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Chapitre 1558: 48

Chapter Text

After a few hours, the entire camp was dismantled, and they set off Northward for Isengard, where his companions and lady loves were preparing to defend the Tower of Orthanc and the Palantiri within.


Jon knew that they had to hurry to repel the invasion, and although his mind was drawn to the battle, he couldn't help but notice the queer feeling that had spread among his companions, and he knew he was the reason.


Since his "meeting" on the beach with Lady Galadriel and his confession to Írimë, his relationship with the Lady of Light had considerably cooled.


Lady Galadriel has not looked him in the eye or spoken to him since then; in fact, she has not even wanted to stay in the same room with him unless it involves matters of chief importance, and yet the Council had hardly concluded before she stormed away as if she was eager to be rid of him, and Írimë has not left him alone in the presence of her niece since then.


This had caused Jon no end of misery; it had caused a notable rift between aunt and niece; it had destroyed the trust that they in the other, and while Jon knew he wasn't in his right mind, it didn't excuse his actions.


At least he hoped that his lie would soften the blow of his betrayal, and it seemed so although Írimë and Galadriel spoke quite often, Jon felt the forced courtesy of his beloved Írimë and the guilt in Lady Galadriel's voice each time they.


He had intensely kissed the Lady Galadriel, the wife of Lord Celeborn and niece of his beloved Írimë, Jon had developed a great love for women, but he held a sense of honour, Jon would never bed a married woman he had no desire to become like his ancestor Aegon IV".


Up to now...


He had tried to forget his passionate encounter with the Lady of Edhellond, but her very being had consumed his soul; he was enchanted by her. She was fairer than any who now walked this earth; it was no mere expression of lust of that Jon was sure.


There was something in her that he could not ignore, but he did not know what it was, but somehow his body and his soul did know it since when Lady Galadriel approached him, he could feel as if fire course through his veins, and he had noticed that he could discern her presence whether she was near or far as if their souls were bound as one.


Jon did not know what that meant, but he knew in his heart that this was no mere coincidence; her spirit was familiar to him, warm and loving as if he had known of it for some time.


What Jon knew of Lady Galadriel he had learned chiefly from the last days in the Grey Havens she was held in high regard by all Lords of the Nodor for her wise counsel and great beauty.


Since then, although the Lady Galadriel had treated him rather cruelly though he held no ill will towards her, Jon had stayed far from the Lady of Light out of courtesy though it pained him to do so as he wished to know more of her life and upbringing.


And above all, Jon was a determined and curious man.


Lord Cirdan described Lady Galadriel as "The most powerful and beautiful of all the Elves who remain in Middle Earth" as well as the "Most beautiful of the House of Finwë".


Something that Jon could not deny, though he believed his beloved Lawlen was as fair as her niece.


Jon knew that the Lady of Light was born in Valinor as a member of the Royal House of the Noldor; when a fourth child was born to Finarfin, prince of the Noldor, and Eärwen, princess of the Teleri, her father named her Artanis, which is "noblewoman". " Galadriel was the greatest of the Noldor, except Fëanor maybe, though she was wiser than he, and her wisdom increased with the long years."


"...she grew to be tall beyond the measure even of the women of the Noldor; she was strong of body, mind and will, a match for both the loremasters and the athletes of the Eldar in the days of their youth. Even among the Eldar, she was accounted beautiful, and her hair was held a marvel unmatched. It was golden like the hair of her father and of her foremother Indis, but richer and more radiant, of its gold was touched by some memory of the starlike silver of her mother; and the Eldar said that the light of the Two Trees... had been snared in her tresses.".


According to a legend Jon heard from Maglor himself from his first time on Tol Morwen, this is how Fëanor conceived the idea of capturing the light of the trees inside the Silmarils. Despite her mixed blood, she was identified as a princess of the Noldor, as her father was the third son of Finwë, King of the Noldor. During the Darkening of Valinor, she was very independent and visionary. She swore no oaths, but the words of Fëanor concerning Middle-earth kindled a desire in her heart, as she was eager to see those wide unguarded lands and rule a realm of her own. During the troubles that followed, even though she participated in the revolt of the Noldor, she fought against Fëanor in defence of her mother's kin in the Kinslaying of Alqualondë. Accounts suggest she travelled among the second group led by Fingolfin, which joined the battle at Alqualondë late and without knowing how it had started. Some of that group had not participated in the killing, although it is unclear who and how many. Dismayed by the Doom of Mandos, her father Finarfin abandoned the march of the Noldor and returned to Valinor. But Galadriel and her brothers crossed the Helcaraxë in far north and arrived to the northern shores of the Hither Lands.


When Jon discovered this, he was intrigued among the greatest leaders of the Noldorian rebellions. Lady Galadriel was the only one among them to still walk Middle-Earth; it was even more intriguing to discover she fell under the Curse of Mandos though in what way it had ensnared her Jon could not ascertain ".


However, Lord Cirdan had told her at the time that this is something the Lady herself had to explain in order to understand how the "Curse of Mandos" had affected her, and Cirdan would say no more on the matter.


In Beleriand, Galadriel and her eldest brother Finrod Felagund came to Doriath as guests of Elu Thingol, the King of Doriath. It was there she met Celeborn, a kinsman of Thingol, who would become her husband and companion in Middle-earth. When her brother Finrod departed to the Caverns of Narog to establish the stronghold of Nargothrond, Galadriel did not go with him and remained in Doriath with her husband, though she occasionally visited her brother in Nargothrond.


During her days in Doriath, Galadriel became friends with Queen Melian the Maia, and they spoke often to one another about Valinor. Melian was eager to learn the causes of the Exile of the Noldor, but Galadriel would tell her nothing of what occurred after the death of the Trees. Eventually, Melian's guesses became more shrewd and accurate. Galadriel revealed the tale to her, though still leaving out the Oath of Fëanor, the Kinslaying, and the burning of the Ships at Losgar. Melian was able to discern some of what was left unsaid, and still more came as rumours to Thingol's ears. At last, egged on by the accusing words of Thingol, Angrod told all. Galadriel was not expelled from Doriath because of Thingol's sympathy to the houses of Finarfin and Fingolfin for the wrongs they had suffered. All the same, she went to Nargothrond to live with Finrod for a time. Then, presumably, she returned to Doriath to live with her husband.


Galadriel and Celeborn did not have any significant role in the general course of events in the War of the Jewels. However, it is said that even before the Fall of Nargothrond, she passed over the mountains to Eriador, far from the turmoil of the last years of the First Age.


The last thing Lord Cirdan told Jon about her wanderings in the First Age was that even before the Fall of Nargothrond it was that Galadriel and Lord Celeborn passed through the mountains to Eriador, away from the confusion of the last years of the First Age to increase the influence of the elves of the West over the eastern lands to instruct and warn the Avari Elves and the various human tribes about Morgoth's wickedness and malice, achieving this, although with limited success.


After that, Jon could no longer learn more about Lady Galadriel from Lord Cirdan as they had journeyed to Arnor to live among the faithful.


However, now that he was surrounded by vassals of Lady Galadriel, he wanted to learn more about her and her actions in this Age, something that his servants seemed happy to tell and to be honest, Jon was surprised at how easy it was to get information out of those elves in a break, they truly loved their Ladyship.


And so the servants of Galadriel recounted her tale in full, and it was rather enlightening. After the War of Wrath and the overthrow of Morgoth, she chose to remain with Celeborn, who would not leave Middle-earth, but also because she was one of those eager to explore Middle-earth from the beginning.


Celeborn ruled over the fiefdom of Harlindon, which was composed chiefly of Sindar Gil-galad. Eventually, the couple crossed into Eriador with many Noldor in their following. Together with Sindar and Green-elves, they dwelt in the country about Lake Nenuial ruling the Eldar in Eriador, including the wandering companies of the native Nandor.


They departed for Eregion and arrived there. It was ruled by Celebrimbor, grandson of Fëanor and distant cousin of Galadriel.


With the help of the Dwarves of Khazad-dûm, Galadriel made contact with the Nandor of King Amdír, who dwelt in a forest realm called Lindórinand across the Misty Mountains. It was sometime during this age did she cross the Hithaeglir through Khazad-dûm and relocated there with her daughter Celebrían, becoming great among the Wood-elves. However, Celeborn decided to stay in Eregion due to his enmity towards the Dwarves.


Once Celebrimbor discovered Annatar's treachery, it was Galadriel who counselled Celebrimbor that the Three Rings were now in danger and proposed sending them far from Eregion. He agreed, and he sent them to three of the Wise: Vilya and Narya for Gil-galad and Círdan in Lindon, respectively, and Nenya for Galadriel. By the power of Nenya, the realm of Lórinand was strengthened and made beautiful.


After the War of the Elves and Sauron ended, she passed again through Moria with Celebrían and came to Imladris, seeking Celeborn. She found him there, and they dwelt together for a long time.


After hearing the tales of the proud Wood Elves about the power and wisdom of Lady Galadriel and her husband, Jon accepted that the Lady of Light was someone extraordinary, someone whose knowledge of the world was far greater than the wisest Maesters and Scholars of Westeros... Moreover, she was wondrous and beautiful.


But his curiosity to know everything about the youngest daughter of Finarfin had not been satisfied somewhat, he craved to learn all he could as if he was a suitor charming his lady love, but this curiosity must wait dark days were upon them, and soon they would meet the Easterlings in battle.


And Jon's heart told him that nothing would ever be the same after that ... As if the weight of guilt and his own foresight weighed down on him.

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The journey to Isengard would be taken from the ports of Edhellond or Elf-Haven in the common tongue; it was here that the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn often held court as Dor-en-Ernil was ruled by the kin of Elendil. The port of Edhellond, while not as grand nor as storied as those of the Gray Havens, was still a thing of majesty with high marble walls and a vast harbour where familiar swan-shaped boats lay at rest all the while deep blue waters lapped against the shore it brought back many fond memories for Jon as if he had come home.



Lord Cidan had explained to Westerosi that the Gray Havens were not the only elven port in Middle Earth; there was also Edhellond. After the breaking of Thangorodrim, the Elves of Beleriand, if they did not take ship over the Great Sea or remain in Lindon, wandered east over the Blue Mountains into Eriador; but there appears nonetheless to have been a group of Sindar who in the beginning of the Second Age went south. They were a remnant of the people of Doriath who harboured still their grudge against the Noldor; and having remained a while at the Grey Havens, where they learned the craft of shipbuilding, "they went in the course of years seeking a place for lives of their own, and at last, they settled at the mouth of the Morthond. There was already a primitive harbour there of fisherfolk, but these in fear of the Eldar fled into the mountains."


Those lands that included Edhellond and its environs came to be considered the "country of Amroth" formerly ruled by a lost elf king, but more importantly, from Edhellond, the elves began to sail west from the time of the fall of Eregion and slowly, those ports were becoming empty, and soon there would be no more elves in them leaving the Gray Havens as the only port of the Noldor in Middle-earth.


 Galadriel rode through the city mounted on her silver mare a beautiful creature called Húrien, and the people rejoiced at their return which was somewhat surprising as she and her husband rarely visited Edhellond.


A century had passed since she and her husband had set foot in Edhellond, and fortunately, they were received as guests of honour; her kindred agreed to fairy them up the Anduin to the great city of Minas Anor from there they would continue their march along the great west road until they reached the Fords of Isen.


She and Celeborn thanked them on behalf of Edhellond, and He did the same on behalf of Arnor, seeing the young man favoured by the Valar, her numerous relations were quite eager to aid the courteous emissary.


So while they prepared a fleet large enough to transport everyone, her kindred offered accommodation to which they all agreed as they knew the march North would be long and arduous.


They were only there a week, and during that time, Galadriel knew that Jon and her aunt had continued their romance, and while she was outwardly joyful ... A part of her was sickened by the display of affection between them.


Since she and her aunt had their conversation about Jon Snow, the tension between them was rather palpable though she was thankful that Celeborn hadn't pride into the matter as to respect her privacy.


However, the relationship with her beloved aunt had suffered greatly, so much so that Írimë would rarely speak to her preferring to spend her evenings with Jon.


Alas, Galadriel's mind was drawn back to that night, and it haunted her every thought, the passion they shared under the stars as if they were lovers long separated by time.


After all, although she knew the truth of her heart, she was enraptured by the young Westerosi; but Galadriel would never give into these temptations of the heart least she shamed herself and her father.


So she had utterly withdrawn from young Westerosi, refusing to meet his gaze or even converse with him; it was cruel but necessary.


Refusing to stay wherever he was, except for the "Councils of War" they held when the need arose.


Being an honourable man, Galadriel knew that the young Westerosi felt guilty for reciprocating her kiss.


Oh, and what a kiss, with much shame and regret Galadriel was honest with herself she had never experienced passion such as that, with so much desire and affection, the noble and majestic elf had remembered unceasingly since that night how his tongue danced with hers whole the stars glittered overhead.


At that moment, they seemed like true lovers swearing eternal love with the moon and the sea as witnesses ... Although she felt in those moments as if she, the daughter of Finarfin and granddaughter of the Great King Finwë, was as prey about to be devoured by her wolfish king.


Just remember that caused a pleasant heat to pool in her most sacred place and her nipples to rise like the mountains, and suddenly her knees felt weak and her breathing ragged.


... The attraction I feel for that young mortal is becoming more and more pronounced ... Galadriel thought with fear, fear of herself, of what might happen if she stayed in his presence.


... I refuse to be the first among my people to commit adultery ... Said the Lady of Light, thought with determination.


This is partly why she had chosen to stay away from Jon Snow, although the other was her aunt Írimë.


Galadriel had tried to claim her aunt's lover as her own in a moment of weakness, and although her loving relative had been very understanding in understanding that neither she nor Jon was in their right mind, Írimë's niece could perceive slight signs of jealousy and mistrust emanating from her aunt.


... I shouldn't be surprised ... I kissed your lover fiercely and even bound our spirits together as if he was mine and not yours." Galadriel thought, her mind clouded by guilt.


Her aunt refused to leave Jon alone with her, which only exacerbated her sorrow.


There was also the matter of her marriage to Celeborn; the nature of her people dictated that once they conceived children, their carnal desires were subdued, her grandfather Finwë, her father Finarfin and her uncles Fëanor and Fingolfin being a notable exception. Still, she and her husband hadn't had anything remotely carnal in at least five centuries, and she couldn't lay the blame at Celeborn's feet if Jon snow had not come to Middle-Earth, she wouldn't have given it any thought.


But now everything has changed; she was wholly addicted to spying upon Jon's lovemaking ... unable to stop herself.


Even so, Galadriel had long tried to break that sinful habit, struggling to seduce her husband and rekindle the passion they felt when they first met in Doriath ... But it was useless as Celeborn was content to pour over tomes of lore and ask questions of the stars.


As she did before meeting Jon Snow.


Despite everything, Celeborn has always been sweet and gentle with her; he has reciprocated her kisses and affections, but for Celeborn, there is no love, rather an appreciation for her, there is no longer the passion they had when they saw the stars under the trees of the forest of Doriath, the love that Galadriel saw that Jon held for his lovers.


And she desperately desired this love for herself, oh, how her life has changed in just a few years.


However, despite refusing to speak or even acknowledge Jon's existence, she had continued to observe him from afar; she is aware that he has questioned her servants about Jon's eagerness to know of her history, she found this endearing, and it warmed her heart that she fascinated him so.


But instantly, the sting of guilt would grip her heart, and those thoughts would be muddled with the knowledge that she had betrayed her husband; despite her considerable skill in spellcraft and the majesty of her mind, she couldn't drive the young Westerosi from her thoughts.


He had become part of her; she was already beginning to accept it ... Now she must live with her actions no matter how strange and queerish they were.


And if that's the case ... you will have to stop ignoring young Westerosi and tell him that it was a foolish mistake of the heart and it shall never happen again.


While Galadriel was adamant about this, her heart ached at the thought of never feeling her lips upon his again.



After a few days of waiting, a suitable fleet of ships was assembled, eager to take them up the Anduin to the great city Minas Anor, where the youngest son of Elendil would receive them and with good fortune provide more soldiers for the coming battle.


And soon, they arrived in that City travelling by the south road for another week while their soldiers travelled by the swan ships up the Great River Anduin, gathering more provisions from the Great Haven of Pelargir. The countryside of southern Gondor was beautiful, filling Jon with great sadness and joy, for he yearned to explore this land in happier times, but the fates are cruel, and duty must come first.


When Jon first gazed upon the city of Anárion, he had no words to describe her majesty, and though he would always hold a great love for Annúminas, the Tower of the Setting Sun was far grander.


Anárion had told him that Minas Anor, the Tower of the Setting Sun, was built at the feet of Mount Mindolluin, as a shield against the wild men of the dales. "


He looked east towards the sister City of Osgiliath, the Capital of Gondor, over the fields of the Pelennor fair and fertile townlands on the long slopes and terraces falling to the deep levels of the Anduin.


"The townlands were rich, with wide tilth and many orchards, and homesteads there were with oast and garner, fold and byre, and many rills rippling through the green from the highlands down to Anduin. Yet the herdsmen and husbandmen that dwelt there were not many.


Anarion had laboured greatly to build this City, but the most splendid feature was its walls for the main wall of the City was of great height, and marvellous thickness, built ere the power and craft of Númenor was great; and its outward face was like to the Tower of Orthanc, hard and dark and smooth, unconquerable by steel or fire, unbreakable except by some convulsion that would rend the very earth on which it stood.


To Jon, the City had a vague resemblance to the Red Keep, but it was not even one-tenth of its splendour... nor its fetid stench.


For the fashion of Minas Anor was such that it was built on seven levels, each delved into the hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each wall was a gate. But the gates were not set in a line: the Great Gate in the City Wall was at the east point of the circuit, but the next faced half south, and the third half north, and so to and fro upwards; so that the paved way that climbed towards the Citadel turned first this way and then that across the face of the hill. And each time it passed the Great Gate line, it went through an arched tunnel, piercing a vast pier of rock whose huge out-thrust bulk divided in two all the circles of the City save the first. For partly in the primaeval shaping of the hill, partly by the mighty craft and labour of old, there stood up from the rear of the wide court behind the Gate a towering bastion of stone, its edge sharp as a ship-keel facing east. Up it rose, even to the level of the topmost circle, and there was crowned by a battlement; so that those in the Citadel might... look from its peak sheer down upon the Gate seven hundred feet below. The entrance to the Citadel also looked eastward but was delved in the heart of the rock; thence, along a lamp-lit slope, ran up to the seventh gate. Thus men reached, at last, the High Court and the Place of the Fountain before the feet of the White Tower: tall and shapely, fifty fathoms from its base to the pinnacle, where the banner of the kings floated a thousand feet above the plain.


A strong citadel it was indeed, and not to be taken by a host of enemies, if there were any within that could hold weapons; unless some foe could come behind and scale the lower skirts of Mindolluin, and so come upon the narrow shoulder that joined the Hill of Guard to the mountain mass. But that shoulder, which rose to the height of the fifth wall, was hedged with great ramparts right up to the precipice that overhung its western end; and in that space stood the houses and domed tombs of aged lords and heroes of Gondor.


An anxious Jon seriously wondered if they didn't get help from the dwarves because of their splendid rock work.


It was a great city; it seemed to have been devised by the Noldor rather than men.


"Patience Jon, soon you will be able to enter and see the City of which Anárion boasted so mightly," Glorfindel said with a smile when he saw the excited expression of his apprentice.


"Yes, teacher", Jon said, embarrassed with a smile while Írimë contained a giggle that seemed like a melody, and Jon watched her arching an eyebrow as his beloved Lalwen, feeling playful, sent him a kiss.


Finally, they arrived at the gates of Minas Anor, being as glorious as Anárion had told them, and Jon again felt that adventurous spirit that he had when all his adventure began.


... It's a shame that my loves, as well as Loras and Robar, are not here to see this magnificent City ... Jon thought with disappointment.


And so the entire retinue was received gloriously by the City, especially The Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn and Lord Glorfindel as the faithful held a great love for the Noldorian kindred.


Of course, all were mesmerised by the enchanting beauty of his dear Lawlen and Galadriel, which was rather amusing to Jon.


But curiously, no one paid attention to Jon; it was rather queer, but he paid it no mind although his renown among the free peoples was well known; Jon was easily embarrassed and didn't care for the attention.


Finally, after walking through the magnificent pearly white roads of the City, they were escorted by the soldiers towards the Citadel where Anárion was waiting for them.


And despite the little time they had available, Jon could not help but look at everything around him in amazement until his eyes widened when he saw the building at the top of the City.


The Citadel of Gondor.


That is the chiefest point in the City, surrounded by high walls and battlements on the 'keel'. Those who reached the Citadel could only enter through the Seventh Gate, guarded by the Citadel Guards.


The Citadel was magnificent to look at and houses sites of interest such as the Houses of healing; the only thing missing was a white tree like its sister city Minas Ithil.


A tree that my beloved Shiera has been eager to see for herself, oh how she would have loved to see the splendour of this city perhaps when I wed her we may have our celebrations here". Jon thought longingly, remembering his beloved Maiden.


Everyone continued advancing and climbing the hill until, At last, they came out of the shadow to the seventh gate, and the warm sun ... glowed here on the smooth walls and rooted pillars, and the great arch with keystone carven in the likeness of a crowned and kingly head.


The Guards of the gate were robed in black, and their helms were of strange shape, high-crowned, with long cheek-guards close-fitting to the face, and above the cheek-guards were set the white wings of sea-birds; but the helms gleamed with a flame of silver, for they were indeed wrought of mithril, heirlooms from the glory of old days. Upon the black surcoats were embroidered in white, a tree blossoming like snow beneath a silver crown and many-pointed stars. This was the livery of the heirs of Elendil, and none wore it now in all Gondor, save the Guards of the Citadel before the Court of the Fountain. The Lord of Minas Anor was waiting for them with a retinue of fifty knights all in full harness, each bearing a magnificent silver trumpet, upon seeing them enter, welcomed them with the sound of the silver trumpets while banners of silver and satin waved in the breeze.


While Anarion was clad in a satin jerkin of exceptional quality and about his shoulders was a cloak of silver secured by a diamond broach, he also wore a magnificent jewelled belt studded with sapphires the sizes of hen eggs, and upon his brow was a band of adamant set with seven jewels that glittered like stars.


"Welcome to Minas Anor, Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, Lord Glorfindel, Lady Írimë ... And my dear friend ... Jon Herenlounga", As soon as Anarion said ignoring the decorum of kings approached Jon and hugged him as a brother before all of the court.


Seeing the show of affection from the King of Gondor, the soldiers who were escorting the retinue of elves began to get nervous as although they had heard the stories about Jon's achievements, especially his victory against the dragon, they had never seen the man and they had afforded him no honours benefitting his station.


If King Anarion finds out ... They'll be lucky to keep their skin.


"Greetings, King Anarion; I am glad to see you again, my friend ... But I am griefed we cannot stay longer for I have long to walk the paths of Minas Anor and to see Gondor, "Jon said sadly, which was shared by his friend.


"I know Jon, and it is a great shame ... But duty must come before the pleasures of life and loyalty; now tell me where your faithful companions are… And… well, your ladies, "Anarion said with a confused expression.


"If they did not have setbacks ... In Isengard preparing everything to face the enemy ... I took another path by the will of the Valar", Said Jon, surprising Anarion as he couldn't imagine the great powers of this world meddling in a battle such as this.


"You must tell me everything, my friend... But first," Anarion said with a sigh as he looked apologetically at Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, who had remained silent and looked at him expectantly.


Faced with such a scene, Elendil's youngest son could only swallow hard.


"I am sorry for my rudeness, Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel ... I have not seen Jon in over a year ... And the thrill of seeing him again overcame me and affected my manners ... Therefore, on behalf of my House, I offer you my most Sincerely apologies for my disrespect, "Anarion said, bowing before the Elf Lords, who nodded and smiled slightly at the sincerity of Anarion's words.


"Stand Anarion, son of Elendil ... We know this is a joyous reunion, but there shall be happier days to explore this fair city," Galadriel said, looking at Anarion but refusing to look at Jon.


The young Westerosi noticed this and felt a pain in his heart as the lady of Lorien treated him with cruel indifference.


"In that case, at least let me offer you a proper reception, you can eat and rest ... I understand your soldiers came by swan ships up the Anduin," Anárion said.


"We welcome your hospitality Lord of Minas Anor... Although we cannot delay... We must leave for Isengard at most in two days ... To join Robar, Loras and the rest of the troops that your father Elendil gifted us," Celeborn said, speaking seriously as Anarion nodded.


"I understand, Lord Celeborn.. Don't worry, your troops will be taken care of properly ... And though Isildur and I cannot march alongside you as we must guard the palantíri, you shall be glad to know we have mustered a force five thousand strong to accompany up the Great West Road."


Hearing that his troops would be reinforced by 5,000 more men, everyone felt more secure, and Lord Celeborn, although he did not openly show it, was gladdened by the news.


"We are thankful for your aid Son of Elendil," said the ancient elf with a slight bow.


"Come ... Let's talk in the Citadel," Anárion said, leading everyone inside, and to the joy of Jon, his beloved Írimë asked him to escort her through the Citadel though not before giving him a kiss of loving severity.


The expression of surprise on the knights of Minas Anor's faces upon seeing Fingolfin's sister passionately kissing a mortal man left them speechless.


Finally, both Jon and Írimë, Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel, as well as Lord Glorfindel, entered the interior of the King's House where they were led through the marble corridors that reminded him a lot of Jon to the palace of King Elendil in Annúminas until finally, They came to a room where there sat a great oaken table arrayed with many maps of Middle-earth all around the table were seats of polished stone occupied by dour nobles garbed in fine silks and leathers, upon seeing their king enter with such distinguished guest they bowed in reverence.


Anárion bid them sit and called for wine and fine whiskeys before bidding Jon recount his meeting with the Valar.


"Now Jon ... Explain how is it that the will of the Valar brought you here instead of Isengard with your companions?" Anarion asked curiously.


Jon, for his part, told his friend about his meeting with Lord Aulë and how the blacksmith of the Valar had scored Ringil with mighty runes and warned him of Sauron's desire to dispose of him. He also shared the consul of Lord Aulë concerning the Easterling army and how the Lord of Mordor was using his considerable sorceries to hide his intentions from all save perhaps the might of Eru.


Upon hearing the story, Anárion's advisers were astonished to learn that Lord Aulë had granted his blessing and was filled with fury knowing the designs of Sauron concerning Jon; Anárion looked at his friend with admiration and respect before motioning for them all to stand.


"The hospitality of Minas Anor is yours, my Lords; you can rest here and make merry before marching to war... I will have them prepare a banquet for your arrival, let it never be said that the House of Anárion is found lacking in the comforts of hearth and home," Anárion said with authority, instructing his men to prepare rooms for his guest.


And to the shame of Jon and Írimë, who was rather please but did little to hide it, a smiling Anárion ordered that both share a room.


... You're going to pay for this Anárion ... thought an embarrassed Jon.

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After a lovely meal of roasted lamb, potatoes, boar, and all manner of fruit tarts, Jon had snuck away from the festivities hoping for a bit of peace and to see the splendour of the full moon and the glittering stars.


"Your departure from dinner was sudden," said a deep voice behind him, and Jon realised that it was Anarion who had a glass of wine in hand.


"I needed some time alone ... I have a great deal on mind," Jon said in a gloomy tone without taking his eyes off the sky.


"Yes, I imagine ... I desire nothing more than to march alongside you, but I must defend my City and my Palantiri", Anárion said, his voice filled with regret.


"You have done more than enough, my friend; you have given us provisions and even more men... Although it fills my heart with misery that I cannot explore this magnificent city," Jon said, a sentiment that Anárion shared.


"Yes, it really is a shame, but it will be another time ... But if I may so bold Jon, I would like to ask you something," Anarion asked an intrigued Jon.


"What is it?"


"Did you offend Lady Galadriel in any way? ... She has treated you very coldly since you arrived here," Anárion asked curiously while Jon got very nervous since they arrived; the indifference of the Lady of Edhellond became clear for all to see... But nevertheless, he was thankful that Lord Celeborn nor Glorfindel had broached the subject.


Jon had no desire to reveal all that had happened, but he knew that Anárion would not be denied.


"Yes, something happened, my friend ... But you must not speak of this to anyone lest Galadriel be shamed," Jon said, throwing a pleading look at Anárion, who only recoiled in surprise when he deduced the nature of Jon's misery.


"Jon ... Did ... You... And the Lady of Light ..?" A dumbfounded Anárion asked.


"No... well, yes ... But it is not what you think ... please Anárion my heart is disquiet, and soon I shall march to war now please let us not speak of this so openly where many prying eyes are present, "Jon said practically pleading with his friend and seeing how delicate the matter was, he nodded.


"Very good ... but I still wish for an explanation," Anárion said, and Jon reluctantly nodded.


"Of course, ere I return from Isengard, I shall recount the tale in full", Jon said resignedly as Anárion raised his wine glass in a mock toast.


"The Lady of Light ... I can't believe it ..." Anárion said with envy in his eyes.


"Anárion ..." Jon growled as a warning to his reckless friend.


"Alright, alright," He said in an apologetic tone.


"For your sake, I hope so, remember she is skilled in the arts of the mind ... And should you think of her in such an impure way... Do you imagine the Lady Galadriel will be merciful?" Jon said, enjoying Anárion's terrified expression.


"Damn you ..." Anárion said before draining his cup of wine.


"I apologise, my friend, but I couldn't help myself," Jon said with satisfaction.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------


Finally, after two days of rest, the army was prepared to march their ranks filled with the stout men of Gondor, five thousand men from all corners of the realm among them gallant green-clad men of Pinnath Gelin and some two thousand bowmen of Morthond and men of Lossarnach They well-armed and bearing great battle-axes; grim-faced they were, and shorter and somewhat swarthier than any men that Jon had yet seen in Gondor.


Jon, in particular, regretted parting with Anárion as he had enjoyed seeing his dear friend, especially when he had taken him to see the view from the top of the Citadel, and it was then that Anárion revealed that he had sent his wife and child to Arnor as he feared that war would soon consume the southern realms.


But unfortunately, their time together was short, but they promised they would reunite in happier days when the evil of Mordor was vanquished.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

After leaving Minas Anor rested and supplied with their reinforced forces, the army of Belfalas set off towards Isengard, which was seven days ride from the city proper.


Jon, Lord Glorfindel, Lord Celeborn and the Lady Galadriel, each clad in resplendent armour at the head of this great army of men and Noldor.


"We will reach Isengard soon, though. I think we should have a contest of arms among our soldiers... But the decision is yours, Lord Celeborn," Lord Glorfindel said, eager to face the men of the East in battle.


"Perhaps we should the Great West Road is well guarded, and it would do our soldiers well to practise their swordplay," Lord Celeborn said, putting a hand to his chin.


They passed the mountain Amon Anwar ... its outer slopes, especially northwards, were long and nowhere steep... As they descended, the trees became ever denser, especially along the Mering Stream, northwards out into the plain through which the Stream flowed into the Entwash. The great West Road passed through a long cutting in the wood to avoid the wetland beyond its northern eaves; it was a fair country, and Jon was rather pleased to see the beauty of the southern kingdom stretched far beyond the cities of Gondor.


They continued for some time before stopping alongside the banks of the Mering stream, and the Elves struck camp while others started fires and watered the horses.


Jon took it upon himself to prepare his own tent and perceived a very familiar presence in some leagues to the North; he spied a great forest stretching across the slopes of the mountain; it was beautiful, yet it gave off a queer feeling.


Clearing his mind, Jon closed his eyes and allowed his spirit to go looking for his companion.


... He was walking through that strange forest; he had never been in a forest so as "tense" and "old, very old...and full of memory", and the air is stuffy... lighter than the forest of his birth, but it is musty and shabby.... he moved in under the vast branches of the trees. Old beyond guessing, they seemed. Great trailing beards of lichen hung from them, blowing and swaying in the breeze.


... The trees ... They spoke as if alive and each was wrothful swaying their branches and gnashing roots, resentful of the men who had cut down and burned their brothers ... Reducing their home ...


... However, he had to continue his journey looking for his master, whose scent he had caught upon the northern winds ... He was close, very close, and he had slain many dark creatures for his master and cleansed the forest of some evils better forgotten, but he could feel rage in the woods as if the trees felt that something dark was approaching ...


... At that moment, he wished he could howl to the sky...




A shout from a familiar voice brought Jon out of the mind of his wolf, and he turned to see his beloved.


They're calling him were his beloved Lalwen and The Lady Galadriel, who watched him curiously.


"Is something wrong, Jon?" Írimë asked when he saw his love with a lost look.


"Yes, my wolf has followed us; he is roaming the forest north of here."


"The forest of Fangorn," Galadriel said in a somewhat sombre tone as she knew of the evils of that forest far better than most.


"Oh... Jon, what madness has driven your wolf in there?" Írimë asked, worrying Jon.


"Is there something wrong with that forest? .. Why do you speak so somberly?" Jon asked, concerned for his wolf.


"The forest of Fangorn is the home of the Ents; it is a dangerous place to venture even for the Noldor," Galadriel said, trying to remain impassive.


... The home of the Ents ... Jon thought, surprised.


Jon recalled from his early studies that the Ents were giant creatures very similar to trees though altogether different and were created by Erú at the request of Yavanna before the sun rose in order to protect the trees from other creatures, particularly the Dwarves as Yvanna knew that the children of Aulë held no love for growing things. For that reason, they were called Shepherds of the Forest; the Ents became followers of Oromë. At the same time, the entwives were followers of Yvanna.


"Do the Ents live in that forest?" Jon in wonder, and Galadriel and Írimë nodded.


"Forests of Fangorn are known to be wild and dangerous, unlike the fair realms of the Great Greenwood", Írimë said with a sigh.


"Dangerous?" Jon asked, nearly mounting his horse and rushing to the aid of his wolf, but Galadriel stopped him before he could gallop to his doom.


"The forest of Fangorn is wrothful to those who seek to do it harm whether man or dwarf it bears no hatred for wild things ... Your direwolf shall face no perils," Galadriel said gently, hoping to ease Jon's heart.


At that moment, Finarfin's daughter realised what she was doing and quickly withdrew her hand from Jon's shoulder. Írimë saw this and felt some jealousy, but soothing her loves heart was far more important.


"My dear niece tells the truth, the aggressiveness of the Ents together with the ancient and exhausting feeling of the forest led the men of Númenor who ventured there to believe it was cursed, "Írimë said, caressing one of Jon's cheeks.


"Are the Ents hostile towards men?" Jon asked, intrigued, and both elves nodded.


"There was a long time ago when the Ents accepted anyone into their domain ... The forest of Fangorn was the oldest part of the ancient kingdom of Treebeard ... However, when the Numenoreans began to establish colonies in Middle-earth in the middle of this Age, they began to cut down entire forests to build their ships. After the deforestation, the Ents retired to live in this forest. It is said that they shall kill whoever seeks to bring harm to the woods, "Galadriel said before gazing at the forest with a sense of longing and perhaps sympathy.


Although he enjoyed hearing the tale of Fangorn worried yet for his friend, and so he sat upon the grown and directed his mind towards the ancient forest, searching for his oldest companion.


When they saw Jon's eyes turn a milky white, they were intrigued as Jon rarely used the gift he had inherited from his mother.


Despite the stuffiness of the forest, he continued to advance until he reached a wide opening. Two great trees stood there, one on either side, like living gateposts, but there was no gate save their crossing and interwoven boughs. As the old Ent approached, the trees lifted their branches, and all their leaves quivered and rustled. For they were evergreen trees, and their leaves were dark and polished and gleamed in the twilight. Beyond him was a vast level space, as though the floor of a great hall had been cut in the side of the hill. On either hand, the walls sloped upwards until they were fifty feet high or more, and along each wall stood an aisle of trees that also increased in height as they marched inwards.


At the far end, the rock-wall was sheer, but at the bottom, it had been hollowed back into a shallow bay with an arched roof: the only roof of the hall, save the branches of the trees, which at the inner end overshadowed all the ground leaving only a broad open path in the middle. A little stream escaped from the springs above and, leaving the main water, fell tinkling down the sheer face of the wall, pouring in silver drops, like a fine curtain in front of the arched bay. The water was gathered again into a stone basin in the floor between the trees, and thence it spilled and flowed away beside the open path; he felt a great need to drink from the spring and perhaps rest.


... Maybe he should rest a bit before meeting his master ...


As he finished his warning with his wolf's mind, Jon couldn't help but laugh at the confusion of aunt and niece.


"Jon?" Írimë asked curiously.


"It seems Ghost found the forest unpleasant, and he has come across some great clearing with a deep spring, and so he is resting ... I think he will be fine," Jon said with a smile, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from his heart.


Seeing Jon's happiness caused both Írimë and Galadriel to smile happily at the expression of tranquillity on the young Targaryen's face.


"That's good ... But ... Jon... We need to discuss ... or rather Galadirel must speak with you," Írimë said with an impassive expression on her face ... But she was clearly not happy.


"Írimë..." Galadriel started to say, but Írimë silenced her niece.


"No, Artanis, this matter between the two of you must be settled whether for good or ill", Írimë said, her voice laced with authority. It was then she approached Jon and gave him a heated kiss.


But that kiss was not a kiss that conveyed affection; no, this kiss conveyed passion, love and desire as if Fingolfin's sister wanted to convey all her devotion to her lover ... And she didn't care who was watching her.


However, although Galadriel remained indifferent to this show of love, but deep within herself, an emotion was beginning to grip her heart a fierce jealously she wished it was her and not Írimë who was kissing Jon, and that thought terrified her.


They kissed for what seemed like aeons until the need for air hampered their show of love, but her aunt Írimë was delighted and began to caress Jon's raven locks.


"You're ... Truly blessed," Jon said, still gasping for air.


"Thank you, maybe later we can continue ... But now ... You must talk to my niece," Írimë said, kissing Jon's forehead.


"Thank you, Lalwen," Jon said with a genuine smile and a profound expression of love in his eyes.


"Why Nin Mel?" Írimë asked, confused.


"For trusting me", Jon replied, kissing his lover with all his love, starting another intense kissing session while Galadriel struggled to control her jealously.


They finally parted, and Írimë smiled at them before returning to camp with the hope that her niece and lover could come to an accord.


Thus, Jon and Galadriel were utterly alone, far from the prying eyes of the servants and soldiers.


They stood there in silence for several minutes before Jon lowered his gaze in embarrassment, still enraptured by the lady of light's beauty, something Galadriel found endearing, and so she approached Jon hoping to calm his heart.


"I think Jon ... that we have much to discuss," Said the noble elf with total seriousness.


Jon nodded nervously.


"It seems to me that we will need some tea, my Lady", Jon said with a slight smile on his face.


"Tea ?" Finarfin's daughter asked, raising an eyebrow.


"I would have preferred some Arnorian whiskey or perhaps wine ... But it seems that I have little control of my heart when around you, my Lady," Jon said in a dark and remorseful tone of voice.


Galadriel's gaze darkened, and she nodded.


"I would appreciate some tea", The beautiful elf concluded as Jon nodded and set the kettle over the firepit.


When it was finished, they both entered Jon's tent, and Jon offered Galadriel a cup of tea, and she took it with thanks before settling into a comfortable looking armchair.


"Jon. .. What we did ... It was wholly wrong" Galadriel started the conversation while drinking from her cup, and to her surprise, the tea was quite pleasant.


"I know my Lady, you are married, and I have the heart of several maidens, your aunt among them ... I feel shame for my actions though I felt some joy when we kissed," Jon said remorsefully.


Seeing him, Galadriel looked at him with compassion and decided to confess ... Part of the truth.


"Jon ... I must confess something, something that I have kept from you since our meeting in Harlond," Galadriel said in a cracking voice.


"What is it, my Lady?" Jon asked, drinking his tea.


The sighing noble elf then told the young Westerosi about the connection that had been formed between them".


Jon's eyes were wide with surprise as she continued with her story, how she discovered their connection, and there was no way to sever it; she used it to watch over him and his friends from afar.


That's when Galadriel came to the tale of Herenlókë.


"I was many leagues from you at that time, but thanks to our ... connection, I perceived that you were in peril and saw visions of you fighting the dragon; I knew from your fear that this was not a vision of things to come but rather happening in the present, I thought you would die, "Galadriel said looking at Jon with sorrow.


"I thought so too; I still haven't been able to forget that battle," Jon said, shuddering at the memory of Herenlókë and his monstrous cruelty.


"But you triumphed, Jon... And you became a legend among our peoples akin to Earendil and Túrin Turambar," Galadriel said with a smile that caused Jon to blush.


"Thank you, my Lady ... Tell me then, did you merely observe my duel with the Worm?" Jon asked with curiosity, but Lady Galadriel seemed embarrassed to his stupefaction.


"Somehow, my spirit was guided to your body, but when I came upon you, your body was broken, and so I hoped to console and comfort you," Galadriel said as calmly as possible, waiting for Jon to discover the truth of her words.


For a few moments, Jon was perplexed by the words of the "Lady of Light", but it did not take him long to understand the meaning of her words, and when he did, he stood up suddenly.


"It was you!" Jon shouted with joy after finally discovering the identity of his saviour.


Oh, how Jon had dreamed of discovering the identity of his saviour, that maiden to whom he had written so many poems and songs praising her beauty and healing touch.


And now she was here ... in front of him ... And he couldn't claim her because she had already been claimed by someone else.


When he understood this, all the joy on Jon's face began to fade, and little by little, he sat down again and looked at the ground while Galadriel watched him with pain and compassion.


"You saved me ... You healed my spirit", Jon said, looking at the ground.


"Jon ... Look at me", Galadriel ordered sternly and sadly.


Hearing her powerful voice, Jon did so, and they could both see the sadness on each other's faces.


"Thank you for coming to my aid, my Lady ... I think you know you have been the subject of my sonnets and poems as of late", Jon said, and to his surprise, Galadriel blushed again and smiled.


"I did ... They are beautiful, both the poems and songs ... You don't know how much I cherish them," Said the beautiful elf with a sad smile.


For a few moments, neither of them said anything, and they just remained silent until Jon had the rest of his tea and sighed.


"What will happen to us now?" Jon asked, looking at the "Lady of Light" in a gloomy way to which she also finished her cup of tea and sighed and then looked at Jon with intensity.


"Nothing ... nothing will happen," Galadriel said with steel in her voice.


Jon only smiled slightly at those words.


"I searched long and hard for the fair maiden who healed my spirit, and though I could not know her, I could praise her beauty through song and verse... Without knowing she was close at hand and now that I have discovered this fair queen, I must be parted from her, for her heart belongs to another, "Jon said with a sad laugh.


And for the first time, Galadriel gave Jon an angry look.


"What do you want me to tell you? What would you have me do? I am married, I love my husband, We have a daughter; our bond is more than flesh; we are of mind and soul, "Said the daughter of Finarfin, looking at the young Westerosi with anger, and Jon knew that he went too far and felt ashamed of his actions.


"I apologise for my words Lady Galadriel, you are right ... Nothing shall happen as you are wed to Celeborn whom I respect and love as my brother, and I have the love of your aunt and of several maidens whom I do not wish to hurt or betray ... Please forgive my insolence, "Jon said humbly bowing his head before Galadriel.


"The Lady of Light" inquired into the mind of the young man from the North and realised that he spoke with humility and that in his heart, there was no malice or impure desires, and so she smiled.


"Jon... For my people, marriage is almost absolute. But, even if it were not like that, we Eldar seldom chose our loves unwisely, a melding of our spirits is sacred magic that as old as the foundations of the earth and none save those we hold dearest can partake in this magic, that is why when I use my spirit to mend you can be considered as adultery. You have made my heart swell with love in ways I never thought possible, and I have come to feel something ... something for you, how this came to be I cannot say ... But I'm afraid nothing will happen between us... What happened on the beach and in the dragon's cave cannot be repeated, "Galadriel said with determination feeling some bitterness in her mouth as she uttered those words.


"I know, I shall never put your honour into question, my Lady, what transpired on that beach shall never be repeated... for the sake of our loved ones, "Jon said seriously, and Galadriel nodded gratefully.


"You have my thanks, Jon," Galadriel said, standing up and hoping to return to her husband.


"Wait, my Lady, I wish to give you a gift," Jon said, and he rummaged through his clothing chest before retrieving a book bound in green leather embossed with a harp of gold.


A curious Galadriel took the book and noticed it was richly adorned, clearly something of great value.


"Open it", Jon said, and Galadriel took him at his word, widening her eyes with surprise at the contents.


The book was full of poems and songs, each one of them was beautiful, and they all spoke of the same person, some she knew and some she did not.


"They are for you; I composed them for the beautiful maiden who saved me from the shadow of the enemy "... I was hoping to give them to this proud maiden when I learned her identity ... I'm glad I was able to truly know her," Jon said with a sad smile.


"Jon ..." Galadriel whispered, touched by Jon's gesture.


"Take them, my Lady; I composed them for you anyway... They belong to you by right," Said Jon leading Galadriel out of his tent, but before they left, Finarfin's daughter leaned over a little and kissed him on the forehead.


Jon's mind recalled that kiss the Lady gave him when she comforted him after his fight with the dragon, and he couldn't help but blush.


"Thank you ... I'll read them later," Said the beautiful elf lady with a smile.


Jon didn't answer but had the decency to blush.


"Thank you, my Lady, if you allow me, I would like to escort you to your tent," The knight said, offering his arm, and Galadriel just laughed and nodded.


"Please, Ser", She replied before offering her arm.


I feel something extraordinary for this young Westerosi ... But nothing will happen between us ... My place is next to my husband ... What I can feel for Jon Snow shall be a memory, a fleeting memory ... Galadriel thought her heart consumed by sadness.



Both Jon and Galadriel toured the camp with the young Targaryen acting as an escort for the "Lady of Light" and came to the sparring ground where the men of Gondor and the Elves of Edhellond were practising.


"I must admit I didn't expect this", Galadriel said with a sigh.


"Yes, we are near Isengard, I think ... But Lord Glorfindel and Lord Celeborn thought it would be wise for the soldiers to practise their swordsmanship," Jon replied.


Galadriel only smiled, knowing the mind of her husband.


"I thank you for your kindness Jon, but if you allow me, I will go find my husband," Galadriel said with a smile that made Jon swallow hard.


"Of course, my Lady and I must seek out my sweet Lalwen and Lord Glorfindel," Jon said with a slight smile.


And they both observed each other in silence for a few moments until, as if they were awakening from a dream, they both separated.


Jon just continued wandering the makeshift training ground until he saw his beloved Lalwen weaving in the distance as she sipped from a glass of wine with two servants tending her.


When Jon saw her smiling, he quickly went to meet her, and when she saw him, his beloved elf smiled with joy.


"Nin Mel", I trust that your conversation with my niece was ... Enlightening, "Írimë said in a voice as hard as steel, but Jon caressed her cheek, and the beautiful elf allowed herself to enjoy the pampering of her lover.


After that, Jon sat next to his beloved elf lady and placed her head on his chest, Írimë although surprised and flushed by Jon's sudden show of love, she cared not she was content in the arms of her dear dragon and merely sighed in contentment.


"It was enlightening ... discussed many things... But you already knew that... dear Lalwen?" Jon said with a frown, provoking his beloved to look at him with alarm; she understood that Jon was referring to the fact that Artanis was the Lady to whom he wrote numerous songs and poems.


"Yes, I knew it since I heard you sing for the first time a song about a Lady of such beauty that rivalled that of the" Two Trees "... In all the history of the Noldor, only Artanis was graced with such beauty", Said Írimë feeling nervous but Jon feeling her discomfort kissed her head.


"Don't worry, Lalwen ... Nothing will happen, nothing can happen ... We understood that the fascination we felt for each other would only bring pain and suffering to those whom we love we shall be allies and nothing more ... You should not distrust any of us because what we least want is to hurt you ... My Nin Mel, "Said Jon kissing the Princess of the Noldor passionately.


"Your words fill me with calm and happiness, Jon; I knew that in your heart, the love towards me and the others is sincere," Írimë said, shedding tears of joy.


"So your wisdom is much greater than I thought ..." Jon said with a laugh, but Írimë, feeling that he was making fun of her, struck him in the chest, causing him some pain.


"Is my dear dragon hurt?" Írimë asked, mocking her love.


"Yes... You are deceptively strong, my love," Jon said, caressing his sore chest.


"Don't forget my foolish dragon ..." Írimë said with satisfaction.


"No, I will not, believe me, my sweet Lalwen," Jon said, kissing Írimë again now with much more passion than before and Fingolfin's sister was so happy that she reciprocated the kiss without fretting that the elves of Edhellond learned that she, a Princess of the Noldor had given her heart of a mortal man.


"Just as Lúthien, Idril and Finduilas did I've found true love." Írimë thought happily.


But that didn't matter to her ... Right now, she had Jon to herself ... Without that annoying Rhaenys lurking around her, she planned to enjoy every moment of it.


They both remained in that position with Jon stroking her golden hair until he could hear her soft snoring; his beloved elf had fallen asleep to the rhythms of his heart.


The tender moment between the two was ruined by an elven soldier who came bounding into their tent; if he knew what he had seen, he made no mention of it.


"Excuse me ... Master Jon?" Asked the elf, managing to wake up the lovers, who quickly parted, blushing.


"Yes ..." Jon said, rather vexed at this tender moment being ruined.


"My name is Hadrandir. I was sent by Lord Celeborn and Lord Glorfindel; they asked me to fetch you," Said the elf rather quickly, ostensibly shocked by the love shared between man and elf.


Upon hearing the summons, Jon knew he could not refuse them, and with all with great sadness, he separated from his beloved Lalwen, who was blushing profusely.


"I'm sorry, Lalwen, but it seems we must part for now," Jon said, clearly angered.


"I know ... how unfair," Írimë said, pouting like a little girl while Jon turned his gaze to the young elf, who was somewhat embarrassed.


"Well, did you say your name is Hadrandir? .. Take me to Lord Celeborn then," Jon said, and the elf nodded.


"I'll go with you," Írimë said, suddenly getting up from her chair in front of a surprised Jon.


"Lalwen?" Jon asked curiously as Írimë approached him and kissed him again.


"I'm going to take every opportunity to be with you, my love .. Away from Rhaenys petty tantrums," Írimë said, caressing Jon's curls while he sighed.


"Very well... You know I can't deny you anything," Jon said, smiling.


"I know it, and I know how to take advantage of it as you know well", Írimë said in a playful tone.


"Let us be off," Jon said, taking his beloved Lalwen by the arm, acting as an escort being guided by Hadrandir, who still did not get out of his astonishment.

-------------------------------------------------- ------


They finally reached the training ground, and Jon noticed that there were many elves there... And in the centre of the field were Lord Celeborn and Lord Glorfindel, wearied from the days' events and the coming battle, no doubt.


Jon caught a glimpse of Lady Galadriel behind a table observing everything with her usual serene expression and her spear at her side when she saw Jon; she smiled at him, which drew a shy smile from Jon.


Seeing those subtle displays of affection between the two, Írimë became jealous and pressed Jon's arm harder, which made him suppress a wince of pain, and the young Targaryen gave his lover an imploring expression, but she only smiled at him playfully and continued to exert that superior force on him.


They both continued walking until they reached the centre of the training ground and saw the smiling expressions of Lord Glorfindel and Lord Celeborn.


"My Lord ..." Jon said, bowing still in pain from Írimë.


"Hello Jon ... I see that ... Lady Írimë has shown you her affection," Glorfindel said mockingly.


"Yes and aggressively.." Jon said nothing more because his beloved Lalwen hit him on the shoulder, causing him to gasp as the two ancient elves held back their laughter... Which ended when Írimë gave them a grim look.


"Well ... Then let's get started ..." Lord Glorfindel said, drawing a sword and throwing it to Jon knowing full well that he would never use Ringil in a sparring match.


When he understood the intentions of the two older elves, Jon gently separated from Lawen, and indicating she should sit beside her niece, Írimë nodded, and Jon gave her one last kiss before she took a seat beside her aunt and poured herself a generous goblet of wine.


Írimë blushed from Jon's kiss and nodding; Galadriel thought perhaps they should have something stouter and requested some Arnorian Ale.


"I must admit I did not expect to be challenged by you, Lord Glorfindel", Jon said, all the while his mentor smiled.


"I would very much like to cross swords with you since years have passed since we faced each other ... Unfortunately, the challenge is not mine," Glorfindel said, stepping back, leaving his apprentice and the Lord of Edhellond face to face.


"Lord Celeborn?" Jon asked, startled.


"Yes, Jon, the challenge is mine.. we face a great battle soon, and I feel that I must test your mettle... Excuse my impetuosity ... At my age, that is rather uncommon... But I wish to see your skill at arms for myself, "Celeborn said, drawing his sword.


Jon heard the challenge from Lady Galadriel's husband, and despite having some doubts about him, he could not refuse such a trial.


The entire camp was silent to watch the fight between the two combatants begin to circle each other.


Both of them launched themselves against each other, exchanging blows with their sword, and to everyone's surprise, Jon was not toppled by the savage blows and matched Celeborns ferocity; however, the Lord of Edhellond was fleet of foot and still spry despite his considerable age and began overwhelming Jon with punishing blows and each one he blocked felt like he was striking iron.


The young Targaryen realised that Celeborn was too mighty to beat in an extended duel and that he.


He wants to see what I'm capable of; he knows I won't be able to defeat him, nor does Celeborn wish to humiliate me; he is merely testing my skill with a blade.


With renewed vigour, Jon matched the Lord of Befelas, and although the ancient elf had no difficulty repelling the attacks, Jon took advantage of the fact that Celeborn's attention was concentrated on blocking the blows of his sword to upset Celeborn's footing.


Which worked when the surprised elf was brought to his knees in front of his wife and their camp.


At that moment, Jon hit Celeborn's chest, knocking him into the dirt while a murmur of surprise ran through the camp.


However, the joy was short-lived because Lord Celeborn quickly collected himself and stared in excitement and surprise.


"Very good, Jon Snow, very good, you are certainly a prodigy warrior ... I thought I would not need to take you seriously... But if I don't, I shall bring shame to my house," Lord Celeborn said with a fierce look, and Jon knew he would not win this duel.


They both rushed forward, dancing around each other in a flurry of parries, feints, and hammer blows, each looking for a weakness in the others guard.


Unfortunately, Jon's arms began to ache as it blows parried was akin to smacking solid iron; he was growing weary, he had no shield to intercept the strikes, so Jon thought to end this duel soon.


It was a simple feint that the Arnorians developed, although they did not like to use it because it was not something elegant, it seemed more at home in a tavern ... But this was still a duel of honour, and Jon hoped to win.


Even more so since his beloved Lalwen and Lady Galadriel are watching him.


Jon was not stupid or arrogant, and he knew perfectly that if Lord Celeborn had not defeated him yet, though this was more because the old elf hadn't wished to slay him, only to disarm him. However, he still wanted to match the strength of an Elven Lord; he was worthy of the titles and prestige of his station.


Lady Galadriel was watching him; she and Jon may have decided not to act on the feelings they had for each other but still .. Show their courage and strength in front of her, and his beloved Lalwen was something he couldn't ignore.


So, skimming the ground with the tip of his sword, Jon scored the earth, hoping to throw sand in the face of Lord Celeborn only for the old elf to dodge him ... Just as Jon intended since at that moment Jon threw himself at Celeborn, knocking him to the ground and rolling around until Jon was atop Celeborn with a dagger at his throat all the while the old elf had one pointed at his.


"That was something dirty and unworthy," said the elf in a reproachful tone.


"Perhaps, and although I recognise that this feint is somewhat dirty, it is not forbidden ... Besides, you also had a hidden dagger Lord Celeborn," Jon said, looking at the Lord of Edhellond with a smile, and he nodded.


"Very well a draw then ..." Celeborn said with a slight smile.


"No, the victory is yours, my Lord... I only won because you wanted to disarm... If this had been a true battle ... I would have been slain rather easily," Jon said before helping Lord Celeborn to stand.


"True... But Glorfindel has told me that you have an unusual talent for battle ... perhaps in a decade or so, you shall match us in skill," Celeborn said, pleased with Jon's humility.


"Well done, Jon ... Although I don't know if I should congratulate you on using that feint ... This was not a tavern fight," Glorfindel said while looking at his apprentice with a mixture of pride and reproach.


"I know ... But enemies always fight unexpectedly," Jon said with a smile.


"True ... But because of your insolence, you shall triple your time in the tilt yards upon returning to Annuminas," Glorfindel said with a satisfied smile upon seeing Jon's expression.


"But ... But ..." The young Westerosi said, terrified.


"And you will help your cousin Arya with her drills and practice matches. Glorfindel said with joy at being able to delegate that particular infuriating task to someone else ... and who better than Jon?.


While Jon just gulped as he knew how insistent and stubborn his "little sister" was when it came to her training.


... I'd better have accepted defeat ... Jon thought, holding back tears of frustration as he imagined himself helping an excited Arya in her training.


While the two ancients looked at Jon's expression of suffering with amusement, knowing that he would have to help his cousin Arya in her training in addition to tripling his own, Írimë and Galadriel watched the entire battle unfold with a smile.


"He's a fool .." Said a pained Írimë with some amusement in her voice.


"Actually, dear aunt ... Jon, well, it's unpredictable ... I'll grant it," Galadriel said with a smile.


"And it seems he had inherited some of Loras's fiery determination ... He doesn't like to lose", Írimë sigh.


Galadriel only laughed at the comment of her beloved aunt, however deep down, she was somewhat nervous since when she found out that her husband had challenged the young Westerosi at first, Galadriel feared for Jon's safety, and when he and Celeborn began to fight, she was astonished as Jon matched him blow for blow.


But the disturbing thing was that she did not know who to support in that battle, Celeborn was her husband, and her loyalties should lay with him... But a part deep in her wanted Jon to win, which disturbed her.


For that was the proof that Galadriel no longer only saw Jon as a means of satisfying her lust but beyond it ... He now had a place in her heart.




























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