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100% The New Duel King / Chapter 8: Unbeatable Hand

Chapitre 8: Unbeatable Hand

"I designed this virtual stadium myself," Kaiba said. "Impressive, isn't it? I think you'll agree it adds a bit more life to the game."

Currently, Dwain and Kaiba were standing in Kaiba's personal Duel Arena within KaibaCorp. However, unlike the high-tech tabletop devices seen at Dwain's most recent tournament, this one was on a far grander scale. Those of the tournament were similar to those seen in the manga, but Kaiba's was similar to those seen in the anime.

The space as a whole resembled a colosseum. The entire central floor served as the projection field with indents along the middle forming lines where the cards and monsters will be projected.

On the far end of either side was an elevated, mechanical compartment attached to the wall for the Duelists to stand in. They are yellow in color with various lights and hidden circuitry contained within. Each one was equipped with a digital placemat for them to play their cards and a screen above it to display their opponent's field.

Upon activation, mechanisms acted to move the compartments outward. Detaching them from the wall, a metal pole extended to suspend them over the field just outside the indented lines.

Once everything was ready, Kaiba continued to say, "We both begin with 2000 Life Points, the first to hit zero loses. Are you ready to play, Snyder?"

"Yeah yeah, just make sure you have that Blue-Eyes ready for me," Dwain replied flippantly.

Kaiba's face twisted in displeasure from Dwain's words. "Let's see if you can backup that tough talk of yours."


Dwain Snyder: 2000

Seto Kaiba: 2000

"Virtual systems ready," Kaiba declared. Seeing everything was operational, he drew a card from his Deck. "I hope you don't think this will be like the tournament," Kaiba called out. "Brace yourself, this will be a whole different game."

"I should hope so," Dwain called back. "Otherwise, this big ass stadium and suspended Duel Areas seems really unnecessary."

Kaiba chuckled unhappily. "We'll see how long you can keep up that attitude." Adding the card he drew to his hand; he pulled out anther and put it onto the field in Attack Position. As he did, he yelled, "I attack with the Hitotsu-Me Giant!"

Hitotsu-Me Giant: Earth Attribute, Level 4, Beast-Warrior-type, ATK/1200, DEF/1000

On the dueling field below, the space corresponding to the one Kaiba just placed his card lit up. In a dazzling display of light, the monster on the card materialized. Unlike the Duel Areas in the tournament where the monsters were all about the size of chess pieces, this monster towered over Dwain who guessed it must have been twenty-feet-tall. Wearing only a brown loin cloth, the monster's teal-blue skin and muscular form were on full display. It had no lips - exposing its teeth -, and its spine seemed to press out against its back. Its one, red eye in the center of its neanderthal face shined with savagery.

"What do you think of my virtual simulator? Unlike the more compact ones we used in the tournament, the one we're in now creates not only realistic but life-sized projections of the monsters."

Dwain stared unnervingly at the projection he was only at chest level with. "You said you were attacking, but you can't attack on the first turn," he called back as he looked away from the monster.

Kaiba grit his teeth in annoyance. "Just take your turn!"

"Mkay," Dwain responded cheerfully. In truth, he was completely intimidated by the realistic giant standing only twenty yards from him. However, the part of him that decided to annoy Kaiba managed to power through and keep his fright from showing.

Dwain did not know what would happen after this Duel. Worried Kaiba might actually finish him afterwards, he decided to be as much a smart-ass troll as possible. It also served as a tactic to distract Kaiba.

Still, something seemed suspicious to Dwain. In preparation for this moment, he had watched and rewatched the first episode of the anime to the point he had much of the lines memorized. Much of what Kaiba had said and even his first move were almost identical to what he did in the episode.

"This means one of two things. It's a coincidence, or destiny is having a hand in making sure certain things go unchanged. This could be bad if it's the later. So far, everything has been spot on with the real card game. But if his Deck is the anime one, then he might have special cards that only exist for him…"

Taking a calming breath, Dwain looked at his empty field save for his Deck in the Deck Zone and the projection above of Kaiba's field consisting of the lone monster.

Drawing a card, Dwain looks over his options and smiles. "Looking good," he says quietly. He then sets the card he just drew and calls out, "I Set one monster face-down and end my turn."

Kaiba chuckled as the card was projected onto the field. "Is that it. For all your talk, I was expecting something more from you. At this rate, I won't even be able to call you a beginner."

As Dwain watched Kaiba draw - unfazed by his words -, thought, "Okay, here we go. If he's making the same moves as in the anime, then he should use that Saggi the Dark Clown and Negative Energy combo. If he doesn't than maybe it is just a coincidence he had the same opening move and similar lines."

"If you thought my last card was too much to handle, how will you deal with this." Kaiba then placed a card in Attack position.

Saggi the Dark Clown: Dark Attribute, Level 3, Spellcaster-type, ATK/600, DEF/1500

On the field, a monster materialized. About half the size of Hitotsu-Me Giant, it resembled a clown or jester due to how it was dressed. It had colorful face-paint with a star over one eye and a big read nose placed over its long, pointed one. Its puffy shoulder but form fitting top as well as its poof shorts were a mix of purple and blues. Atop its head was a purple witch's hat with matching gloves on its hands. However, its long, wiry limbs and long, narrow face caused the creature to have a somewhat unnerving appearance.

"I know what you're thinking. My Dark Clown only has a power of 600 which only makes it half as much of a threat as my Hitotsu-Me Giant. But if I combine it with this card…" Kaiba then put a Spell Card into play.

Negative Energy Generator: Normal Spell

[Select 1 face-up DARK monster you control. Triple its original ATK.]

Projected onto the field was an upright image of the card depicting an eye radiating with bolts of dark energy. Energy was then released form the card and arched toward Saggi. As it absorbed the energy, its body expanded until it rivaled Hitatsu-Me Giant in size. Once this ended, the card vanished - moved into the Graveyard by Kaiba - but the monster affected by it continued to have dark energy crackle across its body.

Saggi the Dark Clown:

ATK/600 -> 1800


"The Negative Energy Generator. It multiplies my monster's attack my three! As you can see, combining cards can be very effective."

"Yeah, I know," Dwain called back irritably. "In case you didn't notice I made some pretty effective combos during the tournament. One of my opponents centered their deck around the idea of combining her cards."

Dwain's tone was not entirely part of his facade to annoy Kaiba. It was also a result of his frustration over his use of Negative Energy Generator. He had checked before and knew for a fact that was not a real card. This meant that either Kaiba had his own special cards or there would be circumstances where he'd have to deal with anime-only cards. He did not like the prospect of dealing with cards that could do virtually anything, followed whatever rules the players wanted, and sometimes even 'had abilities not printed on the card'…

Not indicating in any way that he had heard Dwain, Kaiba ordered, "Dark Clown attack with Dark Light!"

The monster did as ordered, and between its hands, a mass of dark energy formed. It then raised the ball of energy over its head before throwing it at Dwain's face-down monster.

The card flipped over and the monster materialized before being struck. It was an invisible angel. Only its sandal-clad feet, white gloved hands, and small white wings were visible. It wielded a bow and arrow and seemingly wore a red-felt crown with gold decoration and some sort of navy-blue cord around it waist.

Skelengel: Light Attribute, Level 2, Fairy-type, FLIP, Effect, ATK/900, DEF/400

[FLIP: Draw one card.]

Upon impact with the ball of energy, the monster was destroyed and scattered into innumerable holographic pieces.

"I activate Skelengel's Flip Effect," Dwain called.

"A special ability," Kaiba muttered.

"Since this card was flipped-face up," Dwain explained, "I get to draw a card."

As Dwain drew, Kaiba laughed uproariously, "Draw all the cards you like, it won't make a difference. Now, go ahead, it's your turn."

Dwain drew another card. Upon seeing it, he smirked. "Three," he muttered. He then refocused on Kaiba before saying more loudly, "I Set one monster and another card face-down."

"You should have just traded or sold me your Blue-Eyes White Dragon," Kaiba declared contemptuously. "It would have spared you the humiliation of going through this Duel!"

Drawing a card, Kaiba then ordered, "Dark light attack!"

As Saggi readied another ball of energy to attack Dwain's face-down monster, Dwain declared, "Not so fast, I activate my face-down - Scapegoat!"

Scapegoat: Quickplay Spell

[Special Summon 4 "Sheep Tokens" (Beast/EARTH/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position. They cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon. You cannot Summon other monsters the turn you activate this card (but you can Normal Set)].

The card on the field stood up. From it, small bundles of fur with small legs and a small pair of horns on their heads leaped out. Yellow, blue, orange, and red; each one took a different spot on Dwain's field - filling his Monster Card Zones.

"That's it," Kaiba asked incredulously. "Saggi! Continue your attack!"

Saggi unleashed his attack on Dwain's hidden monster.

The card flipped over to reveal a young woman dressed in purple robes and holding a magical staff. Her shoulder-length purple hair was pulled into a ponytail.

Magician of Faith: Light Attribute, Level 1, Spellcaster-type, FLIP, Effect, ATK/300, DEF/400

[FLIP: Target 1 Spell in your GY; add it to your hand.]

"I activate Magician of Faith's ability!"

"Another one?"

"When this monster is flipped face-up, I can take a Spell from my Graveyard and add it to my hand. And, I think I'll be bringing back Scapegoat."

Kaiba clenched his jaw in annoyance. "Hide behind all the weak monsters you want. You'll never win. "Hitatsu-Me Giant, attack!"

The blue giant leaped forward and struck one of the Sheep Token - easily destroying it.

"My turn," Dwain stated. Setting a card on the field, he ended his turn.

Drawing a card, Kaiba looked at the field unimpressed. "That face-down is probably his Scapegoat again. All he does is defend. I can't blame him given it's me he's up against, but I overestimated his ability. I'm doing his dragon a favor by taking it from someone so weak."

Looking at his hand, one thing stood out to Kaiba. "As a matter of fact. Why don't I show him what the card can do in a real Duelist's hands."

"This Duel will be over soon," Kaiba said confidently. "I Summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Blue-Eyes White Dragon: Light Attribute, Level 8, Dragon-Type, ATK/3000, DEF/2500

The monster materialized onto the field with a mighty roar that made Dwain question if his Duel Area was shaking or it it was his legs. The monster looked just the same as when he played it in the tournament, but it's increased size - being the largest monster so far - made it all the more majestic yet intimidating.

"Now my monsters, annihilate those flee-bags!"

One by one, Kaiba's monsters attacked and wiped-out Dwain's remaining Sheep Tokens.

Dwain braced himself as his monsters were destroyed and the shockwaves flew over him. Once they passed, he muttered, "My turn again."

Drawing a card, Dwain sighed in relief. He had a number of useful cards in his hand, but he hesitated to use them due to their draw back. This card, however, had no such problems. "I play, Pot of Greed!"

Pot of Greed: Normal Spell

[Draw 2 cards from your Deck.]

Appearing on the field was a large, green pot with decorative blue handles and designs across its surface. Most notably was the large face on it smiling greedily.

"Just what is that," Kaiba cried.

"Is he for real or is this the gag of everyone needing this card explained every time," Dwain questioned.

Shrugging, Dwain answered, "This card lets me draw two more cards."

Kaiba narrowed his eyes at the play but then seemed to come to some sort of realization. Laughing, he declared, "Oh, I see how it is. You're buying time so you can draw your own Blue-Eyes. You did say you knew about my Deck and there wouldn't be any other card that can stand up to the might of my dragons. An admirable plan, but not one that will work."

Dwain ignored Kaiba's rant as he drew his cards and the pot on the field vanished. For all Kaiba's ranting, Dwain found him underwhelming. His entire play revolves around throwing beat-sticks at him. Maybe that would be hard to counter in the current game, but not really all that intimidating. The current rule where enemies cannot attack directly greatly reduces any sort of threat they really pose.

"Now, I play - Graceful Charity."

Graceful Charity: Normal Spell

[Draw three cards, then discard two cards.]

An angel was then projected onto the field holding what looked like a card made of light.

"This lets me draw another three cards so long as I then discard two." Drawing three cards, Dwain ignored the now scowling Kaiba. He then discarded the two cards he drew with Pot of Greed - Swords of Revealing Light and his second Skelengel.


Now holding eight cards in his hand, Dwain proceeded to Set a monster on the field and another card face-down. "I end my turn."

Kaiba drew his card and smiled upon seeing it. "Besides Blue-Eyes, your deck is feeble and weak. Let me show you, just how out classed you really are." He then slapped down the card he drew onto the field while loudly declaring, "I Summon Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

As another dragon appeared on the field, Kaiba said, "While your one dragon may be able to protect you against one of mine, it won't be enough to stop two."

Annoyed by Kaiba's obsession, Dwain felt compelled to say, "You know, you're way too obsessed with that card. It's strong yeah, but not everything is about power."

Kaiba chuckled, "Spoken like a true amateur. Power is what this game is all about you fool. There's only one card in your entire deck that can stand up to a Blue Eyes White Dragon. So, what hope do you have against two? Why don't you just admit defeat, Snyder?"

"Yeah, I did add Blue-Eyes to this Deck for the sake of our bet, but did it ever occur to you I have a different plan? I'll be honest, I was expecting a little more from the Duel Monsters World Champion."

"What's that supposed to mean," Kaiba asked threateningly.

"Power, power, power, that's all you've been going on about. Where's the strategy? You do realize that with how your field is stacked up, one Black Hole would destroy you, right? I mean, it's almost like you don't even know the rules of the game."

Kaiba seemed to take offense to this as his face twisted in displeasure. "Let's get on with it! Blue-Eyes White Dragon! Burst Stream of Destruction!"

One of the dragons reared back its head as energy built up in its maw. It then threw its head forward and released a stream of energy. Upon impact, a blinding light enveloped the field.

As the light faded and the field became visible again, Kaiba let out a shocked grunt. Before his eyes, three women dressed in purple robes and carrying small staves were projected onto the field. A protective dome covered Dwain's side of the field.

"What is this!?"

"This is Waboku."

Waboku: Normal Trap

[You take no battle damage this turn. Your monsters cannot be destroyed by battle this turn.]

"I activated it when you attacked. For the rest of this turn, I take zero damage and my monsters can't be destroyed."

"You nullified my dragon's attack," Kaiba near growled.

"Yep. What was it you were saying about me being a fool?"

"It's just a stalling tactic! You're just delaying the inevitable!"

"Maybe. On a side note, Waboku only prevents your attack from doing anything, it doesn't actually negate your attack. So, my monster still gets flipped over. I believe you're familiar with Magician of Faith."

Dwain flipped the card over. On the field, the projected card rose up before being replaced by the monster in question in a guarded, kneeling position.

"Her again," Kaiba groused.

"Since she was flipped face-up, I'll get to use her ability to get Pot of Greed back in my hand."

Kaiba just glared before saying, "I end my turn."

Dwain drew from his Deck but frowned at what he saw. "A copy. Oh well, bound to happen when you have two of each card."

"First, I play Pot of Greed and draw two cards." Smirking at these, Dwain proceeded to play, "Then, I activate my second Graceful Charity to draw three and discard two." Drawing the cards, he discarded the two copies of a card he was holding.

"Let's see. That makes five monsters in my Graveyard, but only two non-Effect Monsters. So…"

"I'll activate my final Graceful Charity for one more try!"

"Well, hello Blue-Eyes, good to see you," Dwain thought - questioning if he could use this to mess with Kaiba. Shrugging, he was going to discard two cards when a thought occurred to him.

Smirking, Dwain pulled out Blue-Eyes and called out, "Hey Kaiba, look what I got." He then flipped the card around for Kaiba to see.

Despite the distance, Kaiba would not mistake the appearance of his dragon. Crossing his arms, he mocked, "So you finally drew your dragon. But like I said, it won't save you."

"And like I keep telling you, that's not my plan. That's my I thought I'd make a show of discarding it for you to see."

"What!?" Kaiba could not believe his eyes as he saw Dwain actually discard the Blue-Eyes White Dragon and another card. "How could you discard a card like the Blue-Eyes White Dragon!!?"

"Cuz I don't need it," Dwain replied uninterestedly. "That's what I've been saying. Keep up Kaiba." He then ignored Kaiba as he continued his turn. "Next I play another Pot of Greed to draw two."

Picking up the two cards, Dwain's eyes widened at one of them. "And you just won me this Duel."

"I Set a monster and play three cards face-down. I end my turn." Upon saying this, Dwain proceeded to discard a card due to holding seven.

Drawing a card, Kaiba declared, "I don't know what you're planning Snyder, but it can't stand against my dragons! I Summon my third Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

Watching the third menacing dragon appear on the field, Dwain considered, "It's like the universe knows what's about to happen and is setting up the board."

"Now, Blue-Eyes, attack the Magician of Faith!"

Dwain did nothing as his monster was destroyed.

"Now, attack the other one!"

As another dragon attacked, Dwain decided to pull one last troll before ending the Duel. "I activate Enchanted Javelin."

Enchanted Javelin: Normal Trap

[Select one attacking monster. Gain Life Points equal to its ATK.]

The card flipped up on the field and a colorful and decorated javelin shot out of the card and collided with the stream of power released by Kaiba's dragon. There was a stalemate as the javelin pierced and scattered the energy before absorbing it.

Dwain Snyder: 2000 + 3000 = 5000

Seto Kaiba: 2000

"You stole my dragon's power," Kaiba ground out.

"Yeah," Dwain replied calmly. "But don't worry about it. Like Waboku, my javelin doesn't actually stop your attack, so my monster's still done for."

True to his words, the javelin quickly began to dissipate and vanish - allowing the Burst Stream of Destruction to continue unhindered.

Dwain's monster was flipped over and revealed as a ball of hair. It had three baleful eyes and a wide mouth of pointed teeth visible on its surface. Four small, thin, green limbs extended from it to give it arms and legs.

Sangan: Dark Attribute, Level 3, Fiend-Type, Effect, ATK/1000, DEF/600

[If this card is sent from the field to the GY: Add one monster with 1500 or less ATK from your Deck to your hand, but you cannot activate cards, or effects of cards, with that cards name for the rest of this turn. You can only use the effect of "Sangan" once per turn.]

Unable to withstand the attack, Sangan was destroyed.

"I activate Sangan's ability."

"Let me guess," Kaiba interjected irritably, "you get to draw cards?"

"Sort of. When it's sent from the field to the Graveyard, I get to add a monster with 1500 or less attack from my deck to your hand."

"Another worthless monster," Kaiba scoffed. "When are you going to stop with this pointless stalling and admit defeat!"

Dwain was leading through his Deck as he replied. "Given how this worthless monster is the final key to the puzzle for your defeat, never." Pulling out a card, he shuffled what remained of his Deck before putting it back into the Deck Zone and showing the added card. "I add Left Leg of the Forbidden One from my Deck to my hand."

"The Forbidden One…" Kaiba muttered. He then began chuckling before breaking out in hysterics laughter. "Don't tell me you're trying to assemble Exodia! Even if you have all the cards in your Deck, no one has ever been able to do it. Just admit there's nothing you can do to stand against my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons and admit defeat. You were never a match for me."

"You don't listen. I told you this was the final piece. One more card and I win."

"Sure. My turn's over. So, go ahead and draw your last pathetic card."

"My Deck doesn't have any pathetic cards. Every single one has its purpose and role to play. I don't even need to draw another card. Like I said, the puzzle is already finished."

Dwain drew a card from his Deck but did not look at it. "I activate, Backup Soldier."

Backup Soldier: Normal Trap

[When there are five or more monsters in your Graveyard: Target up to 3 non-Effect Monsters with 1500 or less ATK in your Graveyard; add them to your hand.]

On Dwain's field one of his three face-down cards flipped up to reveal the Trap Card. Depicted on it were a trio of creatures who looked like they were ready to join a fight.

"You don't have any Normal Monsters in your Graveyard."

"Yes, I do. Remember Graceful Charity? Once I had Backup Soldier in my hand, I didn't see any harm in sending some to the Graveyard. And now…" Dwain picked up the cards sitting in the Graveyard area above his Deck. He pulled out two cards. "I return Right Arm of the Forbidden One and Left Arm of the Forbidden One from my Graveyard to my hand."

Kaiba's eyes widened at this. "That's four of the cards…No! It can't be!"

"Combined with the Right and Left Legs in my hand and the Forbidden One himself…" Dwain proceeded to play all five cards onto the Monster Card Zones. "I've assembled all five special cards."

Right Leg of the Forbidden One: Dark Attribute, Level 1, Spellcaster-Type, ATK/200, DEF/300

Left Leg of the Forbidden One: Dark Attribute, Level 1, Spellcaster-Type, ATK/200, DEF/300

Right Arm of the Forbidden One: Dark Attribute, Level 1, Spellcaster-Type, ATK/200, DEF/300

Left Leg of the Forbidden One: Dark Attribute, Level 1, Spellcaster-Type, ATK/200, DEF/300

Exodia the Forbidden One: Dark Attribute, Level 3, Spellcaster-Type, Effect, ATK/1000, DEF/1000

[If you have "Right Leg of the Forbidden One", "Left Leg of the Forbidden One", "Right Arm of the Forbidden One", and "Left Arm of the Forbidden One" in addition to this card in your hand, you win the Duel.]

On the field, two points began to draw out a pentagram in the air. Once formed, the air rippled as two hands reached through it. The creature continued to emerge through the symbol. Dwarfing every other monster so far, only its upper torso was projected and took up Dwain's entire side of the field. It resembled a muscular titan dressed in orange armor and decorated in symbols and jewelry reminiscent of Egyptian culture.

Kaiba yelled and backed away in fright. "AH! It's not possible. No one's ever been able to call him!"

"Now, Exodia, OBLITERATE!!"

The titan reared one arm back as a ball of energy formed in its palm. It then thrust its arm forward and unleashed a devastating wave of destruction that destroyed all Kaiba's monsters.

Kaiba yelled as the blast of energy reached him and dropped his Life Points to zero, "AHHHHHHHH!!!"

Dwain Snyder: 5000

Seto Kaiba: 2000 = 0

The projector field deactivated and all projections faded away.

"Big brother," yelled a young boy's voice.

Dwain looked over to see a head of long, thick, messy - almost spikey -, black hair in the stadium running toward Kaiba's side of the field. It was none other than Kaiba's younger brother - Mokuba Kaiba.

Now that the Duel was over, the compartments the Duelists stood in retracted and locked back into the wall.

Dwain retrieved his cards and stepped out of the compartment onto the platform behind him before descending the stairs on either side.

Meanwhile, Kaiba was collapsed on his knees in disbelief. "How...How could I have lost to him..."

"Big Brother," called Mokuba as he ascended the stairs to check on his brother. "Are you okay?"

Looking at his shellshocked brother, Mokuba thought, "This can't be. My brother never loses..."

"Hey, mind letting me through," called Dwain.

Mokuba stood up and turned to see Dwain approaching along the bottom row of the bleachers. "What do you want," he said bitterly.

Dwain waited until he was ascending the stairs to Kaiba's compartment before responding. "Me and your brother had a little wager. I'm just collecting my winnings." He then stepped around Mokuba into Kaiba's compartment.

"Wha," Mokuba muttered - unsure what Dwain meant. However, seeing him pick up one of Kaiba's Blue-Eyes White Dragons, he immediately snapped out of his confusion. Remembering what his brother had told him before leaving to find Dwain, Mokuba had a suspicion of what was going on and jumped forward to latch onto Dwain's arm. "No! You can't take my brother's dragon!"

"Sorry to tell you this, but no one is unbeatable." Grabbing Kaiba's card with his free hand, he continued to ask. "If your brother won and I threw a fit, would he let me keep my dragon?"

"Of course not! He was supposed to win and get your dragon. That's how I know you cheated. Because otherwise my brother would never lose!"

"I'm sorry, really I am, but that's not how the world works." Looking down at the teary-eyed boy, Dwain sighed and gently removed Mokuba's hands from his arm after pocketing the card. Sparing a glance at the despondent Kaiba, he continued to say, "No matter how much we wish something to be true, the reality is always different. I came here with a plan to win. And, the reality is, my plan worked. Frankly, your brother was too closed-minded to do anything about it. Power by itself is just clumsy and dumb. You need an open mind."

Standing back up, Dwain intended to leave but a thought occurred to him. "By the way, if word of this get's out, it'll be a blow to your brother's reputation. People might start to make a move on the company or Kaiba's position. Be careful, especially of the Big Five."

Mokuba then looked to Dwain in confusion. "How do you…"

However, Dwain proceeded to leave without responding.


Draws were determined by dice roll. 

Dwain's deck

"Sangan" x3

"Witch of the Black Forest" x3

"Exodia the Forbidden One" x2

"Right Arm of the Forbidden One" x2

"Left Arm of the Forbidden One" x2

"Right Leg of the Forbidden One" x2

"Left Leg of the Forbidden One" x2

"Skelengel" x3

"Magician of Faith" x3

"Swords of Revealing Light" x3

"Graceful Charity" x2

"Pot of Greed" x2

"Scapegoat" x2

"Waboku" x3

"Enchanted Javelin" x3

"Backup Soldier" x3

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon"

Nevermore101 Nevermore101

This is my longest chapter ever on this sight. I don’t intend to do this again but would love to hear some feedback.

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