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82.92% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2156: Chapter 34: Love & Lust

Chapitre 2156: Chapter 34: Love & Lust

Since it's being brought up, I should probably explain Cauldron's 'Kill Anubis/Khepri' thing. Let's start out with the big reason for their stance, they cannot Path Pantheon. On its own, they would probably just leave them be or ensure that their impact against the world was negligible so they could keep using the Path. I mean, they've been using the Path for years to plan out how to take out Scion, so they should be able to keep using it as long as there's no massive deviation or wrench thrown into their plans, right? The issue with that is Pantheon is too powerful for that to work. Anubis has been shown to be immune to Thinker effects, has fought off The Simurgh, and has blocked Dragon from their sight after freeing her, throwing the Path right down the shitter.

Then there's Khepri, a Master shown to have a range of 2 miles at minimum, 6 maximum, to them, and is capable of sharing senses with her bugs. She's an information leak waiting to happen, and with her abilities, would be nearly impossible to get the drop on.

Combined you have a pair strong enough to decimate a country and also seemingly can't be ambushed in any conventional way. Add Dragon into this equation, a known variable who is no longer chained, or under their thumb, and the issue gets even worse for them.

Add onto this, they don't know how many forms Sun Wukong has. Canberra was the result of Agni, 1 form out of 66, not that they know that. They also don't know about the 10 minute time limit for Ultimates, nor the fact Taylor can turn into the base alien form when Wukong is in Ultimate.

So now you have the equivalent of a fuckton of nuclear warheads that you know nearly nothing about, one that's shown to have a form for nearly all of their power archetypes, can hide others from Thinker Powers, and can go off at any point. Oh, and they CAN'T CONTROL IT.

With all those factors, the only viable option is to remove them from play. Sure, they could try to point them at Scion, but that fight would undoubtedly lead to a reckoning that'd destroy the world. They aren't prepped for something like that, so they have to do what they can to get rid of the players and reset the board.

Guest - The idea of sending an Endbringer into space has been there, especially yeeting them into the sun, but that's sadly not how they'll be dealt with. The idea of adding/giving back some forms has also been there, but most of the ones you listed are kind of too OP. Clockwork himself is too OP for Worm, saying nothing of Way Big. So if I ever do add more of the canon roster, it probably won't include either of them.

Guest - It's one of the reasons I used that song in the first place, aside from sharing my name. And yeah, Megamind is underrated.

Guest - He's more focused on the whole 'Immortality' thing. When that's done, other things will be free to be worked on.

Guest - Wildmutt and Bitch would be interesting, because despite Vulpimancers not being dogs, I'm really curious on how her Shard would treat it. 'It's got 4 legs, fur, and barks like one, so I guess it's a dog.'

Barbaric Bob - Yes there is, but I didn't give him the really heavy hitters on purpose. Guys like Clockwork would make Worm easy, and we can't have that.

Djbernman - Those are things that'll be explored when the whole Vita Chamber and Serum are done. Though getting Legend on their side sounds interesting. Also, Slug, the memory wiper, makes it so that they won't remember just by getting fixed. My idea is that they'll have impressions, moments of deja vu, and that feeling of having something on the tip of your tongue, but not knowing what. Doesn't mean they won't eventually remember, but I have an idea separate from them gaining regular forms. It's something that's already been made, even mentioned, but not explored.

Draco0905 - Lol.

The Clowning Prince - *Smiles.*

Dalan777 - Yeah, I explained it up there, so hopefully it makes sense.

James30olinares - Highly tempting.

Nitpicker - I get it.

ShadowslayerX - When the time comes, Darwin Awards will be going all round.

Azaira - Yeah, again I explained it above, so ideally that helps with understanding the murder boner Cauldron has.

TehStorm - ^

Lidiasmi - I didn't expect it to come off like that, but I'm amused by the comparison.

[Phoenix's POV]

Relaxing into the bed, I sunk into the mattress, and let myself turn into a puddle of flesh and goo. Taylor and my Aunt had done their best to hunt me down for the audacity of firing back. (Granted, I went right for the jugular on both of them, but I won anyway.) Running from bugs and laser fire may have been a hassle, but I lived bitch! I was sore as shit though after an hour of running, which then turned into a training exercise when I turned into Set so Taylor could join me in free running, but I was still alive at the end of it. We trained for a while after that, then did some Tinkering, ending the day off with a few movies and anime.

Letting out a sigh, I rolled over, closing my eyes as I thought of what went on today. (Tattletale is joining The Guild, so we'll be able to figure out where Leviathan and Behemoth's cores are, which will then need us to start building a planet breaker, so that'll be fucking annoying. We need to upgrade the Pulse Reactors, or make a stronger and more volatile power source specifically for the weapon(s) The Serum and Vita Chamber just need to be synthesized and made, and our first grab for immortality will be a go.) I could spend tomorrow gathering the materials, making the circuitry and other small but important components with the Fabricator, I would need a fuckton of copper and silver and shit, but getting it all done was doable.

Though, that wasn't all. (Gotta see how long it'll take for Amy to join up with us... Though I doubt she'll agree to help us is one thing...) I paused, then mentally corrected myself. (Four things.) It was Interesting really, the fact she'd essentially split herself into multiple versions of herself, who so happened to style themselves as anime characters I recognized, a black haired Medusa was one thing, but a Matsu clone was another thing entirely. I recognized the model, I was a teenager that liked harems and big ol booba once upon a time, even if the voice was different, so it wasn't a surprise that I recognized her.

I just didn't bring it up... Cause I wasn't entirely sure how I'd tell my Aunt one of her 'Sisters' was modeled after a thirsty bitch. Or the fact that she was stacked as fuck, like, why? (I get the whole 'Internet makes one a filthy degenerate' thing, but damn.) Horny and degenerate Auntie was a fun idea though, so that was going to be fun to explore.

That aside, my mind drifted to the shit Taylor had told us about. With the Nazis being the strongest power in the Bay, it made sense that they'd get ready for an expansion. Lung was down, no one had seen the suicide bomber for a while, and even though they shouldn't have Bakuda, I wouldn't be Surprised if they did. (We'll need to patrol some more, keep an eye on the Nazis and Asians... Actually,) Humming, I lazily opened an eye. (We should be able to find out if Bakuda is here if we just comb over the Bay with Big Chill.) 6 miles would make it easy to find the psycho bitch if she was here, and if she wasn't, we could settle for the Oni. (Tedious, but poss...-)

Thoughts on the Bay eventually ground to a halt when I felt my Other Half walk into the bedroom. I'd rolled onto my back to welcome her in, only to start staring at her. Normally, I would look at her, take in the sight of whatever she had on and accept it, then move on to cuddling or whatever we were going to do before we fell asleep. But the pulsing Lustful Anticipation coming from her, the Eager look in her eyes, and the fact she was wearing a black and emerald green lace strapless lingerie set, let me know something Fun was going to happen.

We stared at each other for a bit, then my Other Half licked her lips and grinned. Stepping forward, she started making her way over to the bed. "I was listening earlier," I blinked. "'The woman I'll eventually marry.'" Ah, that. "Mhm, that.~" The purr sent a shiver down my spine, Good. And I watched as my Other Half crawled onto the bed, coming closer. I was about to sit up, "Stay, don't move." When she said that.

I paused, staring directly in the eyes. "Why?"

She grinned at me, jade eyes glittering with Lustful Mischief. "Weeell, I thought about rewarding~ you after that little speech," Anticipation pulsed from me at that. "Buuut," I twitched at the switch up, and the way her smile changed. "You had to be you, and I changed my mind a little bit." I was going to have to figure out how to keep my thoughts back inside it seemed. "No, you're fine just the way you are."

Despite the sexy sight in front of me, I managed to raise a brow at her. "Why did that feel patronizing?"

In return she just let out a small laugh as a bit of Humor bled through the Bond. "Take it however you want Mi Corazon." I rolled my eyes, then watched as they drifted back to my girlfriend, whose body had just reached my legs. I raised my arms, ready to wrap them around her, only for Taylor to bring a hand up and poke my chest, stopping me. "No touching." My eyes widened, getting Amusement from her. "You talk alot of shit love, accept the consequences." That said, she went back to moving up, eventually ending up above me, emerald and jade locked together as we looked at each other.

Then she leaned down, pressing herself against me as our lips connected for a kiss. We both melted into the other, Love and Desire flowing between the both of us as we deepened it... Only for it to be cut short when she pulled back, her teeth on my bottom lip until she let it go. I opened my eyes, not entirely sure when they closed, to see my Other Half open her own, and shoot me an Amused smile right before she dipped her head low. Her lips landed on my neck, the feeling of her sucking on my flesh and nipping it making me groan in PleasureAnd we're only getting started.

That wicked thought was the only warning I got before she started dragging her body down, her lips going lower down my neck as she kept planting kisses against my skin, the feeling of fabric and her aroused nipples going against my chest. I wanted to move, was so tempted to just roll over and pin my girlfriend beneath me and take her lips, Anticipation welled from her at that thought. |Nope. Be a good boy for a bit and wait.|

My eyes narrowed at that, the shit eating grin on her face not helping with the surge of Desire and Lust coming from the both of us. "I'm going to ruin you for that. You know that right?"

Her grin widened, and she made sure she was looking me in the eyes as she kept going lower. |I know, and I'm looking forward to it.| My dick twitched, and I focused solely on her, tuning out everything else. When she reached my underwear, she gripped the hem of it, only stopping to look me in the eyes. "Remember, no touching till I say so." That said, she pulled down, freeing my dick.

Lemon Start

It wasn't a Surprise that I was already at full mast, we both knew what was going to happen, so our bodies reacted accordingly. With another lick of her lips, and a surge of Lust, Taylor wrapped a hand around my cock, gently bringing it to her lips as she kissed the tip. The Pleasure was easy to hold in, but when she slowly pumped my cock, her lips kissing along the side and the shaft as her hand kept jerking me off. Let's get the fun started. That thought, she brought her lips up to the tip, opened her mouth, and slowly took it in.

I grit my teeth at that, clenching the sheets as Taylor's warm mouth enveloped my cock. Keeping our eyes locked, she mentally grinned at me, then started to take more of it into her mouth. She only stopped halfway, above the hand she had wrapped around my dick, then started going back up, pumping me as she did. Pleasure came from me, while she pulsed with Desire. "I swear to g...- Oh fuck." Being a rude and evil woman, I can take that, Taylor started to suck as she settled into a rhythm Her tongue swirling around my cock as she dropped to halfway, only to bring herself back up and pump.

The entire time she did that, she refused to break eye contact, which was just adding onto everything. Pride came from her when I thought that, and on the next bob up, she took her lips and hand off of my cock, saliva flowing from her tongue as she made a show of having it drip down onto it. Lustful Hunger surged from her, and I would swear to god the image of bat wings and a heart shaped tail superimposed themselves onto her. "Hmm, that could be fun.~"

My eyes dilated at that, and I said the first thing to popped to mind. "You're going to kill me."

Taylor grinned, bringing her head back down to my cock, eyes still staring into mine. "And you'll thank me for it." Her breath washed over my dick, making me shudder. Without any other sign, she opened her mouth, pressed both hands onto my stomach, and dove down, swallowing my dick whole, Not yet I can't. I damn near hissed as I felt my Other Half take it, stop, and start humming. That sensation, along with the warmth and wetness of her mouth, was making my nails dig into the sheets and toes curl as I felt myself getting close. I can't take it all yet... Fuck it. And so she forced herself down to the base, the sounds of her choking filling the room as I felt my Pleasure spike. |You love it, don't you? Hearing me choke. Feeling my spit coat your cock. The warmth and wetness from my mouth and throat.| Rising, she dragged her tongue along my shaft, going all the way up until she stopped at the tip. "Love seeing me act like a slut.~" With a mental grin, she went back down, her tongue swirling around my cock as she let her Pleasure and Desire flow into me as she settled into her new routine.

As all of that happened, I groaned and took in everything she was doing and saying, my Pleasure and Lust peaking as my own body followed after it. "Taylor..."

Knowing what was coming, her Anticipation spiked, and she sped up, her head rising and dropping faster then before. |Do it. Paint my throat white. Give your wife your cum!| Hearing the word 'Wife' was like an injection of Desire was shot into my veins, and I bucked. Surprise was followed by Approval as I came into my girlfriend's mouth, the sound and sensation of gulping went off, making me focus onto the source.

Taylor took it all, and when it eventually stopped, she rose her head up, eventually letting my dick free with a low 'pop', and grinned at me. Making a show of licking her lips, she sat up, hands reaching to the back of her lingerie. In moments, her top came off, my Other Half carelessly tossing it away as her hands did the same with her panties. Them gone, my eyes roamed the form of my girlfriend.

Her long hair flowing around her like a black curtain, eyes shining as bright as the clearest crystals, skin glowing and her toned form slightly rippling as she breathed. It didn't matter that I'd already seen it everyday for months, the woman in front of me, on top of me, was Mine. (Definitely getting/making the ring to end all rings.)

Fond Love pulsed from her, and her eyes shone like the jades they were. "Keep talking like that and I'll demand a proposal by the end of the month." I laughed at that, but filed it away anyway. With nothing on now, she straddled me, my arms reflexively raising to grasp her thighs, "Not yet." Emerald met jade, and she only grinned brighter then before. "Tit for tat Mi Corazon. One from you, one for me."

Saying that, she pushed my arms away, my eyes focused on the she demon on top of me, watching as she dropped her hips onto my dick. Instead of taking it in, she ground herself against me, the both of us groaning/moaning at the sensation of her wet pussy against my dick. (She's going to be the death of me.) Her response was a spike in Amusement, and to speed up. While she did that, her hands went to her breasts, a hand molding the flesh of a breast, while the other pinched her nipple. Pleasure radiated from the both of us as the sensations freely traveled along the Bond, our moans filling the room.

I was pretty sure I'd ripped into the sheets and bed with how hard I was gripping them, it was torture what she was doing to me, Oh I know, and I was going to pay it back as soon as I could. |DaAAre y...-| All I needed to hear. Growling, my arms shot out, palms gripping onto her thighs as I rolled over. When we came to a stop, her back against the mattress, legs reflexively locked against my back, and my cock resting above her pussy.

Again, emerald met jade, and we both pulsed with Lustful Hunger. There was no need for a signal or to say anything, the minor pulse of Indignation was beat out by the Desire she felt, so even though she talked the talk, she was fine with this development. "Shut up and fuck me dammit!"

That got a laugh out of me. "So she asks, so she shall receive." Bringing my hips back, I positioned the tip against her lower lips, then thrust forwards, hilting myself inside my Other Half. ""Fuck."" Pleasure surged from the both of us, and after a moment of getting used to the warm walls enveloping my cock, and being whole, I pulled back a bit, then started to piston into her.

My Other Half moaned as my cock burrowed into her, Oh god yes! Her back slightly arching as her hands ran down my chest. Seeing a chance, I brought my hands up and clamped them down against her wrists Whadda fuck?! A yelp cut through her moans when I pinned them above her head, eyes snapping to me as she growled back at me. I grinned back, pistoning into her faster as she tried to keep up the defiant look, I ignored the way her legs tightened against my side. "YooUU...- MPH!"

Since I didn't need both hands to keep her pinned, I brought the other down to her lips, my thumb rubbing them as my index, middle, and ring finger slipped into her mouth. "You're a slut right? Then get to work." Her eyes narrowed for a moment, but a harder then normal thrust made her moan against my fingers, and she went at it. I groaned at the new sensation that came with her tongue roaming my fingers as she sucked, and thrust into her faster.

My Other Half and I kept this new rhythm up for a bit, and we both felt it as her peak was coming.

Feeling it, I pounded into her harder, the bleed over from my more physical aliens coming in handy as we were both able to take it, while Taylor moaned like the slut she proclaimed herself as. |I'm goIInG to GEt you BAAA...-|

Pushing my fingers down deeper into her mouth, I cut her off. "Sluts don't talk baAA...-" Taylor tightened her hold on my sides, and also against my dick. The vice like effect spiked the Pleasure we were both feeling, and the sensation of my Other Half cumming rippled through the both of us.

After the wave passed, and I recovered, I managed to pull o...- Taylor pulsed with Hunger, and tensed her legs. I only had a moment to recognize what was going to happen when she Surprised me by forcing my fingers out of her mouth and rolled, our positions changing again as she straddled me again despite just climaxing. I let go of her hands in the initial roll, so she was able to place the both of them against my chest, her nails digging into my skin as she glared at me, grinding against my cock all the while. "You want to be smart huh? Want to not go along with the plan, huh?!" Despite saying that, we both knew she was turned all the way on. Raking her nails against my chest, I ignored the pain and grinned at her. "Not the point!"

That only made me grin harder. "Then let's get to it, shall we?" And with that, I bucked, my cock plunging back inside of her.

"FUUUUUCK!~" Lifting her hips, she slammed them down into me, the bed creaking a bit with the action. Neither of us minded though, and let ourselves get lost in the Pleasure as Taylor bounced on my cock, a hand gripping her waist, and the other grabbing onto a breast. "Harder!" Not knowing which, and not entirely caring, I gripped her breast and pinched her nipple between my fingers, YeSYEsYES! While thrusting up into her with just a bit more for...- A hand wrapped around my throat, her index pressing against my lips as her other hand kept racking against my chest. "HARDER! FASTER! IF I WALK FINE TOMORROW I WILL HURT YOU!"

A deeper growl left my throat at that, I blamed Wildmutt, and I gripped her waist harder, my fingers sinking into her flesh. "Then take it you bitch!" We slammed into each other with more force and speed then before, and I nipped the finger at my lips.

The only sounds that went on from there were Taylor's moans, my grunts, and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh. We lost ourselves in the sensations we were receiving, and only snapped out of it when we felt both of our peaks coming. "In or out?!"

My Other Half took a moment to respond, but she managed it. "IIIN!" Grunting in response, I threw myself to the side, "WhoAAA!" Taylor and I swapped positions again, and I repositioned my hands onto her legs, slamming myself into her as I pushed her legs back, putting her into the Mating Press. Desire pulsed at that, and her eyes snapped to mine. "CUM IN ME! BREED ME!" Somewhere in the back of my mind, I wondered if we'd actually have a kid, "OooN ThE PILL!" Nevermind.

With no need to Worry, I slammed into my Other Half, the both of us shuddering as we came again. We both had to take a bit to bounce back from that, simultaneous climaxes hit us like sledgehammers, but when we did, we shared a look. "We have an unhealthy fascination with creampies."

She snorted. "Shut up and fuck." That was fair.

And so we did just that.

By the end, we fell asleep, tired, but satisfied in all the ways that mattered.

Lemon End

(I didn't intend for this to be as long as it was but oh well.)

A few days after that night, It's been four, four days after that night, we got back into our schedule, patrolling included. We'd been making sure to be seen going around The Bay, and since the Nazis hadn't made a move, it seemed like the tactic was working. Though, the Asians had been quiet too, a little too quiet really, which was a potential problem in the making. Lung and Hookwolf were 'Permanently' out of the picture, a Dragon transport picked them up in the dead of night to keep their extradition hush hush, denying the E88 or ABB from springing them. With them gone, the two gangs were down some powerhouses, and would be easier to take out.

The issue was that we didn't know where the HQ of the ABB was, and even with Taylor's bugs, we couldn't find Oni Lee or Bakuda, Aunt Erin confirmed the crazy bitch was in Brockton, Lung had gone to recruit while Oni Lee was injured, which he had lost an arm, so she was with them for a week at the very least. The fact that a psycho like her had been in the Bay for a week without us knowing, or finding any trace of her didn't sit well with either of us. It didn't help that things between the E88 and ABB were heating up, the mooks had been getting involved in skirmishes all across the city, but none of their Capes were ever spotted.

Auntie, the main one, had told us about a call she'd intercepted between Kaiser and Purity, it couldn't be used legally since it was gained from Aunt Erin doing her thing, which involved the head honcho attempting to enlist her to fight us. The keyword there was 'Attempt', because the woman had said she wasn't 'A suicidal dumbass', and hung up on him before he could try to threaten her. (Which is fair. We're terrifying.)

Though, with that, Dragon had started looking into Purity, an idea to keep her neutral, or bring her onto our side seemingly going through her mind. I didn't know what she was going to do, but I didn't really care enough to find out. The whole thing with Mouse Protector was more important, since nothing had come of it yet, and without knowing where the Slaughterhouse were, I couldn't work with my plan to send them all to hell and extend how much time we had to deal with the golden dumbass.

Aside from that, training in the Danger Room was going good and had been fun, I'd even managed to use our Tinker Time to get the framework for a Duel Disk/Runner addition set up, and was only missing a few things. Though, with the shipment of resources on the way courtesy of my Aunts, and wasn't that a fucking experience explaining to Taylor that there now existed more 'Dragon's' then before, I'd have the stuff here soon. Probably by the end of the day really.

"I mean," Looking down at my Other Half, her head was in my lap and I was running my fingers through her hair and scalp. It wasn't a massage per se, but it was still nice. "It wasn't that difficult to wrap my head around it. Everyone gets lonely at some point." Her piece said, she closed her eyes, and went back to just accepting the current situation. "It's a good situation." That made me snort.

Muting my side of the Bond for a bit, I thought about my project. The materials to make a Vita Chamber were set up, I just needed to wait to do it. Taylor would be visiting her Dad and her Aunt later today, so I had the opportunity to go for it then, but there were things planned too. We were supposed to go meet Brandish in an hour, while Amy had consented and even worked with Dragon to set up a schedule she still needed her 'Mother's' permission. Unmuting my thoughts, I hummed, then used my free hand to boop my girlfriend on the nose.

Letting out a small noise, which was adorable, Not adorable, I rolled my eyes. "You're adorable, and you will accept the compliment."

Taylor just raised a brow at me. "I'm 'Sexy and terrifying.' Adorable doesn't fit in there."

Having my own words thrown back at me made me snort. "Says you." Amusement came from her at that, so I booped her again... Well, I tried too, but she gently caught my finger in her lips and teeth, and locked her eyes with mine. We stared at each other for a bit, then I grinned. "If you want something else to put your lips around I'm all for it."

Her cheeks heated up at that, Embarrassed Interest following along with it. Though, instead of letting go, she licked my finger, Surprising me. |Your brand of teasing bullshit is getting less effective.|

I blinked, then grinned. Her eyes widened at that, Uh oh. "Just means I have to add a little something to it." Before she could react, I brought my finger back, she wasn't exactly chomping on it, and leaned down. Our lips met, and with a quick probe against her lips, my tongue slipped into her mouth. After a minute or two of kissing, we eventually broke off the kiss, and I leaned back. Taylor let out a Content and slightly Hungry sigh, while I licked my lips. "Stuff like that."

My girlfriend rolled her eyes at me. "I'm in range to headbutt your dick, don't test me."

Blinking, and taking a moment to recognize that she was right, I went on. "You're in choking range though." She paused, looked up at my free hand, then back to me. Her lips twitched, and a pulse of Amused Exasperation came from her, He'd do it too... That got a nod out of me. "I would."

Huffing, she reached up and poked my nose, much to my Amusement. "Bedrooms or bathroom only." I raised a brow at that. "I'd rather not have sex in front of Tess you goof."

Ah... Being mentioned, the TV flickered, and the figure of Erin, the Matsu clone, popped up in what looked like a copy of our livingroom. "! I'm totally fine with watching you two d...- Oh shit! !"

A loud slam went off, and we saw Melody come out of a door, shotgun in hand, and pumped it. "# Away from the children you degenerate! #"

Erin panicked, jumping off the couch as Taskmistress shot at her. "! I was joking! !"

"# LIES! #" We both watched as she ran after Erin, who had shot out from behind the couch like a cheetah and started booking it. "# GET BACK HERE DAMMIT! # She was just about to go off screen, she turned to us, leveling a parental look our way. "# I'd rather you don't christen the couch, but considering you're sexually active and hormonal teenagers, I know you'll do it eventually. When you do, you better use protection, am I clear? #"

Sharing a look, we both nodded, well, as much of a nod as Taylor could give. ""Totally./Crystal.""

Melody, the name that Taskmistress had decided to go by, nodded, smiling at us. "# Good. #" Turning in the direction Erin ran, she pumped her shotgun, totally unnecessary, and ran ahead. "# GET BACK HERE ERIN! #"

"! YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE! !" That said, the TV turned off, leaving us alone...




After who knows how long, I just said the first thing that popped into my mind. "Wanna be literally anywhere but here?"

"I've always wanted to go to London." The fact that her response was instantaneous said it all.


So we got up and left.

It was amazing that we had a unspoken understanding of just not mentioning what just happened. We Loved Dragon, and our Aunts by proxy, but sometimes the shit that went down here was too weird for us.

[Taylor's POV an hour later]

After our impromptu trip to Britain, which was nice and we turned into a date, Some good jewellery spots were noted for future bribery, I blinked, turning towards my Other Half. "Excuse you?"

Unphased by my tone or raised brow, my boyfriend just grinned. "You heard me." My brow raised even higher at that, and I crossed my arms, the softness of my hoodie was nice, looking him in the eyes. In response he just rolled his eyes. "You literally hunted me with your Swarm a few days ago. I need to know where those things are when you end up doing it again so I can bribe you not too."

(... He has a point.) The pulse of Amusement told me he heard that. And she would be right. Shaking that off, I huffed, and looked around.

The park looked the same, though there was a few puddles here and there since it rained last night. My bugs told me there was no one in the immediate area, making me nod. "Not even sure why you did that in the first place. Your bugs were enough."

I rolled my eyes at that and gave my boyfriend a side eye. "Because." He blinked, 'cause? I looked away. "Just because."

His response was to deadpan at me. "Why are you the way that you are?"

Shrugging, I activated my suit. "I blame you."

Fond Amusement was the immediate response to that, and I saw him activate his own suit. "Whatever helps you sleep at night Mi Reina.~" That tone made my eye twitch. He was a Smug bastard, but he was still MY Smug bastard. His arm wrapped around my waste, and his chin rested on my shoulder. "You say the best things you know." Scoffing at that, I pushed his head off, "Nooo!"

Looking at him, I could just tell he had a shit eating grin on his face, the whistle only reinforced that thought. (I swear he's a horrible influence on everyone.) He snorted, but I ignored it. "We going anytime soon?"

The snickering stopped, and he nodded. "Ride, run, or fly?" I projected the image of our bikes at him, and he snorted. "Then why didn't you just summon Johanna?"

I looked away. ".O t.. th.n.."

Smug Amusement pulsed like a beacon from him., and out of the corner of my eye, I saw him raise a hand to his ear and lean in. "Hmm? Couldn't hear you, you'll have to speak up."

The temptation to shunt away the Embarrassment was there, but I knew I couldn't always do that. "Do th. thin.."

"HMM?! I'm going deaf in this ear, you'll have to raise your voice."

My eye twitched, and I kicked the damned asshole in the shin, not that it did anything. "I want to do the thing dammit!" Predictably, my Other Half cackled in Glee as he heard it. I knew it was childish, knew this would be his response to hearing it, but I couldn't help myself! Kamen Rider wasn't my thing, but the cheesy announcement/activation phrase made the child in me Happy, so I liked it.

When he stopped laughing, he let out a breath, and nodded at me. "Fucking needed that." I tapped the ground, and he raised his hands in surrender. "Got it, got it."

Huffing, I mentally set the location where Johanna would appear, and counted down with my Other Half. ""Start Your Engine."" In the blink of an eye, Johanna and Behemoth appeared by our sides, and we mounted our bikes.

Sharing a look, and knowing him the way I did, I cut off his eventual thought. "We're not racing."

"Not even even for a Scooby Snack?" I leveled a deadpan at him. "Boo! You suck!"

"Swallow too." Hilariously enough, he choked, which was what I was aiming for.

The Surprise and surge of Prideful Amusement, just made me laugh. [I love you so fucking much.] Instead of replying, I revved my girl's engine, and shot out of the woods, a smile on my face as I did.

Getting one over on my Other Half was always worth it.

This might end up my 'Worst' chapter to date, since this chapter was accidentally dominated by the Lemon, and I don't know what to do about it.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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