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55.78% Fate: Zero to Hero / Chapter 106: Planing

Chapitre 106: Planing

In a different place, Kirshtaria called all the crytar, as looked at the holographic images as Daybit call didn't come he came as Kirshtaria was shocked next to him was his servant Tezcatlipoca the grand beserker, Kirshtaria servant the Valkyries each of them ready to attack Daybit if he tryed anything

I am surprised Daybit. Kirshtaria said looking at him. Out of everyone to physical come to this meeting you were the only one, and even brought Tezcatlipoca with you

Daybit stood confidently, his demeanor as enigmatic as ever. Tezcatlipoca, the Grand Berserker, loomed beside him, exuding an aura of overwhelming power. The other Crypters appeared as holographic images, observing the scene with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

"I prefer to handle things directly," Daybit said, his voice calm and measured. "And given the current situation, it felt appropriate to bring Tezcatlipoca with me."

Kirshtaria nodded, though he kept a wary eye on Tezcatlipoca. "Very well. Your presence is noted. Let's proceed with the meeting."

The holographic images flickered slightly as the other Crypters shifted their attention back to Kirshtaria. Each of them had their own agenda, their own goals for their respective Lostbelts, but they were united by their shared mission.

"We need to discuss our next steps," Kirshtaria began. "Chaldea is becoming more of a threat with each passing day. Kadoc's defeat and the loss of his Lostbelt are significant setbacks. We cannot afford to underestimate Ritsuka and his team."

Peperoncino's holographic image leaned forward, his usual playful demeanor replaced by a more serious expression. "We need to be proactive. Waiting for Chaldea to come to us is no longer an option."

Akuta's image nodded in agreement. "We should coordinate our efforts more closely. Sharing information and resources will be crucial if we want to outmaneuver them."

Kirshtaria glanced at Daybit. "What insights do you have from your observations? Your perspective is always unique."

Daybit remained silent for a moment, his eyes reflecting a deep, almost inscrutable thought process. "Chaldea's strength lies in their unity and adaptability. They grow stronger with each challenge they face. We need to disrupt that unity."

Tezcatlipoca, standing beside Daybit, spoke up for the first time, his voice a deep rumble. "They will fall when faced with true chaos. Disrupt their bonds, and they will crumble."

Kirshtaria absorbed their words, considering their implications. "Very well. We will focus on strategies that target their unity. Divide and conquer. But we must also be prepared to defend our own Lostbelts."

He turned to each of the Crypters. "Coordinate with your servants and fortify your positions. We will launch a series of coordinated strikes to weaken Chaldea's resolve. Each of us has a role to play in this."

As the meeting continued, plans were laid out and strategies refined. The Crypters knew that the coming battles would be decisive, and they were determined to emerge victorious.

Don't worry. Team A one said looking at Kirshtaria. They need to come to my lost belt unless they want to come to your next, so don't worry they won't get through the French lost belt

Indeed but remember. Kadoc said looking at him. Your not allowed to kill Dr Ronani, Mash, Ritsuka and Olga other in the other hand are all fair game

Kirshtaria nodded thoughtfully, his holographic projection flickering slightly in the dimly lit room where the Crypters convened. The tension was palpable as they discussed their strategies and contingencies for the looming conflict with Chaldea.

"You make a fair point," Kirshtaria replied calmly. "Chaldea will have to navigate through your Lostbelt first. We'll use this time to reinforce our defenses and prepare for their arrival."

Peperoncino leaned back, crossing his arms thoughtfully. "It's imperative that we maintain the integrity of our Lostbelts. The French Lostbelt is our stronghold, and we must defend it at all costs."

Akuta, ever the strategist, chimed in, "We should also consider preemptive strikes. If we can disrupt Chaldea's operations before they reach us, it could give us a significant advantage."

Daybit, standing silently beside Tezcatlipoca, nodded in agreement. "Let's not forget the importance of psychological warfare. Chaldea's strength lies not just in their power, but in their unity. If we can sow discord among them, it may weaken their resolve."

Tezcatlipoca's gaze was inscrutable as he spoke in his deep, resonant voice, "Unity breeds strength, but it also creates vulnerabilities. We must exploit those vulnerabilities to succeed."

Kirshtaria glanced around the room, taking in the resolve etched on each Crypter's face. "We will proceed with caution and precision. Each of you knows your role. Let's not underestimate Chaldea's resourcefulness, but let's also not underestimate our own."

As the holographic meeting concluded, the Crypters dispersed to their respective domains, each one focused on fortifying their positions and preparing their servants for the coming storm. They knew that the battles ahead would test their resolve like never before, but they were determined to protect their Lostbelts and achieve their own ambitions, whatever the cost.


Meanwhile, back in Chaldea, Ritsuka and the others continued their preparations, unaware of the Crypters' plans brewing in the shadows. The stage was set for a clash of titans, with both sides readying themselves for a confrontation that would shape the fate of multiple worlds.

As they saw in the map 6 glowing light out all 2 were the biggest, Kadoc said does were probably Kirshtaria and Team B no two bases.

Acutely. Ritsuka said looking at Kadoc. You never told me there name

Right team B no name is Mason. Kadoc said looking at him. He is the one with the assassin, as for no two trh one with her Saber her name is Ayaka

Hearing that Ayaka snapped her neck as she just looked at him

Right full name. Kadoc said looking at her. Your name is Kamisato Ayaka, her name is Ayaka Sajyou

Ayaka Kamisato nodded, her expression calm but focused as she processed the revelation. Beside her eyes narrowed slightly, a mixture of surprise and scrutiny in her gaze. Kadoc continued, sensing the tension in the room.

"Mason, the Assassin, is a formidable opponent," Kadoc explained, breaking the silence that followed his revelation. "His skills with espionage and stealth make him a key asset for Team B. Ayaka Sajyou, on the other hand, is known for her proficiency in swordsmanship and strategic acumen."

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully, absorbing the new information. "Knowing their names will help us prepare better. We'll need to be cautious when dealing with them."

Ayaka Kamisato spoke next, her voice steady. "If Mason specializes in stealth, we must anticipate surprise attacks and covert maneuvers. Ayaka Sajyou's expertise with the sword suggests direct confrontation could be challenging."

"We should also consider leveraging our own strengths," Mash added, her tone resolute. "Each member of our team brings unique abilities to the table. Coordination and synergy will be crucial in overcoming their defenses."

Ritsuka glanced at the map again, mentally strategizing their approach. "We'll prioritize securing alliances and gathering intelligence," he said decisively. "The more we know about our adversaries, the better equipped we'll be to face them."

As they finalized their plans, the gravity of their mission weighed heavily on them. The fate of multiple Lostbelts and the safety of countless lives rested on their shoulders. With determination in their hearts, they set out to confront the challenges ahead, ready to face whatever trials awaited them in the battles to come.

Will no wonder they summon and Assassin and A saber. Ophelia said finally taken the information. Plush it looked like Ayaka Sajyou lost belt is the second biggest next to Kirshtaria

Let's just hope is not a British lost belt. Ritsuka said remebring the British lost from the rest. I am not doing that shit every again, Cernunnos was enough problems for me before the reset

"Yeah, dealing with Cernunnos was a nightmare," Mash agreed, her expression recalling the challenging battles they faced in the British Lostbelt. "Let's hope Ayaka Sajyou's Lostbelt is more manageable, though I suspect it won't be easy."

Ritsuka nodded in agreement, his thoughts drifting to the dangers they encountered in Cernunnos's domain. "We'll need to approach Ayaka Sajyou's Lostbelt cautiously. If it's as large and formidable as Kirshtaria's, we'll have our work cut out for us."

Ophelia, having absorbed the information about the adversaries they faced, spoke up with concern. "Their bases are strategically positioned. We should be prepared for coordinated defenses and possibly unexpected alliances among them."

Kadoc, standing silently but observantly, interjected, "We can't underestimate Mason's Assassin abilities either. He's likely gathering intelligence on us already."

Ritsuka sighed, the weight of their upcoming battles settling on his shoulders. "We'll need to be proactive in gathering allies and resources. Our success depends on how well we prepare."

With their plans laid out and preparations underway, the Chaldea team braced themselves for the challenges ahead. Each member knew their roles and responsibilities, ready to face the unknown and safeguard the fragile balance of the Lostbelts.

As Ritsuka, Kadoc, Mash and Ophelia were in room Ritsuka just started to lap

Ritsuka's laughter filled the room, breaking the tension. Mash, Kadoc, and Ophelia looked at him, curiosity evident in their expressions.

"Is everything okay?" Mash asked, her concern apparent. "What happened?"

Ritsuka shook his head, a smile lingering on his face. "Nothing, just remembering that day."

As the memory flooded back, Ritsuka recounted it to them.



Before the Singularities and Lostbelts, in the early days of Chaldea...

Ritsuka entered a room, holding a pizza box. "Hey guys, I brought pizza," he announced, walking in. "It's hard to shadow travel from here to Italy, what the fu—"

He stopped mid-sentence, taking in the chaotic scene before him. Kirshtaria was ready to throw a table at Kadoc, who was ducking for cover. Daybit was hanging from the ceiling fan, swinging precariously. Pepe had his head stuck through a wall, struggling to free himself. Mash stood with her shield raised, trying to protect Ophelia, who was cowering behind her. Meanwhile, Akuta was perched on the ceiling like a cat, eyes wide with mischief.


**End of flashback:**

Ritsuka's laughter subsided, but the fondness for the memory remained. "That was one of the craziest days. We were all so new to everything, still trying to figure out how to work together."

Mash chuckled, shaking her head at the memory. "I remember that. It took us hours to get everyone down and calm again."

Kadoc smiled, a rare lightness in his expression. "We were such a mess back then. Hard to believe how far we've come."

Ophelia nodded, her eyes softening. "Those were simpler times, even if they were chaotic. It's good to remember where we started."

Ritsuka placed a reassuring hand on Mash's shoulder. "We've been through a lot, but we've grown stronger because of it. And no matter what happens, we'll face it together."

The room fell into a comfortable silence, each member lost in their thoughts and memories, united by their shared experiences and the bond they had forged through countless battles and trials.

But really. Ritsuka said looking at them. What was the reason for all of that

Mash sighed, shaking her head slightly. "It was a misunderstanding," she said, smiling ruefully. "I remember Kirshtaria was trying to explain something about ley lines, and Kadoc misunderstood it completely."

Kadoc laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, I thought he was saying I did something wrong and was about to mess everything up. So I got defensive. Daybit got involved for some reason I still don't understand."

Ophelia added, "Pepe was trying to mediate, but somehow got his head stuck in the wall. And Akuta... well, she was just being Akuta."

Ritsuka chuckled, shaking his head at the memory. "It really was chaos. But it was also when we started to really become a team, I think. We were all so different, but we found a way to work together."

"Even if it involved a lot of pizza and a broken table," Mash added, laughing.

"Yeah, that table never stood a chance," Kadoc said, grinning.

Ophelia sighed, "It was a mess, but those kinds of moments are what made us stronger. We learned to understand and trust each other."

Ritsuka nodded. "Exactly. And now, no matter how tough things get, we know we can rely on each other. We've come a long way from those early days of chaos."

"Agreed," Mash said, her voice firm. "We'll face whatever comes next together."

Kadoc looked around at his comrades, feeling a sense of resolve. "Let's make sure we keep moving forward. For all of us."

The group shared a moment of solidarity, their bond stronger than ever. They had faced countless challenges and grown together, and they were ready for whatever lay ahead.

Ritsuka then looked at Kadoc. You said Kirshtaria had a lancer how did the lancer look.

Kadoc looked, already knowing that Ritsuka reset. Let's see the lancer was female, had yellow hair, no pink, no black, they holder a shields and a light spear.

Ritsuka nodded thoughtfully as Kadoc described the Lancer servant. "The Valkyries," he mused. "I remember them from the time before the reset. They were formidable."

Mash, who had been listening attentively, looked up with concern. "But if Kirshtaria has summoned the Valkyries, doesn't that mean the Norse Lostbelt is active?"

Ritsuka glanced at Mash and then back at Kadoc, his expression serious. "We'll need to be prepared. The Valkyries are powerful and loyal to their cause. Kirshtaria wouldn't summon them unless he felt confident."

Ophelia spoke up, her brow furrowed in thought. "If Kirshtaria is consolidating power with the Valkyries, it might mean he's planning something big."

Kadoc nodded, his expression grim. "We can't underestimate him. The Norse Lostbelt is dangerous, and the Valkyries won't hesitate to defend it."

Ritsuka stood up decisively. "Then we'll need to gather more information. We can't afford any surprises." He turned to Mash. "Prepare for a reconnaissance mission. We need to know the current state of the Norse Lostbelt and Kirshtaria's activities."

Mash nodded, her determination clear. "Understood, senpai. I'll gather the necessary equipment and information."

Ophelia stepped forward. "I'll assist with analyzing the data and coordinating our strategy."

Kadoc remained silent for a moment before speaking. "I'll provide any intel I can gather from my contacts. We need to approach this carefully."

With their plan set, Ritsuka looked at his comrades with a sense of resolve. "Let's move quickly. The fate of Chaldea and potentially all of humanity rests on our shoulders."

Together, they prepared to face the challenges ahead, knowing that the Valkyries and Kirshtaria posed a formidable threat. But with their combined strength and determination, they were ready to confront whatever awaited them in the Norse Lostbelt.

To be continued

Hope people like this ch and give me power stones for this story and anyway see you all in the next ch

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