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48.26% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1255: 3

Chapitre 1255: 3

Chapter Text

"Alrighty then!" Yu called, sitting down on the stool, which has been taken behind the invisible wall. Sei's eyebrow quirked up with her arrival.

In front of her Peter shifted on his bed. The poor boy was looking down at the floor before it rose up, unchanging. Going by the look of his eyes, his mind was not thinking about her or anything else. Just the uneasy anxiety of wanting an answer. He bit his lower lip a little, as he finally noticed her. The act made the heroine smirk a little at being acknowledged.


"So…?" Yu prodded.

Gotta get the kid talking. That's always the best way to help someone out. A little talk went a long way. After all, All Might was laughing and talking nonstop for a reason. Saying how everything will be alright by his presence alone.

Peter's cheeks flushed and he looked away.

"Sorry for… flying into your butt earlier."

Yu blinked once, twice. Then she couldn't stop it. She threw a hand over her mouth, sniggering and suppressing her laughter. That's what he's embarrassed about? The act made Peter's eyes rise up as he rose his hands in surrender.

"I swear I didn't mean it, I was aiming for Shamu!"

He thought the villain was a whale!

Yu couldn't take it. She began to guffaw, head on in her arms as she hit the table with a balled fist, her muffled laugher sounding out the room. This Parker was a riot!

"Oh…oh… Oh boy," Yu panted while rubbing her eyes, "I needed a good laugh."

"Uhh, you're welcome?" Peter offered.

"I am actually," Yu said, "You and Shinji really made things easy for me today. I am Mt. Lady by the way."

Peter's eyebrow went up a notch, "Your superhero name is Mt. Lady… and who is Shinji?" Yu then snapped her fingers.

"Oh, right, Kamui Woods."

The eyebrow only went up and Yu mentally slapped herself. This kid was American, of course he didn't know any of the local heroes.

"You remember the wood guy that was trying to tie up, pfft," She smirked. "Shamu?" She tried to be serious, but for the life of her it couldn't come out. Peter's eyes shot open.

"Oh the wood-arm guy!"

"Yeah, that guy." Yu smiled, "He was really annoyed I kept my eye on the prize."

"You mean… defeating Shamu?"

The blonde nodded, "Yep. Here in Japan, a professional hero's salary is dependent on how many villains we catch, how much we help everyone with our quirks, rescue others or use said quirks for general works and more, depending on your certification!"

Peter nodded, soaking up the info like a sponge. "And yours, your quirk, is… getting bigger? Like, Gulliver? Or like in that 'Honey I blew up the Kid' movie?" he guessed. "I mean, given your hero name it makes sense."

"I… have never heard of a Gulliver or that movie unless it is some American B-Movie but you are correct. My Quirk is Gigantification," Yu clarified, "I can go from my height to sixty-three meters tall. Pretty amazing, right?" The blonde beamed, eyes closed as the rookie hero preened.

Peter shrugged, "It's not the first time I've seen it."

Yu's smile dropped from her face, eyebrows tilted in confusion. "Really?" Seriously?

"Yeah, and the giant guy I fought against once, not Shamu but another guy, he could go smaller too, like ant-sized."

Oh that is so unfair! Someone can change their size at will! Yu huffed, crossing her arms. "Well not all of us can have a candy bag of powers." She blinked and looked him over, making Peter scoot back a little. "Speaking of that, what is your quirk? Is it spitting out web from your wrists? Like, converting your bloodstream into webbing?"

Peter blinked and then shook his head. "No, my ah, web shooters are just a part of my suit."

Part of the suit? "Huh, who made them?"

Peter scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I did."

"You did!" Yu exclaimed.

"In my garage originally," He added. "With some help they were improved of course! By Mr... Stark." He said, looking a bit downcast, but the superhero didn't care about that bit. Peter made those things? According to the report those webs were strong enough to hold up a falling powerline.

What are those things made out of? How did he make the intricacies of a projectile shooter of a material strong enough to hold power lines and prevent bolt cutters from cutting through them! They needed blow torches for the silk.

This kid is getting stranger by the minute.

"In your garage originally before some Stark guy tuned them up huh…Cool. So is it your acrobatics? Is that it?"

"I… don't really know."

Now it was Yu's turn to raise an eyebrow? Her mask didn't help, but Peter got the message.

"I mean I'm a lot stronger and I'm flexible and there's… there's this feeling I get when something's about to hit me and helps me react. There's that."

"Hmm." Yu hummed, puffing her cheeks and furrowing her brow in thought.

That was an interesting set of powers. What kind of combination lead to what he had? Attribute quirks maybe? Yu grumbled, she knew she should've paid more attention to Quirk Applications class.

"So uh…" Peter said snapping Yu out of her thoughts.

"So..?" she prodded with a tilt of her head.

"Your uh… English is really good."

Yu nodded and her smile grew to split her face in two. English was one of the subjects she aced back in U.A., thanks in no part to her American grandpa she talked with back when she attended the prestigious academy. "Thanks! Japanese maybe my natural tongue but English I have gotten quite affluent with! Do you know any other languages?" she asked.

"I know some Spanish."

"Did you ever want to go to Spain?"

"Uh no, I haven't been out of the states until…." He trailed off, his shoulders sagging as he looked off, thinking of something else, and Yu frowned despite herself. The kid, he was going so well too and now she just had to ring it back around to him sulking over… whatever it is he's sulking about. None of that! What kind of hero would she be if she couldn't help a poor hormonal teenager smile!

"Can you lower it?" She asked, looking at Kimihito. The mime nodded, using his gestures to lower the invisible wall. When she made a gesture to knock, feeling nothing, she walked around the table and stood in front of the teen.

"Hey," she said as gently as she could, standing up and putting a hand on Peter's shoulder, "Don't let it get to you. You'll just get a warning and be on your way once your parents are here and-"

Peter barked out a laugh so devoid of humor it made Yu's heart ache. He didn't meet her eyes, looking to the ground. "Yeah, why should I. I just broke the law." He snarked, half angry at being talked down too and half sad due to something else. And Mt. Lady felt nostalgic looking at Peter… because it felt like looking at herself once upon a time.

"Yeah, you did." Yu admitted. "But who doesn't! People speed over the limit in their cars everyday. Who cares if you broke the law? Everyone once in their life breaks that quirk law. I know I did. Kamui Woods, my colleague did once. We all do."

"Wouldn't the the police care?" Peter offered.

"Pssht," Yu waved it off, "Don't worry about them, just think about all the people you helped me save." Peter looked up, and Yu smiled at him, giving him her best thumbs up. "You went in there to help. That makes you a hero in my book."

The boy was silent, but he offered a small smile of appreciation. "Thanks." He muttered, taking a deep breath.

"Just wait a little longer, you'll be swinging through the city saving everyone in no time. You'll probably be sent back home to America, but I know you'll be a great hero some day!" Yu said with praise.

Before Peter could reply, he was cut off as a voice in Japanese called from the down the hall.

"Mt. Lady-san!"

Yu and Peter looked down the hall where the mousy intern ran towards them.

"Unregistered quirk user is wreaking havoc downtown. Death Jaw is on the scene but there's a hostage!"

"Where?" Yu asked in Japanese.

"Downtown, in front of the station."

"I'll be right there," Mt. Lady nodded, walking out of the cell.

"Wait what's going on?" He asked.

Peter started to get up but Yu held a finger. Sei noticed the movement and moved his hands fast, erecting the invisible wall.

"You stay here." She spoke in English again. "Hostage situation with a villain. Gotta go handle it. "

"Let me-!"

"I said that you had to wait," Yu interrupted with more serious tone, "You don't have your license and you're still waiting for a call. Just let the pros handle things for now."

Peter slumped back on his bed, and Yu felt like she know what it was like to kick a puppy. "I'll see you off before you head out." she promised. "I'll be back. Promise."

With that, she took off, dodging officers on her way out of the station.


Peter saw her leave, and he sat on the bed, breathing hard as he gripped his interlocked hands hard. Sei stood at attention by the entrance to the cell, as usual.

To think someone was being held hostage… someone was in trouble.

He looked over at Sei who was standing hands behind his back. "Hey uhh… Mr. Mime?" He asked, waving his hand. The Mime noticed him, eyes focused. "So uhhh… do you like, have a phone?"

The mime quirked an eyebrow. "I'm not gonna take it! You have the wall cutting this table in half, right? So I can just like," Peter sat on the stool, pulling it up to the table and sitting down. He knocked on the invisible wall. "I just wanna, get a clue on the hostage situation. Stream the news? Or can you… even understand what I'm saying?"

The mime shook his head. Peter sighed, biting his lower lip and standing up and getting back on the bed. He lied down, looking up at the ceiling and breathing in and out. "Damn." He muttered under his breath.

There was someone in trouble, and he's stuck in this stupid cell. And he cannot act. He could break his way out… but Mr. Fukuda and Mt. Lady were so nice and told him of the laws… He had already broke one law today, even if out of ignorance. And he got some old man to read his mind or something…

He took a deep breath, closing his eyes and trying to force himself to take a nap. This whole spectacle has to be some dream… And the contacts should be coming in by now…


One of the officers arrived back with some pizza, so that was a welcome reprieve. Peter managed to eat… the whole pie due skipping on breakfast and his body's physiology demanding high amounts of calories before going back to the bunk. The grouchy officer who was with the mime left without a word. Or even responding him, only saying "Heru isu Pizza."

It was over an hour until Peter heard footsteps in the detention area, making him open his eyes. He must have drifted off into a nap. He sat up, seeing Fukuda Botan walk in with a briefcase.

"Any word?" He asked, getting to his feet.

"Apologies for the hold up Mr. Parker." Botan said as he sat in the chair across from Peter as the boy did the same. "We handled the hostage situation and the villain is being detained." At that word, Peter saw that older officer who gave him the pizza walk behind behind him down the hallway and…

What's with the milk gallon full of sludge?

"Anyways." He said, grabbing out a notepad and pen. "I was hoping we can begin our interview."

"What's the word. On my contacts. The embassy?" Peter asked. "Did you get Tony Stark or Mae Parker on the line?" He asked in rapid fire, eyes wide and full of hope, desperate to latch onto anything.

Mr. Fukuda frowned, reaching into the briefcase as he looked at Kimihito and nodded. The mime did some gestures, and looked like he was lifting something. The Police Chief slid some papers across the table to Peter.

"When I got back from the situation, I made a call to the Embassy to double check. Triple check." He spoke, tone sullen as Peter looked over the results, seeing the insignia of the United States and spotting the word Embassy within the insignia.

Mae Parker. Residence: Queens, New York. Married to Benjamin Parker.

No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Edward 'Ned' Leeds. Residence: Queens, New York. Son of Leonard and Belle Leeds.

No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Michelle 'MJ' Jones. Residence: Queens, New York. Daughter of Brock and Mary Jones.

No Results Found in Japan or United States.

Anthony 'Tony' Stark. Residence: Malibu, California and Manhattan, New York. Founder of Stark Industries and the Avengers. Super hero: Ironman.

No Results Found in Japan or United States.





Just-No. No.

No no no.


"No. No." Peter muttered, gripping the paper, looking behind the back to see if this was a joke. "This… this…"

"Mr. Parker, I-"

"No… No!" He roared, grabbing the chair he was sitting on and throwing it to the wall, hard and making it crash. "Fuuuuck!" He brought his arms down on the bed with a yell, crunching it in two as he let out a sob. He heard the clicking of guns and he felt a tingling down his spine and turned.

He saw the mime being wide eyed and nervous, gun raised while Botan was quiet, eyes sad and sympathetic. The chief didn't even move.

"I died… I fucking died… I fucking died… It was real oh god…" Peter sobbed, coughing and letting out gasps as he began to weep. He slouched down, grabbing the sheets and muffling a massive roar.

Everyone… Mr. Stark. Aunt Mae. Ned. MJ. Even that asshat Flash Thompson. Happy. The Guardians. Dr. Strange.

"I'm dead… I fucking died there… everyone…" He uttered, feeling the lump in his throat as he continued to weep. He heard a foreign mutter, footsteps, and felt a hand on his shoulder. Peter turned around, ready to lash out…

And saw the warm eyes of Mr. Fukuda, kneeling down beside him.

"I… I am sorry for everything, Mr. Parker. I truly am."

Peter was quiet, taking deep breaths. "Wha… I…I dunno…Uhh…" He stammered over and over, the pit in his stomach still there. "Fucking…" He hugged Mr. Fukuda, hard.

"艦長!" Said a voice, the old pizza officer said, poking his head through the door. Peter didn't care, feeling Fukuda's hands on his shoulder.

"Mr. Parker." Botan said softly, as Peter looked up, eyes red with tears as the older Japanese man put a hand on his head. "We… we need to get our interview in. Then… we need to go from there."

"But how?" Peter squeaked out, chin moving up and down as he closed his eyes, sobbing a little.

"I don't know… I never have felt with a situation like this but… protocol is protocol, Mr. Par…" He paused, taking a deep breath. "Peter." Peter bit his lip, closing his eyes and nodded.

"Okay… fine…" Peter… felt lost. Adrift. He didn't know what the hell he was going to do. Botan turned towards the chair and walked towards the other end and took his seat. Peter spotted the stool the old man, Araki his name was, he didn't remember, used and took it and placed it on his end of the table. "Sorry for…well… the chair and bed…" He whispered lightly, eyes glued to the steel table.

"It is alright. Most inmates tend to cause damage anyway. We have spares" Botan reassured. "Now, I just want to know about you and correlate what Hyu-sensei gave us… then we can proceed from there."

"Where am I going to go?" Peter asked. The red haired man ran his hand through his hair, taking a deep breath.

"We'll… cross that bridge when we get there. Is that the saying?" He asked, Peter nodded. "Okay then…" He heard a pen being clicked. "Do you wanna start from the beginning?"


"Alright." He reached into the briefcase, grabbing a smartphone, or some recording device, and pressing something. "このインタビューは機密保持を目的としたもので,警察署または法律に関するすべての事項を対象としています. 問題の容疑者はアメリカ人であり,したがってこのインタビューは英語で行われます." He paused, turning towards Peter. "Let us begin, Peter."


"What is your name."

"Peter Parker."

"How old are you."


"Where is your place of birth and residence." Botan scribbled on the pen.

"Queens, New York City."

"Do you have any parents?" Peter wanted to not answer but… he had to get through this. He was feeling numb.

"I used to."

"What happened to them?"

"They died in a plane crash when I was very young, just barely a year old."

"I see. That is saddening. Who are your guardians then, in that case." Peter bit his lip.

"Aunt Mae Parker."

"Do you have an Uncle?" Peter took a sharp inhale. He remembered the joy of Uncle Ben when celebrating his birthday, taking him out for bike rides, teaching how to make gadgets in the garage…

And how he died… and he was buried.

"Yes… Uncle Ben… He passed away… two years ago."

"I see. I am sorry."

"Me too." Peter muttered.

"What are you doing in Japan?" Botan asked, and Peter looked up at him, silent. "Mr. Parker. I will ask again. What are-"

"I don't know I… I was dead… or I think I was."

"You died?" Botan asked rhetorically. "How?"

"It's… It's a long story." Peter whispered, heart still aching over the revelation. Botan remained silent, and nodded.

"It is fine. Tell me. However wild it is." Peter lifted his head up.

"If… If I told you I… I came from a world without… quirks and there was only a few, very few, people with superpowers… with wizards and big powerful aliens and rocks that were formed from the Big Bang that can do crazy stuff… all caused by some giant purple alien muscle guy... would you believe me?" Peter was ready for the incredulous look again.

But Botan was straight faced, nodding as his eyes looked into his briefcase for a minute and then back to Peter.

"I do. Now, tell me from the beginning. How did you come here to Japan?"

The brown haired boy took a deep breath, biting his lip. "I'll start… from the beginning. How I became Spider-Man then… that should give you a clearer picture." Peter heard footsteps in the hallway lightly, but paid no mind.

"Tell me everything."

And then he told him.


"Alright." Botan nodded. "That is enough." He turned towards the recorder. "このインタビューは機密保持を目的としたもので,警察署または法律に関するすべての事項を対象としています. 容疑者はすべての質問に正直に答え,当局に義務付けています. このインタビューは正式に終わりました." And he tapped on the button, ending the recording.

"Now then. This interview will be kept as evidence for your participation in the train station incident and will be kept in the fullest of confidence. In addition... we must now handle your current situation." Botan elaborated.

"How?" The brown haired boy asked. "I... I have no one." He smiled ruefully. "No parents. No aunts and uncles. No Avengers no Mr. Stark no wizards or aliens." He lifted his hands with a shrug. "I.. I'm homeless. I'm just a refugee, with... with no home to go to." Peter let out a sigh, before it became a sob. "I'm an orphan."

Botan sighed. "And you are right... but... we could try to fix this." Peter's eyes looked up at him, daring him to seek a resolution. "As a Police Chief, I know many connections that help assist the department with cases and with those who are up to no good. Your situation Peter, is unlike anything I have ever encountered in my career, or anyone else have had. You came from another world, another dimension even, and I believe you given what Hyu-sensei told us. And with no one like you in this world... It means that the United States would be hard pressed to accept you, even if you are American in citizenship. You have no birth certificate, no connections, no capital, nothing. Only your name, your word, and the clothes on your back."

"Then how!" Peter yelled. "How do you fix this then!?" He asked, crossing his arms and glaring at Botan. He knows he should not be angry with him but... damnit he doesn't know what to do at this point!

"I know many connections, Peter." Botan's voice was solid and firm. He leaned forward. "It wouldn't be too hard to ask for someone to forge you a visa."

"A... visa?" Peter asked. "Like a, visa gift card."

"No. A visa is a document that states your intention on entering a foreign country and residing there for purposes. From there, you have options to possibly apply for membership and residency. The issue is, it would have to be Japanese, as I have no connections with American or British forgers." Peter bit his lip.

Okay... so he would have to be here for... what? "So... the visa would be for me to do, what?"

"Easy. Going to school. The easiest way to acquire a Visa without jumping through hundreds of loopholes is by applying to become a foreign transfer student." Botan stretched his arms. "I know, my nephew went to America to become a foreign exchange student. So I have a clue on the process."

So... Apply for foreign visa. And use it to go to school. "Okay." Peter furrowed his brow in thought. "So... I go to school and then-"

"You become a Hero." Peter perked up.

"Wait, what do you mean."

"Japan has the best Hero Schools in East Asia, rivaled only by the ones in Dubai and Jerusalem. With your suit's technology, your abilities, your skills and experience, you would be perfect in becoming a hero." Botan elaborated. "And besides, you tried to intervene in the villain incident at the train station. After dying no less at the hands of this... Thanos." He said, letting the name roll off the tongue. It was name meant to inspire intimidation, that much is true. "You cared not for yourself, but for others, even if it didn't involve you. If that is not a hero, I don't know what is."

Peter took in deep breaths, staring at Mr. Fukuda with appreciation as he bit his lip.

"So... This guy you know can get me a visa... and I have to go to school and become a Hero."

"Yes. I can only get visas that can help you apply for schooling and for application for residency here in Japan. When you become an adult and graduate, you are welcome to apply for dual citizenship in America and seek a career here, but you must build a foundation first in this brave new world you have landed in Peter." Botan said as he stowed his many pages of notes he had wrote down during the interview. "Plus, we need to find you a guardian."

"A guardian, right... But who?"


"How about me?"

Both men jumped in surprise, Peter more than Botan as the spandex-clad Mt. Lady came out of her super awesome hiding spot. He definitely didn't see her behind the concrete and steel wall.

"You?" Peter asked. The blonde tried not to pout too much. What's with that tone? Did he not believe her? Even the Chief didn't look convinced.

"Forgive me Mt. Lady-san, I thank you for your help in the apprehension of the sludge villain," Botan said in Japanese, "But this matter is probably best left to foster services."

Yu felt her eye twitch as she scoffed. Oh yes, Foster care. They'll do their level best to put Peter with the best guardians that he could get. Ones that knew of his situation, that knew of his heroic spirit, who knew that he needed to be with someone that actually knew what he was dealing with and not some made up cockamany cover up story.

Yes, foster care would be absolutely perfect for him.

Peter needs to be anywhere BUT foster care.

"Oh don't be such a sour puss," Yu waved off.

"I'm not a sour puss, this is a serious matter." Botan narrowed his eyes, "The paperwork alone is going to be monstrous, even with using… less than legal avenues to get him settled and coming up with a convincing background for him on why an American boy with no parents or other relatives or contacts is being placed in a Japanese Foster Care system. We can't just dump him to the Americans, they'll deny him as he isn't a citizen and doesn't know his situation."

"And just throwing him to Foster homes won't help him any good at all! He was ready to go out there and help handle the Sludgeguy situation with me at a drop of a hat, not even batting an eye." Yu placed a hand on her chest. "If that ain't heroism coursing through his veins I don't know what is, and going to some shanty foster home is going to do him no good!" She can speak to experience on that front.

"Uh… what are you guys talking about?" Peter asked curiously in English, confused as to why the adults were arguing in Japanese, hiding something from him in all likelihood.

Yu turned around and gave a thumbs up, "We're just sorting out your room. You know, boring adult stuff." Botan rolled his eyes and exhaled through his nose hard. The brown haired wall crawler blinked and glanced at Officer Kimihito who shrugged.


"Awesome." Yu turned on the chief after reassuring the teen. "Leave him with me. I can take care of him." The red haired man looked back to Peter, then to Yu who stood with her hands on her hips. His story, his past, what Mt. Lady had just said combined with his resume... The boy was a hero through and through, even in defiance of the rules...

He never grew up in Foster care. He doesn't know what it's like. Botan pinched the bridge of his nose and ran his hand over his face, staring down the shorter blonde haired superhero. "Do you really think you can take care of a teenage boy and prepping him for hero school, while being a pro?" Botan asked, seriously. "Can you accept that commitment? Feeding him? Clothing him?" He asked in Japanese, terse.

And Yu realized why Botan has been a Police Chief for all these years given his serious tone. The rational part of her brain was kicking her heart. What on earth was she thinking? She had no clue how to be a guardian. But... it couldn't be too hard, be kind, understanding, supportive, all that good stuff and more. It's not like raising a baby with diapers and constant crying or anything!

Yet she will need to do that. Give Peter a roof over his head. Food. Clothes. Necessities. All while being a full time pro.

This... was going to be a challenge.

But she couldn't find the strength to take it back. She was a woman of her word. She has known Peter for all of one day… but damnit he needed her. If she walked out of this station without him by her side, she'd never live it down. She could walk on the red carpet as the number one hero, not just in Japan but globally and it would feel hollow. Being unable to save that one person when she was in a position to.

Because at the end of the day, she couldn't stop being selfish long enough to help a confused, terrified teenager. Not when she was one too once.

So to the chief, she cracked a grin, a daredevil one. "Big talk coming from a chief who's going to break the law to help him out."

Botan blanched, then scoffed. "I've got twenty years of seniority in this office AND connections. You've got a few days and change under your belt."

The superheroine rolled her eyes anyway. "Tomayto tomato, it'll at least give him a place to stay for tonight." She paused, sneaking a glance at Peter who waved nervously. "And a wardrobe change. Can't go walking around in a costume after all."

Botan's eyes darted between the heroine and Peter, the later freezing under the mismatched gaze. Yu was honestly impressed at the intensity in the chief's eyes. He looked like a shogi player working twelve moves ahead. Every option, every failure. He closed his eyes, and let out a big sigh. He snapped his fingers at Officer Sei, and the mime dropped the barrier. "You better treat him well," Botan muttered under his breath, "Peter," he spoke in English. The teenager straightened at the sound of his name.

"You're free to go." He held up a hand before Peter could ask anything, "All the paperwork will be handled on our end, but for now, Mt. Lady here will be acting as your guardian until you can get settled. Can't exactly keep you here overnight and all. Your... circumstances are unique after all."

Peter stood there, agog at Yu, realizing what has happened. "You… you would do that for me? I... we only just met and-"

"Of course," Yu responded in English, grinning ear to ear, eyes closed., "It's what heroes do."

"A-Alright then."

"Thank you for your cooperation Peter." Botan said, stepping to the side, offering his hand. The brown haired boy perked up and shook the police chief's hand firmly. The man bowed his head lightly in response.

"No, thanks for all your help." Peter replied. "I... I don't know what I would do if I hadn't met you."He frowned and leaned towards Yu. "You're supposed to bow in Japan, right?" he whispered. Yu held back a snort and nodded. Peter grimaced, but nevertheless, the sweet boy did his best bow that he could give, much deeper than a normal person.

One that Botan returned with a smile and a chuckle. "Not so deep, but you're on the right track. And it's fine, I am only doing my job. And don't worry Peter. Before you know it," he leaned in, a cheeky smirk on his face. "I'll be telling my son that I knew the great hero Spiderman before he even started."

Peter lit up at the praise, letting out a laugh. The boy really seemed to look up to the officer as he hugged him. Botan froze up, blushing at the contact before settling his hand atop of his head. Peter backed off, his face just as red. "Sorry I... don't know what came over me and..."

"you've... had a trying experience." Botan put it as best as he could. "A hug is... not uncalled for."

"Come on," Yu tapped Peter's shoulder, "It's getting late and we need to get you some clothes before the stores close."

Peter paled as he looked down, apparently just now remembering that he had on his suit.

"Yeah." He said, only to blanch further. "Oh yeah, lemme take it off... somehow..." Peter tapped around the Iron Spider suit, standing back as the two adults looked at him curiously. Sei knew his job was finished and gave the trio room as he left the detention area. "Ummm..."

"Is... something the matter?" Botan asked with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yeah I uhh... this is kinda weird but... this suit is a second suit and I don't know how to turn it off." Peter was running his hands over his body, looking around, much to the look of utter confusion from both Yu and the police chief. "Where did Mr. Stark put an off button at..." He finished running his hands over his chest and was patting and poking. Then it hit him.

The suit hit him when he was running out of oxygen on the Space Donut in... "The back!" His hands hit the his shoulder blades as he began to search around... when his palm hit the spot between his shoulder blades, then it went up, hitting the nape of his neck. Something whirred and clicked. Botan's eyes rose up and Yu's mouth dropped as Peter felt sand move around, the nanites moving around up to Peter's head. He looked down, seeing his normal bright red-and-blue suit come back as he heard a clinking sound as a device fell. Using his reflexes, Peter caught it and held it up.

It was some kind of device, like if a FitBit watch but for around the neck, with some pad the size of a watch-clock, with a bright light blue light emitting from it. Peter narrowed his eyes, seeing... his thumbprint. So Mr. Stark attuned the suit to be able to only be accessed by him, with the nanites stored inside.

"An Arc Reactor powers the Iron Spider..." Peter muttered under his breath, in awe.

"Well now." Botan muttered. "I was not expecting this but..." He shrugged. "After today, I don't think anything surprises me anymore."

"Oh, ummm... I can keep this right?" Peter held the device close to his chest.

"We're not going to take it." Botan shook his head. "What your costume is won't leave this room. Whatever is stored in that thing, is something we may not be able to understand." He eyed Peter's hands. "I trust you'll keep it safe and out of the wrong hands." The teen nodded, clutching it tightly.

"I will."

"Well, that's all well and good but..." Mt. Lady pointed at his chest. "Your other costume?"

"Oh crap, I left my clothes behind that Seven-Eleven." Peter muttered. "I... am only wearing my underwear, under this." His hand went over his suit he got when he went to Germany, and he was investigating Mr. Toombs with Kar-

"Karen!" Peter yelled, tapping his suit. "Karen can you hear me?! Karen!" Yu was caught off guard by the sudden desperation in the American's voice. Even Yu tilted her head.

"Whose Karen?" Botan asked, as Peter's shoulders slumped.

"The suit's... AI. I forgot to bring her up during our talk." Botan rolled his eyes. "I need to find her, I need to...take this off." He bit his lip, looking at the duo. "Sorry..."

"It's fine. I'll lend you my coat, you can wear that. It's a big trenchcoat that's beige and on that coat rack near my office. Hopefully that can help." He shrugged. Peter perked up.

"I'll return it once I get clothing. I promise." He said seriously. Botan could see it in his eyes, that Peter would follow through on his word.

"I'll hold you to that." The chief looked down at the blonde heroine. "You two have to be places now. I need to sort paperwork and do my job."

"Sure thing."

"Don't worry about it, I know a great place to go shopping." Yu smirked, patting him on the shoulder. "I'm a Pro so I can walk around in my costume and just say it's a 'patrol'. Death Jaw is gonna file the report in for Sludgedude anyway. Now let's go shopping! I can't wait to get you all the gucci and sauve attire!" Yu declared as Peter blanched, rolling his eyes.

"Gucci." He muttered, but it went unnoticed by the blonde as the two walked out of the detention center.

Botan was alone, and he went back to his briefcase, looking through the pictures of Peter's past, and then back out to the fast talking blonde and her younger ward.

Those images of saving others time and again. His motivation, the sight of a dying man, his Uncle Ben, in his arms, with the notable words in a thought bubble... The words Peter associates with his deceased unc-no. Parent.

Those with great power, bear the mantle of responsibility.

Everything else, has been to save others less stronger than him. To fight those who abuse their power. Who commit evil.

Botan smiled. "Peter Parker..." He looked at another photo, one of Peter looking at himself in the reflection of a skyscraper window, the backdrop of New York City behind him. In his blue and red with web-design costume. "Spiderman...

"I will be expecting great things from you." He grinned, and he stowed the pictures. Time to get back to work.


Yu wanted to cry. She wanted to be sick. She wanted to wail.

Gucci and suave. That was all the rage these days. He was a teenager. A teenage boy yeah, but he had to have something! His costume was so cool! How it can be so compact and small and formfitting and sleek and yet... and yet!

How can his casual be so… plain. The two of them had went straight Viper's Bite, Uwabami's personnel department store chain. Sure the snake hero might take her modeling career way to seriously, the tramp had no taste and was so... gaudy and bourgeois, but at least she kept her some of her stores affordable for the common man and woman. Something about making everyone feel the best even if they couldn't look as good at her, was how she put it.

Yu was going to show that... flashy hag one of these days, even if her commercials, social media trends, and online magazine and website ads were making this easier, keeping Yu's new fans away. She will get that exposure and fame! One day she will oust that hussy! She will see!

But, first things first, before she could stop that travesty that was the snake tramp, she had a crisis in front of her.

"Is… is that it?" Yu asked, hoping beyond hope. "No Denison? Jean-Paul? Ronaldo? Maximillien?"

Peter's choice of speaking to him, in the height of fashion, was a simple beige t-shirt, red hoodie jacket and normal blue jeans with the large trench coat he borrowed tucked into a bundle under his arm. How a boy with such an amazing suit settle for something like that… she had no clue.

Peter blinked and looked down. "Uh yeah, this is the cheapest set I could find. I'm... not really a fan of that super expensive richy stuff. Like, some stuff had a lot of zeroes."

Yu scrunched her face before it hit her. She bonked her head. "Currency." She muttered in Japanese. "Oh don't worry about it." She said in English. "Here in Japan, one US dollar goes for about 100 yen." Peter blinked.

"Great I'm right on budget then."


"That couldn't be more than 1500 yen! You got this off the bargain-bin!" Peter flinched, and Yu immediately winced. "I mean, money isn't an issue right now Peter, don't you wanna, well, look nice?"

"Well, not now." Yu notched an eyebrow and Peter hefted his suit closer to his chest.

"I-I mean you get paid by how many villains you chetch, you just started out and you only got one villain." Yu couldn't hold back a groan.

"That's not how all heroes get paid! Villain catching is a bonus! I have a flat salary with potential for raises based on my performance, with arresting villains, saving civilians, and defeating criminals netting me bonuses. It's how it's like for all heroes, and even then some heroes don't handle criminals! Like some handle natural disasters or rescue or coast guard... it's not all villain-based!" She let out a big sigh. "You have no clue how to spoil yourself."

Peter looked downcast. "I'm just… doing what I'm used to is all." Those words made the blonde regret her little tidbit.

What he's used to. That pit was forming in her gut as she bit her lower lip. She heard the interview. Everytime that Peter mentioned living with his aunt and uncle, he never once complained that they didn't have what they needed. How Uncle Ben worked as an electrician and Aunt Mae as a waitress. He made it seem like he grew up like every normal kid, only getting the odd supplies because his aunt didn't believe in spoiling him. But if fifteen American dollars worth of a shopping spree is his idea of normal...

Yu walked up, and straightened the lended coat so it sat straighter on Peter's shoulders. A quick flip of his hair to the side gave her a sight worth grinning about.

"It looks perfect." Peter gave her a wry look, and Yu couldn't stop rolling her eyes, chuckling all the way through it. "Come on, let's get those clothes and back to my apartment. I don't know about you, but I'm starving. We'll get you more clothes later, but this should help hold you over."


You know, out of all the things that have happened today, finding a set of clothes his size had been a small victory. And it had nothing on what was happening right now.

The superhero Mt. Lady, or Yu as she wanted to be called, was taking him in as his guardian, at least for now. Her, someone who was a full time superhero was taking him in after only knowing him for an hour at most. It was… it was like Aunt Mae had come back, like she hadn't been away at all. Well, minus the boisterous enthusasium and mild Japanese accent.

This... whole day has been like one bad dream, but a silver lining that wasn't there before has arrived.

Yu's apartment was a lot closer to the train station than Peter would've thought. Not that he was complaining, it was also close to downtown and he knew that had its benefits.

"Here we are!" Yu called, opening the door to her apartment.

Peter walked in, and was immediately beset with a familiar space. A small living room with a cheap sofa in front of a TV connected to the kitchen. A single window patio giving a view of the great city.

Though, that's where the familiarity stopped.

The floor around the couch was littered with used chip bags, and a set of clothes had been haphazardly thrown on the couch. Dishes were nearly bursting out of the sink, and the one room that he could see had a bed that looked like it hadn't been made in its entire life. And the room smelt musty.

Despite the chaos that Mae would ground Peter for, Yu beamed.

"Welcome to my, er, our tiny corner of heaven."

"Y-yeah its…"

"Amazing, homy, perfect?" Yu supplied.

Messy was the first word that came to mind, but one look from Yu threw that thought right out the window.


Yu beamed. "Now, food," she marched to the kitchen like she was on a mission from god. She threw open the fridge door and even from the doorway Peter could hear the groan. "Uh, still nothing good. Sorry Peter, supper's gonna have to wait."

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I forgot to get groceries with the craziness of the day. I've only got enough for a thai dish. Not much of a housewarming mea-"

"That's great." Yu leaned back behind the fridge door to get a better look at him as he put the bundle of clothes on the sofa. They stopped by the MPD to give Mr. Fukuda his coat back, but he was busy doing work in his office, so they didn't stop by to see him. Regardless, Peter fulfilled his promise.


"Yeah, I like Thai." Yu frowned but relented with a shrug.

"Alright, wash some dishes while I get to work. There should be some soap under the sink."

"Got it. Lemme get changed first." Peter went into the bathroom and stripped out of the Suit and looked at it, realizing the mask wasn't there. Where-

Oh yeah. Space Donut. He couldn't breathe. Was Karen in there? Or was she... in the chest area? He ran his hand over the spider insignia. His symbol. "Where are you." Peter muttered, making it a promise to inspect the suit whenever he could to try and get in touch with her. But... going by her apartment, and due to his lack of connections and of the local tongue, Peter won't be getting anywhere. He patted the symbol as he finished stripping and folding his suit, knowing he would have to wash it(thankfully it was waterproof) and changed into his new clothes. He walked out, seeing Yu struggle to clean up the kitchen. She definitely was not used to eating in it seems. Or cooking for herself.

His hands immediately went to work with the familiar motions of scrubbing dishes. Soon, the entire apartment had the aroma of rice and vegetables. Yu didn't stop frowning at her work, but Peter didn't mind.

"So..." Peter looked up at her as he finished loading the dishwasher and was running it. He can understand basic appliances easily enough. "What will I do?"

"Well." Yu mused as she looked at the directions, muttering in Japanese on how to cook Pad Thai. "First, I'm gonna have to sign paperwork to have you become my legal ward, once Fukuda gets you that forged visa. Then, with our relationship set." She moved the rice pan a little. "You'll have to apply to go to a school. If my memory is right..." She put an index finger to her lip. "You'll need to sign up for a Foreign Exchange Class. It's a class that brings in foreign students and teaches them Japanese and other subjects to help them get you acclimated. Then." She snapped her fingers, looking at the brown haired boy with a grin. "We get you, into U.A."


Peter was following along, making notes in his head as he began to take some clean spray, a wet sponge and hot water to the countertops, going around and cleaning as he looked back at the older and still-dressed in her costume blonde. "U.A.?"

"The best Hero academy in Japan, if not all East Asia." Mt. Lady said with pride. "I graduated there a couple of years ago from the Hero Department they have. In fact, some people say it's the best in the world, outside of maybe the Manton Institute of Heroes in Los Angeles and Xavier Private Charter School in Boston." She scrunched her face. "Maaaaybe the Ubermenschschule in Berlin can be on par? Or London's King's Cross Coll-"

"I get it, U.A. is the top hero school in Japan. Got it." Peter surmised, taking some paper towels to dry off. He applied some elbow grease to get some serious stains off. "How will I get in? Will you help?" Peter began to make a mental checklist in his mind... Find a way to talk to Karen. Adjust and learn Japanese. Pray Yu is his sole guardian. And...and... go to this U.A. to become a hero, apparently.

"You'll get an easy in thanks to me being an Alumni." Yu stated as she flipped the stir fry and rice. "But due to, well, me being just a simple student who graduated and not some all-popular hero with loads of money, I don't think you'll get in on recommendations, meaning you'll have to take the Entrance Exam to enter U.A. Academy." The superheroine turned down the heat. "Am I doing this right? I dunno... anyways, my word will you get the door open, it's up to you, however, to get an education so you can be eligible for an application. So when we get you into that foreign exchange course, you will pass and get your credentials..." The sun was setting behind the blinds as Peter looked up at the taller blonde. Yu's ruby red eyes were soft. "And then..."


Elsewhere, a skeletal man with glowing sapphire orbs stared at a young green haired boy, crying tears of gratitude with his hand to his heart, down the street with the backdrop of an orange sky and a setting sun. And they spoke the same words.

To the ones who will wield great power.

To the ones who will one day inherit the mantle of responsibility.

The mantle of the strongest heroes.

"You can become a hero."

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