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50% Naruto: Isshin Yamanaka / Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Team Placements

Chapitre 4: Chapter 4: Team Placements

Isshin is seen dressed in his normal attire, with the new addition of a hitiate on his right bicep. He is currently getting ready to head out; today is the day they get assigned to teams. He walks over to his bed and grabs his katana before putting it on his hip. He then starts making his way downstairs to have breakfast.

He walks into the kitchen and sees his family sitting around a table eating breakfast, which seems to be rice, miso soup, fried fish, and tamagoyaki. He walks over before sitting down at the free spot. He pulls his bandages down before he picks up his set of chopsticks and says, "Itadakimasu," before he starts to eat.

Ino looks up from her food and sees the hitiate on his arm and asks with a confused look, "Didn't you fail?"

Isshin replies without taking his eyes off of his food, "I did."

"Then how did you get that?" Ino asks, still confused.

"What, this?" Isshin asks as he points at his hitiate with his chopsticks.

"Obviously," Ino replies with a tick mark starting to form on her head.

Isshin replies, "Ah, well, it's a secret," he then sticks out his tongue.

Ino growls and gets up, trying to jump at him. Inochi grabs the back of her collar and puts her back down while chuckling before saying, "Now, Isshin, do you have to annoy her this early in the morning?"

Isshin replies dramatically, "Of course, my only goal in life is to see how much I can pester her before she kills me."

Inochi and Ino sweat drop while Mika giggles before asking, "Care to regale us with what you did last night?"

Isshin replies to her, saying, "Certainly, mother dearest," while bowing dramatically, and he then gives them a recap of what happened the previous night, leaving out the parts about Naruto's fuzzy companion.

"Wow, so Mizuki-sensei was a traitor, who would have thought," Ino says.

"Good job, son, but next time try to not overdraw on your chakra," Inochi says with pride.

Isshin scoffs before replying, "I would have been fine if I hadn't trained beforehand." He pauses before face-palming and says, "Now that I think of it, we shouldn't have done that. It was pretty much expected that we would get into a confrontation with him." He chuckles before continuing, "I think being around Naruto unleashes my stupidity."

"You are always unleashing it, baka," Ino mocks while sticking out her tongue.

Isshin ignores her and gets up before saying, "I'm off to the academy," and starts walking away.

"Isshin, don't you dare ignore me," Ino screeches before getting up and chasing after him, leaving Mika and Inochi alone as they are both laughing.

Isshin runs outside and goes to the side of the house, peeking around the corner, and sees a purple blur tunnel out of the door towards the academy and rubs the sweat off of his forehead. "Safe," he thinks to himself before putting his hands in his pocket and walking in the direction Ino went.

After a little while, he makes it to the academy. He walks towards the classroom, opens the door, and looks around the classroom. "How did I manage to beat Ino here?" he thinks to himself before shrugging. He then walks up next to Shikamaru and sits down, propping his head up with his arm. He glances over and sees Choji eating chips. "Good morning, Choji," Isshin greets.

Choji looks over and looks at Isshin in surprise. "I thought you failed. Why are you..." He stops when he sees the hitiate on Isshin's bicep and shrugs before grabbing a handful of chips, shoving them into his mouth, and then says, "Good morning."

Naruto comes running through the door and sits near Sasuke, putting his head down. Shikamaru raises his head off of the desk and glances over at Naruto, then looks at Isshin. He yawns as he asks, "Is the reason related to how Naruto got one as well?" Isshin nods. Shikamaru then sighs and mutters, "Troublesome," before laying his head back down.

Suddenly, everyone in the classroom starts to hear something that sounds like a stampede. A moment later, Isshin glances over to see Ino and Sakura struggling to get through the doorway. Isshin sighs as they start arguing about who got there first. Sakura then walks over to where Naruto is. Isshin shakes his head when he sees Naruto blushing but starts glaring a hole in the back of Sakura's head when he sees her shove Naruto out of his seat onto the floor.

"Good morning, Saskue-kun," Sakura says while blushing. She sees Sasuke glance over at her and then asks, "Mind if I sit next to you?" Sasuke continues to ignore her.

Ino walks over next to Sakura and says while glaring at Sakura, "I'm going to sit next to him, forehead."

"First come, first served, Ino-pig," Sakura states while glaring back at Ino.

Meanwhile, in the Hokage's office, we can see Hiruzen and a handful of jonin watching this go on through a crystal ball as Asuma asks, "Is that this year's rookie of the year, Sasuke Uchiha?" as he takes a hit of the cigarette in his mouth.

"Yes," Hiruzen replies.

"The sole survivor of the Uchiha clan?" Kurenai asks.

"Yes," Hiruzen replies.

Kakashi sees Naruto on the ground rubbing the back of his head on the crystal ball and thinks to himself, "Naruto Uzumaki."

"So where's the kid you all were talking about the other day?" Kurenai asks as they see a kid with messy brown hair and bandages on his face walking over to Naruto, handing his hand out to help him up.

Hiruzen smiles at the scene before pointing at Isshin. "That's him," he states.

"He doesn't look like your typical Yamanaka," Kurenai states.

Hiruzen shakes his head. "He takes after his mother in that regard."

The random Jonin started to come up with wild reasons for why he was wearing bandages, ranging from buck teeth to bad burns from a fire Jutsu going wrong. Kakashi looks on with glee as he listens.

Hiruzen chuckles as he watches them.

Back at the academy, after Isshin helped Naruto up, Naruto hopped up onto the desk where Sasuke was and crouched down in front of him. He starts glaring at him. Meanwhile, the girls in the class start to yell at Naruto, telling him not to glare at Sasuke.

Sasuke starts glaring back at Naruto as sparks seem to be coming out of their eyes. As this happens, a boy sitting at the table accidentally elbows Naruto, sending him forward, which makes him kiss Sasuke. They start gagging as Sasuke then says, "Naruto, I will kill you."

Isshin falls to the ground, rolling around and laughing as he sees this happen.

As most of the girls see this, they start getting tick marks and start menacingly walking towards Naruto.

Naruto feels a chill run down his spine and looks over at them before cowering. He says, "I didn't mean to," and the girls surround him and start pummeling him.

After a few minutes, Iruka walks into the classroom and walks behind his desk. He looks around, seeing Naruto with scratches and bumps all over him. 'What did I miss?' he thinks to himself before he says, "Alright, you all, as of today, you have become full-fledged shinobi of the Leaf." He pauses while he gives everyone a smile before continuing, "However, you are still genin. The hard part has yet to come! From now on, you will be in a three-man squad and do your missions under the command of your Jonin sensei." He pauses for a moment before saying, "The teams have been determined by Hokage-sama to make sure that the strengths of each team are balanced." He then pulls up a few sheets of paper before saying, "Now, time to announce team assignments." He precedes to start naming teams.

He gets down to the last three teams and sees Naruto looking very impatient. He grins mischievously and thinks to himself, 'I'm going to leave Naruto's for last,' before saying, "Team 10 consists of Ino Yamanaka, Shikamaru Nara, and Choji Akimichi under the command of Asuma Sarutobi."

"Team 9 is still in circulation, so team 8 is Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame under the command of Kurenai Yuhi."

"Team 7 is Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Sasuke Uchiha under the command of Kakashi Hatake," he finishes.

Isshin cracks his eyes open and raises his head as he looks at Iruka puzzled.

Ino asks, "What about Isshin?" as she glances at her brother concerned.

"Well, you see, Isshin is a special case. He is going to be apprenticed by a jonin," he states as he looks over at Isshin.

After hearing this, Isshin is looking even more puzzled along with the rest of the class while Shikamaru looks on interested.

"You see, Isshin isn't going to be on a team. He is..." Iruka states.

After he hears this, Sasuke glares over at Isshin while Isshin is thinking to himself, 'Who would want me to be their apprentice?' while still being puzzled.

Sakura hops up and screams, "Why does one of the dead last and not Sasuke-kun?" Iruka glares at her and she sits down.

"All I know is that the Jonin known as Hayate Gekko specifically asked for Isshin to be apprenticed under him, and the Hokage agreed," Iruka states.

Shikamaru looks over at Isshin and asks him, "Do you know how that is?"

Isshin shakes his head and replies, "No clue."

"Troublesome," Shikamaru sighs and puts his head back down.

After about 20 minutes, two Jonin walk into the room. Asuma states, "Team 10, come with me." Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji all get up and follow him out of the room.

"Team 8, follow me." Hinata, Kiba, and Shino start following Kurenai out of the room, but Kurenai feels someone staring at her as she looks around and sees Isshin glaring at her. She thinks to herself, 'I have never met him before, wonder what he has against me,' before continuing to walk out the door.

A few moments later, Isshin, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke can hear coughing from outside of the classroom door before it opens and Hayate walks into the room and looks at Isshin. "Come with me."

Isshin gets up and says, "So your name is Hayate?"

Hayate nods, and they start leaving the classroom. As they walk down the hall, Hayate asks Isshin, "What would you like to eat? I'm paying."

Isshin looks at Hayate with stars in his eyes and replies instantly, "Dango."

Hayate chuckles at Isshin's expression before putting one hand on Isshin's shoulder and making the tiger hand sign with one hand. They flicker away, appearing in front of the most popular dango shop in the village. They walk in and sit down at a table before a waitress walks up and smiles at Isshin. "Oh, Isshin, you're here. Do you want your usual?" she asks.

Isshin nods and points at Hayate while he eye smiles. "My sensei is paying."

She looks at Hayate with a sad smile and asks, "What would you like, sir?"

'Why is she looking at me like that?' Hayate wonders to himself before he replies to the waitress, "May I just get some matcha tea?" She nods and walks away.

"Do you know why she was looking at me like that?" Hayate asks Isshin.

Isshin looks away from him and starts whistling.

A few moments later, the waitress walks back with two cups of tea and sits them down on the table before she says, "Your hanami dango will be done in a few minutes, Isshin," she walks away.

Hayate and Isshin thank her before Hayate looks at Isshin and says, "So normally a genin team does a test before they are actually genin."

Isshin looks up at Hayate confused and asks, "Wasn't that why we had the exams?"

Hayate shakes his head. "The exams are just to see who is qualified to take the actual test." He shrugs and starts to cough and continues, "But the tests normally revolve around teamwork, so I don't see the point in that after our conversation the other night. Also, it's just you and me," he says as he shrugs.

"I see, what I wouldn't give to see Naruto's expression after he hears that," Isshin replies while chuckling before going through some hand signs and pulling down his bandages a little before sipping his tea.

Hayate looks up at Isshin and sees him sipping tea through his mask. "Interesting use of genjutsu," he states before he asks, "Why don't you just take your bandages off?"

Isshin puts down his tea before replying, "I only really show my face to people I'm comfortable being around."

Hayate just shrugs and then goes to sip his tea. When he sets his teacup down, he sees the waitress coming back to the table. He starts gaping when he sees the plate with a small mountain of dango on it and asks while stuttering, "How many dango sticks are on there?"

Isshin chuckles while rubbing the back as the waitress replies, "Eighteen. Isshin is one of our top customers," and sets the plate down. She then walks away.

Isshin says, "Itadakimasu," before he starts inhaling the dango.

Hayate watches in amazement. 'I need to keep Anko from him; she might claim him,' he thinks to himself and coughs before saying, "I want us to introduce ourselves to each other."

Isshin puts down a stick of dango he was about to finish before asking, "Care to give an example of how?"

Hayate nods before saying, "My name is Hayate Gekko. My likes are my girlfriend Yugao Uzuki, the village, my friends, and kenjutsu. My dislikes are traitors, anyone who would harm my loved ones or the village. My dreams in life are to reach the peak of swordsmanship and settle down and have a family," he finishes with a smile.

Isshin looks at Hayate as he says, "My name is Isshin Yamanaka. My likes are my family, the village, my friends, genjutsu, kenjutsu, and dango. My dislikes are the same as yours plus idiots that can't tell the difference between the kunai and the scroll that it's sealed into, and my dreams in life are to be the best shinobi I can be."

Hayate listens in and gets confused for a second when he hears the part about idiots not telling the difference, but it then clicks. He then understands and has a sad smile on his face. He waits until Isshin finishes. "That's a nice dream," he says before asking, "What jutsu do you know?"

Isshin finishes his last dango stick before replying, telling him the Jutsu he knows.

"So pretty much only the academy jutsu and most of your clan techniques?" Hayate asks.

Isshin shrugs. He replies, "Only kenjutsu and genjutsu interest me. I didn't know anyone adept in genjutsu until the other day, so I haven't been able to learn any."

"I see. Well, tomorrow morning we're going to meet at training ground eleven and we will spar so I can see how good you are." He then gets up pulls out his wallet and pays for the meal and walks off waving behind him. He starts heading toward the Hokage's tower.

Isshin gets up and starts to make his way out of the dango shop. As he gets out, he places his hands in his pockets. He looks up at the sky and then thinks to himself, 'I guess I should go train for a bit.' He starts walking away.

CreativeVoid CreativeVoid

yo first a big thanks to the people that gave some power stones I appreciate it secondly I'm sorry about not posting yesterday my eyes were irritated and I had a headache pretty much all day so I didn't feel like sitting in front of a screen, I'm going to attempt to post a second chapter today if not you all will be getting two tomorrow, as always thanks for reading I hope you enjoy

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