, eh? Bold words from a man who hides behind a coward, only relying on shouts to win a battle!



I rub my eyes in frustration as I witness the dumbest argument ever. It reminds me of a Skyrim animation video I saw. I check around the room. This was the same one Hadvar, and I would run to, so there should be some imperial armor.

I go to Gunnar motioning my arms around to signal him to help loosen my restraints, thankfully he had a knife on him so he cuts them off. At the corner of my eye I see a large chest, there's no way this was here before was it? I should know.

Opening the chest, I find a note on top of the items, which reads, "Enjoy your new life, buddy! This armor should be better than the imperial armor there! The enemies you'll encounter here will be harder to deal with, so you'll need it! -S

S? I don't know what that stands for but if I'd have to guess this might be the glowy fucker from before, with how careless he was I doubt the armor is anything special.

As I searched through the chest, I saw a complete set of steel plate armor.

Alexander: I stand corrected.

It's not the best armor compared to others, but this armor was the number-one choice this early in the game, and I couldn't be happier.

I grab the helmet, and before putting it on, I wonder how the armor will work in this situation. I can't just click a button. Do I place it on like normal?

I turned the helmet over to fit my head through the hole. I feel something fall: a piece of paper that read, "To wear your armor, say Equip followed by the name of that specific armor(individual pieces must be specified, while whole armor must be followed with Set, and must be in close proximity or in personal inventory)."

What? So I'm that chick with the red hair now?? But realistic or not, this is much easier.

Alexander: Equip, Steel Plate Armor: Set.

The armor in the blink of an eye equips onto me, the weight of it felt heavy, like I had backpacks on every one of my limbs, but nothing I couldn't manage with my new strength.

I turned to the imperial armor and thought about how to bring it since I didn't have a backpack or any pockets. Then a thought came to mind: I have been Isekai'd after all, so maybe if I place my hand on the item I want,

Alexander: Store in Inventory.

The items inside the chest disappear, and a status window showing my inventory appears, in the exact format from the original game.

I guess being a weeb finally paid off.

NightStarLive NightStarLive

Insert Weeb memes here!

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