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46.03% The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?! / Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Chapitre 28: Chapter 28

I was looking for Shuna and she should be working with some of the other goblinas and ogres and teaching them about clothing and food. I made my to the building and saw her leading the others and teaching them. She wasn't doing much work herself, but she was leading the others very efficiently. 

I wouldn't say it's strict or like a military, but it was still running like a well-oiled machine. She looked a little proud of herself for being able to reach this level and I was a little surprised too. It hasn't even been that long since she was put in charge of this whole thing.

Maybe, since there are not that many people to oversee right now her job isn't that hard. With her skills though, I don't think it will matter how many people there will be.

"Hey Shuna, do you have a moment"? Everyone noticed me and looked my way before looking back at Shuna.

'Why do they all have to do this every time we interact? It's just a simple question. There's no deeper meaning to it. I just want to have a meal with her.'

"Everyone, just get back to what you're doing. I'm just going to take Shuna away for a little bit. I'm sure with she has taught y'all, that you can carry on without her here." Everyone just went back to what they were doing and I could tell they were trying not to gossip about this while they were working. 

'I'm not even going to try to stop them anymore. It's gotten too out of hand.'

Shuna walked up to me looking a little nervous for some reason. "Is there something you need Miss Pendragon?"

"Yes, I want you." I paused a little bit realizing how that sounded. It did not come out how I wanted at all and clearly, everyone here misunderstood what I was trying to say since some of the goblinas and ogres were getting chatty.

'Ok, that's on me. I don't even know why I thought to say it like that. I just said what was on my mind.'

I looked at Shuna and she was blushing. She might have been feeling some other emotions since there were so many other people here to witness the both of us.

"What I meant to say was that I need you to come with me for a moment. You do have someone that can take charge right?" I asked to make sure. I had trust in her abilities on her own, but I wasn't completely sure that she had a second in command or something like that.

"There isn't a single person to take my spot, but they all work together as group when I'm not here to lead them." 

"That's perfect then. Come with me. I was going to eat something, but an…unfortunate event happened that completely derailed my plan at the time."

Shuna had an excited look on her face when she heard me say that. "Do you want me to make you something delicious? I'd be more than happy to do that for you."

"That's fine Shuna, but I want to eat with you."

"Huh? Is the food already prepared?"

"It's not, but this is where the fun part is. We'll make our food together and then eat it together. It will be a fun experience, so come on." 

I took her hand and went out of the building and headed to one of the kitchens, oblivious to the reactions of the ones that were working and Shuna herself.


The first thing I did when we reached the kitchen was to check around and make sure that a certain purple-haired Kijin wasn't there before us. The last thing I want is for any bad juju to be left over from her…"techniques".

Making sure that she wasn't here beforehand, I got some aprons for me and Shuna. I took off my hat, coat, and gloves. Shuna was in her usual outfit with her sleeves rolled up. We were both ready to cook. 

"Alright Shuna, we're going to make some good food. There may not be a lot of things, but we will make do with what we have."

We had a proper kitchen with good cooking instruments. It resembled a modern kitchen, but with modern technology, not that it mattered. Once again, nothing a bit of magic can't fix. The only thing affecting us was the lack of ingredients. We had plenty of meat from all the hunting, but when it came to vegetables and other plants we didn't have much.

Our farms still haven't advanced much. This makes me wonder if Rimuru has tried to absorb plants and try to reconstruct them with what he's familiar with. He should have Degenrate after he ate Shizu and with Great Sage, it should be trivial, but there are more important things to focus on, so I'll give him a pass. 

There were a lot of cooking herbs mainly from scavenging and few vegetables. 

"Alright Shuna, looks like we'll be eating more meat. I don't really mind, but what about you?"

"I'm fine with whatever we make as long as we can enjoy it."

"Alright then, let's get started."

The time we cooked wasn't too long, but it was fun. While the cooking herbs were still in their "whole" form, I just crushed them up as finely as possible to spread more of that flavor. We did luck out a bit and found some potatoes or at least that's what it looked like. That or they're another kind of root vegetable similar to potatoes. I'm calling them potatoes, so we're making some good old fashioned steak and potatoes. 

It's a simple, but very delicious recipe. I had to ask Shuna what some of the herbs were since I didn't know if they had the same name or went by other names. Turns out they didn't really have names, they were just known generally as "cooking herbs", so I had to taste some of them and try to discern them as best as I could. 

Turns out the forest really produced a lot of different varieties. There were some that tasted familiar and some that tasted different but also delicious. I had to make sure I put the right ones in though. I can't just put them all in cause they just "taste good'. It's important to find the right combination. Luckily, I have Shuna here to help me. 

It was fun making the food with her. It was a very happy atmosphere. We were smiling and laughing with each other and I was learning more about her cooking. She asked me what some of my favorite recipes are, but I had to tell her that we didn't yet have the necessary ingredients or methods to make them, but that I would be glad to tell her when we did.

Eventually, we finished and what came out was the simple and humble steak and potatoes. Is it the most flashy or technical dish out there? No, it's not, but that doesn't mean it's not tasty. 

"There you have it Shuna. Steak and potatoes. It's a rustic dish, but it's that 'plainness' that really gives it a special feeling. It kind of reminds me of home with its simplicity."

"You said it reminds you of home. What is it like, where you lived?" I could tell that Shuna was genuinely curious about me and I just couldn't not tell her more about myself.

"Let's sit down and talk while eating. I'd be happy to tell you." We both sat down at a table with our dishes. It was just us two here with no one to disturb us. 

"Well, what do you want to know Shuna?" I asked her while taking a bite of the food and it was delicious. No other way to put it. Me and Shuna make a mean duo in the kitchen. I should do this more with her.

Shuna also started eating in a very elegant manner that befitted her princess background. "Well, is your home like how Lord Rimuru describes it? He says that it's 'wild' and there many 'outlaws'."

'In the 1800's sure, but man what is Rimuru doing? It's only a matter of time before everyone in the village thinks something like that. Everyone is probably already thinking that anyway.'

"Shuna, I wouldn't 100 percent believe what Rimuru tells you about where I come from. His perception of what he tells you comes mainly from stories that have been exaggerated for entertainment. That's not to say that it's a complete lie. There is some truth mixed in, but take it with a grain of salt."

"Do you not like it when it's described like that?"

"It's not that I don't like it, I mean, I myself like some of that stuff and like some of the stories, but the way Rimuru talks about it only comes from a certain lens. What he tells you mainly talks about the past and for that time, sure it could be described how he says it all 'wild and stuff', but not so much anymore."

"So what is it actually like? Where you're from?"

"Well, for me. I lived on a ranch. It's like a giant farm where we would raise animals and livestock. The views would be beautiful sometimes, especially during sunset and during the night when you could see a lot of stars in the sky. It was a nice, quiet, and definitely hard-working life."

"So most people live like that where you're from?"

"No, not everyone. I'm just lucky to have been born in a situation like that. It's very expensive to own one, Not only the land but also the house. It's also common to be a little isolated from other people, but it wasn't too much of a problem."

"Your parents must have been some special people then to live like that. What are they like?"

"Wel…I don't really know what to say. In my eyes they were perfect. Sure, they had their problems and issues, but they meant well and had a lot of love to give. My dad was a cool old man. He was kind, but when he needed to be, he could be tough. He taught me a lot of things and got me into many of the things I like. My mom was the nicest and gentle person I knew and nothing could change that. Don't get it twisted though, she could be fierce if needed."

Shuna was looking at me a little worried and with some concern on her face. "Did I mention a sensitive subject for you? I'm sorry if I did. I didn't mean to."

"No Shuna, it's not like that. It's…a bit more than that." I should just tell her I'm an otherworlder. Everyone's going to find out eventually and it's not like it's unusual. If anyone were to find out first not counting Rimuru, it should be her. "The thing is, Shuna…I'm an otherworlder."

She didn't look as surprised as I thought she would. "I had a few small thoughts about it, but while it is a surprise, It's not unexpected. Do you miss where you're from?"

"You're smart Shuna, and I never took the time to really think about it, but when I do, I realize that some things I've done so far are to remind me of home and some of the things I would do with my mom and dad." 

"Does anyone else know that you're an otherworlder?"

"Just Rimuru, you're the only other person I've told. I would like it if you don't tell everyone. It will come out eventually, but for now, I want it to be kept on the down low."

"You can trust me, Artoria."

We continued eating our meal and for some reason, it started to taste much better than usual. Even after we finished, we stayed with each other for who knows how long. I just know that a long time passed.

We were eventually disturbed by a large bang of a door opening and Rimuru came up to us looking urgent. "Artoria, I was looking for you! we're all getting together t-" He paused as he looked at me and Shuna, still in a romantic setting.

"Did I come in at a bad time?"

I let out a sigh realizing that my time with Shuna was cut short due to the orcs. "Orc army meeting right?"

Rimuru looked a little embarrassed realizing that he interrupted a nice moment between us. "Uh…yeah. You and Shuna are needed are kinda needed."

I got up and gathered my things and Shuna also got ready to leave. "Let's go then. I want to make this as quick as possible. I have much more important things to do."

"What's more important than the orc army?"

"It's personal business Rimuru. Nothing you need to worry about. Come on, let's go."


We were all in a meeting room. There was a large table with seats all around it for all the important people in the village. It includes some hobgoblins, the Kijin, Shuna's parents, and I can't forget my good pal Kaijin.

All the important people were gathered and I was waiting for a certain dryad I'd met before to make an appearance. I'm wondering why she hasn't appeared before me to try to tell me to take care of the orc army.

We had a rough map on the table with figures representing us. It was a layout of the lizardman marshes and Souei was presenting us with the information he has acquired. 

"There are 200,000 orcs and they look to be focusing on the marshes where the lizardmen live."

'Looks like I got my digit wrong. Not that it makes much of a difference.' While everyone was busy murmuring about the number of orcs, I took a sip of tea that was here. 'It still needs more sugar.' I put it back down and pushed it away from me. Luckily, there were some chips, so I could just much on those while were having this meeting. Priorities. 

Shuna's dad asked a question to Souei. "Soeui, did you visit our village?"

"I did, and it was destroyed even after we left it. There weren't any orcs in the area, but it was clear that it was them who did it." 

They were a little stunned and if it didn't settle in before now it did. They realized that they made the right choice and I had a large hand in saving their lives. They may not have said it, but they were looking at me a little differently now.

"You don't have to say anything or thank me. Be happy that y'all found a new community that has accepted you and use this as motivation when fighting against the orcs. They forced you form your homes and the land you have lived in for generations. Use that against them and you won't have to worry about a thing."

After I said that, there was a determination that grew in their eyes. They'll be fighting with more purpose now.

"Artoria, you say that, but it's still 200,000 orcs. They outnumber us to a crazy degree."

"Rimuru, you don't need to worry about that. What we lack in numbers, we more than makeup for in pure firepower." I looked at Benimaru who was next to me, "You had some doubts at first didn't you Benimaru, but now you relaize just how much stronger you are now yes?"

Benimaru nodded at my question. "Yes, I was practicing and I got a grasp of my strength. What I need is some combat experience to get a full grasp of what I can do. Those orcs feel like a trivial obstacle to me."

"Look at that Rimuru, you don't need to worry about a thing."

"Fine, but what about the orc lord? That's still a threat we need to be ready for. He'll be a lot stronger and if we're being cautious, the only ones that should fight it are you and me."

"Rimuru, you just answered your own question. Me or you will fight it, while the others focus on everything else."

"Alright fine, I guess we should address the lizardmen. The first encounter with Gabiru wasn't exactly the best. He was being all arrogant and stu-" Rimuru was interrupted by Souei.

'There she is.' 

"Lord Rimuru and Lady Pendragon, there is someone that wants to talk to you. She says she's a dryad."

The room erupted in surprise since they hadn't seen a dryad in a long time. Rimuru was thinking about…other things about a dryad that does not fit the situation right now.

"Everyone, relax a little. Souei let her through. I know who she is, we've met before. We can trust her." 

There was a burst of green light and some vines and Treyni appeared, kneeling before me while on the table. 'Really, Treyni? Come on. If you're gonna do all that just do a little bow, not kneeling.'

I looked around and everyone looked surprised that a dryad was kneeling before me. Except for Rimuru, he didn't understand what this meant.

I sat there looking at Treyni and before it could get any awkward I told her to get up. "About time you showed up Treyni, I expected you much earlier, but better late tha never, also you don't need to be doing all this, just get up and introduce yourself to everyone here."

Treyni got up and bowed to me before speaking to everyone in the room. "My name is Treyni. I am a dryad of the forest and I come asking for a favor from the ones you serve under. I ask that you deal with the orc lord."

"Well, Treyni, not to be rude, but we were already discussing that and we would've done it even without you asking us for help, but your presence here helps to calm down a lot of the people who are a little scared." Treyni was a little frozen when she heard what I said. She dropped that serious voice that sounded almost monotone and from a script.

"Well, I can still serve you in other ways Lady Pendragon. I know some things about the Orc Lord that you might not know."

'You could've used any word like 'help', but no, you went with 'serve'. It might be similar but those words carry different connotations.' I thought to myself knowing that the way she said it would be questioned by others. It's not every day you see a dryad act this to someone else. 'Is she acting like this 'cause she hasn't seen the Spirit Queen in a long time and I'm the closest thing to her? No, she would been trying to pamper me or something.' I just stopped thinking about it since it doesn't matter. 

"Treyni, I know a lot about the Orc Lord already. Like his Unique Skill Starved, that controls the orcs and puts them in a state of 'always hungry' and allows them to get stronger from whatever they eat."

Rimuru looked at me a little in surprise "Artoria, you couldn't have told us that?"

"We were getting to it, but our dryad friend made a surprise appearance." I looked at Treyni, "Don't take it wrong Treyni, it's just the truth."

Treyni, realizing that it was best to continue the meeting, sat down in a chair at the table. 

I got us back on track, "So where were we? Oh, right, the Lizardmen and the alliance. Well, if you want the alliance, it's completely possible, but we need to move right now at this moment. Those orcs are making their way to the marshes and the lizardmen won't last long in a full confrontation."

I decided to just move things along. "Souei, go the lizardmen and go to their chief for an alliance. He'll want to see us first, but just tell him to wait three days and tell them to fight defensively, until we get there. Send a body double for now."

"It's being done right now, Lady Pendragon."

I looked at Treyni next, "Treyni, you're having some trouble with some clowns running around with some masks on their faces right?"

She looked at me in some surprise, wondering how I knew about that "How do you know about that?"

"It doesn't matter how I know just know that I do. I'm only telling you so that you can know that I know. Whatever, they should be our second or tertiary purpose right now. What's important is the Orc Lord and the rest of the orcs that are essentially acting brainwashed."

"Everyone, remember there will be multiple casualties, but not from our side. It will be on the orcs side. Just know that don't kill too many of them. Remember, the main target will be the Orc Lord, one he goes down, all the orcs will return to normal."

"Is there any question?" I waited for one second. "Good. Rimuru you can take it from here, since I got rid of the bulk of it."

"Don't you think you rushed it a little? I feel that we could have thought this through better and not only that you mention some clowns out of nowhere that seem to be strong if you say that Treyni can't defeat them by herself."

'Well, Rimuru, We're still here at this meeting so we can iron out some of those small details."

"Alright, well, the alliance thing is fine, but what about our strategy when we do fight?"

"Don't worry about that Rimuru, I have a good strategy for this. It's a foolproof plan."

"What is it? If you can lead it then it must work even with the numbers advantage the orcs have."

"It's very simple. We let them surround us."

Everyone looked at me like I was crazy and I really don't understand why, this is something genius. "Alright, let me explain. When we enter the battlefield they will surround us immediately. They will be in front of us, behind us, on our left and right, and it will look, keyword, look, hopeless, but it's actually the best thing we could ask for."

Benimaru was looking at me in utter surprise at what I said. 'Lady Pendragon, I must interrupt you on this. That…plan… makes no sense. I know we can't make a lot of plans with the numbers we have, but we can certainly come up with something better."

"Let me finish. You see, the reason it's the best thing we could ask for is because once they have us surrounded on all sides, they won't be able to get away from us."

"Lady Pendragon that is the best plan ever! If they can't get away from us then they're easy targets!" Shion excitedly told everyone.

"See everyone, Shion here gets it." I looked around the room to see if anyone understood me, but it seemed no one got it.

Well, everyone didn't seem to be on board with me on this one except for Shion. So…shout out to Shion for the support. 

The meeting progressed for a little while longer, until some things were worked out. I would lead our little "army", and while Rimuru protested my decision…for some reason, I just told him that a good pal of mine really wanted to go into a battle and that I told him I would do it. 

Many of the main things were covered, and we were finally out of this meeting. Now we just had to take care of some orcs and our village would advance like crazy and I could really start doing some of the things I want to.


It was nighttime and I was relaxing in my house. Dun Stallion was sleeping outside lying down. That's right, horses can sleep lying down and not just standing. Though it's not for the majority of their rest, they can and do.

I was just sitting down and having a late-night snack of some leftover chips from the meeting. 

Not too much, just three bowls. Something light for the night.

I was eating when I heard a knock on the door. I was a little surprised since no one really bothers me at this time, not that I would care unless I was actually sleeping or something.

I went to the door and it was Shuna. "Shuna, what brings you here at this time?"

"I want to talk to you for a moment, can I come inside?"

"Sure, you don't even need to ask. You don't need to ask me for something like that."

We went and sat down at a table. "So what brings you here?"

"It's about the orcs."

"It's not that big of a deal Shuna, you don't have to worry about a single thing." I was trying to understand why Shuna was bringing this up. We already went over this in the meeting. 

I activated thought acceleration. 'Let me think. If she's here, then it's something personal for her. She mentioned the orcs so it must be something personal for her that involves the orcs. It can't be her village since it's not that personal and more of a rally for all the ogres. Hold on-' I got out of my thought acceleration and looked at Shuna.

She was looking a little reluctant like she was hesitating to tell me something. "Shuna, do you feel that you're not doing enough and feel like you want to contribute more?" She nodded her head at me and if I'm guessing right she wants to talk about fighting.

"Well, what are you good at? Besides your manufacturing and weaving skills?"

"I focus mainly on magic and I know illusion magic."

"Well, Shuna, I'll be honest, three days is not enough time for you train and get you involved in fighting." She hung her head low hearing what I said, almost looking disappointed, but I had an idea.

"Shuna, look at me. I'll let you in on a little secret of mine." She may not get good enough in time for the battle against the orcs, but I'll give her a little headstart on something else. 

"What race do you think I am? You're smart so you should be able to piece together most of it."

"You should be a dragon, but not just that maybe some kind of spirit by the way the dryad was acting towards you."

"Yeah, I expected that. The dragon part is obvious since it's in my name, but it's the kind of spirit I am that matters here. I assume everyone here knows that much by now, so sooner or later it will come out, but for now, I will tell only you."

"You see Shuna...I'm a divine spirit."



Tough time for any Mavericks fans out there.

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