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Chapter 112: Kents Family

"Mmm, you seem to be in a mood today." 

Lena moaned as I once again finished inside her, filling her with my cream.

"I would say you're like an unleashed beast."

"I just had a conversation with the goddess of love whose mere presence can arouse... so you better praise me for not sleeping with her." 

I pecked her on the nose.

"And you've definitely become more enduring." 

I said as bits of Platinum Kryptonite were slowly introduced into her system through the water I provided her... and through sex too.

"If not with her, you'd have slept with someone else." 

She chuckled. 

"Kara dropped by or flew by."

"And what did she want?" 

I asked while gazing into her eyes still not withdrawing my member from her.

"To introduce us to her family... her cousin told them about the 'friends' of her family, and they're open to meeting. I think it'll be a nice break... I'm tired of sitting in the office and having conversations with fat cats thinking about money or how to undress me."

"Jonathan and Martha Kent, huh..." 

I remembered that Jonathan died in one of the possible versions during Clark's adulthood. 

"I'm fine with that. I've dealt with all the really important matters, and I can't continue for one reason or another those that are left."

"Hmm, our joint vacation?" 

She asked with a smile while getting off me. She felt the emptiness as my member wasn't where it was just a moment ago. 

"You're turning me into a nymphomaniac..." 

Lena said with a hint of reproach slipping into the jacket that was lying on the back of the chair.

"You know, you look even sexier like this..."

"Tony, not all pleasure revolves around sex... Don't look at me like that. It doesn't mean I don't like it. Let's close the topic." 

She exhaled.

I like this pastime. 

There's no need to rush into fights or save the world... just relax with loved ones. 

It's been a while since the chat gave a mission or task except for the task in Hermione's parallel world.

I checked on how the Kryptonians are doing on the ship... 

I visited them a couple of times, and Cortana has already freed them. She just doesn't allow them to take control of the ship. 

She started showing them the history of Earth and their planet, and some parallels were visible.

It was also clear that the Council acted foolishly by remaining silent about Krypton's approaching doom, and Zod's actions were equally foolish too. 

They had a lot to think about.


LuthorCorp Main Building

A couple of hours later, Kara herself showed up with a shy expression on her face. 

She didn't show up like usual, crashing through the roof or an open window, but quite like a regular person.

"Tony... would you like to come over to my place? I mean, not just you, but Lena and Shinoa too." 

Kara quickly corrected herself.

"The Kents, huh?" 

I asked.

"Yes... As soon as Clark mentioned that I have friends and ones who know about my THAT side, Martha wanted to meet you guys. So...?"

"We're okay with it." 

Lena sounded in from the office. 

I joined the chat while the girls talked about different things to prepare for the upcoming event.

Hermione Granger: Ron is mad at me... 

Rias Gremory: You stunned him under the guise of a lethal spell... but he deserved it. 

Shinoa Hiragi: Uh-huh. 

Erina Nakiri: I agree. 

Winter Schnee: Indeed, he was behaving inappropriately. 

Shinoa Hiragi: Even Winter agrees! 

Winter Schnee: I'm just used to behaving formally, so I watch subordination and such... 

Shinoa Hiragi: At first, I thought you were arrogant and cold-hearted... but you're warm and fuzzy inside :) 

Winter Schnee: Well, thank you, I guess. 

Hermione Granger: So, Winter and Erina, are you ready? I think we can go to the mission tomorrow! 

Erina Nakiri: I've been honing my martial arts and combat skills all this time, so I think I'm ready. However, my mom still disapproves of my hobbies... but my cooking usually shuts her up. 

Rias Gremory: She'll shut up whoever she wants... 

Winter Schnee: I think I can disappear for a couple of days. I've already informed General James about the situation, and my absence won't be a problem. 

Anthony (Administrator): I see you're getting ready. Shinoa, I'll come by for you soon. Lena and I are going to visit Kara. 

Shinoa Horagi: A group outing? I call dibs on Kara after you! But right now, I'm busy in Gotham. This redhead is making so many mistakes, but she learns pretty quickly. 

Anthony (Administrator): No... It's more of a family gathering. Let me know if you change your mind. 

Hermione Granger: I don't feel anything anymore from Shinoa's quirks. Does that mean I'm toughening up? 

Rias Gremory: It's more like you're used to it. Anyway, I have an exam; I gotta go! 

Anthony (Administrator): You're the heir to the Gremory Clan with Satan as your brother... and you're taking an exam? Someone hasn't heard of leveraging their position...


I glanced at Lena and Kara who were already approaching me.

"Yes, but how will we get to Smallville? With your teleportation? I don't think Clark's parents are ready for that..." 

Kara asked.

"No, we'll just drive there. Lena, you'll drive?"


Lena smiled. 

"Cortana, we'll come for you after the meeting!" 

She shouted to her

"Don't worry, I understand everything. Moreover, the master promised to massage my back by the sea..." 

Cortana's head peeked out from around the corner.


Kara coughed while blushing slightly and probably imagining how I would be "massaging her back."

"We'll be in touch if anything requiring our attention happens." 

Lena said finally, and we headed to the elevator to the garages. 

She had already changed her clothes and transformed from a "business lady" into an ordinary beautiful girl.

It was only about an hour's drive from Metropolis to Smallville and we didn't have to travel for long, and soon Lena parked near the Kent farm.

The farm wasn't very large, but it was cozy. A tractor stood near the wheat field, and a barn was not far away.

"It feels like the air is cleaner here." 

Lena commented as soon as we got out of the car. 

"Tony and I have spent almost our entire lives in the city and rarely ventured outside its walls."

"Yeah... and our parents didn't spoil us often... our father never did, actually."

I recalled those moments. 

"But let's not dwell on the sad stuff. They're coming out to greet us now..."

The door of the house opened, and a couple of men and a woman came out. 

The man was still quite sturdy, but the first traces of gray appeared on his head, and the same was true for the woman. 

It was evident that they truly loved each other and were quite kind people... 

However, my occasional paranoia peeked out for a moment, prompting me to check them with my Seraphim essence to sense any darkness... 

 They were indeed good people who could have raised and nurtured the "great hero of Earth."

"Kara, you've come with your friends!" 

The woman exclaimed with a smile as she approached us. 

"I'm Martha Kent. Welcome to our home... Kara's friends. I never thought this would happen."

"My dear, don't make the girl blush." 

The man said this to his wife. 

"I'm Jonathan Kent. Nice to meet you... Have we met before by any chance? Maybe we know your parents?" 

He extended his calloused hand for a handshake.

"People recognize us quite quickly." 

Lena smiled while enjoying the warm atmosphere. 

"I'm Lena Luthor."

"Anthony Luthor." 

I smiled back while feeling momentarily hesitant in the man's grip and with a spark of recognition in his eyes. 

"We're good friends with your daughter although I've also met your son."


Martha gasped.

"Oh, why are we standing outside then? Let's go inside and continue the conversation there. Come on, come on." 

She switched to "hostess mode." 

"Clark! Why didn't you tell us they were... Luthors?!" 

She exclaimed at Clark who stood near the entrance with a smile.

"Sorry, I thought if I told you, you'd start preparing and worrying a lot."

"Of course... It's not every day that billionaires come to our house. Um, forgive me, it's just unexpected." 

Martha laughed as she ushered us into the house, and Clark and I shook hands.

"How are things with that journalist?" 

I asked him while Lena and Martha led me toward the table a little further. 

Clark became flustered and looked away at my question.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"Your feelings for Lois Lane... anyone with eyes could see how you stare at her. However, she's more interested in Superman... who's always by her side and doesn't even know." 

I shook my head as if asking.

"What are you doing with that poor girl?"

"I... I don't know how to confess." 

For a moment, it seemed to me that he "collapsed".

"After all, without the costume and glasses, I'm Superman, the one who can crush metal as if it's nothing, but with glasses..."

"... you're just an ordinary guy from Kansas, right? Do you think she'll always choose someone else with superpowers over you two?" 

I concluded.

"Boys, what are you doing over there? Join us! Kara, help set the table too..."

After Martha's words, Kara nodded and suddenly went by the fridge at super speed.

"Oh... Kara, what did I tell you?! No super..." 

She realized that Lena and I were also in the house.

"Don't worry, we know about their abilities. Kara mentioned that you all seem to know that we know..."

"It's just a habit."

She waved her hand.

"For so many years, we've had to make sure that one doesn't lift the tractor when there are witnesses or doesn't do something even more absurd, and now there are two of them. But I'm glad..."

"How did you find out about their abilities?" 

Jonathan decided to inquire.

"Let's just say they're not the only ones with secrets."

I said, and my eyes suddenly glowed with a golden hue.

"I see... Are you also... not from here?" 

Jonathan asked if I was also an alien.

"No, I'm a human. Just a Magician or Archmage."

"Archmage? Wow... magic is real?"

He asked with obvious interest, and Martha was curious too.

"More than that. There's magic, Atlanteans, aliens, demons, gods... this world is surrounded by many dangers. The ordinary people don't know about them precisely because of magic because mages often simply erase the witnesses' memories."

I shrugged.

"I got it... I probably shouldn't have asked." 

He rubbed his nose.

"Do gods really exist? Are they... powerful?" 

Clark asked.

"Hmm, listen, I've personally only encountered Aphrodite in this world so far. But Zeus and Ares are quite powerful and can even outmatch you physically. Moreover, they are gods and possess divine and regular magic, so... it's better for you not to get into conflict with them without magical support. Moreover, you're not particularly good at fighting..."

"Well, sorry, it never made much sense when I could flip a car onto the roof of a skyscraper with just one finger." 

Clark chuckled.

"Clark, no throwing cars onto rooftops." 

Martha said it sharply.

"Mom, it's just an example."

"I hope so... Anthony."

She turned her gaze toward me.

"And how did you meet Kara?"

"You can just call me Tony. Kara and I met when a plane crashed near Metropolis a few months ago."

I smiled while remembering our encounter.

"Kara was trying to stop the plane, but clearly didn't know how exactly, as she kept..."

"No need!" 

She covered my mouth elegantly with her hand and looked at her parents in panic.


I teleported behind her and pulled her close to my chest not even thinking about how it looked from the outside.

"So, I caught her in the sky at that moment when she was panicking and didn't know how to grab onto the plane to avoid making things worse. In the end, she managed to pull it off."

"Yes, I remember hearing about it in the news... I thought it was Clark's doing."

Martha looked at her son, who had just shaken his head, and then she looked back at us with Kara...

She was especially interested in how I hugged her, and she didn't seem particularly opposed to it.

"Clark tried not to bring up the recent attack by people resembling him in Metropolis, but still. After all, they're all from the same planet, right? We know that Krypton was destroyed from Kara, but since they survived, those..."

Jonathan didn't finish his sentence, but the question was understood.

"Those who survived were in the Phantom Zone, an interdimensional space, and they ended up there because they were banished from Krypton for treason or other serious crimes.' 

I waved my hand and created the illusion of a ship from Krypton.

"They stayed there for quite some time, and the time passed differently. It's been years, but they didn't age because of the Phantom Zone. But they managed to escape from there and started searching for traces of their people. After ten years of wandering, they detected a signal from planet Earth—a signal sent from a similar ship..."

"It was my mistake..." 

Clark clenched his fist and looked down at the floor.

"Son, you couldn't have known it would turn out like this." 

Martha put her hand on his back and gently stroked him.

"She's right, Clark, so don't blame yourself unnecessarily. They would have discovered the signal from the ship anyway just a few years later when they got closer to sector 2814 and discovered Earth."


Clark asked.

"The Guardians of the Universe divide the universe into three thousand six hundred sectors. The sector containing Earth is numbered 2814."

"I see... I'm a farmer, so I don't need to know all this."

Jonathan concluded with laughter in the room. 

Lena also joined the conversation about earthly matters. 

Overall, it was indeed a pleasant family atmosphere...


"My wand, a small bag of supplies, potions... my grimoire." 

Hermione stood in her private room while sorting through items. 

This "Grimoire" is the first magical artifact she created using the book of Merlin that Anthony found.

She erased any possible magical connection to the book and began filling it with her own magic through ritual and slowly pouring the contents of prepared potions onto the book. 

This ritual was detailed in the same book of Merlin and those she bought in the chat. 

It should bind the book to her and enhance spells when needed, and she could record various findings there.


She glanced again at the nearby floating window.

Mission Available: Help Destiny


Over the past months, she has learned a lot, including that there are no absolutely good people.

Dumbledore is undoubtedly a good person, but he also has dark spots he is still trying to atone for.

For example, the death of Ariana, his sister... this moment resonates most painfully in his heart.

Rias Gremory: Good luck to you! 

Shinoa Hiragi: Yeah, and don't forget about the broadcast. 

Erina Nakiri: We won't forget because extra points might be useful. I've been honing my existing powers instead of acquiring new ones lately. 

Winter Schnee: I hope I can be useful in the world of magic. 

Shinoa Hiragi: Well... if we're talking about Hermione's world, then you're quite strong. If you can avoid Avada Kedavra, there shouldn't be a problem... and Aura provides some magical protection, Additionally, Tony used his Sinful Key to enter us, and we all became stronger...

Hermione Granger: So you said it directly but you still managed to add some twisted words.

Shinoa Hiragi: Always at your service.

Anthony (Administrator): If anything happens message me! I think I can make it to the parallel world myself, it's not that strong...

Hermione Granger: We'll manage. I've prepared and brought plenty of food, potions, and even an invisibility cloak! I will return it to Harry later...

Shinoa Hiragi: Naughty girl...

Hermione Granger: Then... Winter, Erina, are you ready?

Erina Nakiri: Yes, I've brought some important things... Tony, thanks for the ring...

Shinoa Hiragi: Someone is clearly embarrassed. That's the Administrator-kun's mark on you, heh-heh.

Erina Nakiri: N-nothing of the sort! He explained that it's for our safety and to make it easier for us to carry things!

Winter Schnee: I owe you so much already, Tony, but I support Erina's words. I feel stronger, and the hidden space where we can store things is VERY useful.

Mission Available: Help Destiny

Decision Time: 3 days

Selected Participants: Hermione Granger, Winter Schnee, and Erina Nakiri

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