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50.69% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1318: A Gaming Afterlife by Hebisama

Chapitre 1318: A Gaming Afterlife by Hebisama

 Chapter 1 

I won the reincarnation lottery and became the Gamer. Yep, it exists and I'm fangirling about it too. Fangirling hard. Who cares about getting dead once when now you can live around the multiverse being all OP. Sure, there is some grinding to be done first but no true gamer is a stranger to that.


So, I'm back with a new fic. I'll be definitely finishing 'You've Got Post' but right now I can't seem to get in the flow of it. I will be getting back to it sooner or later though.

This fic is in The Gamer genre – love the idea, love reading it and so far I'm loving writing it. Hope you will love it too. Just FYI, it's my first time writing in first person. It still feels a little weird but that is the way the gamer works.

Chapter 1: Fifty Days in TutorialNotes:


Among the silence and the darkness I'm in but haven't before now noticed, the festive metallic sound is decidedly out of place. I feel as if I have just woken up, disoriented and definitely not running at full brain capacity. Or body capacity for that matter. Wait…

Where is my body!

Heck, I don't remember much at all but I definitely remember having a body at some point!

I'm definitely awake now.


Congratulations on winning the reincarnation lottery! The coveted spot of [The Gamer] is yours!


All that fire from before disappears as fast as it appeared, I was always one to roll with the punches. I cough, how did I do that without a body, to clear my throat "Yes? Hello."

Hello! And welcome to your afterlife. Thank you for being calm, I hate unruly customers, they take forever to move on

"Oh" is my supremely intelligent reply, "I see. So just darkness it is, huh?"

No, this is just Limbo. Though normally people just go according to their beliefs. It 's an automatic process more or less, Christian souls have the heaven/hell thing while atheists just disappear into the ether, like that.

While I don't really remember believing in anything, right. Makes sense.

So you, as a pure agnostic, have the fun event of rolling for your afterlife! Since you didn't care where you end before, you surely can't complain!

Fair enough, though it would be a bitch to get Hell just because a bad roll. Wait… "You have mentioned reincarnation before."

I did! A good roll, but that isn 't all!

I resist rolling my eyes, it seems the Reaper, or whatever this voice belonged to, got pointers from teleshopping presenters.

A spot for [The Gamer] had opened up and you got it! The betting pool at the office already started

"Betting pool?" I frown.

Never you mind! Do you remember what the [The Gamer] is about?

I nod and a pleased smile stretches over my lips "I do. A lucky roll indeed."

Excellent, everything is in working order then. Can we proceed?

"Yes, please" I reply, definitely definitely awake now. The Gamer is awesome! The chance to live my life like an RPG sounds amazing. Who doesn't want to be able to fly or do magic, or even visit different universes one could only see on a screen or the pages of a book! Boring people, that's who!

Good, good. A question first, do you wish for a tutorial?

My eyebrows rise at the unexpected question – I do know quite a bit about the Gamer, I read the original manhwa as well as many fanficions on the subject, so what tutorial? Wait, were those fictions real? Like were the characters the previous Gamers? The Reaper did say an open spot just opened up, did that mean a previous Gamer died?

"Yes, please, I would appreciate it" I hastily nod after that frightening thought.

Good choice. Your predecessor was too impatient to start and the option wasn 't even offered to the one before that – he was too rude. We sent him to Dark Souls, hehehe

"I would prefer to start slow" I gulp, "And perhaps never go there." While I personally never played Dark Souls I knew its reputation well.

That 's what the tutorial is about, you get a training world for a few days to get yourself settled. If you don't die, which would be really pathetic by the way, you will make a jump into another universe. The option to travel further will be explained then. SO! Character creation!

"Would it be possible for me to know the training world in advance?" I venture, "I know many universes have different standards for characters and I wouldn't want to stand out right at the beginning."

Not to worry, while race-changes might be possible at some point, you start off vanilla human.

Noticing my question was brushed off I shrug and nod, I want the Reaper to like me and not send me anywhere near Dark Souls. Better play along. Besides, the voice is pretty and I'm not feeling being bratty.

Ok, have at it.

Oh boy, character creation screen. I suck at this. And this isn't something that is easily changed later so this is going to take a while.

No need to rush, I'm paid by the hour

Good. Oh boy. Well, let's start easy… Female body type…

It really does take forever but one can't be really blamed for that. I know some people would kill for a chance to overhaul their entire body. While I don't really remember myself from before my death, I do recall I always did want a more athletic figure (I was in shape but nothing better than that) and a slightly bigger bust (a nice full handful will be enough).

"So, what do you think?" I ask the voice after hours of labor over my features.

Not bad but you really took that not standing out seriously, huh?

I frown and look over the slowly rotating avatar of my future meat suit "You think it's too bland?"

Three out of four Gamers choose white or silver hair and either red or violet eyes… So, yeah

"Hmm" I do not want silver hair but the Reaper has a point, "I'll fiddle with it some more."

I leave the body alone because I'm really happy with that, but the face does deserve some more work. Heck yeah, why not! I aimed for pretty but I can be beautiful!

Hey, how about this

"Too over the top" I shake my head, not really knowing why. It is sure stunning but I'm comfortable with it for some reason, "But I like the eyebrows."

How abooooout, this?

Aaaand… appearance locked!

"That you, you were a lot of help" I smile. That isn't just me trying to butter up the overlord, it's true. It sure went a lot faster and I'm really happy with the result. And no, no silver hair or red eyes. Simple reddish brown and dark grey respectively, but still eye-catching. Yep, we really did a good job. Still, thank god I'm dead because this has been exhausting!

Now for the more fun part!

"Stats and Perks?" I perk up, bad pun definitely intended.

Your name, silly

Yep, we're definitely staying here forever.


Well, at least now I know the Reaper isn't getting bored. With a sigh I begin to think. I already know I don't want it to be anything idiotic and out of the blue. And some famous surnames are a bit iffy despite their 'coolness'. Sure, Pendragon sounded great but not really worth the hassle. Better make my own name and have all my achievements my own. Not to say I wasn't tempted.

In the end, and by end I mean after what felt like eternity and endless considerations, I go with a tribute to my favorite author. First I thought Pratchett, nice and common enough but at the last moment I was swayed by the rule of cool and decided on Vetinari instead. One of his best characters. I like it and should be ok.

Sofia Vetinari it was. Why Sofia? Dunno, I like it. I like that it could be shortened to Fee which was a letter of the Greek alphabet. Might make it my symbol.

Now, it's time for Stats and Perks. Finally. Not that there is anything exciting about the first one – I get a standard 5 in everything plus some free Stat Points to allocate as I wish, now or later. It's the Perks that get my attention.

I get one free roll – a Perk without any downside. Then the Reaper offered new rolls but you always get one positive and one negative. I'm definitely rolling at least once for that but for now, the freebie.

"How do I roll?"

You just tell me

"Could I have the free one then, please?"

Perk Received!

Studious: Stat gain from reading and lessons is significantly increased

Brilliant! INT and WIS gains here I come! Oh, this is great and I get it free. Wait, does it work on things like swordsmanship lessons? Physical Skills? That would be doubly great.

Roll again?


Remember, it's one Perk for a Flaw

I damn almost shiver in anticipation"I'll risk it."

Perk Received!

Lucky: A permanent +15 LCK, improves loot drops and gacha chance

Flaw Received!

Battle Lust: You love fighting and can barely resist its lure.

Ok, not bad. I feared for the worst but this looks more or less alright. Lucky is undeniably awesome but that was expected out of a Perk. Battle Lust though, the Flaw, is damaging but not overly so. I mean, judging by the wording, I will not be a complete berseker maniac. I will be able to control myself. I'll have the urge, but I can deal with that. What RPG Game is without fighting anyway.

"Roll again, please"

Perk Received!

Fast Learner: You level your Skills 20% faster

Flaw Received!

Sin of Greed: Be it things or people, you want it all, a never to be satisfied hunger.

I predictably love the Perk – faster Skill leveling? Yes please! And as for the Flaw? It isn't as bad as it looks. I mean in games I always collected stuff, did all quests, tried to level as high as I could – I never was satisfied there either. So not that much of a difference. Plus this will drive me to improve, not a bad thing, so not bad at all.

Roll again?

I wonder if the Sin of Greed is already working or not, because despite my desire I kinda don't want to risk it. I like what I got so far and quitting while you're ahead seems smart. Or maybe I'm just scared to be hit with some bullshit? Because I did read lots of fanfictions and some of those Flaws were no joke. I did get really lucky so far.

Finally I shake my head "No, I'll go like this."

Alright. Now to complete your profile, select a starting Class

"I will be able to change it later, that is great" my smile widens.

Sure is! Now, you get to pick from these

[Fighter] [Rogue] [Mage]

I hum "Classic. Oh, there are subclasses too."

Once you max a Class you can pick up another one, each giving the Game a new flavor. Also, more classes will be available when certain conditions are met.

I'm studying the options with great interest but I spare a thought to ask "Which level is Max?"

You'll see

I have a suspicion the Reaper did not bother to ask or know it in some capacity, but fair enough. I will have to max the Class anyway so it doesn't really matter if I know or not.

Back to my selection. I peruse them all but I'm rather fixated on the Mage category. Why? Easy – if everything is as I read, you can train skills from the physical classes anyway but getting magic? That would be hard. Plus, it feels safer to deal with enemies from a distance at first.

So, which one to pick.

[ Elementalist ][ Necromancer ][ Healer ][ Arcane Knight ][ Mind Mage ]

They all have different Stat increases, free points you get every level up, but it's more or less INT and WIS. The main point of difference are the starting abilities. Each class has two and promise that leveling the Skills 'in the branch' goes faster.

I immediately eliminate the Necromancer and Healer options – they are undeniably great but not for me, at least now. I want something more in the lines of personal badass – gotta feel safe. Arcane Knight sounds pretty good being a melee mage, it fits the bill but I feel I can do that on my own anyway. The Elementalist is the solid choice but I'm really attracted to the Mind Mage. It has [Telekinesis] and [Telepathy] as the starting Skills and that blows the [Fireball] out of the water. I mean, surely I can get the fireball later, right? Either in some form of Loot or by myself. But Telepathy and Telekinesis? Yeah, those rock. And they are universally useful and less likely to get you burned at the stake.

Yep, [Mind Mage] it is.

Profile complete. Review your choices in [ Status ]

"Status" I exclaim giddily.

Name: Sofia Vetinari

Level: 1 (0%)

Title: none

Class: Mind Mage (Lvl 1)


HP -2.500

MP - 2.500

STR - 5

VIT - 5

DEX- 5

INT - 6

WIS - 6

CHA - 6

LCK - 5 (20)

Available Stat Points - 7

Alright. I see the Lucky bonus, it's not to Base Stat but it shouldn't make a difference. The rest of the Stats are at a basic 5 with the exception of the ones that Mind Mage helps with. Since I get +1 INT, +1 WIS and +1 CHA every level, it seems I got it for level one too. Good stuff.

Then I note the various Tabs and beam, it's all so nicely organized! First Tab is Perks, then Skills, Quests, Achievements and Inventory. And that one is beautifully infinite. That is the best news. I also got curious about the Achievements Tab but was disappointed to just see grey boxes with question marks on them. Ah well. I also check if I have the famous [Gamer's Body] and [Gamer's Mind] and was reassured to see them in the Perk Tab.

Seems like you are set. Ready for your zero world?

"Can I ask some things first?"

Fire away

"Will I get some sort of backstory or am I just going?"

The latter, it won't matter in the tutorial. As for later, you'll see

I nodded "Alright. Will you stay on as the Game system for me?"

No, but you won't likely notice the difference. Since you responded well to me, you get my voice and personality mod. But it's still a System, it won't be as chatty

I'm a bit surprised to be disappointed at that but I nod easily "I think I'm ready then."

Alrighty! Let the Games begin! Ehm, what I mean is, Game Start in 3…



Good luck


There is no sudden lurch or tunnel of lights, there really is nothing. I blink and am in an alley. A nice, rather clean alley with some dumpsters nearby.

Guess this is it.

+1 LCK (she did say good luck)

I chuckle, that's rather since I know that Stat can't really be trained.

[World Quest Alert!]

What is High School without some Dead!

Kill 5 000 zombies


Survive 50 days

Award: [ World Jump ] , 30 000 credits, ? Skill Book

After blinking at the word 'zombie' I strain my hearing but nothing seems out of place. Just normal bustle of a city. I cautiously exit the alley and look around. A woman with Japanese features looks at me weirdly for a moment, probably wondering about me being in that alley in the first place, but then she returns her attention to her phone.

Wait, Japanese. Everybody looked Japanese. And the quest is called 'What is High School without some Dead!'. Sooo, Highschool of the Dead? The anime with famous fanservice and death-defying breasts?

'Eh, System?' I try without speaking, 'Am I in HotD?'

You are

'Would you mind telling me the timeline?'

Three days before the outbreak. You are in the protagonists' city

'Thank you. But won't it be a problem that I don't really speak Japanese? I mean I studied a year or two but…'

You 'll always have access to the world's main language. Highschool of the Dead is based in Japan so you get Japanese

'Thank you!'

Yep, definitely less chatty than the real deal. But I did get my answers, so great. So, first some planning. I get two free days and then practically a zombie dungeon. Definitely a good world to start in.

And the Game gave me some money so I even get to stay in a hotel before that entire zombie thing starts.



I got struck with an idea and I have to congratulate myself on my genius. I'll always have my Inventory with me so… why not rob the zombie-ridden city and get myself rich for the next world? I get some jewelry here and I sell it the next world over! I love it!

A few minutes later, me trying not to laugh out loud like a maniac took time, I sit down at a nice café with a newly purchased notebook and pen in hand, enjoying the scenery while planning out this Tutorial.

First things first – the Quest. Five thousand zombies sounds like a lot at first but if they are easy mobs then it should go smoothly. I should be able to get that done before the time expires but the question was, should I? With the possibility of looting stuff it would probably be better to wait to the end of the deadline and then kill the last zombie… Sure, I might miss out on some speed-run achievement but really, would it be worth it?


Yep, I'll milk this Tutorial to the last day. Better start keeping track of days then.

Leave it to me

'Oh, thanks! That would help a lot'

Next, the protagonists. A bunch of high-schoolers and the school nurse. Teenage drama. Yeah, pass on that. Besides, this was a training world to me and they would just hamper that. Still, a pity about Busujima Saeko, I really liked her. I had a poster of her, her uniform all torn up, posing all battle-flushed with a katana. Ehm, yeah, pity but I'm staying just 50 days and will be far too busy anyway. Might check out their school though, the outbreak had to have originated somewhere nearby.

And now for the fun part – my training. Sure, my battle training would have to wait a few days but some things I could train right away.

"Here you go" the waitress arrived with my coffee and cake. I smiled and thanked her, activating my Telepathy on her.

She's out of range almost immediately but she doesn't seem to have noticed my intrusion. Great for level one, especially since I got that she's jealous of my Game-given complexion and that she is worried about her boyfriend cheating on her. Still, the range is pretty pathetic so I should probably stand in some queues or ride public transport to level it.


Telepathy (Active)[Level 1] – Access your target's mind and read it's thoughts - 500 MP/use (+100 MP every additional second); progress to next level: 20%

Cool, four more times and I get a level up. And the Mana drain isn't bad, definitely less draining than Thunderbolt would've been. And just as cool if less flashy. Just wait until I'm not just reading thoughts but actively making suggestions.

So yeah, Telepathy would get priority training before the outbreak – I doubt zombies had any thoughts aside from 'braaaaaains'.

Next up, Telekinesis. Definitely trying it out before the zombies come, but since I will be using it was my main weapon on them, it can wait a little.

That's the two Skills I got by default but I need to try making up Skills by myself. The battle-oriented ones can wait but some things require actual humans. Like acting or lying or manipulation or some such. Or maybe flirting? Intimidation?

I write that all down and then stare at my notebook for a while, reeeally concentrating.

You have created a new skill!

Observe (Active)[Level 1] - The go to skill of all with the power of the Gamer, a sure-fire method of gathering information - 10 MP/use

Great, that's a relief. I'll get more Skills when I get a room somewhere, need to grind that Mind Mage. I already have some ideas. But that too can wait until later, it's morning and people are about.

After spending several minutes writing down all those ideas in case I forget to try some of them, I turn a page in my notebook to focus on my Stats. For now I will keep the free seven SP unassigned – better to wait and see where they'll be needed. Besides, Stats could be trained too. Perhaps I could try going to the library and read a book through somebody – try to combo Telepathy and INT training. Would that work?

It will, good idea. INT has risen by 1

'Awesome! Thanks' I have to select some useful book though. And I have to ask where to find the library. Would me trying to be charming train the CHA Stat?

Also I could try running there – maybe get some movement-related Skill? Not to mention either VIT, STR or AGI.

And I have to get that room somewhere. I sigh, the list is getting longer and longer. I'm pretty excited but that [Battle Lust] is steering that excitement mainly to the zombie bashing part of the quest. Oh well, two to three days and I get to let loose. It's just smart to train beforehand what I can't later.

Oh, I also have to scout the city – if I'm going to rob it, it makes sense to scope my targets. I seriously doubt I could easily get guns but maybe a blade? We are in Japan after all. Even though I think the European swords are better. Someplace I could loot a lot of food. Then we have that nice jewelry idea - better than money since jewelry is universal, from Game of Thrones to Naruto, everybody takes gold. I'll also want a phone and a map. Then anything that strikes my fancy – either for being easily sold or something for myself. I definitely want some more clothes for example.

Oh, and…

Yeah, that [Sin of Greed] is definitely making itself known.

Ah, well, where to that damned library?

I let myself fall onto the bed, a huge grin playing on my lips. It's almost midnight and the day went most excellently.


Name: Sofia Vetinari

Level: 1 (0%)

Title: The Gamer

Class: Mind Mage (Lvl 7)


HP - 4.800

MP - 30.600

STR – 6

VIT – 8

DEX – 7

INT – 18

WIS – 17

CHA – 15

LCK – 6 (21)

Available Stat Points - 7

I changed my Title even though it was useless, [The Gamer] was a vanity Title and nothing more, but I didn't like the empty space so I slotted it in.

As for the rest of the changes… Well, today has been mostly dedicated to other things but the Stat increase was pretty sweet despite that, and if you factored the free point I get from leveling Class? Score! The CHA Stat did get higher when I was talking to people and tried my utmost, so great to know. Vitality got better with my new [Sprint] – sure, the people were a bit scandalized but I got even some nice DEX for avoiding them mid-run. I also helped one librarian with some heavy lifting so I even got one STR. For thinking of all that I got a free point in WIS and that was before the studying. I attached myself to a university study group and read some really interesting stuff. It was pretty neat.

Especially in the Telepathy department.

Telepathy (Active)[Level 11]– Access your target's mind and read its thoughts - 500 MP/use (+89 MP every additional second); progress to next level: 87%

Oh yeah, keep it coming baby. Also, from that it was pretty easy to create a new Skill.

Suggestion (Active)[Level 4]– Access your target's mind and plant a suggestion, the less Intelligent a target, the better the result - 4840 MP/use; progress to next level: 0%

I leveled that up by trying to get one of the students to go places, like the bathroom or a specific shelf to pick a specific book. It wasn't that easy turns out, but it got easier as it leveled. I will definitely invest time in this one.

After I was done with the library I ran around some more, pity I don't have a minimap (I asked), and then I got to the hotel I found while on my way to the library. And now for the last three hours I have been working on the more flashy Skills. The room is extremely cramped but I got to try my Telekinesis without much trouble. First I just floated stuff around but then I tried an attack which went fine as well. A little more tricky is holding more things at the same time or something really heavy. All that though gets easier and easier at every level up.

Telekinesis (Active)[Level 9] - The ability to manipulate and move matter - 100 MP/use (+4650 MP every additional kilogram and every additional min); progress to next level: 40%

Not bad at all, especially since I used that as a basis and created several new Skills.

Barrier (Active)[Level 3] – A personal telekinetic barrier to shield you from harm – 9.850 MP/min; progress to next level: 5%

My very first defense Skill. I was loving it, though leveling it by telekinetically hurling random garbage at myself wasn't all that great.

Telekinetic Strike (Active)[Level 6] – A telekinetic attack meant for pure damage - 500 MP/use, 1300dmg; progress to next level: 40%

Telekinetic Crush (Active)[Level 3] – A telekinetic attack that asserts pressure from all sides - 1000 MP/use, 2100 dmg; progress to next level: 29%

All in all pretty basic, but it's day one. And I confirmed with the System that at a higher class level and better Stats I could get Telekinetic Flight, so awesome.

Speaking of Class Level, using my [Mind Mage] Skills also leveled up the Class which went from nothing to level 7. That was particularly great since said level governed the range of all connected Skills and also how much damage they dealt.

Mind Mage (Equipped)[Level 7] – Class Skill Range: 14 meters; Class Skill Damage: base dmg+INT*3; All Class Skills level 10% faster; +1 INT, +1 WIS, +1 CHA every class level

Everything was pretty clear besides the Damage thing. I mean, how come INT doesn't come out to play with other related Skills? Like I did create the [Arcane Bolt], which was basically just a magic discharge that strikes targets, but does that mean this Skill doesn't get the bonus? Will it stay at the same base damage?

Also, the Arcane Bolt? Yeah, I almost blasted the window with it. Experimenting should wait for zombies and a lawless state of the country.

I will definitely come back to the damage and range conundrum when I get used to magic and get a feel for all my Skills. Moving on.

While fiddling around in Status, I discovered something absolutely brilliant about the for someone that is planning to go on a big looting spree. You could create tabs! Load of them! When I go on my spree, and I'm itching to go already, I get to keep everything neatly organized. How awesome is that! I already made some tabs I was sure to use like Food and Everyday Clothes. I also have a Not Yet Stuff tab which I plan to fill with things like weapons I can't use because of their requirement. I will surely be getting things like that in the near future. Similarly the Potions tab is empty too. A soon, oh so very soon, to be filled tab was For Sale tab. Really, can't wait.

I yawn. Well, I'm tired and it seems being a Gamer doesn't make me exempt from sleeping. I quickly shower and put on my newly purchased pajama. Soon I was dreaming of riches…

Two days later

I's morning of Zombie day and I feel ready. Also really hyped up for the fight and that isn't just my [Battle Lust] flaring up. So far I kept a really low profile and mostly concentrated on Telepathy and its derived Skills. Telekinesis too - my favorite so far is Crush, the idea to just crush a zombie skull is appealing, though that one takes quite a bit of MP. Still, I will probably start off with just levitating heavy stuff to hit their head with or just try it with Telekinetic Strike. I'll see after I gauge how tough they are.

When do they come anyway? I can't remember from the anime really – pretty sure it wasn't morning and the protagonists were definitely in school… Ah well, I'm already near Fujimi High School and I don't have anything better to do.

I quickly find a suitable vintage point, a rooftop close to the school's parking lot. Telekinesis for the win since I figured out how to use it to open non-electronic locks. Pretty damn awesome if you ask me.

Sitting down for the wait, I once more check my Inventory to make sure I have everything. Knowing money won't matter soon, I used up the budget the Game gave me and got myself some starting gear. I planned to use my magic but a weapon is a weapon so I bought a bokken, a wooden, heavy, practice katana. It was actually cheaper than the baseball bat. I also had a lot of rocks in my Inventory, various sizes too – good projectiles to have. I even found some scrap metal that made for wicked sharp shards. Bought myself some food too, mainly for today as I planned to rob the nearby store right away. The bulk of the money though went on armor. And by armor I mean a set of biker leathers. Really sturdy so I'm pretty sure no zombie can just bite me through them. It was also my first clothing with a Stat boost, so great. All in all it tallied up to +10 VIT, +5 CHA and +1 LCK. See, great.

With everything in order I once more trace my path down this roof for quick escape or attack – yesterday I managed some light telekinetically assisted jumps that will make life definitely easier. It isn't a Skill, just general telekinesis, so it's pretty high level and I have confidence in it.

Telekinesis (Active)[Level 19] - The ability to manipulate and move matter - 100 MP/use (+4150 MP every additional kilogram and every additional min); progress to next level: 78%

Yep, confident in it. Still, my plan has me jump down to a fire escape and do some more little skips, no need to roof jump without trying something smaller first.

Another wave of anticipation fills me. Oh yeah, let the Game start!

I retrieve a survivalist book from my Inventory and set to wait.

It was several hours later that a piercing scream makes me finally look up from the surprisingly well-written book. With the 20/20 vision from my brand new eyes I can pretty clearly see a teacher convulsing on the ground behind school gate, cradling his freshly bitten hand. And the very first zombie of the show.

This is it, this is where the anime truly begins.


But first, a little bit of research. The teacher stops moving and all tension leaves his body. Dead in a few seconds. Now for the research part… One… Two…

When I arrive at nine, almost ten, the teacher's body shivers. Two more seconds later the body lunges at his nearest colleague, a rather pretty female teacher, and ravenously bites into her neck.

Another piercing scream and a fountain of blood as the zombie hit something important.

Wow, that was… really quick. I knew that, since all is well now but come evening the zombie apocalypse will have truly began, but still. Quick.

And that means I can be quick to. To the supermarket! Let's go 'shopping'!

Thanking [Gamer's Body] for not feeling those hours sitting in one place, I stretch and head to the edge of the roof. I activate my [Telekinesis] and jump down and over one floor. It goes exceedingly smoothly so I finish my descent in one go.

That was awesome! I can't wait for flying! No wonder powered people didn't walk anywhere, this beats everything.

I'm shaken from my fangirling over flying by several more screams that now grow in number and intensity. The zombies are here in force and the people are starting to panic. Which is great for me as I Sprint to the super and find it pretty empty.

With a cheerful hum I activate my [Telekinesis] again and shove whole shelf-fuls of products into my Inventory with it. I leave everything that needs to be cooked and go for the ready-to-eat stuff. It was really nice of them to have so many pre-made semi-fresh bentos and so many types of onigiri. I always loved this stuff even though it was really pricey to get outside Japan.

My flinging the entire register, closed, into my Inventory is interrupted by one panicked citizen who ran inside screaming. I just shove him aside and leave, happy with my loot.


But first… Oh yes, the long awaited fight! Two zombies are in my way and my [Battle Lust] is yearning to be satiated.

Zombie Grunt

Level - 5

HP – 3,500/3,500

STR – 10

VIT – 20

DEX – 5

INT – 3

WIS – 0

CHA – 0

LUK – 0

OK, let's try attempt number one. [Telekinetic Crush]!

3117 dmg

The zombie howled but clearly didn't die, just like the numbers said. The state his head is in is sad though, leaking and really disgusting. Let's put it out of its misery. [Telekinetic Strike]! I aim it at the head too, using the existing damage to drive the attack home.

2217 dmg

One down! One to go, but first, dodge. The zombie isn't all that quick but I still put my [Barrier] on despite dodging cleanly. Strike! Strike!

2217 dmg

2217 dmg

And done.

+ 400 exp

Zombies slain 2/5000

I frown, no drops? I mean, sure, I am in the starter world and those are grunts, but still. Eh, I will be robbing this city blind so I'll take it. But it kinda sucks. I want potions and Skill Books and legendary weapons and… OK, unrealistic expectations out of zombies aside. Let's go back down to earth. I have no legendary armor but the sports/outdoor shop with some really handy stuff is near. Let's get my consolation prize. Prises. Many, many consolation prizes.

But first, some more zombies… really, how did this come about this quickly? Fucking anime logic.

This time I try using the rocks from my Inventory and it goes really well actually, and it is more Mana efficient too.

[Telekinesis]'s level has increased by one!

+ 600 exp

Zombies slain 5/5000


I try very hard not to laugh like a movie villain.

I can't wait to check my Profile again but that can wait until tonight – pity I have to sleep like any normal human. But it shouldn't be too much trouble, I have already scouted a possible lair. Either just for the night or more long-term, we'll see how the zombie situation evolves.

As I jog towards my objective I note that the city has well and truly descended into chaos. There are still occasional screams but now it's more car alarms and crashes, windows smashing and the groaning of newly reanimated corpses. Several people are concentrating on looting too, mostly in search of weapons.

The shop I'm aiming for is just around the corner, and it isn't quiet either.

"Take this you bastards!" a well-built man, maybe even the store's owner, is brandishing a fire axe and battling several undead right before the shop, blocking my path.

Great, I roll my eyes, if I remember correctly the zombies here hunt by sound. If he continues this way…

"Hyaaa! YOU WON'T GET ME!"

… he'll be soon overrun. But not soon enough and I don't really have the time. I have my heart set on this shop, it has a pretty sweet camping section, and I think I can handle these guys. The man just needs to shut up pronto.

I draw the bokken from my Inventory. First attack with the [Telekinetic Strike] and handle the rest the old-fashioned way. I need to conserve my juice and let Mana Regen do its job. I definitely need to invest some points into WIS.

Strike! I aim to the zombie furthest from the shouting man. Strike! Strike!

I lift the dead again zombie with [Telekinesis] and throw him at one of his compatriots, making it fall. I leave him there for the moment and attack a new target, Strike! Noticing my Mana I switch to melee and swing my weapon.

Yeah, it looks pretty pathetic at first but suddenly I wield it better – more like a sword rather than a glorified bat. There are no notifications during combat but I know that I just acquired some sort of sword Skill.

"That's what I'm talking about!" the axe-wielder laughs loudly as he bashes more zombies with unholy glee.

I ignore the man and concentrate on the remaining zombies. The group is almost gone but there are more arriving, almost near us. I use the bokken, keeping my magic as a last resort for now until my tank is full again. Because of that I also have to be really careful – if I got eaten by a generic zombie in a tutorial word, I'd probably die all over again with shame.


Oh, axe-man got bit. Well, that does take care of the situation. I break my rule and use [Telekinesis] to swipe him with a dumpster, the big heavy kind, so that I don't have a huge hulking zombie at my back.

I blink in sudden realization that I have technically killed a human. Very technically. Still, that moment of hesitation almost costs me and I have to roll out of the way of one particularly ugly female zombie. Yeah, moment over, the NPC wouldn't have survived anyway, moron that he was, and he was just a random NPC. Nobody to lose sleep over.

2217 dmg

2217 dmg

I concentrate back onto the zombies and without shouty-man I make short work of them. It feels good, turns out zombies really are ideal for a first-timer.

With the battle over, I get hit by the notifications, my [Sin of Greed] purring at the sight while [Battle Lust] is eager to get better at smashing things.

[Observe]'s level has increased by one!

[Telekinetic Strike]'s level has increased by two!

Good, good. That puts the first at level 39 and the second at 15.

You have created a new skill!

Sword Proficiency (Passive)[Level 1] – How skilled you are wielding swords, no matter the make

[Sword Proficiency]'s level has increased by two!

Welcome, my new Skill, welcome.

Your STR has risen by 4

Your CON has risen by 3

Your DEX has risen by 2

Your INT has risen by 1

Your WIS has risen by 1

Oooh, full house baby!

+ 3.600 exp

Zombies slain 23/5.000


[Mind Mage] Class has leveled up

A very profitable encounter indeed. I'm loving this. Now let's get my well-deserved loot. But not to think that I'm not sore about the lack of drops, I mean getting a shop-full of survival gear is sure handy right now and will sell pretty well in the future, but it's no magic tome.

In enter the shop, the cheerful bell making it pretty funny considering the chaos outside, and I get to work immediately. And this time I take everything, everything. Good haul too.

As I'm leaving the shop I notice the sky is getting darker. I have no night eye skill or anything so I'll have to camp out soon. Still, I have one stop planned before that and it is the next street over anyway. Finally that jewelry I keep thinking about.

The streets are calmer already, now roamed by zombies rather than people. I guess the normal uninfected citizen sought to flee from the epicenter and try their luck somewhere else. That is good for me.

I go slowly this time, walking rather than running, and am especially careful to stay as silent as I can. That is because zombies already formed hordes with only some isolated individuals around. My Mana gauge is full again but right now I choose a different strategy. After all, I don't want to get swarmed. It's day one and I can be patient for slow and steady. I'll get some cheap levels and then I'll crush them in larger numbers to fill up my quest.

I'm pretty sure about them being attracted by sound but I don't really want to risk it on the main street so I keep going high or in the shadows. That awards me with a new sweet sweet Skill.

You have created a new skill!

Stealth (Active)[Level 1] – Increases your chance of remaining undetected by 10% - 400 MP/use (+ 400 MP every additional minute)

That was the plan but it's always nice to see something that goes according to one and not straight to shit. Although to be fair, things are going really well so far.

As I proceed further, another notification hits me.

[Stealth]'s level has increased by one!

Reeeally well.

My destination is right ahead and to my surprise, I'm not the only one here. A person that my [Observe] titles 'Thug' is already taking my jewelry. Heck no!

'Thug', his name is really unimportant, turns around pretty quick. Guess he did survive for a reason so far. "Fuck off!" he whisper-shouts and to my surprise, yet again, he withdraws a handgun from his pocket and points it at me.

No need to mention it, but I am feeling pretty pissed at that. Not only he is taking my spoils, but he dares to threaten me? Both my Flaws flare up, Greed and Battle Lust, and I don't hesitate. He gets a [Telekinetic Strike] right to the throat and then I try something slightly new.

+ 1.000 exp


You have created a new skill!

Telekinetic Snap (Active)[Level 1] – Snaps the targets neck*- 1000 MP/use

I frown at the small asterisk in the description. I raise my hand and try tapping it to get more info. The Skill obliged. Apparently the asterisk means the Skill requires passing a Stat check, in this case the target's VIT against my INT. That's fair. The thug had 28 VIT and I passed with my 42 INT,simple enough.

Seeing the thug that fell soundlessly down I realize something that really should've been obvious. I'm a freaking Jedi! No really, telekinesis and swords? I only need the Force Choke and I'm a regular Darth Vader. Ok, not Jedi, Sith then. Whatever, I'm not picky. This is awesome.

'System, I love you. Really'

Don't make me blush

+1 CHA

I chuckle. This was awesome and getting better. Especially not having one of the asshole systems but one that is a good sport.

Noticing night is almost upon me, I hustle with collecting my loot. To my shame it is only now that I realize that there might be some alarms ready for me to trigger, really stupid of me, but the thug already had some pieces and the place was silent. I blame the general blackout of the area. I got off easy this time but in the future I really have to be more careful.

Guess the 42 INT and 41 WIS don't prevent me from being a dumbass, huh… Speaking of, are these starts only Skill related or do they govern my actual intelligence?

I ponder on the nature of Stats as I clean the place up. I take everything that is on display and in the drawers, make sure to loot the thug too, and then I take a peek in the back. They have more merchandise over here as well as some broken pieces and loose stones. Tools, wires and other materials. A few books and magazines. I also take the lunch somebody clearly brought but left to the zombies. It's untouched and looks quite good. Observe doesn't find anything wrong with it either so why not. Really, waste not, want not.

It was dark when I finish and I don't dare to bring out a flashlight even though it doesn't seem to bother the zombies – there are several cars, empty but running, with their lights on and the undead just pass them by.

Still, better not to ruin my night vision with a flashlight which is not exceedingly needed. Instead I silently, Stealthily, walk towards the hideout I scouted the previous day. It isn't much, just high ground with good escape routes and limited access for pedestrians.

It's good that Stealth doesn't really eat up much Mana – yeah, even physical Skills like [Sprint] or [Stealth] require Mana, weird – it makes me feel safer. [Telekinesis] is also really proving its worth, I especially like the option to jump away from danger in case my noob ass needs it.

As if the Universe heard my thoughts, my [Sin of Greed] flares up again at the sight of two very special zombies. Policemen. Well, not any more, but made from police people. And what my Greed notices is that they are still in bullet-proof vests, have guns in their holsters and other nice stuff. Heck one even has a shotgun hanging over his back. Sure it's probably empty, seeing that it was still hanging there, but still. I wanna.

Problem is those two are part of a horde. A smallish one, but still a horde. And those I resolved not to attack until I got better at fighting.

Still… my Mana is pretty full and well, I wanna. Sure, I already have one gun and some ammo from the thug I killed earlier, but police surely has better equipment. Not to mention guns are always handy, especially during an apocalypse or when selling at the black market.

Yep, I'm doing it. You live only… twice? I just gotta be silent, easy peasy.

Getting an idea, I slither on ahead and then jump up onto a small balcony.

[Telekinesis]'s level has increased by one!

That's great, honey, but not right now.

The apartment's clear so I just shove the curtains as far as they go to make me some maneuvering room. I peer down, firing up my Observe.

Sturdy Zombie

Level - 8

HP – 6,000/6,000

STR – 15

VIT – 35

DEX – 5

INT – 3

WIS – 0

CHA – 0

LUK – 0

Yeah, a little higher than the grunts but nothing I can't handle.

I aim and then Telekinetically yank the zombie up and towards me. The enemy groans but it's pretty quiet all things considered. Even when I Crush him twice he plays nice and dies in relative silence.

The second police zombie shares the fate of the first one, just the getting him up is a little trickier since the bastard moved further along, almost at the limit of my current range. Still, good job me.

+ 1.000 exp

Zombies slain 25/5.000

Your INT has risen by 1

I open up my Inventory with a grin and basically strip the two zombies. The bulletproof vests are interesting but my biker leathers are better overall. I also Observe the collapsible baton. It's nice but I'll be sticking to the bokken. Mostly because it leveled [Sword Proficiency] and I fully planned on acquiring some legendary swords. Classic blunt weapons just don't compare. Sure, I'll try it once to get the Skill but I doubt I'll be changing my mind.

Good haul, I really hope I will encounter more policemen, or empty police cars. Oh right, survivors too – the protagonists had plenty of guns too at some point so if they bite it, their stuff is mine.

Yeah, if they bite it, I won't be doing any straight up killing. I think. I mean, they are NPCs but it won't hurt me to leave them be. Other survivors too. Well, if they aren't assholes or just scum of society…

Anyway, I better go. This apartment looks nice, zombie corpses notwithstanding, but I have a better and safer place in mind. Though I like the telekinetic ambush idea, I think I'm gonna use that if the zombie horde gets together too much. Or to try new stuff. Controlled environment. I have loads of ideas for new Skills. Tomorrow though.


You have slept in your camp! HP & CP Restored by 75%

I hum at the notification, just 75? The new sleeping bag is really comfy and the mat underneath too. But yeah, I guess. Still, I don't mind in the least, I went to sleep at full gauge so whatever.

Nice thing about mornings of a Gamer is that you wake up really refreshed and not at all sleepy. That's awesome. I don't remember much at all from my previous life but I have a feeling I liked sleeping late a lot. This is better and way more productive!

I actually grin happily when I set about to collect all my rather simplistic traps that are meant to wake me if an undead came about. I got a new Skill out of setting them last night too, [Trap-making]. Pretty neat. Even neater is yet another Skill that I got last night – [Protective Dome]. Awesome right? Right. I kinda thought to protect my little camp with my favorite [Telekinesis] which worked, for a few seconds. When I realized it sucked up Mana like a bitch and couldn't really be maintained without my input, I dismissed it. Definitely out for nightly protection. But it did tie me over for another INT point and even a level in Mind Mage. Hence my grin.


Name: Sofia Vetinari

Level: 4 (54%)

Title: The Gamer

Class: Mind Mage (Lvl 20)


HP - 16.500 (27.500)

MP - 184.800

STR - 11

VIT - 15 (25)

DEX - 10

INT - 44

WIS - 41

CHA - 31 (36)

LCK - 6 (22)

Available Stat Points - 22

It's good, I like my progress. Mind Mage is turning out particularly well. I still don't know when a Class gets maxed but I'm guessing 50. Or maybe 100, but hopefully the former. I have also noted that the range of its Skills is increasing, always double the level, but the damage stays the same. That kinda sucks but since it scales with INT, no harm done.

The Skills look good too. For day one. Today I'm gonna pump those numbers UP! Stealth is a definite, I want to do some serious looting today and that is best done uninterrupted. Plain Telekinesis is needed too – one, for better looting, two, for jumping. But what about my attacks today… I want to focus on one attack right now and maybe switch tomorrow or the day after. I don't know how high those go but I want level 50 in them soon, maybe max by the time Tutorial ends?

Hmm, so far highest non-basics is the [Telekinetic Strike]…

Telekinetic Strike (Active)[Level 15] – A telekinetic attack meant for pure damage - 500 MP/use, 2200 dmg; progress to next level: 43%

Let's finish this one first then. And by finish I just mean that level 50, the rest can be done later. Though I could spruce things up a little by trying that [Arcane Bolt], I only did once so far. And maybe do the set? Arcane missiles or stuff like that? Something big?

Oooh, I definitely need an AoE Telekinetic attack. Not just something scaled but something new. Definitely have to think on that one.

Yeah, more Skills. MoreSkills. Oh boy, that [Sin of Greed] is definitely a thing.

Anyway, day 5 of 50. Let's do this!

Day 9

I'm already done with all the businesses that I had scouted for looting, but that hasn't slowed me in the slightest. I merely switched to targets of opportunity. Like this nice Kyuudo range. Not only I was sure to get bows there, I might get to loot those awesome outfits people wear for it. Or was it just for competitions? Whatever, I want it.

The building is pretty crowded with zombies but I'm far more confident now as killing zombies is my routine. No trash mob's gonna kill me. Still, no need to go in guns blazing. I go in quietly, not in [Stealth], just regular quiet, and take them out in small groups.

I enter the small reception area and smile when there are just two zombies milling about here. Happy with the easy score I cast [Bind] on both and then simply take their head off with [Decapitate].

+ 400 exp

Zombies slain 1.143/5.000

Love those two Skills. They are still pretty new but coming along nicely. Oh! More targets! In a nice little grouping too!

And here comes more! Such a pity those are wearing those white outfits.

[Bind]'s level has increased by one!

[Decapitate]'s level has increased by two!

+ 2600 exp

Zombies slain 1.156/5.000

Oh, yeah, that's the stuff.

With no more enemies in sight I double back. I've seen a door labeled 'Locker Room' which may have some interesting stuff. I'm still hoping for those clothes. Hopefully at least one set will fit me.

I'm a bit surprised to see that the locker room is empty but that only means I get to stealing faster. I move to the left side of the room and start opening all lockers. Most are locked but they have simple enough locks for my [Telekinesis] to make short work of them.

My loot is pretty much miscellaneous stuff, from water bottles to wallets, some phones and accessories, magazines, things like that. But in the end I have my prize. [Observe].

There is five pieces in total which give…

Kyudo Uniform Set

+15 DEX,+20 CHA

Fun. Definitely getting that Charisma boost.

In the end there are several sets and I take them all. I also find a really nice leather jacket in just my size which I happily shove into my Inventory too.

No more zombies came to hunt me while I was stealing which was nice of them. Despite that I'm pretty sure there are more here, the building is pretty big after all. Even though most of it is an indoor range which is my next destination.

I open the door quietly and with Telekinesis, just in case someone wanted to burst through. That doesn't happen so I slip inside to see around twenty zombies or so. Checking the state of my Mana, even though I knew it was fairly full, I commence the carnage. And by carnage I mean quietly killing all of them with today's special.

Find an isolate group, Bind them all in place and then off with their heads one by one. Repeat with next group. It's kind of unsettling that I don't find rolling ripped off heads at all disturbing but such is the nature of a game.

I'm pretty proud that no zombie comes near enough to scratch me but that also means I don't get to practice my defensive Skills at all. I'll definitely need to do something about that one day.

Your INT has risen by 1

+ 5200 exp

Zombies slain 1.182/5.000

Later though since now I'm getting a new weapon for my arsenal. Several bows are scattered around, zombies not really caring about them. I Observe them all to choose the one in the best condition and pick it up. I make a note to find a storage room or something, the equipment there should be pristine or at least looking better than this.

The arrows are easy to find and I grab a set so I can try out my new bow right away and get the Skill. Before I can do that though, an unexpected Game notification pops up.

Achievement Unlocked!

Thief!: You have stolen over 100 different Items; Achievement Reward: Item [Thief's Cowl]

To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement – a Rare Item as a reward for unlocking this? brilliant. Although I'm pretty sure I stole more stuff than that. Curious I open my Inventory to check. My curiosity is sated almost right away when I notice that all my food is actually labeled 'food', not whatever it is like chocolate bar or bread.

Then I eagerly check my new gear which landed into the Inventory right away, pretty handy.

Thief ' s Cowl

Efficiency of stealth +30%, Toggled Effect [Unrecognizable]

New Skills Acquired!

Lock Picking (Active)[Level 1] – Opens locks according to Skill Level - 500 MP/use

Pickpocketing (Active)[Level 1] – Steal an unequipped items from your target - 500 MP/use

Oh, that's handy. All of it. The Cowl most of all but the Skills are nice too. Those two hadn't even occurred to me since I used Telekinesis to do all the work for them, but I'm sure they will be useful at some point.

I equip the Cowl right away. It's rather comfortable, and rather fetching, and my Status does say I am now [Unrecognizable]. Will need to test that around some live people.

Speaking of Skills though… I walk over to the small podium before the range proper and take careful aim with my new bow.

You have created a new skill!

Bow Proficiency (Passive)[Level 1] – How skilled you are at shooting from bows and crossbows

Good. I put the bow and arrows into my Inventory. My objective here has been achieved so I'll be leaving soon. First I'll see if they have a locked storage room or something with some untouched equipment and then I'll move on.

To my joy the range in fact does have a storage room that has been spared the zombies' touch so I happily loot it in its entirety. There is also some kind of office so I take some more ordinary things like a computer, books and some odds and end. And pens. One doesn't ever have enough pens.

Some zombies managed to get themselves lost in the lobby again so I take them out on the way out. I love it how easy it is now. Magic is great.

Doubly great is another Skill that I cooked up. I had to wait for it a little bit since it required passing an INT 50 check but I wasn't even mad since the Skill is that good. It's not flight yet, apparently I need INT 100 for it, but it's close. My [Enhanced Movement] is telekinetically aided running, and dodging, and pretty much anything. Just 'movement'. Definitely one of my favorite Skills so far, using it is exhilarating and it blows [Sprint] out of the water. It might not be faster, if they were at the same level, but it's easier. You feel so light. That, plus the bigger range of movement and easier leveling thanks to my Class, makes [Enhanced Movement] the undisputed winner.

Using my Movement I take off from the kyuudo range and continue westward, waiting for anything to strike my fancy.

Your DEX has risen by 1

Oh yeah, another great thing about my Movement, it levels both INT, being magic, and DEX since I am still running around like a lunatic. Less VIT though, since it really is easier.

Good enough trade. Oh oh oh, a cop car! Let's hope this one isn't already looted like the two I've seen yesterday.

Wait a minute! Can I stuff an entire car into Inventory?

I see the fallen motorcycle to my right and I try that. And I almost scream like a loon when it goes in. Oh, yeah, so much profit! And now I sound like a Ferengi. Anyway, I'm gonna learn how to drive this. I only know how to drive cars but with Gamer it should be easy.

But first, profit.

I approach the closest car that looks decent and in good shape. And… and… and it doesn't work.

'What the hell, System' I almost cry when my profit is denied.

Don't be greedy

'It's a Sin! You stuck it on me!'

You rolled for it

'Why is life so cruel!'

Just get yourself a few nice motorcycles, hm?

'Alright. If you insist'

Can a system roll its eyes? Because I think mine just did.

Day 13

It's raining, which sucks. All my running outside is a no go today. Sure, with my Gamer body I probably don't get sick in any normal way, but I'm not feeling it. The rain is depressing. So far the only highlight of my day was that while figuring out how to make a telekinetic umbrella I created a new Skill that was way better than anything I could've imagined.

Aversion Field (Active)[Level 4] – Objects avoid the user's immediate location – 14.800 MP/min; progress to next level: 33%

Since it should work on projectiles as well as on raindrops, it definitely did raise my spirits. Not for long though. The sky is dark and cloudy, everything is wet and I'm sad.

I tried making new Skills to cheer me up but that only helped a little. Sure, the Skills were great, but I just wasn't feeling it today.

Repulsion Field (Active)[Level 3] – Objects are violently thrown away from the user – 14.950 MP/min; progress to next level: 87%

Attraction Field (Active)[Level 1] – Objects are drawn to user's immediate location – 15.000 MP/min; progress to next level: 51%

So here I am, indoors, clearing out a nice apartment complex of the few zombies in hopes the water still works so I could take a bath. Sure, I don't sweat in my Gamer body but I'm just feeling cold and want the comfort of a bath. The loot isn't bad too, snooping around empty apartments is always fun and you get the most surprising stuff.

It takes me quite a while but I am reasonably sure I'm the only living, ehm, moving, thing in the complex so I return to that one apartment I kinda liked. There is another one even nicer but I had to kill two zombie children there which was pretty freaky. I already checked that the water is in fact still running despite the apocalypse and that the water even runs hot.

As the bath is getting filled up, I throw around some of the noise-making traps just in case, and then return to the tub. The people who lived here had a lot of bath products so I help myself and make myself a nice smelling bubble bath.

Since taking off clothes is for non-Gamer people, I unequip everything and gingerly lower myself into the scalding water. It's glorious.

I really should treat myself more often. And relax. Heck, I'm already way ahead with all that zombie-killing so I have to slow down anyway.

"Quests" I order out loud.

What is High School without some Dead!

Kill 5 000 zombies (2 207/5 000)


Survive 50 days (13/50)

Award: [ World Jump ] , 30 000credits, ? Skill Book

Yeah, definitely ahead. I have to keep an eye on my kill count, I don't want to complete this too early and deprive myself of training and since my Class is leveling faster than I have anticipated. At the pace it's going I'm sure to max it before the deadline. Ok, not sure sure, since I don't know where that tops at.

My player level is great too – this being practically a non-stop dungeon helped raise me to Lvl 14. I'm proud of that since those trashy mobs only give 200 exp a piece. Sometimes a 500 but that's only rarely.

Lots of things to be happy about, right? Right. Except I'm kinda getting lonely. Maybe it's the rain that's getting to me, but right now 50 days feels like a really long time. Well, 37 and a half now. I've even tried to talk to the System but not much luck there. And worst part is that even though I've spotted some survivor groups already, I don't approach them. Why? 'Cause I want to level in peace. So, my fault. I can't even really whine!

With a loud sigh I let aaaaaaaall that go, and try to enjoy the hot water and the wonderful smell.

Oh, yeah, that helps. With another sigh, this one far more contented, I reach into my Inventory for Volume 1 of some manga that looked nice. FYI, I looted an entire book shop.

As I laugh at the surprisingly good read, I relax even further. Yeah, I really should have fun more often. Since there are no quests or people really in this one, I have to make my own entertainment. And make time for it.

I wonder what the next world will be…

Day 17

Today I chose the industrial district as my haunt, marking this as furthest I strayed from the epicenter. Or well, the school. I have no idea where the real epicenter is. To be honest I didn't even know there was an industrial district, I just ran in a random direction until I came upon it. I was glad for it too, I got some pretty sweet loot out of it.

It also was a space that would've been perfect for some illegal car racing, if the zombies weren't everywhere. Or some flying. Oh yeah, flying over this and camp on the highest roofs would be really nice. Having my lunch up high with the view of the city.

Humming to myself I make a telekinetically assisted jump. Then another and another. Then I grab the bright blue ladder and start climbing. I want my lunch with a view!

But soon, soon, I will have that view whenever I want. I'm getting so close to that 100 in INT that will allow that Skill creation.

As always when I think about this, I get the urge to check and drink in my progress.

"Status" I murmur.

Name: Sofia Vetinari

Level: 14 (79%)

Title: The Gamer

Class: Mind Mage (Lvl 43)


HP - 97.500 (122.500)

MP – 764.400

STR – 25

VIT – 39 (49)

DEX – 31

INT – 91

WIS – 84

CHA – 54 (59)

LCK – 15 (31)

Available Stat Points – 68

I have slowed on the zombie killing quite a bit, not wanting to complete the quest too early, but I trained. Relaxed and trained. I did less looting in stores and mostly checked out normal homes. Took it easy. My progress was still fantastic though.

I got an increase in STR which was great. One apartment I looted had a home gym so I spent some time there. Sure, I could get some physical Stats by using a weapon like the bokken, but I focused on leveling Mind Mage instead. I wanted to see how high I can take that, plus Mind Mage gives me INT every level. Which brings me closer to flying.

Seeing all those SP piling up, I have also decided to use some and put them into LCK. An essential Stat for a looter. Mh, that sounds bad, on equal level with scavenger. Maybe acquirer? Anyway, that Stat I can't really level on my own so I spent the points without regret. I also like round numbers so the six from before was bugging me.

Closing my Profile screen I focus on the view. It's nothing special since I'm on a fairly low roof of a small warehouse. But it's good enough. And free of any zombies, so that's a plus. Such a pity it's all so quiet. I would've loved to play some music or an audiobook, but it's too dangerous. If I played it out loud, the zombies would come, and if I used headphones or something, I might not be able to hear a coming enemy. Ah, well, only 32 and a half day to go.

I finish up my meal and go exploring again. Back in [Stealth] - soon after entering the district I decided to use it to get around since this was a dangerous location with true hordes of zombies.

Which is exactly why I frown when I see something that could be defined as a 'fort'. Barbed wire, wood and metal wall, and in the middle a yard and a smaller building that looked like a garage. I don't see any people but there is a lot of equipment lying around along with plenty of vehicles.

Oh, scratch that, I see a pair of patrolling guards.

I normally don't interact with any survivors, especially those that my Observe labels 'Thug', but since I am so close already and my [Telepathy] needs work…

I sneak further in, confident enough in my level 41 Stealth plus the Thief's Cowl which gives me a combined 78% of a chance not to be seen. Closing the distance between us without raising any alarms is rather satisfying. I follow their path, sticking to the shadows or behind cover. [Stealth] is not invisibility, though at higher level it could be close enough.

Let's see, what are you thinking about, my dear?

looks like Satou really did lure out those fuckers away from us, just a few suckers around here…

I'm so tired of canned lunches, I hope we can get some real food when we get out of here…

Tiger says only a few more supplies and we're good to go. I think we have enough fuel already but he's the boss…

I switch targets when thug n.1 gets on my nerves with his whining and I go to his partner. Hopefully he will be a bit more entertaining.

why do I have to patrol with the dumbass, let's just hope he doesn't sneeze like last time. Heck I almost died because of it!...

we should hurry up, I need to take a piss…

at least it's my turn with the girls tonight. Gotta love the classic sailor uniform, my old highschool had them too…

Wait, what?

His turn with the girls? Highschool girls?

I focus again and this time I get less thoughts and more images. Quite explicit images.

Ok, change of plans, I'm taking those fuckers down. If the thug's thoughts are memories and not just fantasies, I'm killing them. Scum like that is better as zombie chow.

I probe the duo's thoughts some more, looking for the layout of their little hiding place, their numbers, weapons and most especially, if the raping hobby is real. Spoiler, it is, apparently the boss thought his boys deserved to 'blow off some steam'.

The duo returns to base and another pair takes their place. Though rather than patrolling they are just standing by the door, smoking.

[Stealth]'s level has increased by one!

'Cool' I think dismissively, already plotting my move.

There are eleven men and five prisoners. I thought there would be more of the thugs but I guess that's enough for a zombie killing team. With my Skills as high as I have them, attacking this place would be a breeze but I kinda have another thing planned. Or well, the same, but slower. I mean I made a list of possible Skills derived from Mind Mage that sound really great but I need actual humans to try them on…

Yep, looks like I will be taking some prisoners of my very own.

Hm, I guess a normal person would not giggle at that, but I am a Gamer. I couldn't care less about some NPC criminals. They are just sacks of exp.

Getting on the roof of the hideout is pretty easy, I simply use a telekinetically boosted jump and voila. [Stealth] does the rest. I sneak inside just as easily and scurry out of sight. The fact this is a two-story building only helps me as I get a nice overview of the situation below.

Load failed, please RETRY

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Chapitres de déverrouillage par lots

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