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82.61% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 2148: Chapter 26: Rumble down under

Chapitre 2148: Chapter 26: Rumble down under

Last one for now.

Redburndragon - I thought about it, but decided against it.

Djberneman - I like this idea.

SainthoodSaint14 - It is a good card to have after all.

I willed myself to grow, my body gaining mass as the earth shook from my charge. 15ft became 17, 19, 20, stopping there as I SLAMMED into the smaller Tweedle with a body check from hell. Surprisingly, the little bastard held his ground, a feral screech of anger and madness coming from it as it tried to claw at my hide. I growled and punched down, aiming at its skull... When something shot towards my arms and legs, wrapping around them as some kind of slime coated my body. Looking at the thing wrapped around me, I snarled at the pulsing purple thing, tryi...- Pain rippled through me as I felt my hide starting to dissolve from what felt like acid. "▄▄▅▅"

Anger flowed from my Other Half as the Swarm buzzed to life, a tidal wave of her bugs surging towards the source of the restrai...- The bigger Tweedle roared, its claws digging into my hide as it scratched at me like an animal. The Pain washed over me, but my Mate's Anger fed into mine, and I roared, a sound wave blasting right into the bastard's face as I kept growing. The sound of a Pulse Round went out, but I didn't pay it much mind, not as much mind as the feeling of my Other Half jumping off of my shoulder.

Tearing through the restraints on me, I spun and swept my tail against the floor, Goblins and debris being caught up in it as I tripped up Tweedle. The feral Goblin screeched as it fell, and I finished my spin fast enough to aim my fist down towards its body.

Now, at this point, I was a multi ton 30ft tall dinosaur with momentum and fueled by Anger, so when my fist crashed into Tweedle's body, the sound of bone snapping and flesh exploding, didn't Surprise me.

What DID Surprise me was when I was shoulder checked by THE big bitch. Growling, I dug my feet into the ground, glaring at the featureless creature in front of me, and shot a fist into its chest...

Only for it to do fuck all and for me to flinch when it felt like someone punched me in the kidney. I tried to move back, and the creature took the opportunity to push me down into the ground, my tail clipping between my back and the ground as the thing opened its mouth. I'd been right, and it was similar to my good boi, but it's flesh was disgusting to look at, reminding me of that Toad Jutsu from Naruto. "▂▂▃▃▂▂!" My ears popped at how high pitched that was, and I temporarily lost my hearing because of it.

Not letting it stop me though, I lifted myself up a bit, using my tail to shoot out and wrap itself around one of the monstrosities leg, pulling it and destabilizing it. As soon as it lost its footing, I rolled, pressing the damn thing against the ground. The thing growled at me, its face flaps wreathing and stretching out at me, teeth and claws lining the maws that tried to latch onto my hide.

Its claws sunk into the softer part of my underbelly, tearing some of my flesh but not enough to be a danger. Growling back, I bit into one of the flaps coming at me, soft but disgusting flesh and blood filled my mouth, and I pulled my head back.

The scream of the creature hurt my ears, but I focused on the sound of tearing muscles and tendon as I ripped the flap off, spitting it out to the side when I stopped feeling resistance.

The thing started flailing and striking at my hi...- A hit to my knee came at just the right angle to make it pop out, Pain rippling from me as it was instantly popped back in. Though the distraction was enough for the thing to kick me off of it, sending me back as it scrambled to get up. (Fucking lucky bastard.) I shook my head, then took a second to blink when a Swarm of bugs flew into the open portion of the creature's mouth. It screeched, clawing at its face as it went crazy. It sort of Surprised me when it threw itself at me, but since it was reacting out of pain and discomfort, it was sloppy. Seeing it coming, I grabbed one of its arms with both hands, turned, and SLAMMED the thing into the earth, crushing a fuckton of my Mate's bugs as the ground started shaking and the thing screeched.

With it 'Down' for now, I brought a foot onto its chest, twisting and pulling its arm. I idly noted I wasn't being hurt by this, or the throw onto the ground, or the biting thing, but didn't pay it much mind, deciding that tearing this fuckers arm off was more important. "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!" Ignoring the scream, I put more pressure onto its chest, something cracking as I twisted and pulled, the flesh of its shoulder coming undone as I ripped the arm off. I felt goosebumps form though when it felt like there were things wreathing under my feet, which were probably the bugs that dove into its mouth.

An image flashed in my mind, a snapshot of what my Mate's bugs were looking at, and I got the idea. Spinning in place, I hurled the torn limb like a spear, the mass of twisted and bleeding flesh soaring through the air and crashing into the dome like structure she showed me. I didn't focus on it for long, turning back to the abomination.

Though I felt the pulse of Pleased Thanks from my Mate.

That aside, with the loss of its arm, and a veritable fountain of blood gushing from the thing's now empty socket, and even more bugs rushing into its body from said socket, the abomination flailed, its mouth flaps opening and closing as it thrashed and screeched. The whole thing was starting to get more and more Annoying though, and I growled louder as I put more and more pressure onto the abomination's chest. Its screams got louder, more frantic, and it lashed out, its claws raking against a part of my hide that was burned by the acid from earlier, tearing into my leg and ripping out some of my hide and the flesh underneath it.

Roaring in Pain, I staggered back, taking a kick to my chest that sent me back a bit. This thing was starting to piss me off, it'd done the most damage to me then I'd taken in this world, and I was already over it. (Should I..? No, Atlas* wouldn't help.) Ultimate Humungousaur was a powerhouse to be sure, but the drawback would lead to me making a mistake. I couldn't risk a rampage, so I had to go for something else.

Frowning, I watched as the abomination shakily got up, staggering at the loss of its arm, and lunged at me again. The thing didn't seem smart, so I growled and decided to see if it would fall for the same trick. Grabbing its last arm with my hands, I prepared to flip the fucker back into the ground... Only for its arm to burst into a fuckton of writhing tentacles. (Oh what the fu...-) The thing wrapped them around my face and SLAMMED me into the ground.

It didn't hurt, my hide and plating gave me an ungodly amount of defense, but my ridges were pinned into the ground. "▂▂▃▃▃▃▄▄!" The scream made my ears pop, and I was pretty sure I was bleeding from them, but I roared back, teeth sinking into the tentacles around my head, and punching the thing in the chest. I ignored the pain that one gave me, and kept punching until the thing staggered back.

Spitting the blood and Goblin flesh out of my mouth, I palmed the dial on my chest, turning into another form. "Blitzwolfer!" Digging my claws into the ground, I growled and looked up at the Goliath towering above me.

It was wounded, weak, but acceptable prey.

Now, people would think that because of Echo EchoBlitzwolfer was a redundant and useless form.

To that, I would say no.

Yes, Echo Echo was technically stronger due to the ability to clone itself, but Blitzwolfer was more versatile, physically stronger, more durable, and way faster. Not even mentioning the fact I was immune to extreme temperatures, both hot and cold,(He has that random 'Lava Immunity', so I'm making it extreme cold immunity too because that makes sense) and had Night Vision. Loboan's were predators, some of the perfect ones to be honest.

With a howl, I took off, ignoring the aches that followed me into my new form, the corpses of Goblins, the blood making up the earth, and blurred forwards. Due to its massive size, the abomination wasn't hard to reach, especially due to the speed of a Loboan. Jumping, I sunk my claws into the flesh of the creature's leg, and started climbing. The thing screeched, tentacles of flesh striking out and trying to constrict me, but it was pointless.

I was faster, smaller, and refused to be caught.

I scaled my prey's form, my Mate's howl went off in the distance, avoiding the tentacles was easy, and I paused to sink my claws into the creature's chest, before ripping out some flesh as I jumped up towards its throat. I had a plan to deal with my prey, but its size proved an issue.

Though, that didn't mean there wasn't a solution.

In flight, I raised a paw towards the Ultimatrix, and twisted the dial. Power rippled through me, new sensations coming and settling as I transformed into the apex of the Loboan species.

The form I named Anubis.*

Uncreative, but an easy one so I went with it and called it a day.

When it finished, I sunk my newer metallic claws into the soft flesh of the abominations throat. My auxiliary jaws snapped out, clamping around its flesh as I bared my fangs and bit down with them. In moments, my bones started to thrum, my throat and auxiliary jaws vibrated, and I howled into my prey's neck. ""GWOOOOOOOOOOOO!/AOOOOOOOOOOO!"Flesh exploded as the combined sound wave obliterated its throat, going all the way out and blasting through the bones of its spine.

Unlatching myself from the creature, I jumped back, kicking it to both send me off, and give it the push it needed to start falling. So, as I flew off, I watched as my prey stumbled, tentacles uselessly rising to its throat, and started to fall.

Seeing and feeling the creature crash into the earth, I watched, and listened for any indication that it was still alive.

I got my answer when I watched a Swarm of thousands of insects chew their way out of its body, shivering at the phantom sensations of insects crawling over and inside of my body. (God, thank fuck we're together.) Huffing at the thought, I shook my head, and decided to just turn to my Mate... Only to blink, and tilt my head as I took in the army of corpses that were being feasted on by insects. I had to look above them to find my Mate, which wasn't hard to do given my current form.

All the while, my Mate was huffing and radiating Annoyance as she flexed her claws at what looked like a bleeding stump. Probably feeling my gaze, she turned, her black fur relaxing as her jade eyes met mine. We stared at each other for a moment, then I blinked. "What the fuck did I miss?"

[Taylor's POV a few minutes earlier]

Trying to force the ringing out of my ears was pretty much impossible. Though, given the fact thousands or so Goblins had screamed at the same time, it made sense for it to be that difficult.

Thankfully, I was still able to see my surroundings, and control my Swarm. Holstering my sniper and bringing out my shotgun, I began ordering them down. They surged at the fodder, a black wave of chitin obeying my command. Their orders were simple, go in through their ears, nostrils, mouth, any open wounds, and make their way to the Goblin's hearts and brains. My bugs were small, they were bugs after all, but everything needed a brain or heart to function. (Well, aside from GoopEcho EchoUpgrade... I'm just going to stop thinking about that.) Shaking that off, I went back to the train of thought I had before.

Take those away, and death would follow sooner or later.

My musing aside, I focused on the situation when my Other Half started moving forwards, growing as he did. Thanks to my suit's adhesive capabilities, I stayed on his shoulder. It was mid charge when I saw what was most likely Tweedle's child, start bracing for my Other Half's charge. Surprisingly, the smaller Goblin managed to not be turned into roadkill, and held against the multi ton form of Humungousaur. The Annoyed growl he let out shook my bones, and he raised an arm... Only for something hiding in some alleyway of this citadel to shoot out tentacles that wrapped around my Other Half's wri...- Pain blossomed from the Bond, and a roar of Agony reverberated through the air.

I saw, heard, and smelt as part of his limbs began to sizzle and melt. Grinding my teeth, I whipped my head towards the source of the restraints on my Other Half, a wave of insects being dispatched to map out the area and find what did it. In moments, a feed opened and the sigh of some... Thing, poking through the earth, a fleshy and disgusting looking thing that seemed to be melting the stone around it, showed me my target.

Growling a bit, I activated the Strength Mode of my suit, kicking off of my Other Half's shoulder as I shot towards the thing that hurt my Other Half as bad as it did.

I soared through the air like a bullet, but I'd been getting used to moving at speeds like this thanks to some minor bleed over from XLR8 and my Hybrid Kineceleran form. Thanks to that, I was able to respond in time to twist my body a bit when a blob of something lunged at me.

When I landed, I used my bugs to give me a feed of what it was. Seeing a pile of molten silver churning on the ground a ways away from me, I understood that this had to be the Breaker reported about earlier. Frowning, I raised my Peacekeeper, shifting to Shield Mode as the blob and I stared at each other. (I should be able to kill it easily. Pulse Energy shares traits with electricity, and this thing looks like it has a mostly liquid bo...- Shit!) Jumping to the side, I avoided the sudden reappearance of the sentient slime, raising my Peacekeeper to the overextended tendril and firing a concentrated shot... That missed as it snapped the tendril back faster then the blast could reach it.

Shunting my Annoyance aside, I had to focus. Ordering my bugs to sweep the area, I needed to find the Mover. While they did that, I jumped away, aiming my free hand towards a structure a little bit behind me, and firing my grapple. I needed to get some distance, so I reeled myself backwards... And slammed into the building when I was distracted by a massive tremor that went through the area. Falling to the ground, I groaned, and retracted my hook.

The sudden pulse of Surprise didn't help the si...- "▂▂▃▃▂▂!"

(FUCK!) My ears rang and started to strain, the screech rattling my bones, so I activated my Hybrid form, the enhanced physiology of a Vaxasaurian flowing into me as my suit compensated for my sudden growth. But it did enough, and I had some form of prot...- Throwing myself to the side, and through a wall, I avoided the corrosive puddle's lunge.

A pulse of Pain came from my partner, and seeing the feed, I saw what happened. My own Anger grew, and I directed a Swarm to dive into the creature's open mouth, and to wreck havoc on its internal organs.

Growling, I brought out my QSS, I'd dropped my shotgun when the screech went out, and activated my Speed Mode. With my new mass, I would normally be slower, but this circumvented that. That aside, I shot forwards, ignoring the Breaker, and rushing towards the Mover. My bugs had found it, and were engaging it at the moment, but it had been displacing them before they could get close. Swarm Clones or constructs weren't working, so I had to deal with it myself. (The sooner I get rid of the Mover, the sooner I can get rid of the Breaker, and move onto the main Goblin creature.)

I'd still had eyes on the tunneling thing that hurt my Other Half, a Swarm of 10,000 harassing it while a majority of my Swarm dealt with the remaining Goblins, mapping out the area, and trying not to be crushed by the fight going on with my Other Half.

Focusing, I jumped, the Mover was on a nearby roof, so I had to get up there to kill it.

As soon as I jumped, the ground shuddered, a tremor going through the area as my boyfriend pinned the abomination to the ground. The tremor destroyed whatever last leg the building the Mover was on, collapsing the structure. Abusing the opportunity I was given, I ordered my bugs to Swarm i...- (SHIELD MODE!) The corrosive creature latched onto my leg with a tendril that seemed to take nearly all of its body, but my shields held.

When I crashed back onto the ground, I brought up my QSS, and fired at it. But like before, the thing retracted its tendril like a tape measure, snapping back to the rest of its body. Growling, "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!", and ignoring the scream, I was about to bring out a grenade, when a feed showed me what my Other Half had done. Seeing it, and keeping track of the creature that hurt him, I sent an image of where it was.

He got the idea, and as I charged and fired at the Breaker, I watched as he spun and threw the severed limb towards the thing that hurt him. The limb flew true, and crashed into the area the thing was currently hiding in. My bugs might've died from the impact, so I wasn't sure if it died yet, but I could and would check after this thing was dead.

With help from him, I reinforced my own assistance, and directed the more land bound bugs to rush into the things' new and gaping wound. They were given the same order, devour internal organs and get into its brain and heart. I doubted my boyfriend needed the help, but we were a team, and he'd get it anyway.

That aside, Pulse Rounds flew through the air, the Breaker weaving through and around the surrounding area as it did its best to avoid my bullets and run away from me. Annoyingly, it was doing a good job of weaving around my rounds thanks to its liquid like body, but when I grew a bit, palming a pair of grenades in my hand and tossing them at it, its luck ran out. The combined explosion of two Pulse Grenades engulfed it, the thing's body writhed and spasmed under the discharge, and eventually going inert as the explosion died down.

Narrowing my eyes, I shrunk back down to my normal size in this form, raising my AR as I did, and fired of a shot at the puddle of corrosive silver. The round struck, coursing through the puddle. But when there was no response, I shot it three more times just to make sure it was dead.

After confirming that yes, it was VERY dead, I turned to focus in on the creature that hurt him earlier.

Running towards where it should've been, I made sure to keep an eye on my feeds, and the charge of my suit. Fending off the silver thing had taken me down to 70%, and keeping up the Shield Mode was slowly draining it further, but my movement and the bit of sun I was getting was evening out the upkeep.

A flash of Pain caught me, and I looked at the fight my Other Half was in. I saw him and the abomination getting ready to charge at each other, and nearly stumbled when I saw the thing's arm burst into tentacles. (What the fuck?) That had caught us both off guard if the Surprise coming from both sides of the Bond meant anything.

Though, I growled when it slammed him into the grou...- "▂▂▃▃▃▃▄▄!" The scream still rattled my bones, but the Shield Mode took the brunt of the force, going down to 53%...

I shook off my Surprise, going back to ru...- I felt my body shift, my scales and tail twist and change, and my hide soften as the rest of my form rippled. My nails turned into claws, my posture adjusted to run better, my suit grew to accommodate the fur that sprouted over my body, and the ears that grew on top of my head. "Blitzwolfer!" With my new senses and capabilities, I shot off like a rocket towards my prey, the howl of my Mate ringing out through the cave.

The speed of my Hybrid Loboan form was enough to get me to my target, and when I saw it, I growled.

Tendrils struggled to pull its body out of the hole it was in as purple and acidic blood flowed onto the ground. The hit it took from my Mate had seemingly destroyed the left side of its body, as well as the majority of its upper body. What was left was a misshapen bloody thing that had tendril like roots on a stump vaguely shaped like a person. There was an eye on it though, an eye that locked onto me. My growl rose as I looked at it, then reached a fever pitch as I howled at it. My mask had been changed to allow me a mouth just for this, so there was nothing impeding the wave. "AOOO!" The sound wave left my maw and smashed into the creature in front of me.

I watched it crash into a nearby wall, and lunged after it.

Mid flight, I felt power flow through me, my suit and weapons disappearing as my entire physiology changed into that of a Loboan. There was no time for disorientation, and I never suffered from suddenly changing into an alien, so I put it out of my mind and flexed my claws. My paws hit the ground, claws digging into the earth in front of my prey, and I met its fearful look with a snarl, my muzzle blooming open as I howled""AOOOOOOOOOOO!/GWOOOOOOOOOOOO!""

The wave crashed into the creature's body, its upper half making it explode in a shower of blood and gore. I felt some land on my fur though, and I moved away, refusing to let anymore of its acidic blood land on me.

When it was over, and after a massive tremor rocked the earth, I huffed. My fur had a spot that looked burnt and withered, and I didn't like it. So, as I ordered my bugs to make their way out of the abomination, and flexed my claws. I brought my claws up to the patch of damaged fur, idly taking notice of the pulse of Discomforting Fear, and cut off the burnt fur, tossing it to the wind.

That done, I looked over at the corpse of my prey, Annoyed that it wasn't a quick and clean kill. Especially because it managed to get some of itself onto my coat.

Feeling the gaze of my Mate on me, I turned towards him, locking my eyes with his. And despite the distance, I heard him loud and clear. "What the fuck did I miss?"

Snorting, I padded over to him, my eyes idly taking in the carnage around us. It was probably the mindset of a Loboan, but seeing all the corpses and my insects feasting on them, I wasn't as bothered as I should've been. (Well, to be fair, Loboan's are predators. If they got discouraged by death, they'd be shit hunters.) Sure, I knew the species was meant to be fictional, but considering I was one at the moment, that argument was invalid.

That aside, my Mate and I met halfway, falling in alongside each other out a mic of instinct and habit. Though, it was probably the former that made me spot his injuries.

Whenever he swapped forms, his injuries didn't always carry over. Well, it depended on the forms, since some had tails, tails that could be hurt or damaged. But not all of his forms had tails, so the damage that limb would take would transfer over to his back. The size and severity of the injuries mattered too, and given how big Humungousaur was, his injuries obviously couldn't transfer over perfectly to the form of a Loboan.

So what happened was there was now a large gash on my Mate's chest, not deep enough to reach his organs, but enough for me to see the muscle beneath his flesh. His wrists and ankles had discolored fur that most likely hid heavily burned skin, while bruising littered his form. I growled in Displeasure and Concern, looking up to the raised brow of my Intrigued Mate. "Go Swampfire. You need to heal."

He blinked, Confusion pulsing from him as he tilted his head the opposite direction it'd already been in, his auxiliary maws flopping along with his ears. "Okaaay." Tapping the dial, the sense of power retreated, my form going back to my Loboan Hybrid state, while he returned to Blitzwolfer. The moment he returned to that form, he flinched, growling as he shook in place. "Oooh, fuck." Concerned, I wrapped an arm around his shoulder, an arm of his own seamlessly doing the same. "Was... Not expecting that." Shaking it off, he huffed, and tapped the dial.

A flash of green went off, and our forms changed. I was already used to the sensation, so I didn't let the loss of claws and fur bother me, focusing more on the aches I hadn't noticed as they started to go away. "Mhmmm..." Blinking, I processed what I'd just heard, then slowly turned to look at my Other Half. The plant man noticed my look, and raised a brow at me. "What?"

Did he...? "Are we going to ignore the moan?"

That got an eye roll. "We moan all the time when we fuck, what are you Surprised about?"

I felt my cheeks heat up at that, but huffed and kept looking at him. "You're usually not a walking tree when you moan."

Mischievousness pulsed, and I knew I'd walked into a trap when he grinned. "And yet I've got the wood to prove that wrong."




"I hate you so much."

"Aww, I love you too!"

I grumbled nonsense, doing my best to put aside how my core Burned at it all. (Note to self, get him back for this.) I'd manage it eventually.

[Phoenix's general POV]

After I finished healing, and holy shit did that point out how much had to be healed, I turned into Big Chill, the moth man wasn't necessary, but since he was one of my main and most used forms now, he was my go to for flight for the sake of flight.

Using our wings, mine were sore, though to be fair my entire body had been sore after I finished healing, we flew out of the cavern we'd found ourselves in. Well, after Taylor swept the area with her bugs. We knew the Goblin King was dead, Taylor had taken the shot and I'd watched as his head popped like a balloon, but we'd both lost track of the Queen.

It took a bit, but we eventually found her corpse. At some point, she must've fallen off of the abomination, and was flattened by one of us. Thankfully, her clothes, as smushed and covered in blood as they were, were enough for us to tell she was their Queen. I mentally considered that a point in my favor, making it a total of something. We agreed to count when we were at home, and find out who won then.

When we flew out of the hole, none of us were Surprised to find all of the healthy Capes surrounding the area.

After meeting back up in the main base, and debriefing, I took the time to zone out and take a nap, we found out they'd watched the whole thing. They didn't get involved, which was good for them since I wouldn't have cared about any of them if they did.

Not like I could keep track of ants when I was the size of a building.

When the meeting ended, and my Other Half woke me up, she told me we were free to head back home. She apparently gave the Ogre girl the go ahead to meet up with us later so we could figure out the whole 'Can I fix her' thing.

Not dealing with it at the moment was good with me, I was still tired and sore after the final fight, so it could wait.

Wasn't like she was going anywhere or anything.

Anyway, with that all done, we went home...

Though, when we teleported home, neither of us were expecting to see a confused Taskmistress flicking through the security feeds on our TV.

Getting the story explained it though.

*Atlas/Ultimate Humungousaur - Idk when, or if I'll use this form, but the idea is that the bigger he grows, the less intelligent he becomes, reverting to the mindset of a dinosaur. And yes, that means I'm not using Albedo's version of him, the only Albedo Ults I'm using is Ult Echo Echo.

Ultimate Blitzwolfer/Anubis, I love The Ink Tank's interpretation of this ultimate, so that's the one I'm using. My interpretation on their evolution though.

After being exposed to the Null Void(Which the wiki says happened and I'm running with it), the forested world of Luna Lobo slowly began to change as various species flocked to the world. Due to this, a multi faceted war erupted on the planet. The Loboan's hunted and fought the invaders, hunting them down and fighting them off to protect their planet. But due to the inhabitants of the Null Void being adapted to the dimension, as well as the constant 'Survival of the Fittest' aspect of the Null Void, they had an advantage.

Over the decades of war, the Loboan's adapted to the Null Void, and evolved to better fit and fight. In order to fight off the Vulpimancers, they evolved to gain more maws to howl with. To deal with aliens physically stronger then them, they evolved to be more durable, eventually gaining steel like skeletons due to the exposure of ores that began growing due to being in the Null Void. To deal with aliens more durable then them, they grew steel like claws and fangs capable of rending through the toughest of hides.

Ultimate Blitzwolfer gains

Enhanced Durability

Enhanced Strength

Auxiliary Maws

Metallic Teeth/Claws

Stronger Howls

Ultimate Blitzwolfer loses

Speed(Metallic skeleton is metal.)

Ability to swim. ^




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