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26% Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path BY Temporal Knight / Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Confrontations and Conversations

Chapitre 13: Chapter 13: Confrontations and Conversations

"Yes, sir," Tonks intoned, voice completely flat. It was taking everything she had to keep her hair unresponsive. The logical inconsistencies and deductions that Harry and his group had come up with were crunched in her fist, completely ignored by her boss. "I understand, Sir."

"I don't think you do Auror Tonks," Scrimgeour said leaning back in his chair with her fingers steepled in front of him. "You have been with us what? A year?"

"Year and a half, Sir," Tonks ground out.

"Yes, a year and a half." He waved a hand dismissively. "And did you check with Auror Dawlish before bringing this to me?"

"This seemed rather important, Sir. Something to be brought up immediately."

"Yes. And yet you haven't followed procedure at all. You are supposed to be working to find Sirius Black not dredge up old filing errors."

"Sir, the magic involved with Wizengamot proceedings and the Hall of Records prevents filing errors like that. If they don't have – "

"Auror Tonks," Scrimgeour said cutting her off, "I assure you, a filing error is the only explanation. The Ministry of Magic is not in the habit of sending prominent members of the pureblood elite to Azkaban without a trial. The implications of something like that could bring ruin upon this administration and our way of life. It is simply not possible that such an event would have taken place."

"But, Sir – "

"Allow me to be perfectly clear, Auror." Scrimgeour scowled. "Drop this. Trying to find loopholes for your cousin is foolish and idiotic. If you want to drag your reputation down even further by all means go ahead. It gives me a legitimate excuse to drop you when more complaints against you are brought to me. But if you wish to maintain your position here I suggest you stop acting on your own initiative and fall in line." He sighed and shook his head. "Why do you have so many issues with this, Auror? Following orders is not that difficult. Look at Auror Shacklebolt! He voices his dissent once and then immediately does as told when shot down. You should learn from his example."

"Sir, this is – " Tonks' control slipped and her hair flashed a brief red as Scrimgeour again cut her off. It had been a mistake to come to her boss first. She should've listened to her gut.

"You are dismissed, Auror." Scrimgeour waved a hand towards the door. "I don't want to hear about this error again. I have far more important things to occupy my time. Like catching and killing a murderous madman."

Tonks walked out of the Head Auror's office and stormed past the desks of her colleagues. "Hey, Nymphie, your idea get shot down again?" Savage called with a grin. "What was it this time? Hanging around the pub looking like the latest heister in order to catch his buddies when they showed? Or maybe you wanted to implement those polyjuice screening attempts again?" The rest of them laughed as Tonks scowled and kept walking. As she stormed out of the main room towards she hesitated, leaning against the wall and taking a deep breath.

Going directly to Director Bones now would likely end her career if it got back to Scrimgeour. On the other hand...a group of teenagers were doing more to see actual justice done than any of the law enforcement personnel. Pushing off from the wall and heading towards the DMLE Head's office she couldn't help but think about what Harry had said months ago: maybe she should reconsider this job. She snorted derisively. Since when had she started to value the opinion of a 13 year old over that of her superiors?

Christmas time found Harry and most of his friends staying over at Hogwarts. While he actually had a home to return to now, Shiva was staying over the holidays to help some of her seventh years work on their senior projects, so he remained as well. Hermione's parents had left for a dentistry conference and Daphne…well he wasn't sure why Daphne was staying actually. Luna, Neville and Tracey had all returned home however. He was expecting a visit from Tonks before school started back up with word about the trial records. Why she wanted to deliver it in person he had no idea but he was willing to wait a few days.

Especially since his latest efforts with the Silver Spirit – his rune cluster answer for the Patronus charm – were not working at all.

Growling in frustration, Harry tossed his latest sketch of the cluster into the rubbish bin. "I don't understand why this doesn't work! The theory is perfectly sound and the interweaves are fine. It just doesn't make sense!"

"Harry," Hermione said gently, "maybe you're focusing on that too hard."

"I need this to work, Hermione," Harry said scowling. "And it should work!"

"Harry," Hermione sighed. "You could just learn the spell instead."

"A spell is inefficient." He waved her off. "A rune stone is better. It doesn't take concentration to activate, it doesn't matter if I start losing the happy memory with the Dementors nearby, it's more powerful, it's versatile…the rune stone is just better! Look at my utility belt!" Harry held up his latest accessory shaking it at her. "I have a Reductor, a Concussor, a Blastor, a Spiker, a Freezer, a Lockpick, a Boomstone, a Fishing Line, a Ninja, a Slow Burn, a spare Comm Stone, two Feedback Blastors. I'm walking around with a small armory now and I can only do half the spells these are based on well. Fixing the Silver Spirit is far better than trying to do the Patronus correctly. All I get with that is a half formed mist. This will work a hundred times better! And I can market it to people who can't do the Patronus themselves. It's safer all around, Hermione!"

Hermione's expression darkened and she stood walking over to stand in front of Harry with her arms crossed. "I can understand you wanting to make rune stones like that, Harry, but you are being lazy and irresponsible. They should be there to assist you after you manage to master the spell by itself not used as a shortcut or a crutch."

"If I can do it this way first why shouldn't I? I can do this stuff well. I can understand this stuff better than anything else. Why shouldn't I play to my strengths?" He scowled. Why couldn't she understand?

"Harry," Hermione's voice dipped dangerously low. "You will never pass your O.W.L.s or N.E.W.T.s if you cannot do the basic spells. Without those you will not be a qualified wizard. Even ignoring that simple fact, there may yet come a day when your…utility belt is taken from you. When you don't have your runes and you don't have the time or tools to make new ones. You need to focus more on the spells instead of discounting them and using your shortcuts!" Her face had gone red towards the end and her hands were balled into fists. Harry however, refused to back down.

"Shiva says my utility belt is a good idea! Now I'm always going to be prepared in case Voldemort comes after me again!"

"Shiva does not know everything, Harry! She is only a few years older than us!"

"Hermione, don't you dare imply – " Harry shouted surging to his feet.

"I am not implying she is an idiot, Harry!" Hermione cut him off. They were each full on yelling now and had attracted the attention of the remaining Gryffindors. "I am merely stating that she is not always correct. And you are taking things completely out of context! She said that your belt was a good idea when you brought up protection and preparedness!"


"I am not talking about protection and preparedness! I am talking about you showing a disturbing pattern of taking shortcuts and ignoring the foundations that your works should be built on! I am talking about you being defenseless if someone were to simply take away your tools! I am trying to look out for you!"

"Well then stop telling me what to do, Hermione! I know what I'm doing!"

"I don't think you do, Harry," Hermione said quietly. She shook her head and turned her back on him wiping away a tear. "I am worried about you."

"I know what I'm doing," he muttered turning back to the table and sitting down.

"Uh, if you guys are done shouting," Parvati said raising a hand, "would one of you tell me who this Shiva woman is? It's kind of annoying."

Harry scowled and turned to the girl. "And why is a name annoying?"

"Because Shiva is a man," she said with a huff.

Harry's just stared at her. "What?"

"Shiva is a man in my mythology. Not a woman. So I'd like to know what girl is using his name because it's weird."

Harry's anger cooled as he frowned in confusion. "Shiva is Professor Babbling. It's a nickname from when she was in school because she blew stuff up and some classmates said that she was the goddess of destruction…"

Parvati slapped a hand to her head and started muttering. After a minute she raised her eyes to Harry and said, "I hate when wizards appropriate my religion without understanding it! When you see her would you mind telling her to pick up a book on Hinduism please? Honestly, just because we have magic doesn't mean we should discount everything Muggle!"

"Err…" Harry's confusion deepened. "So…Shiva isn't the goddess of destruction?"

Hermione twisted to look at her roommate as well. Her earlier frustration had mostly melted off her face and been replaced entirely by curiosity. "I know that Shiva is in the Hindu pantheon. I remember reading that as a little girl."

"Shiva's in the pantheon alright," Parvati nodded. "He's one of the main three and is more or less regarded as the aspect responsible for destruction but he's a man not a woman."

"Are you sure?" Hermione asked in genuine curiosity.

Parvati sighed shaking her head. "Yeah, pretty sure, Hermione. My namesake is his wife after all."

Harry's eyes widened. "Wait, what?"

"Well, technically I suppose she's his second wife, but Parvati was his first wife reincarnated too so depending on your point of view she's his first, his second and his only wife." She waved her hand dismissively. "Look, there are some stories in the myths about Shiva and Parvati being two halves of a whole and Shiva appearing to people as half man half woman, but the woman half is usually understood to be Parvati."

"Oh." Harry nodded filing this away. He was never going to let his guardian live this down.

Hermione was frowning and sadly shook her head. "I can't believe I got that wrong…I'm usually so good at remembering things like that…"

"Well, it's not your religion. It's mine," Parvati sighed. "I guess it's not Professor Babbling's either since she invokes some Goddess or other. But I'd still appreciate it if you give her a heads up. I don't have a problem with her nickname – even if it is weird to hear a girl called that – but I do take issue with people talking incorrectly about my gods and goddesses."

Harry nodded. "I'll let her know. Sorry if we offended you, Parvati." He shrugged and said, "I honestly had no idea about any of that."

"Yeah, I know, Harry. Hermione," Parvati looked to the older girl and rolled her eyes, "just because you almost always get things right it doesn't mean you know everything. Neither of you do." She looked pointedly between the two friends who had the decency to look at the floor. "Harry, Hermione is right. You're being an idiot by ignoring the basics. Even I know that and I hate extra work. Hermione, Harry is right. He does what he does well so stop berating him for being prepared. Both of you stop acting like five year olds and start listening to each other." Shaking her head Parvati turned and headed back up the stairs to the dorms. The few people nearby slowly started to walk away now that the show was over.

Harry sighed and turned back to his work. Just because Parvati was right didn't mean he'd immediately cave and apologize. He had some measure of self respect now after all.

Early during breakfast the next day Harry was joined by Susan. She carefully glanced around and, seeing nobody nearby, nodded to herself. "Harry," she said. "Aunt Amy is coming tomorrow morning to talk with you. She sent me a letter and asked me to set up a meeting spot. I asked the elves and they gave me a room you could use. It's on the seventh floor across from the tapestry of the dancing trolls. Just walk past the tapestry three times thinking about a room where you can't be overheard and the door should open."

Harry nodded to her. "Okay, thanks for the heads up. Why can't we do this in an unused classroom though?"

"Got me," Susan shrugged. "She just asked for it to be safe from any potential eavesdropping. That was the room the elves directed me to."

"What elves?" Harry asked.

"The house elves. You didn't know about them?" She snorted in response to his shaking head. "Wow. How did you think all the food popped up during the meals or how all our clothes got cleaned? Never mind, they tend to stay in the kitchens or out of sight. Most Hufflepuffs and the Weasley twins can show you the kitchen if you want. It's sorta near our common room and I've seen the twins sneaking in every so often. The point is, my aunt said this was important."

"I'll be there," Harry said, smiling. "Thanks for the heads up, Susan."

"Glad to help, Harry," she replied. "Feel free to take anyone you want to invite with you."

"Hermione?" Harry ventured softly. He still hadn't gotten the nerve to apologize to his friend for his outburst. He felt awful about it, but a simple 'I'm sorry' didn't seem like it would be sufficient. He needed to do something bigger. Something to show he knew how much of a prat he had been and that he truly regretting it. For the moment though, the coming meeting was more important and he needed to ask his friend while he had the chance. "Hermione?"

"Yes, Harry?" Hermione replied without raising her head from her book. She was curled up on the armchair in the Common Room and her voice was utterly neutral. Harry just cringed.

"Amelia Bones is coming to talk to me tomorrow around eight o'clock." He paused but the only response from his friend was raised eyebrows. "I'd like you to come to the meeting if you don't mind…I really value your opinion, Hermione."

"Is that all?"


Hermione sighed. "Very well, Harry. Where is it?"

"Seventh floor corridor across from the tapestry of the dancing trolls. You might have to walk past the tapestry a few times thinking of a meeting room if you can't see the door."

"That sounds like an awfully complicated place to hold a conversation," Hermione commented frowning. "I didn't know Hogwarts had rooms that protected."

"Had no idea myself. I was just passed the information by Susan. I checked it out a little while ago and it seems to work fine," Harry said shrugging.

"Alright then. I'll meet you there, Harry." She turned her eyes back to the book in clear dismissal. Harry cringed again. He really needed to figure out his grand gesture soon.

Harry had only been sitting at the table for a minute or two before Daphne walked in. She looked around with an approving nod and moved to sit next to him. "This is good. Silencing charms on the walls, anti-eavesdropping wards, no windows and no portraits. We might have to use this room more often. My father had to spend quite a bit for a setup like this. I wonder why there's one in Hogwarts."

Harry shrugged. "I didn't even know there was a room in this corridor until yesterday."

Shiva walked in then and quirked her mouth in confusion. "You know, I could've sworn there was a storage room here with blank rune stones and carving implements. I guess that was another section? Is there a second tapestry of that idiot with the dancing trolls?"

"You've been here longer than us, Shiva," Harry pointed out.

"Well yeah, but still…"

"This is a most unusual way to open a door," Hermione huffed as she walked in behind Shiva. "I understand the need to protect one's clandestine meeting room but it still seems silly."

"I would agree, Miss Granger," Amelia Bones said with a small chuckle as she opened the door. "You know, when Susan said to use this area I thought she was mistaken. When I was in school I was sure this was a hidden bedroom not a meeting room."

"Oh?" Tonks said with a grin stepping in behind her superior. "And just why were you looking for a hidden bedroom, Madam Bones?"

Amelia shrugged and looked at Tonks with an unreadable expression. "Well, Auror Tonks, if you must ask I don't think you are old enough to know."

Tonks' hair flashed to purple and she burst out laughing. "See this is why I love you, Boss! Wotcher, Harry, Hermione, Shiva, girl I haven't met."

"Hey, Tonks," Harry said waving. "This is Daphne Greengrass. Daph this is She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Tonks."

Tonks frowned. "Yeah, let's go with a different moniker shall we? How about Thy-Forbidden-One Tonks?"

"You need at least four words for a hyphenated name, Tonks. Everyone knows that," Harry laughed.

"So says the great, Boy-Who-Lived?" Tonks snorted waggling her eyebrows at him.

"Nope. So says the great, The-Boy-Who-Lived. Can't forget the article."

"Alright people, I actually do have things to discuss you know." Amelia moved to sit at the table and Tonks sat next her shaking her head and laughing with Harry. Her hair stayed purple.

"What can we help you with, Madam Bones?" Shiva asked trying to get the others back on track.

"Before we start," Amelia said bringing out her wand, "may I check everyone for listening charms?" Receiving head nods all around she quickly cast several charms and nodded happily at the results.

"Well it looks like we're clean. Though, Harry, I detect some residue of a listening charm on you. It seems like it was stripped as you walked in here though so there's that."

Everyone's face on Harry's side of the table darkened. Hermione scowled, Daphne frowned, Harry growled and Shiva looked ready to hit something. "I don't suppose you could tell whose signature it was?" Shiva asked through clenched teeth.

"Unfortunately, no," Amelia apologized. Shiva nodded and waved the woman to continue. "Alright, let's begin. Harry, Professor Babbling, you both trust Miss Granger and Miss Greengrass?"

"We do," Harry said.

"Very well. I asked to meet you in person because Tonks has brought something to my attention that apparently not only affects you, but that you were instrumental in discovering to begin with."

Hermione frowned. "You mean, Sirius Black? All we truly have is character testimony, logic and circumstantial evidence. It's not enough to overturn a conviction even if it is enough to reopen the case. I really think we need to see the trial files in order to actively move forward."

"That's exactly the problem, Miss Granger." Amelia sighed and leaned forward to meet the eyes of each of them in turn. "There was no trial for Sirius Black."

Harry's eyes widened while Shiva cursed under her breath. Hermione just hung her head and muttered, "This really shouldn't surprise me I suppose."

Daphne had the most marked reaction of any of them. She jumped to her feet and slammed her hands on the desk glaring at Amelia. "Do you mean to tell me, Director Bones, that the Heir Black was sent to Azkaban without even the semblance of a trial?"

"That is exactly what I mean to tell you, Miss Greengrass."

"That's-that's-I can't even-how did such a thing happen!?"

"Daphne?" Harry asked turning to look at the girl.

Shiva shook her head and laid a hand on Harry's shoulder. "House Black is a very old family, Harry. That their Heir was imprisoned without a trial is a huge offense to the House and would set a dangerous precedent for all the other older families."

"And what of the less important families?" Hermione asked with narrowed eyes. "Or of Muggle-borns? Would imprisoning people like me without trial cause any fuss all?"

Daphne gasped and immediately twisted to Hermione and wrapped her in a hug. Harry's eyebrows rose at the display from the normally reserved Slytherin but remained quiet. "Hermione, I am so sorry. That's not what I meant! I just – this type of thing only happened centuries ago! It's not supposed to happen anymore! If they could do that to the Heir Black imagine what they could do to the rest of us!"

"If it's any consolation guys," Tonks said her hair having shifted to a more muted blue, "we think it only happened because everybody was so certain that my cousin was guilty. Coupled with the attitude of the war just ending and wanting to have the remaining horror show over and done with…well, nobody really wanted to look too closely at things."

"Well it obviously wasn't very cut and dry was it?" Harry said with a scowl. "We tore apart the entire thing by just asking a few questions!"

"Questions that no one cared to ask before, Mr. Potter." Amelia removed her monocle and sighed. "Investigations in the magical world do not always proceed the same way as in the Muggle world. I have been trying to change that since I've taken up the mantle, but there are only so many changes our society will accept at once."

Harry's scowl deepened. 'Then I'll drag this world into the 20th century kicking and screaming if I have to.' Out loud he said, "So you believe that Sirius Black is innocent as well then, Madam Bones?"

She nodded. "I do. Though apart from Tonks and myself we are rather lacking in support for that opinion."

"But – "

Shiva held up a hand and Harry stopped. She continued instead. "Is that why we are having a secret meeting? Do you feel like any efforts we make to prove his innocence could be sabotaged?"

Amelia sighed and rubbed her eyes. "Honestly I'm not sure. I don't think sabotage is truly likely, but obstruction? That I would place good money on."

Tonks snorted and her hair flickered to red. "It's already being obstructed. Before I went to Madam Bones I tried to talk to my first boss, Head Auror Scrimgeour. I was laughed out of the office and politely told to drop it or I could be fired for any minor complaint."

Harry's eyes widened. "What the bloody hell are you still doing working with people like that, Tonks?"

"Harry," Shiva coughed and looked at him sheepishly. "Don't forget that Dumbledore threatened me with the same thing regarding you."

"He did?" Amelia frowned at Shiva. "Regarding Mr. Potter's guardians I assume?" Shiva nodded. "What is that man playing at…?"

"Do you think Dumbledore is behind Black not receiving a trial?" Daphne asked finally somewhat calm again.

"Not that I know of, no. Why? What makes you suspect him?"

"I'll give you the full accounting afterwards," Harry said. "Why don't you think it was Dumbledore spearheading this?"

"My predecessor that's why," Amelia said. She shook her head. "Bartemius Crouch was a good man in principle but he had a vendetta against the Death Eaters and he was obsessed with getting justice against them. A lot of his later actions in the war were extremely questionable and sadly it doesn't surprise me overmuch that he sent Black to Azkaban without a trial. He likely thought the man's family would simply buy his freedom if one were to be allowed. I am ashamed to admit he had motive to believe that – seeing as it happened to others." Harry nodded thinking of Lucius Malfoy.

"So what do we do?" Hermione asked.

"I am primarily attempting to get the Kiss On Sight order revoked. If that happens I am confident I can arrange a hearing for Black and the truth will out."

"And if you can't get that revoked?" Daphne asked. She looked between Amelia and Tonks. "What happens if Black is found by someone else and that is still in effect?"

The uncomfortable looks on the two Aurors faces were enough to answer that question.

"What if we get proof?" Harry asked quietly. All eyes turned to him. "There's gotta be something right? We think that he might have come here hunting either Peter Pettigrew or looking to protect me. Either way, he's probably around. If I can find him to talk to him…"

Tonks shook her head. "I'd really prefer you didn't, Harry."

Shiva bumped her fist into his shoulder. "As your guardian, I agree. We still don't know sure for sure that he is innocent, kid. And even if he is…"

"He may not be entirely sane," Amelia finished. "Very few survive so long in Azkaban with their mind fully intact. If you do get word on where Sirius Black is hiding tell us and we will come take care of it. I give you my word that he will receive both a trial and fair proceedings. Tonks tells me you have a way of contacting her at a moment's notice?"

Harry nodded. "Yes, ma'am. We all wear Comm Stone earrings I invented." He pointed to his ear showing the little rune stone. "They work like Muggle mobiles. I'm still trying to get one that can be untethered, but these work fine linked together for the moment."

"Excellent. When you do succeed in making others, let me know. The Aurors could certainly use that and I'm sure I could shift some money around in our budget to afford some." Harry nodded to her. "Alright, now let's discuss your issue with Dumbledore. Why exactly was he the first name you jumped to regarding this situation? While I'm not particularly fond of him or his methods myself I can attest he has always been a staunch supporter of what is right."

"Where do I start?" Harry snorted. "First off, did you know my parents had wills?"

Amelia frowned. "I had assumed those were destroyed the same night your parents perished. They should have been read otherwise."

"Well apparently, Dumbledore sealed my dad's will to prevent that," Harry explained. "We're almost certain it was because his and mum's wills both said that I wasn't to go to my relatives and Dumbledore felt I should."

"That…" Amelia shook her head. "That is unsettling indeed, but in his position as Chief Warlock at the time such a thing, while frowned on, was within his rights…"

"Yeah I know. I looked it up. Very few of my problems with Dumbledore are actually illegal but the pattern established is…bad."

"Well, what else then, Harry?" Tonks asked.

Harry sighed and started holding up his fingers as he listed the rest. "He left me on the Dursleys' doorstep with only a letter rather than explaining in person. He left me with the Dursleys period despite knowing that they hated my mum and magic in general and also despite my godmother and godfather both being alive and well at that point. He claimed my magical guardianship yet never bothered to check on my well being at the Dursleys. While I was still a toddler, he established a marriage contract with Ginny Weasley even if he never signed it – which confuses me a bit there though I imagine it was to use as leverage against either me or Molly Weasley at some point in the future."

Harry leaned back and switched to his other hand. "As my magical guardian it was his duty to inform me about my future responsibilities as a Head of House yet I didn't even know House Potter was a thing until Susan and Hannah officially apologized last year and Neville told me a bit. He should've told me about my accounts, but until this summer I didn't even know I had more than the trust vault nor did I know about the properties I apparently own. We're pretty sure he redirected my mail – which I can honestly understand a bit to begin with – but there was no reason for him to keep doing so by this point."

Harry nodded towards Hermione and Daphne. "For things during school; he flat out lied to me about my scar. Hermione has pointed out that the 'protections' on the Philosopher's Stone during our first year seemed almost tailor made to test me, her and Neville. That fact calls into question exactly why he flew to the Ministry on a broom the night Quirrelmort tried to steal it when he could've simply Flooed or apparated there. Last year he didn't do a thing when Lucius Malfoy blocked us getting mature mandrakes for the petrified students. He also tried to read my mind using Legilimency shortly after the Chamber incident."

Harry paused to center himself before continuing. "Even with all that, the only thing that was technically illegal was the mail blocking and the Legilimency. Both though have official explanations with the Legilimency being shortly after the Chamber of Secrets and the mail being preventing me from receiving cursed mail as a toddler. And we can't even prove that one was him."

Amelia was glowering by the end of Harry's rant and Tonks' hair had turned a mousy brown. "You would likely be able to make a case for neglect concerning your relatives and the lack of information about House Potter however it would be difficult against someone with the amount of goodwill that Albus has. At best you'd probably just receive an apology and a confession that he was overworked with his many positions." She scowled. "You're absolutely right though. That is a very disturbing pattern of a man seemingly horribly focused on you."

Shiva nodded. "That's what we thought too. It's why we haven't gone to you or anyone else to bring up charges. There is very little that is concrete that we can point to and he has too much power to try anything without something truly major."

"Harry," Daphne said softly, "tell them the rest."

"The rest?" Hermione asked giving Daphne a calculating look.

"I'm not a fool, Hermione. I can put dates together too you know. It's not hard to figure out that that marriage contract was signed shortly after Harry's placement…and the other attacks and arrests." Daphne gave a sad smile in response to Hermione's wide eyes. Harry just chuckled. His friend was not in Slytherin for nothing – unlike Draco Malfoy.

"What's she talking about, Harry?" Tonks asked turning toward the lone male in the room. Her eyes were wide and she was sitting a little slumped in her chair.

"Well," Harry said, "the timing is just suspicious. I honestly think that the others are making a bigger deal of this then it likely is. My parents died October 31st. I was placed with the Dursleys November 1st. My godfather, Sirius Black was arrested and shipped to Azkaban November 3rd. My godmother, Alice Longbottom was attacked and rendered catatonic November 4th. The marriage contract for me was drawn up and signed by Molly Weasley November 5th. I agree it all looks a bit suspicious but as much as I dislike Albus Dumbledore and hate how he seems determined to control my life I don't think he's evil. And only someone evil would have deliberately arranged to have the Longbottoms attacked and Sirius Black framed."

Amelia was quiet for some time while the others just sat back. Shiva and Hermione had already heard this and weren't surprised. Daphne was holding her chin and considering the potential options. Tonks simply stared blankly up at the ceiling.

"Mr. Potter," Amelia finally said, "do you truly think Dumbledore had nothing to do with those events?"

"I think he saw opportunities and used them," Harry shrugged. "Like I said, I don't like him, but I don't think he'd deliberately hurt the others just to control me."

"That…" Amelia sighed and shook her head. "It is still disturbing. Now I am very glad I asked for this meeting to be kept quiet. I agree there is very little that we could actually bring to bear on him. I will make some quiet inquiries and see what I can find. In the meantime attempt to keep your head down around the esteemed Headmaster. You…may wish to find alternate schooling arrangements, Mr. Potter."

Hermione's eyes widened and she twisted to stare at Harry while Daphne nodded tiredly. Harry just shook his head and ignored his two friends. "Not possible, ma'am. I already talked about it with Shiva over the summer. Dumbledore is still my magical guardian so he would have to approve any change in schools."

Amelia gave a soft nod. "Damn. Very well. Should something occur that requires immediate Auror attention please don't hesitate to contact Tonks. If you get a chance it might be a good idea to craft one of those stones for me as well. I would also take it as a personal favor if you made one for Susan."

"I can do that." Harry smiled at her. "Thanks for listening by the way. There are very few adults who do."

Amelia nodded. "Of course, Mr. Potter. I always endeavor to listen to legitimate concerns. I believe we should adjourn for now. I'll keep you informed of anything we discover on both fronts. Please do the same." She stood up to head to the door. "Tonks, I'll meet you back at the office?"

Tonks jerked out of her reverie. "Yeah, Boss. I'll meet you back there in a few minutes."

"I've got to go finish grading some papers. Feel free to stop by later, Harry," Shiva winked at him as she followed Amelia outside.

"Harry," Hermione said, "can we talk when you get back to the Common Room?"

"Sure, Hermione," he replied. "I have something I wanted to ask you anyway." She nodded and hurried out.

"Jeez, Harry, you can clear a room can't you?" Daphne said with a small giggle. "We need to talk about Tracey by the way. I…could use some advice."

"From me?"

"Well I can't exactly talk to her without getting a second opinion now can I?" she said, raising her eyebrows.

"Whatever," Harry said waving her off. "Just give me a minute to talk with Tonks, yeah?"

"By all means." She gave a playful grin. "Should I give you two the room?"

Tonks' face turned red as did Harry's. "In case you forgot Little Miss Greengrass, Harry Potter here is only 13 so whatever you are implying I suggest you take a U-turn."

"Yeah, sure, Miss I Have A Contact Earring," Daphne said laughing. "Don't mind me; I'll just be over in the corner then reading."

"Sorry about that," Harry sighed turning to Tonks.

"It's fine, Harry." Tonks snorted and her hair flashed a quick blue before settling on purple. "She does kind of have a point. I am the only person outside your immediate group of friends who has a Comm Stone."

"Yeah, but you're my friend too, Tonks," Harry said. He frowned at her in concern. "Are you okay? You didn't really look too good throughout that meeting. Especially near the end…"

"It just sucks having your dreams and idol crushed, squirt."

"Squirt?" Harry said raising his eyebrow at her.

"Well 'Harry' doesn't exactly lend itself to an easy nickname now does it? And you've made it clear that Shiva already stole the 'kid' moniker so I'm left with 'squirt'. You're shorter than me. It works short term."

"Uh huh. We'll see. Stop dodging the question."

"Actually I didn't," Tonks shrugged. "Dumbledore was kinda the guy I always looked up to as a kid. The last few minutes rather effectively destroyed that."

"And your dreams? I take it the other Aurors aren't treating you well?"

"I rock the boat. It's kinda my thing," she smirked at him. "It nothing intentional anymore really beyond the hair and occasional pranks. I put in a few ideas for improved security and got shot down because of lack of seniority or funds. The thing with my cousin is just exacerbating things. It just sucks not being taken seriously by anyone except Bonesy."

"I'm sorry, Tonks. I feel like this is partly my fault for pushing you to begin with." He grimaced.

"Harry," she said with a snort, "you're one of the few things that still make me laugh these days. My problems with my coworkers are because they are arseholes who see me mostly useful for my powers rather than my brains. It's not much different from school honestly so I should be more used to it."

"I still say you should do what makes you happy."

"Well the faster you get your eventual rune shop set up the faster that might happen, squirt." Tonks laughed with him and gave him a quick hug. "Alright I gotta head out. Remember, call me if you find my cousin and I'll grab Bonesy and be right over."

"Take care, Tonks." Harry waved as she headed outside. He turned back to Daphne and sat down on the armchair across from her ignoring her grin. "Were these chairs here when we walked in?"

"No clue. I only noticed them when I was looking for an out of the way corner so you two could chat. Granger better be careful. You look like you're moving on to the older women."

"You're the second person to say that to me," Harry grumbled. "And you do realize Hermione is almost a year older than me right? Hell almost all of you except Luna are older than me."

"I rest my case," Daphne laughed.

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up, Greengrass. Are we going to talk about me and my potentially nonexistent girlfriend or are we going to talk about you and your potential girlfriend?"

Daphne grimaced. "That really doesn't bother you?"

"Shiva has had ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends," he commented with a raised eyebrow. "Tracey has mentioned several times that she is interested in girls only. I was right next to you when Diarymort mentioned she loved you. I have yet to shun any of you, Daph."

"I know," she said sighing, "but from my end this is all very…weird. And it is exceptionally odd talking about it with a boy, let alone a Gryffindor."

"I could go get Hermione you know," he said with a reassuring grin. "Or we could wait til Luna comes back which would solve both problems."

Daphne snorted. "No thank you. Luna is sweet enough but there is absolutely no chance of me having this conversation with her unless she drops the act entirely."

"You know it's not that easy, Daph. But we're getting sidetracked. Have you mentioned to Tracey what Diarymort said? That you know?"

"No, I haven't," Daphne shook her head. "Tracey's smart though. She knows something's changed. I've been trying to keep an open mind about it and honestly the idea has some appeal. She has been my best friend for nearly as long as I can remember…It could be…nice."

"So what's the problem then?" Harry asked.

"It's twofold really. The first and most obvious is that she is my best friend. What if it doesn't work? What if it ends badly and I lose her in the process? I would rather not start a relationship at all than lose her as a friend."

"You could both agree to move back if things start to fall apart. That your friendship would always be the most important relationship you have. It's pretty much what I'm going to say in a few minutes."

Daphne stared at him before shaking her head. "Gryffindors charge ahead indeed," she muttered. "Well good luck, Harry. I don't know if that approach would work for me but you are right I suppose that it would be something to bring up to her and work out amongst ourselves."

"I'm not sure that's what I said…but sure let's go with that." Girls made so little sense to Harry. He could've sworn she just made up a solution he had in no way been close to saying. "What's the second main problem?"

"Harry," Daphne sighed, "you weren't raised as a pureblood. More specifically as a pureblood Heiress. The expectations for Luna, Neville, Susan and myself are far different from people like Tracey and Hermione."

"Oh? Where do I fit into that expectations thing?"

"Well unlike us, you have never shown the slightest interest in the same sex. So you have nothing to worry about – despite Colin Creevy following you around like a drooling lost puppy at times."

"Wait Neville has – "

"Focus, Harry. We are talking about expectations here." Harry scowled at her comment. She had so done that on purpose. "As a pureblood Heir or Heiress to a Noble House, we are expected to provide an Heir to continue the bloodline. Luna, Susan and Neville are all last of their lines and so they must provide an Heir or be essentially shunned from high society for allowing their lines to die. I have slightly more leeway since I have a sister yet…I would not let that burden fall to Astoria. Tori has always been a wild child and, while she may frustrate me, I do love her dearly and would never force her into a Line Continuation arrangement."

"So," Harry said furrowing his brow, "you don't want to try and date Tracey because you need to have a baby in the future?"

"Well that is horribly simplifying it but…yes." Daphne shrugged. "I must provide an Heir at some point. Tracey lacks the rather necessary equipment for that. Magic can do quite a lot but it can't change your bits. Even your friend Tonks, while she could morph into a male form with the appropriate plumbing to enjoy the act, she could never actually impregnate a woman."

"Daph," Harry said, "you do realize that we are teenagers yeah? While I love a fairy tale ending as much as next wizard, there's no guarantee that who we start dating now is going to be who we marry."

"I know. But there is still a stigma against homosexual relationships involving Heirs and Heiresses. My father is difficult enough as it is. I do not relish the day he learns I entered into a relationship without the potential for an Heir of my own." She frowned and crossed her arms staring off into space.

Harry rubbed his forehead in exasperation. "Daph, there are other ways to get pregnant."

"I have no interest in using those sorts of potions or rituals Harry and blood adoptions freak me out."

"I have no idea about anything you just said," he gave a rueful chuckle. "I was talking about Muggle means. I saw a program about it over the summer. They have treatments meant for couples who have trouble having kids but I imagine it'd be just as easy to use with two girls as long as you find a willing male donor." His face went a little red remembering that television show though he managed to keep the blush mostly in check.

"Hmm, you know that's not a bad idea. And there is always the old fashioned way if the donor understood that it was just a onetime thing…" Daphne eyed him and Harry suddenly felt uncomfortable, like he was a piece of meat.

"Err, Daph? Why are you looking at me like that?" His blush began to spread.

"No reason, Harry," she said grinning and patting his arm. "I was just considering your idea. Thank you for that by the way. It has some merit. It would also keep my father off my back long enough to see if the relationship could even work to begin with."

"Um, sure. Glad to help." He breathed a sigh of relief as Daphne turned back to the fire. When had a fire been lit anyway?

"You did. Harry," Daphne leaned over and gave him a short hug, pulling back almost before he even realized she had done it. "Thank you."

Harry walked through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor Common Room immediately spotting Hermione off in the corner curled up on her favorite armchair with book in hand. Taking a deep breath he muttered to himself, "Enough stalling. Gryffindors charge ahead."

"Hey, Hermione," he said as he walked up and dropped into the chair across from her.

"Hello, Harry." Hermione closed her book and put it off to the side turning to look at him. Harry noticed her eyes had a slight sheen to them and were a little red around the edges. "Were you really going to just leave once you had your new guardian?"

"What? What does that – " Harry cut off suddenly going wide eyed as he realized what Hermione had thought. "Oh god, no, Hermione, I was never going to just run off to a new school without saying anything! It was just an idle conversation we had and almost immediately discarded. If it had ever – or ever does – pan out, you will be one of the first people to know and I fully intend to invite you to come with!"

"Oh." She wiped a quick hand over the back of her eyes. "That's good. I…Harry, I know we've been fighting the past few days, but I don't want you to leave. You were my first real friend. You're my best friend. I don't think I'd enjoy Hogwarts without you here…"

"Hermione," Harry reached out a hand and grasped hers. "You're my best friend too. I can't imagine going through the crazy things in my life without you. I…" He took a deep breath and kept going, "Hermione, I'm really sorry about what I said and how I acted earlier. I felt horrible afterwards and I know I screwed up. You were just looking out for me and I completely brushed you off. I've been trying to figure out a way to apologize with some sort of grand gesture but I just keep coming up blank."

"Harry, you don't need to do that. I was wrong too," she said giving him a small smile. "You do do excellent work with your rune clusters. I just feel like you are headed for trouble if you don't work on other things besides that."

"I know. And after I thought about it I think you're right. I have been neglecting my spells because runes are so much easier for me. I barely even have to work at those and it was…nice finding something I was good at," he shrugged. "I can't promise that I'm going to stop concentrating on building the clusters but I can promise that I make sure I can do the spells they are based on before relying on my inventions."

"I think that's a perfectly reasonable compromise, Harry."

He nodded. "Thanks. Okay, now for the hard stuff…"

"Oh?" she cocked her head looking intrigued. "That wasn't hard?"

"Not compared to this," he muttered. "I gave Daphne some advice that I'm going to try to follow myself. At least I think I did. Maybe. It was a very confusing conversation for me." He shook his head to clear out the errant thoughts. "Anyway, the point is, Hermione, you're my best friend. And I – I'd like to maybe try to be more than that. When you were hurt last year I lost it. The things beforehand pushed me but when you got it hurt it was like the world ground to a halt. I've been thinking about that over the summer and I – well I don't really know exactly what love is. The Dursleys definitely were not a role model there. But I've been learning since I came here. And while I'm not sure if I love you or not I do know that I feel more for you than just as a friend." Harry paused for and then rushed on so fast the words blended together. "AndIwaswonderingifyou'dgotoHogsmeadewithmeandmaybebemygirlfriend."

Hermione blinked and stared at him for a moment. "Harry, before I reply to any of the rest…would you mind repeating that last sentence? Usually I'm the one talking too fast to understand."

Harry gave a rueful chuckle and ran a hand through his hair. "I was wondering if you'd go to Hogsmeade with me and maybe be my girlfriend." His face was burning and he was horribly glad he didn't have a mirror. He probably had the same amount of color as the Weasleys' hair.

"Harry, look at me," Hermione said. Slowly Harry lifted his eyes to her face. He was surprised to see that she was smiling widely. "I have been interested in you since you jumped on the back of a troll to save me."

"You – wait – what?"

"You jumped on a troll to save my life, Harry. How was I not supposed to fall for you?" Hermione laughed and pulled him into a hug kissing his cheek. "I would love to go to Hogsmeade with you, Harry. And yes I would love to be your girlfriend as well." She pulled back and gave him a stern look while holding him at arms' length. "But just so we're clear, mister, I have zero intention of losing my best friend. If this gets weird or if you ever feel uncomfortable you say something immediately and we step back and reassess. I care about you deeply, Harry, but I would much rather maintain a friendship than a relationship if it's going to tear us apart." She started to glare at him. "Why are you laughing? I'm serious!"

"Sorry, Hermione!" Harry got out between his wheezing. "It's just that I literally told Daphne to say almost that exact same thing to Tracey!"

Dinner that night was…interesting. Harry and Hermione were eating dinner shyly holding hands and blushing when a tiny brunette girl plopped down across from them smiling widely at Harry. "Hiya!" she said.

"Err, hello? Have we…" he trailed off as he looked more closely at her. She was exceedingly familiar.

"Astoria." The girl held out her hand, smile widening. "You can call me Tori. You're friends with my sister."

"Hello, Tori," Hermione reached over and shook the younger girl's hand. "I'm Hermione."

"I know. And you're Harry. My sister has talked a lot about both of you."

"Good things I hope?" Harry asked already feeling a bit lost.

"Mostly. Though she does complain a bit that you both should've been in Slytherin like us," she snorted and shook her head. "I just say that it proves you're both smarter than us because you're Slytherins hiding in another House. That's so amazingly sneaky of you! Sal Slytherin would've been so proud!"

"Suuurre…" Harry said. 'How can she be so perky?'

"So are one of you going to date Daphne? I was hoping for a big brother but another big sister would be cool too."

Hermione spurted out the juice she had just drunk and Harry started groaning. Astoria for her part deftly avoided the juice and looked between the two expectantly. "Tori," Hermione said trying and failing for a semblance of calm and amusement, "we actually just agreed earlier to date each other."

"Oh," Astoria shrugged. "Well is there room for Daphne too? She could be a consort to continue the Greengrass line that way."

The two Gryffindors' mouths dropped open. They were saved from replying as Daphne shouted from behind them, "Tori! What are you doing? Shut up you little menace!"

"I was just asking a question. You said I could start talking to your friends after the New Year. It's after the New Year."

"I am so sorry guys," Daphne said groaning. She picked her sister up and started pushing her back to the Slytherin table. "I swear we raised her better than that. Talk to you later!"

"Bye, Harry! Bye, Hermione! Think about what I said!" Astoria yelled waving as she let herself be dragged along.

Harry thumped his head into the table. "Were we ever that…energetic?"

Hermione sighed and refilled her glass. "Honestly? I don't think so. But we really should count ourselves lucky. Imagine if Luna acted like that."

Harry's eyes widened and he stared at his friend. "And with that thought I think I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of the week."

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