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Chapitre 1581: 63 - ||

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After he met with Magni, they returned to the party and told Hawain all the dwarf had told them much of it the Regent knew, but there was yet still more to tell, and after several hours, Hawain agreed to grant them a ship under his command for the voyage.


But it had been a long day, a battle and celebration now they desired to rest after bidding Hawain and his court good day, they adjourned to their rooms though Jon knew he wouldn't sleep alone tonight.


And there he lay under the fur covers admiring the light of the moon until he heard the door to his room open and smiled when inhaled the redolence of lilies and flowers.


"Who would have deemed that a Princess of the Noldor would ever creep into a man's room at night?" Jon said with amusement in his voice.


Galadriel laughed before closing the door and sauntered into the moonlight, where he could see the majesty of her beauty.


She had taken a warm bath with scented oils that delighted his senses, and he could feel her wet golden tresses tickling his face and chest.


"I'm astounded by your vigour, my wolf, not even a scar noticeable," Galadriel said as she lay beside him, revelling in their closeness.


"You know that I have no love for my gifts, my Star I yearn to be a mortal man, yet it seems the Allfather has schemes yet unravelled," Jon said while stroking with her golden tresses.


"Yes, alas, the schemes of the Highest one are beyond our understanding, But I am happy to have you here with me," Galadriel said with a tender smile before placing a kiss upon his heart.


He realised that Galadriel wore a silver nightgown to bed, but unlike the preceding ones, this left very little to the imagination, and Jon understood that his beloved Galadriel chose those clothes to provoke him.


His passions were kindled again, and soon Jon was kissing his beloved with all the strength he could muster.


Seeing that Galadriel succumbed to passion as he fiercely devoured her mouth, Jon swiftly undid the knots of her nightgown, baring his beloved shoulders and breast to the chill eastern night.


"Oh, my beloved wolf, I have yearned for your touch for so long", Galadriel moaned in happiness.


"Hush, My Star of the West, I have waited for numerous torturous weeks to hold you in my arms again," Said Jon before coating his hands in sweet smelling oil and commenced to caress her neck and back with vigour.


"It seems your schemes didn't go as intended, beloved?" Jon said smugly.


"What scheme?" Galadriel asked", feigning innocence as she moaned with delight.


"You know what plan, by donning that alluring nightgown, it was apparent that you came to provoke me, to drive me mad with desire and when I could no longer restrain myself you would leave me to my own devices, twas very cruel scheme, my Lady," Jon said feigning irritation as he undid a knot from Galadriel's neck provoking her to moan.


"Was I so transparent?" Galadriel asked, relishing her massage.


"Aye, it seems as if you had little thought or guile when hatching this scheme," Jon replied, amused while Galadriel snorted.


"You haven't hide your intention either, beloved; you merely wished to get your hands on me", Galadriel replied, knowing perfectly well that Jon has been dying to touch her that way for weeks.


"Aye, that is true as the sun rising, but it doesn't change my oath you shall be mine ere we return to the hidden valley," said Jon shrugging his shoulders and not hiding his intentions.


"Do not be proud, my beloved, you well know I'm not some meek maiden, and you best not misremember, or you shall be serving me", Galadriel said, struggling to stay awake.


 "Aye, I'm proud by journies end you shall be heavy with our child", Jon whispered in her ear, causing her to redden furiously at the thought of her beloved's child quickening in her womb.


 She desired nothing so fiercely as to be a mother again, but she knew that the moment had not yet come; dark times awaited them, and she feared her beloved would face many trials before the age was over.

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After two days of rest, They received food, horses and several escorts to accompany them to Strondost; the journey, fortunately, passed without further incident, and as for Vhagar, she had stayed behind content to be pampered by the peasant of the city who brought her large bushels of meat she could have accompanied them. However, the Sea of Rhûn was no place for a dragon as they did not know how long it would take them to recover that treasure nor if they would be able to do so in the first place.



After three days of travel, they came upon the castle of Strondost; it was a respectable place with wide streets of cobbled stone and houses of blackened wood with roofs of pitch.


"It is a respectable town though not as grand as its twin to the north," Jon said as they rode through the gates.


"I must concur with you, Jon; never in my long years have I heard of this place, but it seems beautiful in its own way," Galadriel said, observing everything with calm and curiosity.


"Don't become starry-eyed over this place; it doesn't appear on many maps, and we shan't be staying long; we must set off soon", Magni said sharply.


"The treasure hasn't moved ere the age of this world began, and I don't it shall travel anytime soon," Jon replied, amused by Magni's eagerness to sail.


"I know, but my people lost faith most stayed in Caras Sant this is the last opportunity for without that treasure, my dreams of establishing a Kingdom of our own will sink just as those ships did," Magni said sadly and fearfully.


"Then we best find it, master dwarf", Galadriel said compassionately, upon seeing Magni's sadness though secretly she was excited to sail again.


"Where is the ship?" Jon questioned, as he only saw small fishing boats.


"A bit further down, it should still be anchored there; the port has been kept by Hawain's fathers for many generations a pleasure fleet, so I'm told the fisherman dare not abscond with the vessels, but Hawain pays them to keep them in good order," Magni said.


"Well, I must ask, how do you intend to search for the treasure at the bottom of a lake? I can swim as well as any fish though I lack their talents for surviving in those depths," Jon asked curiously.


"Yes ... You will see, it is an improvised method, but rather marvellous the idea was given to us by one of my Stiffbeard kin who frequents the oceans of the north", Magni said smiling, which intrigued Jon.


"But what ..." a curious Jon tried to ask but stopped when he felt Galadriel in his mind.


"Patience, my Wild Wolf, Your interrogations will be answered soon," Said the noble elf in a mischievous tone that did little to waylay his fears.


"When you speak it such riddles, it worries me whatever these Dwarves have planned cannot be safe", Jon replied, and Galadriel merely smiled.


"Ah, those words were not kind, my wolf", Galadriel said.


"Let's go," Magni said, interrupting without knowing the conversation between the lovers, and the three of them went in search of the ship heading to the coast of the Sea of the Rhûn, which surprised Jon since he would never have conceived of seeing an ocean inside the earth.


It was a lake of considerable size, and its waters were dark and deep. A forest stood at the north-eastern shore of the sea, and near the south-western shore, there were many hills. The south-eastern part of the Sea was occupied by a small wooded island that housed a small fort of the Vinter court.


"By Ulmo ..." Jon said, surprised to see the size of the Sea of Rhûn.


"I agree, my wolf. Truly is it fairest of all lakes in these wildlands," Galadriel responded, eager to sail.


"Yes, impressive ... But it is also part of the predicament; due to its enormous size, the treasure has eluded us for months," Magni said sadly and beginning to lose heart.


"Take heart, Magni; your misery shall soon end," Jon said solemnly.


"Aye, it does my heart good to hear that now come along the ship the Regent lent us is a little farther down," Magni said, leading them down the wharf until they came upon a beautiful Cog.


That ship had a slightly rounded hull. The forelock and the main with squared sails on each mast and a triangular sail in the mizzen, Jon assumed that the Cog was ideal for his company since these boats are great vessels to navigate at sea. Moreover, they are stable in rough seas and spacious enough to carry provisions for long voyages.


"It's a good boat," Jon said after a moment.


"Yes, it has proven its value over and over again though I must confess I've no knowledge of what makes a good ship", said Magni with a smile when he saw the ship anchored on the shore.


"Well ... shall we start?" Jon said, dismounting his horse and helping Galadriel off hers.


"As you say, Jon, I'm keen to sail," Galadriel said happily.


"Then let's be off tis better to search when the sun is high and the weather fair," Magni said eagerly and quickly climbed up the gangplank, followed by Jon and Galadriel.


As soon as Jon boarded the ship, he was surprised to see the crew was made up of many dwarves, no doubt from the Eastern houses though there were few men among them as well.


"Lord Magni," said one of the Dwarves bowing.


This Dwarf, unlike Magni, had Blacklocks and a flattened nose as if it had been struck with a hammer.


"Brítu, is everything ready?" Magni asked the dwarf, and he nodded.


"Yes, everything is in order, my lord, but if I may be so bold, who are they?" The dwarf asked with curiosity in his voice.


"This man is Baelon Targaryen, better known as Jon Herenlounga, the legendary dragon slayer and Emissary of King Elendil," said Magni smiling at the astonishment of his kin.


"It seems my name is not unknown among the Eastern peoples," Jon said with a smile while Galadriel just beamed in amusement, and for Jon, that beautiful smile lit up the entire ship like a light.


"And this beautiful Elf is Lady Galadriel, the Lady of Edhellond in the Southern realms of Dor-en-Ernil", Magni said as the few men on the ship looked spellbound at Galadriel, who bowed slightly.


"It is an honour to have such exceptional people in our fellowship ..." said Brítu bowing to Jon and Galadriel.


"From what I have seen, this boat is well cared for, and those who sail it are competent in their craft, so we should not have challenges," Jon said happily.


"Yes, it's a good ship ... WELL, RAISE ANCHORS!" Magni bellowed before shooting Jon a queer look.


And that's when Jon understood.


The young Targaryen walked behind the wheel, and immediately he saw was something that caused him confusion.


Instead of the anchors, there sat a vast sphere of bronze, iron, and steel with a crystal window seemingly unaffected by the muck and grime of the lake bottom.


Jon looked in shock at the Dwarves, who looked at him curiously and took his time before asking a question.


"By the Valar, what is that?" Jon asked, shocked, looking at that sphere again.


"A method to search underwater, as I told you before, it was forged by our Stiffbeard kin who prowl the frozen oceans of the North hunting Sea beasts," Magni said, scratching his bearded chin while Galadriel struggled to hold back her laughter all the while trying to calm him.


"Explain ..." Jon said, ignoring his beloved adroit embrace.


"It's simple, as you say, none could brave those depths for so long save the Dweller of the Deep, so the Stiffbeards among us forged this sphere to aid in our search," Magni said proudly.


"That reveals why the sailors grew weary of this quest so soon," Jon thought in resignation, knowing that he would soon brave those depths.


"But I admit that this idea is not perfect ... To begin with, the sphere works as an anchor, which greatly limits its movement since while the sphere is at the bottom of the sea, the ship cannot move, and we cannot remain down there for more than fifteen minutes at a time as air is scarce, "Magni said with a sigh.


"It seems the Stiffbeards are the queerest of Aulë's children; the craftsmanship is beautiful, but by the Valar who would be foolhardy enough to try this?" thought Jon warily.


"Now, my wolf, it seems that you will not have a choice, and you will have to descend with that sphere to the bottom of the sea," Galadriel replied, amused by the fate of her lover.


"You're enjoying this far too much, my Star", Jon grumbled, and Galadriel did little to deny it.


Sighing, Jon looked at Magni, who was nabbed by the closeness between Jon and Galadriel, forthwith confirming his suspicions about them.


"Well, that's one less problem .. By the Valar, I hope so, now do you have an idea where to start looking for the treasure?" Jon asked.


"Yes, using the captain's log, we have charted the course that his small fleet of ships presumably took; in fact, thousands of years ago, they were anchored right here", Magni replied.


"What else?" Jon asked.


"Due to the vastness of the Sea of Rhun, we have limited our searches to the distance of one day because that was the last entry in the diary, but we have not been successful," Magni said, sighing wearily.


"This will be a long journey," Jon lamented inwardly.


And at that moment, the ship finally began to sail on a voyage and a discovery that would rewrite the history of Arda in a way that not even Mandos foresaw from his throne.


For Erú endorsed the Valar's plan and decided to convey a lesson to the Powers of the World.

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The following days on the ship were a delight for Jon as he had longed to sail for many years to hear the crash of waves and the scent of salt upon the breeze.


The few sailors of Dorwinion had proven to be competent sailors, but they had no love for the sea like his forebears, although they followed their orders with diligence and without hesitation. Still, on more than one occasion, He had heard their whispering amongst themselves concerning the folly of the search and that reasonably they should give up. 


Though Magni and the Dwarves that accompanied him proved to be quite helpful, the Dwarves have little love for the sea, avoiding entering or crossing it as much as possible, but the Stiffbeards among them kept the ship in good order and even instructed their kin on the arts of navigation when they weren't searching.


The ship also turned out to be surprisingly comfortable and capacious, so much, so they were able to sleep with one another Magni had discovered their closeness and gave them the loveliest cabin it was furnished with a large desk, a bed of oak, a vanity with an imperishable mirror as well as several dozen instruments used for navigation,


Jon hadn't felt so happy in months, and he knew Galadriel felt the same as they lay beneath the bearskin covers on those cold Eastern nights with the sound of crashing waves summoning them to sleep.


Jon, in particular, was ecstatic to once again perceive the flowery essence of his beloved as she lay beside him.


On those delightful nights, Jon was happiest.


The most surprising thing is that the Dwarves managed to build a forge on the ship to forge more links for the chains and thus continue to descend as the need arose, although this was almost useless due to the pressure of the water. Still, for Jon, it was wonderful the sea and forge two things he held dear alas if he had only brought his harp, all would be well.


However, not everything was well; the treasure hunt was not proceeding at all, each day was the same Jon, and the Dwarves would climb into the sphere and descend into the Sea though they spoke little to conserve air. Still, the crystal illuminated the sea around them, and it was beautiful to behold, with many colourful fish darting about.


But the pressure of the water ... It was overwhelming, on more than one occasion, the Dwarves collapsed while he remained awake, although after a few minutes he too fell to his knees, and they had to return to the surface.


Things could not continue this way; Jon did not want to fail Magni as he had promised to win him a Kingdom, yet he could not linger in Rhûn forever.


Jon knew he would arouse the ire of Elendil for revealing Vhagar to the Eastern men, not to mention that he will eventually have to explain the cause for his absence, and he also kens quite well that his King at best will send him to clean stables.


Elendil was a firm and just king far mightier than any petty Westerosi ruler, but his Highness could be harsh when the need arose, in the pursuit of all his purposes eager and steadfast. Few ever changed his courses by counsel, none by force and Jon doubted he could explain his absence when he returned.


It is because of these reasons that during his voyage through the Sea of Rhun, Jon put into practice everything he learned from Lord Cirdan to try to ascertain where the ship of those Pirates could have sunk, he had read that corsair's diary many times so much so he could recite it.


He was presently plotting routes by the light of a burning candle, though he had indeed done little save exhaust himself further, but he must finish his work before retiring for the night.


With that in mind, Jon turned his gaze to his sweet Galadriel, who was fast asleep in their bed.


"She is tired of being here like everyone else ... It is her love for me and thirst for adventure that keeps her here, but the desire to leave is ever on her mind, and I can't blame her," Jon thought grumpily before returning to his task.


There is no doubt that these Pirates were scum; they had reaved and plundered throughout Beleriand just as the Ironborn had Westeros. Yet, unlike the cursed squid, these men had cunning and prudence to hide from the towns of Beleriand and not make their presence known, disguising themselves on many occasions as outlaws and common beggars ere returning to Rhun with their ill-gotten loot.


Although Jon had to admit that the captain of those damned pirates was a meticulous madman, there was not a day in which he did not fully detail what course his ships took, for which he was of great help in plotting the course, and now he was utterly sure that Magni was correct, his fleet sank on the first day of the trip. And based on this, Jon had managed to determine where they had allegedly sunk, but they found nothing save a great chasm that fell to an unknown depth.


The moment he set his eyes on that seemingly bottomless gloom, Jon knew in his heart that something was at the bottom, but the crew would hear none of it and were content to search elsewhere.


The days grew longer, and he couldn't tarry in the East much more; they had to find the treasure soon. But they had already exhausted all their prospects; food was becoming scarce as well as water, and Jon was certain that they had found where the fleet sank; if the remains of their ships were not there, it could only mean two things.


Oh well, the diary was false or ... The ships had sunk and fallen into the abyss to which no one wanted to descend. But Jon knew it was the latter; now, he need only convince Magni.


With those gloomy thoughts in mind, Jon put down his notes, and the book blew out his candle and joined Galadriel in their bed.


"That treasure is in that black abyss. I feel it calling me hence," Jon thought wearily.

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The next day Jon, Galadriel, Magni, Brítu and the others were having breakfast, and Galadriel noticed that her beloved had a restless look, and she begot a queer feeling.


"Is something wrong, my wolf?" Galadriel asked, gently caressing her lover's face and smiling when he gently took her hand and kissed it lovingly.


"I'm afraid that if my" Star of the West "... I'm sure I've already found the treasure of those pirates ..." Jon said to the smiling and surprised Galadriel.


The incessant murmur ended with everyone staring at Jon in surprise and excitement.


"It's true?" Magni asked, suddenly getting up with tears in his eyes.


"Well ... I'm not completely sure ... But I am convinced that the treasure is at the bottom of the abyss we passed yesterday ..." Jon said solemnly, getting up from the table.


Hearing him, a murmur of disbelief and fear spread throughout the dining room.


"I already told you that is", Magni started to say, but Jon raised a hand and stopped him.


"We have travelled the whole route that those pirates heeded several times, and we have not found anything, except that dark and cold abyss, so my heart tells me that it is not a coincidence Magni, I have accepted that you are right we have travelled all the way noted in the book, and we have even gone further and possible backwards finding nothing, so that leaves us two courses if I have anything to say about it, and I do," Jon said.' So either the diary was wholly false, which I don't believe for a second, or we know where the treasure lay."


"The abyss," Magni said, shedding tears of resignation.


"Then there is nothing to be done, then the treasure is lost to us," Brítu said, and a gloomy mood took over everyone.


"Fear not Brítu, my good fellow; we are still many avenues open to us", Jon replied.


"What can any of us do? None could brave those depths and yet live," Magni inquired sadly.


"I can go there," Jon said, surprising everyone.


"That's impossible ... The pressure ..." Brítu said.


At that moment, Jon took a table knife, and in front of everyone, he marred his hand with it, and before the astonished gaze of all, the wound closed almost instantly.


"By Mahal", Magni murmured in shock.


"Some fifty years ago I fell in battle, and by the grace of Ilúvatar ', I was allowed to return from the" Rooms of Command "although, through a series of events challenging to explain, I gained the gift to heal swiftly, I am not immortal, but I think I can survive the Sea of Rhûn, but I shall have to go alone I fear, "Jon said in front of the room.


No one said anything for a few minutes until Magni and the sailors began to converse amongst themselves.


"You take a great risk for a treasure, my beloved Baelon", Galadriel said sternly.


"I know my beloved star, but I am sure that none of this is a coincidence. I know that finding that treasure is a portion of our fate. It is a feeling in the heart that has not left me since we found that abyss," Jon said solemnly.


"I see that nothing I say will stop you ... Go with my blessing, and I beg you return safely, I do not want to have to break the news of your death to my aunt nor your lady loves," Galadriel said as she looked at him pleadingly, and Jon reviled himself for causing her such grief.



"Aye, but how shall we do it?" Magni said suddenly.


"I'll just go down to the bottom to see if the boats are there ... Then they'll take me up," Jon said as if this was the simplest thing in the world.


Unfortunately, it will not be.


"And how will you see in the dark?" Magni asked.


"In that regard, I can help you ..." Galadriel said in a melodious tone and held up a small crystal phial: it glittered as she moved it, and rays of white light sprang from her hand, astonishing everyone in the dining room. Jon knew that the light was familiar to him though he couldn't remember where he had seen it.


"What is this fair gem?" Jon asked, captivated by the light, and Galadriel placed the delicate phial in his hands with her face one of love.


"In this phial is caught the light of Eärendil's star, set amid the waters of my fountain. May it be a light for you, my beloved, in dark places, when all other lights go out, "Galadriel said, placing a kiss on her lips.


No one in the dining room had words for such a gift, but Jon, with tears in his eyes, took it and returned the kiss with all the love and passion he had without caring that they were seen, surprising the beautiful elf.


"Jon .." Galadriel said, deeply blushing.


"My Star of the West, it is fairer than any gift I have ever received," Jon said sweetly.


"Do not thank me yet, my beloved, first you must return to me", Galadriel said sternly, and Jon nodded.


"Aye, we have little time to lose," Jon said confidently.

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After saying goodbye to everyone, Jon stepped into that strange metal sphere, as the still waters covered the sphere; his last sight was the concerned face of Magni and his beloved.


"It's too late for doubts," Jon thought grimly as he gazed upon the chasm that awaited him.


For a few moments, all was warm and pleasant, but soon, the light began to fade, and the sphere became chill, and he was greeted by darkness.


But now he was in another predicament, he kept descending and had not yet reached the bottom, not to mention that now it was so dark that he could no longer even see the origin of the pit, but at that moment as if his thoughts had been heard by the Valar, Jon felt it with a colossal shudder in the sphere.


He had hit rock bottom but could not see anything; he felt wearier, and soon the chill had seeped into his bones; he took the phial from his cloak and gazed at it pleadingly.


"Please ... Help me," Jon thought desperately when suddenly the miracle happened.


For a moment it glimmered, faint as a rising star struggling in heavy earthwards mists, and then as its power waxed, and hope grew in his mind, it began to burn, and kindled to a silver flame, a minute heart of dazzling light, as though Eärendil had himself come down from the high sunset paths with the last Silmaril upon his brow. The darkness receded from it until it seemed to shine in the centre of a globe of airy crystal, and the hand that held it sparkled with white fire.


When Jon opened his eyes wholly recovered, he was so surprised that he fell back despite the small space in the metal sphere. He had reached the bottom of the abyss, and in front of him was a vast marred galley; peering into the gloom, he could see the shapes of two more ships of similar shape.


"Aiya Eärendil elenion ancalima!" He said with pride and tears in his eyes.


At that moment, Jon began to feel how his strength began to falter again, but fortunately, the sphere was pulled to the surface, and as he ascended, he spied a hole in the ship revealing many chests of silver and gold.


He had found it, he had finally found the treasure of those pirates of the First Age, but now he must bring it to the land.


For that, he was confident he would need Vhagar to aid him.

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After several minutes the iron and bronze sphere came out of the sea, and by luck and relief for all, Jon managed to open it; at that moment, Galadriel sobbed in happiness when she saw her beloved safe and sound.


The others helped Jon up to the boat, though his feet were unsteady, tearful Galadriel took him in her arms, and he collapsed.


"Jon!" Galadriel shouted fearfully.


"I'm fine, just give me a few minutes ..." Jon said, delighting in the warmth of her embrace.


"What happened?" Magni asked nervously.


"I was correct. I found the treasure; it is down there, by the Valar I'd wager there is a hundred chest inside those ships," Jon said, almost fully mended as he heard a roar of joy from both the Dwarves and the men who hugged each other happily, but Magni groaned.


"You don't seem happy, Magni, Son of Thurimar .." Galadriel said confusedly.


"Well, I'm happy to finally have found that treasure, but how are we going to get it out?" Magni said, ending the joy of the others.


"It's true ... Oh, our efforts will be in vain," Said one of the ship's men, and they all murmured sadly but Jon, already recovered, sighed.


"I already thought of a method to get the treasure, but I need all of us to return to the fishing village. We will need time and supplies to get it out and a stout chain," Jon said cryptically.


"What do you plan to do to remove the treasure?" Asked the Dwarf.


"You'll know Magni," Jon said, smiling restlessly, looking at Galadriel, who was extremely pale after reading his mind.



2 days later


Everyone departed the boat eager to be on land; they stayed at the inn though it was hardly large enough to hold them all, the food was good and the drink strong, Galadriel, as expected, received preferential treatment from the owners of the place. So they ate their fill, and after some time, Jon revealed his plan.


"Perhaps I misheard you manling?" Magni asked, shocked, believing he had misheard leaving his beer mug on the table.


"I want to forge a suit to withstand the depths and a chain strong enough to draw the boats up," said Jon drinking his beer calmly.


"You have to be crazy .." Magni said.


"It is likely ... Although if we succeed ... it will be something incredible, worthy of songs ..." Jon said, although not entirely convinced.


"We can forge the chain… But the suit? .. All the smiths among our kin can forge armour resistant to heat, but nothing has ever been forged that can protect from water," Magni said with one hand on the chin.


"And you have never seen dwarves who knew how to sail, and you have proven to be an excellent exception ..." Jon said with a shrug as the Dwarves began to chat with each other.


"Very well ... We can try, but there is a problem. How will we get the ships out? ... We don't have the strength to bring them to the surface," Magni said.


"That is a good question; it will take many days to haul them to the surface, but I think we merely have to remove them from the abyss and drag them to shallower waters and remove the chest one by one, "said Jon.


Those words raised the spirits of the entire crew.


"But that doesn't solve our problem," Magni growled.


"We will use my dragon .." Said Jon, and immediately the dwarves flipped their chairs and bellowed in a fury.


Jon simply ignored them and continued sipping his beer until they had halted their tantrums.


"And will your dragon be able to bring up the ship?" Magni asked curiously to the shock of the Dwarves.


"Lord Magni ... He cannot consider this ... The dragon will claim the treasure when we remove it from the sea ..." said the dwarf Brítu.


"Don't let your fears blind you Brítu, Son of Var This dragon is no servant of the great enemy and has little care for gold, but if you arouse her ire, I fear you shall meet your father far sooner than you like," Galadriel said somberly though it seemed to calm the dwarves.


"My Star of the West, I perceive your concern," Jon said worriedly.


"Why shouldn't I be wroth Jon? This plan is foolish and reckless and far more foolhardy than the last one," Galadriel said, pleading with him to cease his foolishness.


"Be Calm, my beloved; if we had any other means, I would gladly take it, but our time grows short, and we must conclude our business here," Jon said restlessly.


"Oh, Baelon... Of all your exploits, only one has been more reckless than this. I hope that treasure is worth it," Galadriel said with a sad smile.


"I know," Jon said, recalling his battle with Herenlokë.


With those thoughts, Jon and Galadriel returned their gaze to the Dwarves, who had then finished chatting to each other.


"Alright, we have no choice, so must we return to Caras Sant and fetch her then?" Magni asked resignedly.


"That won't be necessary, Vhagar, and I share a bond, not unlike Manwe and the Eagles should I call her; she shall come," Jon said to the astonished dwarves.


"By Mahal ... I didn't think something like that was possible ..." Magni said.


"Something tells me that this treasure will change many things whether for good or ill I cannot imagine", Jon thought solemnly, pouring himself more beer.



Over the next few days, Jon helped the Dwarves forge a great chain to hoist the ship from the depths.


All the Dwarves were fascinated by Jon's skill; in the eyes of the Dwarves, he seemed like one of their kin.


"I have never seen a man so skilled in the Mahal Arts. Are you sure you are not related to one of our clans?" Magni asked as he finished another link.


"I'm afraid not Master Dwarf ... I am a mortal man despite all my gifts though I did spend some fifty years among the Longbeards, "said Jon finishing another link.


"By my beard, fifty years in Khazad-dûm King Durin must hold you in high esteem; you were given a great honour," said Magni.


"I know Lord Magni, the mountain is as dear to me as any elven hall," Jon said, smiling wistfully.


"I am honoured to work with a friend of the Dwarves ..." Magni said, now feeling admiration for Jon and the friendship he had with his people.


They continued their work with few breaks, and after many hours of labour, they had fashioned chains and suit.


The chains were beautiful, strong and very, very long. The only thing that could ruin it was that the ships were so bad that they broke before being pulled out of the well.


For Erú and the Valar that this did not happen since otherwise, all this struggle would be useless; in those moments, Jon would like to have Lord Ulmo's Conch with him, but he had left it in the keeping of Elendil before he departed for Khazad-dûm.


Although Jon knew that Lord Ulmo would not appear if he called for such a vain and insignificant reason.


As for the suit, it was forged by the Stiffbeards from copper and thick leathers that were treated with seal fat.


The greatest peculiarity of this suit was that the helmet had its holes sealed with an imperishable glass to prevent water from entering, though he must be calm least he exhausted the air supply.


Galadriel had also helped by allowing the flask containing Eärendil's light to be soldered to the suit so that he may use both hands.


Jon was satisfied with the result, but he knew the weight of the water would crush him if he tarried too long.


There was only one detail missing ... Vhagar; Jon did not know if his dragon would wish to aid him in such an endeavour; she was prideful, yet they needed her strength; he just hoped that she would be amicable.


"Vhagar ... I need you," Jon thought pleadingly, hoping she would hear him.


"Now we must wait," Jon thought gloomily, gazing up at the starry sky.



Finally, after waiting on the shores of the Sea, Vhagar appeared two days after being summoned by her rider; when Vhagar descended from the sky, the entire town fled in terror, and even the Dwarves had their weapons handy, but she paid them no mind, and he could perceive that Vhagar deemed these dwarves as lesser creatures.


"Vhagar's pride is growing ever greater. At this pace, she will be much more egocentric than the damn gryphon," Jon thought, agonised.


Sighing, the young Targaryen and Galadriel approached the dragon, who was gazed at him as if she knew he was plotting something.


"Damned lizard is wiser than many men I have met," Jon thought.


"Indeed, my wolf, your dragon is wise". Galadriel said with a smile.


Jon began to stroke Vhagar's muzzle, and the dragon gave a growl of happiness though she knew he hadn't summoned her for a mere greeting.


"Vhagar, I need your aid", Jon said, and Vhagar gazed at him intently.


Jon spoke to her of all that had transpired in the past weeks, and he wished to use her strength to pull the ships from the abyss.


His dragon made no sound for a few moments, and this was far more troubling than seeing her wrothful until suddenly she roared so thunderous, he nearly fell over, terrifying the Dwarves who raised their weapons ready to battle.


"She's furious," Jon thought calmly.


"Apparently, she thinks this task is below her Baelon," Galadriel thought, stepping behind him.


... Yes, it seems that ... She thinks I'm using her as a mere pack animal ... Jon thought tiredly, putting a hand to his head.


"VHAGAR!" Jon yelled so loud that it startled everyone and caused his dragon to look at him again.


"You are right; this endeavour is unworthy of you, but there is no other way, and you shall be richly rewarded for your aid," Jon said, hoping to bribe her with promises of lamb as there were no Oliphaunts nearby.


Vhagar merely snorted, and the light of her eyes glowed like emeralds.


"I think she agreed to your offer .." Galadriel said, amused when she saw the regard that Vhagar showed her rider, and the noble came over to caress the dragon's snout, something that Vhagar gladly accepted.


"Yes ... Thank you, Vhagar," Jon said, but she wouldn't look at him, so he went to the side of Magni and his Dwarves, who were still gazing at Vhagar with distrust.


"She agreed to aid us, but she desires something in return," Jon said.


"The treasure?" Asked Magni, who saw Vhagar continue to be caressed by Galadriel.


"No, she cares little for gold; she wants several tonnes of lamb enough to fill all the corners of her lair with them," Jon said, amused when he saw the expression of the Dwarves.


"A dragon that rejects gold?" Magni asked incredulously.


"Aye.. Remember my friend, she was not sired in Angband, nor does she have any love for gold," Jon responded sagely.


"Yes ..." Magni said, still mistrusting Vhagar.


"Aye, so let us sail these waters one last time," Jon said, eager to recover the legacy of his people.


"By the Valar that everything turns out well, of all my designs this is the most foolhardy and I fear I shall meet the Doomsman a second-time ere this Age ends should my loves find out," Jon thought with fear as he imagined the reaction of his loved ones.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------


After a few hours of travel, they had returned to the well; after securing the great chain to Vhagar's chest, he climbed once more into the sphere and began to descend into the blackened pit the image of Galadriel ever in his mind.


As he came down, he could feel the weight of the water more and more on his body, but luckily, the Stiffbeards diving suit proved its worth as he was able to move though with great struggle.


After finally reaching the bottom and the light of Eärendil illuminated all before him, though he could scarcely move as the weight of the water was akin to a mountain upon his back splintering his bones with each step, with the last bit of his strength, he swam towards the mast and tied the heavy chain around it.


Jon, as he could, forbore from screaming so as not to exhaust his air and when he made sure that the chain was in its best place, he made a prayer to the Valar, hoping that everything would go well.


"By the Allfather, Vhagar don't fail me", Jon begged because of the pain, letting himself fall to the mast, holding on as he could while he felt himself lose consciousness.


Jon knew that he could not afford to pass unconscious as he still had a duty to fulfil, and he prayed once more that Vhagar would succeed.


At first, Jon desperately thought that his efforts and suffering had been for nought until he sensed wherewith the huge ship began to move and rose to the surface little by little.


"Thank you, Vhagar," Jon thought gratefully that he could finally see the top of the well.


When finally the ship was out of the well, he now could move more swiftly, released the chain allowing the huge ship to fall upon the seafloor causing a huge and terrible shudder that he was sure could be felt even on the surface.


Jon began to swim to the surface, happy and satisfied. His plan had worked, although he had had to suffer greatly to achieve it.

"I mustn't celebrate too headily; there are still two ships left," Jon thought as he was greeted by the dazzling sun and many cheering dwarves and, of course, his beloved Galadriel.


"I see you underestimate my love," Galadriel said.


"Perhaps my beloved though two ships yet remain and I grow weary, but we have no other course to take, Vhagar you shall be remunerated enormously this I vow by all the Valar," Jon groaned wearily before succumbing to his burdens and falling asleep.


As his dragon roared in approval, she was eager to conclude this ludicrous task and collect her reward.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------


It took the better part of the day to remove the remaining treasures, and though the crew was weary, the mere thought of what lay inside these chests filled the crew with good cheer.


Though their ship was quickly becoming ladened with a multitude of chests, and there were still a dozen or so left, these raiders were skilled indeed.


When they finally raised the first part of the chests to the ship and opened them, they were all astonished by the purity of the gems in them, gold and silver coins minted with such precision that they did not wear out over time, rubies, sapphires, emeralds and other kinds of gems that blazed with blue and silver fires, in some cases, masterfully shaped weapons and breastplates.


There was no doubt that all their efforts had paid off, and the Dwarves could search the West for a place to settle, all thanks to the aid of Jon Herenlunga and Lady Galadriel.


However, Magni had not forgotten the words of the Lady of Light; his destiny lay in the East.


But that shall come later now they were to return to the shores of the Sea of Rhûn to empty the galleys and retrieve the rest of the treasure and thanking Jon when he awoke.


After recovering the last of the loot, they tended to Jon; his bones were splintered, and the suit they had forged for him had been crushed by the depths had he not healed so swiftly they were sure he would be dead.


Galadriel wept bitterly upon seeing the state of the man she loved and prayed he would recover soon.


Magni was of a similar mind hoping that the boy would recover soon; they owed him many things, and it would be a poor celebration if he couldn't join them.



When he awoke, Jon smelt the salt of the sea and felt softness beneath him and knew he was on the boat.


"I'm on the boat," Jon thought, throwing the cover off.


"What happened?" Jon asked.


"Your bones were broken, and you inhaled a great deal of water" Jon heard a relieved voice near him.


Jon turned to the right and saw Galadriel sitting in an armchair knitting.


"The suit failed," Jon said after a moment.


"I wouldn't say that it served its purpose, my beloved fool wolf. You and your dragon were able to pull the ships out of the abyss; I daresay they have collected all they can, and we are returning to the port," Galadriel said smiling.


Jon smiled when he heard those words, although the memories of that place would haunt him for a long time; at that moment, Jon remembered Vhagar.


"And Vhagar?" Jon asked.


"She left and flew northward; it seems she grew weary of waiting, much to the relief of the Dwarves", Galadriel said, putting aside her fabric and looking at Jon pointedly.


"Are you displeased, my Star of the West?" Jon asked nervously.


"Why should I be? Perhaps for shattering all your bones or mayhaps drowning or for making me sick with worry for three days?" Galadriel said furiously.


"Galadriel I…" Jon couldn't say anything else at that moment; Galadriel struck him so hard that she broke his jaw.


"That was for causing me such worry, you fool," Galadriel said cruelly.


Jon, between tears and curses, could feel his face heal and little by little and could see the face of his beloved filled with anguish and joy.


"She really ... She loves me ... She really loves me ... She loves me much more than I imagined," Jon thought with joy when he saw the depth of Galadriel's love for him.


"Of course, my beloved fool", Galadriel replied, still weeping in joy.


At that moment, they threw themselves at each other, caressing and kissing any exposed skin they could reach soon; she felt Jon's hand snaking up her thigh.


"Jon ... Jon ..." Galadriel tried to say, struggling to speak between kisses.


"Oh my dear Princess, have you been ensnared by a wolf? ... Should he claim her as his now that she is vulnerable?" Jon asked, kissing her neck, causing Galadriel to coo in pleasure.


But to her surprise and disappointment, Jon stopped.


"Although I love would love to claim you, my beloved, I fear that we could never look upon our crewmen again if they heard us," Jon said smiling.


"You are right, my beloved wolf; it seems my love for you has clouded my mind," Galadriel said, fixing her dress.


"It's good to know my love ... So, are we okay? ... You hit very hard ..." Jon said, caressing his face and Galadriel smirked.


"Don't forget my foolish wolf should you worry me such again I will take what makes you a man", Galadriel said with a sinister smile.


And Jon, swallowing hard, knew he had to change the subject.


"Aye, well, since I'm rested, let us see the fruit of our labour", Jon said, offering his arm to escort her, which she took gladly.


"It will be my pleasure", she said, lowering her head slightly and kissing her wolf's cheek.



Jon and Galadriel went to the cellar searching for Magni and the other Dwarves, finding them arranging the chests they took out of the water; he was wholly surprised their ship could move with such weight.


Some Dwarves were already taking an inventory of loot, while others used instruments to measure the purity and quality of gold and gems.


When he saw the gold and the gems, Jon was astonished ... He had never seen gems so pure and brilliant; clearly, they surpass the talent of the common Dwarves; only the most skilled metalworkers of Khazad-Dûm could rival their beauty.


"Those gems must come from Valinor, and this portion of the loot must come from Gondolin or Nargothrond," Jon thought when he saw the purity of the gems.


"By my beard, it seems this merry venture was worth it". Jon said, breaking the Dwarves out of their reverie, and Magni approached them with a smile.


"Aye, Jon, it's good to see you up and about," Magni said, happy to see Jon recovered.


"Tis curious as it is the longest I have taken to mend," Jon said solemnly.


"Anyone else would have perished. I cannot thank you for what you have done for my kin," said Magni holding back tears of gratitude.


"Think nothing of it, guide your people as best you can and if possible become an honourable king", Jon said, gazing at Magni, who merely nodded and smiled.


"I shall hope to be fierce in war and wise in council," Magni said humbly.


"Remember my words, master Dwarf, for the fate of your kin shall beholden to them," Galadriel said sweetly, and Magni blushed with embarrassment.


"Well…" Magni said sheepishly to the laughter of everyone in the room.


"Is that all the treasure?" Jon asked curiously.


"No, there are still a few under the water, and the rest are already safe with my kin; this is our last shipment, but we are weary, tomorrow we will go for the rest and then return to Dorwinion before continuing towards Khazad-Dûm," Magni said happily.


"I'm sure King Durin will enjoy your company," Jon said with a smile.


"Aye, I hope so. I've been told he's bitter as cheap ale," Magni said.


"More akin to cheap beer but still a worthy King of your people," Jon said, laughing.


"That reminds me ... You deserve a share of the treasure ..." Magni said.


"Magni is not necessary; I did not do this for reward," Jon said humbly.


"No ... I insist, it would be a shame not to give you something ..." Magni said, motioning for his people to bring a colossal size chest, the largest in the room, and when they opened it, their eyes widened.


There was no gold or jewels but pieces of silver, hundreds of pearls and white gemstones that shone brightly like stars.


"If my beloved Shiera were to see this chest, no one would be able to separate her from it," Jon said as he remembered his beloved Maiden of the Sea.


"It's beautiful", Galadriel said, handling the gems with an anxious look.


"Aye ... And for the beautiful Lady, I want to give something back ..." Magni said, searching for something among the chests until he finally found it wrapped in a blanket.


"It seems to me that this belonged to one of your kin, my Lady", Magni said solemnly, kneeling before Galadriel and removing the blanket revealing the most beautiful sceptre Jon had ever seen; it was even more magnificent than the sceptre of Annúminas.


It was carved out of ivory and clasped with many gems and upon its head was a gem of adamant that glittered like the sun.


"This is the sceptre Turon wore as King of Gondolin," Galadriel said, surprised to see that thing again; her cousin Turgon brought it from Aman and never laid it down it seems these pirates had raided his tomb as well.


"Aye, the sceptre was among the last things we found he was your cousin by my reckoning, so it's fitting you should have it," Magni said humbly, placing the sceptre in Galadriel's hands.


"Thank you ..." Said the beautiful elf.


"And thanks also for the chest, my friend," Jon said gratefully.


"You're welcome ... I still think it's not enough, so if you fancy something else, tell me ... Now I think we deserve a party for this discovery," said Magni, eager for some stout spirits.


"In that, we agree," Jon said, smiling to the amusement of Galadriel and Magni.


"Very good now. BREAK OUT THE ALE WE MUST CELEBRATE," Magni roared to the joy of the others.



In no time, what had been a simple party had become a grand celebration in which spirits and food flowed freely.


Jon, as always, was the only one who did not get drunk but did feel a little somnolent after being congratulated by everyone on the boat as well as singing to liven up the party and dance with his beloved Galadriel.


In the end, they were all too tired and drunk to continue and soon fell asleep, some with mugs of ale in their hands.


Jon was presently resting in his bed, revealing in the warmth of his beloved who lay beside him, snoring softly.


"What a wonderful day," Jon thought, weary but likewise happy for his friend's good fortune.


He had almost drifted off to sleep when he heard a lovely tune.


It was beautiful, as if trumpets and horns were sounding at the same time but comforting you in a melody so moving that it calmed you.


"Surely some sailors continuing the celebrations they are quite skilled," Jon thought, intrigued by the song, deciding to look for its source, getting up carefully from the bed so as not to wake Galadriel after leaving the room Jon incessantly searched for the origin of that music.


But no one was awake.


The beautiful, hypnotic sound carried him up to the deck, where Jon saw the moon and stars illuminating the sky.


He kept hearing that wonderful music, but this time it came from under the ship, and now, instead of musical instruments, the music seemed like a chorus of beautiful voices, and Jon was intrigued by the tune and saw that the music was coming from the Sea.


Then with his mind clouded by the beauty of the music, the young Targaryen leapt from the ship into the depths in search of the origin of that beautiful music.

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------


Jon did not know for how long he was swimming alone that he had to follow that music no matter what happened, and soon he was nearing the abyss.


Whose dark depths had nearly claimed his life some three days hence was now calling to him with a tune of such beauty he dare not ignore it.


A part of Jon insisted that something was wrong with him, but he knew no harm would come to him so long as he continued.


But shouldn't he have trouble breathing? How long had he been underwater? Jon knew that great and ancient powers were as work here, and only one held sway over the waters of this world.


Lord Ulmo.


Jon had not spoken with the Lord of the Waters since he left Tol Morwen, but somehow he knew that he and Lord Manwë were always watching over him; in that case, Lord Ulmo wants him to return to that dark abyss for some queer reason.


And Jon had no choice but to obey.


Jon lost count of the time he had been underwater until he could feel the sand and knew that he had hit bottom, but everything around him was too dark and in those moments, the beautiful melody that had drawn him there stopped leaving Jon saddened and in the dark until suddenly many strange fish that he had never seen began to shine illuminating everything.


Jon was amazed as he would never have imagined such a scene, but at that moment, he could see a group of fish surrounding a vast collection of sand.


Curious, Jon swam up to them, and the fish drifted away, and the young Targaryen touched the sand and felt the hardness of metal; now intrigued, Jon shifted the sand, revealing a vast chest that looked to be wrought of iron.


Surprised by his discovery, Jon used all his strength to remove the chest and thus realized that the chest was indeed large, much larger than those on the Carracks.


"Surely this chest fell from one of the ships when they sank, and it was further covered with sand; no wonder we neglected it ... But what is unique about it?" Jon thought when he saw that there were other chests in that place still.


But he could not think about it anymore as, to his surprise, the bright fish began to pull him to the other side of the abyss, and the young Targaryen noticed that there was a small tunnel there.


Understanding what the fish wanted, Jon swam there and found a large tunnel; after swimming for what felt like many moments, he spotted a light upon the surface of the water and knew he had found a cave.


He had managed to reach a submerged cave, but everything was forgotten when he saw what was there in the centre.


A glimmering pearl.


But it was not an ordinary pearl that Jon understood instantly; it was the size of a large lemon, but the most remarkable thing was how it glittered with many colours as if it had ensnared the light of the sun and moon.


'Claim it, consider it my gift to you."


After many years, Jon was surprised to hear Lord Ulmo's voice and thought the Lord of the Deep would appear before him; alas, he didn't.


Accepting that he would not see the Lord of the Waters in that place, Jon resigned himself and swam up to the fabulous jewel; he took it gently and gazed at its brilliance for a few moments before finally returning to the bottom of the abyss.


Jon had no doubt that Lord Ulmo wanted him to claim this chest, so now he must figure out how to retrieve it.


When he reached the chest, Jon, using all his strength, held it and began to swim to the surface when he felt as if something was suddenly driving him forward; it was as if the water of the Deep Lord were guiding him towards the surface and soon he broke the surface.


The same water carried him back to the ship and guided him onto the desk before returning from whence they came.


"Why did Lord Ulmo grant him a pearl-like that, and why did he want him to retrieve the chest?"


Jon looked at his new pearl; the gem's brilliance had changed colour; before, it was a bright turquoise colour, now it was a beautiful silver colour, like the moon that shone on it.


"It's a beautiful gem," Said a melodious voice approaching him, and Jon turned to see his beloved Galadriel walking towards him dressed in her silvered gown and blanket.


"Galadriel ..." Jon said, surprised, but his beloved elf put a finger to his lips and covered it with her blanket before taking the pearl from his hands and looking at her spellbound.


"It's Beautiful, Jon, but where did you find it?" Galadriel asked, handing him back the pearl, and Jon sighed.


"Lord Ulmo called me to the bottom of the sea, my beloved star; he guided me with beautiful music", Jon began to say.


"Jon, You must have heard the music of the Ulumúri," Galadriel said joyfully.


"Ulumúri that are wrought of white shell; and those to whom that music comes hear it ever after in their hearts, and longing for the sea never leaves them again," Galadriel said sagely.


"Aye," was all Jon could say, much to the amusement of Galadriel, who thought it queer that Jon heard those songs as the last man to do so was his forebear Tuor.


"What else did Jon find? I see you brought another chest with you," Galadriel said, pointing towards the great iron chest he had brought with him.


"Lord Ulmo took me to the abyss and used his servants to reveal the existence of this chest to me, I do not know what it contains, but I would like us to discover it together, my beloved star," Jon said, rising up and looking at the chest with curiosity.


"It will be my pleasure ... but how are you going to open it?" Galadriel asked, arching an eyebrow as Jon shrugged, using all his strength to break the thick padlocks on the chest and upon lifting the lid, he was greeted by the sight of blankets.


Jon foolishly reached inside and swiftly withdrew his hand in pain.


"What devilry is this?" Jon growled and removed the covers, revealing that it was a black sword; though ever black its edges shone with pale fire, and he felt malice in the blade.


Intrigued, Jon brandished the sword experimentally in his hand and marvelled at its weight. Even the weapons forged by the Dwarves were not so supremely crafted. It moved through the air like a deadly shadow, without even the slightest whisper of divided air. Behind him, he heard a gasp from Galadriel, who was now looking at the sword in surprise.


Jon halted, swinging the blade and without uttering a word urger her to speak.


"There are only two swords like this known in the stories of my people, and both have brought misfortune upon those who wield them, "She said as she cautiously approached, her eyes never leaving the black sword as if it would suddenly slay her of its own accord.


"What do you mean, my beloved star?" Jon asked, intrigued.


"Oh Jon, what fate awaits you that you discovered this blade that was believed to be lost?" Galadriel asked with some apprehension.


"I see that the sight of this sword concerns you," Jon said.


"It does, my wolf; now answer my question. How much do you know of Eöl?" Galadriel inquired solemnly, and Jon's heart ceased, for he knew the name of this blade.


It was Anguriel, the sister sword of Anglachel fashioned from the heart of a fallen star by Eöl the Dark Elf, who took Aredhel Turgon's sister to wife. He gave Anglachel to Thingol as fee, which he begrudged, for leave to dwell in Nan Elmoth, but its mate Anguirel he kept until it was stolen from him by Maeglin, his son, and it seems that the sword was taken to Turgon's hidden city.


"Those pirates must have seized the sword after the sack of Gondolin; they took it along with the treasures they stole from the King's Tower," Jon said darkly, and Galadriel nodded without taking her eyes off the sword.


Jon groaned and gave his beloved the legendary weapon before throwing aside the blankets, revealing a helmet and two strongboxes of some unknown metal.


When he saw the Helm, Jon was surprised since he knew it instantly. It was a helm was wrought of grey steel adorned with gold, and on it were graven runes of victory; upon its crest was set in defiance a gilded image of a dragon that Jon knew to be Glaurung.


"By the Valar ... This is the Helm of the Dragon of Dor-lómin," Jon said, swallowing laboriously as he admired the craftsmanship of the Dwarves.


The Helm was forged sometime after the Dagor Aglareb by the dwarf-smith Telchar for his Lord Azaghâl, who then gave it as a gift to Maedhros. He, in turn, passed it on to his cousin Fingon. And many years after his forebear Fingolfin created the fiefdom of Dor-lómin and made Hador the first Lord of Dor-lómin. To celebrate the occasion, Fingon presented Hador with the helm.


The Dragon-helm was crafted for a Dwarf and was too large and heavy for an Elf. Even Men found the Helm was too massive, and only Hador and some of his descendants had the strength to wear it. It was also said a power was in it that guarded any who wore it from wound and death, for the sword that hewed it was broken, and the dart that smote it sprang aside, and the face of one that wore it struck fear into the hearts of all beholders.


It is said that after the Sack of Bar-en-Danwedh, Túrin brought the Helm with him to Nargothrond, although he didn't wear it, and later to Brethil. After his death, the Men of Brethil somehow recovered it, and the new Lord of Brethil handed it to Húrin. Alas after that, the helm had passed from living memory, but it seems fortune had smiled upon them today.


"How did those damn Pirates get it? And from where? ... Magni was right, they were truly craven robbers," Jon thought when he saw his new Helm.


"Oh, Jon, to see you with that Helm in your hands reminds me of the glory of the Elder Days. If it weren't for the power of the Helm, I would ask you to try it on, Although my heart tells me you shall wear it soon," Galadriel said, excited to see treasures so valuable that they were believed lost and that now by the will of Lord Ulmo belonged to her love.


Jon smiled and put the Helm on the ground directing his attention to the metal boxes; he opened the largest one and realized that it was two books covered individually with blankets covered with some kind of oil and charcoal.


"It's peppermint oil," Galadriel said, surprising Jon and taking one of the books.


"They were protecting the books from deterioration ..." Jon understood.


"Why would pirates deem books so valuable that they should preserve them?" Jon thought intrigued, and then he opened the left one and realized that it had illustrations of forging techniques.


"What is this?" Jon wondered and looked at the book that Galadriel took, and after asking, Jon looked at the first page and managed to see a name.




From the history lessons of the Eldar and the Dwarves, Jon knew that name very well. Enerdhil was a legendary Noldorin smith of Gondolin. According to one account, it was Enerdhil who made the original Elessar, an astonishing green gem through which marred and broken things could be seen as though whole and healed again. This Elessar was given as a gift to Idril Celebrindal and given by her to her son Eärendil, who bore it on his voyages across the Great Sea.


"Was it Enerdhil who wrote these books?" Jon wondered excitedly when he realized that these books were invaluable for a blacksmith.


"Peace, my love, we still have to see what is in the small box," Galadriel said, amused but excited to discover the last treasure in the chest.


An excited Jon pulled out the small metal box and tried to open it, but this box was much thicker than the chest itself, and his efforts were thwarted.


Undaunted, Jon took Anguirel and, measuring his strength, tried to hew the box with the sword, believing that the sword was of superior quality.


It took a few moments until Jon finally managed to destroy the metal box and was blinded at that moment by pure and intense light.


Jon could only hear Galadriel's groan of shock, and it didn't take him long to discover why the contents of the box was a strange crystal of divine purity.


The light that emerged from the crystal was a mixture of silver and gold that also seemed to shine as if it were alive, grasping the moon's light and returning it to a thousand different shades.


Jon knew what he had discovered ... Well, he had already seen it before arriving in Middle Earth thanks to the powers of Lord Ulmo, and he could never forget its beauty and the tragic history that wandered with that gem.


He, Jon Snow, had just recovered one of the three most beautiful gems of creation he had in his mortal hands, one of the Silmarils of Fëanor.



Thanks to great_red

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