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95.5% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2483: 3.0

Chapitre 2483: 3.0


Whatever Mr. Cheapmask hit me with, it was -awesome-. I want to be able to do that. On the other side of things, once I figure out how, I'm hitting -him- with it. Holy shit this hurts!. Mostly missing leg is very bad. I'm not sure if Armsy just doesn't like me, or if it was just that dark, but it took him a few minutes to order me taken to a hospital. I think it was when I decided, cauterizing it so I wouldn't die of missing my strawberry jam filling, would be a good idea that he realized there was something very wrong. I half expected for him to tell me to 'walk it off' just to be an ass.

When they got my attention long enough for me to purposely counter my ring based filter shield they finally managed to inject me with something. The bright side to all of this? Whatever the hell they have me on now is great stuff. I can't feel my face, much less my leg. Maybe I just got -really- drunk without realizing it? I tried to tell Taylor about Mr. Chains and the craziness those two guys pulled off, but I think all I managed to tell her was I wanted chocolate. I don't even like chocolate, come on brain! Things had started to fade so I knew I was going to lose consciousness, but I managed a couple of lucid thoughts. I was beyond being able to understand words, hell, I was beyond -speaking- words. I managed to make a misty almost-construct that looked vaguely like Shard. Vaguely meaning, it was teal, had four limbs and was about a foot tall. I'm not sure I even managed to give it a head. I registered some recognition from Taylor, but got no worry. I took it to mean she was okay. Everyone else I knew could take care of themselves. Once that was settled I let darkness take me.

The next thing I knew, I was in the dreamscape with Shard, who was hugging me tightly. Apparently their group had gotten back next and heard the news. I gave her a hug, "Hey sis, think you can let them all know I'm fine? We don't -really- have time to delay, so give them a bit of info too, just in case." And I used the 'lucid dream' aspect of the dreamscape to show Shard the whole fight. I know she won't be able to convey everything, but if she can just get an image of their capabilities and -generally- what they look like I'd feel a lot better. When she left I lost consciousness again.

She seemed to return in no time. Not sure if it's because she was just that fast, if the lack of consciousness did it, or if it was the time dilation in here. She didn't seem to have much to say. Everyone was waiting for a full meeting for when I woke up since Amy should be by soon to take care of my leg. Which reminds me... I have to give her flight for a day. I raise an eyebrow to Shard in question and she smiles brightly and nods. Of -course- she would be happy spending a day with a new friend.

Well. The worst part about this whole 'not really sleeping' thing, particularly with the time dilation, is that I get bored easily. That means I never just sit back and rest. So... Do I try to mimic the crap those guys managed, or do I try to beat the level...? Eh, obviously I want to be able to summon a badass indestructible creature. I convey the thoughts over to Shard so she will have 'witnessed' what I did during the fight - though I leave out the pain - I'm kind like that. The two of us start working on how to create a 'summon'. Shard was -particularly- interested in it, if it's self sustaining in some way then we may discover a way to 'free' her.

I go over the ideas I had in regards to it. From what I saw, it punched a hole between dimensions, -somehow- used the energy there to create actual matter, and the entire thing still accepted commands and didn't need to be directly controlled since Mr. Chains was only controlling one at a time. Alright, step one; punch a hole in reality... Well, I can send things across, but that's not the same as punching a hole... Oh right, the energies there break down the natural laws. It even breaks the laws of mana... but I determine the laws of my mana - to an extent. If I apply 'infuse' to 'energy'... since the energy between dimensions is purely unbound chaotic energy, perhaps it'll be pulled across when I bring the mana back?

Well. Attempt one was successful. Sadly, I'm an idiot and didn't think of what happens when you release chaotic energy in a plane of existence. The explosion was rather large. I'm just glad I didn't have to test it in 'reality'.

We managed to make some decent progress and I learned I can create my own 'laws' within chaotic energy. We also learned that Shard can practically swim in the stuff since she's a mana construct and her 'laws of existence' come from her. Well, mostly. By the time we learned all of that apparently Amy had shown up and managed to fix my leg, so Shard brought me out of the dreamscape as Amy purged the drugs from my system.

I opened my eyes with an "...Ngh..." and blinked a few times only for my eyes to -snap- open because a shadow creature was sitting on my chest. I -barely- avoided my standard 'surprise' response of a Foxfire orb. The fact that I vaguely remembered a deal about, if I was directly responsible for blowing up Sophia I'd get stabbed again, stopped me. Once I recovered from surprised I blinked for a moment, then idly waved my hand to summon Shard so she could hug Amy for me. The shadow didn't seem too keen on moving - that's when I realized she was actively keeping my Astral Shield ring discharged so Amy could work on me.

I give Amy a smile, "Thanks, that was one of my favorite legs!" I left out the fact that the other favorite legs were attached to Sophia - seriously, track star legs are amazing. Too bad she's so terrifying. Also I wouldn't be caught dead saying that, particularly with her around. When Amy rolled her eyes and I heard Taylor giggle I continued, "Sorry for interrupting your night. Let me know when you're ready to go back and I'll give you a lift."

She narrows her eyes a little as if she's thinking while she absentmindedly returns Shard's hug. She almost seems like she's at war with herself for a long moment. She looks around at the occupants of the room, still unsure, then she nods and seems a little meek when she says, "Now you owe me two?" She almost seemed like she was afraid of divine punishment or something.

I shrug with a smile, "That's fine with me," I turn to Shard who is playing in Amy's hair, "How about you?" Shard just nods while looking at me like I'm stupid. Of -course- she wants to hang out with Amy. Based on how Amy acted... Maybe I need to have a talk with Amy to explain that this isn't her job. I don't think she's like Taylor. Taylor is doing all she can because she has the Hero personality. Amy seems more normal. She seems to be in the 'because you have power you must' type situation.

I'm a little sad now that I realize I just missed watching her regrow half of my leg. Damn, that would have been one -hell- of a learning opportunity. I mean, how do you 'convince' everything to grow just right. It's not like superficial skin damage, she even keeps the thing from scarring. I was tempted to make a joke, but the group really needed to have a full discussion on these new guys. I could see that mom was on a laptop and dad was next to her - they knew I was going to be fine and they'd only be getting in the way. Impact was looking over mom's shoulder and Noelle was on a chair in the corner.

I tried to sit up only for Taylor to slap my chest and deposit a mana plate to hold me down, "No, you're a patient in a hospital, you have to stay still, at least until Panacea is done."

I roll my eyes, "Don't give me that, she's done already." I could tell. She wasn't regrowing anything, she was just... browsing I guess? Who knows? Maybe this mana manipulation has been changing me or something and she just wants a look. When I look over she's staring at me in a bit of shock. "What? It was just a leg, of course you're done already." Oh, right. She doesn't realize I can see what she's doing. Alright, let's shock her a bit more. I raise an eyebrow and create an internal 'Astral Shield', reversed so it will contain Amy's power, then I -shove- it to the side, so the infusion she uses is forced into my lung. Her eyes -bulge- and I can't help but laugh. Taylor is looking between us, but Sophia seems unfazed - though I'm pretty sure she can't make out everything in her shadow state.

Amy pulls her power out as she releases me, "How-... how did you -do- that?"

I shatter Taylor's mana plate and make a construct stage magician's top hat, lift it to make a mock bow from the hospital bed saying, "A magician never reveals his secrets." then the a half-physical mist-like construct bear pushes itself out of the hat only to explode into a bunch of construct flower petals.

Amy can't help the small smile at the foolishness, though she's still flabbergasted. Taylor giggles at the stupidity of the action, and it makes Sophia realize I'm fine so she returns to normal shaking her head saying, "Really?"

Noelle takes that to mean I'm fine, and I can see her breathe a sigh of relief before standing up to surround me with the others... I just realized I'm surrounded by pretty girls who are -all- worried about me, some more than others. When did -this- happen?... I glare at Taylor, "This is -your- fault." She seems confused for a moment then starts laughing - apparently she understands. She waved off the confused looks.

Once Taylor recovered she says, "Alright, we need a meeting. Amy, if you can then you should stay for this. It'll affect all of the hero groups in town so I think New Wave should hear about it too" Amy just nods, but I can tell she's surprised. She doesn't seem to be used to being considered as part of the actual 'hero' group.

Taylor turns to me, "We are required to report what has happened, but any further information isn't required. I want to use this information as a bargaining chip for S-... Stalker. Soundproff the room, and anything on Stalker, only let sound go to her ears."

Sophia speaks up, "Eh, Amy already knows who I am, you can use my name." but she seems fairly happy about that. I guess she and Taylor made up pretty well. Though I expect it has something to do with Taylor being a competent leader on top of her willing to let bad things happen to bad people. She doesn't condone it, but she doesn't gripe as long as nothing goes too far.

I go about my task and build up a Sonic Shield around Sophia, with a tunnel punched through for each ear allowing sound to be heard - but only by her ear. If she has any listening devices in her equipment it won't receive anything. A quick scan -does- show some electrical components giving off signals in some of the equipment that -shouldn't- have tech in it... but that could just be some sort of tracker, and I'm not spending the time to scan it all yet.

Taylor gives me a look and a nod, "Tell them what happened, but -only- what happened."

So I do. I leave out what things -are-, such as the chaotic energy, how they did what they did, how noise canceling can disable spells, everything about primary and secondary cores, etc. It basically came down to - Mr. Chains created a pocket dimension and dragged lung with him. Mr. Chains made a Hookwolf-like giant centipede. I split it in half, and one half went after lung with the other going after me. When one killed lung I went all out on the guy, only for guy number two to show up and fire a projectile that was -incredibly- dangerous. I had to slip out of the pocket dimension or risk dying if he fired another. I also described the Lotus as being their symbol.

Once the story was finished Taylor nodded and looked at Amy and Sophia, "The rest will not be in anyone's report and will not reach the PRT, understood?" Both of them nod, though Amy seems a little surprised. She hasn't seen me work but she knows I'm no pushover. Sophia doesn't seem sure what to think. I think she's starting to finally calm down a little and understand there are bigger fish out there.

Taylor turns back to me, "Now. The -detailed- info."

I nod and describe -how- they did what they did, how it can be stopped - either by stopping the spread of the 'old' mana by stopping them from breaking or using the amethyst or by keeping them from talking. It seems what they release has some commands or control built in. This got mom's undivided attention and her eyes even widened for a second as if she finally understood something. I continued to explain what the 'projectile' from Mr. Cheapmask actually was, getting surprised looks from everyone. I hear dad say something about 'practically the effect of antimatter'.

I go on to explain what I -think- happened with Lung. I think the centipede consumed his primary core, meaning I'll bet they're using both the primary and secondary cores for something.

That's when mom speaks up, "From what I've gathered the Frozen Lotus started up north. The first reports relating to them are rumors of them having ritualistically murdered nine people, over the course of several months, making use of heated chains. Each victim was killed by a single knife wound to the heart and seem to be over thirty years old. Recently they killed a hero named Road Rage who I assume stumbled onto them as they had left heroes alone entirely up to that point. Since then, based on the route -I- believe they took, I think they've killed four parahumans including Lung. Reports were of the victims disappearing entirely, or showing up later with damage to the head and brain. One report had spoken of violet light." She gives a hard look to everyone in the room. "Do NOT take these guys lightly. If they are doing what I -think- they are doing, then they could be -much- more powerful than what Will just described. I do not think they are parahumans, or even employ the use of them. I think they are using an ability similar to Will's, only they are using techniques that have been perfected over thousands of years."

Most of the group looks pretty dubious. Honestly, if I didn't know my mother as well as I did, then I probably wouldn't believe it either. Mom continues, "I don't care if you don't -really- believe me. Just make sure you're careful and -act- like it's the truth." She looks to me, "Will, can they support a second ring?"

I think I understand what she's asking. An Astral Shield should protect everyone from being easily pulled into a pocket dimension, and if that can be avoided then the person could escape the effective 'zone' the amethysts make. I look around at each person gauging their cores. I shake my head, "Amy and Impact can only support one, but Amy already has an Astral Shield in hers. Everyone else can -barely- support one more."

Mom nods, "Good. Don't worry about mine or your fathers until later, but change out Impact's and get everyone else set up with an Astral Shield ring. I don't think these guys will do anything out in the open, I'm pretty sure they are trying to follow the 'ancient laws'. I think it was called the law of the masquerade. That means as long as we can avoid being drawn into a pocket dimension we -should- be okay for a while."

I nod and start building up a network between everyone, that way I don't have to waste time linking up one at a time. I destroy my talismans so I can use them for new rings. I add an additional layer to the Astral Shield rings, they'll put some pressure on the skin when they're blocking something. Sadly that's not very effective around Vicky, but it should help everyone but Amy realize they're under attack.

While I'm building the new rings I hear them going on about the mission. Apparently Faultline's Crew had assisted in the interception along with a handful of mercenaries. Mom, dad, Noelle and Shard had dominated their end, leaving the Wards to just stare in awe. Dad wasn't allowed to use his gun, but the dulled Mana Bolts were enough when combined with mom and Shard. In fact, it sounds like Noelle had to keep Shard from going too far. Since Shard had been with Noelle I had given them the containment foam capsules... Which Shard was now convinced was meant as a hug attack. Noelle/Shard had spent the fight Boosting to enemies, then hugging them and setting off a capsule, then using Filter to get themselves out, leaving the poor guy trapped with a hole over his torso - locking his arms, legs, head and back in the stuff.

Impact and Sophia had the hardest time, apparently not only were there mercenaries and part of Faultline's Crew, the Undersiders showed up. Impact ended up dealing with the monster dogs, but ran out of mana in his ring. Sophia had used a few Foxfire orbs and her knockout bolts, but at one point the van exploded - and she swore no one had managed to get close. At that point she was overwhelmed. They -almost- got Bitch and Regent in the exchange though. Apparently Bitch wouldn't leave her dogs and Regent was overconfident thinking Sophia had to -throw- the orbs. Sophia managed to outwit the guy by making an orb in shadow state on her foot while pretending to have been making one in her hand. When she went to 'throw' it, he made her arm twitch, only for her to roll the orb off her foot in an arc toward him. Wards Leader, Silver Armor Lad and 'Kid Win' (I guess that's the non-talkative guy?) assisted but they were just overwhelmed. On a more comedic note - Sophia made sure to put a knockout bolt in Grue's ass cheek during his escape using her new control of her power. She was rather proud of that for some reason.

So Lung and Oni Lee died and Grue got away. At least the invisible guy got put in prison. Nothing for it, we had -everyone- out in force that time. It's just good I'm the only one that got seriously injured - although I'll bet Bitch's dogs are going to be having a rough week. Getting hit by Impact is no picnic.

The meeting had finished up by the time I had finished giving everyone an Astral Shield. I even upgraded Amy's to a tungsten carbide ring. When everything was done mom and dad explained they had something that had to be taken care of. Mom dropped the hint that she needed to grab some things from the 'library' and that we needed to have a family meeting later. Apparently she has more thoughts about this than what she shared here.

Noelle decided to head back to the hotel because I still had things to do and she felt useless here. She explained she was going to practice so that she could be useful next time.

Taylor decided to head out too, but she explained we were going to be using the dreamscape to train as a team at least twice a week. It gave -huge- gains compared to just training normally, and you could experiment without worrying.

Impact, however, grabbed my shoulder and jerked his head to follow him out to the hall. Amy had already left to help out around the hospital since she was here anyway. Impact started trying to talk with his muffled voice and after a bit of repeating and some charades (I'm getting good at interpreting that. I think it's due to Shard) I understood.

I shake my head, "No, your family should be fine as long as nothing leads back to them. These guys don't just go after people at random. If you're really worried I don't mind making some rings for them. You're part of the team and it's something I'd do for anyone on the team."

He thinks it over for a bit but shakes his head. A bit more muffled noise and charades and he conveyed that he wanted to keep his family as far away from all of this as possible. They don't even know that he's a cape. He -did- let slip that he has a son... or maybe he's the father figure to his little brother? something to that effect. Honestly it could go either way there. He's old enough he -could- have a very young kid. I had to explain that I'm not sure toddlers and small children would be able to support a ring.

Once that was done I ran into Taylor. She smiled a little but it didn't reach her eyes, "Hey Will... Do you think-"

I interrupt her and roll my eyes, saying with some exasperation, "Yes I can make a ring for your dad. Just let me know when and maybe throw in dinner or something."

She grins, "I can do that." she falters for a moment then continues, "Um... he still doesn't know, okay?... so you have to pretend you're just keeping your friend safe." She looks a little worried. I guess she's thinking of how I just stormed off into the PRT building to grab Impact, or when I flew off with her and Greg - basically stomping in, taking care of the problem and leaving.

I smirk, "Eh, that's exactly what I'm doing isn't it? Team or not, you -are- my friend. Unless you're backing out of the position?"

She glares at me and hits me in the chest, I had already rebuilt my Filter Shield ring and it had enough force to -feel- like she punched me without actually having much effect. She has a half-smile, "Of course I'm not backing out. Look at all the crap I've had to go through just to get the title. You -are- difficult to deal with but I admit it has it's perks." She sighed then and says, "I have to point Sophia toward a small den of Merchants, she's upset that she didn't win the fight and said she either wanted to murder some ant men or get a good fight. Since you're going to be busy for a while I figured I'd take responsibility as the leader and aim her somewhere productive."

I chuckle a little, "Yep, important to point the rage beast in the proper direction or we end up with another crater on school grounds." After that Taylor left, meaning Sophia had already left and was waiting on her.

I stopped and blinked for a moment then started looking around. Huh... Where'd Shard go?... It took me a few moments but I realized Shard used the 'Network' to link up with Amy. So she was riding along with Amy for her hospital rounds. I guess I just have too much on my mind. I started floating around the hospital to find the girl... Only to see something glowing streak by a window. I roll my eyes and slip out the window myself to see Amy laughing and flying around. I catch up and start tailing her as closely as I can, "Amy, we should be getting you home, it's close to midnight and I don't want to be punched by Vicky."

Amy is actually pouting... And I think Shard is telling her how to do it -just- right. "Shard, you can fly with her home, but we have to practice tonight. I'll bring you to her tomorrow and you guys can hang out all day. Alright?" At that Amy grins wide... I'm not sure if that's Amy, Shard or both of them. Either way, 'they' give me a hug. I pat them on the back, "Alright alright, let's get Amy home."

We took a scenic route to Amy's house so she could spend some time flying and playing with other abilities. Eventually I dropped her off at the door to the amusement of a smiling Vicky who had been almost ready to come looking for us. Though the way she said it sounded more like she was -hoping- she'd have to come looking for us. Shard jumped back to me after giving Vicky and Amy a goodbye hug.

After that I headed back to the hotel. I wanted to try to get the summoning working, and since Noelle was in my room anyway, maybe she could get some practice in.

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