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Chapitre 1550: 40

Chapter Text


The journey to Annúminas was long and tiring for Jon, who was taken in a carriage because his broken arm and rib prevented him from riding, and despite the care of his lady loves, the fight against the dragon weighed heavily on his heart, he only wanted to see Sansa and Arya and then sleep until the worlds ending.


But in those moments of calm and silent reflection, Jon's thoughts were thus directed to the vision of the elven woman, a maiden whose beauty rivalled the light of the two trees.


But what Jon remembered most was the kiss she had given him; her embrace was akin to the sun full of warmth and joy as if all weariness and pain had fallen from his heart. He felt his soul was healed if the soul could truly be mended.


Jon did not know if it was a dream, but his heart told him that he would soon learn of this radiant beauty. Just thinking of her loving touch drove away the pain and misery of his duel.


All noticed the melancholy that surrounded Jon, especially Írimë, and his lovers realized that despite their care, Jon did not seem to be well; it was Finwë's daughter who explained the reason to them one night.


"A Worm of Morgoth are the evillest creatures that Melkor has made, and often those who slay are consumed by grief and woe just as Turin was... for it is as a poison of mind that consumed all save the most godlike in strength. Tis not fatal, but his spirit must be cleansed. " Said the Princess of the Noldor, sadly seeing Jon suffer the consequences of that fight despite his victory.


"The elves have told us of such wounds of the heart ... But I never believed that I would have to see them in my own grandson ... How do we heal him?" Queen Rhaella asked with tears in her eyes being consoled by her daughter Daenerys, and Írimë only smiled sadly while shedding tears.


"With love, patience and care ... To face the most horrid creation of the Great Enemy and triumph is an extraordinary feat ... especially for one so young ... It is remarkable that Jon is so composed, most would have nightmares or give into madness even among the greatest lords of my kin to slay a Worm is to invite misery, "Said the daughter of Indis looking at Jon strangely.


"Loras has always told us that Jon has always been austere and disciplined .." Arianne said, clearly worried about her love, but Írimë shook her head.


"No... though you speak the truth ... I sense something else as if Jon's spirit has been mended in some fashion," said Írimë looking at Jon curiously.


"Isn't that a good thing?" Dany asked curiously.


"Yes ... Dany is right; I don't know how Jon has recovered this quickly ... But it's for the best, so we must be happy for him," Írimë said with a smile, but curiosity and anxiety plagued her mind; though Jon's spirit was mended, they must be mindful of the dragon's sickness lest they lose the man they love.


A thought they all shared, although none said it out loud.


Only one of the Ainur had the power to heal the spirit... or an elf ... a mighty and ancient one, Thought Írimë intrigued as The only ones who meet that necessary ability and age in Middle Earth apart from herself, are Galadriel, Celeborn as well as king Gil-galad. Each is wise in the lore of healing the spirit though none could have known Jon would face the Worm.


However, it would be impossible for an elf to cast a spell from so great a distance, they would have to be very close for the art to work ... And none of those who could have helped Jon are near him, so Írimë discarded this theory.


Most likely, one of the Valar, probably Lorien or Nienna, helped him.


... Well, in any case, it is useless to dwell on the matter. Jon is well, and that is what matters ... Írimë thought with joy at the sight of Jon arguing with his brothers in arms since they insisted that he tell them everything about his duel with the Worm, but Jon was disgruntled because he wanted to sleep, the discussion between the three of them was the source of amusement for everyone on the journey to Annúminas.



Finally, after several days of travel, the company of knights had returned to Annúminas, where they were greeted by the surprised citizenry who did not expect to see the soldiers return so soon they did not even expect to see them all again, but nevertheless, the company were greeted with raucous cheers and adulation especially after they distributed the gold of the Worm to the farmers who had lost their lands.


The High King's troops dispersed throughout the City to return to their duties after bowing to King Elendil and his son Anárion.


On the other hand, neither Jon nor his companions cared for pleasantries; everyone was eager to return to the king's palace so that Jon could rest and tell them of his battle in greater detail.


Something that Jon deeply appreciated since, despite the care of his lovers, the young warrior knew that he needed to rest lest he agitates his wounds.



Finally, they arrived at the King's Palace where they were received by a magnificent reception from the Court of Annúminas; in front of this large congregation were Sansa and Arya, who looked displeased at having been left behind by all their companions but when they saw the state of Jon, their expressions were ones of shock and despair.


Lady, Sansa's direwolf, was sitting faithfully next to her mistress, and despite her meek demeanour, she seemed ready to pounce upon whoever got too close to Sansa. Which explained why the Stark sisters seemed to be isolated from the other people at the reception.


Arya looked like she wished to run towards Jon, but she was held back by Sansa as to not cause a scene.


"My king," Said the Castilian of the Palace, an old man who had a dour face with deep-set emerald eyes, his black hair was flecked with strands of grey, and he was dressed in fine silks and bore several rings showing his great wealth, the old man kneeling before his King and his example was followed by the others.


"All may rise," Elendil said, wishing to end the whole reception as soon as possible.


"I didn't expect your return for some time. Has something happened, your Highness?" asked the Castilian.


"Jon Snow, the leader of the Emissaries of the Valar ... has slain the Worm of Morgoth just as Earendil and Túrin before him, " Elendil said with admiration.


The Court of Annúminas was clearly shocked while Sansa and Arya seemed tongue-tied, their mouths wide and their eyes exorbitant.


"That... That ... is extraordinary," Said the Castilian, looking at Jon with astonishment on his face; Jon's embarrassment was such that he tried to hide behind Loras and Robar, but he was stopped by Arianne and Rhaenys, who pushed him forward.


"Why? ..." Jon asked, holding back his tears as his lovers smiled deviously at him.


"You must be punished for facing the dragon by yourself, Jon…" Arianne said, kissing him on the lips but still taking his arm.


"Exactly, dear little brother… Did you really think you'd get away with it that easy?" Rhaenys said in a honeyed tone stroking Jon's hair while holding his injured arm gently but firmly enough to cause him discomfort.


"But I already told you it was a task from Lord Manwë, and it was not my choice", Jon growled, begging for a reprieve.


"We know that's why we'll be soft on you," Rhaenys said, kissing him on the cheek.


At that time, the entire Court heard Elendil's speech praising Jon's bravery and skill in defeating a "Worm of the Great Enemy" alone. The king compared Jon to the heroes of the First Age, something that caused the young warrior no amount of embarrassment. Tuor, Beren and Turin were exceptional warriors, and many of them were direct ancestors of the Great King Elendil and the lords of his court, so to be compared with such lofty heroes was a great boon, but Jon was not used to being the centre of attention, the last time he received such praise was the tourney of the hand, and that felt a lifetime ago.


"By the Valar, when will this end ... I just want to sleep" thought an exhausted Jon who struggled to stay on his feet.


"By the time we arrived, the great worm had met its death at the hands of the champion of Ulmo .." Elendil said but paused, noticing Jon's haggard appearance and taking into account his injuries. The king, feeling compassion for him, ordered silence to his lively Court, which did not stop praising the young man's skill.


"However, all that can wait, the fight against the Worm has been taxing, and it is only fair to allow him a rest ... If he wishes, he shall regale us with the battle once he is able, Jon. If you wish, you may leave. The welcome banquet will continue as planned; should you feel able, you may partake in the festivities later, "Elendil said, looking at Jon solemnly.


"Thank you, your majesty, I shall take my leave ... the battle against Herenlókë was far more taxing than I imagined... Now I see why slaying a Worm of the Great Enemy is so great a feat; I truly doubted I would feel the sun upon my face again", said Jon, remembering those dark moments with an empty gaze.


At that moment, Glorfindel placed a hand on Jon's right shoulder, dispelling his dark thoughts.


"In that case, young man, go to rest, you have earned that, and far more I understand that you took the skin and horn of the beast, if you so desire, I will give it to my best craftsman and goldsmith to make an Appropriate cloak and war horn "The High King offered with pride.


"That is very kind, your majesty, I shall keep them as heirlooms of my house ..." Jon said smiling gratefully and starting to walk away, looking sideways at Sansa and Arya, who were still shocked that Jon had slain a Worm of the Great Enemy and he knew they would demand explanations.


... I don't even want to imagine the questions they will ask me later ... Jon thought with amusement.


At that moment, he could feel the presence of all his loves and Lady Írimë, who followed him on his journey to his chambers. Jon looked at them with surprise.


"Yes?" Surprised by the presence of all.


"We want to make sure you reach your bed, my white wolf", Arianne said.


"I'm not going to escape, Arianne," Jon said, annoyed.


"Ignore us, love; we are only concerned with your wellbeing," Dany said with a certain cynicism in her voice.


"Jon ... What they are trying to say is that we only want to watch you dream; we will not do anything else," Ashara said tenderly, giving Jon a kiss on the lips, something that Jon greatly appreciated.


"Thank you ... But don't you think we will attract attention if you all come with me?" Jon said, amused.


"Let them think what they want; we care more about you than court gossip," Rhaenys said, giving Jon a fierce kiss that left him breathless and staggering and taking advantage she gave Írimë a look of smugness that caused Finwe's daughter to clench her fist in rage and fix Rhaenys with a cold stare.


"Rhaenys ..." Dany said, realizing that the relationship between her niece and Lady Írimë was getting worse while the others sighed wearily as they understood that they would have many conflicts before their journey ended.


"We are here .." Jon said, looking at his rooms with longing and happiness, prepared to finally sleep.


"Yes, well, Jon, you rest; we will take care of you while you sleep," Lady Írimë said with a smile caressing Jon's cheek with care, leaving him enthralled by her ethereal beauty. Causing a great deal of jealousy among his lovers, especially Rhaenys.


"Thank you, my Lady", Jon said as he struggled to maintain his composure at Írimë's touch.


The beautiful elf maiden only laughed at Jon's expression.


"My fair maidens, I appreciate that you are with me and that you wish to take care of me, but don't you think that we will all be cramped here?" Jon said, realizing the lack of space.


"Of course, silly Jon, we will not all go in there; we will only take turns to take care of you; the only reason we all came here because we wished to see you off to bed and make sure that something like the dragon incident doesn't happen again," Shiera said averting her eyes in annoyance at Jon's naive question.


"Well ... Thank you all, although it is not necessary," Jon said, somewhat embarrassed.



"Well, Jon, here you are; I guess you want to rest", Arianne said, lying on Jon's bed in a provocative pose which caused him to gulp.


"Ari, I'm sorry…" But his Dornish Princess just laughed.


"I know, it's a shame, but Ashara and Shiera were very strict with us so that we don't hurt you anymore ... Sleep Jon ... Sleep my white wolf ... We shall take care of you," Arianne said, and Jon smiling with love and gratitude he laid next to his beloved viper and laid his head on her chest.


With the softness of Arianne's bust and her intoxicating scent, Jon closed his eyes and finally, as he had wanted to do since leaving the cave of Herenlókë, closed his eyes and let himself be carried away by sleep.



For a few moments, Jon felt that he was floating on a cloud that felt like the lightest silk, it was so comfortable, and the feeling it gave him was so pleasant that Jon did not want it to end until he opened his eyes and the light of The sun blinded him, he was suddenly lying in a vast, marble room.


"Welcome young dragon," Said a voice that Jon recognized instantly; despite the passage of years, it was soft as spring wind and carried great authority.


Jon turned back and could see the figure of Manwë, High King of Arda. His raiment was blue, and blue was the fire of his eyes, and his sceptre was of sapphire, which the Noldor wrought for him; his expression was one of pride and happiness.


"Lord Manwë .." Jon said in surprise and quickly got to his knees, showing reverence before the High King.


"Stand up, my boy ... We have much to discuss," Manwë said gently.


"Where are we, my Lord?" Jon asked, standing up looking in amazement at his surroundings.


"You are in my house ... Ilmarin," Manwë said with a smile when he saw the expression of astonishment of the young Targaryen.


"How can I be worthy of ...?" Jon tried to say, but the King of Arda motioned for silence.


"Because you are dreaming young man ... You're here in spirit, at this moment you are physically in your room in Annúminas being lovingly cared for by your ... Well, companions," Said the King of the Valar, hoping to avoid the topic of Jon's love life, something the young Westerosi was internally grateful for.


"And why did my Lord call again?" Jon asked curiously, and the High King only smiled compassionately at the confused young man.


"Walk with me, Jon", Manwë said, starting to walk towards a great marble door followed by a confused Jon.


They walked through vast corridors of glittering marble that seemed to have no end; each hall was lined with statues of such beauty that for a moment, Jon thought they would come to life ... They walked for several more minutes until they reached a vast entranceway that leads outside.


When leaving the mansions of Manwë, Jon was caressed by sweet summers wind, so pure that for a few moments, Jon had the desire to let himself be carried away and revel in the beauty of the blessed realm.


They were on the top of a mountain beyond the clouds, which glowed like flickering flames in the light of the sun, and excited Jon could see below the mountain a great city. There was no doubt that it must be Valmar, the "City of Bells" where two trees grew, and the Ring of Doom, where the Valar pass their judgements. And further east, Jon perceived fair abodes of shining white — of marbles and stones quarried from the Mountains of Valinor that glistened wondrously, silver and gold and white streets there were bordered with dark trees that wound with graceful turns or climbed with flights of delicate stairs up from the plain of Valinor to topmost of the mountain and all those shining houses clomb each shoulder higher than the others this was Tirion seat of the house of Inwë.


"It seems to me that you know where we are at this moment," Manwë said with a smile, clearly amused by Jon's wonder; it was then Jon fell to his knees, his cheeks stained with tears as he was overwhelmed by the enormity of the revelation.


"Oh ... By the merciful Erú ... My humble and worldly spirit is on the sacred mountain ... My Lord, you have called me to Taniquetil in your kingdom ... I am in Valinor ... My Lord has allowed me to behold the glory of the blessed kingdom, "said Jon, still weeping at its beauty Manwë smiled and placed his hand upon the young Targaryen's shoulder; it was then all weariness and pain from his duel with Herenlokë faded.


"What do I ...?" Jon was going to ask, but he realized that the Lord of Arda wished to speak.


"I called you here, Jon, because I felt it was time for you and I to have a little conversation ... It has been years since I called you to Middle Earth, and I have watched you and your companions ever since ... Certainly, each of you are quite remarkable ... You exceeded my expectations ... Especially you."


Hearing the praise of the Elder King, Jon knew that he should feel proud but seeing the beautiful and terrible face of Manwë watching him, knew that such pride would not please the King of Arda because each individual who has been proud in his presence has had a Tragic outcome for not controlling that pride, the best examples were Fëanor and Ar-Pharazôn; therefore Jon who did not wish to share their fate spoke humbly.


"Your words are the highest compliment my Lord could receive ... Although I feel I have not done much to earn such praise," Jon said with all possible humility. Apparently, Jon's humility was to Manwë's liking because he smiled slightly when he heard it.


"Your humility is a noble virtue; many Noldor and Atani do not give it due importance because they prefer to listen to their pride ... That often brings them great tragedies and woe ... I am glad to see that this is not the case with you, my child, " Manwë said with satisfaction.


"Thank you, my Lord, but I wonder what matter is so important that you had to bring my spirit to your abode to treat with you in person; why not send an envoy?" Jon asked curiously.


"I wanted to see your growth with my own eyes, not through a messenger, as well as to apologize to you for forcing you to slay the Worm a trial for which you were ill-prepared, "The King of the Valar said with genuine remorse in his voice.


"Why did I have to go through it, my Lord? When I saw your gaze through the eyes of the gryphon, it became clear ... I knew it was your desire that I face the Worm alone ... But why? " Jon asked with sadness and doubt.


"During the First of the Sun, when the" Great Enemy "and his dark armies wished to enslave the free peoples, there were many heroes among the race of men who's wise council and skill at arms held back the tide of evil, heroes like Beren, Tuor and Turin each a warrior worthy of songs and verse and each became legends that shall never fade from this world... Alas the glory of these first men has faded, and there are few left in which courage runs deep," Manwë said with great sadness.


"And you, my Lord, you wished to see if I was up to the task," Jon said, surprised by the motives of the Great King.


"Yes, I put you in great peril, but I knew you could succeed, and now thanks to your courage, skill and ingenuity, you have earned the respect of Elendil, his son Anárion and the Faithful; you have rekindled the hope they had lost since Númenor was buried under the waves, they only heeded your words as it showed we had not forsaken them. But now they shall heed your counsel based on your merits, "Manwë said, watching the clouds float across the sky.


Jon only nodded with a slight smile, and for a few moments, he pondered his next words.


"Thank you, my Lord, for everything you have done for my friends and for me, for giving me a new purpose, for allowing me to see things I would never have imagined, for allowing me to learn things that no one from Westeros would have ever learned, meeting so many wonderous people who have become my family and thank you for saving my sisters from their captors, "Jon said respectfully as Manwë smiled.


"That was Lady Nienna; she insisted that they both deserved more than torment and death ... And I'm glad we heeded her counsel ... Both girls had suffered greatly," Said the King of Arda with compassion in his voice dismayed by the barbarity of the Westerosi.


At that point, Jon decided to ask something that he had wanted to ask since he first spoke to Lord Ulmo.


"Why, my Lord? Why did you choose me? Targaryen or Stark .. I'm just a bastard; you could have chosen my cousin Robb or anyone else ... Why did you choose me? " Jon asked, looking at the King of the Valar with great curiosity waiting for an answer; however, Manwë did not answer for several minutes and instead watched the clouds pass by; Jon believed that he would not answer him.


"Because it had to be you," said the Lord of Breath of Arda suddenly to Jon's confusion.


"My lord?" Jon asked.


"Jon, you should already know that everything that happens in this world is according to Eru's design; there are no coincidences, with Eru's permission; we Valar can influence some details of Arda, but the governance of the world that is the dominion of my lord ... Your birth, everything you've lived through, your arrival in Middle Earth ... It's all part of Ilúvatar's plan, Do you ask why you were chosen? Because I chose you based on the indications that Erú gave me and therefore I had gleaned who you were and what is expected of you as well as of your companions ... But Erú works in mysterious ways not even I know the thoughts of his mind unless he were to share them but know he chose you, not to your cousin Robb nor to any other young man from Westeros or Middle Earth, for that reason only he knows fully why you were chosen ... For it was he who truly chose you, "Manwë said with a solemn expression.


Jon was stunned ... His mission in Middle Earth was not only by the will of the Valar ... It was the will of Ilúvatar himself.


The mere thought that Arda's supreme deity was the one who had pointed him out to carry out his will filled Jon with surprise. .. And a little fear.


... Everything my companions and I have done has been according to Ilúvatar's plan; it should not surprise me ... But knowing it from Manwë himself is something totally ... Unique ...


"Jon, maybe I should tell you something our creator said to the" Great Enemy "after their discord ruined the" Great Music, "Manwë said, adopting an even more solemn and majestic demeanour than before.


 'Mighty are the Ainur, and mightiest among them is Melkor; but that he may know, and all the Ainur, that I am Ilúvatar, those things that ye have sung, I will show them forth, that ye may see what ye have done. And thou, Melkor, shalt see that no theme may be played that hath not its uttermost source in me, nor can any alter the music in my despite. For he that attempteth this shall prove but mine instrument in the devising of things more wonderful, which he himself hath not imagined.'



Jon listened in rapture to the ancient knowledge that the King of Arda entrusted to him; he was surprised to see the expression of disgust on his face and was about to ask him what was happening until he realized that by quoting In Erú's words, Manwë had spoken the name of the "Great Enemy" on two occasions.


... Although at some point they were brothers after all the evil that Morgoth caused the world in his desire to make it his domain and rule it, they both came to detest each other ... Jon thought sadly.


"With this, Jon, I hope you understand that nothing in Arda happens outside of Erú's will," Manwë said, staring at him with his sapphire eyes shining like a pale flame.


Jon quickly nodded with a smile.


"I do not think that my ephemeral existence in this world allows me to understand all your words, my Lord ... But now I begin to understand a little more my insignificant role in the smallness and in the greatness of Arda," Jon said, feeling genuinely overwhelmed by the words of Manwë.


"Those are wise words, young warrior ..." The King of the Valar said with a smile.


"So my Lord… what will I do now that I have earned the respect of Elendil and the rest of his Numenoreans? I never imagined that someone outside of my family and my friends would hold me in such high esteem," Jon asked, confused.


"You will do what you think best... I will leave that to your discretion but remember Jon, governing is not always the best or the only thing that matters; sharing wisdom and giving counsel is important," Manwë said enigmatically.


"My Lord?" Jon asked, clearly confused.


"It seems to me, Jon, that it is time for you to return since it would be very harmful to you if your Fëa and your Hröa remain separated for a long time," Manwë said, starting to dismiss Jon.


At that moment, the young Westerosi remembered one of his most endearing friends, one who remains in exile on an island and awaits the end of the world or the judgment of the Great King to return home.


"Wait, Lord Manwë, please, there is something I want to ask of you ..." Jon asked quickly as Lord Manwë's eyes gazed at him intensely as if piercing his soul and scrutinizing his intentions.


The Lord of the Breath of Arda raised an eyebrow as he smiled; he already knew what the young man would ask of him; after all, Jon would never abandon a friend, especially one who has suffered for many centuries ... But Manwë has his reasons for not annulling the Lord of Harp's exile after all the crimes that Maglor and his brothers committed, fulfilling that nefarious oath that they made with their father were abhorrent.


But ... Regardless, Maglor helped care for the sons Eärendil and Elwing, fought in the War of Wrath and helped Jon accept his origins by following Ulmo's plan, adding to the fact that he was always the one most reluctant to leave Valinor and was always the gentlest and most compassionate of all his brothers ... Perhaps he can show some mercy to the last son of Fëanor after all.


"I know what you wish of me Jon ... And I am not willing to grant your request, it is commendable that you worry about your friends ... However, the crimes that the last son of Fëanor committed with his brothers and father, as well as that cursed oath, are things I cannot ignore… "Manwë said with no expression on his face.


Jon was beginning to feel sorry for remembering Maglor in Tol Morwen and his miserable appearance feeling sad that he could not get back to his mother and wife.


... Forgive me, Maglor; it seems you must wait until the end of the world after all ...


"... However, he has done penance for his crimes residing on that blessed isle for ages uncounted," Manwë said, giving a long sigh as Jon regained his hopes and despite not physically having a heart at the time, he could feel like if it was about to come out of the chest.


"I will abolish his exile and allow him to return to Aman, but that does not mean that he will not be punished for his actions, Maglor will have to appear before Namo in Máhanaxar, and there his fate will be decided" Manwë continued in an inflexible tone and Jon was filled with joy.


"Thank you, my Lord, for your mercy ..." Jon said, shedding tears of gratitude.


"Do not thank me yet Jon, if you want Maglor to return to Valinor, you must make sure that he returns yourself?" Said the King of Arda with a mischievous smile.


"What do you mean, my Lord?" Jon asked, confused, not sure he understood.


"You must build the ship with which Maglor will return to Valinor; otherwise, I will not allow him to return, you can ask your friends for help, but neither Cirdan nor any Firstborn should help build the ship, do you think they can do it? by sea back to Aman, it is not easy to traverse even for the boats built by Cirdan .. Do you feel capable of accomplishing the task? " Manwë asked seriously.


Jon remained silent, on many occasions, Cirdan had explained to them that reaching Valinor was a challenge for any navigator even when it was physically anchored to the world, the story of Eärendil was a good example, but after the rebellion of the Numenoreans and that Iluvatar separated it from the material world and was unreachable by mortals the path was so arduous it was said that even if it was still achievable for mortals, the only ones capable of building a ship strong enough to reach the Blessed Realm were the elves of Mithload.


Now Lord Manwë had presented Jon a task, a task that he would be willing to perform for his friend ... But not if said task resulted in his death, and Jon knew perfectly well that Maglor was still under the curse of Mandos; if he died, he would go to the "Rooms of command" and would remain there until the worlds ending... But this was the only way he could return home ... Jon made his decision at that moment.


"My Lord Manwë, I am afraid that this decision is not mine, but Maglor's, I would gladly accept the task, and I know that my friends will follow me out of loyalty. But I have no right to risk Maglor's life or anyone else's for confidence in my skill; if you allow me, I will return to Tol Morwen and tell Maglor of your judgement, and if he agrees, I will build the ship that will take him to his judgment without hesitation, but I cannot force him nor act through deceit, you must know what you are risking ... For that reason, I cannot tell you whether or not I accept the task that you entrust me at this moment ... I will accept it if Maglor agrees to entrust his life to me, "Jon said with all the humility and passion of his soul.


Manwe only stared at him for a few moments and then smiled slightly.


"Humble and concerned for your loved ones to the bitter end ... I expected nothing less from you, Jon."


Jon was going to answer but felt his strength fail him at that moment, and he fell to his knees.


"What's happening to me?" Jon asked, feeling more tired than ever.


"I am afraid that this conversation has gone on too long ... You must return now, or you will not be able to return to your body anymore," Manwë said in a worried tone.


"There are still things I want to ask my Lord", Jon said, feeling worse and worse.


"I know, but ... We will have to leave your questions for another time ... Go with the blessings of all free peoples, we shall meet again," Said the King of Arda with a flourish of his sceptre; he returned Jon to the mortal realm.


After sending Jon's soul back into his body, Manwë gazed with satisfaction at the place where Jon's Fëa had been moments ago.


"He has matured splendidly ... Ulmo really surprised me, I didn't think it will improve so much in just four years ... Don't you think so? ... My beloved Varda," Manwë said to a shining figure that had just revealed herself.


It was the figure of an incomprehensibly beautiful woman, with black hair that glowed with silver tints, and upon her brow, she wore a crown of glittering silver set with seven gems that glittered at the jewels of heaven, even her gown seemed to be spun from starlight.


"How long have you known that I am there, my husband?" The Queen of the Valar asked.


"My dear wife ... You know that you and I are one, I always know where you are just like you always know where I am," Manwë said with a smile.


"Indeed ... You were right about your young protégé; he's exceptional ... and quite charming, he reminds me a great deal of Eärendil," Said the queen of the Valar with a smile.


"They would be quite happy for the comparison ... though I must ask, did you notice?" The King of Arda asked seriously, and his wife nodded.


"Yes ... His spirit had already been cleansed for the most part ... Finarfin's daughter did splendidly," Varda said, walking beside her husband and gazing at the Blessed Kingdom at their feet.


"Yes, I barely had to do anything really ... I simply cleansed the remaining darkness of his soul ... and healed his wounds ... But I'm more concerned about Artanis's actions. Manwë said with a darkened countenance.


"Yes, that a Firstborn helps someone to heal another through their spirit... It is something very intimate; only those whom they care for a great deal can be healed in such a way; I did not think that your protégé was so dear to her, "replied the Queen of the Valar, clearly concerned.


"Nor did I ..." Seconded the Elder King, feeling that the interest that Jon aroused in Finwë's daughter and granddaughter will be something of great importance in the Ages that will come in the world, but Artanis was already married.


Marriage for the elves was almost absolute, only under one circumstance can it dissolve, and it was unlikely to happen ... And if it does, it will be a tragedy.


... When the spirit of a spouse, husband or wife, for whatever reason, passes into the custody of Mandos, then the living may be legally allowed to take another spouse if the previous union is dissolved forever ...


The death of Míriel, the death of an 'immortal' Eldar in the deathless land of Aman, was a matter of grave anxiety to the Valar, the first presage of the Shadow that was to fall on Valinor... Miriel's death was of free will: she forsook her body, and her fëa went to the Halls of Waiting, while her body lay as if asleep in a garden. She said that she was weary in body and spirit and desired peace. The cause of her weariness she believed to be the bearing of Fëanor, great in mind and body beyond the measure of the Eldar. Her weariness she had endured until he was full-grown, but she could endure it no longer.

There was a fair lady of the Vanyar, Indis of the House of Ingwë. She had loved Finwë in her heart, ever since the days when the Vanyar and the Noldor lived close together. In one of his wanderings, Finwë met her again upon the inner slopes of Oiolossë, the Mountain of Manwë and Varda; and her face was lit by the golden light of Laurelin that was shining in the plain of Ezellohar below. In that hour, Finwë perceived in her eyes the love that had before been hidden from him. So it came to pass that Finwë and Indis desired to be wedded, and Finwë sought the counsel of the Valar.


They were obliged to choose between two courses: condemning Finwë to bereavement of a wife forever or allowing one of the Eldar to take a second wife. The former seemed a cruel injustice and contrary to the nature of the Eldar. The second they had thought unlawful, and some still held to that opinion. The end of the Debate was that the marriage of Finwë and Indis was sanctioned. It was judged that Finwë's bereavement was unjust, and by persisting in her refusal to return, Míriel had forfeited all rights that she had in the case; for either she was now capable of accepting the healing of her body by the Valar, or else her fëa was mortally sick and beyond their power, and she was indeed 'dead', no longer capable of becoming again a living member of the kindred of the Eldar.


Only in that case can a marriage be dissolved ... Something so miserable shan't come to pass again.


So why was Manwë restless?


Elves weren't adulterers like men, but it seemed that Artanis wouldn't be parted from Jon.


Manwë knew perfectly about the bond of mind and spirit they shared, if there is such a thing as accidents, no, Manwë knew that this link between the two will be very important, but he could not be sure in what form or fashion.


"Let's go inside my wife ... I shall summon Namo; I hope he can shed some like on these queer tidings, I know it is linked to Írimë's, but now I realize that it is also linked to Artanis's ..." Manwë said with a taciturn expression.


"As you wish, my husband", Varda said with a nod.


Thus the King and Queen of the Valar returned to the halls of Ilmarin.



The first thing he noticed was the orange rays of sunset coming through his window.


Then Jon bolted up, his eyes wide and breath ragged; that's when he felt a warm hand on his head and met Rhaenys' worried face.


"Hello .." Jon said weakly.


"Are you well Jon? .. Did you have a nightmare?" Asked his half-sister.


"Yeah, I'm well, but I didn't have a nightmare, Rhae ... I was in Valinor," Jon said with a smile as Rhaenys just snorted in disbelief and laughed.


"You're still asleep; it's normal you've been here for more than ten hours; I honestly thought you wouldn't wake till tomorrow," Rhaenys said with amusement.


"ten hours?" Jon asked, clearly confused.


"Yes, we have taken turns to be able to take care of you and make sure that the dragon thing does not happen again", Rhaenys said accusingly while Jon just looked away in annoyance.


"Very well, I deserve it ... But this is rather queer, Rhaenys ... the Elder king called to me, I was able to contemplate the Blessed Kingdom from the top Taniquetil, the Sacred Mountain ... Jon continued speaking excitedly as Rhaenys arched an eyebrow and leaned back beside him.


"And what else?" She asked, not very convinced of Jon's story, but with everything that had happened since they arrived in Middle Earth, she had learned not to take it for granted.


At that point, Jon decided that he must share this revelation with everyone.


"Wait ... I'd better tell the others too ... Where is everyone?" Jon asked.


"They are preparing for the welcome banquet; in two hours, Lady Ashara will replace me," Rhaenys said.


The welcome banquet ... Jon had already forgotten with everything that happened with Herenlokë, for a few moments Jon decided to stay in bed, but the excitement of telling everyone about his conversation with Manwë was too great, and in one leap He stood up, to Rhaenys' complete surprise.


"Hey here ...!" But the Princess no longer said anything when she saw Jon was not wincing in pain, and at that moment, Jon took off his tunic along with the splints, and both realized that Jon's injuries had healed.


"But what?" Rhaenys said in surprise and quickly reached over and gently touched Jon's left arm and then his broken rib.


"Do you see Rhaenys? .. I have nothing, my wounds have healed, it was not just a dream, my spirit travelled to Valinor, and there I spoke with Lord Manwë he must have healed my wounds ... I must tell everyone," Jon said frantically.


"Jon, calm down; I'm overjoyed that you're well ... But you must be careful," Rhaenys said, amused, wanting to reassure Jon.


"I'm sorry ... But since I'm better, don't you think it would be better to go down to the banquet? I'm also hungry, "said Jon wanting to leave the room.


"Aren't you tired?" Rhaenys asked, disappointed that her time with Jon is up.


Jon realized this, and sensing what Rhaenys wanted, he took her by the waist and began to kiss her neck.


"Jon ... Jon", Rhaenys tried to say, but passion began to hamper her efforts.


"You know Rhae ... Maybe we should wait a little longer ... We haven't been alone in a long time ..." Jon said before ripping the dress from Rhaenys buxom form and eagerly sucking on her dark nipples.



Finally, after about two hours, Jon and Rhaenys went down to the Great Hall of the king's palace arm in arm; Jon was dressed in an elegant elven robe of grey silk and a diadem of silver, a gift sent from the shipwright while Rhaenys (much to her dismay) was dressed in a typical Princess way, a luxurious gown of orange silk that showcased her true beauty.


In a short time, when they entered the Great Hall, they caught the attention of the Lords of Westernesse. As they did not expect to see the slayer of the dragon at his banquet due to the injuries he suffered during the duel, which was perceived by everyone in the Court of Annúminas.


When they saw Jon up, both Shiera and Ashara, who were being heckled by insistent nobles who did not hide their desire for them very well, Both ladies were surprised to see Jon up, and after bidding the lords good day, the approached Jon clearly no happy to see him up and about.


"Jon, what are you doing up ?!" Ashara asked, annoyed.


"Hello, my Lady, you look beautiful tonight," Jon said without a care in the world.


"Don't change the subject... Rhaenys, why did you allow Jon to remove the splints?" Shiera asked, arriving on the scene.


Rhaenys was nervous about Shiera's claim since, in reality, she had no explanation why Jon was better since he insisted on telling the court of his vision; Rhaenys not how to respond, unconsciously clutched Jon's arm tighter.


"Peace, my loves, let's not make a scene, as you see I am healed and bring glad tidings I wish to share with everyone," Jon said seriously, and both ladies were surprised not only by his words but also for the fact he was longer wincing in pain.


"Your wounds healed ..." Ashara said in surprise.


"Yeah, that's what ..." Jon started to say, but he heard someone call out to him.


"JON!" Jon turned to his right only to see Sansa and Arya running towards him .. . They looked annoyed, both were dressed in elegant dresses Sansa one of blue sating embroidered with silver flowers while Arya had a dress of grey with prancing wolves upon the gown and sleeves,


"Hello Sansa, Arya... How? .." Before he could finish speaking, Arya hit him in the stomach with all her might, and Jon winced a bit in pain, although he quickly overcame it.


"That was for fighting a dragon by yourself, and you left us behind, stupid", Arya said, annoyed with Jon for not taking her with him.


"It was very dangerous what you did, Jon; that monster could have killed you," Sansa said, clearly distraught that despite making a scene, her desire to punish Jon was greater than her shame.


Seeing his cousins upset with him, Jon could only smile and hug them both, something that they both reciprocated, all the while shedding tears as they imagine Jon being slain by the Worm.


"I'm sorry, I did not wish to cause you grief; I had no desire to face the Worm alone ... But it was a battle that I could not avoid. I'm still shocked I dared to face him alone, "said Jon shedding tears while still hugging his" cousins ".


"But you did it, and you won, everyone in the Court talks about it, about how" the Emissary of the Valar killed the Worm of the great enemy "... Jon, they even compose songs of your glory," Sansa said clearly happy thinking that her cousin has become a hero of the songs that she adored as a child.


"It's no great feat any man would have done the same", Jon said humbly as his face turned scarlet.


"Wasn't a great feat? Damn fool, now you're famous!" Said a happy Arya to everyone's amusement.


"Arya, your language", Lady Ashara rebuked her, causing the little wolf to lower her head.


"I'm sorry.. but please, Jon, you have to tell me everything ... please! " Said Arya with the saddest countenance she could adopt to everyone's amusement while Jon was amused that Arya used that trick again.


"Then, little sister, listen well", Jon said, ruffling Arya's hair much to the annoyance of the little she-wolf who tried to hit him, which caused everyone to laugh and amusement.


... It's good to have time to relax; I've been far too severe as of late ... Jon thought with amusement.


"Are you having fun, Jon?" Asked a sweet and melodious voice charged with cold anger and disapproval behind Jon, causing him to turn back in surprise to see the beautiful figure of Lady Írimë who looked exquisite in a scarlet dress who's bodice was woven with diamonds her hair was done in an elegant braid and upon her brow as a small tiara of silver steel, it was clear that she was the most desired Lady in the Great Hall.


But at that moment, Her gaze was fierce as a dragon, her emerald eyes burned with the same intensity as the wildfyre of the alchemist guild, and the brunt of her ire was directed towards him.


... She's upset because I'm here instead of resting ... She really hates to see me hurt ... Jon thought, surprised to see how much Lady Írimë truly cared for him.


"Do not worry, my Lady, I am fine; my wounds have healed?" He said to the surprise of Sansa, Arya and Írimë.


"How is it possible?" Asked the ancient elf approaching Jon with curiosity but emitting that dangerous atmosphere, Írimë got so close to him that Jon could smell her aroma like sweet honeysuckle and wild berries for a moment he forgot his fear, and his cheeks were red with embarrassment, much to the jealousy of the others.


"My Lady ..." Jon said nervously, but Finwë's daughter was not paying attention to him, she seemed to see something familiar in the young dragon's eyes, and she observed them carefully until she recognized what was familiar to her, stepping back in surprise and her mouth fell open in a comical way from the shock.


"Lady Írimë... Are you alright?" Ashara asked curiously upon seeing the beautiful elf's outburst of surprise.


"Yes ... Jon, don't move from here," She said, lifting her dress and starting to search frantically for someone amid the hustle and bustle of the party. Seeing her come out like that, Rhaenys moved closer to Jon.


"What's wrong?"


"I don't know, Rhaenys ... She just looked at me and then left", Jon said, confused by Írimë's outburst.


While waiting for the return of Lady Írimë, one by one of Jon's concubines were arriving where they were; Arianne and Daenerys were upset to see Jon out of bed when he should be resting, but upon seeing his attire, their ire became lust as they eyed him with tacit approval.


Jon just felt like a hare about to be eaten.


Queen Rhaella, on the other hand, looked relieved to see Jon recovered from his injuries.


Loras and Robar, on the other hand, only smiled and saw this as an opportunity to settle scores with Jon, and one by one, both knights gave their brother-in-arms a hit on the left shoulder.


"That's for leaving us behind," They both said at the same time to the laughter of all the Ladies and when an annoyed Jon was about to retaliate until a murmur of astonishment was heard. They all looked to see Lady Írimë return this time with Lord Glorfindel as well as King Elendil and his son Anárion, all wearing the most elegant doublets and cloaks of ermine and otter.


When Jon and the others saw them, they bowed.


"Great King Elendil" ... "King Anárion" ... Master Glorfindel, "Jon said respectfully.


"Your Highness, we did not expect to see you so soon", Queen Rhaella said with respect to the High King as he smiled and returned the courtesy by chastely kissing her right hand.


"Queen Rhaella was conversing with Lord Glorfindel when suddenly Lady Írimë interrupted us and told us about Jon's miraculous recovery, as well as telling us about something extraordinary that she discovered in his eyes," Said the High King before the confused look of the former Queen.


"Something extraordinary in his eyes?" Asked Arianne, curious as she found nothing different in her white wolf ... Although ... It seemed to her that his violet eyes shone more than before as if his gaze burned with the fury of the sun.


The rest of Jon's lovers noticed the same thing, as well as Sansa and Arya.


"When Lady Írimë told us about your miraculous recovery, it was difficult for us to accept it ... But seeing you standing here and without pain fills me with calm and happiness," Glorfindel said happily.


"I swear I never wanted to worry anyone ... Lord Manwë bid me slay the Worm alone... I couldn't refuse," Jon said.


"We know Jon ... But that's not why we're here ... See for yourself, Lord Glorfindel ... It's wonderful," Írimë said, shedding tears of happiness to the confusion of Westerosi.


Glorfindel nodded and approached his student.


"Excuse me, Jon," Said the noble elf taking Jon by the chin to everyone's surprise and examining his face.


"Master Glorfindel but what ..." Jon said, surprised by his master's action. Along with everyone else.


"Sshhh ... Hush", replied the former nobleman of Gondolin, and they remained silent until Glorfindel began to smile and shed tears and gently released Jon.


Seeing the former Lord of the House of the Golden Flower cry, all Westerosi were shocked.


"Master… is something wrong?" Loras asked, alarmed to see his mentor cry.


"Oh ... Lady Írimë, you were right; how is this possible?" Glorfindel cried, affected by the sight of Jon's face.


"Would someone be so kind as to explain to me what is happening?" A now worried Jon asked who his concubines approached, worried about their dragon.


Sighing and watching Jon with a new adoration in her eyes, Írimë tearfully approached the young man who had captivated her.


"Oh, Jon ... I don't know how ... But somehow ... In your face and especially in your eyes ... We can see the light of our home ... The light of Valinor, Oh your eyes shine now like stars in the sky burning like two amethyst flames, "Said Lady Írimë touching Jon's face as if it were a priceless treasure, delicate and fragile, causing the jealousy of the Ladies of Jon, especially the wrath of Rhaenys.


While Glorfindel raised an eyebrow and the kings, Elendil and Anárion were surprised by Írimë's show of affection towards Jon.


Will this young man repeat the "other" feat of Beren and Tuor? "


"But how is it possible that Jon's face has the light of Valinor?" Robar asked, surprised as he scrutinized Jon's face, hoping to find a difference, but no matter how hard he tried, Vale's gentleman could not find any.


"For that, Jon would have to have travelled to Valinor", Glorfindel said with complete assurance.


"I did," Jon said with all possible clarity causing everyone to look at him in disbelief.


For a few moments, everyone looked at Jon in disbelief because how was it possible that he had visited The Eternal Lands, the paradise of the Valar?


"Excuse me, Master Jon… Did you say you travelled to the Blessed Kingdom?" High King Elendil asked incredulously, thinking that he had not heard well.


"Yes, Your Highness ... Visit the kingdom of the Valar ... Lord Manwë called me in my dreams once more, this time to Ilmarin, and we conversed on the peak of Taniquetil, the conversation was .. . Mmm ... enlightening, the reason I came down is that I wanted to tell you everything, "Jon said with a smile on his face at the look of total astonishment from everyone equally.


"Extraordinary ... You really did visit the Blessed Kingdom," Elendil said with an expression of excitement on his face.


"Even faintly, I can see its light on your face Jon, it is extraordinary," Glorfindel said, still weeping in joy.


While Westerosi were speechless, realizing that Jon was in Valinor, even if it was in a dream.


"What is the Blessed Kingdom like, Jon?" Daenerys asked, clearly intrigued.


Just when Jon was going to answer the Castilian of Annúminas along with other nobles of the Court, they approached King Elendil.


"Your Highness, we are very sorry to interrupt you, but it is time for you to start the banquet; the rest of the Court awaits you and the Emissaries of the Valar," Said the old Castilian.


Both Elendil and Anárion showed annoyance at the interruption and sighed in resignation.


"Very well, I'll be with you shortly", Elendil snapped.


"We'd better postpone Master Jon's tale," Anárion said, clearly annoyed at the interruption.


"You're right, my son ... If you don't mind joining us, Lord Jon Lady Írimë ..." Elendil said.


"Not at all, King Elendil ..." Lady Írimë said, ready to claim Jon as an escort once more, but to her surprise and anger, Rhaenys beat her to it.


The Targaryen Princess had sensed Írimë's intentions long before and took Jon by the left arm, using him as an escort while giving a smug look at the increasingly jealous and furious daughter of Finwë, who could only fix her with a menacing glare.


But the anger of the Noldorian Princess reached new heights when she could notice in Rhaenys's expression, an extraordinary glow, one that she had already seen on Jon's face in addition to the light of Valinor ... Intimacy ... He had been with one of his lovers.


Írimë was not stupid; she knew very well the relationship that Jon had with these young women, although it is not as if they hid it since they showered him with affection.


But knowing that it was precisely Rhaenys who had shared Jon's bed aroused in Finwë and Indis's daughter a wave of anger and jealousy that was difficult to control, especially because of the smug look Rhaenys gave her.


... That place next to Jon is mine alone! ... Take your hands off him, insolent! ... Don't brag just because you've warmed up his bed! ...


She was about to insult Rhaenys but was suddenly stopped by Glorfindel who seemed to have perceived her intentions and was looking at her with a mixture of reproach and surprise, that was enough for Írimë to calm down and understand what she was about to do, that made her lower her gaze a little because of shame.


She, the daughter of Finwë and Indis, a Noldorian Princess was about to lose her composure due to jealousy and anger seeing that mortal take her place next to Jon, a man who had unknowingly captivated her, now she had no doubts about her feelings ... Not really, she had ended up falling in love with a mortal just as Lúthien, Idril and Finduilas.


The fact of finally understanding her own feelings, so impressed Írimë that she forgot her dispute with Rhaenys and with a look and a gesture asked Glorfindel to be her escort and the nobleman of Gondolin, sensing that the spirit of the Lady had been grieved, agreed.


And Jon naively smiled at her without knowing the stormy thoughts he was causing her.



Finally, after a few minutes, Elendil sat at the head of the table with his son Anárion on his right while the Westerosi were on his left, a place of honour, then the Great King of Arnor and Gondor again stood up, and with the Scepter of Annúminas in his right hand, he silenced his entire court.


"Welcome all the nobles of Arnor to this welcoming banquet held in honour of the arrival of the" Emissaries of the Valar "whose arrival we had been awaiting since the spring of woes, in that time we have been patient imagining what kind of warriors would the Valar send us from those strange and unknown lands that are beyond the eastern seas ... And not a day ago I received my answer ... Take a step forward Jon Snow, "Elendil said in a voice that boomed like thunder.


Jon was somewhat uncomfortable being seen by so many people, but the king ordered him, and so he stepped forward, hiding his nerves as best he could.


"This young man of only twenty years achieved a feat worthy of my ancestors, one that had not been repeated since the Ancient Days he slew a Worm of the Great Enemy. This dragon was sent by Sauron to loot and conquer our beautiful Annúminas, that terrible beast claimed the lives of several young knights who fought for our kingdom, and although for their families it is a miserable consolation, the death of the Worm has saved countless more, that is why as a king I owe this man a debt of gratitude those who travelled with him marched beside our great host, not for riches or fame but duty each has shown their calibre. Still, none more so than this young man, As King of all the Dúnedain declare them as friends and allies of the Kingdoms of Arnor and Gondor May this be heard by all those who in their veins carry the blood of Númenor and take heed of it "Elendil said with authority, and at once the whole court erupted into a sea of applause.


The applause lasted for a few minutes until Elendil once more raised his sceptre and demanded silence from his court.


"Jon Snow, you have risked your life fulfilling the orders of the" Greater King "and thanks to this you have avoided great evils and misfortunes to my people; I owe you a great boon so speak your heart's desire, and if it is within my power I shall grant it ... "


Jon and the others were surprised by Elendil's words. They had never seen such generosity and humility in a monarch; none of the monarchs of Westeros had been so humble. Except perhaps Baelor and even King Jaehaerys who, although he is remembered as the greatest in the history of the Targaryen Dynasty, was actually according to the diaries of his own relatives and close "friends" ... rather wrothful, often exiling those who displeased him no matter how minor the offence.


But the monarchs that Jon and the others had met in Middle Earth were different ... They were proud, yes, but not irrational; they were not interested in personal glory but rather the safety of their people.


... As a king should be ... Jon thought amazed and admired by Elendil's humility, nobility and greatness, at that moment he remembered Lord Manwë's words that sometimes it was better to advise and serve than to rule, it was in that moment he remembered the childhood games he had played with Loras to serve a Just king that was there dream" a dream he briefly fulfilled by serving Renly Baratheon whom he followed out of his love for Margaery and by his friendship with Loras. Still, Renly Baratheon, although he was not cruel and could be compassionate, he was also frivolous and ambitious; his pretentious claim to the Iron Throne over his brother Stannis was clearly the proof.


After the youngest Baratheon's death, Jon had been discouraged at the idea of serving another King until Lord Manwë appeared in his dreams and entrusted him to go to Middle-earth in search of "The Faithful" with whom he would find true purpose.


There was the answer, Jon had no desire to rule a kingdom or be a king; he only wanted to serve a worthy king in the best way that I could.


Before the gaze of his companions, cousins, lovers, and the entire Court of Annúminas, as well as Lady Írimë and Lord Glorfindel, Jon knelt before Elendil as one of his servants and drew Ringil at the feet of the Great King of Arnor and Gondor.


"This is my request, King Elendil ... Here before the gaze of my family and companions, before the entirety of your court, I offer you my sword, my services as a warrior, accept me as a knight in service to your House that I swear to you. that I will serve you faithfully until the day you or your children release me from my vows, "Jon said with all his humility.


For a few moments, no one said anything; the whole Hall was silent since no one would have imagined that an emissary sent by Manwë himself would choose to submit so humbly to the king; Elendil remained silent for a few moments and a pale smile, like a gleam of cold sun on a winter's evening, passed over the king's face.


I see that strange tales are woven about you,' said Jon 'and once again, it is shown that looks may belie the man. I accept your service. For you are not daunted by words, and you have courteous speech, And we shall have need of all folk of courtesy, be they great or small, in the days to come. Swear to me now!'


'Take the hilt,' said Glorfindel, 'and speak after the king if you are resolved on this.'


'I am,' said Jon.


Elendil laid the Ringil along his lap, and Jon put his hand to the hilt and said slowly after Elendil:


'Here do I swear fealty and service to Arnor, and to the Lord and Steward of the realm, to speak and to be silent, to do and to let be, to come and to go, in need or plenty, in peace or war, in living or dying, from this hour henceforth, until my lord releases me, or death takes me, or the world end. So say I, Jon Snow, Son of Rhaegar Targaryen.'


And this do I hear, Elendil son of Amandil, King of all the Dúnedain, King of Arnor, King of Gondor, King of the Southern Realm, Lord of Arnor and Gondor, and I will not forget it, nor fail to reward that which is given: fealty with love, valour with honour, oath-breaking with vengeance.' Then Jon received back his sword and put it in its sheath.


The whole Court exploded in applause at Jon's appointment, while Loras and Robar looked at their brother in shock, but in the end, they shrugged their shoulders and followed Jon's example, swearing themselves to the House of Elendil.


While Jon's lovers, as well as Sansa, Arya and Lady Írimë, had mixed feelings for Jon's decision, especially Queen Rhaella and Rhaenys, who were not very happy with Jon's decision to swear to another House other than the House. House Targaryen ... And another king.


But the decision had already been made, and there was no turning back. So both Targaryen women had to resign themselves.


… What will the future hold for us here, far from our home?… Rhaenys wondered.



Seeing Jon become a knight in front of the entire Court, Sansa had strange feelings; of course, she is happy for her brother since he had risen to glory by his own effort, discovering that he had killed a dragon was a surprise for the daughter Older than Winterfell as Jon was becoming more and more like a typical song gentleman, the kind of gentleman she always dreamed of marrying.


And it is that now Sansa could not deny that Jon more and more seemed a true Prince; he was tall and mighty in both spirit and deed though he was not cruel nor vain and far nobler than those sycophantic lords of Westeros, he was all she dreamed a knight should be tall and fair with eyes that glittered like the stars and a voice as sweet as the summers wind.


Sansa's heart begins to beat more and more strongly when thinking about her cousin, and her mind was taking her to a meadow where she was lying on Jon's lap while he wrote poems and songs about her beauty and the joys of the world, he would come closer and stroke her hair before kissing her.


"Oh my ..." A surprised Sansa stuttered.


"What was that?" She thought with a maddened heart as she watched Jon be praised by the entire Court of Annúminas.






Thanks to my co-author great_red

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