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1.94% Meta Essence CYOA / Chapter 1: Meta Essence CYOA 1

Chapitre 1: Meta Essence CYOA 1

Essence of Rule 63

Upon drinking this milky white liquid the taste of purple fills your mouth and

-You gain the power to immediately shift the genders of anyone in your line of sight between the sexes and anywhere along the way

-You can choose, over the course of time, shift the gender ratios of an entire species until they match your ideal

-You can apply your sense of aesthetics to anyone who's gender you've changed or are changing to make them more attractive by your standards.

-You can decide whether or not these changes are noticeable by those under your influence as well as those you haven't affected with your powers. No changes you make can be linked back to you unless you choose to let others know and even then you can control how far that information will spread if they talk.

Essence of the Barbarian

By drinking this blood red essence that tastes of strong, but favorable, ale suited to your palate, with faint undertones of sweat and tears, you gain:

-Superhuman strength, speed, and stamina that will grow with time, training and combat but that start at a point where you can easily lift modestly sized boulders and shatter them, outpace a sprinting horse, and the endurance to do both for a week straight without rest.

-Superhuman dexterity and coordination enough to snatch an arrow out of the air even when loosed from a multi-hundred pound bow while writing with your toes that will grow along a similar curve to your other physical capabilities

-Extreme vitality that will allow you to shrug off and fight through mortal injuries and dozens of bleeding wounds unhindered, while giving you a fair shot at surviving them afterwards. This also grants you resistance to most poisons and disease, allowing you to survive things that might slay lesser humans, and an extended lifespan during which you age slower.

-The ability to bounce back from even crippling injuries in short order provided you survive, not quite on the level of regeneration. With this you are the embodiment of "that which does not kill you has made a tactical error".

-Resistance to curses, hexes, and various other malicious or unwanted magic effects, it's not full immunity, but like your other abilities with time and exposure this can grow to such a degree that whether or not you're actually immune may be called into question and before that point it makes breaking or undermining such enchantments (including prophecies) far easier.

-The power to slay even allegedly immortal/unkillable/deathless/amortal people/things/enemies with enough dedicated effort, including those under gaes that made them practically immune to damage outside of specific circumstances. No matter what it is, you can eventually kill it if you chop it into enough pieces and then walk away confident in the knowledge that once you've finished murdalizing the hell out of it that it won't be getting back up again even if all other gods, powers and forces in existence agree that it should.

-A keen mind and sharp instincts honed for combat, complete with a great knowledge of how to fight both armed and unarmed, which is utterly immune to the ravages of age and times.

-Multitasking with which you can track the happenings of an entire battlefield at once while still being able to hold your own in a fight as though you were giving your enemies your full attention.

-A surprising talent for languages, which you can learn in a surprisingly short time on your own, usually in less than a month, and far faster with someone assisting you. Learning a language includes reading and writing as well as the spoken word even if your only source is a stone slab with some lines carved into it or a random fool spouting utter gibberish in your direction with no context. After all, it's hard to work for, conquer, or extort people if you can't understand them.

-Great charisma to sway lesser men and women and inspire in them courage or fear as you prefer.

-Immunity to psychological trauma from sources including, but not limited, combat, bloodshed, death, gore and more.

-Willpower sufficient to withstand crushing defeat, decades torture, untold suffering and many other horrible things including That Which Man Was Not Meant to Know and still be able to carry on as you please.

-An immense capacity for alcohol, such that you could drink entire pantheons under the table and still be ready for more with a little practice.

-A stomach capable of digesting and deriving nutrition from virtually anything to little or no ill effect, including rocks if you get truly desperate (or if you feel like showing off by eating a bowl of nails for breakfast, without milk of course)

-Near limitless sexual stamina and an innate knack for pleasing your lovers such that lesser lovers may not be able to satisfy them in the future, this can be quite handy in breaking people to your will if you so desire. Also comes with a talent for Wenching*.

-A one time reshaping of your body, defaulting to a tall and powerfully muscled body of your gender that is guaranteed to look incredible even (or especially) if clad only in small scraps of fabric that barely preserve modesty. Your assets, by default, will be large and impressive, but they will never hinder you in any manner either by getting in the way or by being incompatible with your lovers. Your appearance is completely customizable (yes, you can even become a scrawny, pale nerd capable of breaking stones with your bare hands and fighting like a savage, but the other barbarians will tease you mercilessly even if you slay them all), but all injuries will automatically be healed and all physical and mental illnesses will be cured. After all, being a Barbarian is no fun if you're a sick, crippled, nervous wreck..

*Wenching in this context is a gender neutral term and applies to any person you find physically attractive (Wenches) no matter their gender, this talent makes getting them into bed with you far easier even if you're blatantly Wenching multiple Wenches at once and even if they don't usually swing that way.

Essence of the Battle Nun

 Upon drinking this fiery elixir, you find yourself filled with Holy Purpose that grants you Divine Grace which

 -allows you to work miracles such as turing a snack for one man into a meal capable of feeding millions, part entire oceans to create a dry road at the bottom that can be crossed in less than an hour by those you allow to tread upon it no matter the distance that it spans, create pillars of Divine Fire that can consume or rout entire armies, or raise the dead on an equally massive scale or any number of things

 -allows you to create plagues capable of destroying entire nations overnight

 - grants you immortality, including eternal youth, an indestructible, inviolable soul and the ability to rise from the dead even if you are slain by something capable of killing a true immortal

 - grants you battle magics capable of anything from one on one engagements to army scale combat with enough power to fight an army alone

 - grants you the power to instantly recover from wounds, illness, disability, poison and even death automatically no matter how every and the ability to grant others similar recovery at your will

 - gives you the authority with which to summon forth angels to obey your every command along with the ability to decide what forms they take whenever you bring them forth, the angels are as immortal as you are.

 - grants you Superhuman strength, speed, dexterity and reactions enough so that you can move entire mountains with no more effort than a circus strongman would exert lifting a sheet of paper without need to worry about leverage or natural forces working against you to destroy whatever you are moving, outrun a super sonic jet on foot and dodge through a veritable wall of automatic gunfire without getting scratched. 

 - gives Supernatural perception with which you can detect supernatural forces at work, look to the far side of the universe (in real time) to precieve what's happening and hear any prayers that you may choose whether or not to grant

 - allows for near Infinite trains of thought with perfect multi-tasking

 - grants an unbreakable will and protects against mind altering affects and abilities and exposure to things beyond mortal ken and/or that man was not meant to know

 - gives you a one time remodeling of your body, defaulting to a well proportioned female body complete with wide hips, a narrow waist and large breasts that form an hourglass figure, though this can be changed in any number of ways with the only limitation being that whatever form you take you will always look pure and graceful (though this can be concealed after the change with effort).

 - grants you wings of Holy Light to fly even faster than you can run

 - guarantees you a place in a comfortable, enjoyable afterlife tailored to your preferences for when you choose to retire and leave this life behind, along with a similar guarantee to your assorted loved ones when they pass on.

Essence of the Bimbo

Upon consuming the fizzy, sweet pink drink you notice a few immediate effect.

-Your body becomes idealized in a hyper-feminine manner, the default is large breasts and ass and a tiny waist in a slighty exaggerated hourglass figure but you can alter the exact specifics. Whether your genitillia change is also up to you, but by default you will exchange a penis for a vagina if you're male.

-You become extremely up beat, cheerful and generally very enthusiastic, almost nothing can bring down your perpetual good mood. This can be toggled on and off with no negative side effects, while it's on however even the simplest things in life will bring you joy, making you seem like a very basic bitch.

-You gain perfect memory with infinite storage.

-People will perceive you as simple minded airhead, any displays of intelligence and/or competence will be met with shock and disbelief before being rationalized away as flukes in short order.

-You gain an intuitive ability to read and understand people down to their last foible and an instinctive knowledge of how to use this to your advantage.

-You gain access to The Pink and become it's empowered champion. The more pink you wear and surround yourself with, the more your powers grow.

-You can convert others into bimbos with a touch, their physical attributes are yours to shape as you please. If you so choose you may drain their intelligence and add it to your own. At will you may look through the eyes of any bimbos that you have created this way. All bimbos created by you are loyal to you and will obey your orders without question- it's not like any of them have a better idea anyway.

-Cute animals and sales at the mall become moderately more distracting to you, niggling at you for a time if you don't immediately stop to indulge yourself for at least two hours when presented with either.

-Your libido is ramped up to near the levels of a nymphomaniac, indulging in sexual activities will satiate you for less time then it used to. You are immune to STIs and unwanted pregnancies and operate under a somewhat limited form of porn physics.

-You may feel the compulsive urge to inappropriately use the word "like" in the middle of sentences.

Essence of the Coupon

 Upon drinking this essence you realize that many things in life are far too expensive, but less so now for you.

 Things in life that aren't already discounted cost 50% less for you, be it at the grocery store*, the stock market* or in a cyoa that you happen to be in.

 Additionally, if you find something that costs an odd unit of whatever system you're paying with and it can't be discounted evenly (IE items and/or options that can't be divided by two without ending in an unavailable fraction of points) you may buy one of those things at full price and receive a second for free. Optionally you can choose to forgo the discount that this essence grants to buy two items and/or options that can otherwise be discounted at full price in order to gain a third of equal to their combined value or less for free instead.

 *Some restrictions apply. Discounts from this Essence may not be available in real life. 

Essence of the Double Chain

Upon drinking the contents of this strange little you are greeted by a very enthusiastic Jump-chan, you've discovered her super secret Essence of the Double Chain and she's about to send you on your very own Jumpchain adventure! Of course, that Jumpchains are now a part of your essence, you gain a few boons.

*Your starting CP for all jumps are now doubled (Your starting CP will never go below zero if there's some sort of debt incurred from the beginning and if there is, the debt will be halved. This doesn't work for your overspending though, Anon).

*You gain twice as many CP from drawbacks and if there's a drawback cap it's doubled so you can take twice the points with no issue, you little munchkin.

*Discounts are also doubled again (meaning 75% off rather than 50%), but you no longer get any freebies, anything that would have been free now costs 25 CP with no discounts available- It's cute what you're trying to do with that pencil, but no means no, anon. No editing these rules for you.

*Even if you don't have Return, you can go back to any jump you've done before once for ten years and redo the entire jump with a completely different builds. There are a few things to know about this, however.

Drawbacks you've taken before are no longer available, the same holds true for perks you took (you already have them silly, what good would having the same power twice do you?), this applies to perks you took that can be bought multiple times.

Items can be bought again if they can be taken multiple times however.

You gain a thousand CP to start with (it doesn't get doubled, nice try though), plus whatever CP you had left over from your last visit and what you can get from drawbacks.

What? You want more power? Well, I suppose you can take a drawback, this is a Jumpchain Essence after all. I there's only the one though, so you either have to take it now or go without.

Jumper's Own Worst Enemy +1000 CP (non doubled, only available during repeat Jumps)

If you repeat a jump, you'll find find that there's already another you there! What's more, not only are they just a single jump behind you in powers (even if you're returning to one of your early jumps, so are they), they are out for your blood! If they kill you, your jump ends right there and you go back home with the powers you gained just like normal, but here's the real catch. You can't kill them, or your jump ends too and then it's "No spark for you!"

Of course, if you've got a power that lets you pop back from the dead during a jump, then they can to. Trapping them for a decade is perfectly acceptable, but are you sure you can pull that off with all the powers that you and they share?

Lucky for you, the other you doesn't realize who you are or that you share the exact same powers no matter how obvious you make it, so if you both share one of those 1up powers (or more) they'll be satisfied with their victory if they kill you and will leave it at that. At least until you show your face again, then it's murder time all over again!

Too make things ever more fun, when your End Jump comes around, the other you will be there right from the start with all of your powers, they finally caught up to you Anon and they know who you are right from the start. Only one of you gets to get the Spark, so for this final showdown you can kill them without worrying about ending your jump. But don't forget that you still have to complete whatever challenges are set in your End Jump if you want that spark! Even if you don't abuse your do overs, you still have to fight your other self at the end of it all, there's a price for power like this, Anon. Either way you gain the +1000 CP from this drawback during your end jump whether or not you did any repeats of any other jumps.

A small note: During certain jumps like Pokemon where people battle through proxies and/or "friendly" rivalry is more likely than straight up death battles, the other you won't actually try to kill you. They will however try to crush you utterly and put you face down in the dirt where a dog like you belongs, depending on your personality, leather, latex and/or riding crops may well be involved.

Have fun Anon!

Essence of the Hentai Bastard

 By drinking the Essence inside this opaque bottle shaped like a woman's face in an ahe-gao expression that seems to look a little different every time you look at it no matter the reason you looked away from blinking to leaving the room you gain-

 -A body that runs on porn physics, your dick could be the size of an elephant and it would still fit inside a girl, though she might be a little stretched out afterwards

-Super powerful pheromones that you can control at will that will make whoever you desire more submissive, compliant and aroused, while making others wary of crossing you (and optionally more aroused as well). They can also make it impossible for anyone else.

-Access to porn logic capable of leveraging many situations to your advantage ranging from convincing people to do what you tell them even if they shouldn't to allowing you to smooth talk your way out of legal trouble should it arise and more. It's like a sort of perverted charisma that allows you to walk up to some random strangers house with your dick stuck inside a pizza box and convince them to let you in even if they know that they really shouldn't, or that lets you convince the judge that raping someone until they have hearts in their eyes actually does count as retroactive consent no matter how hard they fought you or how many times they said before hand.

 -Your actions may no longer have any appreciable consequences for yourself if you so choose, allowing you to escape any sort of punishment or retribution that you might otherwise have coming- even if the source is a supernatural being, force or phenomenon that would ordinarily be unstoppable or inescapable.

 -Hentai Vision which lets you see the kinks, sexual history, desires, intent, diseases, and damn near any other bit of information that might be relevant to a person. It will unfailingly let you detect suitable partners, people you want to avoid, or disguised hentai monsters.

-Immunity to illnesses and diseases (not just limited to STDs and STIs) as well as an incredible resistance to toxins, poisons and various other health hazards. Go without bathing for as long as you'd like, you still won't get sick- that said, people do appreciate good hygiene so you might want to be considerate of other people.

-A one time body resculpturing to make you look however you want (though it defaults to a standard "ugly bastard" appearance based on what you currently look like, you can easily change this so that your looks can be anywhere from a 1/10 to a 10/10 and anything in between) that removes any and all injuries, illnesses and defects that you may have previously had. This can let you be a shota, a little girl or a grown woman if you want, but it's restricted purly to humans.

 -Comic book style peak human capabilities on par with Captain America, making you stronger, faster and more enduring than even the greatest athletes.

 -A big dick, how big is up to you (Optional, but there by default)

 -Unlimited stamina and sexual fluid production

 -No refractory period, you can get hard and stay hard for as long as you want with no medical consequences

to get an erection for a set length of time after smelling them if you so desire. How this makes you smell is up to you.

 -Godlike skill at sex, allowing you to bring your partners to multiple screaming orgasms no matter how willing or unwilling they may be with little to no effort on your part

-The power to mind break anyone through orgasms, the more you make them cum, the easier it will be for you to make them into the exact sort of cum toilet you feel that they're suited to become. Heart-shaped pupils are optional, though on by default and only temporary.

 -A cleansing touch that will allow you at will to clean your partners inside and out at will to whatever degree you choose, this also works on yourself. Scents and tastes can optionally be left behind even if you cleanse someone entirely, if you so choose.

 -An instinctive knowledge of how best to blackmail, extort, exploit, or do various other nefarious things to people without getting caught. You might be able to talk your way out of jailtime, but it can still be very annoying if your victims try to squeal, this combined with a healthy does of porn logic will keep them nice and compliant until they accept their fate.

-The power to slowly and subtly reshape your targets body in any way you desire while you're having sex with them. Don't like that tattoo on your partner's shoulder? Get rid of it after just a few orgams. Are their breasts too big or too small? Make them just right while you ride their ass. Want that annoying/bratty boy to be more girly? They'll be ready for bikini season before they know it so long as you fuck them hard enough, its up to you if they keep their penis and how much of it they can keep.

-The ability to instantly conceal your eyes in shadow, making you look more mysterious and/or intimidating while also allowing you to perfectly conceal your identity no matter how clear it would otherwise be that its you. Optionally this can also make you harder to notice, becoming like a background character that nobody questions lurking around until you do something to draw attention to yourself. You can extend this effect to anybody you're actively having sex with. Yes, you can use this to rob a bank if you really want to, but that's a lot more work and far more dangerous than just finding some rich person to fuck into giving you their fortune.

-A plain looking stopwatch, if you desire, that allows you to pause time at will. Using it makes you immune to aging while time is stopped. While in use, you can freely interact with the world, allowing you to reposition people as you please without risk of harm to them from your direct actions. They won't fall until time is resumed no matter what position you put them in, pushing them will only cause them to fall as far as the floor you're standing on. Any actions you take to pleasure someone will cause their bodies to physically respond to your touch, but they won't feel anything until after you resume time at which point you can decide how fast they feel everything you did to them while they were pause ranging from being in sequential order from start to finish at the actual speed that you did it to them to everything all at once to give them potentially the most intense orgasm they might ever experience or anything in between. It's also great for taking naps, but don't expect to get through any doors that operate on electronic locks unless they're only held closed by a magnet.

-An alternate form that you can change into at will, there are no limits on what this can be. You can bee a centaur, an elf, an orc, a minotaur, a tentacle monster, a whatever you desire. Your physical strength is only limited by the dimension you're in, on your birth Earth you can only be about 100x stronger and more durable than your baseline form, whereas if you were to go to a world like DC you could go toe to toe with a Space-Coked up Kryptonian under a blue sun and still rape them into a mewling fucktoy if you're so inclined. You can change back and forth at will in front of whoever you want and nobody will connect the dots if you don't want them too- that said, you should probably expect screaming and panic if you suddenly turn into a mass of writhing tentacles in the middle of a crowded city.

Essence of the Master Monster Maker

Upon drinking this sinister essense

-You gain the power to create any monster that you can conceptualize.

-Monsters you create may not be any more powerful than you, though they can possess abilities that you do not.

-Monsters may be created ex nihilo, though such monsters are significantly weaker than monsters created from a substance.

-Monsters may be created from a wide variety of substances including physical things like stone and wood, elemental substances like fire and air. There are few limits to what monsters can be made from.

-All monsters created through the use of this essence are unfailingly loyal, not even the most intelligent monsters you can create would even think about betraying you and would rather die than do so no matter how you treat them.

-Monstergirls created through this essence are as fertile as you wish them to be and may breed with humans if you so choose, any resultant offspring share their parent's undying loyalty.

-You may create spawning points via a simple ritual that you can use to remotely create monsters at will. The appearance of these spawning points is up to you, it can be a simple chalk circle, an alter, a floating crystal or another physical manifestation of your choice. Theses spawning points are magically reinforced against damage, but not indestructible.

-You may, at will connect your mind to those of your monsters to share their senses and order them about directly, this will never overwhelm you and in fact your ability to process information and multitask will be increased proportionally as you connect to more and more of your monsters' minds.

-It is possible to turn people into monsters as well and brainwash them into doing your bidding, but their loyalty is not guaranteed as it is with the monsters you create or breed. Sufficient abuse may cause them to turn against you if you don't have ways to reinforce your control.

Essence of the Mover

By drinking this essence you gain the power to move anything from one point to another at will, even if those two points are in two separate realities; the distance is irrelevant when Moving anything, only the mass matters. There is no upper limit to the size of the objects you can move (including celestial bodies) however the more massive an object you Move is, the longer it will be before you can use your power to Move. Moving a building might require a upwards of few seconds to recharge while Moving a dwarf planetoid may require months. Moving a black hole's singularity will leave you unable to Move anything with your power for upwards of a millennium or more. You can, of course, also Move yourself freely either with whatever you are Moving or separately, even between realities, again the distance moved is irrelevant to the effort of Moving.

You have two options for effecting your Moving powers, you can either use what is effectively teleportationto instantly move an object; the closer you are, the easier this is for you and your powers, physical contact will dramatically reduse your recharge time. As an alternative, less strenuous method you can open a portal as large as you can practically conceive between the two points, however you must then figure out how to move objects through the portals you created. These portals can be be opened and closed at will and will sustain themselves until you close them.

Essence of the Spark

A feeling like electricity surges through your as you drink this elixir, granting you several boons.

●Perfect memory with infinite storage

●Beyond genius level intellect

●Infinite potential to learn, discover and invent new things

●An innate understanding of the laws of nature and physics and how to best subjegate them to your whim

●An innate grasp of energetic, mechanical, chemical, mathematic, biological and sociological mechanisms and how to twist them to suit your desires

●The intuitive ability to break down and understand complicated subjects, principles and objects through observation

●An preternatural ability to improve and refine past, present and future technologies once the principles they operate on are understood.

●The ability to enter a highly emotional fugue-like state that enhances all other abilities ten fold at the cost of temporarily lowered moral integrity, self control and sanity.

●Supernatural charisma that draws people to you and makes those without extremely strong wills highly suggestible to your influence, to the point that they will sometimes find themselves doing things to further your ends that they normally would not, even if they want nothing more than to be far, far away from your special brand of madness. Those exposed to your charisma for sufficient lengths of time may find themselves becoming your loyal, devoted minions without even realizing it.

●Increased lung capacity and a menacing/inspiring/imposing/mad laugh that can trigger localized thunderclaps and shortlived, harmless lightning storms for dramatic effect even on a perfectly clear, sunny day at your discretion.

●The potential to ascend to a higher level of conscious awareness that will allow you to apply the principles you've learned by applying your will to the nature of reality to make your will so. It's not magic, just sufficiently advanced science to seem as such. Comes complete with ageless immortality.

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Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

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