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9.15% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 238: 4

Chapitre 238: 4

Chapter 4: Gym Time – Part ISummary:

Quirk Analysis of:

Toru Hagakure - [Invisibility]

Mina Ashido - [Acid]

Tsuyu Asui - [Frog]

Ochaco Uraraka - [Zero Gravity]

Denki Kaminari - [Electrification]

Kyoka Jiro - [Earphone Jack]


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"You sure this is fine?" Toru asked him as they entered one of the many gyms in the U.A. complex.

"Without a doubt," Izuku replied. "Ectoplasm-sensei should be here any minute now. He was nice enough to agree."

Some would call Quirk training after a battle trial "overworking." Izuku called it "striking while the iron is hot".

Getting a training room and an observer wasn't even that hard. You just had to know who to ask and when. Tuesdays were usually Ectoplasm's freer evenings, and for a guy who could multiply and had a good sense of duty it was really hard to say no.

Izuku was really happy about being able to start this early. And about having so many onlookers drawn in by the appeal of secrets and power.

"You can come in, you know? It's easier to get a look up close," he jokingly called out.

Seven heads poked out from behind the doorframe. The spectacle would have been creepy if their flustered expressions weren't both funny and endearing to him.

"We didn't wish to intrude on private training," Momo stated, taking the lead and standing by the entrance.

"Y-yeah, we can just watch from here," Ochaco added.

Tsuyu just stepped inside.

"Asui!" Ochaco called.

"What?" The frog girl answered, tilting her head to the side. "He said it's fine, ribbit."

"It is. Come on, it's not like it's some secret training or something. Is it okay with you two?" He turned to ask the girls who were already inside.

"No probs for me!" Mina rejoiced. "The more, the merrier!"

"It's fine!" Toru approved, making a big gesture of a thumbs up.

"See?" He finished, gesturing for the others to move.

One by one, the group followed in Tsuyu's steps as Izuku made a quick count.

Momo and Kyoka, as expected, were drawn in by yesterday's conversation and a couple of points he'd made about their trials. Eijiro wouldn't miss an extra chance for training if a meteor were to fall. Ochaco, well, was a given. Tsuyu was probably- no, surely, curious. Denki had easily taken the bait about a way to avoid frying himself stupid. Koji was the most unexpected, but he knew how to work with him.

Seeing the black ghostly apparition arrive, Izuku waved and smiled. "Thank you for your time, sensei. May we start?"

The clone nodded with a "You may."

"Perfect!" He turned to his waiting classmates. "So, who wants to start?"

"Me!" Mina jumped up, arm raised, before remembering she had invited herself. "Oh, but start with Toru! She asked first."

- First name basis already? Nice. -

"Right. So, Hagakure, you consider your Quirk a permanent passive effect, correct?"

"Uh, yes? I'm stuck like this," she responded with a shrug.

"It's a mutation, isn't it? It is to be expected that it would be permanent," Momo pointed out.

"Unless it's not," Kyoka raised an eyebrow, "is that what you're suggesting?"

"Bingo." Izuku snapped his fingers. "I believe your Quirk may have been mislabeled. It happens a lot more than you'd think."

"What makes you say that, ribbit?"

"Yaoyorozu, do you know how to make a laser pointer?"

The black-haired beauty nodded, taking out the requested item from her arm. Izuku thanked her and directed the red ray through Toru. The ray was refracted and sent in a slightly different direction, as if it had collided with some kind of glass.

"There are some different types of invisibility Quirks. Some make the user disappear from people's eyes, and they simply get ignored. Others make the user 'unreachable' by light. Yours, Hagakure, can both let visible light pass through you and refract around you. Let me ask you a question: Have you ever broken a bone?"

Toru's head moved a bit. "Y-yeah, when I was little. I fell and hurt my arm. It took a while in a plaster to fix that."

"So, I imagine they took an x-ray of the broken bone?"

Most of their observers looked confused, wondering where he was going with the questions.

"Mm, no, I don't think I've ever had one."

He nodded. "Yeah, because x-rays require light to hit your skin. Hard to have that when you refract it completely."

"Wait, Midoriya, are you suggesting that she may be able to avoid light outside of the visible spectrum?" Momo questioned, now caught in the theorizing.

"A lot more, probably. But that would require specific tests."

"You know what they're saying?" Eijiro whispered to Denki.

"I lost them," the blonde admitted.

"Anyway," he begun again, "your skin holds a passive control over light. But I believe it could be spread, or somehow controlled. Hold out your hand."

He used the pointer once again. "Hagakure, try to alter the ray's deflection. Bend the laser beam without moving your hand."

A few seconds passed in silence, as they remained motionless, staring at the red line bouncing on nothing. The invisible girl then dropped her hand. "It's not working..."

"Try again, please. I think you're almost there," he pleaded with the sincerest expression he could muster.

With a barely perceptible nod, she went back to trying. A minute passed, then two.

Finally, the red line wobbled a bit from side to side before going back to its original state as her legs gave out under her.

"WOAH! It moved!" A chorus of exclamations came from behind him. If they got surprised over so little...

"How was it?" he asked. He caringly reached out to her to help her up.

"It's... really hard..." The invisible girl muttered, out of breath.

"Like using a muscle you have never used, I imagine," he offered, putting a bottle of water in her hand.

She took a sip. "Yeah. Do I wanna ask how you know that too?"

"My Quirk's kinda the same." He didn't specify which Quirk. "Just take it easy before trying again. I think that, given enough training, you could really direct light however you like."

He looked her in the eyes, whispering. "And, just to be clear, that would mean making yourself visible whenever you wish." The best motivation he could ever give her.

He felt her hand's grip of his arm get tighter. "Are you sure?"

Ah, that tone. She only asked hard questions with it.

"How are you feeling?"

"Will you stay?"

"Why do you have to go?"

He blinked to come out of that black hole in his head. At least this time he'd actually have a good answer to give.

"Yes, Toru, I'm sure."

He only realized he'd messed up the naming as she moved back to the group, laser pointer in hand.

- Well, damage's already done, better to roll with it. -

"Keep that in your costume's shoes! You never know if it may come in handy."

He called out to the next one in line to think about something else. "Ashido, you're up!"

"Roger!" Pinky bounced forward. "So, do you need to see what I can do? Want a quick rundown?"

"Oh, no thanks, I've learned a lot from the battle trials," he shook his head. "You can produce acid from your skin, and have some sort of control over solubility and viscosity. Of course, you've also got acid-proof skin, but only up to a certain point. Anything wrong?"

She crossed her arms behind her back, lightly swinging back and forth. "Nope, it's accurate."

"Perfect. Then I have to ask, why haven't you used your legs or feet to create acid today?"

Ashido stopped at the million-dollar question. "Uuuh... Because I didn't think about it?"

"Yeah, I remember when I too forgot I could use my legs to fight." He gave a sympathetic laugh. "You've used [Acid] to slide yesterday, but imagine this: a low viscosity, high solubility liquid on your soles or feet, to minimize friction. Give yourself a push, and you will go spinning faster that most people ever could. Throw something in that state, and your fifty-meters throw record will be broken many times over."

Mina looked dubious, but curious. "So, lemme get this straight, you're making me into a human spinning top?"

"Yes?" He feigned confusion and excused himself. "Sorry, was that too much?"

"Nah, sound fun! Lemme try," she said as she started taking her shoes off.

A moment later she was equipped with a softball and brought the idea to life, becoming a pink tornado. The ball crashed into the metal wall with an ear-breaking thud, well over the speed she had previously shown.

"Yeah! I did-"

She'd only need to get accustomed to the world spinning so fast.

"There there." Ochaco patted her back, all too familiar with the sensation of nausea.

"Damn, Ashido, that was crazy," Kirishima looked over the impression left by the ball.

"It would have gone quite a lot further had it not hit the wall," Momo recognized, making some mental calculations, "probably around three hundred meters."

"WHAT?!" Mina shot up, suddenly ignoring the wobbliness. She stepped up and back in the greenette's face. "Oh my god! What else have you got for me Midori?!"

He took a step back to keep some decency-required distance. "Well, if you could produce a lot of acid at once, you could try and increase its viscosity to the maximum to stop incoming projectiles. A temporary shield of sorts."

Her eyes twinkled. She looked at her arms, ran a good twenty meters away, and then screamed at Kirishima. "Horn buddy! Try and hit me with that ball!"

"You sure?" Receiving only a smug grin in reply, the redhead charged the blow while muttering a "You knew she was crazy" under his breath, following with a toss worthy of a professional pitcher.

The students watched as the ball flew over, hitting an oh-too-thin veil of viscous liquid and barely slowing down. In a green flash, five fingers grabbed it in midair. It would have passed through and hit the girl's nose, had Izuku not intervened.

And to think he was sort of trying to stop hogging the spotlight.

"I'd say you need some more viscosity, Ashido," he retracted, passing it off as part of the lesson. He passed the ball back to its thrower. "Good throw, Kirishima. Maybe don't go all out next time."

"Yeah, sorry Ashido," the redhead scratched the back of his neck.

"N-No problem Horn Buddy. Thanks. I'll just... sit there now," she muttered, stepping away and collapsing face-first onto the ground.

He knew she was hiding a violet hue on her cheeks, but he resolved to keep quiet for now. As much as she liked doing the teasing, he would need to wait a bit before she was ready to take it in stride.

- Two done, seven to go. - "Who's next?"

"Me, ribbit." Tsuyu moved forward.

"Ah, Asui. You can do whatever a frog does, isn't it? You've shown us surface climbing, a prehensile tongue, strong limbs and long jumps."

"Right," she replied, her tongue slightly dangling.

"Alright then. I'll list some things frogs can do that I haven't yet seen from you. Let's see..." He took a big breath, trying to match Tsu's bluntness.

"Bright color spots?"

"Haven't seen them."

"Puffing up?"

"I'm not big enough."

"Poisonous mucus?"

"I've been trying. It's hard to make enough."


"I can reach high volumes, but it's not that terrible."


"Midoriya!" Ochaco screamed, her face reddening.

"Mm, haven't tried yet."

"Don't encourage him!" Kyoka added her louder voice to Ochaco's.

Eijiro, Denki and Mina seemed to be laughing their guts out. Koji and Momo were deeply uncomfortable.

"Sorry guys, it's for science. Next, biting?

"My teeth aren't that strong."


She stopped, thoughtful. "You know, that sounds interesting, ribbit."

"Eh, I bet. I've got to say, your Quirk really opens up a whole lot of possibilities, Asui."

- And just you wait, everything I've listed will be yours if you put your mind to it. -

"Call me Tsu, ribbit," she gave her usual warning. "How do you think I should go about this?"

"For starters, try to see if your skin can change color at all. That would be more of a chameleon's territory, but it wouldn't hurt to try."

"Mm, got it, I'll try that. Thanks."

He smiled sincerely. "You're welcome, Tsu."

She seemed surprised that he would be using her first name so readily, but only for a moment.

"Next, ribbit. Uraraka?"

"Oh? Oh no, I'm fine! You guys can-"

"Nonsense!" Kirishima said, refusing her refusal. "You were practically first in line from the start!"

"R-Right. Ok." Ochaco stepped over, a hand on the back of her head, looking grateful but ready to take a step back. "I guess you already know what I can do, uh?"

"[Zero Gravity]. You can remove the effect of gravity from solids by touching and put it back by pressing your fingers together. You also have a limit of... two tons? Three?"

"Almost three, yeah," she nodded back at the fitting description.

Izuku placed one of his books on the ground before her. "Mm. Uraraka, could you do me a favor and use your Quirk on this?"

As she moved down to grab it, he added: "Wait. Just touch it. Lightly. Don't lift it. I want to check something."

Confused she did as he asked, keeping the contact to the bare minimum. As expected, the book began floating, soon rising above her head.

"As I thought," he said with a grin, catching the object mid-rise.

"So, what's new with her Quirk?" Denki inquired, underwhelmed by the experiment.

"Is it something bad? Something good?" Ochaco was between worried and expectant.

"What's new is that it's another case of undervaluing a Quirk," he gestured with the book. "Physics question: what happens if you remove the gravitational pull from an object?"

A couple of them exchanged looks, looking for a hidden meaning behind the inquiry.

"It floats? Ribbit."

"Not really the answer I was looking for." He waited for a couple more seconds before starting again with a smile. "Let me give you a hint. Gravity is a force constantly acting on every physical object, pulling us towards every other object with mass. The most prominent force of gravity for everything on Earth comes, of course, from the Earth itself. But if all of those forces were to be nullified on an object, what would happen to said item?"

Momo widened her eyes. "Newton's first law states that every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force!"

"In Japanese?" Mina begged from her spot on the ground.

Denki muttered something about being terrible at science, but wasn't given much attention.

"If all forms of gravity are nullified, an object should just stay where it is. Unless it's pushed." The heiress added, simplifying the concept and receiving a small chorus of "ohs."

"Right. Which means that Uraraka is doing so much more than that," he specified. "She isn't only taking away the gravitation pull of the Earth. She's either reversing it, which bring items to levitate on their own, or doing something much, much more interesting."

"Like what?" Ochaco looked at him with a worried expression. Ah, he must be wearing the Quirk-crazy look.

Recomposing himself to an acceptable expression with a cough, he added: "I think you may be able to alter trajectories and deprive matter of its mass and momentum."

Being met with silence reminded him that his classmates weren't always the greatest public to great revelations.

"That's... huge, Midoriya," Momo pointed out, thoughtful. "How did you come to that idea?"

He shrugged, showing off the book and sending it, in a straight line, in the hands of the group. "If an object has no mass, the whole gravity stuff gets really weird. But you can feel that it has none now, can't you?"

Eijiro caught the flying book. "Wait, it doesn't have any weight, but I don't know about mass..."

"'Weight' is used interchangeably for mass in everyday use, but it's not exactly the same thing. To keep it simple: mass is intrinsic to an object; weight depends on mass times acceleration, meaning gravity. If something has no mass, of course it would have no weight."

Momo nodded, going along with a more detailed version of the theory. "The force of attraction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of the masses-"

"-and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them." All eyes turned towards Ochaco, who had just finished the sentence. "What? I've looked into the subject a bit! I wanted to try and improve my Quirk..."

"Which was a great idea. The problem was that they gave you a wrong starting point," he clicked his tongue.

"But why do you think she can take away mass itself?" Kyoka reiterated, taking a hold of the object to try it herself. "It doesn't seem that different to me."

- It's a pity that 'because we've tested for it in the future' isn't an acceptable answer, it would save me a lot of headaches now... -

"If something has no weight, it simply means it's not pulled towards other stuff. It's 'floating', no forces, no movements. But, if something has no mass, then it becomes extremely easy to move around." He moved closer to Kyoka, making her open her palm and letting the book float.

"Here's my theory. Your Quirk has two effects. The first one affects the momentum." He started lightly tapping the item, moving it from left to right. "Each time I tap the book, it moves in that specific direction. If I'm not putting in more force each time, the book should just stop or slow down. Instead, your Quirk disregards the object's motion. Mass, velocity, acceleration, nothing matters. It just starts going and then changes direction abruptly." He caught the book, pointing it at the girl. "And the second one affects the item's mass, specifically how you're taking it away from it. I don't know if you're making it magically disappear or just moving it around, but I'm betting on the latter option."

The pink-cheeked girl looked confused. "Then why are things floating every time?"

"Honestly? Your Quirk is probably trying to match the mental image you've been given of 'zero gravity.' Things float as if they were in outer space. I think that's the reason why you get nauseous. Your Quirk is constantly applying pressure to match every gravitational pull on the objects you use it on. It's mostly the constant 9.807 m/s2 from below, but it adds up quickly. I mean, you're matching Earth's gravity, for god's sake. And if all that extra mass is moved to you, it's no wonder your body struggles to keep itself balanced!"

He turned to see the group staring at him, wide eyed. Damn, he always exaggerated when talking about Ochaco's crazy disregard for the fundamental forces of the universe.

"Sorry guys, I went on a bit of a tangent there, ehehe." He gave a contrite puppy look.

"Nah, don't worry, it's cool seeing you all pumped up and shit," Eijiro showed a wide shark smile.

"Thanks. Anyway, Uraraka, I think you should try and focus on changing your mental image. Make things float, but keep them stable. Then you can play around with adding or removing force." He offered a big thumbs-up. "Who knows, you may even develop some cool form of telekinesis!"

Ochaco looked radiant as she nodded gratefully, more ready than ever to put suggestions to good use.

"Help me next!" Denki shot up, already charged up and ready.

"Never heard of 'ladies first'?" Kyoka shot him a disdainful look.

"I have! But Midoriya already said he knew what to do with me!" The electric blonde turned his way, expectantly. "Right?"

He sighed and nodded. "Yeah, it's actually pretty easy. So much so that I can't believe no one ever thought about it."

- Or that it would have taken us eleven months to find out the hard way... -

Izuku stepped forward and pointed towards his classmate's shoes. "Kaminari, could you take them off? Oh, Yaoyorozu, could you provide us with something non-conductive?"

The girl in question provided the aforementioned item without further questions, while Denki looked confused.

"Dude, what does this have to do with my shoes?"

"Everything. Probably." Izuku raised a leg, tapping his own sole with a knuckle. "Do you know what our soles are mostly made of?"

"Rubber." Came Momo's helpful comment.

"Precisely. And rubber is a damn terrible conductor. Which means that a lot of the energy you should be releasing into the ground is just kept in your body. From there it doesn't take much to imagine why you're frying your own brain when you overcharge."

The blonde stood there for a few seconds, mouth hung open, opening and closing hie eyes.

"Bro? Are you ok?" Kirishima patted his back, trying to get a reaction.

"You're saying that my Quirk was stopped by my own shoes?" His voice sounded deflated like an empty balloon.

Izuku shrugged. "We won't know unless you try. Now, would you?"

Denki gritted his teeth, taking his footwear off in a fit of rage. He stepped forward while everybody else stood back, behind Momo's sheet.

The teen exhaled, inhaled, and then released both a scream of frustration and an energy discharge that would make light bulbs pop and hair stand, protection or not.

"So bright!" Ochaco complained weakly, covering her eyes.

"That must be more than a million volts," Izuku surmised, knowing full well of Denki's potency.

Tsuyu took a step back. "That seems like a lot, ribbit."

"Don't worry, the insulation is 100 mm." Momo explained, confident in her creation.

"Look, it's over," Kyoka cut the discussion, seeing that their classmate's arcing was slowing down as he slouched a bit.

Izuku lowered the sheet, taking a few steps over to Denki. "Kaminari, how are you feeling?"

The blonde took another breath and raised himself up. As the teen turned, even if he'd seen that fulfilled expression too many times to count, Izuku could only smile.

"It... It worked! I haven't short circuited! And that was my maximum output!" He ran up to Izuku, catching both of his hands in a grip. "Man! I can't thank you enough! This is life changing stuff!"

"Don't worry about that, Kaminari," he gently replied, "it's good to see you getting better already."

"Better? It's amazing! I'm gonna rip the soles off every pair of shoes I-"

"Please don't," Izuku sighed, stopping his rant. "You'll just need some special shoes added to your gear."

"Oooh!" The blonde looked delighted. "What are you suggesting?"

 "Well, you could go with some kind of leather, or one of the many synthetic fibers out there. You could even just add some kind of metal additions to let the energy flow freely without destroying all of your shoes."

"Yes! What else? What else?" Denki looked like a kid receiving Christmas gifts, and Izuku was too enraptured by his explanations to care.

"Well, you could add metal whips and grappling hooks to direct your energy to a certain distance, thought you'd have to learn to handle them as weapons. You'd need to be very careful about what metal mixture you'll be using, since it'll have to handle very high voltages. Perhaps you may be able to find alloys better suited with enough research. The Support Department should help you with that. Also, using some coins as lightning rods would change the trajectory of your blasts, concentrating them instead of letting them go freely around you. That would let you direct your power without a need to touch a solid or liquid surface. Then-"

"Midoriya, you're rambling again!" Mina, now with her composure regained, interrupted the flow of his words.

He looked sheepish again. "Ah, sorry. Well, I hope that's enough for now."

"Enough? Man, I'll have to train for months just to get to all of that! Thanks a lot!" Denki laughed, patting the greenette's back. He then turned towards the purple-haired girl. 

"Come on Jiro, since you're so agitated about turn order get a move on."

Kyoka shot him a burning glare, but stepped up anyway, her already long earlobes lengthening further.

She huffed and let one earphone jack roll around her hand. Her usual standoffish attitude would be challenged soon enough. "Hey. Do you already have a perfect plan or do you need an explanation?"

"I got something from the trial, but I'd like to hear it from you this time," Izuku replied. He didn't need to add the fact that he'd come to love the sound of her voice since a long time ago.

"'right. [Earphone Jack], mutation. My lobes can grow and act as headphone cables would. They're fully controllable, like an extra set of arms."

"Are the heads made of metal?"

"Uh uh. I can plug them in almost anything that isn't too tough."

"I see. Max length?"

"Up to six meters if I'm stretching them. But I can hear up to twelve meters beyond that."

"Not a bad range, that must be great for stealth and info-gathering..." And it was, of course, but she was underestimating her full capabilities. "And you're using those amplifiers on your legs to create sound waves... Which is a good way to deal with your overall lack of physical strength."

She pouted a bit at that, then sighed. "Yeah, most I can do is whip around these things a bit, but that didn't bring down Shoji. I doubt it would make a difference against a Villain."

Izuku shook his head. "Oh no, that entirely depends on how you want to use them. First, you're wasting part of your potential by using your lobes only to whip stuff or to hear. You've said it yourself: they're a second set of arms. Use them like one."

"But they aren't that strong!" She retaliated. "I can grab and squeeze stuff, maybe poke it if I try hard enough, but it won't deal that much damage..."

"You've got to think bigger, take an advantage where you can. Most people do not have access to more than two arms. Grab those and raise them up six meters: they're not going to be able to do much more than flail around like kids. The enemy's tougher? Use your jacks to hit the opponent's face directly or their vital points. Most won't be able to stop four appendages by using only two. I could teach you some hand-to-hand combat, but I think we'll all need a class about that soon enough."

Izuku reminded himself to ask for that, as it was usually a flaw he'd have to amend.

"Another thing you should absolutely learn how to use is a metal bat. Even better if it's shaped like, and has the properties of, a tuning fork. You're used to channel the vibrations from... your heartbeat, I guess?"

"Yeah." Kyoka nodded, placing a hand on her chest by reflex.

"Right, so, with vibrations around a beat per second or little more you actually managed a good prolonged blast. Steady, but lacks a punch in the long run. What if you needed something strong and immediate? Channel a tuning fork's vibrations, and you'll get something really strong really quickly. Plus, you've got a weapon you can use to keep enemies at a distance without letting them hurt your ears. Those things won't regrow if cut, I fear."

"No, they won't. I've been told to be careful since I was little." Kyoka's face fell a bit, then regained a bit of its shine as she mulled over the boy's propositions. "A tuning fork, huh? Sounds pretty in line with my style! You get it!" She grinned as her arms crossed.

"You could also keep a couple different endings to attach your jacks to. The small amplifiers are fine, but imagine adding something that can hurt. Ever heard of an oscillating tool blade? You may be able to cut holes in walls with those."

She widened her eyes at his proposition.

Kirishima voiced a part of her worries for her. "Damn, Midoriya, ain't that way too brutal? People could get hurt with those."

Izuku didn't back away from the redhead's eyes, giving him a determined look. "Most Quirks are, or can be made into, lethal weapons, Kirishima. Like it or not, we all have the potential to maim others. But we can also use those destructive powers to save lives."

He knew that they'd receive the full spiel from Thirteen, but that was still a ways ahead. He had to put them in the right mindset from the start.

But he wouldn't say that lethal force could become a dark necessity. They weren't ready for that.

"I could break walls with a punch. But I can use that strength to lift those same walls and free people about to get flattened. An oscillating blade can cut, of course, but I didn't say she'd have to use it on people. Use of lethal force, even against Villains, should be a last resource. The same could be said about Jiro's soundwaves. I bet she'll be able to tear down trees, perhaps buildings, someday." Yes, she would. He'd seen it happen.

The greenette turned himself back to the girl, as she was slowly coming to an understanding of how dangerous yet useful her Quirk could be.

"But Jiro, imagine that same wall, about to crush or suffocate an entire family. Would your arms be enough to lift it? Would your jacks? I don't think so. Not unless your training makes them able to. But what if you could cut a section of that wall? Reduce a big problem into smaller, more manageable ones?"

"Divide et impera," Momo thought aloud, impressed by the analysis.

"Precisely. It's all about how things are used." He smiled and met Kyoka's eyes. "Want me to go on?"

She made an aggressive, yet playful, expression. "Yeah, what else you got?"

He kept smiling. This last one always brought her down a peg.

"You should use your voice, Jiro. For one, your vocal cords are and should be a vital source of vibrations. And two," he stepped closer, crossing his arms to mimic her own pose, "I can't believe that the daughter of Kyotoku and Mika Jiro wouldn't have the voice of an angel."

Ah, the blush, there it was.

"Hey, I think I've heard about them before!" Denki exclaimed, finally making a connection.

"Me too!" Ochaco added, her eyes sparkling. "I love that piece, what was it... 'Purple Notes,' I think?"

"'Violet Tones,' actually," Kyoka specified, her reddening increasing. "A-And it's nothing great, I'm not that good..." Her fidgeting became more prominent, her jacks twisting and tapping each other.

He let out a small laugh. "Eh, I'll believe that when I hear it. But I won't force you if you don't want to. Just keep the idea in mind."

"Fine," she huffed, taking back some control on her Quirk. "Thank you, that's enough for now."

"As you say. Oh, try to hit sturdier stuff with your Quirk, I think it could help with sound quality in the long run."

"That's a weirdly accurate guess..." She said as she stepped back in line with the rest.

He laughed it off. "What can I say, I'm usually right. So, who's next?"


I had to cut the chapter in two because it was getting way too long, it would have doubled the fic's length by itself.

One of the pros of looping is obviously the possibility of ammassing knowledge, and Izuku is ready to kickstart his allies. One of the cons is that he has to be "really" careful about how he does it.

The analysis of Uraraka's Quirk is inspired by "Verdant Revolution" by KarraHazetail.

Leave a kudo or a comment if you like!

Thank you for reading! 'till next time!

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Stone -- Pierre de Pouvoir
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Astuce d’erreur

Signaler un abus

Commentaires de paragraphe
