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2.07% Fanfiction I am reading / Chapter 54: 23

Chapitre 54: 23

It had been quite a challenge for Toshinori and Izuku to escape I-Island without being mobbed. The government of I-Island had tried to keep the information about Wolfram's infiltration and the battle silent, so naturally, as all big secrets went, everyone on the island knew All Might and the up and coming hero Izuku ' ' Midoriya had something to do with Wolfram's defeat. Luckily, they had a private plane so they more or less managed to escape the reporters.

Thanks to Nezu, Melissa had been fast-tracked to be allowed to move to Japan and was currently living with Toshinori. Of course, the revelation that she personally knew All Might was revealed to the students of 1A and 1B.

"So our training camp starts tomorrow," hummed Izuku to himself as he pushed himself in his home gym. To be honest, he was excited about the trip.

"Izuku, honey! You have visitors!" shouted Inko from the front door, surprising Izuku. He hadn't had anything planned for the afternoon.

"Coming mom!" shouted Izuku as he quickly wiped off his sweat, wearing only a green tank top and shorts.

At the front door, he found Itsuka, Momo, Ochako, and Tsuyu, all wearing summer clothes, meaning short shorts and shirts/tank tops.

"Hi! We came to see if you wanted to do something before we head off to summer camp," greeted Itsuka.

"It would be certainly something to enjoy before we dive back into heroics," nodded Momo, "I originally was supposed to head to Venice with my family, but with this training camp, I had to cancel that."

"That sounds fine. What did you have planned?" asked Izuku.

"Maybe some karaoke?" suggested Ochako.

"Kero, that sounds fun, but could you at least shower first?" requested Tsuyu.

"Ah, yea, let me shower and change," nodded Izuku as he quickly left.

Itsuka turned towards Tsuyu as Izuku left, her eyebrows raised at why Tsuyu had made such a request.

"It was either that or I jumped him," blushed Tsuyu with a cough, "Thanks to my Quirk, I'm more sensitive to the pheromones than a normal human. Izuku had been working out, and his sweat was getting to me. And don't tell me that seeing that tight shirt with his muscles gleaming and sticking out didn't get you girls hot and bothered."

"Ah," commented the rest of the girls in agreement and a blush.

Izuku finished showering and changing clothes, and was ready to accompany the girls to the nearest karaoke when...


The group turned to see Melissa walking towards them.

"Melissa! How are you adapting to Japan?" asked Izuku with a smile as he walked forward.

"It's a little more humid than what I'm used to, but other than that, pretty well," hummed Melissa, "Uncle Might has been gone ever since we got back, though."

The reason why Toshinori had 'disappeared' was because he underwent surgery to have his new lung and stomach placed into his body. Thanks to David's inventions arriving at U.A. at record times as well as Recovery Girl, Nezu, and Gran Torino calling in as many favors as they could. Currently, he was recovering in a liquid capsule regeneration chamber.

"Did you have anything planned today?" asked Izuku out of curiosity.

Melissa shook her head, "I was planning to explore the city a little."

Here Melissa looked down a bit before shyly looking at Izuku for a second, "Do you think... that you can guide me around here?"

"Oh, uhh... uhh," hesitated Izuku, glancing back at the group of girls now staring at him.

"Oh, did I interrupt something?" asked Melissa, noticing the pack of girls.

"No, we were just about to go to a karaoke place for some fun, maybe get some ramen for dinner," replied Itsuka, mentally sighing to herself at what she was going to say next, "Did you want to join us?"

She couldn't help it. Even though Melissa was older than them all, Itsuka's core personality was to act as the 'big sister', making sure everyone was welcomed and friendly. Even if it was another female pursuing Izuku.

"Really? You all don't mind?" asked Melissa as her face brightened.

The others agreed with nods as Melissa eagerly joined the group.

"La la la laaaaa la!" sang Melissa as she finished her song while the others clapped with a smile.

They each had their own specialty/favorite genres of music to sing. From Momo's tendency to lean towards classical to Melissa's pop, the girls could sing pretty well. Sadly for Izuku, despite trying his best to impress, he was average at best, well below the rest of the group, though the girls all teased him with no real heat.

"That was fun! So who's next?" asked Melissa as she put down the mic.

"Ochako and I are next! We have a duet next on the list," replied Itsuka, looking up from the list as well as sipping her black coffee.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to use the bathroom," said Melissa, walking out to locate the nearest bathroom.

"Let's see, we still have a bit more time. I wanna try out this song," hummed Izuku, looking at a specific title named "Pride".

Suddenly, the song list booklet was plucked out of his hands, confusing him for a second until Itsuka sat right down on his lap.

"You have no idea how long I wanted to do this," sighed Itsuka as she cuddled with Izuku for a second, "We can't really publicly show our affections yet."

"Though polygamy is allowed in Japan and most of the world due to the advent of quirks and the idea of spreading 'stronger' quirks through the generations, it is frowned upon just as the concept of 'Quirk Marriages'. The only reason it hasn't been outlawed is due to some quirks needing multiple partners, the most famous case being a female in the middle east developing a quirk that required several men to keep her sane," nodded Momo.

"Some quirks are just weird," frowned Ochako, happy that her quirk wasn't like that.

"Kero, are you going to keep hogging him?" complained Tsuyu with a frown, "I want a turn too."

"Mmm, fine," hummed Itsuka, "But first..."

Itsuka grabbed Izuku's head by slapping her hands on his cheeks before pulling him in for a kiss. Izuku was slightly surprised at her sudden action but went along with it. The two locked lips for a few more seconds before Izuku and Itsuka separated, though not by choice from Itsuka. Ochako activated her quirk on Ituska, making her weightless before pulling her back with a pout. Then, in a flash, Ochako tackled Izuku, placing her lips on Izuku.

Once again, after several seconds, Momo removed Ochako by creating a cane to hook her off before placing herself in front of Izuku and kissed him. Tsuyu, getting impatient, soon managed to tackle Momo off and took her place, taking Izuku's lips. As she did so though, she knocked Izuku onto the coach, the two of them laying horizontal on the couch now. It was there that Izuku saw the ceiling of the karaoke room they were in.

'Wow, I never noticed how interesting the ceiling was. Not only is it textured with flowers, but there's even a human eye and ear looking down from it,' thought Izuku before his mind halted on those words.

The single eye looked really familiar, almost as if they were...

"Melissa!" exclaimed Izuku, pointing at the eye and ear in the ceiling, where the others immediately looked to where Izuku was pointing.

The aqua blue eyes suddenly panicked, looking all over the place before the ear and eye dispersed in a bloom of flower petals. It didn't take long for Melissa to appear, desperately looking anywhere that wasn't the others with a blush on her face.

"Melissa...," started Izuku, trying to break the obvious tension.

"Yes!?" meeped Melissa, jumping backward.

Itsuka sighed before sitting herself right next to Melissa, stopping her from moving away.

"You obviously have questions, right?" asked Itsuka bluntly, "For instance, why all four of us are dating Izuku at the same time?"

"That is the most forefront of my question, yes," nodded Melissa, "I had a feeling you four were attracted to him. The thought that Izuku might be playing with all your feelings crossed my mind, but I dismissed it right away, thinking he wouldn't do that. Never did I think you were all in an open relationship with Izuku."

"To be honest, it wasn't something that was planned," admitted Momo, now sitting next to Melissa from the other side, "Originally we had all planned to confess to Izuku and have him choose whom he wanted. We all agreed that whomever he chose, we would respect his decision and back down."

"What changed?" asked Melissa.

"Well, Tsuyu bluntly stated that he should just date all of us and decide," mumbled Ochako, her face bright red, "And then it kind of went all out from there. Izuku confessed that he couldn't properly make up his mind."

"Kero, and Ochako confessed in probably the most passionate and hottest way possible," added Tsuyu, causing Ochako to cover her face in embarrassment, activating her quirk and causing her to float away, "But anyway, I'm guessing you're also interested?"

"Whatttt? No, no... of course not!" blushed Melissa as she badly tried to lie her way out.

The four girls just gave Melissa a deadpan stare for a few seconds, causing Melissa to squirm in her seat until...

"Fine, I admit it! I'm attracted to him! He's the first guy I know that didn't look down on me because I was supposedly quirkless! It doesn't help that I find him cute with the scraggly green hair and freckles and oh lord, those muscles! He's been perfectly respectable to me because of me and not because of my status as an 'outsider' or my dad. Not only that, he's got Uncle Might's stamp of approval, so to speak. I couldn't develop a crush on him," confessed Melissa in a torrent of words.

The group stayed silent for a bit longer, letting the karaoke machine continue to spit out songs.

"Sooo... what now?" asked Ochako.

Itsuka hummed before turning to Izuku.

"Is it fair to say you're also a bit attracted to Melissa?" questioned Itsuka.

"What... ummm... I have you guys, I would neve-," stammered Izuku only for Ituska to slap her hands onto Izuku's face with slightly enlarged hands to stop him from talking, slightly squishing his rubbery face.

"Yes or no," ordered Itsuka with a stern face.

"... A bit," admitted Izuku, "More like I can empathize with her. I didn't get my quirk until I was eight. I can relate to being bullied by other children for something that was out of her control. Even when I finally did get my quirk, most children and teachers didn't believe me. I suffered for only four, Melissa suffered almost her whole life being ridiculed as quirkless. It was her positive attitude, her outlook despite being judged by others, was what attracted me."

"And it doesn't help that she looks hot too," demanded Itsuka.

"... that does play a factor, but it's not like you four lose out against her," mumbled Izuku, causing the four girls to blush.

"Kero, so what now?" asked Tsuyu.

The girls looked at each other for a second before nodding as one.

"Izuku, wait outside," ordered Itsuka, suddenly pushing him out of the karaoke room.

"Go get us some food," requested Momo as she passed him several Yukichi bills.

"Girls only, sorry!" apologized Ochako as she shut the door.

Izuku blinked as he stared at the door before wandering off to get some food, trying to figure out what to do.

20 Minutes later

Izuku was finally called back in after the girls had an impromptu meeting.

"Umm, am I in trouble?" asked Izuku as he seemingly stood in front of a panel of his girlfriends and a potential crush.

"Maybe," hummed Itsuka, taking the lead on this, "But we'll discuss that later. Right now, it's going to be about you and Melissa."

"Indeed, for instance, you need to take responsibility," smirked Momo.

"Uhh, how?" asked Izuku, slightly scared. Suddenly, hands sprouted around him, pushing him towards an empty seat. Before Izuku could react, Melissa plopped herself onto Izuku's lap, grabbing his head.

"Like this!" confessed Melissa before full on kissing him.

Izuku could only stiffen in shock at this sudden turn of events, and couldn't even kiss Melissa back before she pulled back.

"I'm not sure where this'll lead, but I'm going to follow my heart on this," declared Melissa, "The other girls have already allowed me to do this."

"If we didn't let her, then we'd be hypocrites, considering that we were the ones that initiated this poly-relationship," sighed Ochako as she sat next to Izuku, with Tsuyu taking the other side.

Abruptly, the both of them pinched Izuku's cheek, stretching it while having a look of annoyance on their face.

"Kero, that being said, no more seducing others," croaked Tsuyu.

"Owowow, it's not like I was doing it on purpose," replied Izuku, his words slightly distorted due to the cheek pulling.

"We know, but that's the dangerous part of your charisma that we need to control," huffed Ochako, "To get more girls without even trying."

"Luckily, there doesn't seem to be any girls that are interested in you in our respective classes," sighed Itsuka.

"But that doesn't mean we can afford to be lax. There may be other girls in different classes or grades that Izuku might attract without knowing. We'll have to put him on a short leash," added Momo.

"Uhh, but I'm not interested in getting anyone else?" said Izuku in a confused tone.

The girls all turned towards him with a stare that booked no argument for Izuku.

Soon the day for the summer training camp arrived for the U.A. Hero students. Both classes were gathered outside with their luggage, waiting for the buses to arrive.

"Ah, Shinso, are you coming with us?" asked Izuku when he noticed Hitoshi Shinso among them.

"Yea, Aizawa-sensei thought it would be good for me to come. Though I'll have to take some extra classes along with it," yawned Hitoshi.

"What happened to Monoma?" asked Momo, noticing his sullen state.

"Oh, he failed the final exam, but he's allowed to come under the condition he takes remedial lessons," explained Ituska before frowning, "But we never exactly found out how he failed. Not to mention you never explained to us what happened."

"Err stuff happened," stammered Izuku, looking away as he gave his statement.

He wasn't exactly sure how to explain the whole situation in the first place, as it would involve revealing the origins of the Devil Fruit and possibly One for All. Itsuka, Momo, Ochako, and Tsuyu gave him a hard stare, but he refused to tell them what happened. In the end, that line of questioning was shifted when the teachers began to order the students to get in their respective class buses.

Shota had been ready to go over the itinerary of the trip before noticing how distracted his students were from even paying attention. Though quite thoroughly annoyed at this, he decided to let his students have this moment, as the days of playing around would soon be over. Especially with what they had planned for.

Izuku himself was currently slumped against the bus window with a pillow, courtesy of Momo's quirk, and sleeping. The reason that he was tired was that he had spent last night texting Melissa and chatting with Toshinori, who had finally come out of the regeneration pod. The trio spent hours talking until Izuku realized he needed to get to bed.

"Midoriya! Don't you-" started Tenya, only for Momo, who was a seat behind him, shushed him.

"There's no need to disturb his nap," lectured Momo, using her authority as class president, "The training camp is said to be harsh, so there's nothing wrong with getting some sleep to prepare."

"Using the travel time to not only prepare but to conserve energy in case it's needed? Ingenious!" declared Tenya, "Truly he is prepared! Then I shall do the same!"

"Not what I was getting at but alright," shrugged Momo as Kyoka giggled next to her.

In the end, Tenya was too wired up to even attempt to get some sleep.

One hour later

The buses stopped at a rather obscure area with one other vehicle. Both teachers in both buses had told their students that they had arrived at a pit stop and eagerly hopped out of the bus to stretch their limbs. In their rush, they didn't take count.

"Bathroom! I gotta pee!" panicked Mineta, scurrying all around to find somewhere to release the build-up in his bladder.

It was there that both class 1A and 1B noticed that the choice of stop was a rather desolate area. They had been expecting a gas station or some small rest area building, not a seemingly empty area overlooking a dense forest.

"Bathroom?" begged Mineta as he approached Shota.

"There's no point in stopping without a reason," stated Shota, ignoring Mineta's plea.

The black car parked in the area suddenly opened its door.

"Yo, Eraser!" shouted a voice.

"Long time no see," replied Shota with a bow.

A second later, two ladies in pink and blue cat-themed costumes appeared in front of the students.

"Lock on with these sparkling gaze!" cheered the brunette in the pink costume.

"Stingily cute and catlike!" shouted the blonde in the blue costume.

"Wild, Wild... Pussycats!" declared the two as they finished off their chant in a pose. A child with a red hat with horns just stood in the back, looking at the two without interest.

"These are the Pro Heroes that will be working with us during the training camp, the Pussycats," explained Shota.

"So you students better listen to them! Treat them the same as you would treat your teachers back in U.A.," ordered Vlad, "Although you might already know them, they are the pro heroes Mandalay and Pixie Bob.

"Hot damn, we got some MIL-" started Kosei, only for Pixie Bob to suddenly grab his face in a vice grip.

"I'm 18 at heart!" hissed Pixie Bob as her grip tightened over Kosei's face.

"Right, 18," murmured Kosei through her grip, with a few of his male classmates quickly nodding their heads in agreement. The rest greeted Pixie Bob and Mandalay politely.

Mandalay smiled as she gestured towards the forest, "We own the whole stretch of land here. You will all be staying at the foot of that mountain."

The whole class noticed just how far away it was before realizing just possibly why they had stopped.

"Why don't we just get back to the bus, huh?" suggested Hanta nervously as he began to quickly shuffle back.

"I am in fucking agreement with that," nodded Yosetsu as he also quickly turned around.

A few other students had the same idea.

"It's 9:30 AM right now," smirked Mandalay, her cat tail waving back and forth, "If you're fast... maybe around noon?"

That statement caused the whole student body to quickly stampede back towards the bus.

"Kitties who don't make it by 12:30 PM won't get any lunch!" called out Mandalay.

"Sorry ladies and gentlemen. The training camp..." drawled out Shota as Pixie Bob suddenly intercepted the student's path, "Has already begun."

Pixie Bob grinned as she activated her quirk, Earth Flow. The ground beneath the students began to shift into a quicksand tsunami and carried all the students over the cliff. A few students tried to use their quirks to combat the flow, but it was useless as there was just too much earth being thrown at them. Yosetsu couldn't anchor himself to something already moving, and Juzo, who tried to soften the earth and swim through it, found himself being swept away by the current.

"Since this is private land, you can use your Quirks as you wish!" shouted Mandalay as she peeked over to make sure Pixie Bob hadn't gone overboard and injured the students, "You have three hours! Come to the facility on your own two feet! That is... after getting through The Beast's Forests!"

The students looked out to the forest, noticing that with all the dense trees, light barely filtered through the branches.

"Let's get ourselves organized," suggested Itsuka, brushing off the dust off her skirt, "Class Presidents and Vice-Presidents, gather up!"

Setsuna quickly walked to Itsuka as did Momo. When the trio had gathered, they noticed they were missing someone.

"Where's Izuku?" asked Itsuka, looking at Momo, "He was sitting in your bus, wasn't he?"

"He was! I made a pillow for him to take a nap, too," nodded Momo, "He was sitting next to Iida for the trip. Iida-kun! Do you remember seeing Izuku?"

"Midoriya? He was sitting next to him," replied Tenya, his hands chopping in the air, "Now that you mention him, I don't see him here at all. Did something happen to him?"

"Ehh, this might seem like a weird question, but did he even get off the bus?" asked Setsuna,

The other three blinked before looking up back to the cliff. Before they could do anything, though, their attention was quickly diverted by a scream ringing in the air.

Mineta had been desperate to find somewhere to take a piss, and so he dashed into the trees to find some privacy. Unfortunately, he ran right into some sort of mythical beast, looking at him as a prey. He was so frightened that he accidentally let go of his control on his bladder. Koda tried to use his quirk to control the beast, only for it to completely ignore him. Hitoshi tried the same with no results.

"Watch out!" shouted Kosei as he quickly formed an air barrier in front of Mineta, blocking the beast's attack, protecting his fellow pervert.

The other more action-oriented students quickly acted, destroying the beast before figuring out the beast was merely a construct made up of the dirt.

"We'll worry about him later. We need to get through this quickly if we want to make it to lunch!" shouted Itsuka, knowing Izuku should be alright, "Let's go!"

"Yea!" shouted the students as they charged forward with their quirks blazing.

Meanwhile, back on top of the cliffs, Shota and Mandalay were discussing why they were putting the students on an accelerated pace than usual when the bus doors opened once more.

"What's happening?" yawned Izuku as he stepped off the bus, "Where is everyone?"

Mandalay glanced at Vlad and Shota, unsure what to do now. They could throw him off the cliff to join the other students, but she recognized Izuku from getting 1st place in the U.A. Festival.

Shota himself was facepalming at the lack of oversight. With all the students crowded in one spot, he forgot to count to make sure all of them had disembarked the bus. When he saw Izuku napping on the bus during the drive, he merely wrote it off as someone being smart about their time and resting. Then he completely forgot about him afterward.

"Your classmates have already started the training camp. Perhaps we should have him catch up?" advised Vlad.

"Perhaps, but only if the problem child can handle this surprise," replied Shota, giving Mandalay a look.

Mandalay nodded before looking over to Pixie Bob, who grinned. Suddenly, another tidal wave of dirt came flying at Izuku, though much smaller than the one she did from before. Izuku quickly jumped away, managing to keep himself from being swept away while keeping himself a hard target with Ghost Perplexing Steps.

Pixie Bob did her best to catch Izuku, but she was also multitasking on creating more earth beasts for the other students to fight and tracking the status of the students while catching Izuku, so needless to say she was having a difficult time.

Izuku grinned before he heard the crunch of gravel from behind. Quickly analyzing the situation, Izuku dove forward just in time to dodge a head swipe from Mandalay. Using the momentum, Izuku rolled forward before pushing himself off the ground with his hands to avoid another attack from Pixie Bob. The two Pro heroines began to team up on him, slowly closing in on him until Izuku ramped up One for All in his body.

"Stop," ordered Shota, causing them all to stop, "There's no logical point in continuing this. We'll take him with us to camp, where he can wait for his classmates there. It would be too dangerous and illogical to send him chasing after his classmates, who have already entered the forest."

"Are you sure about this?" asked Vlad, glancing at Izuku, to whom Shota nodded.

Shota's reasoning that it would be dangerous for Izuku to go alone wasn't unfounded, but there was another, simple reason. He believed that Izuku didn't need this training. He had heard all about I-Island, and despite the government's effort to cover it up while putting all the glory on All Might, he knew Izuku had been involved deeply and helped All Might. Nezu had hinted as much but didn't go into detail.

That..., and he didn't want to deal with the chance that Izuku might get lost by himself. That was a headache waiting to happen.

"Mmm, you're pretty fast and agile, dodging all those attacks," purred Pixie Bob, getting closer and closer to Izuku, much to his discomfort, "Not bad looking either. And pretty buff from what I can tell. I can't wait to see how you'll grow in three years... I'm calling dibs!"

Pixie Bob dove towards Izuku, who quickly panicked and stretched his arm out, grabbing onto the bus handle before quickly flinging himself into the bus.

"Close the doors please!" begged Izuku to the bus driver, who merely chuckled and did so, closing the door right in front of Pixie Bob's face.

"Boo, boo!" pouted Pixie Bob, only for Mandalay to drag her back to the vehicle.

"Kota, we're leaving!" she called out to the child that had accompanied them.

Kota looked out towards the students in the forest before giving a look of disdain.

"Are they stupid? Saying that want to be heroes..." muttered Kota as he trotted back to Mandalay.

An hour later, the teachers and Izuku arrived at the main building of the Pussycat headquarters.

"Midoriya, make yourself useful and take everybody's luggage to their respective rooms," ordered Shota.

Izuku sighed but agreed as there wasn't anything else to do as he was the only student there. Mandalay quickly volunteered to help guide Izuku around, intercepting Pixie Bob's attempt to get closer to Izuku.

"Is she always like this?" asked Izuku as he grabbed several luggages at once.

"She's... gotten a little desperate due to her age," admitted Mandalay, "Doesn't help her parents are pressuring her to settle down and retire, and give them some kittens. She wants to find someone too, but in our line work, it's hard to maintain any sort of relationship, especially since we specialize in mountain rescue operations. Nobody here but us, really."

Mandalay then looked away for a second, muttering under her breath, "Then again, we're all in the same boat."

Izuku respectfully and tactfully pretended to not have heard that statement. As they were slowly shifting the luggage to the respective rooms, another door opened up to reveal...

"Hey Shino! I'm going to head over to the nearest town to stock up more on some toilet paper for the campers," stated a third female voice.

"Sure, that'd be a good idea Tomoko," replied Mandalay as she turned around before blinking, "Tomoko! We have guests here! Get some proper clothes on!"

Mandalay tried to warn Izuku not to turn around, but it was too late. The third member of the Wild, Wild Pussycats, Tomoko Shiretoko, aka Ragdoll, was standing right in front of them wearing only panties and a loose crop top that barely even covered her chest, revealing the bottom part of her chest.

Tomoko blinked, noticing Izuku before laughing a little in embarrassment.

"Nyahaha! I didn't think the students would be here yet! They got through that obstacle course faster than I thought," laughed Ragdoll, not even bothering to pull her crop top down to cover her chest.

"They haven't," sighed Mandalay, "This one managed to bypass the first part by... sleeping in."

Ragdoll looked at Izuku for a second before bursting out into more laughter.

"Kitty likes his cat naps, doesn't he?" wheezed out Ragdoll as she finished laughing, "I like you. I'm calling dibs on this one, no matter what Ryuko says. We got similar hair colors, too!"

"Tomoko, could you at least change your clothes now? And stop carelessly moving around, otherwise you'll reveal more than you should to our student, and I don't think he can turn any redder than right now," sighed Mandalay, looking over at Izuku.

Indeed, Izuku's head had turned crimson at Ragdoll's actions and claims.

"Mm, ok," agreed Ragdoll, "I'm taking Yawara with me to help out in case we need something a bit more."

"Sorry about that," apologized Mandalay as Ragdoll left, "Usually since we don't get too many visitors, Tomoko and Ryuko are a bit laxer about what they wear when alone."

"It's alright," squeaked Izuku, trying to hide his face with the luggage, "Where do these go again?"

Mandalay gave a small laugh before guiding Izuku through the complex.

Later at 4:00

"Oh, you're finally here!" grinned Pixie Bob, standing in front of the entrance to a building with Mandalay, Shota, and Vlad behind her.

"That took some time," hummed Mandalay as the battered students slowly began to come out of the forest, exhausted both physically and mentally. Once they made it to the entrance, both classes collapsed onto the ground.

"What do you mean three hours!" shouted Iida, having just enough energy to yell out that statement.

"That's the time it would've taken us. Sorry!" apologized Mandalay, not really sorry as she smirked.

While various students let out curses and complaints, Pixie Bob chuckled, "But honestly, I thought it would take far longer, even with all the students from the Heroic department. You guys didn't have a hard time beating my earth beasts as I thought you would. Especially you lot!"

Pixie Bob pointed to various students, including Katuski, Shoto, Tenya, Eijiro, Juzo, and some others. She ignored the females that had done just as well, as she was only interested in the boys.

"Were you able to act without hesitation because of your experience?" grinned Pixie Bob as she licked her lips, "I'm looking forward to where you'll be in three years! I call dibs! Especially the other student!"

The other students turned to see where Pixie Bob was rushing towards to see Izuku coming out of the building, who quickly tried to hide behind Shota.

"Mandalay... was she always like that?" asked Shota in a tired voice as he held Pixie Bob's head in a vice grip, preventing her from continuing forward. Though that didn't prevent her from vainly reaching out for Izuku.

"She's a little desperate since she's the suitable age for, you know...," sighed Mandalay helplessly.

"Midoriya! How did you get there so fast? And without any struggle!?" shouted Denki, slightly recovering from his dumb state.

"I uh... slept through the initiation," blushed Izuku, causing quite a few students to face plant into the floor.

"Hahaha, the nu-" began Monoma, ready to taunt Izuku, only to receive a cold glare from Vlad, warning him to be quiet. He wasn't quite off the hook for his behavior on the final exam yet.

"Oh, speaking of suitable age," began Izuku, ignoring Pixie Bob's hiss as she was still under Shota's iron claw, "I never got the chance to ask. Who's child is that?"

Izuku pointed over to Kota, who was standing a bit further away from everyone.

"Oh, none of ours. He's actually my nephew, my cousin's kid," explained Mandalay as she waived Kota over to greet everyone.

Izuku decided to take the first step and introduce himself, "Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm in the U.A. High School Hero Course."

While Izuku extended his hand to give Kota a handshake, Kota responded with a right straight into Izuku's manhood. Kota had been taught how to throw a punch by his guardians, and so he was doing it with full force and correct posture.

Though Izuku was immune to blunt damage, the shock of being punched in the nuts was still there, and so he squeaked in shock, though not from pain.

"Midoriya!" shouted Tenya as he quickly moved in to see if Izuku needed help standing, "You brute of a nephew! Why would you do that to his scrotum!?"

Kota, who had been walking away despite Mandalay's attempt to get him to apologize, looked back and replied, "I don't intend to hang out with guys that want to become heroes!"

"Intend? Just how old are you!?" yelled Tenya, slightly impressed at his vocabulary, but mostly angry at Kota's actions.

Kota huffed and walked away, though not before feeling a chill up his back. He took a peek back to see Momo, Ochako, Itsuka, and Tsuyu all glaring at him with fire in their eyes. Pushing down a shiver, Kota continued back into the complex, intending on ignoring them.

"Precocious brat," chuckled Katsuki fondly.

"He's like a miniature version of you," commented Shoto, causing Katsuki to explode on Shoto, denying such allegations.

"Enough," ordered Shota, causing all conversations to cease, "Midoriya has already taken all your luggage to your respective rooms, so thank him for that. Use this time to unpack and clean yourself up a little. Then head to the cafeteria for dinner."

"After that, you'll all take a bath in the hot springs the Wild, Wild Pussycats have so generously provided and head to sleep. The schedule is already posted for both 1A and 1B in your rooms, so remember to set your alarms to the correct times," finished Vlad.

"Hai!" saluted the students, quickly rushing into the building to at least wipe off the dirt and grime on their faces.

"So delicious!" exclaimed Tetsutestu and Eijiro as they stuffed themselves with rice. All around the cafeteria, the students were in agreement as they eagerly ate, having missed lunch. Besides the rice, there were all sorts of meat, vegetables, and fish in front of them. On an island counter were even more food and bowls as well as a large container full of miso soup.

Pixie Bob sweatdropped upon hearing some weird comments due to their hunger but decided to ignore it as well as warning them that today would be the only day they would be cooking their dinner. While they were viciously consuming the food, Izuku couldn't help but glance over at Kota, wondering about his situation. Why exactly was he here, and not living with his parents? Izuku resolved to look up his Hero Analysis book for some clues.

After finishing eating, both classes proceeded to head directly into the hot springs, which had been separated by gender. After taking a quick shower to clean their bodies, they all sunk into the hot springs with a collected groan of relief.

"Well, frankly, food and stuff aren't really that important," declared Mineta as he stood in front of the wooden barrier separating the two genders, "That's not what I'm here for. I know that much at least. What I'm here for is beyond that wall!"

While the others looked at Mineta in confusion, his fellow perverts began to understand what he was getting to.

"See, there they are!," whispered Mineta with a reverent tone, "Nowadays, for them not to stagger bathing times for men and women is an accident... an accident waiting to happen!"

"Mineta, restrain yourself! What you're doing is demeaning for both yourself and the girls! It is shameful behavior!" shouted Tenya, his arms chopping in the air as he figured out Mineta's plan.

"Pfft, c'mon, you can't call yourself a man if you don't try it once! It's tradition!" exclaimed Kosei, joining Mineta's side, "Kaibara, could you drill a hole through this wall? Or maybe Kamakiri, you can cut one out."

Both boys who were mentioned huffed and looked away, though not without blushing.

"Pfft, tradition or not, walls are meant to be scaled! PLUS ULTRA!" shouted Mineta as he began to scale up the wall with his purple spheres, using them as footholds and grip holds.

"Ah, wait for me!" shouted Kosei as he began to produce several air walls for him to climb up on.

"Hey, can I join you both?" asked a voice.

"Yea sure!/Join the brotherhood!" grinned Mineta and Kosei in reply, only for their face and eyes to suddenly become blank.

"Walk over here and sit down," ordered Hitoshi, using his quirk to brainwash them to obey.

"Nice work," complimented Izuku as the two perverts obediently walked over and sat down into the onsen. He had been ready to interfere, considering 4 of his girlfriends were just over the wall. Not even he had seen them naked yet!

At that thought, he suddenly turned crimson and sunk into the hot water, hoping to hide his face.

At the very top of the wall, Kota huffed as he sat back down, keeping guard against the boys. He had been ready to intervene until Hitoshi shut them down.

"Freaking perverts," grumbled Kota as he stood a vigilant eye on the boys.

"Thanks for keeping watch," said a voice from behind him.

Kota shrugged before turning around just to see Setsuna's detached head floating over him.

"Hmm, the boys don't look too bad," grinned Setsuna, enjoying the scene.

Kota shrieked in shock, tripping over the edge of the wall and fell.

"Oh shit, catch him!" shouted Setsuna, warning the boys that Kota was falling over. She shot her head down to at least try to slow down his descent.

Luckily, Izuku managed to rush over and catch him before Kota hit the ground with his head. Seeing that Kota had fainted, though, Izuku opted to bring him in while Setsuna was being lectured by Ibara about proper behavior.

"Looks like he just fainted from the fear of falling," concluded Mandalay as she gently placed a towel on Kota's head, who was still unconscious on the couch, "We had him up there because Eraser warned us about someone being the 'embodiment of lust'. These girls today develop quickly, don't they?"

Izuku was just glad that Kota wasn't hurt, though he pondered out loudly why Kota didn't seem to like heroes. It was quite unusual for a child to dislike heroes in this society.

"That's true," admitted Mandaly, "Of course, there are many in society that doesn't think well of heroes. If he had been raised normally, maybe he would've admired heroes, too."

While Izuku agreed that many disliked heroes, those being villains and sometimes people who failed to be a hero, he was still trying to connect why Kota fell into that faction. It was Pixie Bob who dropped the bomb when she entered the room, carrying some tea.

"Mandalay's cousin, Kota's parents, were pro-Heroes, but they were killed in the line of duty," answered Pixie Bob, her face rather serene.

Mandalay nodded and continued, "Two years ago... while protecting citizens from a villain. For a Hero, it was a respectable way to die... an honorable death while protecting others. But to a child who's barely aware of what was around him, whose whole world revolved around his parents, he couldn't understand that. Only one statement echoed in his mind. 'My parents left me behind.' He kept repeating that statement when I picked him up for several days. It didn't help that society kept praising them for their selfless actions. It only pushed the mindset that his parents abandoned him despite what we tried to tell him. It doesn't help that we're also heroes, and so he doesn't like us very much. But with no other relatives, he didn't have a choice but to live with us because there's nowhere else for him."

Mandalay looked down at Kota, sadness plastered on her face, "To Kota, Heroes are a kind of human he can't understand and finds them unpleasant."

Izuku looked down at Kota, compassion in his eyes. His mind flashed back to his talk with Shigaraki, on how he hated heroes, smiling as if nothing was wrong with that statement and the desire to destroy everything.

'I'll show him,' resolved Izuku in his mind, 'I'll save him from that mindset. If I don't reach out to help, then who will?'

"In the meantime," stated Pixie Bob as she placed down her tea, "You're looking quite yummy right now. Did you purposely wear a towel only to seduce us? You didn't need to go that far, big sister here will gladly play with you!"

As Pixie Bob playfully purred while approaching Izuku with an extra swish to her waist with every step, Izuku remembered he was just wearing a towel, having rushed Kota over.

"Nope, I'm fine, thank you, bye!" said Izuku in a rush as he shot out of the room.

"Ryuko...," sighed Mandalay, holding her fingers up to the bridge of her nose.

"What? You can't blame me, coming out with water glistening on his well-built body! I know you were staring, too, wondering how big he is," huffed Pixie Bob, causing Mandalay to turn crimson.

Day 2 of training camp, 5:20 AM

Quite a few students yawned as all of 1A and 1B followed their teachers to an opening while Shota and Vlad were arguing about something.

"Isn't this a bit early?" asked Vlad, pointing over to quite a few students whose head kept nodding down.

"They'll have to get used to it. In our field, we don't get to choose our hours sometimes," shot back Shota, continuing to walk forward without care, "Plus quite a few are already awake."

Vlad couldn't disagree with that statement, and so chose to remain quiet.

"Good morning everyone," greeted Shota, turning around to finally greet them, "Today, we will begin training camp to increase your strength in earnest. The goal of this training camp is to increase everyone's strength, and with that, to allow everyone to obtain their Provisional Licenses. It is to prepare you all to face hostilities that are becoming real by the minute."

Shota took out a softball and tossed it over to Katsuki, who immediately recognized it from the Quirk Apprehension Test.

"Your previous record, from right when you started U.A., was 760.2 meters. Let's see how much you improved since that day," challenged Shota.

As Katsuki walked forward, students were making bets just how far Katuski would throw it this time. As soon as Katsuki was done winding up his arm, he began to cock his arm back.

"Go to Hell!"

The softball went flying into the horizon, going quite a bit of distance before reaching its apex and falling down.

Shota held up his phone to reveal Katsuki's new score of ...772.4 meters.

"Huh? It's less than I thought," commented Hanta as Katsuki opened his eyes in disbelief.

"It's been three month since you all started high school," began Shota, "Through various experiences, you all have definitely improved. But that improvement has mainly been on a mental and technical level, with some increase in stamina. But the quirks themselves have not improved that much," lectured Shota as understanding began to dawn upon the students.

"So that's why we're training your Quirks today," took over Vlad, "Quirks are like muscle fibers. When overused, they break and become thicker and stronger. We'll be pushing you all to your limits, and we'll break through it! Do your best to live through this hell."

"Not to question your abilities, but can you really help all 41 students with just the two of you?" asked Itsuka.

"That's why they're here" grunted Shota.

"That's right! The four of us are one!" exclaimed a voice from behind them.

The class turned around as one to follow the source of the voice.

"Lock on with these sparkling gazes!" began Mandalay, winking at her audience.

Ragdoll came spinning into view, "We've come to lend a paw and help!"

"Coming out of nowhere..." declared the only male member of the Pussycats with a deep voice, Tiger.

"Surprisingly cute and catlike!" grinned Pixie Bob

"Wild, Wild...Pussycats!" called out the four hero team, finishing their catchphrase with complete poses.

"My Quirk is Search! I can know all the info about up to a hundred people by just looking at them! I can find their location and weaknesses, too!" explained Ragdoll.

"With my Earthflow, I can make the perfect places for each student to train!" added Pixie Bob.

"And with my Telepath, I can give advice to multiple people at once," commented Mandalay.

"And my job is assault through punching and kicking..." concluded Tiger.

'There's a lot wrong about that statement,' gulped a few students.

"C'mon now. It's 'Plus Ultra' isn't it?" grinned Tiger as he moved his index finger back and forth in front of them.

The majority of the day was basically... hell on earth for the students. They were being pushed further than they thought possible.

Katsuki spent his whole day cursing as he let out the biggest blasts he could before plunging his hands into boiling water to expand his sweat glands. It didn't help that he now knew he could do the same with his feet, and so now his foot was in hot water, too. The blasts he left out from his foot were pitiful compared to his hands, but it was worth training in order to expand his arsenal.

While Ibara would've lectured Katsuki about his language, she was too busy trying to make sure she wasn't cursing herself as she had to manipulate her vines to do multiple tasks, all while periodically cutting her vines off and regrowing them. She had a water bottle next to her to rehydrate herself, as separating her hair from her scalp and regrowing it dehydrated her.

Some classmates mixed it up, such as Eijiro tanking hits from Ojiro before switching to Kamakiri, so as to learn to take on both blunt and bladed damage.

As Shota walked around to look, he noticed Hitoshi scaling the cliff that Pixie Bob had made and approved of it. Climbing would increase his overall body strength while teaching him balance. He would volunteer himself later to be his puppet for Hitoshi to test his Quirk, as it would be unfair to other students if they were used as test subjects and lose out on time on their own training.

Izuku himself was sparring against Tiger, learning his combat style. Though Izuku learned quite a variety from Rekai's dojo and a few others, none of them had the same flexibility as Tiger had with his Quirk, Pliabody, who had incorporated his Quirk into his fighting style.

Any time he wasn't sparring though, he was pushing his body to the limit, stretching his body as far as he could or just plain up strength training. He had managed to snag some of the ultra compression weights and was using them to climb cliffs.

However, even though Izuku was doing this, he was still pondering about what he could do that he hadn't thought of yet. Strength training, stretching, applying his elastic body to martial arts, it was everything he had already been doing. So what could he do differently?

'Maybe... that time at I-Island,' pondered Izuku as he threw his body off one cliff edge to another, keeping a firm grip on the edge, 'When I saved Melissa. Somehow, the rate of speed that my body extends and retracts was much faster. But how did that happen?'

Too busy in his thoughts, he missed his next grab and fell downward, whooshing past Tsuyu and Hitoshi, who happened to be below him. Hitoshi almost freaked out and let go of the jutting he had been holding on to, looking at Tsuyu to see if she would do anything. He was surprised to see Tsuyu continuing her climb, but decided that she had the right mindset. Surely the teachers and advisers would catch him.


'Or not,' thought Hitoshi as he glanced down to see Izuku lying on his back in a small crater he had created on impact. Though he wasn't too worried about Izuku when he immediately sat up and pulled out a notebook from somewhere, jotting something down.

Shota glanced over at Izuku, noticing him muttering and writing something down, before deciding to let him be. The point of the camp was to train their quirks to their limits, but considering Izuku's was a special case, he decided to let it be. He was aware of Izuku's to analyze quirks, and if he was muttering and writing something, it most likely had to deal with improving his quirk.

Though if he went past 5 minutes, then Shota would have Pixie Bob launch Izuku into the dark cavern where Fumikage was, trying to control Dark Shadow.

Day 2 of training camp, 4:00 PM.

The students finally finished their grueling training for the day, having stopped only for 30 minutes to get lunch in before continuing their training. As they made their way to the open cafeteria area, they saw raw ingredients stack up on a table.

"Now, remember what I said yesterday? 'Today's the only day we'll be doing stuff for you,'!" grinned Pixie Bob as she presented the raw ingredients.

"At least make your own food!" smirked Ragdoll, waving her left paw up and down, "We've chosen something rather easy to make. Curry!"

The crowd of almost dead students grunted in reply, causing Ragdoll to laugh.

"You all look exhausted!" laughed Ragdoll, with tears almost coming out her eyes, "But that doesn't mean you can make any old sloppy cat food!"

Tenya perked up, realizing that this was another form of training pro heroes, before eagerly trying to lead the other students in making curry.

As students slowly began to assign themselves roles, Izuku had been ready to head towards the chopping crew where Momo and the others were when Katsuki got to him first, pushing him towards the cooking area.

"If we're making food, I want it to eat something fucking edible," barked Katsuki, "You're taking lead as the head chef. I'll lead the prep work and cutting."

"What makes you think you can just waltz up and make yourself the leader?" sneered Togaru, "I'm built for cutting. If anything-"

Katsuki didn't reply with words, but rather with action. Grabbing a carrot and a knife, he diced the carrot into perfect portions in just a few seconds. Pushing another carrot forward, Katsuki challenged Togaru to match his portion and pace. Togaru could only stare lifelessly at the carrot, knowing he couldn't match the speed and precision, which was quite humiliating for him. Though it did make him think that perhaps he should focus on such things instead of just raising the sharpness and durability of his blades.

"Bakugo, focus on onions first! I want to use it to help tenderize the meat," ordered Izuku as he requested Shoto to help light the fires, "Julienne the onions."

"You heard him, get to cutting the fucking onions first," barked Katsuki as he grabbed an onion and started to julienne the onions, "Cut it like I'm doing it."

Under both Izuku and Katsuki's instructions, a large batch of curry was quickly made. The students quickly sat down, giving a word of thanks, (or in Ibara's case, a prayer), before taking the first bite. A small pause of silence passed through them all before...

"This is delicious!" cried Eijiro, prompting everyone to start scarfing down the food.

Pixie Bob and Ragdoll, taking in the cat nature of curiosity, decided to try a plate themselves. They examined its contents first. Potatoes that had been cut into perfect sizes despite having been cooked, which caused the potatoes to shrink. Carrots in bite-size pieces, meat not massacred by the students. Taking all that in, the two took a bite and found themselves in a world of flavors.

"They can cook," grinned Pixie Bob, looking over to Izuku and Katsuki, "I call dibs!"

Ragdoll managed to pull Pixie Bob, stopping her from tackling Izuku and Katsuki, before grinning, "Too bad. I'm calling dibs on the green kitten first."

"What? But I called it first," hissed Pixie Bob.

"You called dibs on several of them. I only call for one. Obviously, I should get priority as you have backups," snickered Ragdoll, rolling her eyes.

As Izuku was quickly eating with the others, he was using one hand to scoop food into his mouth while the other holding his hero notebook, reviewing over the notes he had written.

"Put down the book and eat properly," chastised Itsuka as she pushed Izuku's notebook down.

"Sorry," blushed Izuku, "I was trying to think of new ways to use my quirk."

"Well you have super strength and can stretch already," hummed Itsuka, "I remember seeing you inflate yourself to block attacks and such. Maybe you could use that as your basis?"

Izuku took that advice with some thought before hearing Mandalay calling for Kota. Turning his head, he noticed Kota heading into the forest all by himself. Thinking only for a second, Izuku inhaled the remaining food on his dish, grabbing a new plate filled with curry, and went to follow Kota.

Kota took a deep breath as he looked up to the stars. Behind him was his secret hideout with a cave and a clear view of the forest and the sky. As he looked up, his stomach growled at him, yearning for sustenance, but he ignored it as he sat down.

"Here, some curry," said Izuku as he suddenly appeared, shocking Kota, "You must be hungry."

"You...! How'd you find this place?" scowled Kota.

"I followed you," replied Izuku, "I figured you'd want something to eat, especially since I heard your stomach growl."

Kota grinded his teeth together as he growled out, "I'm fine. I don't need any. And what part of 'I don't intend to intend to hang out with guys that want to be heroes' didn't you understand? Get out of my secret hideout!"

"A secret hideout, huh?" hummed Izuku as he looked around, "This is a pretty nice view."

"Getting all into improving your Quirk. It's gross," scoffed Kota, wondering why the hell Izuku wouldn't leave, "It's gross. You want to show off your power that badly?"

Izuku sighed as he sat down, ignoring Kota's screech of outrage before asking, "Your parents... Could they be Water Hose? With the Water Quirks?"

Kota looked at Izuku in shock before growling, "Did Mandalay tell you!?"

Izuku shook his head, "Not directly. I sort of pieced it together. After hearing about it and based on the information I got, I thought maybe...It was an unfortunate incident. I remember it."

Kota looked away in anger, "Shut up. Everyone's crazy. Calling each other stupid names like 'hero' or 'villain' and killing each other... Talking about Quirks and stuff.. It's because they're all showing off that it ended up like that... Stupid..."

'So it's not just about the heroes and villains... but rather the superhero society itself,' hummed Izuku to himself. He sympathized with Kota on that part, having been Quirkless until that fateful day. He had been slowly spiraling towards the same doubt as Kota. He imagined Melissa probably had the same feelings before. Both of them had a parent to at least support them, but Kota had none now, with the closest relative being Mandalay.

"What? If you got nothing else, then go away!" shouted Kota, ready to punch Izuku in the face.

Izuku glanced over at Kota once more, gathering his thoughts and words.

"Do you really hate heroes, or the quirks that led to this hero society?" asked Izuku.

"Wha... heroes of course you idiot," shouted Kota, "Why won't' you freaking get out of here!?"

"Curiosity, I guess," shrugged Izuku, "If that's true and you truly hate heroes... does that mean you hate your aunt Mandalay? And your parents, too?"

Kota froze at that question. Did he hate his auntie and parents? His first reaction was to say yes, but as soon as that popped up, his heart lurched and twisted against him. Sure his parents were heroes, but they always made time for him. Even Mandalay and her teammates, despite their busy schedule and no training with raising children whatsoever, always made time for him no matter what it was. Did that mean he hated quirks? Despite what he claimed, he was always practicing his quirk in private in his secret hideout against a wall that was just around the corner.

As his mind whirled around this question, his rage grew until he could no longer hold it in.

"BASTARD!" shouted Kota as he threw a punch at Izuku with all his strength.

Izuku made no attempts to dodge and allowed the punch to hit his face. Having a rubber body meant that no matter how hard Kota would hit, it wouldn't hurt him. Kota continued to wail and flail at Izuku for a good three minutes before finally getting tired.

Izuku calmly looked down at Kota, who was lying flat on his back before stretching over to grab the plate of food once more, offering it to Kota.

Kota wanted to refuse again, but his stomach growled even more intensely, causing him to cave in and eat.

As Izuku watched him scarf down the food, he decided to put in his two cents.

"I'll admit, there are some heroes that do it just for the fame. But there are heroes that want to help build a better world, like All Might. Your parents were most likely the same way. I'm sure you've heard it before, that their deaths were of a noble sacrifice. The reality is that you admit that it was, but it's hard to accept the fact your parents left you before you could grow up, and so you found it easier to think they were doing it for fame."

Kota glared at Izuku as he chowed down, but let him continue.

"Do you think your parents were really like that? I'm a bit of a hero otaku, and I've heard rumors of them refusing to move into a bigger city due to personal reasons. Your parents chose to fight the villain to not only protect the present but the future. One where nobody else would lose family to villains. If you reject this and close off from people who want to help you... you're only hurting yourself."

Having said his piece, Izuku stood up and left, leaving Kota to ponder about his statements alone.

Back at Mustafa

"Thank you for the dinner," thanked Inko in a green dress as Toshinori walked her back to her apartment.

"It was my pleasure," smiled Toshinori, wearing a suit that fit his current frame.

After the surgery and the recovery pod, Toshinori felt like a new man. He was able to take deeper breaths without coughing and was able to finally digest some food. Though he was still only eating food easy to digest, so as to let his new stomach properly work, and taking some medication to make sure his body wouldn't reject his new organs, even if they were a clone of his original ones.

Inko smiled as she curled up her arms around Toshinori's arm, leaning heavily onto him for warmth and support. Toshinori, being the gentleman, offered his suit jacket to keep her warm. The two finally took the 'official' step and were dating. The other few dates that Izuku hadn't even known about were them merely testing the waters to see if they were compatible.

"I suppose we'll have to tell Izuku that I'm dating his hero trainer," hummed Inko, "I wonder how he'll take it."

"I'm sure he'll be fine," stated Toshinori, though mentally sweating. He wasn't sure how Izuku would react, his mother dating him, the number one hero right now. Not to mention the fact he had to tell Inko about his heroic counterpart. He figured he'd find somewhere in the future to tell her, though.

"We're here," pointed out Toshinori as they were standing in front of the Midoriya household door.

Inko slowly released Toshinori's arm, lingering for a few seconds before fishing out her key to open the door. The two of them stood facing each other, looking into each other's eyes.

"May I give you a goodbye kiss?" asked Toshinori nervously, his tongue licking his lips.

Inko nodded as she raised her hands to Toshinori's face, closing in the distance a little. Toshinori took that as permission to lean forward when a finger stopped his lips, confusing him.

"You can do that... tomorrow morning," whispered Inko as she took a step back.

"Ummm... what time should I come back?" asked Toshinori, totally confused and dense at what Inko was saying. That was quickly cleared when Inko pulled him into the apartment, shutting the apartment door.

Meanwhile, back at the camp, the U.A. students and staff were unaware of the creeping figures coming close to their camp.

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