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40.23% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 1046: 19

Chapitre 1046: 19

Chapter 19: XIXNotes:

Soooo, fair warning. I channelled the trolliest troll!Kakashi I knew for his chapter. (Which is Kakashi while he trains Naruto for his Rasen-Shuriken, making Yamato do all the hard work AND paying for his meal... As I was writing this chapter, that and the 'demasking Kakashi' filler episode where constantly on my mind.

I hope you like it.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Harry didn't see Charlie all day. He spent the time doing his homework that he couldn't get done at the Dursleys' and then sending letters to both Hermione and Ron. Because Ron was still in Egypt, he used an owl from the owlery to take the letter. If he sent Hedwig, he wouldn't see her again for the rest of the week.


The next morning, he still felt groggy and tired and…


Where was Charlie?


Here Harry stood. He had forced himself out of bed at 7:30 in the morning to get an early breakfast. It was still during the holidays, but for his new friend, he had resigned himself to this little discomfort… And now Charlie wasn't there.


Impatiently, Harry waited in the pub for well over twenty minutes. "This does it," he groaned to Tom. "When he arrives, tell him to find me in my room. I go back to—"




Harry jumped from surprise. There he was standing at the bottom of the stairs, hands in his pocket. Harry almost didn't recognize him at first.


"Where the hell have you been?" Harry bellowed rudely. "I've been waiting for twenty minutes."


Charlie seemed unfazed. He casually pointed over his shoulder. "I was on the toilet. Are you ready?"


Ready? If he was ready? Frustrated, Harry paid the glass of pumpkin juice he had ordered just to pass the time. "Sure, let's go." Grumpily he stomped into the backyard. He could hear Charlie kindly wishing Tom a good morning, as he passed by. Harry didn't bother to hold the door for him. He somewhat wished the heavy door would fall shut and right into Charlie's face, but of course, he had no such luck.


"Watch me," he told Charlie. "I won't show you again." Of course, he was only angry at the moment. He knew exactly that he couldn't deny Charlie if he asked to see it again. He knocked against the brick stones of the wall, and as he turned around, he wasn't even sure Charlie was looking at him. Instead, he was holding the door for two witches who had followed them to the backyard.


"Did you watch?" Harry asked impatiently, as he stepped aside to let the witches pass through the hole in the wall he had just opened. "Can you remember it?"


"It's not that difficult," Kakashi said as he let the door fall shut. "Let's go."


But Harry stopped him with a hand to his chest. The other boy visibly bristled at the contact. Harry was taken aback by the reaction. He quickly caught himself though.


"You do it," he demanded, and with a wave, he closed the passage again. Harry had a snide grin on his lips. If Charlie thought this was just a joke… "Here. Take my wand." Handing his wand over felt wrong, but he knew he'd have it back in a moment, so he didn't feel any qualms about it.


Charlie looked at the wand doubtfully, but he still took it. Uselessly, he stood in front of the brick wall.


"Well," Harry said impatiently. He was already smirking at the victory. Of course, Charlie hadn't actually—


Charlie quickly did the pattern. He tapped all the right bricks with a speed and certainty, that Harry found stunning. It annoyed him even more because Harry knew he had needed until his second year to have the pattern down. It was not the first time he was jealous of Charlie. The boy had a good memory. Harry snickered a little. Maybe, he was one of those overachievers like Hermione. Hermione was the smartest witch of their age, he couldn't wait for her to show Charlie up. Or for Ron to win in chess.


Harry didn't dislike Charlie. More than anything, he felt for his plight. From what Harry had gathered, he didn't have it easy. But it irked him how Charlie could do everything so perfectly. Drawing, calligraphy, and now he also had a good memory. Spelling might be the only thing he was better at than Charlie, and that was only because it wasn't his mother tongue.


Now, why didn't the passage open, though? Charlie looked at him expectantly.


"Try it again, maybe there was a mistake," Harry suggested. He hadn't seen a mistake, but maybe he had missed something.


Charlie's brows furrowed a little, but he followed the suggestion and did the pattern again. Still, nothing happened.


Harry sighed. "I guess my wand doesn't do it for you." That had to be it, he reasoned, as he took the wand back, to open the passage again. "Et voilà!"


The way Charlie looked he didn't speak French. Then again, Harry had just used almost all his French vocabulary. So that was nothing where Harry could outshine him either.


"Ollivanders is over there," he pointed down the cobblestone road. Witches and wizards hurried along the street from one shop to the next. Some complained about the two boys standing in the middle of the road. Most just circled around them. "That's where you get—"


He stopped as he turned to Charlie who had an odd look on his face. Oh yeah, right. Diagon Alley could be rather overwhelming at first, Harry knew. He still remembered his first time. The old street with crooked houses. The path leading up to the massive wizarding bank Gringotts. The noise from witches and wizards prattling about the newest broomstick or how the last Quidditch league match went or – recently – about Sirius Black. The cacophony of animal cries from the Magic Menagerie and Eeylops Owl Emporium. A boy stood in the middle of the street giving out Black's wanted posters, yelling about the man's most recent misdeeds.


And then of course there were the people. A wild horde of oddly dressed individuals, with funny hats and intricate robes. Some of them had their pets with them, and some of these pets were magical creatures that even Harry couldn't name yet. And most of them used magic. People apparated in the middle of the street. Every now and then in one of the shops or houses, a flash of flickering green light came through the window as somebody used the floo network. Every second witch or wizard used a levitation spell to let their purchases float in front of them. Somebody used a voice-enhancing Sonorus charm to advertise the products of the Gambol and Japes Wizarding Joke Shop.


Harry grabbed Charlie at the shoulder. The boy immediately flinched out of his hold. He had just stared at a witch with a bright pink pointy hat who had used a charm to put up a giant banner over the main entrance of Flourish & Blotts. Now, Charlie stared at Harry in confusion.


"Let's just…" Harry gestured towards Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. After his earlier reaction, Harry didn't feel comfortable touching him, but as he slowly walked towards the ice cream salon, he was relieved to see Charlie follow him.


"It's all a bit much, at first," Harry said nervously, handing Charlie the menu, just so the boy had something in his hands. Harry feared he might punch the next wizard or witch who came too close if he had his hands free. "I remember how it was for me. You were really never here before?"


Charlie shook his head, his head buried into the menu, though Harry wasn't sure if he was hiding behind it or reading it.


"Hagrid brought me here when I turned eleven." Even though Charlie wouldn't know about Hagrid and hadn't asked, Harry thought, talking would help. Maybe Charlie would feel more comfortable if he knew he wasn't the only one who was overwhelmed the first time they saw Diagon Alley. "He's the groundskeeper at Hogwarts." He wondered if this was Charlie's reaction to Diagon Alley, how would he react to Hogwarts? Although he felt bad, that nobody had ever helped Charlie integrate into the magical world, Harry was even more excited at the prospect of Charlie seeing Hogwarts.


"I didn't even know I was a wizard, back then. When Hagrid came to tell me and give me my letter to Hogwarts, I didn't believe it. Like, sure, weird things sometimes happened around me." He laughed as he remembered the zoo incident when he freed the boa constrictor and made Dudley fall into the enclosure. "I remember, when I was in elementary school, sometimes I just ended up on the roof, and I never knew how I got there. Or my hair would grow overnight if I didn't like the haircut." He fumbled with his hair.


"Wait…," Harry suddenly noticed something. "You cut your hair, didn't you?" Yes, he had wondered why Charlie looked different. He must have changed his hairstyle. That was what he'd done yesterday? Using his twenty pounds to get his hair cut?


Charlie dragged his hand through his hair. He smiled sheepishly. "You noticed?"


"Yeah. Makes you look shorter, weirdly enough." He laughed.


The other boy shrugged.


"But it looks nice," Harry said. Weirdly enough, it made Charlie look a lot better. Even his face seemed more handsome now.


"So, what was your first magic?" Harry asked curiously. "For me, it was probably the hair thing."


Charlie shrugged again. Harry was frustrated at the lack of response.


"Come on, give me something to work with."


"I don't want to talk about it," Charlie blocked the way he had already blocked Harry's questions two days before.


Harry sighed. He had an idea. "Is it because your parents freaked out or something?" he guessed. "I get it, I mean the Dursleys hate magic too. Aunt Petunia is my mother's sister, but she hates magic. And Uncle Vernon and Dudley, my cousin, they are all muggles too. I think they're afraid of magic." Harry huffed in frustration. "Like what do they think I'm going to do. Not like I can do anything. It's illegal after all." He grumbled and took the menu from Charlie when the other boy put it down.


"You did blow up your aunt," Charlie smirked.


Harry snorted. Right, he had almost forgotten about that. "She's not my aunt, really. She's Vernon's sister. And she deserved it. Talked bad about my parents." He still got angry when he thought about it. She had compared his father to a poorly bred dog! He would've done worse to her if he could've and he was actually disappointed that the ministry had fixed her again.


Carefully he tried to rein back his anger. He knew he didn't actually have it in him to cause them lasting harm, but sometimes he was just so furious. Why couldn't they just leave him alone? Why did he have the great misfortune to live with a family who hated magic?


"My friend Hermione is muggleborn too," he told Charlie who listened attentively. "Her parents are supportive even though they don't understand everything, but…" He shook his head. "I'll take the Gryffindor Cup," Harry decided at that moment and put the menu down. "Do you know what you want?" He thought about warning Charlie about some of the exotic tastes. But then he remembered that Charlie had made him wait 20 minutes. "Actually, you should choose Barnabas the Fowl's Cup."


Charlie looked at him with smart eyes, then he blinked and smiled. "Sure, whatever you say."


Harry didn't feel bad for ordering Charlie earwax and freshly pressed Flobberworm juice ice cream. The menu described it as a surprising yellow and pink combination, so no way would Charlie know what he had coming. Harry felt a little gleeful. In a way, he thought, that was the right initiation into the magical world. He'd been surprised with vomit-flavored Bertie Bott's Beans after all.


"How long have you been in Horley?" Harry asked after a moment. It bugged him that there had been a wizard so close, and he had never known about it.


"Only a few months," Charlie replied. "I was in London, before."


"Johannesburg to London to Horley," Harry chuckled. "Sounds like a story."


Charlie didn't answer.


"Yeah, I get it. You don't want to talk about it.


When Florean Fortescue brought their ice cream cups, Harry immediately paid. Mostly, because he feared, that the moment Charlie took his first bite, he'd spit it out and run away. And then there would be no time to pay anymore.


Harry grinned in anticipation, eyes fixed on Charlie's yellow and pink combination. Trying to seem less obvious, he turned to his own ice cream and tasted a spoon full. Hmm, raspberry. The bright red ice cream was raspberry, the gold-colored one, he didn't know. But it was a very tasty combination of fruits that he liked a lot.


Charlie hadn't eaten anything yet.


"What are you waiting for?" Harry asked impatiently, already thinking the other boy had figured him out.


"Harry," Charlie said. Harry looked up at him, right into two hazel-colored eyes. Then the other boy's eyes narrowed into a smile. "Thanks for the invitation. It's nice to find a friend."


"Uh…" taken by surprise, Harry blinked at him. Suddenly, he felt bad at abusing Charlie's trust. This was a stupid idea, Harry thought. How would Harry have taken it if Hagrid had played a prank like that on him? "You shouldn't—"


But it was too late. Charlie already poked his spoon into the ice cream and tasted the first bite. Harry held his breath, waiting for the outcry of disgust and a glare full of broken trust. Nothing came. Instead, Charlie took another spoon full.


Harry was baffled. "You like it?" he asked confused. Maybe Fortescue had changed the recipe. That had to be it.


"Hm?" Charlie looked up at him. "Yes, some sort of berry," he guessed. "A bit sweet maybe. What did you want to say earlier?"


Harry shook his head. "Nothing…" He thought it would be best to just let it go. "You sure?" He asked anyway because he was horribly curious.


"Yes, I'm sure," Charlie pointed with the spoon to his pink-colored ice cream. The one Harry knew for a fact was Flobberworm juice flavored. A horribly bitter and slightly metallic taste that wouldn't leave the tongue for days. "You want to try?"


"Uhm… no, I just… didn't know I guessed your tastes right." Harry stammered.


Confused he dug into his own dessert—


And spit it right back out. What the—


The Flobberworm juice was still in his mouth. Disgusting! Undignified, he spat on the ground.


Charlie… the boy was smirking at him over his cup. Over his…Gryffindor Cup? Now, Harry saw it clearly, the red and gold. He looked at his own cup. The sickly yellow and bright chewing gum pink. How hadn't he seen it until now? When had Charlie even changed the cups and how had he known?


It's nice to have a friend.


Yeah right. That sappy tone and his smile, that was probably when he changed it. Bastard! And Harry had even fallen for the act. He couldn't really fault Charlie for turning the prank on him, he was still angry. And frustrated. Thankfully, at least Charlie seemed to have the good grace not to comment about his victory.


What you didn't like what you ordered? Some comment like that. That would've been just what Harry needed right now.


"Let's go!" Harry announced jumping from his seat. He would not touch his ice cream, he still fought the lingering aftertaste, and he had no interest in watching Kakashi eat his. "We'll go to Ollivanders."


Kakashi didn't complain, nor did he ask to finish his cup first. He simply wiped his hands at the napkin and followed Harry.




Kakashi had been nervous when he first met Harry that morning. He had worried about his disguise sticking. Knowing he'd have to keep this disguise up for a long time, he didn't fancy holding the transformation jutsu for longer than necessary. It wasn't difficult. But over many days, it would still drain his chakra somewhat. He had decided to instead go with cutting and dying his hair, colored contact lenses, makeup, and partial transformation over his face.


Thankfully, the transformation he had come up with for Charlie Major, was close to himself in stature. He was a bit taller than Kakashi, his hair was also a little different. And his face a little rounder. He used the partial transformation to hide the scar and fake Charlie's features, that he couldn't hide with makeup. Kakashi still looked a little different now. The jaw and nose were now his own. It felt odd having his face out in public like that.


Potter had noticed the changes of course, but he had – as Kakashi had hoped – put them down to the new haircut. It was just fine for Kakashi, that most people looked at eyes and hair for prominent features. With a massive change in hairstyle, more subtle changes around his jaw went mostly ignored. Harry hadn't known Charlie Major for long, so that helped too.


Harry had noticed the height difference though. Kakashi was fairly impressed by that.


Kakashi, who now looked much more like Kakashi than Charlie Major, followed Harry into a cramped shop. It wasn't small, by no means. But desks full of long and sleek boxes, shelves overflowing with more of the same boxes made the room look confined and tiny. Kakashi didn't like the chaos. This whole place, Diagon Alley, was a mess. A loud and noisy, colorful, and annoyingly alive place. Just before they entered Ollivanders, something exploded just around the corner, and Kakashi needed a moment of wide-eyed alertness before he understood that it was a group of children playing a card game. A card game with exploding cards…


"Mr. Potter!" An old man exclaimed when they entered the shop with a double ring of the doorbell. Pale eyes first met Harry's green, then traveled much less interested to Kakashi. Kakashi had already noted that the boy drew eyes wherever he went. What a pain. The old man's white hair was neatly curling down to his neck. "Holly, Phoenix Feather, 11 inches, nice and subtle." Kakashi had no idea what he was talking about. "Truly an extraordinary wand. You still have it?"


Harry pulled his wand from his belt. The man seemed immediately excited.


"Truly! May I?" He already shook pale and surprisingly delicate hands out of his wide and frilly sleeves.


Harry only handed the wand over reluctantly. The man took it, held it against the light, twirled it in his fingers, and then traveled the entire length of it with his index finger. "Among my best work, if I say so myself," he praised it and handed the wand back. "Of course, its brother—"


"I remember, Mr. Ollivander," Harry interrupted him with a long-suffering smile.


"Ah. Yes, of course. I feared, if I am honest, that you might have lost it. What else brings you here, Mr. Potter?" As Ollivander spoke, his eyes were already traveling to Kakashi, as if he could guess the reason for their visit even without being told.


"This is Charlie Major," Harry said. "He…" For a moment Kakashi thought Harry was about to tell the whole story about how 'Charlie' was a muggleborn wizard fallen through the cracks who hadn't ever owned a wand before. But then he simply said: "He needs a wand."


Ollivander nodded, now focused on Kakashi, waving him over. "Of course." He frowned a little. "You didn't buy a wand from me before," he stated matter-of-factly as if he remembered all of his customers. Kakashi thought he actually might. "May I ask what wand you used before?" He pulled out a measuring tape. "Put your wand hand out like this, please." He stretched his own hand out in front of him.


Kakashi had no idea what his wand hand was – probably neither in his case – so he simply used his right. He watched Ollivander meticulously measure the length of his arm and then the width of his palm.


"Well?" He asked looking up from his work to lock eyes with Kakashi. "Your former wand?"


Kakashi coughed. "This will be my first."


Ollivander seemed taken aback. "What wand did you use in Hogwarts so far?" he rephrased his question.


"I never went to Hogwarts."


Ollivander seemed impatient now. He took down the measuring tape, as he looked at Kakashi more seriously. "What school then? Whatever school you went to, they must have given you a wand—"


"Mr. Ollivander," Harry interrupted. "Charlie didn't go to any wizarding school yet."


Surprised, Ollivander took a step back. "Merlin," he muttered with eyes as round and pale as the moon. "That is impossible."


"It's true," Harry shook his head. "I know it's hard to believe."


Ollivander took his measuring tape again. "It seems impossible to believe," he agreed and continued measuring the circumference of Kakashi's wrist. Whispering the number, he let go of the tape, but instead of falling, it started taking measurements all on its own. Kakashi followed it wearily with his eyes, as it measured his full body height, the length of his fingers, the length of his nose, the width of his chest, his feet, and so on.


Having taken and written down almost every measurement possible, Ollivander frowned at his sheet of parchment. "Odd," he mumbled. "Odd, but…" He went over the assortment of boxes on his table, tapping his index finger against some of them, then he pulled one out, in a light grey color. He wiped the dust away, opened the box, and took the wand from a velvet cushion.


"Hazelnut," he said, "dragon heartstring, 12 inches, very flexible." The words didn't mean anything to Kakashi, but he took the wand. Seriously, he didn't know what he would need a wand for. If nothing else, he could give it to Sirius, he figured, should they ever meet again, and should the man even be interested to take anything of Kakashi's, then. Kakashi knew he wouldn't be able to use a wand. But not having one, would cause more questions than having one that he wasn't using. At least for now, he knew. With the restriction on underage magic, even Harry's wand was little more than a stick. He could use it to get to Diagon Alley, that aside, he wasn't allowed to do any magic with it.


He didn't know what to do with the wand now that he had it in his hand. Should he just take it, pay and that was it? That would be surprisingly easy. His gaze traveled from Ollivander to Harry, both of them were looking at him expectantly.


"Well, give it a try," Ollivander suggested though he had a disapproving frown on his face like something wasn't right. "Swing it."


Kakashi felt incredibly childish, as he gave the stick a little flick. Nothing happened. Thankfully, Ollivander didn't drag it out. He took the wand back immediately, put it back in the box, and after short contemplation brought two more boxes.


"Cedar, dragon heartstring, 10 ½ inches, hard." He handed the wand over. "Try."


Kakashi swung, nothing happened, Ollivander took the wand away. He seemed unhappy. Then he handed over the other wand he had brought "Beech, unicorn hair, 11 inches, flexible." This time, the second, Ollivander put it in his hand, he already took it away again.


"Odd, odd," he mumbled. Shaking his head, he left into the rear part of his shop.


Harry yawned behind Kakashi. He pulled out a stool and sat next to the door. "I see, that might take a while. At least you're not taking apart the shop." He chuckled as if in memory. Kakashi looked at him questioningly. "Ah, when I got my wand, I made things explode left and right."


"Indeed, Mr. Potter" Ollivander said, as he came back to Kakashi, balancing five boxes of wands. "Yours was a much more common reaction." He shook his head. "Maybe it's a combination of age and inexperience, with handling a wand," Ollivander muttered more to himself than to anybody in the room.


He pulled out another wand. This one was of a similar light brown color as the one Kakashi had just held. "Beech again, dragon heartstring, 10 ¾ inches, a bit flexible." Nothing happened.


"Yew, unicorn hair, 9 ½ inches, hard."


"Vine, phoenix feather, 10 inches, supple."


"Ebony, unicorn hair, 11 inches, a bit hard."


Kakashi didn't know what they wanted from him. Obviously 'exploding the shop' wasn't it, although Kakashi could give them an explosion just to make them happy. Obviously, the utter lack of any reaction was frustrating for Ollivander. He was already chewing on his bottom lip.


"Cypress, dragon heartstring, 9 ½ inches, very flexible. No, that's not it either." He scratched his head. "One might think he has as little magical talent as a muggle," he muttered under his breath clearly thinking the two boys wouldn't hear him as he searched his shelves for more wands.


Although obviously, nobody wanted an explosion, Kakashi realized, he should give them some reaction, before Ollivander might figure out that he wasn't a wizard. So, when Ollivander came back, Kakashi used the short second when Harry looked at the ceiling and Ollivander looked to the new wand in his hand, to form a quick hand sign.


"Cherry, Unicorn hair, 11 inches, hard," he didn't even wait for Kakashi to take it anymore but pressed it right in his hand. This time as Kakashi swung it, he released a small lightning jutsua single strike hitting a near-bye chair and splitting it in two. Ollivander jumped from shock, obviously having already given up on any form of magical outburst. Harry fell off his stool.


"No, no," Ollivander said quickly, taking the wand away. "But that's a first reaction." Although he was still a little pale from shock, he seemed relieved that at least something had happened. "Here try this. Cedar, dragon heartstring, 12 inches." Nothing happened.


Still not knowing what exactly Ollivander wanted to see, Kakashi decided to just let a few wands pass without making anything happen. Then he cracked the floorboards with a burst of chakra.


"What exactly are we waiting for?" Kakashi asked after another few minutes because this didn't lead anywhere.


"You'll see, you'll see," Ollivander answered. He had apparently found new hope, that he might actually succeed to sell a wand to Kakashi, after Kakashi showed at least some magical talent, even if it was in the form of destroying his office furniture.


"Wouldn't it be—" He was interrupted by the ring of the bell. A witch came inside, looking around the occupants of the room. Her eyes stuck on Harry for a moment, then she quietly sat on a stool next to him.


"Are you waiting too," she asked Harry, just as Ollivander gave Kakashi the next beech-wand. Nothing happened, and Kakashi gave the wand back, without even waiting for Ollivander to ask for it.


"No, no," Harry shook his head, "I'm just company." He nodded at Kakashi who picked up his very first fir-wand. "But it's taking quite a while."


"Difficult case?" the witch asked.


Harry nodded.


"I'll be with you in a moment, Ms. Spinnet," Ollivander called out to her, taking Kakashi's fir-wand back from him.


"Spinnet?" Kakashi heard the surprise in Harry's voice. "You aren't related to Alicia, are you?"


"A second cousin," Ms. Spinnet said, then she and Harry collectively jumped when the curtains next to them caught fire.


"Charlie, aim away from us!" Harry yelled out. "Are you mad?"


"Sorry," Kakashi said quickly, though he had aimed quite purposefully. Ollivander had turned white when Kakashi almost set his customers on fire. "Maybe Ms. Spinnet should go first," Kakashi suggested.


Ollivander seemed glad at the suggestion. "If it's not a problem for you," he made sure to ask, but he was already pushing Kakashi to one of the stools close to Harry. "Ms. Spinnet, what can I do for you?"


"I fear my wand broke irreparably." She pulled out a cloth handkerchief from her purse and unfolded a wand that split almost clean through in the middle. "An accident with my broom."


"Ah, a shame. Maple, Unicorn hair, if I remember correctly? 10 inches and quite hard."


"Yes, Mr. Ollivander."


Ollivander nodded. "I might still have another one just like it." He quickly walked down the rows of shelves. "I remember, this unicorn gave me eight… Ah, here. From the same unicorn. Another maple, unicorn hair, 9 ½ inches, a bit flexible." He handed her the wand but took it back immediately. "No, try this one. Pine, unicorn hair, 12 inches, flexible."


This time after the witch took the wand, he let her swing it. A flurry of purple sparks came out of the tip. The witch grinned. She flicked the tip of the wand and made the empty wand-box levitate.


"This looks good," Ollivander said. He asked a few questions about how the wand felt, then 8 Galleons exchanged hands, and Ms. Spinnet left with her new wand. Meanwhile, Kakashi finally knew, what he had to do, to get this little shopping trip over with.


He let four more wands pass through his hands, and cracked another table before he decided long enough time had passed between Ms. Spinnet's departure and the next wand put in his hand, that the other occupants in the room, wouldn't necessarily notice the similarities to the witch's sparks.


"Dogwood," Ollivander announced tiredly. "Dragon heartstring, 11 inches, supple."


Dogwood? How fitting, Kakashi thought with a tiny smirk, as he swung the wand before Ollivander could decide to take it out of his hand again. A small fire jutsu and a flurry of orange sparks.


"Finally," Harry exclaimed, happily clapping his hands together.


Meanwhile, Ollivander looked all but happy. With a frown on his face, he turned to his list of Kakashi's measurements. "This is highly unlikely," he muttered, scratching his head. "When were you born, Mr. Major?"


"September 15," Kakashi gave his real birthday, because why not. When Ollivander looked at him with an impatient frown, he quickly calculated the year. "1978."


Ollivander nodded, looking back on his list. "Well, I can't explain it, but sometimes magic goes the most unexpected ways. Congratulations, Mr. Major, we have found your wand. I fear, the reason for the delay might lay with me. I might have miscalculated. I took you for a much more serious person."


Kakashi had no idea what he was talking about. "A more serious person?" he asked.


"I took you for a beech type," Ollivander shook his head. "But apparently that was a waste of time and furniture… Dogwood and dragon heartstring would suggest you're much more playful and mischievous than I thought." He folded his list, and let it vanish in his long robes. Kakashi didn't know how to feel about all his physical measurements – and apparently even a character study of him; how accurate that was he didn't know – just vanishing in the man's pockets. Then again, he figured nobody here would do him harm based on knowing the length of his nose.


"How much does it cost?" Harry asked. He was clearly getting impatient. No wonder, he's been sitting around for over an hour.


"9 Galleons."


Kakashi twirled the wand in his fingers. He didn't know where to put it. For now, he put it into his pouch, but it was a little too long and half stuck out of it. Maybe, he decided, he could repurpose his leg-pouch that he hadn't worn, since arriving in his country.


"Thanks," he said as they left the shop.


"If you want, we can buy you some clothes," Harry suggested too, pointing at a shop for second-hand cloaks.


"Sure," Kakashi said, certain that this at least would go much quicker.


As Kakashi already walked up to the shop, Harry had indicated, the other boy's steps hesitated for a moment. His brows furrowed a little, but then he followed. Kakashi smirked. He knew Harry was surprised at Kakashi's willingness to spend Harry's money, but truth be told, Kakashi had no qualms about it whatsoever. Harry had been right, after all. He'd been running around with the same clothes since he first came to this world. In all his time here, he had only bought a new shirt, and his clothes started to stink. Kakashi might not be bothered by that, during missions, but if he could avoid it, he would.


And Harry had offered so graciously.


Really, the only reason Kakashi had reacted petulant and defiant at first, was because it was expected.


Be honest, who expected Kakashi to be on time for a meeting he chose the time for?

Yeah...me neither.

Some other short aspects about this character:

Now, it's official. Kakashi can't use a wand. So it's barely more than an odd accessoire for him. He can fake a lot of magic with his chakra though. The wand he now has therefore doesn't really fit Kakashi. Ollivander is really baffled by that. He's been trying very hard to sell Kakashi a Beech-wand (which would be for somebody who according to the wikia is 'wise beyond their year') or a cedar-wand (for strength of character and unusual loyalty). The Dogwood wand that Kakashi now ended up with was a bit of a srprise for Ollivander. It's a rather mischivous wand. Curiously, I don't think it's completely unfitting... At least it fits to the persona he's been portraying all chapter.

I enjoyed writing the scene with the ice cream. It reminded me of land of waves Kakashi, who also used sappy words to his teammates to distract Zabuza... Kakashi is a little shit for that. First making Harry feel guilty and then turning on him like that. (Honestly, I should add 'Kakashi is a little shit' to the tags)

I thought for quite a while about unmasking Kakashi. But then I decided that he'd have to. I don't think Kakashi would have much of an issue with it. In canon he's clealy quite stubborn at wearing the mask, but he doesn't seem to have anxiety over it. In fact in at least two filler episodes he's actively encouraging his students to try and de-mask him. And additionally in Boruto I think there are two scenes, where he takes the mask of to hide as Sukea. In a way this is the same. As part of his desguise he takes off the mask. There's no point of it here, where he would just get attention because of it. Instead of 'hiding' him, it would be a dead giveaway. Which is really not what he needs here. So, now he's only wearing a partial desguise around his eye region (mostly to hide his scar and caracteristic droopy eyes :D) This was a bit of a risky move for him - as he now looks a little different - but I decided that it would be too risky for him to have to uphold the henge flawlessly for weeks. Just dying his hair, wearing contacts, make-up and a partial henge that takes basically no chaka would be easier to pull off long term.

Most people i think - especially when they don't know the other person for long - focus on eyes, hairstyle/Facial hair and body shape to identify a person... So since 'Charlie' apart from being a little taller was very similar to Kakashi in stature, since the eyes are still 'Charlie's' and since he's still wearing the same hoodie anyway... Harry missed the more subtle changes around his nose, mouth and jaw...He just thinks it's the new hairstyle...but he does note, that the new hairstyle makes Kakashi a lot more handsome ;)

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